Dr. William D. Hinn - Good Friday Service

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[Music] [Music] welcome everybody i'd like to welcome those of you that are watching online to our good friday service we are so happy that you've joined us we pray that tonight your life has changed forever we pray that the spirit of the lord invade your household invade wherever you are watching invade your car we pray that tonight that your family has changed we pray tonight that curses are broken that restrictions are lifted we pray tonight that god will fill and flood your life like you've never known before and we are believing and we understand and we know that the holy spirit is not bound by our our walls and our limitations so we're believing that as we worship god here that the same presence the same power the same moving of the holy spirit is gonna fill you and flood you and touch you wherever you are in jesus name everybody say amen can we get the doors shut in the back [Music] hallelujah can we lift our hands to jesus are you guys ready to worship said are you ready to worship james is ready to worship is anyone else ready to worship he is our faithful god our spotless lamb our wonderful redeemer i was just uh driving on the way over here and just thanking the lord thanking jesus for who he is thanking him for how real he is thanking him that he is our forerunner and that everything that we've been through everything that we go through all the ups and downs all the victories all the defeats everything he's already done it for us every victory he's already wanted for us every mountain he's already scaled it for us every enemy he's already destroyed it for us every battle he's already wanted for us hebrews 6 says he is our for runner he went before us and he did it and so as i was in my car i was just worshiping and just thanking him for who he is and for all that he's done and you know we could be here all night just thanking him for all that he's done but tonight i i want to as we are worshiping i want to ask god something and i was asking him this today that the flesh of jesus that the person the real man not some figment not some character that we read about that we've learned since we were kids not a bible story but the man god in the flesh jesus christ that his flesh will become our flesh and just like he walked we walk an unspotted unblemished perfect lamb that gave his life and i'm believing that as every hand is lifted and as we worship him tonight before bishop brings the word as we worship him tonight i am believing and i am praying that if there is anything i said anything in our life that is attached to an old nature that is attached to a memory that doesn't belong to us especially those that are watching online if there is anything in our life that has any blemish that has any spot from the world if there is anything in our life that has yet to be yielded to the crucifixion of jesus christ if there's any flesh any part of us that has yet to be crucified i am believing father in the mighty name of jesus that you crucify everything that is not of you tonight in jesus mighty name make your church spotless oh spotless lamb thank you for being our forerunner and going before us thank you jesus for making a way for us where there was no way thank you father for reaching and going down into the pits of hell and setting all of us free thank you father that we can walk in true liberty and true freedom and that no matter what happens on this earth no matter what happens to this flesh father you are the freedom that we live in here and now you are the eternity we're not waiting to get to eternity knowing you is eternal life father you are my final destination you are my eternity jesus so i pray in the mighty name of jesus that as you were the spotless lamb make us spotless father crucify anything that is of flesh father that we may see the kingdom i pray in jesus name father i pray that tonight you remove boundaries of limitations that you change thought patterns that you change habits lord that that depression will leave the heart of your people father that the in the mighty name of jesus come holy spirit and and i and destroy cancer i rebuke sickness tonight in the mighty name of jesus [Music] father on this good friday [Music] let us have reports of doctors bad reports being canceled in jesus name let us have reports of years-long health struggles reversed in jesus name [Music] father let every single person that is attached to this house or watching online father have a refreshing a renewing mind soul and body tonight we pray in jesus name [Music] father we thank you you are lord of our life you're the savior of the world you're the redeemer you're the spotless lamb you are the one that has gone before us and made all things perfect father so as we worship you tonight as every hand is lifted for those of you watching online i just encourage you to shut off everything else and worship with us in this moment father as we worship we pray father that you come in every life that you fill and flood every mind that you change and renew father that the greatness and the perfection of who you are will fill and flood every mind and everybody tonight that every person will leave tonight a brand new being in jesus mighty name and all the people of god said amen [Music] all day [Music] thee [Music] i thee [Music] oh thou are exalted [Music] above all the earth [Music] thou are exalted [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] entire [Music] i [Music] all these [Music] [Music] [Music] oh me [Music] um [Music] then [Music] could make [Music] [Music] change [Music] could break these chances [Music] could be [Music] love [Music] these [Music] beautiful [Music] is my heart will see [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is will see is [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] oh with everything [Music] how i love you [Music] is your name [Music] how [Music] change everything [Music] with everything i've got [Music] as we prepare our hearts to receive of this communion [Music] what you carried 2 000 years ago on that friday the weight of all humanity the agony caused you to sweat drops of blood the burden within your heart even your cry onto your father for no man has ever suffered like you suffered no man has ever carried what you have carried [Music] for all history of all humanity of every infirmity every sickness every disease every sin that has ever been committed or will ever be committed [Music] he laid it all on you tonight we pray in