Aphmau Crew builds our BIGGEST FEARS | Noob vs Pro

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the aphmau crew is in for a scare as we build our greatest fears in Minecraft and this challenge item is our reward with only 30 minutes on the clock who will conquer their fears and who will leave in tears that's for you to decide in this episode of new verse Pro oh and don't forget to like And subscribe build your greatest fear okay and uh I I I sometimes you got to confront your fears back what's your biggest fear Jimmy gets here well I'm not gonna tell you you're not gonna tell me if she is no no no no no no not happening so there's gonna be like that I'm gonna look in the chest oh what okay we have to include Kate ha jokes on you my great experience no it's not obviously about it I love cake it's delicious it's very tasty but we got 30 minutes to go build this I guess we have to include a cake somewhere so without any further Ado and three two one go all right we have to build our greatest ear which I'm afraid of the dark especially the okay so I'm gonna build a house uh with a basement and it's gonna be dark it's gonna be scary okay so okay let's make the house cute so that way Shadow when he sees it is like a Mac this isn't scary at all what are you talking about I think that will be really silly and fun and yeah that will look really cute and not menacing at all but it really it is gonna be menacing it's gonna be a scary maze man I don't like this video okay anyways let me know what your greatest fears are in the comments down below and if we share the same fear I'm sorry that um basements are so scary I don't know why so I think it's just like I've seen way too many scary movies as a kid and like nothing good ever comes from the basement so I I just I don't like them I don't think that they need to exist you agree too lamb whammy agrees Let's see we want a door there actually let's make this one bigger uh that way we can have our window right there and then does that mean we need to make this side one bigger I know it's really early but I don't want Shadow to cut me off so we're gonna do a little the wall the walls oh so it's a wall building Montage yeah [Music] [Music] whoa montage is concluded it's done the wall montage is done so I'm thinking we need to put the floor in okay so what we're gonna do is do slash fill we're gonna go like this and then we're gonna come to this side and we're gonna go like this and hit the birch lankies [Music] looks pretty good all right so we need actually we need glass in our Windows let's see what glass looks like all right something like that and then do we want to do that I don't know it kind of doesn't look cute but I don't know how else to do it or actually we didn't have to do the white even though I kind of let I kind of like the white I think the white looks cute uh hold on let's just see what what it looks like yeah I don't know it doesn't doesn't work it doesn't it just it doesn't it doesn't work I know that the basement is where we want it no spend most of our time here uh because that's the scary part so it's gonna take everything in me not to fully decorate this house the way I want to because I like I kind of want it to be like Shadows like uh Mac what are you talking about everything is fine um when everything is not fine hold on I'm thinking let's do doors what kind of maybe these are cute a little something like this okay yeah that works that works cool all right but I kind of want it to be like inwards hold on like I kind of want it to be like no no no oh my God why whatever whatever I don't care kind of wanna I wanna see what this looks like actually no it doesn't look as good as I thought it would okay whatever that's what it is I'm over it I don't care anymore it's whatever it's whatever okay so this is our house we need to do a roof I hate roofs okay we're gonna do the roof we're gonna we're it's just uh the roof needs to be done and I know that I'm in a bra bunch and I I don't want there to be a broad compilation and I'm looking at you I see you you yeah you redoing the roof now hey Mac yes just letting you know we got 20 minutes left 22-0 minutes left okay how are you coming along I think I'm getting there I I it's it's big it's real big oh Shadow we um we've we've done that whole it's big thing don't build a big thing before but well there's a reason why it has to be big this time like I couldn't I could not build it big is the problem otherwise it wouldn't terrify me as much uh but the problem with the size of it as a result is that uh I'm not gonna get it done in time oh uh what is it you'll find out as soon as you tell me what your fear is I'll tell you what mine is if you tell me what yours is I don't know it seems kind of cheating because I'm just trying to find out what yours is without without telling you what mine is wow so you actually if I came if I came out and was like Shadow my biggest fear is blah blah blah blah blah you would be like haha not telling you back you suck bye you said that not me one way to find out I'm not I'm not telling you I feel like you're gonna cheat a pumpkin eater in me so all right then well you got 20 minutes uh 19 minutes have fun okay thanks bye what is Shadow building and also I hate that I keep growing on this stupid roof I hate rubing Ruby is the worst no uh okay so what we're trying to do is just build a no no no build a dumb roof build a dumb roof build