She Flirts With Other Guys

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I'm coach Cory Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be she flirts with other guys well I've got an email here from a guy whose girlfriend I should say ex-girlfriend was flirting with other men while they were together and obviously he didn't like it even on one instance she allowed him one of her male co-workers to spank her butt and obviously as a guy you're in a relationship you care about somebody you love a girl or somebody you're dating and you notice they're blatantly flirting with other men in front of you that's [ __ ] rude and disrespectful and it's the hallmark a very amateur woman my goal as a coach is I want you to have the best quality lover that you can have in your life whether you're a woman or a guy whether you're gay straight doesn't matter I want people all over the world to know the stuff that I teach so they can use this knowledge to have the kind of relationships and create the kind of life and lifestyle that they've always wanted I want to help the people that are open to being helped because more people I do that with the more leaders I help create and more of an example you can be to everybody in your life the more you're gonna be able to influence them because the things that I teach quite frankly are gonna set you apart from everybody else and people are gonna wonder why you're so successful why you're so happy why that person you're with is so crazy about you and why they're so happy with you yeah there's a hold saying you can't make good wine from bad grapes and a lot of the stuff that I teach is to help you make sure you got a lot of good grapes in your life so to speak that means a great job great career it means you're taking great care of your body it means you're putting the right kind of foods in your body and alkaline based diet so you can be healthy getting things like Network chiropractic adjustments so you can keep your body and peak physical operating condition having really great friends in your life having really great business associates or clients having really great lovers in your life because the more your life is full of the kinds of people and the kinds of circumstances that you want you can't help but be happy so I got a quote that I wrote on this topic and go through this guy's email and the quote says something all men and women need to develop within themselves is emotional self-control human beings tend to act upon their emotions and then use logic and reason to justify their actions that is why all advertising is geared towards eliciting and emotional response within you by forming an emotional connection between you and the product or service being advertised advertisers can influence you emotionally and therefore cause you to use logic and reason to justify and talk yourself into purchasing that product or service but you don't really want or need when it comes to our relationships we must constantly remind ourselves to remain objective and look at the other person's actions even though emotionally we want to believe them and buy what they're trying to sell us if you can discipline yourself to remain objective and look at the other person's actions to base your decisions and actions upon then you will save yourself a lot of heartache heartbreak and suffering from buyer's remorse so let's go through his email he says hi Cory I'm Bob from Romania 24 years old first of all thanks for your amazing work you're welcome it's my purpose and thanks for applying this and being awesome because people that apply these things guess why I say 3% man or a 3% woman if you're a woman watching us because the things that I teach are things that very few people in this world understand and much less to understand but actually apply so you're one of the rare people who's making a difference in the world you're making the world a better place he says in fact he says I would like advice on what I did wrong in my last relationship in fact I'm doubting myself my love story started in June we met at work everything went perfect until our third date when I had to give her bad news I had to leave for France in September to finish my studies so I told her many times after this she said she is scared with my leaving but I told her it would be okay and one thing I want to point out about that a woman with a healthy self-esteem who's secure and comfortable in herself she's gonna like hey if it's meant to be in a workout but if you're dealing with somebody who's a liar and a cheater and who that's the way they look at the world in other words if they cheat themselves that's the filter that they view the world and that's how they view other people so because obviously the title I already know what the email is about because I've read it before because this was an email coaching email that I did for somebody it's a great email but the point being is that if she's insecure if she's a cheater if she's a liar she's thinking well if he's away from me he's gonna probably cheat on me because that's the way she what she does so that's just a little clue I wanted to point out of her character and her mindset in the way she's thinking her belief system many times after this she said she is scared with my leaving but I told her it would be okay we made love during our holidays in August at the beach I arranged everything and it was awesome she was my first first girlfriend first lover I don't know but whatever was I'm sure good memory that's the whole idea life is all about relationships but it's really about creating great memories so when you're old and you can't get your ass out of the rocking chair and you keep going like my dad why hey I hang out with him now he's sitting there and I'll be talking to him and then I look over five