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today i trap my brothers in a three-story mesa escape room and they're gonna have to complete a variety of different puzzles in order to get out this thing was so confusing to put together they're gonna have a very difficult time trying to figure out how to get out currently we're on top of the scaffolding this is the exit to get out let's see if they can figure it out so it looks like i'm on the bottom floor jeff where are you are you up there i'm handcuffed dude jeff i'm gonna make my way up to you bro so we got this bucket of bunch of balls we got a fart bomb to distract he's gonna think he's gonna have to count these balls but really the key is just inside this one the first thing i notice in this room knock knock i mean i assume you just knocked and then you have what a divided by three i assume once you knock three times you get a unlock this lock here which then gives you the key to this thingy right here so i guess i'll knock it one second they threw it out oh god what's going on rob what's going on oh my gosh it's steamed dude that is horrendous what's going on down there dude chris just chucked a freaking stick dude it smells horrible i can't do anything i'm just literally just stuck to the handcuff so you have to figure out what you have to do and if you want a hint that equals another stink bomb oh no you can take a hint if you want but you don't have to i'm not seeing any keys in here and all i have is this axe these wire cutters i don't see any impossible key i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do besides just sit here maybe i can take this axe obviously there's a code oh i know when chris threw the stink bomb there's a bunch of balls that he threw it so i got i'm gonna count all of them up and then divide them by three so we have three yep green rob is going down the first rabbit there's literally nothing for me to snip with these i'm trying to break this lock like jeff what are you doing up there i'm useless good there's another room right here i can't really tell it's in there maybe maybe once robert gets here oh there's something in there if you oh i can't even see what that says maybe when robert gets to that level then a little bit of breakout but i have no idea what to do so 33 24. so 24 divided by three is eight now we're going to count the white ones let's stink hey rob you want a hand i got some more fart bombs no bar bombs you don't want any more because you're probably gonna need them 42 divided by three does not equal a single digit number you know it is just so fun just seeing my brothers just confused sad and afraid what if it doesn't make sense you have to just make sense of it that's a real hint does that help no it has already been 15 minutes and they have made zero progress it's not looking good for them jack what do you what do you think up there bud i think that i'm completely useless because i have no idea what it looks like look i can listen hey okay the board it says knock knock divided by three maybe you need to knock two more times no but every time i knock chris is gonna throw a fart bomb in here you don't know that chris can you confirm that i cannot confirm or deny anything well then i'm going to sit here forever because i don't want another farm at this rate they're going to be trapped in there forever give you a free hit what's the free hint the answer lies within you rob i have an idea maybe there's a code hidden in one of the ping pong balls you could potentially cut a tiny slit in a ping pong ball and then put a piece of paper with the code in it rob usually these challenges are straightforward well look you can't divide 42 by 3 and get a single digit number yes you can 42 divided by 3 is 14. a single digit that's two digits you oh rob are you figuring it out figuring what out oh what the what dude jeff you were right i was right there's a thingy in the thingy he said everything you need is within you that is so strange i don't know how i didn't see that to begin with i think i'm just gonna crush it with my foot hey it worked look at that oh what wait what's the then what's the safe for what's going on bro i unlocked it you know what i'm gonna keep the safe with me you have a safe why didn't you tell me there was a safe rob this is another free hint pay very close attention to detail in this next room so there's a key in here the key that i found unlocked the hatch so i'm gonna be taking this utility storage box with me all right here we go wait why are there so many balloons i am so confused there's just a bunch of balloons unlike this wall there's nothing written on that wall i'm gonna count all the balloons and then divide them by three to find a clue or something like that i don't know yeah there's not very much anything except for balloons maybe there's something written on the balloons well i see at least four different colored balloons what's your next type of block it's another number lock i have a gift for you oh i am getting a notebook and a pen we're gonna write down literally everything so there's a red balloon purple balloon green balloon yellow balloon a blue did i get everything yellow oh orange our first number is six because we have six different colored balloons but anyways we're just gonna start counting these balloons right so one two a few moments later now yellow one oh there's something inside this yellow one that one has a note in there six there's only one note and it says six what was that inside the yellow one or the green one inside the balloons there are coats and he has to pay attention to the color of the balloon because the color of the rainbow is going to determine the order of the code so if he doesn't pay attention to what code is in what color balloon he's just going to have to type in the codes all randomly so we'll see how he does oh there's another one it's a two one oh found another one four in total hey rob were you paying attention to the color of the balloon no well good luck then four numbers and apparently they're supposed to color coordinate if you look in between these boards there's a wire maybe there is wire for me to cut what do color have to do with anything in here so if you look at you like this one here there's four numbers and we have four codes so we're going to input those four codes and random orders to see which one works you don't know how frustrating this is just knowing how to get out and just try to have you figure it out so frustrating for me let me out let me out 9126 jeff i can't concentrate when you're chanting on letting you out when that's what i'm trying to do one eternity later maybe i just flip that around and do nine two one six oh it opened jab it open i got it guys that last room took rob