Opening Your Spiritual Eyes Part 2: Watch What You See - August 20, 2017

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[Music] all right second Kings chapter 7 now in the second session we're talking about watch what you see because you will say what you see right and according to mark 11:23 you will have what you say and so you have to take heed to what you hear take heed to what you see because all those things every time and just talk a little bit not on this one but the last Sunday when I was in South Africa I taught on the the science of renewing the man and gave some details on it and now we know that the our brains have what's called neuroplasticity which means they continue to be shaped and how you shape them is how you think in other words how your thinking is shaping your brain and the more in the old days okay people fought against living wrong they made him live long but they knew it wasn't right and they would fight against it and they would not accept it even if they consistently live wrong they would consistently fight against it maybe not overcoming it but they would fight against it and what I'm saying is they wouldn't embrace it right but now we've gotten to a place where people say oh just embrace it that's who you are and now they put down their guard and instead of fighting against it they have embraced their long life rolling lifestyle tooling all of that they've embraced this their experience rather than the position that God had put them in and because of that when you embrace that it grows stronger and now you're not thinking against it you're thinking with it and as you think with it it reshapes your brain so that it reinforces how you're thinking and how you're living and so then all of a sudden you'll see that's a very quick degeneration in a person's lifestyle and so they're you know it's something we said about resisting the enemy and resisting the thought that gives you but even better than that is overcoming it and defeating it and living in victory all right so in saying that we want to look at this because you you have to look you have to take heed to what not just what you hear but what you see especially today because you think in terms of pictures and it reshapes the brain rewires the brain to cause you to think a certain way now in second Kings chapter 7 we have read this already and this morning I'm not gonna read all of it but I'm just going to start at the beginning here because he said in the chapter 7 verse 1 but Elijah said here the word of the Lord that says the Lord tomorrow about this time I see a fine flower will be sold for a shekel and to see is a barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria then the captain on whose hand the King leaned said to the man of God if the Lord Himself should make windows in heaven could this thing be but he said now the Prophet you shall see it with your own eyes that you shall not eat of it now I'm not gonna read all of this but you mostly know the story if you want to look at you can and you go on down all the way to about the sea let's go I think I'm probably take it to about verse 17 yeah actually 16 now what it happened was they were under siege and because of that siege things have gotten very bad to the point where they were selling donkeys and horses heads to be boiled and so they could be eaten and so it had gotten really really bad even to where they didn't did some despicable things even eating children at that point so it's a horrible situation but then the Prophet had said these things are gonna be sold basically dirt cheap as we would say and yet the person standing there who was a person of authority said how could this be you know this couldn't happen it'd be impossible and the Prophet told the man you'll see it but you will not eat of it you won't participate in it and so here's the point here's what I want to get across and I we talked a little bit about this today that and we know in verse 16 it says then the people went out plundered the camp of the Syrians so that I see a fine flour was sold for a shekel and to see of the body pressure shekel according to the word of the Lord now the King had appointed the captain on whose hand he leaned to have a charge of the gate and the people trampled him in the gate so that he died as a man of God had said when the king came down to him because he said as we know you shall see it with your own eyes which you shall not eat of it and so it happened to him for the people trampled him in the gate and he died now I want to take you to a couple of places first off you can talk to two people in the same house and get two totally different stories okay I mean completely different reports we would even say let me give you this no here's how you should be thinking right I don't know how many places you can go and hear this all right but marine lieutenant general chesty puller back during the Korean War which by the way it's funny because they buddies talking about war with Korea we've been at war with Korea especially North Korea since 1950 right it never ended there was not a the war did not end there was an armistice okay a truce but it didn't end so we were technically still in a state of war right people just don't realize that this would think so you got to end things if you let things just fester they come back to bother you you got to end it right that's the same thing with sin you got to end it you can't just play with it yeah end it so chesty puller said when he was completely surrounded by the enemy at that time and I'm sure that many of those that were with him thought oh we're doomed this is it you were surrounded they're going to kill us well here's what he said they've got us right where we want them they've got us right where we want them right they give you an idea what's coming next okay he says we can fire in any direction and hit the enemy now that that's making lemonade out of lemons is it I mean that's that's a that's a good way to look at things all right now Lawson tell you he won all right so here's what we have to remember history does not remember the timid right remember that least not in a good way okay you may know who the Lewis Moses Rose was and they were in Lewis Moses Rose Moses Rose nobody knows into that one all right well if you google Moses Rose okay you know what will come up the coward of the Alamo he was a one person that left the Alamo he was born in like 1875 he had been a veteran in Waterloo with under Napoleon he'd been in Napoleon's army and he came to America came United States to find a new life ended up in Texas and then ended up at the Alamo and then he left the Alamo and went back right to the edge of Texas at that time which was called a place a city