Knowing Your Father | Todd White

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wow thanks for coming family we love you thank you we love you i'm like really emotional here i'm serious i'm ready to just cry and be done and just say just come back out and do worship and we'll just have that today i can sense i can just sense the father smiling and i know he is but i could like see it and then you started singing abba and then the kids are all up front and i'm like oh my gosh what if the kids get abba now what if the children get abba let me explain that we go through life and we go through all kinds of different stuff and then you know in my life you know 34 and jesus shows up i had a natural dad and he did the best he could with what he had but he didn't have the lord so he can only give me the flesh of what he had i don't know this is such a big deal my dad did the best he could with what he had but all he had was his flesh to give and flesh has fallen i'm going to go over here you guys got to hear me no matter how good your dad was no matter how dad how bad your dad was if he's not in submission to the spirit and he hasn't been hit with the reality of abba he can only give you his flesh and so many people come out of that place and can't connect because they've been neglected by the flesh flesh can't help but neglect this is huge flesh cannot flesh can't give you anything it has nothing to offer jesus said the flesh profits nothing yet so many people are affected and offended by the flesh in others and then they react in the flesh which profits nothing and i'm sitting there listening to abba father and i'm like oh my gosh you'll never leave me you'll never forsake me abba father and i'm sitting there going oh my god and i know him but now i know him more and in the song and watching the kids i'm like oh my gosh and this is so big it's such a big deal we kind of pass over it you know jesus the disciples asked jesus they like they wanted to know like jesus is gone in the morning and he's gone at night and like we don't know where he goes with the disciples like everybody's tired from the day jesus is like like they're all crashing out and jesus is like he doesn't even say goodbye he just disappears and then in the morning he's still not back and he gets there and he's like hey guys time to go where was he abba father and he's connecting with his father on a consistent basis and that he modeled christianity people were like well when i'm tired i'm tired yeah but if you go to sleep without your abba you're waking up with your father who's the pillow that you laid on and if you had a bad day when you went to bed you wake up with that same bad day father when you get up here because here's the deal whether you had the best dad when you grew up or whether you had the worst dad when you grew up the reality of it is is all of us have been pottered and fashioned by life experiences have mold us have molded us stuff that comes against us has produced sin within us all these different things all these trials and issues of life jesus said when you get a new dad when you get born again when you get re-fathered see born again we've kind of we've kind of moved past it in that when we get saved we we say yes that jesus is lord and all of a sudden you're saved and we bypass the reality of what happened and then we try to get to what can i get from my dad when we don't even know him god's not your bellhop he's not abracadabra he's not a genie in a lamp he's dead but the first thing that needs to happen is that your heart has to connect with him as a father if we don't connect with that we're going through life and life will father us does this make any sense the disciples came to jesus and they said lord like what what's the one thing they asked him they asked him a lot of things but what what was the thing they saw in jesus's life that was the common thread that they had to find out what is happening when you go away like when you're gone what's happening finally they say lord just teach us to pray they didn't say teach us how to pray for the sick they didn't say teach us how to cast out devils they didn't say teach us how to prophesy they didn't say teach us how to get words of knowledge they didn't say teach us how to have discernment they said lord teach us to pray and what did he say okay when you pray now listen this is the model pray the model prayer this isn't the lord's prayer scholars have labeled it that but jesus didn't say that they said teach us to pray he said okay our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth the same as it is in heaven what is god's will for earth to look like heaven watch how can earth look like heaven if we're allowing a natural dad to rule our life if i didn't connect to this i would be lost it doesn't matter i'm not blamed see too many people blame their earthly father too many people blame the way they grew up too many people blame the way their parents did or didn't parent them too many people blame the rejection of people and constantly i don't know if you heard that song this song that that frank and travis were singing it's not my style why because it's a lifestyle it's a lifestyle of never looking back this will kill you and make every day miserable and your yesterday will determine your tomorrow i heard a great man of god speak that dan muller just said it yesterday but we can't allow our past to determine our future because if i allow yesterday to determine today it will dictate tomorrow and it's a it's just this hamster wheel this cycle of going through so many people are trying to get past what's already finished lord teach us to pray okay our father what does that mean corporately he's our father intimately he's our father gosh jesus said this now the lord's prayer john 17. jesus jesus lifted up he lifted up i'm just going to read it so power there's so much in here oh john 17. jesus spoke these things he lifted up his eyes to heaven and he said father so he tells the disciples they said teach us to pray jesus says our father but when jesus was praying i'm pretty sure he didn't say our father because he knew he was his father my father my father he's prayed you've heard him pray out loud in the bible but he says this he's praying out loud jesus spoke these things he lifted up his