Our First European EV Road Trip Was Trickier Than Expected! Opel Mokka-e from Munich To Graz & Back

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hello good morning and welcome to munich germany we are here with the volkswagen id3 now in this video we are going on our first electric euro road trip let me jump in the car with tymon and i will explain [Music] good morning tymon how are you doing tired yeah we've been going crazy here uh it's our third day well second full day in europe uh we landed in munich we collected the volkswagen id3 that video is on inside evs us we did a charging test with this yesterday but this is not the star of today's video we were just outside of our apartment we're actually going down the street to inside evs and motor ones headquarters here in germany they've been kind enough to let us use their parking lot to stage all of the cars that we'll be testing and we have id3 mocha e honda e and some other spicy things that we won't tell you about quite yet uh but today we're going on a road trip to austria to gratz you've never been to austria have you nope and so this should be quite exciting it says no u-turn i would kind of do it you turn there um not our country anyway tymon is dutch so he doesn't even have a u.s passport but he's never been outside of the netherlands so we're gonna do a lot of exploring this trip we're here for almost a month uh you would have known this if you watch any of our other channels namely out of spec reviews and inside evs are the two that we're posting on for the most part uh us two we are again basing ourselves out of munich and then we'll be in oslo for a little bit but today we are taking the opel maca mokai on a road trip to gratz austria it's going to be about 500 600 miles and we're going for a conference that's why we're wearing nicer shirts and i don't know how we're going to be able to charge it we've had such an issue i'll explain on the road let's go down the street a little bit go collect the maca e jump in we're a little bit late hit the highway it's seven o'clock in the morning right now and head off to gratz austria welcome to our little garage where we're going to be staging ourselves you can see the maka e mo i think it's maca e but i keep wanting to call it mocha e uh electric car right there it's charged up pretty high we collected it from downtown munich yesterday we have it for about 10 days we have this for a month so many cool cars coming for sure this little suzuki swift we're gonna spend some time with as well that's our uh friends at motorone's long termer and uh so let's jump in the maca e program in austria i'm guessing the nav is not going to add charging stops i think it's about a 50 or 55 kilowatt hour battery pack front-wheel drive pretty quick very soft and squishy i don't really know much about it we'll learn about it on the way we just collected it today we got a motor on down the road i hear it should do more than 100 kilowatt charging we have not logged the charging curve this id3 did 132 kilowatt charging the other day which was impressive considering this is the middle 62 kilowatt hour pack not the big one we get in the us so that definitely has all the new model year 22 updates which is pretty interesting great car love the id3 wish it came to the us for now we're gonna load up and head out here it is the maca e this thing looks pretty cool especially in green good size pretty crisp lines gotta say i hate the word crisp lines not saying but uh it's got it thank you sir let's uh just plug in gratz and head off so we're gonna plug in g r a that's a z g r a z and see if it comes up with anything congrats there we go 302 kilometers as the crow flies how do we turn this fan down a little bit there we go search let's just go there city center perhaps what congrats i've already put it in a-u-s-t-r-i-a austria that one what street navigation is an electric assistance oh yeah maybe it just wanted a street okay calculating will it add chargers time and what do you think no you don't think so no okay it looks like it has it mapped for us it did not ask to add any chargers and i don't believe it did so it looks like it wants to take the route that goes this way which is fine there's chargers along pretty much any route we don't even have to worry about it until we start to get low i hope that's the adventure we're going with into drive into b mode let's put it into eco mode we have 90 state of charge 294 kilometers projected range uh wait it said some message over here when i put in eco mode don't remember what it says but it has lane centering so that'll be great to use on the highway adaptive cruise control and for the most part i think we can reset our trip computer stuff statistics here trip reset i don't know the doesn't really matter let's just hit the road turn right merging up on some of the quicker roads now um gotta say this car feels like it's the right size but i'm not so sure it feels very quality the materials are kind of weird it feels very gm take a look at all these switch controls doesn't that look like it's straight out of the bolt all these as well so i'm not sure how much technology is shared there for this particular platform but certainly seems like some looks like we have 243 miles to go according to the apple carplay system we will figure out charging along the way see the way one of the the things about charging that we figured out during our time you know spending with the id3 is it's actually pretty difficult to sort out charging as an american europe not because we're less capable at least maybe i'm maybe we are but i can't actually download any of the german apps on my american app store and so this led to a big problem of us not being able to activate any charger at all and obviously the car companies didn't give us the charging cards naturally so we were just kind of left high and dry we contacted a couple charging companies and they said just use our app but it's not available in the us app store and my phone wouldn't let me transfer our country due to some subscriptions that i have and it just wasn't possible