Bigger Brain

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well hey Internet as you can see I got another truck here it's a little bit early I thought I had 10 minutes but they snuck up on me while I was getting ready to come outside [Music] there's another truck down if we've only got one more to load on this contract so hopefully that one will show up today sometime and we'll be done with this for about a week till our next contract comes up I wanted to thank these guys right here the truckers the health care workers the emergency professionals firefighters policemen the Armed Services everybody out there who is so essential to keeping this nation going right now these guys are out there every single day along with everybody else I mentioned thank you to them I'm very fortunate that I'm able to hide in my yard here work on my farm I'll be ok if I have to go a couple of weeks and be stuck to the yard I'm gonna be fine these guys don't have that luxury and girls so thank you very much to everybody that's that's out there getting things done this stuff that is so essential to keeping this country and keeping the world moving jeez it's ripping right through here today of course farmers are part of that integral system to keep everything moving you know it's important that we have farmers obviously so shout out to the livestock people fruits and vegetable farmers everybody out there doing their part every single day all right all have it loaded while the ice has really left this area over the last couple of days spent a few days now since I climb to the top of these bins to look in and see what kind of condition they're in make sure the grain is flowing nicely sure wish I had an elevator I'm up here where the Bews are the Beus the views are beautiful and we're definitely socially distant got the hatch open here I'll see if the camera will address there we go so we can look around and see nothing's bridged up against the walls nothing's coned up in the center it's a nice even cone down everything's flowing few pods there along the wall that's common overall everything looks good now if I was really daring like some of these bin guys I'd climb over to the side of this roof and hop from one bin to the other I'm not that daring it's just a bigger brain that's what does it much bigger brain also much smaller smaller um social distancing the next one is an odd job and really has nothing to do with farming but I need to grab a bucket from the skid loader to clear some trees out in my backyard so I've got to run up to Dad's place grab that target acquired before I get the skid loader going I'm going to turn all the bin fans on for the green for the for the bean for the soybean so the reason I'm turning the bin fans on it's because our beans when they test them down at the feed mill they're coming in about a quarter to a half a percent wetter than what we want so if I just run these fans for a day or two it'll dry that little bit out of them we won't be getting that Dhaka gee it is it is Oh oh yeah you better get pants on those babies there we go we plan on putting a small storage shed right here on the edge of the Grove this tree was mostly dead pretty ugly tree it wasn't much of a tree anyway so I took this down I'm gonna be cleaning this up gonna be leveling this out right here putting some gravel in for that shed Old Ale tree that was right there I took down shoved it into the grove clean up the backyard now that way I can get some grass receded in here because I hate tearing up my lawn like this like this thing look at just always tearing up the lawn are you wrecking the lawn man crippled buckets there is still frost in here I'm finding it but I'm able to kind of pick through it and and do the work that I need to do but normally this would not be an option right now so this is unseasonable beautiful I'm out here in a t-shirt right now I'm pretty close here what I want to do is let the frost kind of finish off here and dry out a little bit before I get a laser in here and measure how close I might actually be and then I've got a load of gravel behind the shed to bring in here anyway you guys ever start a project that you think is just gonna take a couple hours and it ends up taking most of the day I mean either seems to be getting a little dark in the West but nothing's on radar so we tore into the planter a little bit the other night and here's the situation these blades right here these are the blades that cut into the ground and cut the seed trench these are called openers we need new openers our spacers inside here are wore out because we're running out of adjustment right here on top of that when you replace these openers it's a good idea to replace the inner scraper and the outer scraper or at least the carbide tip on it we've also got arms that come down and ride on this which is called the brow or the eyebrow that sets the depth adjustment for how deep that seed is going and here's one arm with this wheel taken off you can see it here it's pretty well wore and they've already been flipped so the backside is wore as well we bought this planter new in I want to say it was 2013 so we've got several years of planting on it it's planted all of our acres since then it needs some parts if you call up John Deere you give him the parts number you go through it's about five thousand dollars worth of parts we could go through this whole thing and do it ourselves however they're running a service special right now and we have a big electrical connection up front that needs fixing that I'm not going to tackle myself I will not touch that there's actually two of them so we're gonna have to have the service guys either come take a look at that or bring it in their shop anyway the service special is cheap enough on this machine especially when we include that to the point where it does not pay for us to do it ourselves so I'm gonna be bringing this into Midwest machinery in Glenwood and I'm going to swap with them because our 95/60 is up there with our new Ripper on it but before I bring it to Glenwood I'm actually gonna switch tractors because we're gonna pull this planter with the 80 to 60 