called Logansport Louisiana and he's actually buried there and it said because his tombstone lies and he died actually yes tell me what year was he died 1850 yeah he died in 1850 and he was 65 years old when he died his tombstone says soldier of the Alamo okay that's a lot he's not a soldier of the element he left he did he actually deserted technically and so he went back and then they lot they lost his to them for years and years and finally from examining well when he died in Logansport Louisiana in 1850 he only lived 14 years longer but he will live forever in infamy because he's known as the coward of the album now I don't know about you but 14 years as opposed to history being called a coward I think I would have rather short in my life by 14 years right William Barrett Travis which by the way our real estate agent that's looking for a property for us his name is Bill Travis and so I talked to my dad I said I know your name is Bill but assume it's William and he said yeah and I said it so I assume you're somehow Kim to William Barrett Travis he said yeah we don't talk about him a whole he said he had a history before the Alamo I said well we here in Texas we don't care about its prehistory we only care about the Alamo history on and so he's a hero to us and so because he had some other things go on in Alabama before he left there in Louisiana is not affect so the thing is William Barrett Travis made a statement it is recorded that he said there's several times that he said a short life full of glory is full of a short a short moment of glory is greater than a long life of mediocrity okay what because when he's talking about their glory now obviously his idea of glory is different than what we would talk about glory in the kingdom of God okay our glory is to show God how we keep going how we don't stop how we don't back down how we don't quit how we don't back off how our glory to God is the fact that the devil can't stop us you got that that's the greatest glory that you can give God as a show no matter what the devil throws at you he can't stop you right never give the devil the benefit of being able to laugh and point at you and say I stopped him we were in South Africa recently we were driving and we drove well I say we drove that means I rode while Adam drove okay Adam drove from Cape Town up to Johannesburg which is about a 15 hour drive and he drove it straight through we left about four o'clock in the morning and we got there about 8:30 that evening and so he drove straight through because they drive on the wrong side of the road and I can say that because over here we drive on the right side of the road which make why it's called the right side and so he so he's used to driving that way in Australia so he drove and he wanted to drive so he drove and so during that time of driving I was posting on Facebook which is what happens when you put me in a car for 15 hours with not much to do so we ended up posting a lot on Facebook well during that time Adam George and I were talking and one of the things that we talked a lot about the Crucified life and how to live crucified and one of the things that's really stirred up inside me while we were driving is the fact that the Bible talked about in Revelation about how he will dry all of our tears and I firmly believe that the tears predominantly that he will be drying will be tears that will be produced when we get before him and we see all that he has provided all that was at our disposal and yet we could have used it at any moment to help people and instead we didn't to me that would bring more tears than any other thing I can possibly imagine that I left that that he said here's everything I've got use all of it use all my power use my name use my spirit use everything use it as much as you can to help as many people as you can and to allow myself in my believing to cut that short and to hold back and not to use everything at our disposal to me would be would bring the greatest tears because I would know people went unhealed people went unblessed because I simply acted in fear or backed off or did not move forward now when we talk about this I'm going to give you actually in them let me give you them yeah the scripture revelation 21:8 says this but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death and you hear what that's it so let's look at the list fearful unbelieving abominable murderer whoremonger sorcerer $1.00 liar and think about that if we were to write a list we wouldn't put those names in one list you'd probably make at least two lists and you know here's the really bad ones and these is not as that but God puts all those in the same list and think about that he says it we need to realize this is the Bible okay the first three words but the fearful and unbelieving that's first five words okay I wouldn't not though an unbelieving but believe me if you're fearful you will be unbelieving and it says that the fearful and the unbelieving will have their place in the lake of fire do you see that is what the Bible says right I'm not making it up now the word fearful get this in the Greek it's number eleven 69 in Strong's Concordance and it is the word DeLoss and it comes from two words the first word meaning timid okay and literally it means faithless fearful or timid hear that the timid will have their place in the lake of fire imagine that what because the timid being fearful are also unbelieving any but they're in the same list with all these other whoremongers murderers and then you got Liars and you think just just this list this should be broken up you know there should be levels but God didn't do that he said all of these will go to the same place now so our well actually the scripture tells us we have not been given the spirit of fear or timidity but of power love and a sound mind amen now why do we need to be told that we have been given the spirit of power love and a sound online well first off you need to be you need to know that you have been given the spirit of power that whenever you received the Holy Spirit power came with it right and that spirit is a spirit of power not not assertive sometimes but a spirit of power he is the powerful Holy Spirit and he is the one that has raised every dead person healed every sick person he's the one that has done it all right and you have that spirit number two you have been given the spirit of love now the spirit of love usually manifests itself in compassion okay and there is compassion there is there's different aspects of love as we know it but there's compassion there's mercy there's sympathy even there's empathy and all of these are shades of the word of love but then he's also given us a sound mind now many of you probably need to