so we had two options one was we got an extra phone that we can then put in the german app store let's try adaptive cruise control that's limiter this is limiter active limiter paused uh this one this one i don't know heated steering wheel set crews active and lane centering on nice um yeah so so then we also contacted our friends at motorsport network whose garage were using and they gave us a plug surfing card and this is the jam the problem is we can't use the plug surfing app uh on the american app store but we just take our plug surfing card tap it to i think just about any charger and then it starts to charge at least that's been our experience so far and we've had no charger activation issues it's been just roll up tap plug in seamless the best so once you get the card you're good to go at least based off of yesterday's experience we'll see how well that works today i do have the card i made sure of course otherwise we wouldn't be able to go more than 292 kilometers allegedly looks like we need to take this exit up here so a little bit of maneuvering is gonna have to be necessary take a look out the front here you can see that's a testing vehicle for bmw going by on the left you can see all the sensors all over it i love being here obviously being in munich is bmw's home territory so you see all the bmw test cars see how well this handles not amazing all right well we'll catch you on the road we'll meet you at the first charging stop essentially we are not using a better route planner we're not using anything like that that's too easy that's cheating we're going to figure this out the legit out of spec way we'll use plug share we'll find the dc fast chargers along the route once we start to get low i have no idea what the efficiency will be i have no idea even how to reset the gauges and we'll just go from there see how this trip uh unfolds should be interesting d restricted speed limit let's just see what the top speed is shall we foot past the kick down switch and it's pulling pretty hard it's not slow i mean we just got it up to 122 uh k's there pretty quickly and there's just traffic so when we do a top speed run we'll let you know all right we're going to film a little top speed i haven't tried it out so we're gonna go into sport mode just in case that makes a difference and we're gonna go past the kick down switch hard on the throttle now you can see we have the d restricted sign here on the dash we're at 140 uh the id3 is faster on the top end no question oh my goodness not very fast at all only 152 that's like 95 miles an hour something like this right around there that's not good but look at this we can just pass trucks and rip as quickly as we want to go that is the best [Music] model x super charging over here with the tow hitch gotta love it we have our ccs connection now we have 56 state of charge but this is my first time ever charging the mocha e maca e and what i want to do is see if this will work so i'm presenting my card it says checking the card i hope it works fast e it says choose your energy ccs this is looking good plug the cable okay thank you for being in english here's the ccs there's no like little latch like we have on uh j1772 or ccs type one i should say plugged in things are green let's see what the charger says oh things are clicking it says connecting how about this this is good this is going to be a good trip connecting and yeah charging simple as that you just need your plug surfing card seriously if you're ever coming to europe as an american you need the physical card my phone won't even load data right now it's just a disaster in terms of connectivity here's the mocha e charging up man this is a great a great little looking car and man does it cruise i've just been driving 120 kilometers per hour i figured that was a good balance between speed and efficiency i hope averaging just about 200 watt hour per kilometer which is higher than i was expecting but i guess it's cold outside and things are having to get warm so this doesn't tell me how quickly we're charging just that we're charging let's take a look in the car and see the charging screens if any so it does have some it says charge of 300 kilometers per hour that's a dumb measurement how many kilowatts are we getting car on foot on break press start there we go starting's not possible because we're connected okay so how do we see how fast we're charging maybe under the energy one flow normal statistics nothing [Music] this is quite weird may have to play around with this a little bit more but either way at least it is charging i just don't know how quickly 300 kilometers per hour seems not amazing that's i guess not terrible still pretty fast a lego so how do i get that screen back up i guess i just oh i have to present the card again presenting the card there we go nice well stop i don't know what this does maybe adds another one i guess we'll charge it up to it's going pretty quick charge it up to 80 percent and then head off to the next one we haven't done a charging curve log so i have no idea how quickly we're charging but i'm gonna run inside get a little snack here at the store charge it up to 80 and then we'll be off on our normal out of spec road tripping we are now just about charged up to 80 state of charge it locks and unlocks as i come closer uh now opel says actually voxel because it's the same company same car just badged differently for different markets um they say it's a 100 kilowatt peak charge rate and it will do 10 to 80 in 30 minutes which doesn't seem bad they estimate about 45 kilowatt hours usable so is this the ultimate road tripper no i love all the euro trucks too they're just so cool but it does a pretty good job i'd say we're at 80 let's hit stop on the charger i've of course presented my card that should unlock the charging cable i just pull it out yes and that's because there's no lock like little pin like we have this is really really kind of cool we'll put the little dc pin back in hit the road and now that we know we can charge we'll get a little bit more aggressive just a quick break from the main video