Original Passion | William Hinn

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we left our hands of the lord so honored to be here but we're honored because god's here you make everything beautiful in its time you take the good you take the bad and you orchestrate this perfect picture because there's nothing that's hidden from your sight lord i thank you that you are doing a new thing and we welcome the changing of the wine skin in my life in our lives we welcome you lord to change it all lord i thank you that today is about original passion i thank you that today is about original love that today is about first works and i thank you god for changing the wine skin in all of us so you can pour out new wine we are absolutely in awe of your wonder your beauty i thank you for this house i thank you for what this house has meant to my family to to our history and i thank you lord that this is just the beginning of something that is going to rock dfw i thank you for these people lord i thank you that they're not just another number and a seat they're not a tithing unit but they are the people of god that you are raising up a generation that is going to carry your fire into cities that you are blurring the lines between churches that you're blurring the lines between ministries until we become the kingdom of god in the earth so we come we put our shoulder under the ark without personal benefit just saying god move in this city god move in dallas move in america we love you we love you we love you jesus name amen amen amen okay you can sit thank you wow i'm thanks jason um i'm so honored to be here jackie and todd i couldn't tell you enough how much to honor you i think if if i could say anymore i don't even think i'd get through it but um babe can you stand up really quick this is my amazing wife with the your hair looks great it's my wife emily wow she's always holding a baby except adam carried it the whole time during worship i appreciate that she never usually gets to stand there and lift her hands um but emily and i and and on you know in resignation our church we we don't know where we would be without this house i was in 2016 one of the first if not the first employee of lifestyle christianity and the history that i've seen take place the growth that i've seen take place i've never seen anything like it and i grew up in ministry i grew up in big ministry and the purity on this house the purity in todd's and jackie's hearts is unlike anything i've ever seen and so i encourage you to to honor them to honor the leadership of this house because you have amazing leaders here come on can we just honor them real quick hahaha and colleen we honor you too because without you todd won't even be here so we love you colleen and i miss working with you all the late nights that power and love just caring stuff she's a beast she's incredible um like a beast in a good way i hope you know that come on that's what the kids are saying these days you know and i'm technically one of those kids so i say that was sick to my dad he's like what are you talking you're sick you're feeling okay um can you guys open to john two and if you're if you're i don't know if you take notes here or not uh awesome praise god praise god i want you to write down at the top like in big letters i want you to write original passion original passion and just go to john 2 and just stay there but um i don't know how many of you have heard me or not heard me but like really quick i i grew up in ministry i grew up um i wasn't todd and i i think couldn't have had more drastic differences of upbringing and i believe that that's why cod's called us to run together um but i grew up like in suits and ties and in church and every week hallelujah and um if you know you know you know what i'm saying and um you know i saw the miracles i saw the stadiums filled i i saw a tumor fall off somebody's neck i we would go into the we would go into the wheelchair section during worship because it was the most exciting session or section because worship would just begin to happen and people would just pop up out of wheelchairs and and that was normal to me i had an encounter with the lord at 10 years old that was tangible that led me to giving my life to the lord at as at 10 years old but the especially for those of you that are in this room that are part of the millennial generation in gen z the temptation and there's a generation that's going to break this cycle but i i was one who got into the cycle of i became numb to the presence of the lord because i was in the presence of the lord without the fear of the lord and i became numb to that presence and so i could quote scriptures i could i never liked to preach or public speak i never thought i'd do any of that but i could debate with people i went to a i went to a christian a little small private christian school and our teacher would say something that i that my dad would say something different and just to debate i would debate because i knew how and and it was and it was it was just something i did it wasn't something i was and i became numb to god's presence and when i got older i got into the world and like how much darker is that darkness to know the light you know so i grew up not thinking i had a good testimony because i wasn't a drug addict i wasn't an alcoholic and i'm like how am i what am i going to tell them i was in church um but man like it's drastic it's it's actually scary how many young people today are in church but not in church and that was me and so i grew up in in the lord's presence but i didn't know him i knew church i knew ministry i mean literally i knew how to get into an environment and move an environment by the song that you sing and you can work on the people's emotions and we could call it anointing all we want but the real anointing isn't just for chills feelings and tears the real anointing breaks the yoke of bondage the real anointing causes devils to scatter the real anointing heals the sick and raises the dead so we can we can fabricate the anointing and give people a good experience without ever experiencing him and that was me i i was i knew how to work it man i i could look like the world monday through saturday but sunday'd come around and if my dad was in the room my hands were lifted and i could put on a show and as i got older i remember i i i actually moved to dallas i became depressed i became discouraged i was working in a warehouse packing boxes and as a young kid everyone's prophesying over you you're going to do this and you're going to do this and you're going to touch nations you know