Buying the Cheapest Model S 100D then Blasting Across the Country (Very Cold!)

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hello and welcome to out of spec motoring today we are in Minneapolis Minnesota actually st. Paul here let me show you absolutely gorgeous out there [Music] we are here to pick up the cheapest model s 100 d that was for sale in the country it's kind of got a funny story about it it was like ten thousand dollars less we're getting this car for 60 grand and it has 50,000 miles every option black-on-black hundred d I'll show you the car in just a bit and the dealership had it listed as a 60d and so I just was clicking through as I Hunter d we're like we got to get this car it's not for me it's a family member but due to some logistics things I've already been here for a day we couldn't get the car released but the paperwork's arriving this morning so I'm driving it from here to New Hampshire which is a 30 hour trip 27 to 30 hour trip and my flight is booked tomorrow afternoon and it's 10 o'clock in the morning on a Wednesday and I fly out Thursday at 7:00 we're gonna have to cannonball this car from Minneapolis Minnesota to Manchester New Hampshire as fast as we possibly can to make my flight home because I have a wedding to go to this weekend so let's go do it [Music] oh it's minus two degrees still and just check the weather and holy crap it's cold anyway two blocks down this way a Starbucks which is a great way to start the day look and then we'll grab an uber head over to the dealership pick up the car he drove it yesterday drives great looks super clean they redid the wheels in matte black so you'll see it it looks really good so Starbucks uber dealership cannonball home [Music] here we are looks really good just plugged it in on this charger they had it on the 110 volt so we're gonna top it up to a hundred percent we have to reset everything do key fob batteries are low but they said they just replaced it I'll see if I can reset it we're at 89% six kilowatt so by the time we sign all the paperwork it actually still hasn't arrived but it should be here in a couple minutes then we can go you can see this car is suffering from the yellow ring around the screen however this is going to get fixed there's a software update let's download that before we go connect to Wi-Fi okay so we'll do the software update I'm gonna try and clear everything out with the car is not in our account so I've already submitted to Tesla to get the car transferred it says payment method required but I think when this car was purchased it was purchased with free super charging maybe we'll find out maybe it was the non-transferable one so we'll give this a go downloading the update there we go so here's what the trip looks like if we can make it to New Hampshire but I'm not quite sure we're gonna have time the paperwork is supposed to get here at 10:30 in the morning it's now 11:30 it's not here yet and so my family member lives in New Hampshire so what I think our backup option is is that if we can't make it to New Hampshire in time I'll take the car to North Carolina back home we'll go to our event this weekend for will we're hosting a big event at our racetrack and then I'll drive the car up next week to him so we'll see what happens either way I'd like to get the car out of the dealership you know our hands and then we can figure out logistics from there so hopefully this paperwork arrives and we can cannonball it's in New Hampshire and we're good but we have a nice backup option all right little update it's been like three hours we're nearing two o'clock in the afternoon so that's almost four hours I have not left yet the paperwork hasn't arrived the UPS truck came and left so now I've already been here a day longer than I should have been and we're pushing back I don't know if we're gonna make it to New Hampshire at this rate so our back-up plan again is going to Raleigh but I did get the car to software update all right we're charged up to 98% and we're installing the new update so I'll update once everything's signed and we get on the road we can start the real purpose of this video which is the road trip well good news everyone we got the car everything signed the paperwork arrived it is 2 p.m. it's a 27 hour trip which means I'll make it just in time for my flight if everything's okay so we're gonna rip it see how well I can get going but if for whatever reason I don't think I can make it to Hampshire out there vert to North Carolina but the good news is the car is in our hands it's in the family officially I'm gonna drive it home on the previous owners plate since what the dealership said to do and I have the temporary reg in the car so man it's really cold out here I think it's close to zero degrees right now so let's go have a cold-weather roadtrip home or to New Hampshire and so the car didn't actually finish charging up to a hundred percent because it did not charge during the software update but let me show you this if I go to distance 321 miles at 99% I think this car is rated for 335 when new and it didn't quite finish charging so that doesn't seem like too bad degradation at all for 50,000 miles this car has yeah almost 52,000 miles so I also changed the wheels internally to the sonic carbons because these are the standard ones just painted black and that looked a little bit better so anyway let's hit the road now for those goofing around all right so I'm putting the suspense so that we can get a little bit better aerodynamics I'm not using range mode right now because I want the