jesus name that as we partake of this communion [Music] what you accomplished what you died for [Music] will become such a part of our life that our fallen history our infirmities our shortcomings will no longer continue to be carried but lord in jesus name that we will encounter resurrection power that tonight we declare in jesus name on this god friday [Music] that what has repeated year after year fallen cycle after cycle that our lives become the expression of the son of god [Music] father i prayed as we partake of this communion the old life with all of its duality mindset for as grateful as we are for the finished work that you accomplished on the cross but now let it be finished in our experience we desire that we be as you are right here on earth that we be a holy people our righteous people come on people of god that we live the life of the christ that is within us that in the lung remain a hope but an expression of your glory [Music] father not only will you cleanse remove but lord you'll go into our minds and cause new pathways blocking away old habits old mindsets living from the past thinking from our history but we will come from the finished work in the name of jesus father we declare in jesus name every person that is watching every person in this house every person of their house lord that we will receive virtue tonight a virtue like we've never encountered people of god i'm telling you we are in a season like this body of christ has never been before we have come to an entrance a threshold we've come into a new beginning in the cycle of divine activity we have come to the threshold of a brand new beginning that none of us have ever encountered we have to approach it with new pair of eyes expecting what we've never expected [Music] because when god says behold i do a new thing we've never seen it before so father tonight i'm believing you that in this new beginning diseases will be destroyed sin will be destroyed cancer will be destroyed marriages will be reunited families harmonized children returned [Music] then in the name of jesus what has been closed will be open what has been restricted restrained blocked opposed every opposition be removed in jesus name cause us to step into the authority that belongs to us [Music] in jesus name be prepared church just come right here to the side table serve yourself begin to come [Music] come [Music] um [Music] see singing to the lord [Music] as you come just continue to worship [Music] oh we see [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we see [Music] let the reality of your blood the power and the life that is in it [Music] for you declared the life is in the blood father we pray as we partake of this your blood but by faith it will cause a blood transfusion whatsoever does not belong to us will be cleansed out of our bloodstream out of our families out of our children that will break the curse of generations but the life that is filled with holiness righteousness purity flow through our veins that in the name of jesus [Music] father we celebrate what you have accomplished with sorrow that you had to carry us [Music] but you're not gonna have to carry us anymore the victory is ours because of you in jesus mighty name go ahead and partake that is the cleansing power [Music] so you would understand the power of faith the word of god declares that everything that we see has been made by things that are not seen without faith we cannot please god [Music] he holds the world by the word of his power the invisible world is where reality truly is so when we stand in faith and we partake of his body of his blood there is a greater power of energy that is released through faith that is able to strengthen us [Music] raise us up that as we partake of this his body [Music] the endurance the steadfastness the faithfulness the power the integrity the standard of his being become part of our nature so father we pray in jesus name your thoughts be our thoughts your mind be our mind your word be our word your heart be our heart that we would see things from the heavens above and release it into the earth in jesus name partake yes god i want to hear your voices all of you join in those of you watching just lift your voice [Music] see thank you for all that you do thank you for the blessings that are in our life thank you for health and strength for all your provisions [Applause] for the mercy that is [Music] church [Music] [Applause] [Music] change us tonight change us tonight ask him church change me change me tonight father we desire to live in heaven and work in the earth we don't want to live on earth let our life be lived from the heavens above [Music] walked out released effective in this earth in the mighty name of jesus we give you all the glory come on church all the power all the praise in jesus name and all the people of god said amen you got to give my mighty praise just to be his name [Music] you may be seated for a moment prepare your ties your offerings we thank the lord for his presence there are some things that have been increased released out of the heavens the presence of god has been rich at least for me personally i feel like in all the years that i have been serving him and what a privilege it's been not that i'm done i feel like we're just getting started i said i feel like we're just getting started but i have never experienced the increase at the pace the pace i've experienced increase but not at the pace not only are we experiencing at least for me there is an increase i feel it i hear it um it's not taking us long for things to be manifest for answers to come at a faster pace than i have encountered before and for that i am so grateful which means god is setting us up for something someone asked you as you are preparing your hearts over here to my to my right is our table that if you have your offerings ties and offerings in your hand for those of you that are online prepare to give but we're just going to worship god for all his goodness i said this the other night i'm going to say it again when darkness covers the earth gross darkness the people the glory of the lord is going to rise upon you and kings are going to come to your glory and we are seeing god just cause the heavens and the earth to collide again in an experiential manner which means that we don't put our attention to what the world is doing what the governments of this world are doing what the government of this country is doing because that's enough to give you a migraine we've got to keep our eyes what god is doing the activities of