Dragonball Heroes Episode 1-19 complete English Dub

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This is really good wow, well done.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/0J0SE0 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] i'll trust the power you've gone [Music] let's get started [Music] dancing to feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] vegeta hey mai please come with me trunks has vanished once vanished the future trunks was supposed to have come to this world for training i'll fill you in my name is foo i'm a friend of trunks his friend trunks has gotten mixed up in something terrible right now he's on the prison planet prison planet how do you know that don't look so angry my friend's in trouble naturally i investigated they say that dangerous criminals from throughout the whole universe are gathered on the prison planet if we don't hurry trunks will be in danger trunks sure can be a nuisance let's go kakarot yeah that few fellow concerns me indeed my uh i have a favor to ask you [Music] what huge chains hey what's this key yeah it's found you i see you're the me from over there over there are you in league with him what the sky it's no use seems this is a fully sealed space escape is impossible wait what do you mean that's it [Music] no good huh what do you mean phew that's the saiyans for you two son goku's i've got my hands on a pair of super interesting specimens cut the crap i know what you were thinking what you were trying to break through this space with both of your kamehamehas right still impressive of you to think that up on the fly i'd expect no less of the time patrol time patrol i'm the sun goku from a different dimension than yours my job is catching dimension crossing evil doers oh wow you're a good guy you seem to be quite knowledgeable about this planet naturally the prison planet is a testing grounds i created i gather warriors from various times and places and have them battle forever strong warriors huh red guy you got captured on purpose so you can investigate this place right you lied to us is trunks really here trunks has done the unforgivable though a mere mortal he travels freely through time and space that's why i'm making him pay the price besides i knew if i brought him here i could use him as bait to draw you into you're terrible wrong i'm not terrible i'm amazing where's trunks find him yourselves oh but even if you do [Music] you'll still need to gather seven special dragon balls to escape from here dragon balls this you've got one he gave it to me the remaining six are in the hands of other prisoners they're all strong so it won't be easy now let's start the experiment what's this what's going on [Music] and over the dragon ball dragon ball well then the actors are all assembled the most interesting experiments in the universe can finally enter its main phase oh your turn won't come until a little later evil saiyan [Music] ah evil saying you're the best i'm so glad i brought you here hey uh vegeta do you think what few said was true about there being strong warriors here cut the crap and make yourself useful help me look at trunks's energy oh kakarot what huh that energy it's on a whole other level [Music] my it's too dangerous here you should find somewhere to hide right wait is this guy a saiyan i've never felt such an evil key before [Music] [Music] [Applause] trunks what my why are you here hey trunks keep kakarot under control i'll take care of this trash on it father [Music] no it can't be cooler every one of you had better watch your step you that warrior you're fighting is the evil saiyan cumber his evil key corrupts and damages the minds of whoever it comes in contact with cumber the evil saiyan father cooler is on our side a temporary truce we merely share the same goals [Music] trunks i brought all of your gear phew you told me that my brother surpassed me by becoming golden frieza was there any truth in that because if my brother is capable then so am i here look upon my form i think i'll call it golden cooler [Music] shall we begin goku goku is it you are you back to normal sure am what about you holding up okay trunks certainly sorry if i worried you goku i like you guys which is why you must fight with me who the hell is this guy his name is cumber the evil saiyan wait he's what oh that's right [Music] goku vegeta the supreme kai gave them to me to give to you i'll draw his attention you know what to do [Music] do it now huh yeah cumber the fight is on it's really heating up now extravagant this fight is beyond amazing screw you are you okay trunks yeah you should stay back and rest i'm amazed to find such a worthy opponent destroying someone as powerful as you fills me with amusement pride what [Music] [Music] this is proving to be increasingly entertaining each minute [Music] trunks hang in there yeah still i'm amazed their key is astounding do you think goku and vegeta will beat him more give me more ramp it up even higher than this this energy is the mightiest radiance towering above the omnipotent i know [Music] scum i shall bury you with my own [Applause] oh no not good first open and mix [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he transformed what happened he's [Music] gigantic damn it we've used about time already [Applause] you damn saying monkey lie [Music] that's the way reckless saiyans this confrontation has exceeded all my expectations and dreams