eyes to heaven and he said father abba the hour has come glorify your son that the son may glorify you and eve as you gave him authority over all flesh if your dad didn't know jesus or if he incorporated jesus but didn't surrender to jesus then he didn't know what submission and surrender to jesus is and his flesh ruled his life his thoughts and his actions and you got hurt by wasn't submitted and surrendered to god so you got hurt by the devil not your father it wasn't your dad at all it was the devil your war is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities and demonic strongholds spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places the reality of this is your dad's not to blame the enemy is so why would you let the enemy still rule your life when you have a father that cares for you that loves you that will never forsake you [Applause] why would i let a stranger's voice speak to me the only way that i can let him speak to me is that i don't know the fathers the stranger's voice becomes so spotted and so realized when you were in love with the father when the father becomes your everything because you have been his everything before you were even on this earth god your father knit you in your mother's womb before you even were born god had thoughts and plans for you plans and thoughts thoughts that outnumber the grain of sand in the whole world and every thought every grain represents a thought for your welfare and not your demise not for your destruction but for you to succeed we are so fixed and focused on all these thoughts that come from all different directions if that thought's not god it's demonic there is wisdom from beneath and wisdom from above there is wisdom from here from here from hell that infiltrates into our minds and we call it wisdom but it's the wisdom of man it's both sensual and demonic it's full of envy selfish ambition and every evil thing is there every evil thing not some every evil thing and if we allow that to rule and govern our hearts yet come into worship and say i love god yet curse our brother there's no jesus in that at all no matter what the situation you're facing no matter what you're going through the father needs to be a part of this he doesn't just want to be a part he wants to be everything he wants to be a people of prayer he wants us to be people that are surrendered to his love to his mercy to his kindness the last i read it's the kindness of god that leads people to repentance so when you fall in love with the beautiful savior when you fall in love with the god not the god of this world when you fall in love with the god of this world it's twisted second corinthians chapter 4 speaks about the god of this world that blinds the eyes of those lest they should see the light of the gospel of jesus christ man when i came to him i i had to i had to first believe that he loves me he loves me he loves me he loves me it's that flower that has never-ending petals he loves me he loves me there's no he loves me knots on that thing none none there are no petals that say he loves me not look there is nothing that you could do to earn your salvation there is nothing that you could do to earn god's love and there's nothing that after you get saved to make it come more but what you need to do is submit to the reality of him being your abba so many people carry this thing into the gospel they incorporate jesus in instead of surrender it's jesus incorporated and that is not god that is not the gospel that is not what jesus asked you to do he asked you to all or none for or against gather or scatter he did not put in between there i love the reality of this this atheist that had this dream at night it's a real dream and i've said it before i'm gonna say it again because it's very crucial that you pick the side this man had this dream and on the dream there was a huge field and the field was full of people and then in the middle of the field there was this fence it was about this wide and it went the whole way up and on one side he saw a man that looked like jesus in the stories that he had heard when he was younger looked just like him beard robe smile but then on the other side of the fence you saw you saw this other one he did not have a pitchfork he did not have a tail and he did not have ears pointy ears and he wasn't red like people have painted him let us never forget that lucifer isn't equal with god lucifer was a created angel it's not god and the devil it's not like it's a a contest for god when you see jesus and the devil in a ring sorry buddy no they are not equal there is none like our god there's none like him i don't know if you know when he says the god of this world it's a little g we got this picture we paint this picture that we've got this war between this huge devil and this huge god god's not huge he's infinite but on the other side you had the devil and he didn't look red he didn't have pointy ears and he didn't have a tail and he didn't have a pitchfork and he didn't look angry he looked like he really liked the people that he was around he looked like he had this alluring sweetness to him it was undetected but somehow the man in the dream knew that this was him so he had been so angered in his heart about things of god and things that that he believed god had done and labeled god as a thief because he believes that god stole something from him man when somebody passes away or somebody dies and then all of a sudden a preacher that doesn't understand who the father is goes to that funeral and says the lord giveth and the lord taketh away the lord wanted your dad i'm sorry that is not god god wants god wants you but he's not going to kill you by stealing killing and destroying to get you so because of the perception of what he had about god and how upset he was about that he's like you know what no no stood on the fence it's like it's not i'm not choosing anything it's dumb forget it all of a sudden everybody disappears gone the guy's left all by himself and on the fence he's wondering where everybody went then all of a sudden the enemy the devil comes into the picture and he says there you are i was looking for you he goes whoa i didn't choose him and i definitely didn't choose you he said sure you did the fence is mine the fence belongs to hell itself we think it's