the kingdom and when we live there we become less affected you can't just say we are in this world and not of it you actually have to experience that we are in this world not of it everything in god requires experience say that with me everything in god requires experience that means if it's not experiential it's religion when you repeat something that you've been raised in church with it just becomes a crystallized religion even if it's true it's still religion when the words say you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free it's not describing knowing the truth intellectually it means it becomes something that you've encountered intimately adam came to no eve and she conceived it's the kind of knowledge that becomes part of you impregnates you and therefore we have to come to a point now where we and this is how easy it is this is how easy it is sometimes the carnal mind complicates things with god and i said to our people the other night the closer you get to god the brighter the light becomes and as you approach heaven to the presence of god that's his abode whatever gap and separation has been in our minds the veil when you finally get there you'll find that it's never been there it's been rented dude it's gone and now the reality of that which is the dimension of heaven becomes an encounter so when you go back to your life it doesn't leave you if we follow the pattern of jesus he never thought nor prayed to a far distant god there was a constant communion and it doesn't mean religiously and i say this with pure love but even in today's religious world where more and more people are experiencing worship and as wonderful as it is that we can worship god with our song but worship is your pursuit of god your pursuit of god towards others your pursuit of god in your day living your pursuit of god in the place of your work in the marketplace it's not just doing that which is necessary where we get into our closet but i'm talking about in your daily living there's a pursuit in you and everything that you do is driven by the motivation of the kingdom that's worship and so in all that we do and all that we say and all that we give as soon as we own it we'll start to lose it say it again as soon as we own it we start to lose it which means as soon as you think you got it on your own god has an amazing way of taking it away to remind you that we need him and without him we are nothing we have nothing and so that's why we we can come to a point where when you have him it doesn't matter if you have nothing else you always know you've got everything else and so as you stand to your feet with your tithe and your offerings and those of you that have joined us online be prepared to just show god your thanksgiving so we want to lift it high just lift it high so father in jesus name everything that we have you've given us all our blessings come from you you go ahead of us and you cause the crooked things to be made straight then when we get there we don't even know that it was ever crooked it's your favor we know you love us all but we're grateful for your favor that you favor us that we have favor with god and favor with man though what normally does not work works for us we are honored privileged to bring this our tithes and offerings to magnify your great name let your blessings overtake your people spirit soul and body that they will possess what money cannot buy of your grace father we honor you in jesus name and all the people of god said amen come let's bless them together [Music] [Music] lord bless you may be seated for those of you that have joined us online please make sure that you are ready word of god cannot be preached while people are multitasking and so i urge you to just put away all distractions and uh listen to the word intently this word has kind of given me almost a new encounter but i'm grateful tonight you know i want to thank god for michael who's here early sets up everything in advance i want to thank god for his son kyle who's come to bless us tonight i am so grateful that my wife is always worshiping and leading us in worship i thank god that for my children that are here my son kostya william and all their beautiful families that are here tonight pastor mark for all the years for all of you that have been just so faithful i don't say this often enough and i should and you know sometimes we have these special type services but i want to thank god for pastor michelle pastor michelle for all her hard work for over the years get your bibles ready to the book of john john chapter 17 thank you kyle i need you to listen intently tonight because it's going to require john chapter 17 we're gonna we're gonna have uh i'm gonna give you this word it's not long word and then we will go and fellowship some we are live streaming and this live stream is open to all those that want to join in um we are also live streaming on sunday morning at 10 o'clock and i the lord has given me a word entitled resurrection the guarantee of triumph i you need to be part of that on sunday morning at 10 that's texas time for all of our people in different time zones you want to make sure you're tuned in and tonight which is known as good friday i'm entitling the agony of gethsemane the agony of gethsemane and um if the children make a lot of racket it's okay you should see what my house looks like and sounds like um john 17. i need you to listen are you all doing good you're going to say man once in a while tonight the lord has been has been um you know i was telling my wife today what's been happening more and more lately is i wake up early in the morning and i'm not one to wake up that early i generally i'm i one that stays up late when i stay up at night that's usually when i study but i'll go to bed with a particular thought of the word and the lord will actually speak like as in a dream and it's when it's time to get up and i know that if i don't get up i'm going to forget it it's going to be gone it's almost like a wind that comes through my mind in my sleep and then i have to get up and then the challenge is to take the picture that came through my mind and put words to it because god speaks in in pictures it's it's translates to a language in our thinking but i experienced a glimpse if you will of the weakness of jesus listen carefully i know that doesn't sound like something we would normally hear in church but this is what took place with our savior john chapter 17 this prayer is in a garden beginning with verse 1 read the chapter on your own time i just want to get get a