hear that you have a sound mind because people have already told you oh you're crazy for believing in this thing for believing God heals for believing speaking in tongues for believing you know all these whatever the Bible says pretty much you probably been told you're crazy for believing it but you have to know you're the one with a sound mind now many times I prayed for people that have had signs of dementia different things and every time I pray for them I don't think about it ahead of time it just comes out but as I'm praying I pray over them you've not been given a spirit of fear because one of the main things when a person starts to show signs of dementia one of the first things you'll see manifest in them is fear and when they start realizing they're forgetting things they get really fearful and when they get fearful they get aggressive right and most of the aggressiveness that comes through dementia Alzheimer's things like that is usually because of fear because they're afraid of losing their mind and so when I pray over them I always pray and again I don't think about it it just comes up but I'm always saying you've not been given a spirit of fear but a power of love and of a sound mind you're sober minded you have clear you have clarity of thought you have you're sober minded in your thoughts and you think with the mind of Christ that's how I usually pray over them every time something on those lines so we need to realize that and I want to take you to another chapter numbers chapter 13 numbers 13 are the easy to remember because most people think of the number 13 as a bad luck thing well it was for some people we will find out here and just omit numbers chapter 13 verse 25 Moses had sent 12 spies into the land to spy out the land and see now he sent that he didn't if you go back and read what Moses said he did not say go out spout the land and see if we can take it he did not say that he said gloves spy out the land so that we can take it right he wasn't asking for their opinion on whether they could do it or not like God had already told him this is what's going to happen he just said you go spied out and see what the layout of the land is verse 25 and they returned from searching of the land after 40 days and they went and came to Moses and to Aaron and to all the congregation that your individual unto the wilderness of Paran to Kadesh and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation and showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came under the land whither you sent us and surely it flows with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless the people be struck no notice they just answered what they sent him to do or what he sent them to do they said yep you're right milk and honey this is the place this is awesome and when you say milk and honey to them that was like the greatest delicacies and sweets because they didn't have sweets like we have today so honey was the sweet to them all right and it would be like said man that's that that place there man they've got everything you need and I mean if the pastries are amazing right they probably said things like you know when you if you go there I'm tender gelato is amazing that's probably what they were thank you so if you know my gelato story that's how that's how I would have reported it right it's like gelato everywhere and it's just amazing so you know what then they start adding in things that Moses didn't even ask them nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover we saw the children of anak there the Amalekites dwell in the land of the south and the Hittite from the Jebusites and the amorite dwell in the mountains and the Kami max dwell by the sea and by the coast of Jordan and watch and Caleb still the people before Moses go now they're these spies are given the reports and Caleb stopped everybody everybody getting upset they're hearing this thing they're all these enemies are there and so now Caleb filled the people and what's that I would calm down wait a minute wait he hadn't heard everything yet he comes before Moses and said now you just heard how bad it was every type of enemy they had was there and and then Caleb steps up and says let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it Amen now I mean think about that they just heard every bad report they could hear right these enemies are here they're in the south they're over here in the mountains I'm 10 everywhere we go there were enemies there were walled cities with how are we going to take a walled seat and so they're looking at all they're given all these these negative reports right and Caleb is he didn't even hear that all he heard say he stopped listening at the end of the land flows with milk and honey right and he's like yet let's do it why because God said God didn't say oh and you'll go there and there won't be any enemies there he didn't say that he just said the land that flows with milk and honey I'm going to give it to you but you've got to go in and take it right see people forget that part we need to realize we are in our land of promise right now the heaven is not our land of promise right one because the promised land had fights in it right the promised land had battles they had to fight for their promised land and heaven there's no way to fight in heaven there's no Devils to cast out no sick to get healed nothing there that is not our promise man this is our promised land this is when we fight you got that and I'm telling you the promised land is ours it's been given to us and then he said now take it and he said and everywhere you put your foot I will give to you give that but people are looking at getting out of the promised land to get to heaven right and I admit that's a great place to be I don't mind that a bit but don't sit around twiddling your thumbs thinking about heaven whenever there is promised land to take right now you got that now is when we fight right and our fight is the fight of faith which means simply believe God against everything that you can see hear or feel and whenever you do that you are standing in faith and you say I trust God what he said by his stripes I'm healed how do you feel has nothing to do with it right he did not say I would feel good he said I'm healed amen and so when you start in as I've finished up in the last session you need to realize that as we look not at the things which are seen but we look at the things that are unseen and the things that are unseen are the words in this book called the Bible and you look at these things and they show us unseen things things we don't see yet but as long as you keep looking at this book and saying what it says and agreeing with God and standing in faith the things you're