a safe place to sit we think that we think that just being in a lukewarm place just chilling there is safe i promise you it's not safe i promise you that there is no safe place in a middle ground half in half out jesus incorporated but really you've you've incorporated the flesh and incorporated jesus and you have a mixed bag and that mixed bag will kill you and people around you remember the mountains that the lord set before the children of israel and he says choose this day the mountain of blessing the mountain of cursing was not a good choice to choose that i tell you now that in the day that we live in and in the season that the church is in and what we just came out of many people in coven made the wrong choice many people every day you're faced with the same decision what are you going to choose what are you going to choose man going through life not having the word in you and not having what god says in you you've already made your choice coming to church but not having the word of god inside of your heart not having what is living and power alive and active the sharp two-edged sword of god's word inside able to divide and separate your soul from your spirit not having that be active in your life you've already surrendered to the wrong god well no brother i'm saved by grace buddy that's worse how can you work out your salvation with fear and trembling when you're trembling at the devil's actions how can you truly work out your salvation with look i don't know you see those shirts that say joy by the way if you can support eddie get his shirts they're out in the lobby please those shirts that say joy what do you think joy comes from does joy come from your church on sunday morning does joy come from your situation no we've allowed our situations to try to give us joy and we're moving from one situation to another but i promise you jesus said when you face situations he said consider it pure joy when you face various trials [Applause] he said in this world you will face and have tribulations but but but be of good cheer cause i who jesus i have overcome the world how can you overcome the world the father without that connection between you and the father you are allowing life to potter govern and determine how you're going to function how you're going to live and how you see yourself when i look in the mirror and i see my faults my failures my my stuff from yesterday stuff that god doesn't see because when i come to him and i know that i'm wrong and i confess to the father god that was wrong wow that was wrong and i find in scripture what's right god says that he is faithful and just to cleanse me from all unrighteousness from all all not some all so if god cleanses you from all unrighteousness what you got left righteousness oh that's a revelation buddy i teach unrighteousness all the time why because without it i'd be done i'd be an utter blubbering failure crushed by the enemy trying to do ministry instead of living in love with my father and i would function outside of his love for me i can't afford to ever know that he's not looking at me his eyes and his gaze are on me continually and he never looks away and he likes what he sees he likes that i believe him and take him literally people are like well you know the bible's a metaphor get over yourself buddy this is not people like well you know i mean men with the brenda the book and men have flaws but god is flawless my friend and second timothy 3 16 says that all scripture is god breathed is inspired by the father all scripture is inspired by the father don't you dare read this book as some just book put it on a shelf and pick up another don't you dare take this bible and take this and put this somewhere else and read someone else's revelation on the bible i am not against reading books but i am against i am against reading other books because you don't know the author of this one come on i i cannot and will not live that way if i wouldn't have gotten in here in the beginning of my life in christ and established the very truth of what god says about me that he loves me that he'll never ever ever forsake me that my transgressions and my sins that he would remember know more the covenant that you and i have stepped into the blood of jesus doesn't just wash you externally it washes you internally it cleanses your inside of the cup oh my gosh and it's alive and it's alive and it's alive it's alive why is this alive because jesus is alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive [Applause] he's alive [Applause] the enemy does not win there are no final victories in hell buddy love people in texas got really hit with the covet thing when they couldn't do the sport thing oh my gosh stadiums couldn't be filled i'm like what is happening i watched the thing on the tv where they had the ice skaters and i looked and they had they had uh pictures of people in the stands i guess because it it made the ice skaters feel better or maybe i don't know we have gained so much by what people see and think about us but if you knew that you had the acceptance of your father every day of your life looking at you you would never work for the appreciation of people you would never live for that you would never live for people to go oh my gosh because some of the people that are saying oh my gosh are saying it for the wrong reasons because you have now become an idol jesus must have first place he doesn't settle for second and he doesn't think that you're second either the father believes that you're first place god so loved the world that he gave his son that he gave his son he didn't just give him just because he loved the whole world and doesn't think about individuals man i heard that scripture man when i was growing up just like god this god this god this god they say so love the world well if he loved the world then why is the world so jacked yeah if he loves the world then why are priests doing this and why are this doing this and why are that heaven and why is this happening tell me buddy there's wars if god so loves the world why are people being murdered why are people being killed why are people dying of these horrible diseases if god so loved the world then why is all this happening the picture is god is some orchestrator of all the bad things and some good things maybe