picture to you these words jesus spake and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hours come there's an agonizing now it's hard to read that but you just follow through the hours come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee this is a man born of a woman under the law who had to learn who he was just like you do as thou has listen now as thou has given him power over all flesh he's talking about himself that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent i have glorified thee on earth and i have finished the work which thou gave me to do and now o father glorify thou me with thy own self with the glory with the glory which i had with thee before the world was if you jump down he prays for his disciples and he says he's going to take them on the same journey now verse 18 as thou has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world and so what he is experiencing they're going to have to go through as well he prays for his disciples and says as thou has sent me i have also sent them they're going to have to go through the same journey chapter 18 just follow with me i'm just going to give you a little bit of background readings just so you get the picture jesus beginning with verse 1 chapter 18 when jesus spoke in these these words he went forth with his disciples over to the brook of sidron where was a garden in which he entered with his disciples they're gonna have to enter the same garden and judas which which was to betray him knew the place for jesus oftentimes resorted there with his disciples judas then having received the band of men in offices from the chief priests pharisees they come close to him with lanterns torches and weapons jesus therefore knowing all this all these things that should come upon him went forth and said unto them now notice he didn't send anybody he already knew what's coming on him and he asks them the question verse 4 whom seek ye and they answered him jesus of nazareth said unto them he said i am he and judas also which betrayed him stood with them notice he just stood there and as soon as then they had he said this to them as soon as he said i am he they went backward and fell to the ground they were slain then jesus again asks them now remember they just fell down on the ground and he's now talking to them again most likely they're still on the ground whom seek ye and they said jesus of nazareth and he says to them i have told you that i am he if therefore you seek me let these speaking of disciples let them go simon peter in verse 10 draws out a sword strikes towards one of the preservants cuts off his ear jesus heals his ear tells peter put your sword back and he says in the latter part of verse 11 the cup which my father has given me shall i not drink it now remember um he knew what's going on the sink of time to be in time he asks them because they've seen him before now judas is among them and they entered into the same gethsemane this is the garden of betrayal this is the garden of sword even though judas was there yet he stood silent in fear of his presence when the soldiers approached jesus and he said i am he then i fell backwards slain he asked them again and they had to tell him again though he knew the answer peter draws the sword cuts off the ear of the servant jesus rebukes him and puts your sword away heals the ear of the man and says to peter the cup which the father has given me shall i not drink it this cup of the father is referring to the agony of gethsemane so you want to write that down in mark chapter 14 just flip back to mark chapter 14 and he'll kind of give you the background before so this is what we read here took place before the soldiers came to the garden and i want you to just jump down to verses 26. i want you to kind of get a get a how many of you want to get a clear view of that friday verse 26 mark 14. and when they had sung at hymn they went out into the mount of olives and jesus said unto them all ye shall be offended listen all of you shall be offended because of me this night for it is written i will smite the shepherd and the sheep shall scatter so he knew they're going to deny him but he tells him in advance but after that i am risen i'll go before you i'll meet you in galilee anybody remember that now in verse 32 and it came to pass that they kept our place named gethsemane and he said to his disciples sit here now here i want to i don't want to rush through this part he said to them sit here you all there while i shall pray he's feeling the weight he takes with him peter james and john so that means that there were all of them but it took the three to come with him to help him to pray with him because and began to be sore amazed the king james means deeply distressed and troubled and very heavy to be very heavy and he says to them my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death carry here with me stay with me and watch meaning pray with me and he went forward a little and fell on the ground he went stepped forward and he couldn't keep walking he literally fell on the ground because of the weight and prayed if it were possible that the hour might pass from me and he said abba father all things are possible to you he's asking can you take this cup from me but nevertheless not what i will but what you will and he comes and finds them asleep comes back to where peter james and john and he says to peter simon are you sleeping can you not stay with me one hour watch and pray unless you enter into temptation the spirit is truly ready but the flesh is weak you all see this so here's jesus he comes to the point where he says to his father everything is possible to you is there any way that you can take this from me my soul is exceeding sorrowful the weight on him was so heavy he asks his father is there any way you could take this cup from me but i know not my will but your will be done the father being just there had to be a penalty for man's sin either all die or one die for all there had to be a decision kill them all or kill all in him you all see that therefore the father chose to lay on him the iniquity of us all isaiah 53 6 it says he has borne our grief and carried our sorrows isaiah 53 4 all the weight of all humanity and he can't even yet get support from his disciples he's pleading with them he keeps coming if you read the chapter he keeps coming back to see if he can get them to help him pray with him and each time they're sleeping he finally says well just go ahead and sleep because the father has ordained it so he can't be helped he has to carry