seeing will start to change into the things that you can't see you got that now I'm not saying that you're a standing confess and something's going to materialize in front of you what I'm saying is you're going to keep saying the end result until the end result is the result you got that it's just that simple all you're doing is trusting God is there any time not to speak the Word of God well not according to Joshua in Joshua chapter one they said this word shall not depart out of your mouth you will speak it meditate it think about it talk about it every day day in and day out from the time you get up the time you go to bed right and so it's always right to speak the Word of God okay doubt and unbelief is usually agreeing with what the word says just not now right if that's usually the biggest form of unbelief is - it's actually called mental assent where you are mentally a Green but not believing believing says that's true for me right now and if you stand on that you're right now what's going on with you will change to match that but you cannot say well God's going to heal me in the future because you will not find a place in the Bible that says God is going to heal you so when you say God is going to heal me you are not agreeing with the Word of God you understand that you are agreeing with your five senses because what you're saying is I'm not healed now right now you say but but but I'm not healed now okay but I'm saying is everybody everybody knows that everybody can see that as long as you keep saying that you're never going to say what the Bible says and when you say what the Bible says it will start to change you so that then you will be healed now that makes sense okay now let's go on he says Caleb's killed the people verse 30 and said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him said now these are the other spies we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we right now look at verse 32 and they brought up an evil report and notice all they said was we're not able to go up against the people because they are stronger than us and God calls that an evil report you hear that why was it evil because it went against what God had said why was it an evil report because it completely takes God out of the mixture and then because as soon as you put God in there now we are well able you got that so whenever you say listen it takes absolutely no brains and no faith to say what anybody can see if I can see it you can see it I don't need you telling me it what we can see it right I don't need you to tell me what we can see what I need to hear from you is what do you see that can't be seen yet because whenever you start telling me what can't be seen now I know where you are in faith and now I can join with you and if any to agree as touching anything it shall be done you get that in people fix well I'm just trying to you know tell you what what reality is no that's not reality that's temple reality is this book called the Bible that is eternal you got that this is as simple as it can be but we make it hard and so we have to realize I don't need people okay this works in the same way in the business world if you work for somebody I can promise you your career will not be very long if all you ever do is point out the obvious problems why because nobody needs you and nobody's going to pay you to tell them the problems that everybody can see the people who get promoted and paid well come not with the problem but with a solution amen now what is our solution I can tell you for any situation this is our solution I don't care what it is you say well what are we going to do I don't know what let's find out why cuz it's in here there's nothing we're going to do that is a solution that is not in this book you got that it's that simple if it's not in this book let me tell you if there is anything that's not in this book if there's not a solution for it you got that but now we know there is because we know that just at the name of Jesus everything that has a neat has a name has a balance me so we already know that at that name is a solution for everything now it's not just a mantra it's not some kind of thing that you just say well the name of Jesus name of Jesus and Devils run no you got to believe it that's what Peter said it the ax3 is that beautiful gate he said it was the name of Jesus and faith in that name he didn't have faith what I just quoted the name he didn't just quote the name he had that name and he he spoke that name in faith and so our solution is to speak the name in faith that the problem is meant through the person that that name represents amen hey with me so far okay now it's gone penises and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched under the German of Israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it is a land that eats up the inhabitants thereof near that it eats up the inhabitants I mean that's are they you talk about an evil report a negative report okay and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature and there we saw the Giants the sons of anak which come of the Giants and now listen it hears here now we get to the truth and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight you hear that why and here's the source of their problem now the reason we're telling you all this is because in our own sight we're grasshoppers and we can't beat them and because that's how we are in our sight that's how we are in their sight what because of how you see yourself is how the enemy will see you this is one of the big things that I always trying to tell people if you're going to get an image a self image make sure it's a Christ self image make sure you want to know that you know that it is Christ in you and not just you facing this giant Amen because when you start looking and you if you approach an enemy and you have doubt and and fear in you that enemy is going to see it it's just that and animals know this very well animals can sense fear and actually you know the old thing where they can smell fear that's actually a truth it's because when you're in fear your body puts off certain theorems that releases that animals can smell so fear has a smell well I can tell your faith does too and faith whenever you have when you're in faith I'm telling you you put off faith and whenever that safe emanates from you the enemy picks it up too and however you see yourself the enemy will see you you if you look and you go well you know I'm a but I can cope with this migraine you know those long as I got my medicine I'm go to migraine okay so I can I can deal with a migraine and then the doctor says we have it now you got cancer Oh cancer what happened the the fear theorems just exploded well because Oh