to let you know about the new out of spec podcast this is a brand new podcast that we started a few weeks ago we haven't really told anyone about it but there's a youtube channel called out of spec podcast it'll be linked in the description and in the pinned comment where you can go and listen to some of the out of spec team top cars and i try and get on there when possible it's an absolute blast great show and but if you're interested in cars you're absolutely gonna love it [Music] [Music] we have arrived here in the mountains with 14 remaining we've driven 222 kilometers and we've gotten about 176 watt hour per kilometer power button off there's an e-tron charging here so i know we should be able to get this to charge let's see if we tap our uh our normal card to see if it activates so it asked me to plug in the car first i did that i selected ccs here on the screen i tapped our card and then it says okay and then start rfid card oh no i just did this i don't yeah it says that's not gonna work so plug surfing i guess does not work here in austria uh we'll figure something else out and we are charging i had to give the guy in the e-tron 50 euros to activate our charger and i mean he just like took it and ran i'm like there's no way our bill is going to be 50 euros but whatever um in the u.s someone would have just said go for it maybe here too maybe we just a nice guy whatever i was all good charging this thing up it says it's about an hour and 15 minutes to full from when we plugged in that's because this is only a 50 kilowatt charger very rare to find 100 plus kilowatt charging not on you know sort of main corridors and going this way is a little bit of a odd route that we're heading over to gratz so by the time we finish up a full charge we'll make it into the city we'll try and charge while we're at the conference and then maybe we can stretch it back to germany to get back to munich i don't know we'll see it's an adventure that's what i love is just meeting people the guy with the e-tron barely spoke any english um it's just the best thing ever i absolutely love it we're meeting people we're getting cool cars and cool experiences that we'll never forget and we're charging so this is not a total disaster we got some sandwiches with some meat on it i don't know the guy really didn't speak much english how is it timing good i know in dutch it's called labor horst um but i don't know what that translates to english okay thank you for the info uh we got some red bulls i'm glad that's a thing in europe that's right and we're just charging up i'm so happy that guy with the e-tron was here if he wasn't here honestly i don't think we would have been able to figure it out and we could we have friends that we could call but they didn't answer so oh well let's charge it up to at least 90 i think this is an extra phone that we brought along um i've just created an apple account in german using our airbnb address my friend's phone number and it i forced it to somehow not accept a credit card we then were able to download plug surfing which then i had to create account for again using fake information and now we can see everywhere our card is accepted which is not here obviously so these are all the dc chargers um we're going to be heading down this way over to grotz so there's a couple dc fast chargers we can tap our card with apparently not doing a good job loading here we go combo that's all we need now we know where we can charge it's going to cost an arm and leg but we can at least get around knowing where we can plug in with our plug surfing card which solves all the issues i just think um we have to rely on plug surfing for our europe trip because all the other apps require a german address a german credit card a german phone number and while we could maybe set up a bank account somewhere and do all this i'd rather just stick to plug surfing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are just finishing up our conference here in graz austria absolutely beautiful house here it's called the soap factory um in german it sounds a lot more exciting anyway it's all about virtual vehicle development my friend christoph who was head of virtual development at porsche invited us over he dragged me up on stage for some silly reason so we were up here and uh yeah pretty amazing uh cool event lots of focus on autonomous and interesting things these are our friends over here at asr they make a simulator that is a really cool idea essentially what this does is replaces the need for a lot of mid-level engineers things like this to go to a massive simulator so in let's say porsche engineering or mercedes or one of these it sometimes takes months to get an appointment in the simulator to test everything you've been working on here though you could just put this next to your desk for example and you can test things and it doesn't necessarily replace the need for the massive you know multi-million dollar simulators but this will give you a really good impression as to what you're working on for the vehicle design and engineering of your requirement for example if you're testing brake pedal regen tuning in you know whatever car is coming up you can play around with the blending point between friction breaks and regen and you can experience all that here the level of technical capacity is very high it's on moving arms as well so it will vibrate it will tilt it will move forward and back based on acceleration and braking really gives you a very cool real life feel uh to i just spent i don't know maybe 20 30 minutes driving around in it really a great experience so it was fun to play around on the simulator hopefully we'll see this some more during our trip we might make a whole video on this but from now we are going to head out of grotz and back into munich in the mocha e it's a beautiful day outside something like i don't know maybe 75 78 degrees sunny you can see here a renault espace just the craziest cars that we don't get in the us and this beautiful old building soap factory that's used as a conference center and it was really cool to get up