We built a CANDY SHOP in Minecraft

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we're building a candy shop in Minecraft but we can only use the items in the chest from farming to production we have to make this shop the sweetest it can be will we open on time or will it be a sticky disaster Drew look at our candy shop wait this is a candy shop are you kidding me candy shop which we have to decorate using only the items in this chest so I want to see what we have here let's see cookies we got some stuff we need to plant so it's a plantain get the plant and don't don't forget your little Eggies we gotta go back here and get everything going we gotta gotta do this pretty quickly Drew okay okay hold on I'm still I saw an arcade machine and I got distracted oh my gosh can you grab the wheat and the sugar cane too yeah I've got wheat sugar cane you said something about eggs I don't see the Eggies there are eggs for cows and chickens oh spawn eggs I thought we were talking about actual chicky eggs no all right uh let's see here I'm gonna go ahead and get the chickens and cows going we got plenty of grasses any other stuff I asked you to yeah I grab wheat I grab sugar cane I grabbed some Cactus oh I didn't need to grab that stuff but I did grab the other things get everything going and we have to set this up nice and good go to decorate everything how are you doing over there I'm making chickens and making cows look at all of them looking pretty good all right come here they are very very happy all right are you gonna help me what well I just made all the cows and chickies I got the wheat right here all right and then yummy the sugar cane [Music] here we go that's how you chose to do that yep oh I heated them all it was basically like a deck of cards except sugar cane yes all right we're gonna plant this so we have tons of it for our candy nice perfect beautiful I was wondering why I had a spice Leaf in my hand I must have accidentally stepped on the floor you stepped on the farm no I accidentally did it I was so excited about having a candy shop that I was doing 360s everywhere let's go except not in the garden it was an accident okay now that all that is being worked on we need to decorate oh I know what I want to decorate with tons of stuff here we gotta pick out some tiles we're gonna need some of this we got some cabinets definitely gonna need to work on I got arcade machine the candy shop isn't just arcade machines oh it's it's arcade and cookies and Candy just cookies and Candy what about this glass oh you know what it would look really cool if we decorated uh like changed out the glass with some cool funky like stained glass Vibe so like it was all like it doesn't even have to be a pattern it could just all be funky glass because it's kind of like a Willy Wonka chocolate candy house situation or whatever it's fine okay let's see we gotta come inside the house okay actually I need to get some blocks to build up to the windows there let me see here you can also do it from inside too I can yeah if you if you hear a broken glass don't worry that's just me literally breaking glass oh my goodness okay so this is the upstairs area where we're making stuff let's see what would we have let's do I don't know like something like that that looks cool maybe we'll do I can't wait to see what you're up to oh I did it too high whoopsies okay I'm missing one paint at all that looks good I like the cabinets lots of counter space lots of storage looking good yeah yeah yeah and then maybe we do something I don't know we got a refrigerator oh I didn't there's an oven Drew if you're going back downstairs can you grab the oven yep uh let's put the fridge here maybe hello oven where could you possibly where are you light blue kitchen counter where the stinking heck is it um it takes a person to do another person's job who doesn't know what he's thinking there's literally no oven in there I can guarantee it that's right no there's no more ovens there's a crafting table oh my goodness Drew you just did gonna get it all no I just didn't see it I swear I didn't see it I swear all right let's get this upstairs finished and then we can work on the downstairs we gotta do an oven there you know what this is a bakery so we need lots and lots and lots of ovens for the candy shop what didn't you say yeah you gotta we gotta go you need lots of those things are arguably the most important part honestly you're not wrong I mean who wants to have unovened candy right you need to cook the candy otherwise it's just weird and raw and weird I'm glad we were able to settle that argument okay so we need to put let's have a bunch of crafting tables this way over here can be a bunch of chests for ingredients I can reach this one fun I can't wait to see what it looks like from outside it's gonna look so good we're gonna get so many customers they're gonna look at this place and be like what oh they have to have the best candy in the stupid world we're gonna finish up the upstairs and then work on the downstairs okay upstairs is done so now we have to decorate the downstairs area let's see what do we oh yeah it's gonna be really cool all right I can do the windows again yeah yeah I really want them to be like speckled so upstairs was all one color but I want them to be like crazy okay oh I'm gonna speckle them don't you like little Gumdrop what are you Forum because we're this is a this is a stinking candy shop the Flies are gonna get in here gosh okay so if this is the drop shoot for upstairs conveyor belt maybe we have a count oh oh okay maybe the counter oh my goodness you know what I meant okay no I didn't mean to do that okay we'll go like this maybe something like that and then yeah that looks good okay so how does that look for like a counter