fight more until no one remains [Music] vegeta i know no need to tell me we need to cut his tail i get it now stop wasting time [Music] oh vegeta yeah no way he's so fast for a big guy hold on goku [Music] he's really cutting loose don't get cocky what the hell is he yes yes that's it's more fight more i don't remember ordering you monkeys to go that far simpletons all you had to do was give me energy seems i better show you how it's done [Music] no goku kakarot [Music] [Music] [Music] kaio-ken times 50. hey [Music] yeah you are you [Music] hey don't break it i'll reign you in [Music] what mix and implode [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh what the wait what the heck just happened there now continue fighting the only person you'll fight is me [Applause] no way you are the only ones that will be fighting god dammit what is the best of planning we're not finished yet [Music] [Applause] right here so you're not [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] i can't do my experiments like this can i what in the who the hell did [Music] [Music] um what's the matter finished already [Music] turn [Music] and now to finish you off hey you're gonna fight us now i do not know who you are but you got guts i'll take on all challengers no way there's two dads the time patrol you guys take the artichoke rod and go come on i want to cut loose some more [Applause] what his key is incredible i guess we'll have to use these again i thought you hated fusing it's an exception this time [Music] huh [Music] get back up [Music] um did we do it so the seal is undone ew you guys huh you're the ones who destroyed my laboratory so you've come huh phew well your plan's all over you guys have gone too far this time my plans are caputo now you paid for this [Music] so you can still move capturing you is our only mission [Music] hmm haven't you had enough yet what [Music] this is excellent looks like i've achieved my goal they'll be revived pretty soon now the real fun begins and i owe it all to you filthy saiyans why you you're not getting away no come back here let's deal with you later and get the others out of it first [Music] [Music] um are you still taking a damn nap wake up already [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh it's it's you what's going on that is it's ultra instinct ultra instinct [Music] what in the world are you so so strong [Music] now's our chance everyone linked together [Music] right yes yes huh zamasu [Music] [Applause] what's going on [Music] see ya i hope everything turns out well in your world goku's on it so i'm sure it'll turn out [Music] fine we have an emergency of universe 6. what happened an unknown enemy has invaded universe 6 and now we're in the midst of a war what what happened to your god of destruction starting with our lord chamber we tried contacting all the gods of destruction to come to gransenos but we haven't been able to get through [Music] father [Music] how could you treat a supreme kai like this don't you worry i'll take care of them oh okay i'm ready to go on the rampage huh [Music] is that it you're no match for me oh how could you say that don't take us too lightly [Music] sis that guy seems pretty tough we can switch if you want okay let's do it nice he's strong i like it hail so weak this isn't even a fun way to kill time damn you [Music] what is that what you call daytime skip it won't do any good i have an input information ouch not bad [Applause] gotcha [Music] that was sort of effective [Music] [Music] they restored themselves smash break [Music] you seem to be enjoying this fight let's keep it going we'll make you kneel to us universe seven master don't get distracted kaaba yes sir bob who's that boy he's my son look sis some new guy showed up i hope they'll make for worthy time [Music] killers we're taking you on we weren't planning on hunting down those from universe 7 until a later date however they are oh yes you know them right but you must hold off for now dear mortals just be patient wait until after the omni king is defeated now this seems fun yeah it's finally gotten interesting [Music] isn't it about time we did our thing sis i was just thinking the same thing what are you two up to [Music] [Music] [Music] don't get careless trunks right dad i'm thinking about using that girl good idea i'll do it too [Music] these guys's bodies are now arms what in the world is going on watch out they'll be coming after us what should we do don't worry about it just beat them these bodies sure are useful they are saiyans after all sister what an annoying ability both of us were created by tefl made super science the ultimate artificial life forms right we were input with all of their techniques and battle programs however those tuffles feared our power and our abilities awful isn't it creating us then trying to destroy us that was unforgivable we're taking these bodies back [Music] dad now's our chance [Music] i get it well they're both distracted do it now all right i'm okay damn it are you okay what about you too bad for you it was fun seeing you all so desperate like that damn it how dare you mock me the universe sees is now brimming with energy german who are you i am the man who will take down the omni-king ah with this university i will crush the army king the supreme kai the gods of destruction underfoot don't be absurd you can never pull that off oh but i can and only me and then i'll bring true freedom