Cool Jobs On Tik Tok You Can Actually Get

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some cool jobs that you can actually get the coolest summer job a mail boat jumper i didn't even know boats receive mail i thought y'all had to come to the land to pick up your mail but no we got kids jumping off a mailboat just so bill can get his letter from the irs on time just a hand delivering and to audition for the job you have to jump and make it back on time before the boat leaves you so you gotta be fast and you better like running my job why don't we count them down what's gonna happen guys what are we looking at it's a building all right it's also a beautiful there was not a single cloud in the sky i don't know about anymore they demolished buildings the rat living inside the wall like she's a disney princess for kids birthdays and stuff i forgot i was filming caught my mood shift after being a princess for five hours straight time to wipe this smile off done that's exactly how i am after filming a video i'm like thanks for watching bye guys honestly i have to save all my energy from when i'm recording so there are these places where you could like swing into the wild like these crazy adult swings oh not those but look at this dude this guy professional swinger look at him he just uses the strength of his entire body to dunk the person into the thick of it look at that like the force of the dunkin people not donuts they fix upholstery so you know when you get into an old car and the seats or the leather is correct like this they can actually fix it without replacing the seat oh it's already gone bro i like blink twice what even happened how many layers of whatever are you spraying on that's like it never even happened five year olds be like i see where it used to be broken they still did a good job this guy makes nail polish colors so whatever nail polish color you want he can make it so we're gonna make periwinkle the same exact color as the glove so this starts out with red and then blue oh he's free handing it this is some next level thing add some pink to that so you know how the machine was mixing up the paint this dude does it by hand oh my goodness literally the same exact color as the glove i didn't even know those gloves were periwinkle blue i thought it was doctor's office blue nice oh so we have people out here hand tying the wires for a ski lift my arms are just watching this i feel like you got to be really strong to do this there's a hand weave it all together how i professionally restore classical paintings so you know it sounds from the 1800s it's gonna be dusty crusty musty wait i don't think this is restoring no this isn't the restoring that i was thinking i thought it was gonna clean it whoa he like modernized it painted over the first art and made another art hi that's pretty cool the first artist punch in the air in the coffin is this what a professional glass cutter looks like are you going to cut that piece of glass is it going to snap in half oh that was good very nice what was the liquid for a second i thought you put mountain dew on it or something like the sugars gonna make it crack so if you go to like one of those like bouncy castle places or whatever there's like these foam pits that you can jump in but after hours they're cleaning the foam pits oh you're telling me they get cleaned like they take all of them out to see what they found there is a lot of missing socks some hand sanitizer chappie stick oh an apple watch excellent that is going straight on to the ebay hair things some jewelry a squishy thing oh lots of money i was about to say mask somebody dropped that gucci mask how you going to lose that i'm glad to know that they get cleaned i never knew how satisfying it was to clean solar panels i don't even know people cleaned them i thought you kind of just set it and forget it i know you have to clean them it is quite satisfying though my friend natalia has a cool backpack and she works at color core so she goes into this building and it's her job to create new colors so what's on the list today we got red we got yellow and we got an orange so she collects color samples of real life things should you be walking around the city all day even the sky she can collect the color of the sky and then brings back all the colors that she's collected throughout the day and makes a pantone of it and then you can get them for free at the home depot that's not how it actually works but i mean it would be cool if it was basically for her job she fixes dentures this one was missing some teeth i don't know how that happens you bite into an apple a little too hard oh okay last looking much nicer now put a whole brand new tooth into it oh and then the putty does that go in the mouth oh there's the mold of it so if you ever need to replace anymore they make the teeth ah i see now that is very interesting it's like a magnet you just pop them in there whenever you want teeth so she's a real life mermaid traded her leg for a tail and everything so she actually does mermaid shows and it looks like a restaurant so you just hop in the pool and pretend to be a mermaid for a few hours sounds pretty fun however this does take a ton of training also i can barely swim with feet you gotta wear a tail the whole shift what if you have to go to the bathroom wait how do mermaids where does it come out from okay these are so satisfying they clean the horse's hooves because you know nasty stuff gets stuck in there first i gotta take the horseshoe off although that's in there tight take your shoe off before entering my house oh nasty it's like getting a pedicure i'm surprised the horse is like foot down does not kick are they unable to kick in this position oh clean out all that