space let's take a little look no that's perfect and then I can get back here and and be like what would you like to order yeah what would you like to order me would you like some cookies would you like some cake would you like cookies and cake yeah perfect perfect some tables here so we can do something like this true I don't how many tables do we do all right how how's my speckle job look on the window so good all right all right we're speckled yeah I mean I love it is is it goes for seating I mean people are really just going to kind of get a little cup of coffee they're gonna get a little treat and then they're gonna dip you know yeah true and if they don't then I'm gonna be like listen here get out today oh well that one's crooked you know what that's fine actually no it's not fine it's not fine we'll go like that all right we gotta do a purple guy and we'll do a pink one oh purple and pink that sounds great I can't wait to turn around and see all this sweet stuff you're doing do we have any more stool colors I feel like we gotta have other colors no no why don't we do it with green we have a green we have a green there's still a stinking window to speckle oh my gosh I'm already tired of breaking Windows speculum Windows is hard work you really gotta think about it yeah you gotta make it look good like a candy shop It's gotta look like candy belongs in these windows you know you gotta really think about how you're speckling your stuff for sure what do you think of those tools whoa they're super funky look at me Max the speckled window those yeah oh I forgot about these windows dang it listen I was I was I was the seat tester because listen they can't be too comfortable but they can't be too uncomfortable okay I'm gonna add some of these uh uh shelving units so we can display our yummy stuff over here is like display nothing to see here ladies and gentlemen my mistakes were made okay well on make them we got business to do I don't have an ax I I didn't bring it to work today all right glasses fully speckled all right let me come back inside and see what you're up to make sure you're not missing anything previous things oh I got an idea oh what's your idea uh let's do one right there these one of these one of these machines and then we're gonna put one of these over here oh yeah I definitely gotta have the vending machine there there you go I have some snackages do I have a Coke machine uh I don't but do I have one am I supposed to have one well let me go get one I'm pretty sure I saw a Coke machine in the decorating box not oh no there is a Coke machine oh there's this too hold on oh that's way better what did you do coming in and looking at what you're doing oh yeah that is better here we could do here we'll do there we go oh okay all right all right oh I'm gonna come over here you know what I'm about to do about to get me a little Snickers but oh there's no Snickers what's in there any Snickers Rice Krispie treats Skittles a crunch oh they got Ruffles Ruffles and then what I'm gonna do right right now Mac is I'm gonna come over here and get me a gumball right I'm gonna get a gumball and I'm gonna come over here I'm gonna put the Gumball in my cup okay and then I'm gonna and then I'm gonna go to each one and go [Music] and put all of them in my Gumball cup so what is it because because the gumball gives it an extra pop of flavor I yes okay guys let me know in the comments do you put every single pop in your cup that's a gumball are you even just drinking one flavor tell me what you do in the comments down below okay Drew we need to finish up this candy shop we gotta open soon okay yeah let's get this thing moving because we got people out there waiting all right getting this thing moving let's go 20 minutes later all right let me just finish this here okay perfect couple finishing touches we can put them in the displays it looks amazing it really does okay now you need to tend to the farm oh yeah yeah I forgot that we have to actually make stuff yeah this isn't just a decorating fun moment we gotta get to work geez oh did you get Buckets on any buckets oh there's buckets in there I didn't bring them yeah go uh milk the cows do all that stuff gotta milk the cows gotta get milk to make candy let's see okay guys I'm gonna make candy apples Drew oh yeah we're gonna make candy apples that's my favorite especially with fall right around the corner let's go he's so good did you get sugar cane oh yeah oh uh can you get the cocoa Coco let me try to see if I can find it it's over here what's over here yep I see it gonna get the cocoa one cocoa two cocoa three cocoa four cocoa five cocoa six cocoa uh oh I messed up I got plenty of cocoa though so yeah yeah yeah yeah you can't you can't tell them to do anything it was a complete and total accident I didn't mean to do it all right let's put everything Fender chest so we don't have to worry about it there we go and it'll be upstairs for us all right we're gonna go upstairs oh that's right you guys haven't seen upstairs yet it this is where we're gonna make the candy candy candy it's all gonna be for me all right here let me get all this stuff out of the chest get this out of the chest here I'm gonna organize it over here for us that way we know where things are you know I feel like that's important well where are we gonna put the stink in milk and the stinking eggs now we need to make chocolate caramel and heavy cream okay let me make the chocolate because that's my favorite so what we need is some cocoa beans we also need some butter which is over here and all right well I put some fresh milk behind you for that because you're gonna need that too oh and then I'm gonna need I need this guy there we go all right so first let's see we have this and then we're gonna