cancer I don't know and that's exactly how cancer cancer is I say yeah he's a free me and so cancer then all of a sudden just starts to try to overtake you but you have to stand on going up cancer really alright well I beat the migraine I beat this thing I beat that before you watch this cancer is going down one because the name of Jesus is stronger and when you start standing in that and you start standing not just talking it but actually living it then all of a sudden that enemy of cancer starts in you know what maybe we need to back down why because we can't begin and I'm not that it's going to happen overnight sometimes it does sometimes it takes a little bit longer but know this how you see yourself is how your enemy will see you if you see yourself as strong your enemy will see you strong if you see yourself weak the enemy will see you weak and so we have to now listen the Bible is very clear in Hebrews chapter 11 it says through faith were made strong even though they were weak and so you can be weak and you can say right now I'm weak but I continue through faith you can be made strong and safe is a choice you decide to act in faith there's things I can tell you there's a lot of stuff I don't want to do but we saw men like Smith Wigglesworth and John Lake and and theythey or who are men of God who gave us an example and when we read their lives we get bold and we start saying if God would do it for them he can do it for me and they get bold and why because they lived a life as an example Paul said follow me as I follow Christ imitate me as I follow Christ he said listen we've shown you in Thessalonians even says we've shown you how to live by our manner of life imitator should follow our manner of life what these men were examples and so whenever I was starting to study and look at these things there honestly there were no examples like I Smith Wigglesworth or John wake they were great men of God great men of God great preachers of the word but I wasn't seeing miracles in people's lives I wasn't seeing the things that I'd read about John laker Smith looking for and so when I started reading that officer said God we don't have examples anymore I didn't know you know just cuz I didn't know about him didn't mean that didn't exist you know I there are some people out there right and we found out about them later on but I'm just saying if I don't know about them they might as well not exist because they're not helping me grow is that make sense to you and so early on I decided god I will do what I don't want to do I will step out when I don't want to step out I'll step up when I don't want to step up I'll do these things one because the church needs examples and we can choose to be the example that we are looking for and in the process of you deciding to be that example for somebody's life all of a sudden you find you're walking in faith you know and many times you do it like Paul said occur with fear and trembling finally there got some water oh yeah excuse me so oh it's not even open yet that's even better excuse me Wow there we go look I'm not supposed to show you the label they're not paying for sponsorship so got to turn it around where you can't tell it came from an island in the Pacific oh yeah but I had to decide that I would step out and do things what you get oh we got a mint thank you sir thank you I will take that one right there and go jaqen now this is this is a thing it's not a charm to back okay we are in Texas but so that's good thank you sir now get back in here I had to decide as I said if those men could be examples I could live my life in a way that people could use it as an example to emboldened them to step out for God and so I didn't want to do this stuff there's a lot of stuff I do want to do I'm a really private person I would much rather just be sitting somewhere and reading and you know studying I love to study but it's necessary that I travel the way that I do and if anything is now that everything is just opened up and now everybody trying to tell you oh you need to slow down you do not travel so much you need to do this you're going to wear yourself out I'm like kidding me this is the years I've been waiting for I prayed about these 30 years ago now is not the time to slow down it's time to speed up one because we have less resistance now years ago that's when all the resistance was you know whenever every day you will come go do I quit or do I keep going yep we'll go one more day and you keep on going just keep on doing that every day you just keep showing up and then one day it all breaks open and all of a sudden now you break through and it's somewhat easy sailing as we would say but at the same time doesn't mean we don't have problems we have bigger problems today than we did 30 years ago but the Giants don't seem so big why because we've killed a lot of Giants along the way and we know that as long as we stay close with God there's not a giant that can stand before us amen so he says here and so we were in their sight now chapter 14 verse 1 now listen to hear the result of an evil report of speaking negative of saying something that it goes against what God has said and all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night well there you go that's that's the result of the 10 spies that people wept that night and all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron there's a second result when you keep hearing an evil report keep hearing negative oh we can't do it we can't do it then they start saying why are you trying to make us do it and then they start backing off and they murmured against Moses and Aaron and the whole congregation said unto them and notice notice how quickly this negative report infected the whole bunch I mean overnight it infected the whole bunch and that the people would rather believe the Ten than the two we need to realize the two saying what God has said is stronger and more right than the ten saying the opposite of what God has said amen and all and this is a yep and the whole congregation sending them would to God that we had died in the land of Egypt or would God we had died in this wilderness well you know what be careful what you say because out you know if you know and I think Moses is praying the same thing for them at that right times yeah God but later on he has actually paid for him God says okay stand back Moses I'm going to walk them all out and I'm going to start over with just you and Moses says God you can't do that because the Egyptians will hear it and they'll say you can't keep your promise and now God you know going to bat for me well we have to realize here all these people are saying oh would to God that we died in Egypt once because they had more time of