this by himself the final week of his earthly ministry he began his week with a triumphal entry into jerusalem with the crowd shouting hosanna hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord at the end of that same week now the crowd is crying out crucify him crucify him before the week was over his journey to golgotha began at the foot of the mount of olives in the garden called gethsemane meaning the oil press meaning what the oil press where the olives were pressed until today if you go to the garden of gethsemane they still have oil pressing machines mount olives was called such for it was clothed with olive trees luke 22 44 describes the lord's agony caused sweat to be as great drops of blood the anguish of the cross was not as severe as the agony that led to it i want to say that one more time the anguish of the cross what he went through on the cross was not as severe he actually looked forward to the cross because death was going to eliminate the pain therefore the anguish of the cross was not as severe as the agony that led to it the death of the cross destroyed the weight of sin that's why zechariah the prophet prophesied in chapter 14 he said mount olives will be the great place of the great battle that's where the battle was but then he also added where the lord will be king over all the earth say yes jesus knew this all by scripture and so verse 9 it says the place it is the place of great agony and glorious victory so i'm going to just quickly take you through the final week of the lord's earthly ministry is that all right and and you could you could you know i'll give you the chapters and you can just jot them down if you want to or you can just do it they're in all the gospels sunday begins triumphant entry into jerusalem mark 11. monday he cleanses the temple in jerusalem on tuesday the sadhadran challenges jesus authority jesus foretells the destruction of jerusalem it is all on tuesday mary anoints jesus at bethany judas bargains with the jewish rulers to betray jesus you will see this in luke 20 luke 22 and in the other gospels on thursday jesus eats the passover meal with his disciples instituting the memorial supper as what we know the last supper praise in gethsemane for his disciples that's on thursday did you get all that so on thursday he eats passover at the last supper prays at gethsemane for his disciples on friday he is betrayed and arrested in the garden of gethsemane jesus questioned by the former high priest condemned by caiaphas and said hedron board peter denies jesus three times all that in the same day jesus is formally condemned by the sadhedrans judas commits suicide the trial of jesus before pilate he appears before herod formally sentenced to death by pilate jesus is mocked and crucified between two thieves the veil of the temple is torn as jesus dies he's buried in the tomb of joseph of armathea on sunday he's raised from the dead just like he said say hallelujah or something the original good friday some historians believe it was originally called god's friday while others say it was good friday because of what god did for man in that day either way it's a good day the original date was on april the 3rd ad 33 it's important the lord was raised listen now the lord was raised on the first day of the new week new beginning on a sunday april the 5th he died at 3 o'clock friday april the 3rd ad-33 why is that important is because everything lined up between heaven and earth because if you take 3 o'clock april the 3rd ad33 it is the number of 12 perfect order kingdom and earth come together god restored and i want you to remember that because what you're going to hear for for resurrection morning will help you understand that what jesus did is that he caused the the the separation between heaven and earth at the fall of man you remember when god when god casted out adam out of the garden from that day forward there was a gap between god and man and that gap paul calls a wall of partition a separation took place in the mind of man between heaven and earth remember god did not create the earth without the heavens so we have to be careful that the heavens did not exist before the earth all was spirit god created the heavens and the earth genesis 1 1. in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth there were of the same realm one spirit one natural if i was to look at you for example as your personality if i was to see your soul in your emotion in your conduct in your personality how your character is it's not separated from your body from your face it's expressed out of your face what's in your heart comes out of your mouth it's one and the same what heaven and earth were where that one was the reflection of another the reality of heaven was was experienced and encountered manifest in the earth they were of the same domain when men fell they seemed to become two separate domains and in the mind of men ever since when someone dies they go back to be with the lord in some faraway planet called heaven what jesus did at the resurrection is he broke the curse and restored heaven and earth back again which means it's now just to make it clear of course people cross over and die as we've said they go to heaven yes of course but it's it's not so much as a um a traveling to a far distant galaxy it is being in the presence of god therefore when we are able to experience the death and resurrection of jesus christ we are able to experience the presence of god on earth just like adam did before the fall adam can hear god can feel god can hear him in the wind adam can look into the animals and name them he could he could rule all of god's creation because his mind and heart was seated in the heavenly place while his feet were on the earth and he was able to release that which came out of the realm of the unseen so when we understand for example and i've used this example many times how real is jesus to you talk to me i'm talking to you people how how real is jesus but you've never had a cup of coffee with him you've never sat down how to walk now you've had experiences but i mean physically naturally in the flesh you've never actually sat with jesus but we would all agree for those of us that have walked with him he's the greatest reality in your life that shows us the reality of spirit how much more real it is it's um sometimes i may have a good day sometimes i may have a bad day sometimes my wife and i have a good day once in a great while we have a bad day i could be separated from her because she's mad at me as an example or my son or