you're benign's nephew there's got to be something good that's going to happen with you in ministry and and it put this pressure of like i've got a i've got to accomplish something for the lord and that mindset of i've got to do something for god is actually not even in the heart of god god is interested in you like my son right now isn't mowing my lawn most the time my son is making a mess but what defines him as mine is that i'm a father that just wants him and so i was depressed i was discouraged i was 18 years old and nothing that ever was prophesied over my life up to that point had come to pass and i was confused and i didn't understand anything but man i could i could operate in the anointing so i remember i opened my bible one day to romans 8 29 and it says those he foreknew he predestined to be conformed to him and something hit me when i read it that before i ever came into this world i had a destiny and that destiny was this conformed to him it didn't say win a million people as amazing as that is it didn't say heal the sick although it says that the first destiny i have is to conform to him and that word can form in greek means superimposition it's like taking you know we're made from the clay you know it's like god took his face put it in the clay of the earth and came out and went oh my gosh my image and my likeness and our first priority our first thing as believers is simply to be his jesus at 30 years old had not worked one miracle yet he hadn't done anything for his father but this this man jesus this son of man was awakened morning by morning it says in isaiah 50 and he had an ear that learned his father and he comes up out of the water the dove descends upon him the holy spirit descends upon him like a dove and the father says this is my son in whom i am well pleased in whom i delight the original says before he ever did anything for the father the father had already been pleased with him and i think sometimes as believers what we do is we want to do the miracles and all these things to get his attention when there's nothing you could have done to get his attention there's nothing that you can do to get right with god so what god did is god came down and he wrapped himself in flesh come on ezekiel 22 30 or 23 30. check me on it sure we've got some fact checkers in here it's in there i know it's in there says i sought a man that would stand in the gap and i found no one so god became a man he threw himself in that gap wrapped himself in flesh and got a revelation of you so you could get a revelation of him became sin so that you could become righteousness but not your own because you have you don't have the ability to become righteous what you have is the ability to conform to him and it's a choice yes or no and when you conform to him he becomes righteousness and wisdom the scriptures say inside of you and when i realized that i could get off the treadmill of performance because i was doing a lot of stuff like we do a lot of good things for god in church and i think sometimes it keeps us from god but the lord is raising people that like of jesus it says in john 2 that zeal had eaten him up for his house zeal had eaten him up that's our king the lord is removing works in this hour i love what's happening with worship here like you're seeing this the stripping of getting back to first works and it's beautiful it's incredible he's teaching us how to become tender and responsive again are you with me okay so john 2 17. let's start i should probably turn there john 2 says this now the passover now the passover of the jews was at hand we're currently in passover right now now the passover passover of the jews was at hand and jesus went up to jerusalem and he found in the temple now now keep in mind this is right after he had come up out of the water and the holy spirit had descended upon him like a dove everyone say like a dove okay so he went up to jerusalem and he found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and when the money changers and the money changers were doing business when he had made a whip of cords think about it he predetermined i'm gonna make a whip i'm not i didn't bring a whip today don't worry i love you but jesus he made one he made a whip of cords and he drove them out of the temple with the sheep and the oxen and poured out the money changers and overturned the tables i want you to underline verse 16 in your bible and he said to those who sold doves now think about it jesus the holy spirit lands on him in the form of a dove now he goes into the temple and he sees doves inside of cages inside of his father's house he sees doves in cages and verse 16 makes a point to say and he said to those who were selling the doves see this this is the wine skin that god's shifting in this hour and this isn't necessarily for this house because i know this leader i know these leaders i love preaching i'll see you because you can just come in here and say hey guys and they start clapping and get excited you guys are just wild and it's it's very easy to preach to you because you're you're the burning ones but we need the burning ones to hit a generation right so so you're gonna help me preach this morning for something that this bible belt desperately needs because we're gonna rip it off and we're gonna throw it out the window until religion is shaking okay because this is what god has raised this house for god is raising this house to be a generation that causes revival to run out the window so the glory of god can fill the earth and listen us escaping out of here is not our hope christ in you is your hope come on christ in you the hope of glory we aren't like waiting on the highest mountain until he comes no we are becoming the mountain so just no don't take it no one take it personally but today what we have is we've got houses everywhere with doves in cages what we have all over the world is a church that's become more about people than it's become about the lord and church was never i loved that jesus would go and he would preach at the synagogues and he never said my synagogue our synagogue he said i'm preaching in their synagogue but then his church he took and he took him on a rock which he's the rock and he says no but i'm going to build my church my ecclesia which is which is a was a rebellious word in that time and the gates of hell will not be able to stop them that's you but he goes in and he says to those who sold doves who took the anointing who took the holy spirit we've kicked him out today who took him and used him for gain and it says this he's saying take these things away do not make