there and say some things i didn't even know i was going up there after a great time at the symposium i guess is what it's going to be called it's a virtual vehicle development something like this i don't really know the exact name we're jumping in the mocha e the maca i think we have 10 left diamond do you actually know how much is left 13 we are just on the outskirts of the city center of grass beautiful city really cool we have the green car with the green paint nice audi e-tron 55 big battery the one we get in the us but look it's got the electric mirrors or so tyman's gonna inch up as far as he possibly can here so we can get this charger there to reach this port here and i'll help you up front timing and then we'll hopefully get it to work come on up forwards you got like a foot and a half two feet yep keep coming keep coming keep coming keep coming yeah good pace and a little more and perfect that should reach now okay opening up the ccs port we're going to tap the screen it says e-tron ccs each runs only charging on type two that's great that leaves the ccs open for us i've presented the card it says ccs hopefully this will work we've plugged in english it says vehicle detected please wait that's all you need you just got to use the plug surfing app and this is like but easier than the us once you have this you just need to know which cards go in so i guess my suggestion would be if you come here figure out whatever card activates the most amount of chargers and pick that one or maybe pick the the top two either way this this is working pretty well for us we just got stuck at that one charger that i read online this does work at but it apparently doesn't so now we're charging at 44 kilowatts 46 kilowatts what does it say here on the screen 26 state of charge we're doing 70 kilowatts oh this is charging quick 80 81 kilowatts on a 45 kilowatt hour usable pack about 50 installed 81 kilowatts not amazing but in 30 40 minutes or so this thing will be full ready for us to go back we are now charged up to about 96 tyman's actually sleeping he's fallen asleep in the car waiting i kind of didn't want to wake him up but now we're charging a little bit too slow we're gonna go to salzburg as our next stop it's uh there's two different routes we can go the way we came in or we can take the southern route it's a little bit longer but still only 255 kilometers more of back roads sort of stuff that i'm interested in so this should be able to do 255 kilometers i think it's rated 201 miles in the wltp cycle so that's about 150 180 miles epa i don't know it's not much range but it's plenty there's tons of chargers along the route that we can use with our plug surfing card so i think it's not worth waiting here to charge to full full we'll leave here at 97 percent unplug i'll i'll drive i'll let time and sleep and then uh we'll be off on some beautiful scenery enjoy the footage maybe we'll stop along the way but either way it's gonna be a cool drive with the sunset you can see here yeah we've tapered down to 11 kilowatts at 97 which is not bad for this small of a pack 41 minutes to bring us up here really not terrible i got a little bit of work done caught up on everything and now it's time to rip this thing so to stop charging we click stop that should unlock the handle again no latch unlock so i just pull it right out that is so nice and then we put this here this is why on many european evs when you want to unplug the charger they either have the little unlock button or um in some of them you have to physically pull out the key for the vehicle and click unlock very similar to like id4 this is just leftover programming for eurospec for us cars we should utilize the plug more this says it still thinks we're charging i've already hit stop i don't know we're gonna leave let's do it uh [Music] oh [Music] welcome to a town called bad issue we're just pulling in here again we took the back roads over towards salzburg so let's get this thing charging we're here at a 50 kilowatt charger hopefully it should work we're going to open up the charging port and pull the ccs pin out let's see how well this works it says uh vehicle loading i think vole loading maybe vole doesn't mean vehicle i'm trying to look for my charge card in my pocket i have it right here plug surfing we're going to tap checking id we want ccs this is so easy 75 kilowatt uh i thought it was 50. we'll take 75. that sounds great and we will take this now the original plan was we were gonna go all the way to salzburg but this is so inefficient at speed and we did quite a bit of motorway leaving we actually didn't have enough range here we go it just shut the vehicle off i guess there is a charge port light but timing didn't shut the car off uh plugging it in did that you could hear the parking brake kick on that's normal plugging in and uh there's just one little 50 kilowatt with a level two station next to it i think it's very important to have if you're only going to put one dc station in put a level 2 next to it so things are clicking hopefully that means good stuff i have no idea what state of charge we're at i was actually taking a bit of a nap 24 state of charge hyper charging hopefully we see some things come on over here but it's delivering power it looks pretty quick so we'll take it awesome gotta love it beautiful town i think it's a ski town i don't even know we're up in the mountains crisp air cool it's awesome it doesn't get better we're exploring a little bit of the town we've came across come across this information board it says lakes oh wow yeah lots of things uh roads that looks good and yeah nito it's just like a whole bunch of pamphlets really nice little little town rocking the tiguan jamming pizza what this must be a little bit of the town square i'm guessing shops there's a mini driving up here very cool timing have you ever heard of the catwalk store nope interesting cool place the mini's just driving down the sidewalk i don't know what's going on so it just looks like a nice little downtown shopping center we really are the only ones here genuinely oh there's someone