months later he's he just [ __ ] falls asleep it's like the switch just turns off like dad was like oh it just kind of happens but the idea is when you get to that point in your life it's great to have a lot of great memories he says well it's here that all the red flags started to appear first of all she lied to her family that she was going with other friends and not with me all alone plus she has a habit of lying why because to tell the truth the way she views the world it's much easier just to lie because she's worried about other people loving and accepting her and therefore she's worried about what other people think and when you're focused on what other people think in a way you're kind of in essence a prisoner to that I've actually got a quote that I retweeted the other day on Twitter that I wanted to share with you because it's along those same lines it's a great it's by Lao su and it says care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner that's definitely something to think about so let's get back to his email so he says she she told me small lies etc and notice what he says here this is part of how we delude ourselves it's like what Dostoyevsky said a man who lies to himself and believes his own lives becomes unable to recognize truth either in himself or in anyone else and pretty much every politician in the world that's something they all suffer from he says I didn't really mind if there is love heather would say yeah I know she's lying to me but I love her see that's the emotional like I was talking about in the quote that I shared the beginning of you that's the emotions overriding logic and reason like whoa why is she lying to me why is she not being truthful but he's young this is his first afterall and so he thinks hey this is okay no it's not okay red flag number two she was with me and we wanted to go out one evening she was getting ready doing her stuff etc and while I was waiting for her she was texting with a guy that I was a bit jealous of that's definitely not [ __ ] cool she's happy you're her lover you're her boyfriend and yet she's texting with some other dude obviously probably to line up a replacement or somebody to keep her company when you're not around he says I was jealous because I've seen that they are close at work ie talking to him more than with me and being more close yeah obviously there's a connection there and she's encouraging it she likes the attention cuz hey after all you're gonna be leaving for several months and doing your studies and she doesn't want to be alone and this particular guy obviously has no integrity he knows that you're dating her but he didn't give a [ __ ] some guys are just scumbags like that you reap what you sow in life and I've learned that the hard way when I was younger you go around trying to rip off other dudes girlfriends is it never ends well for you he says we went out and we bumped into this guy we talked a bit and then when had but I could feel that she was distracted well that's obvious she's digging this other guy she's she's not a loyal person you can't have a healthy relationship with somebody like this she's insecure she's weak loyalty doesn't mean [ __ ] to her it just it doesn't even across her mind you know even if it does it's just she gives it lip service because she doesn't see any problem with it she doesn't see any problem with lying and being deceptive to you or her family that's just her character she learned this when she was a little girl it's the way she is this kind of woman is a great sex playmate great [ __ ] buddy great person to have an open relationship with but make sure you practice safe sex because if they're gonna have multiple sexual partners and be reckless I wouldn't [ __ ] with that you obviously seem like a good guy and loyalty means something to you you have some integrity and obviously this will ex-girlfriend of yours did not he says anything I did wasn't making her happy I got a bit angry and I took her home I knew she felt me yeah it's like if a woman treats you properly she gets the gift of your time and when she does [ __ ] like this she gets the gift of missing you why would you want to spend your valuable time hang out with a girl who you're supposedly dating when she's flirting openly flirting with another guy at work texting him and then mysteriously bumping into him when you're out and you can tell her mind is somewhere else [ __ ] that I told her what bothered me is I always do it she shared me that was only me yeah oh you just you just read too much into it yeah whatever she's a [ __ ] liar she's telling you what you want to hear dude it's like I don't really need this product or service but oh yeah it makes sense cuz you're emotionally attached to her and this is part of learning emotional self-control you see yeah I really love this girl and I wonder the sex is amazing she ain't girlfriend material she ain't relationship material but you can have a lot of fun friends with benefits [ __ ] buddy until you find a great girl to have a relationship with see your goals and your values are just simply not aligned with hers but what's happening is you're projecting your ideal image onto her and you're ignoring all these red flags he says however she started to act very submissive and for affectionate after I had this talker yeah cuz you stood up for yourself and you took her home like I don't wanna hang out with you if you're gonna be this way you're not fun to be around my life is a drama-free zone and right now I don't want to hang out with a girl who's thinking about another guy who's texting another guy in front of me who's openly flirting with another guy in front of me I'm gonna take you home you can have a great evening I'm gonna spend my time with people who appreciate me that's you're acting with it whether you