Aphmau Crew builds BARBIE DREAM HOUSE | NOOB vs PRO

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the aphmau crew is feeling Pretty in Pink as we build Barbie's dream house but this challenge item aims to darken the vibe for just 30 minutes on the clock whose dream house is picture perfect that's for you to decide in this episode of new first pro oh and don't forget to like And subscribe build Barbie's dream house use chest item okay all right so I'm thinking hot pink I'm picking all the big I'm thinking not hot pink it's pretty dark yeah yeah dark like my soul Mac like my soul you're not a Barbie you're a Ken I don't know if Ken's soul is is this dark they haven't seen the movie yet what you guys are watching this is hopefully when the movie comes out so we don't know what's in it other than that it's probably pink yeah if I had a guess so I if I had one suggestion to you mac and cheese it's to build a pink house all right build pink house we got 30 minutes 30 minutes let's go let's go all right 30 minutes pink house obviously it's gonna go right here let's see what are our pink choices definitely want to use this door uh we have this wood I don't know if I actually want to use that let's type in pink like this I like this that seems like a good chunk of blocks to start with she definitely I don't even know how to start a pink house let's do ah what do I want this is like the first time like I don't know how I want to build this house do I want it like open like an actual Barbie house or do I want it just like pink like a pink house I think I have an idea okay so let's go something kind of like up like this is it gonna be two stories I don't know and then I also want to do something on an angle not like that like that actually I wanted to go a little higher so something kind of like this uh one more something like that and then I want some sort of hold on I want it to come down a little bit this is probably not the way to do this but it's it's what we're doing we're gonna come down like this actually it's gonna start here and we're gonna come down like this way so this is like kind of like the roof in a way I totally just made this up it might not actually work I know it doesn't work it doesn't work the way I want it to at least I want it to be like kind of wider to be honest so like maybe even over here oh my God we're already going way too big maybe it's not very deep you know because it's like a Barbie house so like what does she have to do in her house nothing why am I building the roof first what is wrong with me shadow I wanted to tell you about a weird thing I'm doing right now okay what what's going on Mech I'm building the roof of my house that is a weird thing walls how do you know how tall it's gonna be if you're building the roof already the roof as tall as it's gonna be uh Mac Mac back back I'm a little worried for you man you know what I think the viewers should know that we're recording this rather late at night and I got the latest okay you got the late night goofies but we haven't we've barely even started that the late night goofies are here so I can't control what late night Mac is doing so she's just doing this okay back it's gonna it's gonna work it's gonna be really good probably oh boy oh that's a little too far oh boy you don't think it's gonna be good shadow that I'm building my roof first I think it's a it's a choice it's certainly a choice I don't know if it's an appropriate choice but it certainly is a choice it's either gonna come back to bite me in about 10 minutes or I'm gonna be thrilled wow whatever the case may be Mac best of luck to you you might need it wow okay just you're gonna throw it out like that already I guess I don't know Mike I've never interacted late night Mac before it's true you haven't this isn't this is New Territory I'm always late night goof like that's just my My Vibe because your personality you know they always ask you a shadow how do you how do you get so funny all the time and the answer is because I'm always tired you're like yes that's the trick I'm just always tired so there's never a time where I'm not in late night goof mode late night goof Shadow is all the time Shadow that's the secret to Comedy kids don't let your parents tell you otherwise you need to not sleep for the next three days then you will be truly funny for legal reasons don't listen to that also back we're currently sitting on about uh 24 minutes left okay just so you know I'm feeling good feeling good my roof down yeah you gotta build the walls you know that's all that's you know easy I mean from here we've just we've got it easy it's gonna be like a decorating video probably back back good luck whatever it is just good luck to you ma'am thank you you all right this is gonna be great pretty easy I think like super easy probably so let's see we've got something like this action this is gonna be like a patio or something I haven't fully decided but do I want walls or do we want windows I think I think like Windows and walls I think we want a little bit of both like is this a modern house we're building I don't know yet let's see how does this look I don't love that no I don't know how I want this to go oh my gosh this is gonna be annoying how did I do this am I immediately having regrets okay hold on let's just put this down so we know where this wall is we're not having regrets we're not having Regrets We did what we did we're committing Barbie's dream house is happening I've had multiple Barbie dream houses as a kid this is not what it looked like so um but it's gonna be great it's gonna be great it's not gonna be it's not gonna be anything okay let's do glass glass glass I don't know if I want like pink or if I want magenta yeah I think that's oh wait we have to do the floor shoot we're gonna do a block of Quartz okay so we're gonna do fill and then we're gonna do okay boop boop perfect the floor is in there so let's get this done like no no okay hold on you know how I am with glass panes let's get a montage going [Music] okay yeah now we just need to figure out this back wall and I also want to add like some sort of like window like moment I don't know like a tall window no maybe not like that or maybe it's more like this it's kind of Barbie right like just like really Grand and beautiful we're just kind of playing