heater to warm me up it's very cold outside the temperature keeps dropping because we pulled it out of the showroom we're down to 18 degrees and it keeps going down let's see how the car drives great everything's perfect with it so finally the paperwork arrived and it is very very iffy if we'll be able to make it to New Hampshire or go down to Raleigh where I live so we'll see but the good news is we're on the road so now we can start the road trip the fun stuff the cold weather sub-zero road trip is what we're going to be calling this the Model S hundred B I love a Model S they drive so great autopilot there we go [Music] so now that the efficiency has started to level out we've been on the road for about 40 miles it looks like around between 4 & 6 degrees as where we've been hovering we're getting just 407 watt hour per mile over the last 30 miles so let's just say around 400 that is incredibly efficient I did put the car in range mode recently because now the cabins warmed up everything's good there's no reason to to run the heater that hard we made probably will get the battery heater kicking on on the way to the supercharger as I imagine it will cool down during this Drive and car is very comfortable of course it's a Model S they always road trip so well that air suspension cars float so nicely and the efficiency blows away my Model 3 at the same speed because I have the performance model 320 inch wheels I get about 450 watt hour per mile when it's 30 degrees outside is what we saw on our Colorado run trick photography videos and we're doing less and it's 5 degrees right now so Model S's there's something to be said for them they are great cars I used to have one same pretty much right around this same vintage I had a P 100 D and from 2017 it was almost identical this car except by the white seeds and arachnids but I just love a Model S for red chips threes are better handling let these crews down the road great so I'm gonna go sit back relax enjoy some music and we have another 140 miles to our first supercharging stop [Music] [Music] let's go plug in 57% I forgot how unbelievably crazy stiff the supercharger cables get like I could I was like full force getting this thing in the car it's six degrees out right now so I'm excited that it does charge because it says payment method required here and there isn't one because this is still on the previous owners account we've submitted everything to Tesla but it takes them some time to get it over so yeah seventy one kilowatt 70 kilowatt at 58% I guess that's about what we can expect again not super needed let's say we're gonna put in the next charger well we'll figure that out we'll see how long it takes to get food so that's on the priority list it's like a frozen tundra out here anyway got the Panera Bread back to the car off to the next supercharger so we're charging up here getting not really good speeds but rather than driving from here to Mauston oh wait I still have to hit Mauston to get to Madison so we're off to Mauston it says we get there at 13% I'll probably give us a little bit more buffer because who knows how cool it's gonna get it's been fluctuating between three and eight degrees now so Mauston it is that's next I guess we need another five minutes to make it that's that's fine I'll I'll trust trip planner on this one for now alright just clicked over it says we can make it that was quick really we've only been here for probably five six minutes in total so unplug with this crazy stiff handle oh there it goes it's actually not locked in it's just held in because the K was so distinct but that's okay let's [Music] just juice it up it's walking it's way up here started at around 60 kilowatt and it's been increasing so that's good it's just ramping up slowly could be that the supercharger stuffs cold or who knows but that's okay these old version ones are a little buggy there's a restaurant they're all there I just ate but I'm a go get a drink and use the restroom and then we will come back and plan the rest of our trip this is pretty interesting it wants us to go through Canada now before it had us going all the way around it's flip-flopped like this a couple times I think likely I did bring my passport just in case I was gonna do this Canadian stretch but I just worry about the border crossings taking time although it will be in the middle of the night so I don't know also again I have that not my license plates the temporary tag that's not even in my name so maybe I shouldn't go through the border crossings just you know it's all fine it just is a little confusing so look how nice this supercharger is there's a restaurant behind me there's dog parking here and then of course these Tesla spots which I've never seen in the US look really good anyway here's the hundred D the cheapest one in the country sixty thousand dollars charging up looking really good super clean drives great love that they painted the wheels this black and we are at 90 kilowatt at 50% let's see if we can make it yeah so we'll arrive 17% it wants us here for a little bit more for buffer I don't we can go it's crazy that it's again it's warming up as we continue but it's 12 degrees out here and the fans are ripping on the outside so I also did leave climate control on but it's more than that so it's funny how super charging really warms up these S&X packs so all right let's go tables not nearly as stiff now that it's warmed up here the pans going on this thing alright saying the tire pressures are loads probably I mean I'm not doubting they are but 40 psi isn't