my father's house a house of merchandise everyone say original passion say it like you actually mean it and want to be here original passion there you go that's much better we are in a moment of revelation 3. we are in a moment where the lord is knocking on the door of a complacent church saying will you let me into dying with you again we're in a moment of luke 24 where jesus walks up to the two men that are walking along the road to animes and he says what are you guys talking about he said have you not heard are you the only one in jerusalem that hasn't heard he says no tell me about it and they tell him and he opens up the scriptures to him tells him about himself and then he pretends like he's going to keep walking that's where we're at right now like how many of you know those that are led by the spirit you have to be led that word lead means you're fastened to him attached to him you know when i was little i'd walk around i'd hold my mom's belt loop because i was just scared in the store i didn't want to get lost i'd follow her everywhere holding her belt loop that's what it means to be led it doesn't mean you're just following it means you're holding on too it's the song of solomon 3 4 i found the one in whom my soul loves i held him and i won't let him go those that are led those that are that are following and if you study sheep they don't know where they're going we talked about this at lcu they don't they have no idea where they're going and without a shepherd they're confused and if another sheep went to a sheep and said what's next where are we going like kind of like we do in church when there's no next thing there's only one thing if you went to a sheep and you said hey do you know where we're going the sheep would answer and say i have no idea but the shepherd's right there all i know is that we follow him and when he's around and when we're in proximity to him we're okay and we're safe just stay close to him but this is where we're at i heard eric gilmore one time say i think sometimes the lord will be walking with us and he'll stop to see if we keep going and what the lord is doing right now is we're on the road to anime on the road animes and he's going to keep walking and he's wondering are they going to invite me over think about it he didn't reveal himself on the road they wanted explanation he didn't reveal himself in the explanation he didn't reveal himself when they wanted to understand he wondered will they invite me over to dine with them this is where we are is will we follow him will we ask him to come back into our homes will we asked him to inhabit our churches again well we asked him to come back into our families again to sit at the table with our kids again because we want revival in costco but what about your house what about you as a husband what about you as a father what about you as kids you know my kids came office this morning and i know that they just like the juice and the bread but you know um they come in and we take communion together and they're both my two-year-old girl she's she's praying holding the bread and i'm and i'm praying god i thank you for your body and she's going thank you jesus what is it going to be like when she's 12. and so they invite him over to eat with them and when he sits at the table and he blesses the lord their eyes are open they didn't see him till they invited him their eyes were open he disappeared from their sight and he said and they said to each other did not our hearts burn within us you see the hearts of the people are burning but are you going to learn how to respond to the burn we've got to get off the road of explanation as a church and get to a table of encounter again and have rooms like this where the programs turn out the window and people run because god's here we talked about last night zechariah 8 23 says that there's coming a day where 10 10 men from 10 nations that speak every language will come to one jew and you've been grafted in you are part of the people family of god they're going to come to just one of you it says he's going to grab the robe of one jew and say we heard god was here are you with me the lord is doing a new thing that's going to start at a table i believe covered 19 as demonic and horrible as it was the lord turns all things all thanks for the good of those who love him and we are in an opportune moment like i was sitting there with gabriel and he was saying man i feel like we are in a historic moment like there's a historic moment available for the church that stories will be written of how a generation responded in this moment and if it just is let's just do business as usual let's throw everything under the let's just keep this thing going so people keep coming no no what we are inviting god to do is come in clean come and strip us down come and break us come and wrestle with us until we have a limp that drips with the anointing of the lord that actually breaks bondage over people's lives because listen until we become the church that says stand up and walk we have not gotten there yet and i believe that the problem is is that we've tried to do it alone we tried if i could just have this healthy but it's not just about what's happening in this room it's about what god wants to do in our nation through the church and what i'm watching hit the world and hit my like what are what are the what's the world that our kids are going to step into and i understand that you know the world's going to get darker but the reality is is as the world gets darker the remnant of god gets brighter and brighter and brighter and i'm not i see i'm optimistic i'm thinking about the verses that are like as long as i live i will fill the i will fill the earth with my glory how will he do that come on arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you deep darkness will cover the earth but not you come on we are intended to be goshen but it cannot just be let the show go on i believe in this hour we were walking and everything's great and it's packed and then he stopped and we keep walking and we're excited and we realize he's not here in first chronicles 13 david comes to the to the people of israel and he says i want to go get the ark of the covenant for we have not inquired of it since the days of saul this is that moment this is that moment a people that are inquiring of the presence of god again he's going to use the confusion he's going to use the mystery he's going to use the brokenness and here's the beauty he's close to the humble and the contrite heart like do you realize that brokenness he delights in showing mercy like he