crust oh it's white underneath that's how you know it's filthy been stepping in doo doo cocka all day ever wonder why you don't see more eggplant emojis on dating apps so i work on a dating app and every morning i wake up and i get on the computer and i have 238 penises to review that's my job this guy removes them so as soon as the app flags it it gets sent for a view to this guy my ding dong police whoa i want the crust piece grab me that crust piece i make brownies in a pan too but these are like industrial sized pans this is what happens when you work at a bakery that's nice oh you don't hand cut them you cut them with a pizza slicer times five pence a pizza cutter whoa oh they're perfect oh are those chocolate chips and my brownies i don't think so it's already chocolaty why do they need more chocolate so i work at a shaved ice place oh you know it's a good one when they take blocks like huge blocks of ice and then they shave it straight into your cup and wait pop it out oh it's perfect it's like a snowball guava pineapple and something i don't know how to say the other thing oh the condensed milk is the best part oh then they put fruit around it top it off with some vanilla ice cream that looks so good right now where can i acquire this i do love me some tik tok soap making and some people do this for a living the first she has like a bunch of blocks of soap arranges them into the mold and then once they are arranged in the mold then you pour the soap milk milk soap shea butter mixture then pop that bad boy out you got this it all starts out as a big block of cheese i mean so oh y'all got to do this by hand yeah i thought there was like a little thing a string a wire that you used to like cut them it's hard work with a knife that knife don't even look that sharp okay but they came out beautiful it looks like jello if i was six year old i would possibly take a bite and later be hospitalized i saw this in my other video but this is how they transport sharks i mean what would the occupation be a shark transporter or just a truck driver i don't know man i just drive this truck personal chauffeur for baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo that's what is like being a chick farmer is it feeding time or something i thought it was just like a small room no we're in an entire warehouse there's so many of them and they think they are all going to grow up to be a chicken that's gonna be a lot of eggs i would be afraid to sit down what if you smush one or ten have you ever seen anybody groom a cow like they'd be out there eating grass and they are right but here we are brushing his non-existent eyebrows with a banana get a whole entire facial oh even the otters we're gonna slap some shea butter on them question does anybody have a cow and do they get groomed this cow more spoiled than me quick little day in life of an airport stewardess oh that looks cold so the plane is empty oh do you fly to a destination first oh we got all the goods in the back we got the juice we got the drinks you got access to everything y'all get to eat the best food before the passengers get on board there are beds in the back they get to sleep i mean i guess when like a flight is like 12 hours long yeah let me just take a nap oh that looks good that spaghetti looked blessing oh when it's an international flight the airplane crew actually had to spend the night so you could stay at a real hotel i don't know they got beds in the back for the crew when you become a flight attendant you have to go through training where you go down the plane slide this is probably the funnest part so if there is an emergency landing you get to go down the blow-up slide can we throw some drinks down it turn it into a water slide on a hot day so she makes molds and i'm like wait you are pouring concrete into a mold waiting 45 minutes do not play with the concrete oh and then a christmas tree comes out so that's where they come from i don't know why i thought robots be making these or something this has got to be one of the coolest jobs a concert photographer here's some of my favorite experiences who's done ariana grande you got so close to her you get to hold their hands you get to be so close to them just like yes i am doing my job i am taking pictures that is so cool you gotta be like all up in their face so at a concert there's like the barrier where the fans stand behind and then there's like security behind that and then is the photographers they get like free roam and no sweaty people pushing them around and you get to go to the shows for free it's a good life when you work at the home depot or just any paint mixing what does that you do it you scan the color i don't know why i thought they had to like hand mix the color so the machine knows there is no brain power in doing this like how do i make periwinkle blue it's going to take exactly three drops of red yellow but you get to see the colors come down and how much of each color and then you're like so these colors make this interesting you know doing a soft serve at dq it's an art look the little curly and everything unlike mcdonald's where half the time the ice cream machine broken you might never hear that anywhere else has anybody heard of the ice cream machine being broken anywhere besides mcdonald's i didn't think so but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these is the coolest job if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button below and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,550,035
Rating: 4.9596186 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, tiktok meme, cool jobs on tiktok
Id: FF5fw27d5VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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