to all mortals isn't it wonderful you call this freedom you hypocrite undoubtedly i am what the hell is he doing [Music] all of you will now become nourishment for the universe those guys are our opponents they're really strong we can still play with them more very well if that is what you wish damn it how dare they mock us now shall we head to the next universe zamasu come with us we'll see our dreams fulfilled together very well but i'll only say this once don't ever order me around mortal zamasu him again [Music] you who is the strongest in all the multiverse [Music] so you believe the strongest is jiren from universe 11. did he read my mind one after another they're brushing us saiyans aside it's pissing me off just what the hell are you doing kakarot [Music] the strongest mortal perhaps we should pay him a visit are you ready goku yeah i'm ready when you are trunks this is universe 11. right looks like they've run rampant through here it appears so dad what in the world was that light uh father thank you father [Music] damn you how dare you take father good surprise attack hey oren how's the body amazing [Music] it's bursting with power smash break take this universe [Music] [Music] me but you can't beat me nice job jiren oren give him a try now leave him to me you've done enough here go drink universe 3 now hey let me join the fun too aah don't you dare touch a god with those filthy hands don't interfere you're done for what [Music] it's goku [Music] goku [Music] well then take care of this as you see fit i i knew it you're still alive that power is it can't be so it's godly then [Music] what's your deal you're pissing me off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm so your hearts you have a scent of danger about you when did he oh yes father are you all right yeah you did it something is seriously wrong [Music] what you seem surprised i am immortal immortal now then i'll make the next move let's do it i guess we've got no choices they merged are you surprised so since we're coming in oren you can call us communion [Music] not as much impact as before lags lags i'll be needing your power again i'll be pleased too there you are legs [Music] go [Music] [Applause] holder let's do this we're taking you on god dammit [Applause] [Music] that silver aura it seems he hasn't perfected it yet my glass slice him to pieces man that hurts who are you my name is lex stand back they've made a complete fool out of me i'll take them it's transformed again i'm counting on you vegeta [Music] you're about to fight me now trunks [Music] hmm [Music] this guy he still had this much fight left in him [Music] it's no use no matter how strong you are i will always regenerate invincibility [Music] what's with this guy he's strong and get it yes no goku that's a pretty interesting technique you've got there does it have to be me of course no one can do it but you fine are you planning on fighting or just watching all day i've read your mind it seems the silver power you displayed earlier isn't yet complete what that power i'm going to draw it out huh and then that perfect version of you is going to lose to me how's that all right then how about we give it a shot ah i am not done yet that's what i like to see a lovely defiant expression [Applause] goku let's get out of here supreme kai yo let's hurry yeah [Applause] that was the supreme kai of universe 7. indeed then our next destination is clear we already have plenty of energy from universe 11. wait jiren what's going on uh oh how exciting everyone's taking my experiment up to the next level for me well looks like it's finally your turn we've arrived universe 7. this is the end all right guys let's do this shall we you're fighting us we're gonna pay you back for the humiliation we endured in universe eleven [Music] who exactly are you [Music] you're strong right [Music] well anyway i hope you can at least entertain us you don't smell like a living creature or androids universe 7 is impressively strong hearts it's a perfect place to fuel the universe seed hmm oh nice going universe 3 is proving to be a great testing ground too [Music] will this giant of the saiyan warrior race claim victory or will it be cooler his powers enhanced by the big getty star the two of you better find plenty for me how foolish turning yourself into a machine let's just say i've obtained a new power [Music] good our play time is over [Applause] feast your eyes this is golden metal cooler how magnificent what is this strength god you fight me hmm it appears cooler overheated no matter the data i've gathered is useful this shall we do our thing let's do it they merged together dark gravity powers hardly move what perfect timing [Music] ah soon the universe sees will be complete i will be the one to finish this [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] goku so this is hard as power if this is your best you're no match for me uh [Music] hmm when i read your mind i found that you seek out strong opponents and always hunger for more and i'll be the one who can satisfy that need of yours are you not entertained not even close don't get me wrong i want to say i'm satisfied but you're not even going all out yet neither are you ah oh oh god sorry for the weight takes a little while to charge there's no way i could be beaten by you i am the strongest zamasu after trying to exterminate all mortals why would you join forces with one now as if i would