i'm mad at them example that separation we could be in the same bed and yet there is a separation the heart becomes distant if we think of jesus he is actually more real than the people you sleep next to in your home he's a greater reality than the children you love because there's never the distance the only time there's a distance is that we are separated in our minds and so when we understand what jesus did and why he had to carry this is to cause from the time of adam's fall throughout human history all the way to the last adam till the final man jesus carried every weight of every sin that has so easily beset us so when you think of what he had to carry once he hung his head on friday april the 3rd 33 a.d at three o'clock he fulfilled three listen now four threes that's 12 kingdom order four for the number of the world and god gave us his divinity when we think of god being divine we think of the three when we think of the world we think of four when we think of the kingdom we think of twelve god lined up again heaven and earth and restored what took place in the garden and now man can be again the eden of god you gotta say hallelujah it's so good in matthew 16 24 jesus said if any man will come after me got to come after him let him deny himself and take up his own cross and follow me remember we've learned nothing in god is strictly done on an individual level every action is the eternal god now listen up every action in the eternal god has a reaction that continues to affect generations to come i must say that again nothing in god is done strictly on an individual level every action in the eternal god has a reaction that continues to affect the generations to come why because he's eternal you understand everything god continues from noah's loneliness for being the only righteous man on earth to abraham's anguish at the altar all those chosen of god must go through the agony of gethsemane not like jesus did but there has to be the experience of having the oil pressed out the oil had to be pressed out of moses at the burning bush in the back side of the desert speaking of the consuming of his flesh and will it had to be pressed out of joshua as he knelt before that great angel who had the sword drawn it had to be pressed out of king david when he pleaded with god to have mercy for his sin it had to be pressed out of daniel he's locked in that lion's den and all the children of god that came after them hebrews 11 describes these heroes of the faith and it says listen they were tortured yet they refused deliverance they were mocked stoned imprisoned cut asunder it as of whom the world was not worthy yet out of weakness they were made strong one more time out of weakness say it out of weakness i want you to remember this now out of weakness they were made strong there is a preserved life that can only come through the journey of gethsemane jesus said in matthew 7 14 narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it the cross is the only way to resurrection you can't get to the cross until we bear the agony of gethsemane in second corinthians 3 14 i want you to listen to this paradox go to second corinthians 13 4 i'm sorry second corinthians 13 verse 4 for though he was crucified through weakness you all there yes no second corinthians 13 4. are you all getting this anybody hearing anything for though he was crucified through weakness yet he lives by the power of god for we also are weak in him but we shall live with him by the power of god toward you now i i pray lord speak to your people personally let this be revealed to them personally in jesus name i'm not going to get into great detail but i need you to hear this for though he was crucified through weakness yet he lived by the power of god for we also are a weak in him or with him but we shall live with him by the power of god the word shall is not in the original but we now live with him by the power of god say yes listen to what how the weymouth puts it it says we also are weak sharing his weaknesses his weakness but with him we shall be full of life he was crucified through weakness that means feebleness frailty he was crucified through feebleness frailty comes from the word strengthen less strengthen less jesus the son of god jesus the king of glory jesus the son of the living god strengthen less yeah i was quiet like that when i first saw it jesus is actually reaching the point of having no strength the place of having no power no strength at the end of himself and now it's going to take god to finish it he though he felt forsaken couldn't carry it and weak and said not my will but thine be done so this is not to glorify weakness but to see the wisdom of god in weakness that leads to the crucifixion salary or something because i'm looking at your faces and i'm not sure if i should go on or not don't look depressed now this is good i cried through it a lot it's not to glorify weakness to see the wisdom of god in weakness in your weakness take it personal because remember for though he was crucified through weakness yet he lives by the power of god and then he adds we too we also shall live by the power of god though we're weak in him we also are weak sharing his weakness but with him we shall be full of light or chill of life shall a power yet he was crucified through feebleness frailty you don't see the sight of jesus you see him raising the dead casting out the devils calming the seas feeding the multitude and here he is running back and forth to see if his disciples can help him and they're sleeping he pleased with his father you could do anything all things are possible with you is there any way you can take this cup away from me but he knows i've read too much i've seen it prophesied i know what i've got to go through not my will but thine be done he was crucified through weakness the cross was his release his the cross was found to be relieved of the agony he had been carrying first corinthians 1 25 says because the foolishness of god is wiser than men and the weakness of god is stronger than men i've never heard anyone preach about the weakness of god first corinthians 1 25 again because the foolishness of god is wiser than men and the weakness of god the weakness of god is stronger than men in first corinthians 15 43 paul described the the resurrection of the dead like this he said it is sown in weakness and yet raised in power the lord said to paul in second corinthians 12 9 my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness it's made complete god does not remove your weakness he overrides