bad and it's really cold out so as we continue on this trip and it warms up by that the pressures will come up a little bit [Music] we are in Madison Wisconsin not at the little three Bay charger but we're at the 150 kilowatt eight stall and see that behind us there's some cars charging around and we're just ramping up here and we'll see what this thing will get to it seems to putting quite a bit of juice and then take a while to ramp up to peak so let's see what we'll get seems that we're doing just over 140 which is not bad that's pretty good it's still slowly climbing but we'll leave it at that let's take a look at the rest of our trip so it's still saying to go through Canada I'm not quite sure how I feel about that yet we'll see how it goes it wants us here for 40 minutes and then this one let's just see what's in between so we have this charger which is about 60 miles away I'd like to find something farther so I think worst case rather than sitting here charging we could go to this one rolling meadows and whoops I should probably point the camera at it we could go to this one rolling meadows but that looks pretty busy and then yeah so with this lots of options here so let's just go we'll see when the charging starts to taper you know let's say get below 100 kilowatt we'll see where we're at and plan our next stop do it we're now under 100 and kill under kilowatt at 41% so it looks like we are going literally right past like it's right off the highway the next supercharger which is only 62 miles away and let's see it says we will not even make it yet at 40% we need to be here for another little bit but then it says we'll get there 22% Tesla's very conservative and trip planner apparently as well it's making trips go long so I think I'm gonna leave now so it looks like in there is where the three small supercharger is the version one Oh No maybe it's up over here I wanted to go see it but it looks like it's kind of inside like a parking garage you're pretty deep in there anyway we're still kind of in a rush to see if we can make it to New Hampshire for this flight and if the charge profiles like this I'm not feeling super-confident but we will see but I don't think one of time to go see this weird supercharger but we'll be back at some point I'm sure we are charging up in Rockford Illinois let's go see what kind of charge rate we're getting I think we're down to 10% or so yeah 12% 60 is it ramping up I'll keep an eye on it all right so we switched and we're getting the same which means that is the ramped up point so with that as it's not a supercharger thing it's the car at this point so yep just got to get used to these hundred packs again everything changes all the time what am I trying to do take it out of range mode in case it needs to run the battery heater I'm sure it will Wow super charging but let's let this ramp up so we've ramped up to 117 kilowatt and it's kind of just sat here and I just checked this is a hundred and fifty kilowatt supercharger although it's an old supercharger so it might be that just those because these used to be version ones just those could be version two so let's go over there and see I've seen a couple installs like this I'm not sure if that's the case here but I do know they always show the highest power level available not what every stall will give you because this is following very much a version one charging curve so let's let's go switch and see what we get so this would be what I would say is the main bank because there's kind of a gap here and I think these might be new it's just the theory let's see if I'm correct so I'm gonna say I'm not correct and that's where the car wants to charge Soho that's okay I'm gonna stop switching around we'll just sit here this is not bad speed at all hundred and eighteen kilowatt that's pretty good and we will continue now the car wants to go through Canada as I mentioned so that would be taking this route along here but I forced it to this supercharger which is by South Bend Indiana and a town called Mishawaka which is a great name so we're gonna take the southern route come along blah blah blah and mosey on our way over I was just sitting charging over there when we had just moved for the third time and I thought okay well everything is lined up differently except for for a and B because a and B are next to each other and all of these goes 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 B so I moved over in a4 and yep this is the hundred and fifty kilowatt so I was right I just chose the wrong stall over there and so that Tesla kind of gets you with that because they just need to put in 150 kilowatt cabinet with two posts and it says the whole stations there so it's just the two new installs behind us for a and B that are 150 kilowatt and we just wasted all that time because of it so we seem to be getting a better charge here 100 kilowatt at around 50% that seems maybe okay maybe I'm just getting used to this man I miss Tesla charge curves of old days so let's figure out our path I don't think it makes sense to sit here for 25 minutes as we're already pretty much tapered so let's see if we're going past some chargers along the way so we this one was probably too close plus I saw it gets really busy we're not going through there let's see this one looks like it's not far off 150 kilowatt we were gonna go there anyway before so let's take a look that looks good we'll get there at 11 percent so that means we can take advantage of pretty good speeds because it seemed to had ramped up around but 15 percent before in 