freedom and that even look at that they went they would rather go back into bondage and that's how most people would rather live is in bondage than fight for their freedom he says in verse three and wherefore has the Lord brought us unto this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children should be a prey we're not better for us to return to Egypt and they said one to another let us make a captain and let us return unto Egypt then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the Assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel and Joshua the son of nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh which were of them which searched the land rent their clothes and they spoke under the all the company of the children of Israel saying the land which we pass through to search it is an exceeding good land if the Lord delight in us then he will bring us into this land and give it us a land which flows with milk and honey only Rebell not ye against the Lord neither fear ye the people of the land where they are bread for us you hear that they are bred for us now I'm tended well you listen to how Joshua talks he talks this is the language of a fighter he is he's looking at his enemy because their bread press what do you think we eat him up chill up spit them out this is not a problem we can take this one but notice how you started it if God delighted us every bit of the thing I made a statement when I was in South Africa I'll say it again here the problem is most people's Christians goes through three stages first stage is usually independent you come into a church you get born again you're there you don't really hang out with anybody you're by yourself you're you're on your own kind of and you really don't mix in your independent then after a while you tend to become and grow into codependent meaning due to the process you start relying on somebody else to do your stuff for you you start looking at the preacher to do all your praying the preacher to do all your you know getting you well and all this stuff and you become codependent very few Christians ever move on to the third stage and the reason most people stay codependent is because most pastors and ministers are codependent and they've never moved out of it and they need to be needed and as long as they need to until they're fixed until they're healed you might say they need to be needed and because of that they don't mind you staying broken because as long as you're broken you need them and we have to realize my job here is not I understand it I don't need to be needed right my job here is to get you to where you are no longer too codependent but you reach the third stage of spiritual maturity which is called God dependent when you start to realize that God is your answer and you are connected to him and whether you can reach me by phone or email or not you know that if you pray God will hear your prayers that's my job as to get you to that place to where I work myself out of a job and therefore then we can release you into you know full-time ministry or whatever else you want but to get you to a place where you can walk with God on your own and then now when you come together you're coming together with the idea of who needs help maybe I can help them you know you don't wait for them to come to the healing line when you see them commanding light how you doing you need some help here let me play for you and you can get them healed before they ever get up here that's the job of the body amen so notice here he says yea only rebel not against the Lord neither fear the people he says they are bred for us their defense is departed from them they have no defense against us one because God is for us you hear that they got walls so you ever hear Jericho come on the walls didn't do them any good right their defense is departed from them and the Lord is with us fear them not now this is the way a son or daughter of God is supposed to be talking he says but all the congregation I get this he just gave this good speech when you would think he will be standing up and cheering going yeah we can do this and instead it says but all the congregation instead they'd stone them with stones you know this would be the perfect scene in the movie when this guy gives the you know the Braveheart speech right and everybody's standing there and it gets quiet and you you think I'll man is there going to cheer there's going to be good and then I go nah Stoneham let's don't need guys and that's exactly it happens and the glory of the Lord now watch this get all the congregation baits done with them and the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation for all the children of Israel the Lord said to Moses how long will this people provoke me how long will it be err they believe me for all the sons which I have shown among them I will smite them with the pestilence and disinherit them and make and will make a deal greater nation and mightier than they Moses said to the Lord didn't the Egyptians show here for you brought us this people brought up there's people in your might from among them and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land for they have heard that you Lord are among your people that you are seeing face to face and that your cloud stands over them and that you go before them by day time in a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire by night now if you we'll kill all those people is one man then the nations which have heard the same of you will speak saying because the Lord was not able to bring those people up in the land which he swore to them therefore his fame of the wilderness and now I beseech thee let the power of my Lord be great according as you have spoken saying the Lord is long-suffering and of great mercy forgiving iniquity and transgression and by no means clearing the guilty visiting the iniquity of fathers upon the children under the third and fourth generation pardon I beseech thee the iniquity of this people now watch what he says here pardon this people watch this and he says pardon I beseech thee the iniquity of those people according to the greatness of your mercy and as you have forgiven this people from Egypt even until now because I've never had to forgive them a bunch of times all the way and the Lord said I have pardoned according to your word but now watch this here's again it's just verifies what I've been saying so far but as truly as I live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord because all those men which have seen my glory and my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted me now these ten times and have not hearkened my voice surely they shall not see the land which I swore to their fathers