put this here let's put a bunch of it all right we're gonna need some some heavy cream so I'm gonna make some of that perfect perfect yeah get some heavy cream so I'm gonna make as much chocolate as I can which is essentially oh wait I need a saucepan too I think this is the saucepan oh I didn't even think saucepan I need a mixing bowl what a dumb dumb idea scary Goose we put our butter in there and then all right I got a decent amount of cream heavy whipping cream here can you put some of that heavy whipping cream on here yep how much do you need wait actually never mind it's fresh milk I need nope we're good all right got my chocolate all right so we have some chocolate here I'll put the chocolate where should I put it oh here no I'll put it in this drawer here so we know where it is for later oh we need we need caramel oh you love normal you can make this I love caramel that's my favorite thing ever oh I don't want to make it with salt where's the sugar the salts here the sugar oh you have to make it with the sugar cane all right so now I definitely need a saucepan which I think you already have in the thing over here I got eight caramels I'm so stoked okay put the caramel over here so we have everything we need together all right I'm gonna make some gum gum okay let me get some of this stuff okay so I'm so excited yeah I can't wait to make to make gummy bears all right I got a little bit of salt oh wait I got the wrong color I got the wrong color we need uh this one there we go look at that I had the wrong whoa look how cute they are little Gummy Bear guys all right we got look what I have look what I have it okay I can make some jelly beans which will be pretty tasty actually let's make a little bit more jelly beans because why not okay I love jelly beans what's your favorite flavor grape probably I love grapes do you remember amazing do you prefer Starburst jelly beans or Jelly Belly jelly beans ooh that's the hardest question on my entire your life I don't know Starburst jelly beans are so good okay we go like that oh that's crooked that little crooked bear guys there we go okay okay we're gonna finish and then uh put it up downstairs all right inside is all done everything's all done and uh now we just have to name our candy shop oh that's the hardest thinking part let's see where should we put the sun should we put next to the doors we put on these pillars oh somewhere where people can see it um probably yeah like over here like how about like right here let's put it okay we can name it oh man this is the coolest know what the name and the name is everything I got it I got it got it what's he gonna name it also guys what would you name your candy shop if you had a candy shop let me know in the comments oh I spelled candy wrong you spelled you spelled caddy there we go coolest candy shop ever ccse actually that's what it's that's what his name is CeCe CC's this is not even a word yeah coolest candy shop ever CeCe this is the coolest candy shop ever all right Drew time to open the door opening the door easy stinking busy let me know and I will put them down the conveyor belt okay all right so I'm just getting kind of tied up down here doing all of the final touches okay all right Mac we got a problem we got a big old problem we got a stinking Place full of villagers see that guy just left because we weren't paying attention to them okay sir you want jelly beans okay jelly beans coming right up Mac jelly beans get them right down here fast uh okay jelly beans are coming down the command anything else uh yeah we're gonna need one slice of chocolate pie cake rather sorry I misheard him chocolate cake please I have um a coconut roll so that that they're getting chocolate rolls sorry okay here's here's Jelly Bean sir thank you for coming all right here I'm just gonna send a little of everything if I'm being honest oh okay that's perfectly fine the whole stinking thing you sent a chest down here caramel apple coming right get up there you go sir There You Go sir here's a little chocolate roll for you ma'am thank you very much all right I'm coming down to help Drew I made a little bit of everything well I guess I had a little of everything left over I didn't actually have to make it um okay are you guys happy you're on the table yeah this gentleman's like literally on a sugar high he's running around like a madman see that guy's doing 360s I think it's a job well done on if I don't say so myself yeah that's the gold dude I'm hyper running around being crazy people in the comments down below you can always read to me on social media I have a twitch Twitter and Instagram at mac and cheese please I'll put those links in the description down below oh and did you know I stream on Twitch every Monday and Thursday at 9 30 a.m and on Sundays at 11 30 a.m Pacific hey excuse me sir I'm in the middle of doing an outro geez there's some jelly beans for you go ahead and take those all right anyways I'll see you guys later bye man you are so rude you need to leave Instagram okay fine don't scram whatever bye
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 114,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We built a CANDY SHOP in Minecraft, building a candy shop in minecraft, opening a candy shop in minecraft, our candy shop in minecraft, minecraft candy shop, minecraft candy shop ideas, macncheesep1z candy shop, macncheesep1z minecraft candy shop, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, macncheesep1z, macncheeseplz, macandcheeseplease, macandcheeseplz, mac and cheese please, mac and cheese plz, mac and drew minecraft, jeezumcrowe, mac and drew building, candy shop, minecraft, mac
Id: q1Wu5BEupQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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