95 kilowatt so I'm just going to throw out a couple things that the trash can jump in the car and then we'll go so what's your name hunter and is this your first time you've ever seen a Tesla no very cool but is it your first time seeing it charging and everything very nice well it's nice of you guys to stop on by and check in and hope you guys have a good day thanks for stopping in and there they go future Tesla owners they were so cool the kid was so excited Hunter shoutout to him he was awesome we charged up more than we had to because I was showing him around the car didn't take too long I think we're still good let's go well we just plugged in here in basically a little bit south of Chicago I forget the exact name not a bad supercharger a lot of people here a lot of people I mean there's just four that's not a big deal 20% we knew we were going to get here with a lot of it a lot of range because we were talking to hunter ramping up but I actually am starting to have some issues with the Model S very minor but the heated seat even range mode or range mode off doesn't matter doesn't keep warming cycles on then cycles off and cycles on and that's purely a software thing I don't remember my model s doing that but also the heater you have to like crank it in this far of course it's a big car a lot of glass and so it may make sense to get some of those shields but I really noticed like the top of my legs getting cold and we're up to 20 degrees now I've had the model three in this temperature and I've had zero issues and that's partially probably because it's a smaller car and it has a better HVAC system but those are two things that are kind of annoying about the Model S either way not a huge deal just a how about staying warm lights went off but that's okay we're up to 120 kilowatt and climbing so we'll hang out here and plan the rest of our trip we were just charging it 147 kilowatt now it's ramping down and only 28% 29% it starts to cut back and that is wild I'll have to go back and reference some of our Tesla charging curves from a hundred packs when we've done some supercharger tests and I think it used to pull a hundred and forty five-plus kilowatt so like 55% way deeper in the pack than this this is insane so hmm that's annoying anyway let's figure out where we are going so this is still trying to take us on the Canadian route through Ontario that he's over here man you get sick like I was saying earlier you get so used to the new model three screens and MCU two cars that this just feels a little laggy it's totally usable and normal it just takes a half a second it's what we all used to use back in back in the day so let's say we don't want to do that we want to take this road and we're gonna go up towards Buffalo pretty sure that's where that is yeah that's Grimsby so this would be Buffalo here yep there it is and then we'll take that route over so let's say we want to go to a supercharger just to put it in onto this road over here Erie and so hopefully it'll take us the way we want to go all right well I just finished up some calls I've put in the next supercharger which is South Bend we might be able to stretch it to this one here let's take a look if we only need like another couple minutes 20 minutes that's not worth it we'll go there cuz we're already tapered to 80 kilowatt yeah it dips under a hundred right at around fifty percent and that drops hard so let's unplug and go it's paul blart mall cop over there literally mall cop paul blart needs a segue to warming up as we continue on our trip it's up to 27 degrees you can see only one tire pressure is low now so that is a good thing I think it's worth noting how quick people rip literally we're cruising at like 85 90 93 and we're just going with traffic like this guy in front of us is just cruising like I've had to take it off autopilot because it's too like autopilot only does 90 and people start pulling away from us I just think it's so funny men take exit 16 on the right that was the least smooth exit ever I you know I've had navigate on autopilot in my last two Tesla's the current one I didn't pay for full self-driving and maybe I'll do a video as to why and this is part of it it just has no idea what to do I know it's gonna get better over time maybe we'll see it's really nothing has changed really in my mind since auto pilot in 2016 with a p1 massively it's been minor minor improvements and I guess that was 2014 September's when that launched but I would say 16 is when it was pretty good although it is doing corners like this smoothly at 27 miles an hour like that is absolutely insane we can go so much faster than that oh Tesla another thing I think is pretty interesting is that it says our last supercharger was in Minnesota so it's not counting up any of our charging for this internally in the car it's just like it's not even going to superchargers I think that's pretty interesting so maybe it has three supercharging maybe it doesn't we won't know until it gets added to the account whether it's the 400 kilowatt hour yearly thing we're using credits of the previous owner but that would still show the location of the charger or some other scenario so really unsure when does it say that last charge was on September 20 bit of what year we're not sure I did go back and look at the history on this car though and it seemed it was a Tesla inventory vehicle the only reason I know that is because someone on the Tesla forums was thinking about buying this car so that could be from all the way back then and then when whoever bought it got free