gets excited about showing mercy he gets excited when when a man comes to him broken he says now i can work with that in in your weakness my strength is perfected but here's the deal it's going to offend everything this is what i heard those that find original passion see my life was revelation two my life was you do all these things right you you call out apostles that aren't apostles you you know you know how to to do all these things but there's one thing i have against you you have left your first love and here's the thing it's not just like he what he's looking for is not just being first on a list of many things he's not the first thing on a list of many things he's the only thing on the list and through him i can be a father and through him i can be a pastor and through him i can be a husband until he becomes the only thing until we can come to the point like psalms 27 3 that says though the armies in camp around me i am confident in this one thing i seek one thing i desire that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life and behold them john 17 jesus answers the prayer of david and says father may they be where i am and may they behold my glory that's all he wants if we can learn how to get god into the room we've won the barometer of this house and i know this the barometer of this house is not how many people there are the barometer of this house is did he come so we're inquiring of god's presence again and here's the thing it's gonna offend a religious spirit and i and i and i'm feeling like this with what you guys are doing with warriors arise with what this the calling and the anointing on this ministry is is to raise up a bunch of fiery revivalists who won't settle for anything less but the glory of god hitting a room and listen not everybody's gonna want it but that's fine not everybody's gonna like it but that's fine but we will be a people of one thing just one any listen any authentic move of god is going to cause confusion it's going to cause amazement it's going to cause jealousy competition in acts 2 it says that when the holy spirit came and they heard a sound on that day and the lord came and it was the holy spirit dropped on them in tongues of fire it says that some were bewildered they were confused some were amazed astonished others mocked them and then chapter 5 of acts they were jealous listen a genuine move of god has friction involved any genuine move of god has friction involved listen don't turn there just just listen to this this is second or first peter 2. it says this verse 7 therefore to you who believe he is precious but to those who are disobedient to the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone and a stone of stumbling a rock of offense everyone say a rock of offense jesus was a rock of offense they stumbled being disobedient to the word to which they also were appointed but you everyone say but i am a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people i love the original says the peculiar people you know what that word peculiar means it means you're wild and different it means you've got like a crazy look in your eye there's something strange about you that the world cannot recognize that's what marked me the most when i first met todd is there was a crazy thing in his eye him and dan and when they'd walk in i was like i feel like i'm sinning but i'm just standing here because there's something light in there see see the heart of what the pursuit has to be is not for generals of the faith alone but until we all walk up a mountain together we are going to continue to cycle and cycle and cycle and we will have men that we will build monuments around but what god is interested in is the bride of christ called the city of god according to revelation 21 that is going to fill the earth with his glory and how you know the glory comes is that we could crawl off stage and you would never know it you see the anointing is like a gate the anointing is you know it's it's pretty and it opens you up to really what's inside the anointing is the movement of god that's what the anointing means when anyone ever been in a meeting and you think oh he's here that's the anointing that's god moving is the anointing so the anointing god will anoint vessels that open and close gates remember when jacob saw a ladder angels were ascending and descending they were coming up and down from heaven to earth and he said this is none other the house of god the gate of heaven do you realize that you are a gate if the holy spirit descended upon us that makes you the gate of heaven like we're wondering how has heaven going to invade earth look at your feet and begin to walk you are the gate of heaven and listen like of enoch it says that before enoch was translated into heaven in hebrews 5 before he was translated into heaven his life had become a pleasure to the lord that's what blurs the lines between heaven and earth the anointing is a gate and when we come into environments like this all you are is a gate but there's a house and that house is called the glory of god and what we do is we just tell people to keep looking at the gate look how beautiful it is but there's a whole house waiting for you so we need to do is we need to open the gate and get out of the way and let them get into the glory we need to go from just the anointing to the glory of god we need to go from just being impressed by the anointing to walking into the house because it's in his glory that we become like him transformed into the very same image from glory to glory so listen in acts 2 what happened was offensive jesus himself is called a rock of offense when a woman came busting into a room and poured oil on the feet of jesus his own disciples were offended because it was wasteful revival listen revival's messy and it will always bring criticism i actually think if you don't have criticism there's something wrong if everybody loves you we should be careful luke 12 49 through 53 says this i came to send fire on the earth and how i wish it were already kindled verse 50 but i have a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed i am until it is accomplished do you suppose that i came to give peace on earth i tell you not at all i'm just reading the bible don't be mad at me it's not my problem this is your problem do you suppose i came to bring peace on earth i tell you not at all but rather division yay me tell you what that looks like it looks like this it looks like god's separating someone from a family and in that process there's friction it looks like god plucking you out of your family like he plucked todd