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hey friends mac and cheese plays here today we're going on a magical adventure as babies in minecraft if you're enjoying this video don't forget to like and subscribe oh it's morning yay we get to get up and play with our toys what's wrong dude do you know where bunny is oh uh last time i saw it oh it was right here it was right here but it's not here where's my bunny i don't know where uh it's gotta be somewhere around here we can let's look for it let's we can probably just put it in this chest or something is it behind no that's not my bunny let's see is it under here no it's not under there it's not going forever we'll find it we'll find it we'll just have to go on an adventure an adventure to find my bunny okay yeah yeah a bunny adventure maybe maybe mom put it um a pie like in the cookie jar or something because she knew that we wouldn't be able to get it in there right right so oh oh yeah yeah yeah and while we're there we can steal the cookie okay so um this is the kitchen i don't see mom anywhere yeah mom's not here okay well we gotta get up oh look look look i see i see it i see it look look look okay okay we got we gotta get up here and okay the sink is naughty so be careful you can't swim oh okay that was good we'll be very careful careful oh there's a cake gotta climb on top of the cake there we go there we go okay the oven oh be careful it's toasty don't burn your little buns okay oh my gosh this is really scary we're up high if mom knew we were up this high we would be in trouble big trouble but i'll do anything for my bunny rabbit i can't get up there you're having trouble you gotta jump there you go oh my goodness all right all right here i go [Music] oh no i fell i'll see you later alligator oh i need to save my bunny oh i fell too dark stinking i can do this anything for my bunny anything for my bunny oh man get out of my stinking way okay okay you go you go you go okay i thought you were gonna make it listen it's easier than it looks or harder than it looks okay you know what if yours have such a loud mouth why don't you do it okay okay i think you gotta go like i think you gotta squat when you jump yeah there you go okay crossing carefully okay i did it you guys did it too yeah i made it all right so i'm just gonna get here oh you made it you made it my bunny it's just stupid strawberry milk oh and my favorite pie mom made it whoa wait wait there's white and we got us oh very berry pie wait we got swords whoa what are you doing whoa yeah i'm just jumping eat well okay if mommy didn't put my bunny there maybe she put it in the closet or something i don't know where my bunny can be okay okay yeah yeah let's check the closet we're gonna find it we're gonna find it okay there's a closet this way oh that looks definitely whoa we're gonna jump did you know there was so much stuff in there yeah mom throws everything in here that she doesn't want and it just kind of never gets seen again maybe she thought you grew out of your bunny or something well okay swords out okay because there might be some bad guys in here wait wait wait wait after all right be very careful it looks like maybe there's been some some some advancement of mom's things back here oh wait i don't remember this being back here whoa look bonnie bonnie where could you be this looks like a prime place for bonnie that's for sure it's a big maze is what it is oh it is a big maze don't lose me oh my gosh i thought stay close stay close i'm sticking very close i don't see any bunnies hello is anybody out there i do see a chest though oh cool chests are good look at all this stuff that's cool tons of wait what's arrows called cupid's bow mac we look so cool whoa well your arrow went all the way over whoa oh wait how did mom get all this stuff in here um maybe we're maybe we're somewhere else because um i don't remember this being in our backyard yeah mom built a stink in a house in the closet this house is bigger than our house would you hear that i do hear it it doesn't sound good okay i got my oh my gosh we gotta go we gotta go we gotta get him gotta get him gotta get him gotta get him gotta get him oh my goodness oh we release all eight what does that mean get em get em get em get up they're gonna kill us mom told us about those things they're called games i think i think i killed two of them you've killed two there's another one right here there's another one right here oh my gosh i got it i got it i got it there's another one oh i got him okay okay okay i think that's all of them did you how many did you get i got i don't know you killed most of them i killed so many right there is that eight of them did something there was a thing it says right here it says release all eight a prize awaits oh let's look for the prize see a prize what does that even mean release let's see eight well i mean we defeated all eight wait a second come here come here oh wait hold on i'm going up top hold on i'm above you what are you thinking doing listen i thought maybe it would spawn up top there what what is that is that it what is that it's a net of a gers butterfly oh yeah yeah we got it okay okay wait so maybe um maybe there's eight butterflies we gotta find the other ones oh yeah yeah i see two i see two here here you get this one right here you see one okay here i'll i'll get them you point them out um this is a monarch butterfly come here come here look it what are you doing mine look it look it see oh cool look at it go hey little buddy hi there butterfly hey let's put this in here we don't need it anymore where are the other ones okay okay i saw two more i saw two more there's one right here oh and there's one over here and then i get this oh you got it here get this one get this one which one whoa it's even higher look at how high i am off the ground yeah look at you go look at you guys don't tell mom or i'm gonna be in so much trouble all right wait how many have you done this is the fourth one right so we're almost we're halfway okay let me put these here okay so we have one two we have four total so okay okay so there's four more more all right looking lucky or maybe they're up here there's nothing there you found one okay okay i want to see you release it this is a bird wing butterfly um whoa it changes colors yeah change colors wow they're all on the ceiling look at them they're like bloop i think that's