super charging and that's how it is so yeah I don't really know it doesn't matter we're not being charged for it so all good okay that's fine we're gonna ramp up charging here in a second we are the only ones and by we I mean you guys and me in this whole parking lot starting to cool down again it's down to 15 degrees outside and the heaters starting to work pretty well right now actually there we go we're charging so all seems good we're at these old v1 chargers here in this empty parking lot it says we'll make it to the next charger down the road not the one the trip planner wants to get to but it is another v1 unfortunately with 13% that's okay because it's already started to taper we never got above a hundred kilowatt here but no huge deal I think we're on time we're gonna unplug we're gonna run this battery down and let's hope for some good charging speeds on the next v1 I'd like to see this thing is it 120 kilowatt for a whole session up to close to 50% as possible so off we go to Angola Indiana we've made it to what feels like the middle of nowhere on top of this hill kind of a weird supercharger and every single one of the handles is out of their little holders they're all laying on the ground over there so I'm gonna pick them all up put them back in their place I think someone must have tried to vandalize it these posts are knocked over there is a camera up there but still very very freaky it says unable to charge so okay everyone was saying that to be let's go try to a maybe that's why they're all on the ground that made literally all just switch stalls over to 2a which everyone on plug chair says seems to be the best and we're ramping up here so that's good what I was going to say before was if you take a look at our route plan the car wants to skip this charger here in Ohio and go all the way to this one which is also an Ohio however I'd rather just go to this one here because that's a hundred and fifty kilowatt unit right off the highway which is absolutely perfect and we're only at a 120 and we're literally having a bad charging session we're down to 23 kilowatt now that doesn't make sense so this is a bad install so we need to get 25 ish percent to make sure we have enough buffer to get there I should say 25 is percent higher than where we're at I'm gonna move around and try and find a good post here this one works great we are over the hundred and twenty kilowatt that it said that we'd be getting at this station so I've seen this only a couple times I think Wyoming Cheyenne Wyoming was like this where was 125 kilowatt at the 120 but the station shows the station shows yeah 120 max so we're over that by a couple that is a good thing and we even have climate on so yeah let's charge up here enough just to get to the next one back on the road I'm just having a call with some family they live in Hong Kong so it's to here but they're still wide awake that's fine that was a great charging session by the way when we move stalls over it just sat at a hundred and twenty two kilowatt the entire way up to 45% and then it started to taper around 43% so I left at the taper point will arrive at the hundred and fifty kilowatt station around 14% and we are rocking and rolling out into the groove the supercharger not sure which one there knows these cables are I was showing you earlier they are so hard to move when it's cold out and it's not even that cold right now I'm in comparison it's 18 out it's not bad all right so version two we're gonna ride this charging curve we're gonna make sure this is a good session because we have enough cabinets to try and hunt and yeah fingers crossed for a good charging session here let's go so as we've seen before on the current charge profiles these things really don't ramp up until they get close to 20% which is just so weird the model threes for example used to hit a hundred and fifty kilowatt at 3% and now it delays all the way till 11 this doesn't pick up until 20% what is Tesla doing oh my goodness anyway it's actually not best to pull an empty with the hundred packs if you're gonna be pulling speeds like that so you'll see now we're starting to ramp up here a little bit more and more I have it going to New Hampshire but it just takes so long for these things to figure out the trick planner I mean the model three is like done I don't recall the Model S being this old unfortunately I'm not able to do a factory reset and sort of get all of these old addresses out of here from the previous owner because the car is not on our account yet so once it is then factory reset clear all those out and from what I hear it should make it perform a little bit better it finally loaded so it says we'll get there at 5:47 p.m. we are now on East Coast time I think we can beat that as long as traffic is good because it's asking for these hour-long stops here which we can if we just keep the pack in a pretty good spot we'll be able to cut 20 minutes off of each one of those just by stopping more often so that should account for it so essentially rather than going all the way it looks like we're going right by this Sheffield Ohio one so let's see how far away this is this will be our next stop on the trip once it's here 20 minutes that sounds pretty good to me yeah so we'll charge up to 40% it says that's when we'll make it at zero here you can see it's still slowly ramping up as we had 20% keep our eye on this I think it was doing higher earlier anyway by the time I hit 25% if I haven't ramped up I'm gonna switch stalls but yeah this is perfect that's our next stop well like I said