Playing Minecraft As A HELPFUL PJ Pugapillar!

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lurking on this minecraft server is the cutest pillar you've never seen when my friend is having the worst day in minecraft with mean players this pug comes in to help her do almost anything but i'm secretly helping her and when players get jealous of this pillar they'll try to steal me away oh this place is big i know this shinies i like this mod because it has all this ore here and there should be some treasure or too right yeah i see a lot over here i'm gonna get some yeah i'm gonna grab some up here this is the poppy oar diamond puppy boring duck there's no gold look at all that anywhere i guess spawn makes diamonds spawn above the ground casey look huh oh um this one started giving me the creeps i think i'm just gonna stay back here where the toys are oh what's the matter you scaredy baby looking for toys lame you should be looking for treasure come on i'm not scared fine i'll show you okay he's just uh being a jerk no it's okay now i can do this uh okay i'm just oh what's in here oh we got a this is pretty cool hey casey look at this huh hey kc look at this doll i found [Laughter] hang on what has she got done did you just take everything from kc uh yeah may well uh maybe uh what's it worth it to you give it back to her nope you don't control me let me just uh figure out a way out of here such a jerk he knows that she's scared of huggy and she's wait a minute what if i could use this hmm all right let's see no she's scared of huggy no she's also scared of this huggy uh oh no no too pink um oh this is adorable it's in a cute ugly way look at this all right you know i'm gonna pick this one alright let's see um and hello [Laughter] [Music] okay finally dug my way out of the hole now let's see uh there we go [Music] [Music] wait is this my stuff yeah wait you're not mean oh you're kind of cute actually yeah i mean you make so many different kind of noises do you want to come back home with me and be my friend you know what yeah i can help casey oh my gosh off to adventure come on you're so cute let's go oh yeah right here we're almost there oh this is gonna be so great you're gonna love it here oh my gosh you can't wait to go oh come on inside oh close the door this is my house these are my cats this is jiggles and this is chalk and socks and this is getting over here he's my favorite oh this is so good i've always wanted a cute little puppy i didn't know it until now but you're basically just a cow with bigger ears and more legs yeah i'm a big cat hello my fellow cats i'm not a cat i don't think she can understand me i mean parker now that i think about it the cats do get a little territorial maybe you need your own space maybe i can have it here it's like my size what's that look at my little leggies oh my gosh okay enough perfect oh where'd you go she's all right puppy oh there you are oh my gosh this is so casey this is not what dogs lives the dogs are not like cats we can't just liquid into things do you love it i mean bark bark yes i love it i think uh yay you know what i i actually have something i can do to this [Music] look at this now i can actually fit inside wait i can fit in there with you how did you do that i'm a plug a pillar i got like legs and stuff for days i mean what else can you do oh uh well i i that's a good question um you can have this pickaxe oh i guess and oh thank you what other powers do i have uh well oh i can do that oh and then oh what is this oh i smell something oh where are you going a bike ride park park oh is there something here bark um oh my gosh a diamond how did you find this wait a minute this mod can find the what they can make diamonds get closer to the what that's insane okay so i think this is over here and uh what oh my goodness this monstrous thing is ugly [Music] and it helped me get all this treasure that's right wait hot uh tr treasure yeah treasure treasure we just found some it led me right to it ian can i have a conference with you for one moment uh yeah yeah hang on it's just like that's so funny i really don't know what this is a cute little one that's definitely not gonna stay on fire anymore what about stopping the monster well yeah you know what they say zayn a monster who can find you treasure is the greatest friend of all who says that oh oh i know i don't i know ian just said that just now yeah uh it looks awesome yeah you really should get off that casey tracy come back back come back to the treasure stop all hey see that's a nice dog here you cast my mutton there you go there there's the mutton floor there you go diamond sponge yeah yeah yeah it's oh my goodness this dog [Music] hey guys you got to catch up i'm getting all the treasure no i'm getting all the treasure no me no baby uh uh pierce you might want to look at this behind you okay yeah that's right i got him there we go all right yeah as i was saying that i was getting the most treasure no i'm getting the most treasure hey stop it i duck huh hey what is this mine okay charge you for give me your myself oh he didn't have any oh it's like eating the zombie oh be careful yeah i don't know how well electricity works on zombies oh nice no no no she just needs a break yeah i don't know i still want to get more treasure no come on pogopillar we're gonna go relax no no no okay here's what we're gonna do we're here's what we're gonna do we got a oh pierce has some sheep that we can feed it and then uh we can go looking for more treasure yeah it'll be just fine tell me i don't know about this come here and eat the sheep stop it come on i just want to get for treasure you need a wing fine i told you it was a good idea okay all right i think i'll be fine uh i shouldn't eat everything if i can and two cakes oh i'm glad you'd like your house make yourself at home i'm gonna go grab something from upstairs real quick everyone also remaining what are you doing casey all server meeting now you can't