like 30 minutes to figure out we're gonna take all of our supplies here we're going to take the notepad we're going to pick the band and we're going to take the uh the box the storage box because it still has not been opened yet and i feel like it's going to be key to our survival rob is finally halfway through this insane puzzle taking them over an hour this puzzle difficulty is extremely hard oh rob are you directly underneath me now jeff i see your foot jump i see your foot oh i see your gopro hi jeff hi i need your moral support i've been up here handcuffed jeff hang in there buddy i'm doing my best i'm almost there okay what does this do hickey maybe use your fists i don't know if i punch that is that going to hurt a little bit if there's a key down there for the handcuffs maybe you can get my handcuff off look it told me to use my fists and i don't really know what that means is there something you can break into that might have a key into it let me do my work please well i'm just wondering jeffy you're making me lose my focus we have ten right ten fingers on the fists that's our first clue ten now we have one two three four five six seven eight numbers eight numbers on this box we're gonna write them in uh numerical order one two four five seven nine fourteen and thirty seven what are all these letters and numbers on the wall i can see them jeffrey you have as much of an idea as i do maybe there's something in this tape that was attached to this paper but how would that be me using my fists maybe it's for me when i get unstuck i can use my fit i am finding something would be fine oh it looks like a key what's the key is it a handcuff key uh yes it is actually runner give me out stop well fine here this is good enough take it give it to me guys i can finally let myself out of these handcuffs wait jeff what i have numbers but it didn't solve anything well maybe it'll help me and now dude i got out i got all these dang handcuffs yes jeff nice wait but there's a lock on this one that means now i'm stuck well robert there's a lock here too for me here's a couple things i just noticed something so i have an axe i also have these wire cutters and one thing i notice is there's a tiny crack right here and i could see where i could cut wire so maybe i'm supposed to break through the wall with the ax and maybe then i'll find a clue so i'm gonna start hacking away at this wall maybe i can find something wow oh what if i find something i should have been doing this all along i don't know i just saw it right now yeah there's definitely wire right here i see a bucket it's hanging through once i can right through this i can make a hole big enough to see what's inside the bucket well there's a key in the bucket oh i found the key i got the k i got the key dude i got to be careful not to drop it down this crack because i would have lost it all right let's see if this key works it's better i'm tired of being in this stupid cage oh i got it i got it i got it yeah yes good work amigo okay so now it looks like there's another lock here with a chain and then here is some question marks if you dare what is this oh no marshmallows and water maybe there's a key in one of them and i have to figure out which one it's in so i might be able to actually look into the water and there's nothing in this bucket of water here so i'm not gonna bother putting my hand in that but then we have a bunch of marshmallows and flour so i gotta figure out what's in there oh what is that there's a handle sticking out let's grab this thing it's stuck in flour so it's actually quite difficult to get out but i think i got it okay so there's a mallet what am i supposed to do with a mallet there's a bunch of marshmallows all this ants in it dude i don't want to put my hand in that ew what's in here dude oh my gosh there's literally a marshmallow with a key in it what the heck you finally found the key in the marshmallow i did jeff you're taking forever dude ralph says you bro oh it's all gooey the key is all gooey now my hands are chewy maybe this key is for later on maybe it's for the next section so i'm gonna keep it handy right here they're so close but what yet so far oh i just used the key from the last one and it worked this is the key to open the last lock so maybe the key i just found well we'll get you out and if i get you out rob then we're both out all right yeah so what is up with this door yeah what hi laura i'm gonna give you two keys see if they work okay okay wait are they so sticky they're sticky because they were in marshmallows please work please work oh did it work boom hello jeff robert guess what we have one more lock to get to so give me both keys because maybe those two keys work for the top one too here give it to me first i'm gonna see if i can get through the top here quick first and then if i can't i'll call for help and or use the the mallet why did they give me a mallet all right i'm gonna try these locks like what the what that's creepy please don't put me in the eye get out of here rob i just tried both keys i don't think they work yeah come here come here i could have told you that from the very start all right well i'm coming look what i have this box right oh from the very start i've always had this box and listen there's definitely a key in there that means that this key has to lock the very top rob what if this this is a very weak lock he gave me a sledgehammer this box is plastic what if i use the little mini sledgehammer i got to break it open you know jeff that's fantastic i just opened it let's open it oh this is maybe this is the final key all right i think it's going to work it works oh yes the final chain and i'm out this door uh-oh push it come on just push dude it freedom oh shoot it's a nub hey you made it out guys we're on top of your thingy we made it great job guys hey chris guess what what i love freedom i'm gonna proclaim to the world that i'm happy that i'm out i'm ugly and i'm proud well guys you did it you made it out of three story maze escape but it took you really really long so i'm not impressed well excuse me it took forever long and then and when it was my turn to start doing puzzles it took me two minutes okay jeff to be fair jeff had the easy stuff well anyways we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our other videos don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 5,357,105
Rating: 4.8908925 out of 5
Keywords: unbreakable box, unbreakable tower, locked, trapped, brothers, bros, twins, difficulty impossible, dangie bros, 3 story, escape room, escape room challenge, prank, home depot, walmart, backyard, backyard challenge
Id: fuZ3js7Oy0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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