it by his strength because my strength is made perfect in your weakness this is not to promote weakness this is not so you can help god with your weakness god yet does not remove your weakness he overrides it by his strength because it is the means by which his strength is revealed one more time it is the means by which his strength is revealed so paul responds then in verse 10 and he says therefore i take pleasure in my weaknesses my infirmities for when i am weak then i am strong god has a way of keeping us on our knees first corinthians 1 27 god chooses the weak things to confound the wise some of the mightiest people god has ever used are some of the weakest people in the history of mankind god does not separate you from your listen now i want to back up a little anybody hearing anything there's a wisdom in god jesus sets the pattern he says his disciples have to go to their gethsemane just like he did that's the place god uses to press the oil out of you that's the place of the olive trees i remember as a kid looking over that mountain it's more of a hill and it's full of olive trees we have visited gethsemane my family and i and there are ancient trees olive trees how many of you know they have a tendency to last ask me why why because god will squeeze you and squeeze you and squeeze you and squeeze you when you think you can't do it anymore you'll be shocked how long you can live and yet god will keep squeezing you it is the nature of the tree there are olive trees in the garden of gethsemane the place of the oil press that are still there from the times of jesus one day i hope we can go there's something that i i have been there i remember as a child my uncle took me before this is when i lived there this is when i was a child this is not christian tours with benny hill ministries this is as a child and i remember feeling it i could feel the something weighty they take it to the rock where they say jesus cried he fell he couldn't carry it he fell he pleased with his father you could do anything you're all wise is there any way you could take this from me he goes back to his disciples they're not there to help him so he gives in he was glad approached the cross with joy to get this thing off of him when we see this side of our savior i don't know about you but i want to live more righteously not to suggest that he's still going to go through the pain but if anyone's going to come after him they have to carry the cross and follow him and they have to deny themselves like he came to the end of himself and saying not my will but yours be done he died already he had died by then the benefit of the cross is that the pain was taken from him he had already given himself he could have the word of god says they didn't take his life he gave his life therefore we have to understand the wisdom that we also have to go through the gethsemane of our own experience so god can show you the oil that he can press out of your life and god uses the pressing machine of weakness to show forth his strength his strength is made perfect in weakness the unfortunate thing is for some of the religious people who hear this they want to help god with their weakness by seeing doing more weakness having more weakness i'm going to help god be more weak so he can put more oil squeeze more all out of me it doesn't work that way it's the agony when you listen to david crying out renew a heart in the renewal renew my spirit give me a right spirit that means the spirit could be wrong it doesn't have to be evil it's just wrong his position meaning is wrong renew a right spirit in me there was an agony the agony of abraham putting his son on the altar believing god's going to take him thinking of daniel no matter what they say or no matter what they do to me i'm going to die today but i am not submitting to the king's rule i'm going to follow my obedience to god there has to come the gethsemane of the oil being squeezed out of every single one of us if we're expecting god to do anything in our life that will show his glory if any man come after me let him pick up his own cross and deny himself jesus is the pattern but this is the weakness of god i don't know that i can put it in words but the weakness of a parent is watching his child go through the agony and cannot help him because he knows that's what he's got to go through to bring him to the other side to another dimension to encounter what he must encounter he has to deal with the pain of his son or daughter go through what they have to go through agonizing that is a weakness of a parent when kosty was little he was playing with a sharp instrument and he was watching it come through a box and put his eye close to it and the sharp instrument cut through the cardboard and cut him right over his eye we arrest them to the emergency and they have to stitch it you have to watch the agony of your child but you know what it will bring there is no other way to the resurrection and the life of god when paul says that i may know him in the power of his resurrection the fellowship of his suffering that i may attain onto the life from the dead not that i have attained but this is what my mark is that's what i go after that's what i'm pressing towards because there is no other way to the other side i think back of the number of times i have cried out to god in agony and loneliness now i look back after this and i thank god for every bit of it why because it has brought a life and listen i pray he's done squeezing i just have a feeling there's going to be more to squeeze but he will put you through gethsemane if god can come back to the keyboard he will put you through gethsemane and god will use his weakness to show you his strength the weakness of god is stronger than men because the foolishness of god is wiser than men so paul comes and he says you know your life is sown in weakness it is raised in power god comes and says my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness i'm not going to take away your weakness i'm not going to remove it from you it's like the light and darkness i don't get rid of the darkness i just turn on the light and overshadows the darkness for in my strength not our strength in his strength therefore god reveals his power and his strength through our own weaknesses it seems like a paradox but that's the wisdom of god for when i am weak then i am strong god chooses not the mighty not the powerful not the wealthy not the intelligent god chooses the weak things of this world to confound the wise and that's why you see these great heroes of