where they like to live or something they're just like bloop bloop i'm a ceiling butterfly you can watch me hang out on the ceiling speaking of ceiling there's one right here oh there's another one it was right above us what are we thinking this one is the great purple emperor butterfly whoa okay let me guess let me guess you're gonna hang on the ceiling how predictable how many is that how many is that four five six two more two more um oh wait there's one right here oh nice that's seven oh yeah it's so easy seven okay did you just say roar for a butterfly it's a tiger butterfly duh oh i thought you you were like butterfly raw no i'm not silly um maybe there's one over here no no oh no got that one we got that one mac what come here oh oh my goodness it was thinking one we're like looking up and i'm gonna release it and release little butterfly i bet it glows in the dark whoa did you hear that sound i did i did i did here okay hold on let me put these away over here yeah you don't want your inventory getting full yeah so this says release all eight a prize awaits so maybe a prize is somewhere we have to find it um well we found eight butterflies we could easily find a prize somewhere is it the parent is he no i saw him earlier he's not the prize oh my goodness listen parents are cool i can maybe maybe see if we're all the way at the tippy top oh there's coco oh my you give a guy a prize and he thinks it's stinking coco i got coco oh my goodness now i just need to find some hot milk so i can make some hot cocoa what about strawberry milk oh strawberry cocoa milk that's probably good that was so good yeah it was pretty good oh here's a chest [Music] wait a second this is the prize that's the prize okay so let's put on put them on put them on put them on look how cool we look oh my gosh wow this is so awesome i feel like i should have some kind of theme music when i walk in out of here it's like turn i'm just like fireworks and stuff yeah yeah and i'm like bye goodness we still have to find my bunny i thought the prize was gonna be my bunny and it's not that's okay we have really cool stuff that's gonna help us find the bunny for sure second what's this it looks like a b don't get near the b wait in here oh b carts whoa look at me i'm in the b car yeah yeah look at you look at you i've got i have one behind i have one here ready to go oh you're going you're going you're doing it so fun hopefully it takes me to my bunny actually i don't know where it's taking me at all i'm right behind you i'm right behind you i'm whoa oh a chest okay there's a chest right here there's so many bees up oh hey there you are finally oh my look it's oh it's a bunch of honey coming out of the tree what is this angel ring what is [Music] it's this good we got presents wait presents hold on hold on yeah but it's not my bunny i'm starting to think i'm never gonna find my buddy what does that do it makes it so that we can fly are you kidding me no are you ready no i'm not how did you do that well i have the angel ring on so i can fly duh hmm where does this even go i mean how why are you jumping because it's safe where are you oh my goodness i'm flying how are you not fly doesn't mean you shouldn't no are you kidding me if you can fly then you'd always be flying whoa maybe my bunny's here i know and i know it there oh my goodness gracious oh my gosh mac mac we're in big trouble we're in big trouble get it get it get it get it get it quick quick quick quick we got to kill it we have to kill it oh there's one after you oh there are there two there's two oh stinking no okay i'm starting to kill one okay okay okay i have to eat some pie i have to eat some pie oh yeah don't forget i'm in big stinking trouble there's one guy drilled one right in his stinking abdomen wait i have myself come here you stinking little stinkers you stinking you stinking rabbit stealer stupid bee butts oh my gosh come on bring it on where are you i'm just drilling this one in its face and it's not even doing anything [Music] give me back my buddy yeah where is the stinking bunny i got one i got one i got one too look look look look look look whoa a boo huh and you got a honeycomb i don't have a honeycomb yeah i got a honeycomb and i need i need a berry pie thanks mom okay let's see hopefully this is the key it is my bunny oh my gosh wait wait it's in there it's in there yes oh i can't look in there oh cause you have the key there you go that's for you but this is my bunny this is the reason why we can't you got your bunny oh man it's been a really long day of adventuring it has been a long day of adventuring but we absolutely kicked people right and guess what guess what guess what what i'm gonna eat there honey [Music] well i think it's time that we go to bed and take a nap because it was a long day of adventure yeah and you can cuddle your body yeah you can cuddle it now all right a magic mirror take me home magic mirror take me home wait i think i hear mom um hold on put all our cool stuff away you gotta pull our cool stuff away okay get out of bed and okay we're going to sleep oh goodnight mr bunny oh goodnight drew good night matt good night mr bunny i'm glad you're home safe thank you all so much for joining us for more minecraft if you want to see more videos like this let me know in the comments down below you can always reach me on social media i have a twitch twitter and instagram at mac and cheese please i'll put those links in the description down below oh and did you know i stream on twitch every monday and thursday at 9 30 a.m and on sundays at 11 30 a.m pacific i'll see you at twitch.tv mac and cheese please until next time bye friends
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 304,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day in the Life of an ADVENTURE BABY in Minecraft, Day in the life of a minecraft baby, minecraft day in the life, minecraft day in the life macncheesep1z, Minecraft Baby Adventures, Going on an Adventure as Babies in Minecraft, Day in the Life of an Adventuring Baby, minecraft baby, playing as babies in minecraft, playing as adventure babies in minecraft macncheesep1z, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z, macncheeseplz, macncheesep1z from aphmau, mac and drew minecraft, minecraft babies
Id: 67qy6ZurhuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2022
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