neither shall any of them that provoke me see it hear what he's saying he said all these peoples are saying this stuff once and we should have died in the wilderness they will not see the promised land I'm not going to let them talk the way they talked and reap the benefits of everybody else and remember this he says verse 23 sure they have not surely they shall not see the land which I've sworn to their fathers neither shall any of them that provoke me see it but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him yeah God spirits a positive spirit okay and has followed me fully him will I bring into the land where into he went and his seed shall possess it now the Amalekite and the Canaanites do up in the valley tomorrow turn you and get you into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea the Lord spoken to Moses and unto Aaron saying how long shall I bear with this evil congregation that went from an evil report to an evil congregation which murmur against me you hear what murmuring does murmuring complaining backbiting tale-bearing all of that is an evil congregation they heard I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel which they murmur against me say unto them and listen say unto them as truly as I live saith the LORD as you have spoken in mine ears so will I do to you what's he saying he's telling them what you have said about me that's how I'm going to treat you whether we have to realize what have we been saying about God have we been oh god don't you know God don't you care don't you know what's going on god oh god don't you don't you see what I'm going through what report would you think God would call that because it's not a report that agrees with him it would be an evil report coming against him because God has seen the Bible tells us he sees the Bible tells us he knows what goes on so our report to him shouldn't be God don't you know our report should be God you know and you have sent deliverance once you deliver me you're my god I trust in you and you deliver me out of all my afflictions out of all my troubles you deliver me you sent your word and healed me and you start saying about God because I'm telling you you need to realize what how you talk about God is now listen I'm not saying that God is like in heaven to hear what you say so that he can treat you that way I'm saying to the degree that you speak of God according to his word to that degree he is able to work on your behalf if you say God you know there's no hope then God says whether would be if I could get you to agree with my word so when you say there's no hope God says why didn't and there's no hope but because you say there's no hope I can't help you so how you talk about God determine how much help he can give you so start saying what God has said start saying what he has said about you and start saying what he said he will treat you because what he said is that surely goodness and mercy follows us all the days of my life amen not bad not well you know if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all no that's not how you talk why because luck has nothing to do with it God has a plan right and he has revealed his plan to us and that plan includes just like he told Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you and the thoughts are happy plans of good not evil plans to prosper you to bless you not to destroy you that's how we have to see God because the more we talk here is notice the more you talk bad about a person the worse they act towards you but the more you talk good about them the better they treat you here notice that what do you think that that characteristic comes from comes from God what it's the same thing listen if you want people to treat you better talk about people better it's that simple one because your words are seeds and seeds what you sow you reap amen he said well I just don't understand how that works well that's a good thing you don't have to all you have to do is know it does work right and you know that because the Bible says it yeah finally we will finish up here he says here after you have spoken my ears so what I do to you then he tells them your carcasses well when you're sitting starts like that that's not a good weight your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness and all that we're numbered of you according to your whole number from twenty years old and upward which have murmured against me doubtless you shall not come into the land concerning which I swore to make you dwell therein except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and joshua the son of nun but your little ones which you said should be a prey then will i bring in and they shall know the land which you have the spouse you hear that What did he say there and I'm not even going to hold what you said against your kids okay you'll die but I'm going to bring your kids into the promised land right well you know down to the third and the fourth generation no hear what he said after that to them that hate me yeah well the kids didn't hate him because they didn't speak evil about him he said but as for you your carcasses they shall fall in this wilderness and your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years and watch and impair your hoarded so they paid a price but at least I didn't pay the full price but the only thing they had to pay the price because they had to wonder until that generation died no he says until your carcasses will be wasted the wilderness after the number of the days in which you search land even forty days each day for a year shall you bear your iniquities even forty years and you shall know my breach of promise I have the Lord have said I will surely do it under all this kind of evil congregation that are gathered together against me in this wilderness shall they be consumed and there shall they die and the men which Moses sent to search land who returned and made all the congregation of murmur against him by bringing up a slender upon the land even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land died by the plague before the Lord but Joshua son of nun in Caleb the son of Jephunneh which rubbed the men that went to search the land lived still and the people well and Moses told these things unto all the children of Israel the people mourned greatly yeah that wasn't good news to them and they rose up early in the morning and got them to the top of the mountain saying lo we be here and we'll go up into the place which the Lord has promised but we have sinned and Moses said wherefore now do you transgress a commandment of the Lord but it shall not prosper go not up for the Lord is not among you that you'd be not submitting before your enemies now I'm reading all this