NEVER ENDING Mystery Button Box...? Good luck..

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this is the infinity mystery button box chris and jeff are trapped inside and have no idea how far this box will go there is only one button in each box that will let them into the next one we'll see who escapes first jeffrey press the first button alright here we go guys cement suffering there's a door right here so i think it will open it yeah but what's on the other side maybe there's freedom maybe there's more suffering caramel apples are they gonna start eating cardinal apples at me dude ow oh oh my gosh don't eat it rubber duckies press the next button i want to get out of here i want a refund let's go with this one [Music] wait does that mean i'm stuck here until i hit the door open button dude this is not going to be good so i guess this is kind of like a race to escape who knows how long ago that is jeffrey's beating me let's go with the green one whoa so we got poop emojis we got some poop on the floor got some toilet magazines all right well i'm gonna press the next button hopefully i can get out too hey chris i'm winning this one popcorn what's on the popcorn chris is still suffering back in that box why does this smell so weird pressing my first poo poo bun here we go oh no no here's the thing about kitty litter it absorbs toxins [Music] what does that mean i'm a little bit hey chris you're going to replenish your electrolytes bro thank you that's great time to press my next poople button dude let's do this one dirty underwear it's own peepee or poo-poo oh yes now i'm tied with jeff hi chris hey jeff welcome to the stinkiest box in america this looks so crazy dude there's like so many boxes we got one two three four chris how many boxes until we're gonna get out i don't know it's still on forever there's another door here there's green back there what could that possibly mean all right pressing my next button press it there we go get flushed get blessed what's that can we not flush me down the toilet no it's probably water jeff you're getting a swirly bro oh this is gonna bring knife back oh back to high school when they used to swirl me at recess watch this crap hey chris now you get to wipe your butt oh oh i'm getting tea feed right now it could be worse yeah if i'm getting tv well you deserve it all right so this orange bun right here fell off the wall i'm going to press it no no no no no i'm gonna make a little shield to cover it oh oh no they do another one no oh i think something sprayed in my mouth when it popped doesn't smell oh what the crap is that dude that looks so gross it's chunky chris you look like a poopy mess over there look at my hair oh gosh some buttons fell off i don't know if the escape fell off but send it uh maybe this is the one this is the one the breeze a breeze heck yeah dude some febreze the clear makes your body smell so much better [Music] it's so potent thank you doctor maybe this one yes um she got an umbrella hat that hit me right in the face ew dude you got poop on your face looks like i'm covered for future punishment all right here we go baby elephant p1 what is that how did they get that i'm a man you're going to be a man covered in elephant peter i'm going to be a man about this there's no screaming no crying they're complaining well that's the video you got it there's no screaming no crying they're complaining for us the video you got it my button just said poop jeffrey you're getting pushed oh you just got pooped on dude look at this well my umbrella hat is broken look at this rap no pun intended there's only a few more buttons left all right pressing the next button oh my gosh there's only two buttons in this one are you kidding me what does this mean what if that means that one button is really good and one button's really bad i guess we have a 50 50 chance to find out well it's my turn first bro look at this i'm so glad down there dude look at that that's disgusting bro jeff don't leave me bro i'm out of here urinal cake all right guys so we have a 50 50 chance i must choose very very wisely any minnie mine email catch tiger by itself if he hollers let him go any minute you know my mother said oh yes you can go on to the next box dude jeffrey has two boxes oh my gosh there's another box don't leave me bro dude this one looks like a prize box there's so many blue things over there there's a pinata and there's some presents what the heck is this jeffrey you're so far away bro come back i'm leaving you in the dust boy looks like it's just you and me bro this one's it are you gonna throw an entire toy yes they are gonna throw an entire toilet it's a baby toilet i might actually be able to use this okay it's my turn again if he gets another open hatch i'm gonna be triggered all right here we go no wait i got three escape busters in a row dude jeffrey i'm taking this plunger and i'm breaking out there's another box how many more are there wait for me dude this is a tnt box is there really another box bro dude look there's tnt and hot sauce and like barrels of gunpowder i am so far behind right now look how far down this goes yeah finally yes yes yes this is literally gnarly look at this guys this is so gnarly this is the most intense mystery button box ever made please escape what it says paint explosion paint explosion oh no oh that box sounds intense oh no no no yeah i have an idea this will work [Music] oh oh dude this is literally the worst this is worse than the food box i can smell it from over here that's so terrible i'm going back to my explosion box yes i gotta move on a painful grenade shoot what is that i can watch this time whoa what the heck was that bro that thing exploded dab you look gnarly bro this box looks fun and inviting so i'm actually really happy to be here okay [Music] walmart gift card heck yeah 50 bucks is on this thing heck yeah congrats bro i can still beat you the comeback is real that's the one of spicy hot one spicy hot wing they're handing me something what the heck hot wings what the i think i have to eat one in order to move on dude that's hot that's explosive for sure moving on thank you i'm getting all the prizes out back steakhouse here we go paintballs wait you're not going to shoot me are you oh no they gave me a mask oh [Music] oh okay here we go eat a gummy bear what the heck is that the world's spiciest gummy bear oh no what did it say what did it say it's called little nitro world spices gummy bear dude what the flip all right here we go world's spiciest gummy bear [Music] how spicy is it this is not good oh no this is so hot no no no no i think i spit and they got my eye dude breakfast is so hot slice of cake i don't know my mouth is freaking drooling uncontrollably baby oh i got to escape this is too hard is he okay ow jeff you did it oh it's so hot oh no that means i lose the outro whenever you're ready it's too hot well we hope you guys enjoyed this video i did it and this sucks click it for the previous one click here for the video to recognize click and go subscribe i'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 14,370,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trapped inside, never ending, infinity, mystery button box, 100 mystery buttons, worlds longest, world record, unbreakable, dangie bros, satisfying, challenge, spicy, spiciest, gummy bear, worlds spiciest, candy, funny, comedy
Id: GF2eN1eQtwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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