dumb roof okay bro dumb roof is done I feel like we need to have like I don't know something like this or I don't know there just needs to be like more to it and then maybe we can let me just grab some of this yeah that looks a little bit better and then we need to do something here would that be the same level I actually don't know I think it is maybe not I don't know whatever it doesn't matter because the house isn't what's scary it's what's in the bottom of the house that's scary so we just need to make the house look cute and then we can build the basement which is totally scary all right there's our house oh what are we gonna do with the cakes I don't know man I want to make the outside look cute and inviting that way you're like what scary basements don't exist in this house there's no way but then I'll be like haha actually there is one and then you're like no Mac how could you oh my God so scary um okay anyways let's see I don't know there needs to be like a like a door are we just gonna like have a weird door like this is it is this the weird door maybe I don't know you know what else I kind of want to do which we probably don't have time for but maybe we do I want to do like a loft so there's like a lofted area up here which then makes sense why there's a basement because like an upstairs a downstairs a basement so yeah we have our our Loft up here and then this is our lofted area so then we'll do this and then like that and then so this will be like the upstairs you know we're like all right we're up here and then here we could do a bed um make it all cute and teal so we can put our bed here in front of the window we'll do like a trap door uh so that looks nice and pretty um a pot and then we're also gonna want a bookshelves oh you know what we can put a kit like there we go cake can be here I was gonna do a cake I don't know what I was gonna do 15 minutes left back 15 minutes 15 minutes okay okay how are you working on your thing I'm getting there uh it's one of those things now where I am just trying to add significant detail if that makes sense well okay it's not that I it's to be clear it's not done by no means is it done but like I could get away with what I have with what I have right now like it would at least register as what the fear is okay I can do a lot better than this does that make sense yeah um I haven't even started on my fear yet so um I have you just been sitting there eating bon bons I mean I wish I had bon bons to eat if you're suggesting I don't know if you have bon bons to share or something with a class friends if you like this video be sure to share your bon bons please bonbons yes now uh at Shadow Temple on on Tick Tock it's Grand Twitter all that bon bons yes now bon bons now please we got it we gotta create our own business Mac where you can you can send your favorite YouTuber bonbons like why is that a Vibe though right like I don't want I don't necessarily want people bake cookies for me even though it'd be delicious but like you could like send like your favorite like German chocolate to uh to your favorite Creator I want that um you know what I feel like that's a thing that exists I don't know why I feel that but I I do in my bones well I'm glad I haven't signed up for it because I I already do not get enough exercise I can't do that anyway uh we got about 12 minutes left well wait 12 minutes our little fun chats take time in the real world Mac okay I am freaking out now I wasn't freaking out at 15 but now I'm freaking out at 12. so I gotta go Shadows fine sure I actually I kind of want a five minute warning so let me know that okay I'll tell you in 30 seconds anyway bye okay bye this is bad this is very bad we don't have our basement yet um so I need to but I need to like make this register as a house so um we're just kind of decorating you know what I could decorate the inside of this house later we need to do our our basement stuff so is our basement door just gonna be like here okay let's just do the same door because why not yeah whatever it's weird but it is what it is okay so let's do I kind of want to do like a Redstone light and then let's do like a lever that way it's like we have to turn on the light you know to the basement okay yeah like that there we go turning on the basement light and then we just dig down oh no this is for our house hold on why did I do this it's it's colored stuff we are in trouble oh you know what we could do water on like this one and outsmarted you okay so this is our basement we go down why is this dirt I have to fix this later you know what the whole we're just gonna do water for all of it the whole thing because I I just I need it to be that way let's see so we have this go down we go down down oh my gosh we're just going down all right a montage of me digging down river digging is a dig it's a montage anyway okay bye [Music] [Music] all right Mac just letting you know we're down to five minutes five minutes okie dokie artichoke is that good you feel good about that one uh I mean it's gonna be as good as it's gonna get so I can't complain as of what we have so gotta make it work for me you know what I'm saying yeah I know I get it I get it well uh yeah five minutes good luck face your peers okay we have our inner workings of our basement all figured out but I need to decorate it and make it look really scary so you're gonna see the finished product when Shadow does a few moments later all