come on dude this is why it's so hard to connect to him as a father when you get saved because we are ruled and governed by situations and things that we have blamed him for that he's never done we teach this thing like god's in control and he's stamping and orchestrating every decision like he is stamping kill that one let that one live molest that one let that one alone put this one in jail come on i'm being serious here man and we hear stories of of fathers drowning their children murdering their wives and all this tyranny and tragedy that's in this world and we allow that to speak loud to us our whole life and then we get saved and then we incorporate jesus in for a better day he didn't pay a price to give you a better day he had three horrible days so that you could have a brand new life [Music] without knowing him it's it's not eternal life it's not knowing about him eternal life is not knowing about god well i i think he's this and i think jesus said who do men say that i am and most of the church is still saying who is he where were you god come on look at the story of zlazar of lazarus jesus he hears lazarus is sick and he doesn't come lord your bro your friend is your friend is dying your friend is dying jesus like he waited why do you wait till till he died this is so crazy does jesus love lazarus or no do you think there's something in him that doesn't love him god is love jesus was the visible image of the invisible god jesus was the visible image of what love was of what love is this is a huge thing man so then jesus just go hey we got to go lazarus and the disciples are like come on let's go no lazarus is dead what what like why did you wait he didn't say that thomas was like this is doubting thomas come on guys let's go die with him why because the tendency of everything in life is about death life was standing in front of them jesus and all they could think about is death why because the last time he was there it did not go over well so now jesus is going back to the place that it didn't go over well last time they're thinking come on it's the end let's go now i get it they weren't born again they weren't spirit-filled they were thinking from the flesh and not from the spirit they couldn't they were orphans not knowing who the father was this is that's hard for jesus had to be crucified and resurrected for the holy spirit to be poured out for them to become sons so they were orphans in their thinking so they get there and then you have a sister that comes out lord lord if you'd have been here that serious hurt it could have been seriously messed up you you could have been here but you chose not to mary do you know who mary is the one that was at his feet this mary mary comes jesus is there she says this it's the same thing lord and jesus tells her a couple of things and he says this he said he who believes in me will never die why because he's life standing right there and he says about the glory and you will see the glory of god was the glory of god and lazarus death or resurrection right okay let's get that one straight so many people teach the weirdest things on this stuff it's the glory of god it's not the glory of god to be taken out by the enemy through sickness so watch he gets to the tomb he sees the people weeping and the shortest scripture verse in the bible is jesus wept my question i want you to examine this with me did jesus know the father did he know the father was he in relationship with the father do you think he was weeping because he was sad that lazarus died this is taught so many different ways i just want you to look at this jesus had an eternal perspective and had relationship with the living god the father he is standing in the midst of death and all the people can see is death and he is life standing before them and they can't see i would like to propose that that's why jesus wept you can think what you want i believe it's real there's no way he's weeping because lazarus died there's just no way he waited for it to happen he knew he was getting up jesus swept why because life is standing before them and they're so blind that they can't see what does he do he lifts up his voice and he prays father i'm only saying this he said i know that you always hear me but i'm only saying this for the sake of them jesus knew that the father always heard him do you understand that and we need to be a people that know god and know that he always hears us [Applause] we can't afford to let life potter us satan is the god of this world but he's no longer no longer my god god is my god jesus is king he is lord don't you ever let that thing tackle you ever bad stuff comes all the time how you handle it is everything man it says this it says that god has put all things under our feet but then it says in hebrews says but we haven't yet seen all things under our feet and then it says this but we see jesus oh oh listen we've got situations we've got trials we've got stuff that comes our way and we pray and we didn't get the answer yet but god says that he has put all things under our feet not just under jesus's feet under our feet let's never forget jesus said jesus is the head we are the body that means that the feet are part of the body that means that the highest part of hell is beneath the lowest part of us as the church that's super powerful and the god of peace will soon crush satan under your feet we cannot afford to grow weary in doing good we have been through trial after trial after trial i've got news for you they don't stop once you get out of one you get into another one i don't know about your life but that'd be mine people were like man you got it me look at you you're this pastor dude are you kidding do you think that god's like i better leave the leaders alone the god of this world come on come on do you think that the god of this world says we better leave the leaders alone let's just go after the people great tactic devil let's leave the leaders alone so they can flourish and they can be amazing and they can just sit in revelation and let's not touch them because let's just touch the people dude we get pounded continuously and on that topic i would love for our family our church i would love for people to volunteer in the worship how many of you how many of you play worship that come here how many