answer to you is that all gravity first [Music] tremble at my power [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] oh can't you make this any more exciting how's that see my power i am the strongest [Music] um [Music] oh dear this isn't like you at all cameo rn if you want to be strongest i'll give you more power [Music] hmm [Music] father what in the hell is going on hmm looking pretty [Music] yes good with a huge energy [Music] no get out of the way ah so this is the power of the universe seed [Music] now why'd you have to go and do that quit messing around [Music] ah the universe seed is nearly complete damn it all cracker rods [Music] take this i am invincible um uh [Music] yes [Music] wow goku search you right [Music] what the power of a god ah uh [Music] [Applause] amazing um [Music] we need to finish this [Music] ah hey did it work you all right yeah look over there [Music] what the behold this is its completed form at long last all this power has been condensed into the universe seed isn't it beautiful coming honey i won't let your deaths be in vain finally heights the time for your plan to come to true fruition is now oh how i've waited for this uh so [Music] great [Music] [Applause] what is that thing vegeta oh no way zamasu i thought you wanted to kill all mortals so why are you protecting immortal like hearts hearts will destroy the omni king and with him gone there shall be no one left to stop my zero mortal plan hammer of judgment ugh uh hmm [Music] here what's wrong universe 7 is this really the best you've got goku now it's you jiren how did he get here there's no doubt universe 11 supreme kai must have sent him here [Music] resistance is futile universe 11 [Music] [Music] disappear huh [Music] you are [Music] heathens you dare strike a god hit universe 6. the supreme kai of my universe hired me to take them out is that so i'm glad to hear it let's go this energy is rising come on out i can't wait i've got a bad feeling about this something's coming [Applause] [Applause] huh your services are no longer required i did say i was going to kill all my gods did you really think you were an [Music] exception [Music] he's gone [Music] [Applause] oh no none stand above me and all stand beneath me bear witness to hearts the ultimate god slayer [Music] now behold my power [Music] what that bastard what's he trying to do shall we start the show what get out of the way trunks [Laughter] this is the best oh damn it in just one blow so this is the power of the universe [Music] hmm your thoughts your movements i can see them all hey jiren why even bother gravity finale oh no crap there's no escape [Applause] hahaha [Music] huh uh so this power might destroy the entire universe i won't let it sir i've got a job to do vegeta what i know you hate it but we've gotta join together don't tell me you mean fusion you gotta be kidding me ultra instincts left my body totally shot but us fusing into gogeta that might be the last edge we have against someone like him those two plan on using fusion we'll buy them some time let's go right you john oh [Music] you two are most amusing what's your name goku and vegeta makes gojia [Laughter] so you think that in that form you can defeat me almighty [Laughter] hope you're ready to have fun hearts you're all still here you're in the way [Music] come on [Music] i can feel it everything you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm hmm hmm [Music] oh [Music] you're pretty good to be able to keep up with me however i don't understand with that amount of power you could even defeat the omni king join me and we'll free all mortals from the yoke of those gods together there's a problem with that big idea of yours i'm already free [Laughter] you just haven't noticed it your own sad lack of choice what is it now is he trying to crush the planet [Music] what disappear along with your entire world in the name of freedom begone what's wrong why won't he move [Music] [Music] yes hey ah [Music] oh [Music] he stopped it no not yet you just don't get it resistance is futile this ends here i can't stop it the earth is done for at this rate not on our watch you still don't get it i am everything i am the universe itself it all right here we go um what we'll take care of this do you have no limits incredible wow the omni king destroys universes like it's nothing i only wished to free you from the yoke of his control but you were magnificent and went beyond your limits that's why i adore you [Music] [Applause] mortals [Music] [Applause] well done everyone [Music] 96.97 [Music] where are you the omni kings are still caught up in the game of hide and seek my job is done if you were capable of such a thing why didn't you use fusion during the tournament of power that's that's because i don't like fusing with kakarot [Music] well maybe next time i'll just do it [Music] myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i suppose i should thank you disgusting filthy mortals for helping us reach the end of our second season here on db live online that being said we hope you're ready for more the big bang mission will be our next look into the world of super dragon ball we'll see you there [Music] you
Channel: Bryan Garcia
Views: 7,091,508
Rating: 4.7723989 out of 5
Id: Pm5P0tJYcuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 12sec (7752 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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