out of his family and it caused friction and god says if i get one i'll get the whole house but without the friction i can't get the whole house you know my when my uncle gave his life to the lord the whole family came against him my grandfather took him on a drive and said if you preach about this jesus i'm going to disown you and to say you were born again in greek orthodox was like a cuss word and they would make fun of him and they thought he was crazy but he was being separated out my dad would come home late at night from work and he couldn't get in the room because he's on his knees crying out to the lord for his family and he would say from the other side of the door to my dad i just need five more minutes just five more minutes my dad said finally when i walk in i felt something tangible in the room he wasn't trying to to to sell fruit like todd says he was just bearing it and it was called the presence of the lord lingering on his life and slowly but surely all the kids came and gave their lives to lord secretly behind my grandparents back my grandfather became more angry and more angry wanted to disown him came to my debts that i feel like i'm losing my firstborn you need to talk to your brother began to preach had a stuttering problem couldn't even get words out and and one day he got up god loosened his tongue and he preached with power and my grandparents saw an ad in a newspaper for secret meetings that he was holding that my dad and other brothers were serving at keeping it on the down low grandparents show up to the meeting because they saw an ad in a newspaper and they watched their son preach and then they left right after and all of them were nervous my uncle waited till 2 am before he went home and he was afraid because he knew that if i go in i'm just going to get kicked out he brought a friend with him to drive him home he walks inside the lights are still on they're still waiting in the living room for him my grandfather tells him to come sit down and he says when i saw you today i didn't see my son this thing is of god we want to know that jesus said you know and they both got on their knees and gave their lives to jesus listen without just one being willing to deal with some friction i didn't come to just make peace with everything you know what making peace with everything looks like agreeing with what's happening in the world to just keep the peace no not here see there's a difference between being a peacekeeper let's just keep everybody happy and being a peacemaker and sometimes being a peacemaker requires a sword come on he says from now on five in one house will be divided three against two two against three father divided against son and son against father mother against daughter and daughter against mother and mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law those those are the scriptures but it's all under this one thing you see the compassionate merciful god that i know pulls you away for the mercy of everybody around you the compassionate god that i know says if i be lifted up i will draw all men unto myself and he can't wait to show his mercy so in that process your life will become horrible see we think christianity listen we think christianity is just an amazing easy life not at all do you realize what you've signed up for like do you realize it do you realize that you said i want to be crucified with you i want to die with you this is in the scriptures i want to be raised i want to be buried with you first then then i want to be raised and then i want to be seated in heavenly places but here's the thing you're seated in heavenly places while you're on the earth and the earth doesn't like heavenly places sometimes i don't think the church likes heavenly places sorry i think the church likes the the church and the community more than we like the presence of god that a community is supposed to come around and we're in a moment that david is that that that generation of davids is rising up that's saying when are we going to inquire of the presence of god again because we want to see revival in our land but not just him to come and visit and we have glory meetings for six months no no i'm talking about a habitation of god in the local church again like i'm talking about a habitation of god in children's church where the kids are going in and they're coming out burning and dripping with the love of god but if we are not willing to just be one i am willing to be rejected if that isn't the cry of our hearts i am willing to go through the the confusion and the valleys and all of the stuff that is required but lord if i get one i'll get my whole family i had a vision the other day and i was in my closet and i saw i got nine minutes i'm in my closet and i saw on one side an empty room and on the other side i saw a stadium full of people and there was a wall in the middle of it and i heard the lord say to me this is just a couple weeks ago where do you think i am now i'm not saying he doesn't go to stadiums we've seen that for sure but where does it start come on matthew matthew 6 it says he's in the secret place go into your most private room it's where he's found and so i said lord you're in the private room and i saw a chair a red chair with a lamp next to it and no one was sitting in the chair and i heard the lord say this why don't you join me i'm seeing it and i saw myself in third person go and sit down on the chair and when i did i saw my own kids william ellie and benjamin i saw them multiplied at my feet my children multiplied at my feet and i heard the lord say what i want to do is generational and so i came out of it and i'm obviously a mess and so the next day i go back into that closet because i love that closet and i went into the closet and and i'm listening to that song the blessing and i'm just i'm thinking about the vision i had and i'm and i'm uncontrollably crying and ellie my daughter two-year-old walks in and sometimes i'll admit like it's kind of loud in our house like the my my office has glass on it and i'll be praying no joke i'll be praying and i'm just loving on the lord and i open my eyes and my son is licking the window [Applause] and and honestly i don't think i've ever cleaned it babe so i'm pretty sure it's just sorry like i just i need an actual room with windows that i can close every day my kids walk in but what is it planting in their life so i go into the closet because sometimes like i go to the most private room i can yes to find the lord but sometimes also just get away from the kids i mean and just feel like i need to be alone with god and so ellie walks