this year instead of the 80 360 r/t for reasons that that I'm not going to fully discuss at this point but there's going to be some fun stuff happening here in the next couple of weeks on this channel anyway [Music] now after all that work I did to connect all the lines and all the electronics and all the monitors I get to pull it back off again but it's a lot quicker taking it off oh yeah those codes I I know exactly what every one of those means and how to fix it I bring it into the shop so run can flick some new connections down there I will not touch electrical electrical electronics I won't touch them I know these are the kind that won't kill me but I do know also these are the kind that I would screw up that actually took a lot longer than it probably looked like it did on YouTube I unhooked it in here because I got a feeling it could be a couple days I've still got to use that 82-62 finish filling trucks then we're gonna have to wash it run it through the shop make sure it's good to go before we get it hooked up to the planter and bring it down to the Deere dealer so I figured it's gonna be a couple days I may as well leave the planter sit in here because there is a pretty good chance of rain in a day or two I know I've got a truck coming soon I also know I got some gravel on this beautiful shop floor so I'm gonna take care of that while I wait for the truck well I finished the floor up 20 minutes ago and still no truck so I guess I'll go have a cold one and see what the homeschooling situation is looking like in the house it didn't seem to be going so well earlier so I had to get out of there a little break time never hurt anyone there's our 8 p.m. Peterbilt and a heck of a beautiful sunset well that fills the very last truck of this contract which means we won't haul any more soybeans out until the end of next week it also means that I can take the 80 to 60 off that grain cart at any time hook it to the planter and go do my swapper Oh either way I'm done for the night I'm gonna go in the house put my feet up and we'll catch you guys in the morning this morning I am headed out to our local fbn hub to pick up our chemicals for the year I don't know if they're 100 percent in I'm thinking they might be hopefully I brought the big trailer so hopefully I can fit a lot of them on after I stop there Todd and I are gonna head farther west to another fbn members house where they actually lost their house about a week ago to a fire it was a total loss the boys are big millennial farmer fans so we're going to go out and visit them and hopefully maybe brighten their day up a little bit I've got some t-shirts a couple sweatshirts a pile of caps here for the boys and hopefully they're happy to see us I'm pretty late we'll just we'll blame that on Todd as we do most things Todd you're late you keep your social distance all right you see they got a red I think it's a tractor I'm not sure what that is all right we are back and it is chemical load time she's heavy but I'm eastbound and down actually I'm going West right now but I'll make the I'll be turnin I got to go the wind is a little bit brutal out here it's blowing a lot of sand across the yard so it's not that lovely in the yard but at least it is drying like crazy I'm gonna back these chemicals in the shed because it's actually supposed to get down to 15 degrees some of it I just I'd rather have it in the heated shop we have the space to do it I'm gonna put it in there it's about three o'clock and I haven't had any lunch so I better wander up and grab myself an MRE these two wanted me to push them because they claimed their Gator was getting low on batteries but I think they're full of baloney [Music] now that it seems like today is mostly gone I can finally get to some of the work that I actually wanted to do today so for my next trick I'm going to attempt loading a couple of semis with corn because we do have some corn that needs to be loaded out I'm sorry to do this to it Travis but this sweatshirt is 100% oh did I lose the screen nope there we go 100% made in the USA Travis and his wife farm under a hundred acres in Missouri Travis is a drill sergeant at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri freedom farms is their farm they are I believe first generation farmers but this is my shout out for the day head over to Freedom farms right here these guys check them out make an America proud by the way Travis and to your wife and your family a very deep sincere thank you to you for your service to this country but the first thing I got to do is climb up there take a peek inside just make sure everything looks good before I start it up and then have problem [Music] it's definitely full sometimes you got to be careful about things like squirrels and raccoons but one time this been actually two years ago what we did I'm pretty sure what we did was we locked a raccoon in there all winter long he ate corn all year on the top of the grain bin then when I came in the summer of the spring time and I opened this hatch and I crawled in the bin to make sure the cordon was good there was a raccoon staring at me six feet away I got out of there I left the hatch open he was gone the next day I'm really really hesitant to climb inside bins right now there's been a lot a lot of issues with the 2019 crop a lot of really unfortunate situations that have happened so guys if you're a farmer and girls please please be careful climbing into grain bins now more than ever for whatever reason it seems as though we have a bigger problem now than ever I'm also going to turn the fans off in these bean bins just so I can hear things better let's start this beast up I've got the leg and this horizontal auger running right now I'm gonna walk back here and fire up this auger out of this bin while it's still empty this ogress always had some problems inside here we've sheared the fighting bolts a couple of times we had it apart last fall to fix that we didn't have it sealed up just right we lost wheel grain here it was a late fall things were froze over and dirty we rolled with it but it seems to be working fine now we've got to put fuel in these trucks so I'm