around because I don't know I know I want like a balcony up here let's do like fence I have an idea for a house but it's already too late we've already done this so we're gonna come over here like this so this is like a fun little balcony Beach area but we need to get up here somehow there needs to be like stairs and then we need to do this back wall but how is it also just white maybe it is okay I'm gonna do this just white Matt just letting you know we got about 15 minutes left how you doing um you know um good I'm uh struggling a little bit for my walls but it's not awful what about you how you doing I'm doing all right I'm working on a feature that I think is probably not worth the effort but I'm doing it anyway okay uh can you tell me more like what's not worth the effort about it what like what's going on it just you know sometimes I think that uh that I get like a little centrally focused on one particular concept of a much larger build that I should be focusing on and anyway when that happens I just I I tend to just go overboard of that one thing and then realize oh man there's still a whole nother build I still have to do and a whole nother build so you're building a second build on top of the first build yeah I mean Ken's gotta live somewhere if we're building Barbie's house not Ken's house Ken's a whole nother person right but like he's gotta have his own space too does he well it's more that he he needs to spare Barbie needs a space away from him yeah I think that's too and if you know if he has his own space then she doesn't have to worry about it yeah that's also true I tend to do so from now every now and again Channel I'm struggling I'm gonna be honest I think we knew this was gonna happen but like I was pretty certain it was gonna happen yep I don't know I built the roof and I don't love the roof and then I built the walls and I don't like the walls and I don't really like what I've done so far oh back oh late okay let me ask was the roof uh building the roof first a good idea or a not so good idea now in retrospect I don't know no I I mean I'm still down with the roof I just don't know how to make the front of the house look ah cohesive you know how cohesive you say yeah you ever just like have ideas and you're like oh yeah this is probably a good idea and then it's not a good idea all the time actually you know how they oh they tell you that you should go with like your gut instinct and you're like your first idea oh yeah they are liars oh so you're like a second idea no no because the second idea is you're brain telling you how bad the first idea was oh and it's up to the third or maybe even fourth idea to actually come up with something that could be useful okay okay so like the first two ideas you just kind of trash a little bit because you're like whoo why no yeah exactly ah okay okay that's like insightful you know yeah I always listen to my by at least probably top five idea like fifth idea oh okay top five idea dang that's like a whole thing man I oh my gosh I why did I do this why did you do this shadow I just um you just built I don't know how I'm gonna fix this well I'll tell you you got about uh 13 minutes left to try so great I wish you the best of luck thank you thank you I definitely definitely need to go thank cute thank you get out of the stupid hole okay bye bye who allowed me to build at 10 o'clock at night who said to do this why am I doing this right now we're doing this get out of the way I said this is not Barbie's dream house this is just a house that's a total mistake because I have uh none of that Gene that says to stop it's it's called the too much Gene and we have we have it and we're not stopping can't stop won't stop not stopping so let's just keep building this across with you guessed it a montage [Music] [Music] Mac we got about eight minutes left eight minutes uh okay I um was in the middle of a montage but thank you thank you I am not doing great Shadow not not doing great not doing great mac and cheese how could this happen I'm pretty sure you know you know that story so we don't need to tell it is that so if you you feeling like everyone knows the plot of this already uh yeah nothing of my own doing certainly not yeah he's causing her own undoons definitely not my own fault is that so yeah uh yeah I am royally screwed I'm in the middle of decorating right now the house is built but not to my standards you know well I mean it could be worse you could not have a house yet what Sage are you in how are you doing um I got a house you've got a house that's good I've got a roof on this house you've got a roof even though I'm saying I should put a roof on this house oh you don't have a roof I don't have a roof how are you and not a roof stage yet because unlike you I didn't start with one mac oh well maybe you should have started with the roof I'm sorry to wonder maybe they're starting with the roof idea wasn't that bad of an idea so um yeah we have so much decorating to do I think I want to get some lanterns in here or just like some sort of light source wait actually frog are these pretty are these like pretty ugly ah could be worse maybe we do use them though like don't hate it but also don't love it like what if Under the Stairs was frog lighting to light up this whole area and made it cool you know and then what if like every stair had it it was kind of like a way to light up the whole house without it like looking tacky and weird it's like the secret light for the house it's the Frog lights and then we need to finish decorating this so I wanted to make sure we had like there's this area there's that area and then we gotta come up here to this area which probably for safety reasons should be like that more likely um okay cool yeah I think we're in a really good spot I can definitely decorate this thing bro what are you doing I could definitely decorate this thing in like five minutes so that's what we're gonna do you're gonna see the rest of this when Shadow does so yeah see you soon okay Mac uh we we so we got 30 minutes to build Barbie's dream house and uh let me tell you it's a dream all right it sure is the pirate's life for me or the dream of the Barbie life might be more of a nightmare but we'll we'll see how it plays out okay in any case welcome to Barbie's Dream Home those huge Shadow it's too big