realize it or not you taking your home is the right move because what she was doing is not [ __ ] cool she was not earning your time and you're not gonna just give it away like it means nothing cuz your most valuable resource is your time the third red flag was that she kept very often saying things about this guy out of context oh he lives in town and kept telling me things he said his jokes etc I don't mind but I was like why is she telling me all this cuz she wants you to know this is who else she's interested in who she's gonna be [ __ ] when you're not around that way she doesn't feel bad about it but she's not actually telling you what's really going on and that's why when you know the stuff that's in my book that's that's when you have a conversation say look you obviously dig this guy I can see how the two of you are when you're together and quite frankly I like you I'm really into you but it's obvious that our values are not aligned you don't see a problem with this behavior and so I just want you to understand that I'm gonna continue dating other people if you want to hook up with this guy great but you and I are never gonna go beyond an open relationship [ __ ] buddies or friends with benefits I just want to be honest with you because I can tell this is how you are loyalty doesn't mean [ __ ] to you I can see that plus you've lied to me on numerous occasions that [ __ ] doesn't work from but I like you I still wanna hang out and have some fun with you until I meet a woman who's exactly what I'm looking for you told her something like that she might go she might try to change for you but as soon as she gets comfortable and she thinks she's got you where she wants you she don't right back to being like this so it's like when you know this stuff when you're armed with this doesn't mean you gotta kick something like this to the curb if you really want a relationship it just means that you can't have a relationship with this particular person and I'm talking about an exclusive monogamous relationship but hell you can have a lot of great sex just make sure you wear [ __ ] raincoat ash for the fourth red flag I'm still not sure about this but I saw her one time getting a spank from this guy totally inappropriate not girlfriend material dude she's out she's a [ __ ] buddy that's it sex playmate awesome friends with benefits awesome open relationship awesome here I reacted so stupid that I'm ashamed to tell you I almost cried that's not making you look masculine the problem is you're getting upset at her nature but this is the way she is we got a look at it he's like hey I got a great [ __ ] buddy and that's it I confront her with this and her reaction was more mature than mine I dumped her after a month because she wasn't communicating with me which we talked about once a day with heartless male emails and she removed her in a relationship status from Facebook yeah it's a [ __ ] label to her it's a label that she doesn't place any value or meaning on obviously it's very important you because it bothered you that this other dude spanking her on the button any guy that's in a relationship and his woman has allowed another dude to spank her on the button that's totally inappropriate and started to talk about her future without me in it this behavior happened shortly after I bought her the plane tickets I reacted immature by canceling your tickets to come see me here because of this behavior what could I have done better the only thing that I would have done better is just say she's a [ __ ] buddy and he already bought the tickets she could have flown her there and had her [ __ ] your brains out and she would have gone back and probably [ __ ] this guy's brains out but doesn't really [ __ ] matter what's done is done you're obviously you value loyalty and that's cool that's what's important to you and this woman doesn't value it even though she said she did but you know the fact that she put a facebook statuses says she's in a relationship with you he doesn't mean anything to her how do I know look at her [ __ ] actions look at the things that she says look at what she does it's pretty [ __ ] obvious she's a liar she'll cheat on any it's like she does what she wants to make her happy she's great for an open relationship and that's it so the only thing I'd say you're guilty of is in the beginning you were kind of delusional because obviously she was your first and you didn't really see her for the reality that she is love her and accept her the way she is she's a [ __ ] buddy and other than that you need to keep looking for somebody that can have a healthy relationship but that's the only thing that I would critique you I'm but I mean I liked how you stood up for yourself I liked how you took her home that night when her mind was somewhere else obviously on this other guy that she's working with and and the fact that you dumped her because you didn't like how she was treating and I took a lot of [ __ ] balls to do that a lot of guys would just kept putting up with that [ __ ] hoping things we're gonna change or that they could change her that she would get better it's like no you realize it wasn't work for you and you have to [ __ ] out so good for you dude awesome good [ __ ] job so if you'd like to get my out personally in the quickest way is to book a paid phone Skype or email coaching session with yours truly you can choose any of those options by going to my website clicking the products tab at the top of your screen and just follow the instructions for booking whichever option works best for you and I will talk to you soon you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 104,758
Rating: 4.8299494 out of 5
Id: jL3Q0CFY1Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 28 2015
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