in and i'm like and at first i was kind of like i just wanted to be kind of with the lord and you know have a private time and and so she comes down and i won't do it because i that would be weird but she's on the floor like this she's sitting next to me and i'm crying and she's going they call me bubba and she's going bubba are you okay and i'm like yeah you don't understand and i'm listening to the blessing and my daughter's in there two-year-old next thing i know william the four-year-old comes barging in and he's loud and and now and he sits on my back and then and then the next thing i know emily and benjamin come in and i'm like yay whole family's here and i'm like i'm having an encounter with the lord and and she's like i don't know what to do they they want you ellie had a meltdown because she couldn't find you right and when and when she says that i hear the lord say when you pick the empty room your family will always follow you in and i again i lost it and and here's the thing here's the thing that's not just a good story see what god is after you said it last night is fathers becoming fathers becoming fathers and what we've built church on is community but it needs to be family it's got to be built on the principles of fathers and sons like we need a generation like joseph who joseph was of the 12 tribes of israel but he wasn't named think about it joseph's the most he deserved it more than any of the other brothers he was the one that they kicked out he was the one they threw in a pit and and joseph now is in rulership and in leadership and if any of them should have been named one of the 12 tribes of israel it should have been joseph but joseph had two sons ephraim and manasseh and when jacob is blessing him there had to be a conversation where joseph went to his father jacob and said listen i don't need a tribe named after me his name means double portion i don't need something named after me but if you can just if you could just do it for them now i've got two tribes you see this is the heart of fathers that god's raising in this hour it's saying this is more about you than this is about me and if we can think like that we'll all go up the mountain together and it's going to usher in the coming of the bridegroom but i'm telling you it's going to offend everything especially in a bible belt so i just i kind of want to and then i'll be done can i get can i get the the team i'm so excited can i get the team to come up really quick i feel like doing jumping jacks there you are hey hey kaylee thank you um gosh i don't know what's happening right now uh i want to read some some revival history to you really quick is that okay just uh man something needs to just spark like like i don't know how to explain it but this is exciting you know like when he said to jeremiah just preach and don't care how they look at you just preach yes sir listen there's common threads remember that word original passion there's common threads among every move of god if you just study them and it's these two things restorationism and rejection restoration of original original passion that word and the motive behind all restoration movements is to tear down the walls of separation by a return to the practice of the original i'm gonna say it again motive behind all restoration movements is to tear down the walls of separation by a return to the practice of the original a hundred percent 100 of revivals dealt with rejection offense and oftentimes those in prior generations more experienced ones saw it as a rebellion the jesus movement in the 1960s and early 1970s the jesus movement was restorationist in theology it was after getting back to the original seeking to turn to the return to the original life of the early christians and it was said of a young generation that they were tired of religion i don't know about you but we are in a season where religion will not get us through anymore our our disciplines and all of this stuff listen i'm all for spiritual disciplines but if it doesn't start with the lovesick heart you're not disciplined if you are disciplined without the burning spirit of burning of love upon you that jesus came to change the wine skin like in matthew 9 when john's disciples come to jesus and they say why do you know us and the pharisees we fast why don't your disciples fast like we're more radical than you we've seen more people healed than you we've seen more people save than you all you guys do is just hang out all your disciples do they just they stay in proximity to you they just follow you what are they doing jesus says this amazing statement you can't mourn while the bridegroom is with you just read it in matthew 9. you don't mourn while the bridegroom's with you but they will fast oh trust me they will but you can't take new wine and put it in an old wine skin what is he saying i'm going to change the paradigm of how they pursue me and here's how i'm going to begin i'm going to pursue them and then when i go they're going to be ripped to the heart because i've ruined them with proximity for three and a half years while you guys are doing all your disciplines we're gonna be having dinner together and while we're having dinner together they're gonna get my heart they're gonna get my image they're gonna get my likeness and the more they stare at me the more they become like me and when i go just wait to see what happens and they're gonna fast because there's a mourning in their heart for the bridegroom you see we've lost that in the church today like this morning for the coming of the bridegroom this this bride that has a come lord in her heart the great awakening of the 1700s religion was becoming more formal and less personal during this time christians were feeling complacent with their methods of worship and some were disillusioned with how wealth and rationalism were dominating culture many began to crave the lord do you know that without the rebellion of what they saw as rebellion of the jesus movement we wouldn't have drums in an electric guitar like i i love when drummers beat the heck out of drums it just does something in a room it's exciting just one generation one said we're gonna do something different azusa street william seymour was invited to a church in los angeles to preach when he arrived he preached on the baptism of the holy spirit but later was locked out of the church because they rejected his teaching one of the church members that had been impacted by his message invited william to have meetings at his house and the lord broke out the participants were criticized by some secular media and christian