of you like play an instrument or sing or something put your hand up how many of you are part of the church you've been coming here this is this is your place you would call this your house how many of you how many of you do worship we need you we need you we need you i want to create a worship culture that's from the house are you with me there's such an anointing on the worship culture in the house [Music] i want to create a worship culture that we're family i want to create a worship culture where where other churches and this church come together as family where we can all lead worship together and like make the devil really frustrated we need intercessors right now how many of your intercessors we need you there's always stuff i need intercessors i need watchmen on the wall how many of you would consider yourself watchmen on the wall than actually see what's happening and can hear in the spirit and know what's going on we need watchmen on the wall we need to be not unwise but be very wise of the enemy's tactics i heard this word at the uh warriors arise i heard it first time got up it's time it's time it's time it's time i'm going to finish let me just read this jesus said father the hour is come glorify your son that your son may glorify you and even as you gave him authority over all flesh that all whom you have given him and all you have given him that he may give eternal life and then jesus says this he defines eternal life this is abba this is hey do you abba coming up come on getting a microphone the worship team you guys can i get you guys up your mind this is unplanned there's something so powerful in abba something hit me this morning i said you don't understand how instrumental you've been and what you've done uh-huh how many of you love eddie and oh my god wow wow wow [Applause] disciples say to jesus teach us to pray jesus is like okay when you pray pray our father gosh our father look at this jesus defines eternal life and he says this this is he doesn't say this is about this could be about he's saying this is and that word this is means this is the exact answer to what eternal life is this is what he says see dan preached it we preached it all the time it's not just about praying to prayer and getting to heaven it's not just being praying a prayer and get me out of here god it's not rubbing a genie in a lamp saying god show up here and he's not a genie he's your father but it says this it says this is eternal life that they may know you that word no is genoso to know in a great variety of applications with many implications to be sure to understand to learn to know to come to know to get a knowledge perspective to feel to become known to know understand perceive have the knowledge and the jewish and jewish idiom in one of the jewish definitions of this is this for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman so what he's saying is the intimacy in a marriage between a husband and wife is the picture of what jesus is saying is what's it is the picture of what jesus is saying knowing god is people are like oh that's no no the picture isn't too coming together in a yucky way the picture in marriage is the two becoming one so what god is saying is that to know him is to become one with him becoming one with the father one with the father to where there's no separation and watch this if you're one with the father no earthly experience no trial no tribulation can come in between because you're no longer two you're one when god becomes your abba an eternal life this started when you said yes to him he said yes to you before you were even created and then he knit you inside of a womb and maybe your mom said no but it doesn't matter because your father said yes and you grew up and went through all that stuff in life but if you have the wrong idea of who the father is that he wasn't your protector that he wasn't your defender that he wasn't there for you that he didn't show up when you prayed he didn't do this he didn't do that he's not your bellhop he's your father and that perspective will separate you from true union communion intimacy becoming one with him and if you are in this place and you have had that stuff separate you from who the father is i just want you to stand to your feet it's okay it's not a big deal it's a big deal to hold it in and let it go aaron that's you too bro i know sierra and i found out a little bit about you last night i found out that you came here wondering if he was real and if he would speak to you and last night at the end of the session i heard your name and called you out you came forward i didn't know at the time what was happening but i know now did god show himself faithful he's your father [Applause] if you're out there and you've allowed this kind of thinking to separate you from surrender because of your belief in who the father was and now you know who the father is and you're saying yes to him and you want him and you believe that jesus christ died for your sin and raised from the dead for you to have life if that's you raise your hand stand up i want all those people that raised their hand to come forward please [Applause] super powerful life-changing life-altering completely transforming no pressure only pleasure jesus is king he's not looking at you for what you thought he's looking at you for who you really are and all he's asking is would you be willing to fully give your yes to him today yes yes pray with me and then we're going to sing abba father again ready come on champion there's dancing you crazy stuff serious there's performing arts in you the music [Music] so good bless you i want you guys to pray with me in the name of jesus i mean you've got to have your lips moving in the name of jesus i believe that jesus christ died for my sin and i believe that he raised from the dead for me to have eternal life and eternal life starts with knowing the one and only true god and jesus christ the one whom you sent today i give my life that no longer belongs to the god of this world but he belongs to god right now i am in jesus name a child of god in jesus name amen
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 6,143
Rating: 4.8214288 out of 5
Id: GFiuFAi4cCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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