gonna run it down to the bulk tanks here but I'm not going to fill it up now because I'm gonna load that other white truck first and I don't trust the diesel nozzle to keep going Wow look at that frost Eve we've never had frost heaving problems so that was good park right in it Zack we never had problems like that back here but I should back out of that if I leave this sit here this trailer you can see the water flowing back here this trailer will sink in here I may not get out of there so I got to move this as I was saying we've never had frost issues like that back here before we got a lot of rock under here but yesterday I did have a gravel truck come through and bring some gravel behind our shed up here and I'm thinking he ate up the frost that was coming out pretty good I'm sorry I didn't have the camera on but I'm having real problems here I'm already basically stuck back here I can go forward but I can't get all the way around oh man there's the problem I'm gonna grab the bucket on the 60 175 here try to level that off a bit and see if I can get back through it because I'm gonna have to move a trailer to go around and that trailer doesn't have a truck hook to it and I'd have to unhooked anyway I'm trying to do it the easy way I don't know if this is gonna help anything or not it's I know it's just gonna push itself back out of there but if I can at least get it level enough to run over it quick maybe it'll be the difference so I can get the truck out of here I sort of doubt this is gonna work but I'm gonna give it a shot even though we got those new yanking ropes I really don't want to have to use one with a loaded semi in the yard ish and I can't even reach the hose to the truck while I'm back here just to get it done you made it no problem at all man I should had a camera on the front of the truck - I thought the front was gonna get stuck yes ila okay I'll I almost got the big truck stuck down there there's some big muddy ruts now I've got to fix them because the roads all messed up we've got a trail here to our rear tires alright is it too bad it isn't too good this mud inside here that's a problem that could potentially freeze up and cause big problems or it could also tear the valve stems out so I'm gonna head down the road slowly right now to throw that out of there get it out of there because if it sits in there and sets up then it's a lot worse are you trying on my gloves No [Music] that looks much better I think we're gonna be okay here they have a thin mud shell oh that's better I guess we'll wait to put the go-go juice in them till we get through town tomorrow so for right now I'm just going to turn this one off and fill the other truck okay I'll are you gonna stay in here okay don't push any buttons yep you got to stay in here okay because remember all the dangerous stuff out here I told you about so you stay in here don't push any buttons and I'll be standing right outside and if you want you can watch the corn go in from up there okay so don't leave the truck all right this is your safe space just don't push buttons got it okay I'll be right outside what'd you find Oh zip in the window there I can see her in the truck this this loading perch is sweet ila tell mom I'll be ready in 10 minutes okay okay she got bored well that's two loads out the cart is still flowing good so that's a good sign the center that bins okay can't say for sure tell there's another load or two out of it but I'm feeling pretty good about it plastic flags don't like to go into rock very well that isn't gonna stop anybody but I put a little effort forth and for those wondering who I know will probably comment we actually have about six or eight inches of rock there we've been building the rock up here over here over a year for 10 years and we've never had this issue before so unfortunately we got a big issue now and this big issue will probably stick around for ten years because it seems like once you destroy a spot like that it's pretty tough to get rid of it is not supposed to be raining yet but it doesn't look like it's really gonna stop it's not raining hard but enough to kind of prevent the other three hours of work I was hoping to do here tonight so I'm gonna have Becky run me to Glenwood see if I can grab the 95/60 in our new 2730 Ripper this is millennial farmer yeah I'm glad to see you're keeping some Clorox wipes in the vehicle had this direction back I want to look at some stuff there used to be this was in the shop or something this one here I left the 95/60 here warm up it just had a little bit of work done on the cooling fan and some other electronical update stuff but this is our new 2730 Ripper it's exactly the same as the old Ripper we just updated it our tillage equipment gets a pretty good workout we've got some pretty big rock so tillage equipment is one of the things that we do buy new every few years including this piece the last one actually was used when we got it but barely used as far as I know they have not changed anything with this design yet because it works so perfectly to begin with hopefully the paint stays on these points and on these disc blades and the paint never wears out huh just a quick note for my buddy Sam here Sam you need to let the guys at the factory know that with the extra wiring they're supposed to smush it into the opening on the hitch [Music] that tipped back a lot farther than I was planning but she'll be all right
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 477,754
Rating: 4.9577384 out of 5
Keywords: Loading Trucks, Grain Bin Dangers, Yard Work, Planter Problems, Got The Semi Stuck, Frost Heaves, Farm Chemicals, New Farm Equipment, Bigger Brain, Millennial Farmer, mn millennial farmer, tractor, farming, millenial farmer, millennium farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, farmer, john deere, farm, tractors, mn farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, off the husk, millennial farmer funny, spring planting, farming simulator 19, kids on the farm, #peoplegottaeat, john deere 9620rx
Id: cyPGDcPMRlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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