theologians listen to this for behaviors that were considered unoutrageous and unorthodox especially at the time this is an actual account a resident of the neighborhood described the happenings at that house and said this they shouted for three days we don't want church to be more than an hour and a half these people shouted for three days and three nights it was easter season the people came from everywhere this is what's gonna happen here that's what's gonna happen these people came from everywhere by the next morning there was no way you even got near the house as people came in they would just fall under god's power this is an account from a from a resident of the neighborhood the whole city was stirred they shouted until the actual foundation of the house gave out but no one was hurt we don't want that to happen here in jesus name it started with rejection but listen what started with rejection turned into revival the toronto blessing so many manifestations were happening that they took a survey because of the controversy that was around it man i feel the lord 90 said they were more in love with jesus than any other point in their lives just because they were in the room 88 of married respondents stated that they were also more in love with their spouse just because they were in the room anyone remember hebrews 8 when it says that there's coming a day where i need to tell you to know the lord for all will know him that looks like god being in the room and we're going oh my gosh the shepherd's here he's going to minister to us and all we have to do is minister to him the brownsville revival started because a remnant was hungry to get right with god and during the revival nearly 200 000 people gave their lives to jesus in five years the moment was highly criticized we can't see change without friction psalms 81 he says i'm going to speak to you in the secret place of thunder near the waters of mariba mariba means contention it means strife it's what god's doing it means that place where everything is falling apart i'm going to speak to you there you know what thunder is when lightning strikes the air that follows the light it's friction and you know how close the storm is by when the thunder comes so what god does is god gives you a vision for something man i feel this for this house god gives you a vision for something and all can see it and it's beautiful but then he makes you wait to see if you're gonna just stay on him fighting for simplicity fighting for only original passion until zeal has eaten us up for nothing else gives you a vision and it's beautiful and it's amazing and then there's friction and then there's contradiction that's what mariba is at the waters of mariba i'm going to speak to you in the secret place of thunder it's when you're waiting to hear a sound come on he came like a sound of a mighty rushing wind what he's doing in a generation is he's seeing it will we will we shut everything down and listen will we lay down the things that we've built and listen and it's in that friction it's in that tension it's in that controversy it's when everything's falling apart around you it's when you have a desire to move in haste because i just need to keep the show going and god is saying just sit still and listen because a sound is coming and i i hear it a sound a sound is coming to lifestyle christianity dive into the friction of it all and wait it's gonna be sick william seymour listen to this and i'm done william seymour could not find a church that would preach on the baptism of the holy spirit and fire in tongues he couldn't find it oh sheesh oh my gosh ashley sorry oh my gosh okay okay just wait one second honestly because oh my okay so william seymour he couldn't find honestly i need to get on my knees he couldn't find he couldn't find a house or a pastor that preached on tongues so listen to this a black man only found a white pastor that preached on it but that white pastor rejected him and told him how to stay outside think about it he goes to a church and they tell him you're not allowed in this sanctuary don't even answer the altar call you're not allowed to come to the altar stay in the hallway william seymour didn't go outside and make a banner in protest of that church i could stand up again he he didn't go and say what about my rights no he understood that he had lost them and what did this humble man do one man dealt with rejection just one demonic horrible we hate that stuff racism is demonic but listen to what how one man responded to it he stayed in the hallway and he listened in the friction he listened in the contention he waited in the strife he waited when no one wanted him in the room he waited when he was when he was kicked out and not noticed and he listened to someone preach that rejected him and he received from that man humility is going to be the mark of this generation amen meekness that says it's not about what i have it's not about what you have it's not my kingdom or your team this is the kingdom of god this is that historic moment i can feel it it's about the kingdom of god and nothing else it's about a king and his domain you are the domain of god in the earth this whole book is about a king in his kingdom the whole thing the whole thing is from genesis to revelation is about a king in his domain in the earth and that domain is called a bride so one man dealt with rejection just one and it says that if you went back you could tie 600 million 600 million people to that house on azusa street spiritual roots not actual physical people there but you could tie 600 million spiritual roots to one house with one man that dealt with rejection and responded correctly just one he didn't hold a sign he listened in the friction in the secret place of thunder god spoke to him and you couldn't even get near his house when he began to preach but there's also one last common theme between revival that's gonna change and they all ended now lives were impacted and generations were touched just like the house on azusa street but the actual corporate move itself is no longer a corporate move and what we're about to step into is something that will not end but the ending will be a wedding feast and this is what that looks like second samuel 7. david i'm almost done i want you guys to stand on your feet it makes it feel like we're getting there second samuel 7. listen second samuel 7 david brings the glory of god into the city the ark of the covenant and he dances offends his own wife is offended at him she's like wow do you see the king today and he's like actually the lord chose me over your father just