all the way down there i don't know how much we need to charge for but i don't know everything looks close to me love the first gen cayenne ripping through that's awesome we could make it all the way back to our hotel or i should say our apartment with the charge remaining we're at 83 just arriving back from exploring around the town a little 27 minute walk or so let me present the card let's hit stop charging but i think we're gonna stop there's a place just off of the autobahn outside of munich that has 350 kilowatt charging i don't believe it's ionity if it is that's fine we'll take it doesn't matter to me and uh we just need to charge up and that way we don't just arrive in the city with no home charging dead we will charge up on the way in so we have some driving around range in this car when we choose to do comparison testing with it i don't think we'll drive it around every day i like the id3 for that so let's start this thing up i'll take on this leg and we'll hit some auto bones and do some top speed driving once we cross over into germany [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to top speed in the monkey it only does 154 kilometers so that's what 93.94 miles an hour something like this and it feels pretty i mean not unstable at these speeds take a look ahead we're getting cars out of the way we're definitely motoring pretty good but i would say the id3 at a 10 kph higher top speed definitely feels a little bit more stable part of that is because this is a little bit higher off the ground but it just feels a little a little squishy i would say but not bad you could definitely sit at top speed the motor doesn't seem to be throttling uh it's holding us there it's just chugging the electricity we just went from 50 to 33 in less than i don't know 10 kilometers just killed our efficiency there uh but that's sort of the thing we have a high power charging station 350 kilowatts granted we can only take 115 kilometers we have 32 percent state of charge so we should be able to make it no problem and um yeah just a quiet quiet night out here on the highways really wish we had a car that did 170 miles an hour do some shredding that time will come and maybe we'll do a road trip in that car porsche tycoon turbo s cross turismo coming to a channel sometime soon near you allegedly and just sitting here with my foot pegged to the floor in the maca e following an audi a8 spam [Music] [Music] [Music] after ripping at top speed down the motorways we have what do you what do you think we have left in this thing time and 20 something like that yeah i think roughly around 20 state of charge ah that thing is so cool uh man i'm just like enamored with all of the cars that we don't get here anyway let's get this thing charging we're at in a lego station which is the same station i just did a zero to one hundred percent dc fast charging test of with the id3 uh let's see it says start and stop where do i tap my card that's the big question maybe on this side no i see no sprecke english thank you it says swipe your access card against the screen oh how about that i would have never known that because i don't understand german and i like this too it says based off of your battery pack voltage gives you your max charging speed for example 800 volts tycoon lucid 350 kilowatts 400 volt only 200 kilowatts and that is just because this is chargers work off of an amperage limit not a total power limit so they pretty much just match pack voltage plug-in instantly start charging charge session initiated and there we go just i love this things are just working over here once you have your charge card way more than the every single time at least in the last three days that i've rolled up to a charger whoa things have just worked instantly there's a burger king just on the other side of this shell station there's a supercharger over there i gotta say i am just loving this now i think our plan is to do a pretty deep charge of this thing and uh let this thing charge up pretty far maybe to 85 90 percent and that way because we have no home charging at our airbnb in munich we can at least leave this with a good state of charge by the time we get back and we don't have to go immediately find a charging station for it so that'll be pretty good take a look at this information here we'll let it load up kilowatts oh yeah i love all the info pretty high pack voltage too 410 volts considering it's again at low state of charge 26 state of charge that is seriously impressive and there you guys have it our first euro road trip in the maca e what a blast obviously you can see i'm back home but i want to tell you what we have coming up over the next month of road trips just the most insane stuff we take a taikon cross turismo not this one on a road trip across europe we take a tesla model y and a road trip all the way around the fat section of norway we take the volkswagen id3 on our trip men insane insane trips i can't wait to share them with you and of course we still have plenty of other videos in the queue and we are constantly shooting more we're working on getting our upload schedule going better for out of spec motoring we appreciate you guys sticking with us on this channel over the last three years almost has it been and of course we have multiple new channels that are coming up uh one that i think you should check out if you like the electric car stuff is out of spec reviews we have daily video uploads on uh car reviews mostly electric focus but some combustion cars as well and overall we're just having a blast shredding anyway i hope you enjoyed the makai trip what an awesome experience and plenty more coming up soon [Music] you
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 21,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Model 3, model s, model x, tires, drift, skid, track mode, Kyle Conner, Roadster, Elon, Rich Rebuilds, Road Trip, Cold, Weather, Range, ESP, Track, Mode, Performance, Standard, Short, Review, Comparison, Buy
Id: Gwac5kA2IjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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