to show you right after that they went into a battle and the very last thing it says then the Amalekites came down the Canaanites would show up in the hill and smote them and discomforted them even unto horn ba now what happened they went to a battle and lost and they wandered for forty years and then later you'll read we won't go into it now but later you will find that Caleb actually goes to Joshua after Moses has gone Caleb goes into Joshua and says do you remember when Moses said that I get to inherit this land he said now he said that was 40 years ago and he said actually 45 now and he said then now he said I was 45 then and this has been another 40 years so now I'm 85 and I'm ready to take the land which God gave me 40 years ago now think about that here is 85 years old and he says and I love the way he talked he goes Here I am I'm 85 now and he said I'm still as strong as the first day I went out I've still got the same strength I'm still every bit as strong as out as I was then and now I'm ready to take this land and then he said that give me that mouth now think about that well he had hung on to the promise of God for that entire time and then he stepped up and said this is mine I'm ready to take it and the beauty that is age doesn't matter what because it's by faith and faith has nothing to do with age amen it you can be young and you can be old and if you're young or old you can have faith in God and in fact the older you get you might want to make sure you got some faith all right yes say all right but here's the one thing I know what God has said he will do all you have to do is agree but there are people that just like the first person that we read about that Elijah told me said you'll see it but you won't partake of it you need to realize you can be with them there can be you can have spouse family friends your associates whoever it is and you can be believing and they won't and you'll be blessed and they won't what because they did not believe the Lord and yet you can have two people in the same house and you know everything's great you talk the other one everything's horrible living the same house and we have to realize that we can trust God and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who does who doesn't what matters is what do you do because no matter what Joseph was in a prison and he got blessed of God and he was promoted out of prison you know a lot of people still stayed in that prison and yet Joseph got promoted out of it and got to put over the entire land of Egypt from prison to the palace think about that to forget where you are right now look at what God has promised and decide that's where I'm going God has made that promise give me that land give me that mountain nothing's going to stop me this is my faith in God will get me there and I don't care you know if you're around me guess what maybe you just get blessed because I'm going there and you can decide don't let other people decide for you you decide your faith in God and then no yeah we better stop we keep going we better stop so jug anything out this this morning I'm telling you God is doing some stuff all over the world and he wants to do some stuff here and we're going to be changing buildings before long there's gonna be a lot of different things going on but I'm telling you every listen mark my words right I'm telling you they're as serious as I can be we move forward we don't retreat we don't back up we don't back down we move forward we always grow we always get better we get stronger no matter what comes around when the dust settles we win amen now and you say well I just don't know if I can believe it then just keep quiet and nobody'll know that you're in doubt and unbelief and just you know walk with the crowd because this is what we're going right and when we get there you'll see it amen and you can't you know say I believe but at least you were there amen and so it's like really like I told people the other day about being on a plane that's all I said you know just wherever I'm sitting sit next to me what because if the plane goes down I don't leave it's going down but if it goes down I'm walking out of here and if I walk out if you're next to me you can walk out too right and just as a natural thing always sit in the tail section right because that always survives every crash ever notice that every crash the tail is still intact so sit in the tail section you're anyway ok ok yep no not first yeah first class they're the first in best you don't then want that alright so all right well let's all stand up father we thank you your word is true father we are so thankful that you would decide and that all we have to do is have faith in you Wow how easy is that and to have faith in you one who never lies never has failed I mean father wage is so blessed that all you said we have to have is faith in you that's it just faith just to be able to trust you and say you keep your promises you're faithful and you call that faith so father we are so thankful we're so thankful you didn't make it work we have to you know go to Jerusalem or go to Mecca and walk around in circles and do all that kind of stuff just to show we like we don't have to do that we think that with our faith towards you brings your will to pass in our life so we thank you Father for life and for strength and for help we thank you father for blessing so that we can be a blessing father we thank you that we get to walk with you to know you and to be able to live every day communing with you conversing with you having fellowships with you and your son through the Holy Spirit so how do we praise you we thank you for bothering Jesus thing we just bless you so father in the name of your son by the authority of that name by that name and faith in that name right now every person another sound of my voice whether present here or by internet or by video audio the Word of God the power God is not hindered by distance or time and we thank you right now that we can say a near word by the stripes of your son Jesus we were healed and because we were we are now so in Jesus name right now sickness and disease I serve you eviction notice now you will leave these people you have no place here you cannot remain it is an impossibility that you remain because you cannot stand against that name spoken in faith the Father we thank you and I speak to their body now bodies the heat be healed be free we made hope now in Jesus name we release your life in your spirit amen [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 43,873
Rating: 4.7919765 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: Fs94gyQPtSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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