Knowing God For Who He Is: Part 2 - Who Is God To You - October 8, 2017

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[Music] well good morning how's everybody doing all right well we've got a lot going on I love you it was in the announcements I didn't hear it about we have our new JG Lim app available now you can actually download an app on your phone or tablet or whatever else and you get free well a bunch of free stuff on there but it's the purpose of the app is to make it so that people will have access to the materials articles testimonies everything and also access to some of the well some of the manuals that you'll actually be able to teach the DHT from your device and so because I know it'll of you want to share it with other people so the purpose is to get it out there so a lot of things are happening there we've been waiting for it for some time and now it's out so if you go to the App Store and it's available for both Apple devices and Android devices so wait for that a long time like I said but we finally have it and we're now we're populating it with a lot of material so give us a little bit time I'll go ahead and download it and every time something new comes out it'll automatically download so excited about it well there are as we're talking about in the first service but also wanted to bring it over to the second service I wanted to discuss some things today and as I told you in first service I was driving down the road god asked me a question that really surprised me especially by the answer because I didn't have an answer and I started to look thinking about that and I started going through all of these things and some things stood out by what wasn't there now you probably no idea what I'm talking about okay so but you will in just a moment so let's look at a couple of these because this week has been extremely hectic we've had all kinds of things going on people because of the television program we're having people call us that we don't know anything about but even here locally and so I've been making some hospital calls and different things from people that I'd never met before but they had heard us on television on Dish TV on faith USA Channel 269 there and so they started calling and started getting calls really from all over the dallas-fort Worth area and so we've been ministering to people that are not technically a part of this congregation but having to be know their part of God's congregation and so if somebody calls us we go and so we've been very very busy this week with that I remember back in 19 I was at 97 90 somewhere around there 97 98 I had a I was on the Joni and Marcus lambs television program here on Daystar and whenever I finished Marcus said Wilker why don't you just pray for the people that are watching that I did that's why I prayed and commanded healing and then said now if you were in the Dallas Fort Worth area and you want me to come pray for you personally just give a call in to the television station here and I will be glad to come to your house and pray for you and when I said that I was I had my eyes over because they're looking toward the camera and Marcus had his head down when I said that he opened his eyes like Mike was well in the next 30 minutes they had 986 calls so I spent the next six weeks literally at that time I was living up in the Sherman Dennison area and I said drove down every day and started making appointments with the people that called in and we went to every person that called in and so I made nine hundred and eighty-six prayer calls house calls you might say to people that had called in and the funny thing is one person would call him when I got there there would be 15 people there and so they called it all their friends and so we literally I would make maybe four calls a day to four different places and so it took me a full six weeks to get around to everybody and pray for everybody but and and we're seeing kind of that same level of interest and need here now so today as you can tell we're going to participate in communion and that'll be toward the end of the service and I want you to realize that when we talk about communion it's very easy to do it in a traditional sense which is not all bad or all wrong there's a lot of good to it but we have to realize that this is not just an event that this is something we're doing to represent what should be the ongoing thing in our life of how we live right and so by the very term people call it the lord's table they call it the Lord's Supper they call it communion as we know the Eucharist I mean there's all kinds of different names for it but what I really want to emphasize today and I'm not going to be teaching a complete message on communion and what all it means many of you been here long enough that you know the different aspects of it but I want to point this out the term communion means to commune that that's the point it's not its it doesn't mean an act it means a state of communing right you get that right and so when we participate in communion yes we're doing a thing but the thing represents and should represent a state the state of our life that we are in communion with God through the sacrifice of Jesus if you get it that's that's Christianity in a nutshell everything about it and everything we see here sums up all of that now what that means is that and you'll see even by one of the scriptures that I'll be talking about is that they're in our communion we have communion with the father we have communion with the son and we have communion with the Holy Spirit and so we have this communion that we have a it means to fellowship but it also means to partake one of another so if we have communion together see you can have fellowship technical well technically those words are almost interchangeable but when we say fellowship really the biblical term for fellowship is communion and it shows a depth and a connection that goes so far beyond just the idea of okay I'm connected to him and I'm gonna go live my life it literally means it would be the same thing just as Jesus said the the vine can do nothing apart from the branch and that the the or the branch condense apart from the body should say and that Jesus his life is living in us and we can't separate that anymore and if you took a plant and drained all of the the SAP out of the rock because I should say a tree and drained it all out of it if you take all of that out of the tree so that it's no more together what do you have a dead tree and so really it is the SAP in a tree it's the it is the the flow of the the life in the the branch that allows the vine to really