Amazing Things You Have Never Seen Before

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some things you have probably never seen before this hotel has no contact housekeeping where if you need something they will send this robot to deliver it to your room what did you say was that hi what language you speak in it delivered the toilet paper and then you said i got it how was your stay oh yeah give him five stars oh he deserves it thanks you're welcome now get out of here do you need anything else oh you could ask it for more can run errands for me r2d2 in real life he working at hotels now can he go up and down the elevator how does this work i am intrigued y'all probably never want to eat mayo again after this but look they took some mayo put it in a dish it's been five days six days a week and just time lapse it's been a month the whole entire month this camera working overtime y'all just kept it recording 50 days we got 60 days oh that is sickening it turned into a solid it's hard i don't like it oh it looks like plastic long cursed noodle a part of me just wants to like not so delicious anymore this is what fireworks look like in the daytime whoa what it kind of just looks like paint splatter it's like y'all are throwing up buckets of paint and they're just like falling i would have never thought this was fireworks come to think of it i have never seen fireworks during the day i thought you just want to be able to see it but like so it gets lit and then you see all the colors stream out whoa it looks just as cool let me see this for myself you put the light on a different color and it changes to that color whoa be like how does it know how doesn't know what color we're on this is the future right here you just put it on a color and it changes the light to that color mood lighting for all the colors of my personality goodbye 15 year old mistake this is how they get rid of tattoos oh that looks like it hurt sick beat bro halfway there whoa beautiful this is gone you just grow new skin shed the layer wipe it away wabama brand new arm that looks like pain and suffering how is he sitting still how do you not like it's a whole entire tree fell in the water the lake froze and now you ice skating on it i don't think i could ever look it just sounds like it's going crack you're gonna fall in so at first this might look like a regular tent right and then wait until you go inside you can see outside of it but they can't see inside what in stealth camouflage technology is this it's like those two-sided mirrors but it's tent material so this here is oobleck when it's resting it's a liquid and then when you add pressure and start like punching it it becomes a solid you can even hit it with a hammer isn't that crazy like it doesn't go all the way through it kind of just like creates a shield i saw this in another video and i was like what are you a solider liquid pick a side this is the hatching of a chinese moon moth it looked like a piece of doodoo right maybe some extra seasoned beef jerky oh no there is a whole entire bug coming out of there it's a moth oh that's a thick boy he been eating good whoa you have to wait for the wings to come in my dude came out an extra thick caterpillar i thought there was something wrong with his wings at first you had to be patient with him he's beautiful i never seen a moth this good looking why this moth look like it only gucci also do you ever just want to like pull his pigtails sorry that's a psychopath of me speaking this is how they cut those really long palm trees my guy does not get paid enough for this it's the near-death experience every day at work there's got to be another way to do this he's like nah nah this is the only way he pulls out his little pocket machete slices the head off and then it's like you got a very long stick i got light looks pretty fun this is what it looks like when a lizard perfectly sheds its face skin oh the forbidden lizard chip crunchy y'all ever want to just do this just take off your whole face and just start over brand new skin speaking of the snow do you ever just take a flame thrower and just melt all the snow off your driveway i mean you could sprinkle some salt on there but nah we gonna bust out the flame thrower and you would do it too so there's this tv you can buy called the frame it looks like a regular tv but it also comes with this very fancy frame oh that's beautiful so when you're not watching tv your tv will look like an art piece so you can choose what piece of art you want and whoa it looks like a painting but it's a tv you can watch tv on it and then when you're not using it it's a beautiful piece of art that's dope i'm trying to get one of these this is what a bottle looks like before the machines blow it up the bottle is a child and then this is what it looks like when it grows up it's crazy why does this feel illegal and filthy so it's a pool shaped like a toilet i'm so confused right now it might seem weird but some people like to go to the bathroom and swim in the same place like uh at the beach or at the lake she's kind of doing the same thing she's swimming while you go to the bathroom i hate that that's the truth this is what it looks like when it snows over christmas lights it doesn't snow where i live so i ain't never seen this even under all that snow it's still lit i think it looks even cooler they got them leds i don't know it would still like light up with the snow on top of them oh and then they had it on the fence and then it got covered inside it looks like a candy cane mmm it's no cone all the flavors but when you actually eat it it's not flavored this is what breakfast in novosibrisk looks like where it was negative 40 degrees yesterday bro that's way too cold you crack an egg and before the yolk even hits the pan frozen hot noodles you can forget about that by the time you pick up the noodles and hold them to your mouth they're already frozen in place elsa this you i don't think i'll ever complain about the cold again wait what is this contraption what does she bring that with her now you got the tray table in there yes i am also disappointed oh but wait there is a lever hidden in your airplane seat whoa it's like a robotic arm you can jiggle it you got the screen on it hands-free what i have never seen this before do only some seats have this we've got a whole entire hidden hands-free screen chilling on the side of our seat so there's these things called dancing trees where you cut a little piece of the tree and then cut the ends off and bang on the table and they start like dancing all right what i had no idea this was a thing this feels like a huge chapter in my childhood that i missed out on dance monkey dance do a spin wait so you're telling me you've never seen spiders with water hats no sir i have not oh not me simping for a spider why are they so cute bro these look straight out of disney let's see if we got the sparkle in his eyes why these spiders look like they go oh please get in my web those are stinky cute this gotta be the most expensive haircut to ever exist they got a barber for a camel's back shaved a whole entire rug into this bad boy this camel designer so when you get on you just like smack that hump like i like your cookie somebody came into this restaurant and ordered a 58 dollar burrito because of tick tock this is what a 60 dollar burrito look like the way she held it is larger than a baby that's a lot of food that poor tortillas supported all those toppings better than most dads support their family crazy tell me that you have two sets of twins without telling me you have two sets of dreams two sets of twins imagine having twins twice i think families that have like over 10 kids this happens where you have like multiple sets of twins or triplets i know it's wild here we have a social distancing escalator so if you look it says when to go so everybody is separated me and my anxiety waiting to hop on the go step don't panic it tells you exactly what to do wait wait wait wait go so y'all can stand apart check out this diet coke right here looks like a regular diet coke yes even has coke in there but twist this off it's got a hidden compartment in there hide all your stuff from whoever you want to hide stuff from and if they ever grab it try to check it what unless you're literally in prison nobody's going to grab your coke bottle and be like got a hidden compartment or something what were you hiding in this like you showed me it was a bottle and i was like yeah it's not suss at all you know when you go to a grocery store then they got all the lobsters in the water currently at heb and there is an escapee can i take you home oh no he escaped and now he wants a hug larry you're free now time to go tie up the humans in 2021 even the guy on the bread is wearing a mask if vastulin and bread man over here can wear a mask karen can too but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that the like button in the face and comment below let me know which one of these was the coolest one and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,202,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, amazing, things, you've, never, seen, before, never seen before, unbelievable
Id: isqbA8dZkvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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