right back we got 30 seconds left 30 seconds okay I think I'll be good with 30 seconds okay ready to face my fear then me face yours yeah are you afraid of your fear as you're fearing it or what what's going on of course it's terrifying I don't like it oh okay mine I was okay but I closed my eyes and it was fine so oh okay well that's a good plan I I didn't think about that one yeah why didn't you close your eyeshadow what a noob all right Ted oh nine eight seven six five four three two and one and we're done all right I'll meet you up front all right Mac you ready yes okay so we had 30 minutes to build our greatest fear in life okay and you're ready to face mine ready to face your fear all right let's do it and here it is presenting my greatest fear the failure oh failing yeah look at that I failed Jim I failed math I failed art you fails art I did that's how I'm saying I figured it out I cracked the code no kidding no failures no you don't get cake when you fail oh no I'm sorry Shadow you didn't get any cake for your failures I'm sorry big jeez yeah now you see why I was worried about size okay yeah wow this is this is a whole thing yeah I I I I put real work into this back it wasn't like it's it's a silly it's a silly idea it's also true but like I did what uh don't worry about it I know I I'm gonna talk to your teacher geez that's not okay okay I painted a frog once and then they're like hey you can't mess with black with live animals and I was like well you didn't tell me I had to paint a paper and then they gave me an F oh shadowy campaign on frog sir why can't you pay the frogs Yeah made of frogs what kind of an episode understand my art oh just like everybody else Audrey do you want to see mine yeah let's go check out yours all right Mac we're here to see your greatest failure no just kidding your greatest fear I mean fear fear not failure both honestly oh no all right wait hold on before you look I need to make sure I do one thing hold on stay still okay I saw a house I don't know what the house means is is is your your greatest fear a pink house because I mean same it's really bright okay I I made sure I made sure okay okay all right [Music] huh a house made out of yeah I mean concrete powder would be a bad house to have I do agree with that like why it wasn't false move you like lean against the house a little too hard all of a sudden whole thing goes down I mean no the house isn't the greatest fear it's what's inside the house oh okay ah sorry I saw a door sir so this is the house I wasn't but it's a non-decorated house but it's not undecorated because I wouldn't be me if we didn't no no you always got to decorate your house okay I see it I get it yeah you got a nice little uh nice little Loft area where you sleep in you can jump in on the bed it's always a good play yeah yeah all right but the real greatest fear is what's Behind These doors oh okay [Music] what's in there open the doors I don't know find out oh no Mac I can't I can't I can't do this back do it Max I can't do this okay okay shadow you're thirsty it's the middle of the night no I know we go downstairs what you're doing to be here there's a switch up here at the top of the stairs I know it's about to happen because I gotta go down here and go down here no no I don't want to go down to the basement speaker [Music] okay what's all the way up there and I can't get to it it is all the way up there why you only put light at the top of the stairs [Music] okay back I I I think I I think my my fear was pretty good but this one this one Taps into something very deep inside of me very like five years old like I have to run up the stairs and turn on the light switch energy yup nope yep nope uh yeah I mean turn off the light uh again uh right there nope not go back down there again in fact uh hold on uh yeah I love that and it just gotta I just gotta just gotta do this and we're just gonna we're just gonna get out of here where's the here have a cake sir oh yeah my cake was uh just like on the nightstand I saw you I saw it yeah yeah why why aren't you burning down that basement you know that it's not worth keeping it's so it's so terrifying it's gonna catch you back it's gonna catch it these are really scary like honestly people who aren't afraid of basements or are crazy I don't understand it the basements are scary and I don't like them especially when they're dark I agree so with that friends that is another new person's Pro uh if you like what you see here be sure to like comment subscribe on our videos uh let us know uh what you want to see next especially but tell us the next thing you want us to see build yeah let us know in the comments take your suggestions we do indeed all right till next time talk to you guys later bye
Channel: MacNcheeseP1z
Views: 58,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau Crew builds our BIGGEST FEARS | Noob vs Pro, aphmau crew noob vs pro, macncheesep1z aphmau crew noob vs pro, macncheeseplz aphmau crew noob vs pro, aphmau crew, mac and shado build battle, mac and shado, noob vs pro build battle, noob vs pro greatest fears, building your fears, build battle, minecraft build battle, mac from aphmau, macncheesep1z from aphmau, macncheeseplz, macncheesep1z, macncheesep1z and shado, pierce from aphmau, facing your fears, minecraft builds, mac
Id: mVRStN7Hbk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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