we could try all of them I pretty much have this is our third stall I can't get it to go above 120 kilowatt which made me think that maybe this is one of those old version ones that have to new version two's like we saw at that previous station anyway it doesn't matter it's not worth unplugging and re-plugging at this point 119 is still pretty dang good and it looks like we'll be able to make it there now and we're only at 34 percent so we will wait till that ticks up to around five or six percent and then head out well we've already started to taper at forty eight percent that's to be expected but it's only saying six percent to get there I say we just get on the road and head out [Music] just pulled up to Sheffield Ohio at 5% which is fine it's at a sheets finally it's open I'm gonna go get some snacks I've had zero roadtrip snacks just some lunches last night so we'll see what they have inside there and man I'm pretty tired I might even try and catch a quick little nap if you look back at our previous charging weren't we getting low 60s up until like 14% and now we're doing 80 at 9:00 interesting maybe the pack was warm now it has not once this whole trip shown preconditioning for super charging but that's pretty cool I'm glad we're getting good speeds now that's what we need look at this 140 kilowatt at 13% I think the last time we got these speeds we were over 20% insane I don't know why there's a difference I guess we're at a healthier supercharger in the cars warm but that is the only thing I can think of just took a nap I got a muffin and water and woke up perfectly in time that was an awesome timing it says we'll get there at 11 percent so we're already down to 52 kilowatt Wow we're really charged up let's go [Music] this is a beautiful supercharger in Erie at sunrise quite a bit of snow a little bit of fun sliding around on the way in with this thing didn't happen in slips are there anything wild all right I think we're here for a little while I'm gonna catch some Z's I'll make sure that this ramps up although we were doing a hundred at fourteen last time I think anyway it doesn't matter we will just let this thing go because we've seen this behavior before well the trip planner wanted us to stay another thirty five minutes here to get to another spot east of Buffalo but I think what we're gonna do I just woke up from a nap his head to Buffalo charged up pretty quick ahead to that spot charged up pretty quick and then hop from charger to charger so I say we go right now we get there with eleven percent time to go in Buffalo about to get to the supercharger and wow this place sucks I uh you know I spent a lot of time in Buffalo just traveling through and there are the most amount of toll plazas of anywhere in the US I think someone should do a studies maybe it's there I've been you know to every state pretty much in except Alaska which I don't think they have a lot of toll booths there that'll be another trip on the out of spec channel as conquering Alaska which means I'll have 50 states but I cannot think of a place that has more toll plazas than Buffalo you get off the highway you get plazi get on you have a highway interchange they're just everywhere they sometimes they're like every exit you just have to slow down the whole highway and they're not the high speed ones you got to slow down put the e-zpass up and then go through it's just awful so off to the supercharger we're ramping up here which is good let's take a look at our tripped expecting us to get there at 6:09 still that's very good there are two superchargers in between Waterloo is right off the way so let's that's a hundred and fifty kilowatt let's see where that is off the highway yes that you literally pull off and plug in I'm all about that idea 93 miles so we'll charge into old we taper and if we think we can make it there then that will be our next stop all right so the car was asking for another 10 minutes here but the terrain is relatively flat going this way and we have a bailout option so it says 99 miles to go if we drive like how we were driving men 148 let's go we were wasting time we're down to 90 kilowatt let's roll just had a really good couple of conference calls so I'm sorry for not like keeping up on this but a lot of cool things coming to the track here pretty soon if all goes according to plan we might be able to charge cars a little bit more quickly than we are now so we're working on that anyway we are almost to the supercharger in Waterloo we're getting 320 watt hour per mile it's 28 degrees outside it's insane I'm not in range mode because I'm doing a test every time I've plugged in with range mode it ramps up really late I think what's happening at least this is my theory is that the charging is slow because the pack cools down as I Drive because I know range mode will limit the amount of power spent on the battery heater however with range mode off maybe it will precondition for the supercharger I've yet to see that in this trip and maybe it will help maintain pack temperature so I'm arriving low state of charge I've seen this thing ramped up right around 10% to 100 kilowatt and I've seen it wait all the way to like 16 17 18 even 20 percent to get 100 kilowatt or above so we'll see if it's tied to range mode at all and that's that just a fun little experiment there we go and a nice resort this looks pretty cool I may have to go explore that showing the same behavior as before with range mode off just sitting at 62 263 kilowatt what's interesting though is if you plugged in earlier like if you plug in