fulfill everything it's supposed to be doing does that make sense to you and so we can't separate the life of God in us through Jesus from ourselves and from our daily life this is church is not something we do it's who we are and it's not something we go and do and so when we come and we have fellowship that fellowship should be more than just hanging out together and talking together that's usually what we mean by fellowship are usually the West it's used and really we should be looking at communion not just with God but also with one another that there should be a closeness that we we can tell if something's wrong whether they tell us something's wrong or not you know when they walk inside something's not right I don't know what's going on you know the smiles there are things every cent of it what why because we were connected the Bible tells us we are connected together if one part of the body hurts we all hurt if one part of the body does better we all do better and so that's part of the communion part of being a partaker one with another and the Bible even talks about us being partakers with Christ and and been partakers of God's divine nature by the promises which is the word which is Jesus so everything goes back to that now and I don't want to get you know mystical about it or anything like that is nothing necessarily wrong with that except that it usually goes way off into a ditch somewhere but I want you to realize that there is a communion that you can carry with you every day no matter where you are now when I was driving down the road the other day I spend time just asking me just talking with God and just fellowshiping and you know I'm not always verbalizing it sometimes I say within myself you know sometimes I just talk to God and sometimes is honestly the more literal version would be I think to God does that make sense I don't know he's talking to him but sometimes I just think to him right and even when I think to him he thinks back ok so there's a communion there but please understand - I don't walk around some kind of cloud separated from all that's going on in the world in the sense that I you know I'm just off in a cloud somewhere and just you know what they say so heavenly minded you know earthly good it's not that way I'm very normal I carry on daily life we do what we need to do I can be talking to a person we can laugh we can and then my phone can ring and it can be a life-or-death situation and we deal with it why because that we are connected to God and his life is always flowing through us now so I want to show you this this is and we didn't we had barely tapped into this a while back but I knew it wasn't enough and then God brought it back to me when he started asking me these questions while I was driving the other day and first off the question is simply this thing the question he asked me this is a question I'm asking you right who is God to you and we can even take that further and say is God to you who he wants to be who he intended to be because honestly we would say well I would like to think so but honestly if God were truly to us who he wants to be every one of our lives would be drastically better and different amen I mean think about that if God was able to fully be to us who he wants to be our lives would be so much different and by reason of that so much better because God when we talking and we we separate these things many times maybe I say we I maybe I do maybe you don't but we say his life is flowing through us okay the life of who we're the life of God or the life of Jesus or okay the Holy Spirit okay well that's three you know different expressions right there but who is and what is the real life of God that's flowing through this what is it like what what what is its characteristics and so the best list of characteristics that I have found to show us what is actually flowing through us when we talk about this if you've been around church long you've heard the words Oh a life zowie which is the Greek word for life but it's not just life because they have the words BIOS which means our physical life as it is where we get the word biology of course but Zoe literally means life it means God's life and in life as God has it now think about that that's the life that flows in you now it's not just that you're biologically here it's not that you're living when when Jesus came he didn't just come to give you abundance of biology right he didn't come to just make you walk around one who has feels great you know just I just feel life and I just that's not what he came to give us I'm not saying it doesn't happen it can't happen right but I'm saying that he came to give us this life what life the life of God himself living in us and that life of God in us has the characteristics of God does that make sense these care you say okay what are these characteristics what the good thing is you know they spent millions if not billions of dollars in what is called the genome project where they went into the DNA and they broke down the genomes and then way went into each part of the DNA and the amazing thing is God did that for himself you know thousands of years ago in the sense that he broke down his basic DNA and I when I say DNA and I'm talking my god I always picked that down to mean I'm not gonna tell you what the actual name DNA sends for in common science but in the Bible it would stand for the divine nature attributes DNA divine nature attributes okay it's I made it up myself now so okay but you realize that this life of God flows through you it's it's because of that is why we can lay hands on the sick and they get healed it's not because we're pointing them out and you and the power falls it's because we are transmitting the life of God that's why if someone gets near you if they get close enough to you they should get healed to one because that life not only has life in you but it emanates from you right and we know that with Jesus because in that life emanating from him was called virtue also known as power Dunamis and the woman with the issue of blood got healed and other people got healed even by that touched him got healed anybody he'd touch got healed so that was a transmission of it and so there is an emanation you might say of the life of God and for years they showed that in the forms of as we talked about in the 9 o'clock series service the they would show that in paintings by showing people with what now is called an aura around them just as light emanating from them and then science comes along takes a picture of people and does it was what's called Kirlian photography and they can actually see the