mac it's way too big I'll be honest this is pretty big yeah so uh first off I figured you know in case Barbie gets lost where the party is uh you're just gonna follow the arrows come on Barney Let's Go Party in her house where there's sand everywhere because you know obviously when the party when it gets too dark outside you don't want to be out there where there are the wolves outdoor pool though so yeah you could hang outside and then you're like no no we're gonna go inside yeah and then you swim back inside and then you can still hang out and there's some campfires and some tiki torches like people think about they had a good time yeah it's a beach house or anything with all the smoke in here no fog machines and for parties and stuff and stuff sure it's got a it has a Mystique about it yeah that's uh that's how it works did you see what I did I saw what you did yeah so you know Barbie I feel like she probably gets she probably gets tired of it you know she gets tired of all the pink she said sometimes slowly just dark oh my gosh this is this this were Barbie fulfills her dark needs is this Ken room or what this might be Ken's room depending either either Barbie needs a break from the pink and the style and the the life that it leads or this is Ken's room because you did say you wanted to build something for Ken so yeah no no that's it I I thought it would be funny to like leave that as a cover but now that I think about it I think it's even funnier if this is Ken's room you can just live in a closet he's like all right Barbie uh do you got enough uh space next to your bed to share it it's like no you go in the dark room Ken but I don't like the dark room it's dark get that tart dark room Ken dark room Ken get in there nobody likes you can in the dark okay that's the house uh as you can see I put more focus in things that I that didn't matter than uh anything else but I did I built a house you built a house there is a house here yeah look at this thing it's huge it's so big and I see like very big this is very big Shadow very big the problem was of course trying to like sneakily hide the dark room oh sure yeah you can see I've built kind of like a false backing to this thing yeah I try I tried to hide it really good and I'm pretty happy with the hiding job but at what cost I didn't really build a house otherwise safe area I don't know like like a like a sport complex or I don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know she just has just enough space to sleep and she can cook food on the fires so there that's that's all we got all right let's let's go look at yours yeah all right I'm actually really proud of mine Shadow I'll be honest okay all right I'm ready to see it I'm ready I'm pumped for this I present to you my Barbie dream all right I'm into it I already feeling it did you put that Merchant in there is it just lives there like it was just lost me the whole time and then I built them so yeah you really went for like different shades of pink which I think really add to the overall effort the rose bushes which look really nice and then yeah I like the purple Accents in the glass here and like the inside I had to try it really you actually went pretty pretty above and beyond the the usual play here back and I I gotta say I'm into it yeah I I really try to do something different yeah the obsidian is the TV I do like that that's a good play yeah and then we have our kitchen area we have an upstairs this is the bedroom this is balcony this balcony I think is the barbieest thing you could possibly do it there's like every Barbie house has a balcony you have to have a balcony but I mean with like the white quartz like lounge chairs you know yeah it feels plastic in the best way and I mean that in the nicest way and then over here the stairwell ah there's a yeah I just got it because you gotta be able to get up here we got the Cabana [Music] Barbie yep it happens this seems like a like an oversight Mech honestly it's like the blocks there's nothing I could do there so no I suppose that's true between the uh the glass panes and the the fences they both do not fill a whole block on their own nope they don't that's interesting so don't go there I'm gonna actually remember this because this this is an interesting point that like yeah you can create a horse you could create a block inside of a block that way it's a block block yeah yeah or a gap within blocks yeah I see it I do like it a lot uh it is a lot smaller than mine it is but it's it's all still very big it's still very big I just want you to come back here and take a look between these two oh goodness oh my God you're almost like a warehouse it does look like a warehouse it is exactly what it looks like good night but now you first because there is where I built the roof first uh and then like filled everything else in after that and I I can't complain I cannot complain it's those angles because when I did that angle roof house that's what I the same thing I did and it worked out really well yeah all right well there you go uh friends that's another new versus Pro build right here let us know in the comments who you think won do you think it's my Barbie Warehouse with optional Ken dark room or uh do you think it's Max balaboo dream house that I I think would fit very much on a kid's work table from the ages of seven to nine and then most certainly uh gets blown up by a firework what yeah so you didn't do that that's a big memory don't worry about it Toy Story what is wrong with you [Laughter] but tell me more why your Sid from Toy Story no no I'm not I'm not I'm not available [Music] [Music]
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 25,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew builds BARBIE DREAM HOUSE | NOOB vs PRO, barbie dream house in minecraft, building barbie's house in minecraft, aphmau crew noob vs pro, aphmau crew barbie house, macncheesep1z aphmau crew, noob vs pro macncheeseplz, noob vs pro macncheesep1z, barbie house build ideas, barbie movie, barbie movie in minecraft, aphmau barbie, aphmau crew barbie, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, mac and pierce noob vs pro, mac and pierce, mac and cheese please, macncheeseplz
Id: i7soVnx4N-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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