around five percent then it Peaks earlier so I'm not sure maybe the supercharger cabinets are cold and they're warming up or they're waiting for a handle temperatures to reach it could be really any of those temperature related things because the charge profile should be a set maximum for the given conditions of the car which would be temperature as well as previous charging history so although the hundred packs don't seem to limit based on super charging just the 75 and 90 kilowatt hour packs anyway I'm gonna run inside this casino resort place and see if they have any food we've been here for a little while we're down to 60 kilowatt at 62% I went in and I got some smash burger and drink a little caffeine now what the car wants us to do is stay here for 40 minutes and do one more stop meanwhile there's plenty of chargers in between and it looks like this one Utica is a good place to go because it's literally right off the route and we'll be able to take advantage of charging in a better part of the so we'll get there 24% it took a little while to get the burger but let's not waste time and get on the road [Music] [Music] welcome to Utica New York where we pulled in at 20 something percent I think let's take a look yeah twenty nine percent just clicked on charging ramping up nice and strong at this state of charge everything's nice and warm it's almost above freezing this is very good and shoots right up to maximum speed so this is perfect well charge here and then we will probably head to Li Massachusetts hey well we've topped up enough to make it there with five percent actually that doesn't really mean five percent it just means the Tesla doesn't know what you'll arrive with but it thinks you'll get there it'll just stay at five percent for a while anyway I think we're looking pretty good if we track our previous consumption I think it does get pretty hilly here so it's kind of hard to go off this we have 191 miles to go that we could go if we averaged 327 watt hour per mile which is what we have been doing and it's only 1:35 there but as I said I think we do have some hills so we will I feel pretty comfortable I think we can go this car is very efficient so let's go so we're on the road and we've got it up to 8% estimated arrival right there so I'm not worried about that at all we should be pretty good and yeah we're just putting the final touches on for our event this Sunday I don't know maybe I'll make it out in time either way we'll do a whole video on it and it's a kid named will he's nine years old he has a heart failure it's a transplanted heart failure so we're all kind of chipping in to get a great day on the racetrack we'll have a few hundred people there ripping up around in cool cars it's gonna be a good time so welcome to our last supercharger of the trip man this thing has done so great it's been a fantastic car let's look at it covered in schmutz the windshield wipers probably could use new wipers you can see them streaking a little bit it looks really good the wheels don't like to be damaged because again they were just freshly painted before I drove but nothing I can really do about that let's take a look in the back yeah this looks good I kind of feel bad about dropping the car off all dirty for the first time that they see it but there's nothing I can do I literally will drop the car off we go right to the airport and I should make it on the plane the only issue is if we hit traffic I could miss my plane and it is going to be rush hour in the Boston metro area so fingers crossed we'll be okay yeah wow what a great car let's do a little recap of the trip because again I'm gonna drop the car off get in maybe this car they'll drop me off the air pretend and then go home but we'll do a little recap here and it was so far on this trip it's been thirteen hundred and thirty six point three miles we've used just over 500 kilowatt hours at an average of 381 watt hour per mile which is just insanely good considering the temperatures will be charging here for another thirty minutes or so it wants us to and then it is I don't know exactly how much but we still have this much distance yet another 159 miles to go to make it up to Manchester hopefully we don't hit traffic it's now saying I'll get there at 6:28 because of traffic that's not good oh no I will miss my flight if that's the answer anyway we got to charge up just enough to make it and go go go go go as hard as we can and maybe I'll just drop this at the airport leave the key somewhere and say you can get it later anyway now the car has been and great it is amazing how good of a value this was that again just around $60,000 for a perfectly nicely spec that has every available option except 21 inch wheels which you know hunt in the snow country anyway and it's been been really good so excited for for my family member to have it and that's that there's a Hyundai Kona backing in over here but not to a supercharger it's not an electric one are they but yeah excited for them to have it I think they're really gonna enjoy this car and I'll always you know be there to answer questions for them and things like that so thanks for tagging along in another out of spec road trip you'll see a lot more track content coming soon because we do have our own race track in our studio there as well so see you later [Music]
Channel: Out of Spec Motoring
Views: 275,951
Rating: 4.8141265 out of 5
Keywords: Road Trip, Electric Car, Model S, Winter, Tesla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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