just keep calling me whatever you want okay casey it has come to my attention that some of you are so obsessed with treasure that you are willing to let monsters onto the server excuse me are we being judged for treasure yeah uh oh [Music] hey settle down there don't don't destroy a well what is this this is a mining robot it can help everyone around the servers so we don't need any uh glee bugs like you i'm not ugly it's harvesting the materials from ian's house what wonderful very resourceful no no you're supposed to get treasure it's going pretty quickly [Music] it puts you in danger that was your machine touch stop the robot let me help you kiddo oh look at that resourceful little what hey it's that's resourceful it's destroying my house i did it something's [Music] i mean it did just destroy the robot and zane maybe what he said was right i mean yeah usually like zayn tells us what to think and cause think he's hard i don't know if you guys know that but like god oh you know what fine we'll show you we'll prove to you that she's not dangerous yeah come on please do because i otherwise want treasure please okay can can you do that by fixing my house show what you can do okay whoa whoa i i can't see what's going on anyway i can't see what's going on there we go [Music] oh that's lovely look at that ugly oh it's a great improvement [Music] [Music] let me or i will turn you into a i'm so robot i found you you're my best friend chasey no wait you don't want to see me get away from the pug monster thing look she's not a monster zane she's my friend yeah casey i know you would not understand but she is a dangerous creature that needs to be contained like this stop it i'm sorry casey this is four year old god i'm trying to kill your monster but [Music] ready perfect ian finally you did something right for once yeah wait what what what does that mean anyway and in you go what hey [Laughter] and close come on okay so so now we're gonna use it to get treasure right no we're not using it to get treasure i've gotta figure out a way to get rid of this thing once and for all oh i have an idea i know what to do i'll be right back do you mean you know what to do oh don't you worry about it zayn i have a plan oh i just gotta chill down my spine but now it doesn't matter i've got you okay well you know what maybe i will just stay here i'm just gonna put my feet down like this and stay here so nobody will be scared of me it sounds like zayn doesn't like look at me like that's the pillars see you looking at you like that just this way who's a cute little guy what i found a way to get rid of the monster was it even a uglier monster that's right a bigger monster wait how does that make sense you know it's a little destructive but i think it'll be fine no no doubt i'm getting out of here oh no no no no no you're okay there's a big one keep the carrot on his stick why isn't this working come on let's get it he's a bigger monster to get rid of a little one oh i don't hear you having a better idea zayn i went and got the big hug a pillar and it can help us out and maybe find some treasure find me some treasure but now it's over now it's costing even more damage i'm trying to tame it zayn you're not helping well i was trying to plan something out until you brought in this monstrosity fine all right see if i helped out another giant monster again just wanted another pog-appeller to get made treasure and i'm on fire that serves you right now yeah no no no no no no no it's helping can you sleep is it gone i think so no thanks to you okay oh it's still here oh i [Music] [Music] do you think you can make me another robot no but i can make you stuck forever okay casey i guess you know i know your pup did save us and i guess it is kind of cute when you look at it through this right i told you it's good and adorable and cute oh hey you little one yeah you know what honestly this hasn't been so bad i mean sometimes i get electrocuted but sometimes cute that is not what i said at all get the boat i read between the lines you know the playing spaces are the only part i can read so now we can finally get rid of that monster once and for all [Applause] casey yeah coming with me take out the monster then i'll bring the monster to you yeah get back here what's that what's going on sorry i got stuck in the well i didn't just nab kc dub right now mister hope you like it in my tower uh-oh casey i see you nobody helped me uh my what's the big teeth you having oh yeah have some more oh what are you doing i'll get them there don't worry dawg on fire i'm waiting hey i know that that's my own turret that's my very favorite tower get out of there oh there you are you came to see of course i did i got you don't worry let's get out of here oh okay let's go oh wow capella get out of my gonna have to get someone tower in my tower all right cheers come here watch out maybe there's something hang on jesse are you okay yeah i'm okay thanks to the puppy saving me again that's it i'm gonna teach him a lesson let's get him what kind of lesson [Music] wow really took that thing out i'm still under here yeah yeah i think he didn't even have a timeout but no come on i was just uh just uh trying to take care of the bike and tell her yeah i think he took care of a lot of stuff you little monster you are you already i'm good i'm gonna go sit in my house again i don't think she can understand me but you know what it was all worth it i get to see my house and i can see what they're like yeah let's go sit in the house yeah little buckety thing save this what a day so uh someone gonna let me out of here nope kevin you guys are never gonna believe what the puppy did by the way casey i'm curious what do pug pillars eat people wait what am i like well [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,929,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: x4hMIJPMwJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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