energy emanating from a person and which is amazing because some of the experiments that have been done and some of the ones that are well that we have record of even with dr. layke with that people were able to do those experiments whenever he was praying in tongues whenever he was just quoting Bible or quoting other scripture and that they even put electrodes and things on him and could they could discern a stronger power emanating from him as he quoted scripture say he quoted poetry at one time and it was just the normal amount of energy then he started quoting scripture and when he started quoting scripture the energy output increased and then when he started praying in tongues that needle went off the chart now think about that oh that was registering the amount of life energy that was emanating off of him and so it shows how this works now but what is this life and we talk about it well it's just life well you know it's healing life it's it's you know this whatever it's just life and it's just his life emanating and we call it the glory and we call it the anointing and we cut all these kind of things that really doesn't tell us anything it's amazing how much people can preach about things and not say anything right it's just amazing well but whenever God put this life in us this life has DNA in us that this life has characteristics so I'm going to give you a list of the characteristics now many of these you already know and you already matter of fact I'm going to ask you some questions so this is group participation alright so if you know the answer just shout it right out right just you know don't be bashful just say it alright so the first one is what is the Hebrew words for the Lord or God who is our peace we know what's Naina's say this would be where the names of God Jehovah Shalom exactly yeah all right so that would be the Hebrew name that God Himself said this is who I am you know right so that would be one characteristic of his life his life number one is peace so if he is in your life you should have peace right now just a minute we're gonna move ahead don't get too far ahead of me I know what your mind is doing you're jumping into the New Testament don't go there yet okay stay in the old testement for a minute but none of this we have the term that God or the Lord who is our peace Jehovah Shalom all right let me ask you another one the God or Lord who is our righteousness jovis Incan oh yeah exactly now so now notice these are names that God gave us that he said this and I get this he didn't just say oh this is Who I am hi how are you doing this is me I get you so this is my name he didn't say that he this is generally called the redemptive names of God okay now get this the redemptive names they work also called the Jehovah istic names but here I want to hammer on this for a second these are the redemptive names of God you got that every scholar I don't care what denomination what faith or whatever else every scholar will tell you that these are the redemptive names of God in other words this is who God wants to be in his redemption of man you got that so that would automatically take us to the New Testament because God was working towards the redemption of man but the redemption of man did not take place until the New Testament through Jesus correct so we would say that all of these redemptive names all of the Jehovah istic names were pointing to a future time when redemption would be enacted and fulfilled amen with me so far now there's a bunch of them too there's actually there's a lot more than most people know I'm not gonna give you all of them today I'm just going to hit a couple of them but it but as you study the names of God I think Marilyn Hickey has a good book out on the names I got dr. Sommer has a book on the names of God excellent excellent studies both of them and as you go through these the thing to remember is this this is not just who God is these are the redemptive names that means that these are who God wants to be to us so when we say the name Jehovah Shalom it means God wants to be our peace you got that he wants to be our peace now if you don't have peace this is good news because we have a God who wants to be peace to us right not not just and it's amazing well I'm almost getting ahead of myself even because I just want to jump right into this and but I want to I want to I want you to get this so I want you to realize that I'm not talking about a God who is separate from you I'm talking about the God who moved into you you got that the God who moved in and when he moved in his life now the life that we have is in him and his life is now in us and Jesus came to give us this life and not just give it to us but to give it to us in abundance this is the life he came to give us he came to give us the life of God zowie life and that life to us is peace you give that because how do we have the life of God in us through the redemption of Jesus Christ right so technically these names please don't please don't take what I say and stretch it into something I'm not saying okay these names are all Hebrew names and that means they were all in the Old Testament and they were all before Jesus coming in the New Testament right now but technically none of these names were fulfilled until Jesus you got that no time more fulfilled until Jesus now now things happen let me give you another one the Nate what's the Hebrew name for the God our Lord who is present you may remember that one Jehovah Shema exactly the God who is present so now we've got a God who is peace his life is peace and at pieces in us we have a God who is righteousness and we know we have his righteousness and it lives in us and his life is in us so you can't separate his life from who he is say if my life left this body curry would no longer be here Curry's body would be here but curry would be gone why because curry is that the life that is in curry is the life of curry right you got that so if we take the life of God out of us then we take the very nature of God out of us and we take who he is peace righteousness present he's gone right because he's not in no I'll think about this because what we have is his life but yet this is who he is so if we take his life out who he is is gone so these characteristics are gone so if we have him we have these characteristics and by these precious promises we become partakers of his divine nature right what does that mean that means that while he is our peace we may not know how to live in peace until we take these precious promises and start to walk them out because then they become part of our life if you get this