bolt and he dances in the glory of god and he and he goes to sleep that night and he can't bear the fact listen he had just brought the glory into a city the glory of god into a city he still couldn't bear the fact that he dwelt in a house of cedar but god was sitting in a tent and he makes this declaration to nathan the prophet i want to build a house for the lord this is it this is this this is that i want to build a house for him a place for him and it causes this explosive response to come out of god that would say david you want to do that for me no one had ever asked or said anything like that to god up to that point no one and he says i'm going to take it one step further david i'm going to make you that house and we're going to start with one stone the chief cornerstone who's going to hold it all together and living stone upon living stone that's you upon living stone upon living stone is going to become a dwelling place for the lord on the earth now that is revival we don't need any more visitation moves of god we need a holy habitation come to stay of god come to inhabit inhabit our cars inhabit our homes make it so practical but let us drip with glory i'm going to finish here revelation 21 you can play it again perfect timing revelation 21 verse two then i john sold a holy city a new jerusalem coming down out of heaven gosh you feel that anyone am i crazy gosh such a right song pick this really doesn't happen to me [Music] oh okay coming down out of heaven from god listen the city the city was prepared as a bride so the bride was the city the city was the bride come on you're a city on a hill you are that city i john saw a holy city take it personally i john john saw you do you realize that do you realize that john saw you on that day i saw a holy city and that city was adorned as a bride ready for her husband that's you and i heard a loud voice from heaven say it like this behold the tabernacle of god is with men this is what the pursuit is this is passover pentecost there's one more that we always forget we love when the holy spirit comes but there's one more feast that we never talk about in the church it's called the feast of tabernacles it's after the passover it's after pentecost and tabernacles they would put booths all over israel and god and man would dwell together in the earth i can't say it enough the rapture is not your hope the coming of the lord is going to be amazing but the hope is christ in you the hope of glory listen that word hope is the confident expectation of god upon my life that's what it means confident expectation he's gonna come for a generation that doesn't want to get the heck out of here but wants to fill the earth with god's glory who is not listen who's not intimidated we're not intimidated by what's on the news we're not intimidated by who's in the office because i have a king who's in an office that no one can overthrow there's no elections there's no picking none of those things the king sits on a throne and he's wondering where is my domain in the earth and we can go through church service after church service after church service and we could see people fall out and come up and fall out and i'm all for it but until god tabernacles with man we won't see what we want here's what john said behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people god himself like god's here he's here right now in this moment god himself will be with them and he will be their god and god will wipe every tear from their eye and there shall be no more death he's raising a people that are gonna that like death itself will die [Music] no more sorrow no more crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away then he sat on the throne and said behold i make all things new he's making all of it new not some of it he's wiping away everything to make everything new again i'm gonna make all things new and he said to me write these words for they are true and faithful and then he said in verse nine he says come and i will show you the bride the lamb's wife once you lift your hands cause cause this is you i'm going to show you the bride the lamb's wife and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and he showed me the great city that's you the holy jerusalem descending of from heaven from god having the glory of god as her light she was like the most precious stone like a jasper stone clear as crystal pure through and through sin cannot find a way to attach to these people it's time that we get back to original passion it's time that we come and we just say god i want to behold one thing just one thing [Music] lord we don't we don't want our ministries we don't want our kingdoms we want you as there is a nation we feel god telling us to lock arms with this house because this is bigger than us and i just i want to do a prophetic act of what i believe the lord is changing and he has changed the trajectory what's going to fall on todd is so apostolic [Music] more than evangelistic it's going to be so apostolic it's going to multiply [Music] and i would and i would ask if in you there's an original passion you're saying lord i want this kind of unending revival i i want this original passion to hit my heart again like lord i want the days when i would open the scripture and i'd be reading the genealogies crying i want those days again lord i want the days when i couldn't even go into your presence for more than five minutes without a tear falling down my face lord i want the days where where i wasn't distracted with many things like but he's he's he's it's one thing that we seek and one thing that we desire and if you're saying lord i i want to come back to this place of original passion and i've left that place i want you to run to the front come on run up here really quick and we are going to get back to what matters in this house we're going to get back to what matters in our lives we're going to get back to what matters and we're going to come to not just first love but only love only love [Music] if you're saying yes to jesus you're saying no to a lot of other things here's the beauty of it he delights in showing mercy he's so excited about this moment heaven rejoices when we say lord i've left first love and i'm running home and he's bringing us back he's bringing us back to original passion [Music] he's bringing us back to original passion come on everyone listed
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 3,763
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bDC4VOiEdaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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