Ordinary Things Cut In HALF

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the anatomy of a pinata this isn't legit beating the absolute heck out of a pinata was one of my favorite childhood activities the inside of a cup of noodles how are they just staying in place they ain't stingy with the noodles i can tell you that oh nothing more satisfying than slicing open a fresh new tuba toothpaste y'all mean y'all don't eat your toothpaste like this hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some insides so this channel what's inside literally cuts everything in half they got a giant wasp nest off ebay i don't even know you could sell those things on ebay we found the watch nest bidding starts at 500 oh it's all dried up oh my gosh this is really disgusting well i can't wait to see what's inside of this thing it's cutting people like a piece of very dry bread ready sour my gosh dough my gosh whoa surprise no wasps nothing like some dry bee home looks crunchy probably tastes like a stale chip no i always wonder this what's inside of a red box how does it know what movie i want so when you open it up all of the movies are like in the cylindrical vending machine and when you select the movie it scans it takes it out and then spits it out for you to enjoy for 24 hours what's inside of a youtube gold play button so i can't believe they actually managed to cut this youtubers watching this like it's like part of me wants to see what's inside but also part of me is like no the disrespect my accomplishments it's actually cutting oh oh oh oh so it's just like it's not silver it looks like gold i don't think that's gold i don't think they just be handed out like filled play buttons that's expensive is this real this is what a hedgehog skeleton look like sonic in 50 years after being teleported to the mushroom land i had no idea all the spikes were like their bone i don't know what i was expecting but it wasn't this they kind of built like turtles really sharp turtles the inside of a jawbreaker yes beautiful glorious magical but how do they make them it seems like so much effort also they just keep coating the candy in this giant rotating mix of whoa oh okay i see now i see now they repeat the step 10 times for each layer interesting making a jawbreaker takes four days well they ain't even that good is the demand really that great the process seems so intricate for a mediocre candy what's on the inside of a credit card well you mean the inside so basically there's two sides to a credit card bam and then they peeled it and that's what the inside looks like i don't know i was expecting it to be like gray you know in arizona it's illegal to cut a cactus you will go to jail stop you violated the law but if you do manage to get a nice clean slice this is what the inside looks like i had no idea i am it looks like dirt it doesn't even look like the inside of a plant i mean what was i expecting cactuses don't even need water they grow in the rocks and dirt practically growing in the wasteland interesting this is what the inside of different colored pearls look like whoa they kind of look like crystals i don't even know there was like different kinds of pearls we got black pearls gray pearls kind of looks like a jawbreaker i mean same concept will probably break your jaw you slice the turtle in half no don't do that but scientists have sliced a turtle skeleton in half and then it's like this so they really do be thick under there filling up that entire shell oh the spine goes on ah so the shell is part of it i didn't think they put like boom i thought they'd be like boom my back are just looking at this they also acquired a rattlesnake's rattle so why is it like it's moving it's detached from the okay they even got the skin too yeah it's not even though it's dead it's still rattling the way it moves ew it's like freaking me out how it keeps like what are you touching i know i'm deceased but please be gentle i feel like it's gonna look just like the wasp nest dry and crusty there's nothing inside of it what did you expect to be inside of it like some tiny metal balls that create the rattle the inside of an air mattress but this looks like an alien cave how was this the inside of an air match oh is that where you blow the air that's what it looks like on the inside oh terrifying oh nothing more satisfying than slicing open a fresh new tuba toothpaste y'all mean y'all don't eat your toothpaste like this you know how some people i don't know how they get the toothpaste out but basically around the cap all the toothpaste like bunches up and then hardens and then you can't squeeze any more out so i just like cut the inside of it and then get it from the back end mental illness in it back in the day they used to have these mechanical calculators and this is what the inside looks like all that mechanical brain power to calculate two plus two now we got all this as a teeny tiny piece of our phone isn't that wild whoa this is what the inside of a container ship looks like so they ship all the cargo on this bad boy but i'm like wait no no way they just like slice this in half like some bread right i think they're in like the process of building it or repairing it and they have to like cut it open now you see all the little compartments and all the floors that's a lot going on the inner workings of shaving cream i'm looking at this i'm like wait what's going on here why is it not white i thought shaving cream was white so you press the thing and there's like a contraption that like pushes the cream out of it oh yes interesting you know i always wondered what's inside of a squishy what makes it so squishy you know stress balls but make them cute no it's too cute to cut too cute to cut is it just foam oh no they cut his face oh no why did i have to be a cat though it's too cute apparently supposed to cut like bread dough that's not cooked all the way oh you just pop it in half it's like foam you know like a sponge like a mattress cover there's another one whoa that doesn't even look like a squishy oh it just bounced back to normal it's so stretchy oh it has water in it so the cheap squishies have water in them is it really water mystery liquid nasty the anatomy of a pinata wait hold on no this isn't legit first of all y'all just stuck straight up twizzlers in there oh it's supposed to be like a diagram you show toddlers beating as the absolute heck out of a pinata was one of my favorite childhood activities i'm probably part of the reason why i grew up to be such a violent teenager y'all ever wondered what the inside of a can of soup looks like vertical now when you take the lid off that's boring freeze it and then slice it in half oh okay very nice lots of noodles i mean okay in case you ever wondered it's like somebody bought like a laser cutter and just started slicing random things in the household if you ever wondered what the inside of a telephone wire looks like this is a small bundle of about a hundred pairs of 26 gauge wires so apparently it goes up to like 1200 pairs of wires but who cut this also it's a colorful rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair telephone wire edition whoa so this is a canon camera this looks like a very expensive camera just sliced in half lens and all that's a clean cut right there len's looking bigger than my bank account different sports balls are made of different things oh why this golf ball look like a salmon flavored like straight up fish so most heavy balls are made of smaller heavy balls basically bowling balls have heavy recycled things inside them some have different interior designs and the way the weight is distributed so the interior weight distribution can affect how the ball turns which way it goes so not all bowling balls are created equally golf ball whoa it's like green and orange it looks moldy you see the other golf ball look like salmon but this one just looked like some veggies here's another bowling ball this one just has a very large weight in it anything heavy you could find just pop it in there don't care what it is what so they cut a whole entire family of golf balls and they're all different colors on the inside every single golf ball different some like two-tone what they're so colorful for being so boring on the outside they are so colorful and unique on the inside this is what personality looks like get some so next time somebody says you have the personality of a golf ball take it as a compliment oh this is inside of a tennis ball bro looking like forbidden chocolate oh you tempt me with your insides here we got a lock sliced in half so you could see exactly what's going on so you slide that key in and the ridge is on the key align all the bolts and then you turn it's like a mini locker i mean that's what it is it's a lock and that's how it works have you ever hard-boiled an egg that has another egg inside of it ew gross throw it away wait so is the mini egg also hard-boiled don't be shy crack it open the inside of a cup of noodles how is that just staying in place i mean we just deducted a slice and it's all staying in place chopsticks and all they ain't stingy with the noodles i can tell you that what does the inside of a firework look like so they slice it in half this is the one that goes up in the air and as you can see it has like the design on the fireworks so this is the one that has like rings that go all around the design that goes up in the air is the design when they're like putting it together what determines the color though that's what i want to know what does a tire look like from the inside what so under the rubber there's like wires bra i had no idea i thought it was rubber the whole way through rubber that you fill with air i had no idea there was like metal in there what all right but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the coolest if you guys enjoyed it that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,817,181
Rating: 4.9378996 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, cut in half, whats inside, half, inside, cut, cutting things in half, things, satisfying, ordinary, things cut in half
Id: p4qpfeCJ91Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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