the faith tonight read hebrews 11 and just kind of go down towards the end and you listen to what these people went through they refused deliverance because they knew there's a better resurrection so here's my final thought god does not operate on you from your strongest strength one more time god you're listening to me god does not operate on you from your strongest strength god operates on you from your strongest weakness as you stand to your feet i want you to think what i'm saying to you god does not operate on you from your strongest strength god operates on you from your strongest weakness all you have to do is lay it down at the altar of gethsemane what do you have to do lay it down at the altar of gethsemane all we have to do is lay it down at the altar in our garden of gethsemane we're celebrating good friday today sunday morning we're going to see the result of it as we celebrate the resurrection of our lord jesus because he went through his gethsemane as we go through our gethsemane they followed him to gethsemane as we have to follow through gethsemane and god takes us from glory to glory says you raise your hands at home as you raise your hands here while we don't come with our strengths our abilities how often religion tries to impress we want to show all our good and how religion crucifies when things are bad but you in your infinite wisdom you use our weakness to show us the strength of your power for in our weakness your strength is made complete paul learned for your grace is always sufficient so father we come in this good friday this god friday and we lay our weaknesses at the altar of gethsemane that as we've received communion already tonight that this be a beginning a cleansing of the old and stepping into that which is new lord god we ask you in jesus name not that you take away our weakness not you should make us mighty and strong but that we will learn to lean depend on your strength on your power that we become dependent according to your will that in the name of jesus will not glorify in our weaknesses but in your strength that is made perfect in our weakness as we stand in the room filled with light it overshadows the darkness father we pray in jesus name that we will learn to walk softly always leaning on you always depending on you that we will not fall in the trap of david who are so self-confident so able that he could do it by himself you taught him as you did moses make him the meekest man on earth capable powerful able people becoming completely dependent for them that are pure in heart poor in spirit they're the inheritors they inherit the heavens and the earth as the father in jesus name thank you for going through gethsemane come on church talk to him thank you for carrying my burdens thank you for carrying my weaknesses my failures the sins that i've committed this last week and the sins that i will commit thank you father you've delivered from being a sinner and you've made me a new creation thank you for caring the burden thank you for setting us free thank you for willing father thank you that you endured you turned your face from your own son until he died that the price be paid that we may be free to you be all the glory all the honor all the praise come on church are we grateful or what we honor magnify your great name in the holy righteousness of jesus we love you church join us again sunday morning for our live stream we pray this tonight will strengthen you not weaken you strengthen you know that the grace of god is always always more than sufficient where sin abounds grace does much more abound somebody say hallelujah we love you have a glorious glorious week we'll see you soon [Music] just want to do this really quick because i know we're all hungry we want to eat but we just wanted to bless you and honor you and pray for you on your birthday his birthday is tomorrow right can we bless the lord for bishop wish him happy birthday 27 yeah stick with it 27. okay we'll make it 55 and that's it let's uh can we just stretch our hands [Music] father where will we be have you not called us where would we be jesus have you not laid your your life down for us and as us father i thank you lord for your servant thank you father for this young era boy that you took out of the nation of israel you set him apart father you called him by your name you put a light on him and said this one is mine thank you jesus for the power [Music] that lives within them father that resonates to each and every one of us i thank you lord that he is a pacesetter a trend setter father i thank you lord for the privilege that it has been for my brother my sisters and i father to watch the faithfulness of this man year after year day after day month after month father i pray lord in the mighty name of jesus that on this birthday father on this april the 3rd i pray father that you will increase in him like he has never known father i pray lord that even financially father in the areas of finance lord he will know no lack i pray father in the area of his body he will see power and strength like he has never known father i thank you lord that as his the numbers go up in age father the strength will also increase lord and he will get younger father i thank you lord that over the the years and hundreds and thousands of messages father that you reveal even more secrets to his heart father lord i pray that he would experience your presence that he would experience your power that he will experience your anointing father that he will experience you in a face-to-face encounter more father than all the years combined starting today father that this day that this birthday be a shift be a change an about face god that nothing will ever be the same yes and i thank you god that generations will run in his footsteps and he will they will hear his voice because your words are in his mouth and your light is in his face thank you jesus for who he is we are honored to call him our father bless him on to his birthday give him strength give him energy father let him run faster and quicker lord let him get accomplished way more and doing way less let this be the greatest year and increasing in years of his life in jesus name everybody said amen we all wish bishop william and happy birthday [Music] i don't know what to do now so let's go eat thank you all so much i love you [Music] you
Channel: William D. Hinn
Views: 553
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: JPjLPmrtoU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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