I'm saying this will cover every area of your life that's the amazing thing you go into the Jehovah names of God there is not one part of man's life that a humanity's life that is not covered through the redemptive names of God it's amazing he well you want to wrap it all up release the I can tell you this this is the word el shaddai which means literally means they all breasty one but he means literally the God who is our total sustenance right and so it literally means he wants to be everything to us imagine it he wants to be everything he wants to be every one of these and then he said no it'll shut I want to be everything to you okay God was what does that mean well what that means is I want to be Jehovah Shalom I want to be Java seed canoe I want to be jehova shamma right this is who he wants to beat it so all of these names fit in to who God is El Shaddai now here's another one the maybe you know this and if you don't that's okay weird you will after today but there is God gave us a name and it is the Hebrew name the English is the god or the lord who sanctifies the lord who sanctifies now that name is Jehovah mahadesh okay and that's the Texas translation of the Hebrew so you know if you ask a Hebrew person it will probably come out vastly different see I say it from here they say it from here right so it's a different now literally Jehovah mahadesh means the God who sanctifies well that may not tell us a lot because that sounds like a religious term but it literally means the God who separates and makes holy here that God said I want to separate you from the unholy and make you holy you give that now think about that see sometimes we we've take some of these things for granted because we've heard them so much but that's a big deal that God can separate us and make us holy no again I'll come back to some of these in just a minute the next one the God or Lord who is our Shepherd jehova rohi okay now what does that say what is he saying I want to be the Shepherd to you I want to be your Shepherd now hopefully in all of these so far you already heard the scriptures where Jesus is saying all these every one of them jesus said this alright now watch next one the Lord our God who is our banner Jehovah Nissi exactly now literally it means the Lord who is our banner okay but the connotation for it is the Lord who is our victory okay that's literally what it means now let's look at the next one and we're gonna go as I said run come back now listen Carrie this all has to do with it this all sprung from a question God asked me while I was driving right and you'll see why right now or the next one is the God or Lord that healeth thee yeah we know that side of Exodus 15:26 and it says it is the word Jehovah Rapha right everybody knows that one I mean that's if you've been here very long you've heard that many times okay Jehovah Rapha the Lord that healeth thee and here was a question because when I was going through some of this and it's funny because God gave us all these names I'll give you another one I'll come back to it all right I don't you know this one the Lord our God who is our provider Jehovah Jireh yeah all right okay now and again this is the English the English as inversion okay so these two are the ones we hear about part of the most overall especially from the Hebrew names we have Jehovah Rapha the God who heals you and we have Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider or the one who provides for us right now whenever I was going through these names and the Lord spoke very clearly to me and I said when I was going through I said ah Jehovah he literally asked me what is my name that says that I heal you and I said well that's Grover alpha he said okay what is my name that says I make you sick and I stopped and I said you don't have a name you never gave a Jehovah name that says behold I'm the Lord that make you sick why cuz that's not who God is do you see all these other names it says what he is and who he is but he is he didn't even give us a name to call him that and yet what do most Christians today call God the one who made him sick but they don't have a name for it but they just give a description Oh God did this God made me sick he did this for this reason he did it for that reason or he let it happen or whatever it is but they end up tying him to make me sick and if God had been a God who made us sick he would have given us a name that said behold I'm the God that makes you sick but he never gave us that name think about that then and these are the redemptive names and especially today now if we live you know back under the Old Covenant then we could say okay we don't have a clear a full understanding of God and yes there are things that we can see there but in this new covenant we have to understand we're in the redemptive covenant of Jesus Christ and because of that now Jehovah Rapha is actually the name that God wants to be to us because we have his life in us so here's the guy that heals us now notice even the term I am the lord that healeth the healeth right that's that's a present tense ongoing its present tense but ongoing you got that so I'm the Lord that healeth you so he is always in you healing you but he here's you to the degree that you agree with him that he is the Lord that heals you so he's doing everything he can do he's pushing as much as he can do to try to get us to agree with him and let him be Jehovah Rapha to us but in many cases especially if we have sacred cows that say oh no he can't be there oh no God you know well God's given me this to teach me something well God's doing this to try to get make me a better person or you know all the stuff that that that we have destroyed many times but we have to realize them if we have those there then it's like a water hose that the the nozzle is tightened and very little of the water flows through but the more you understand who God is and is it well you know he's our Father well the word father wraps up all of these that that was the names literally that Jesus came to glorify because even said father I've glorified your name to all of them well well he never talked to them about anybody other than the father so he was constantly trying to say and this ties us back to the first service that he's constantly trying to say look if you understand the father then you'll understand el-shaddai the all breasty one your total sustenance your total your total provider then you'll understand Jehovah Rapha why because that's part of what he provides then you'll understand Jehovah Shalom why because he he wants you to have that peace one get this God if God is Jehovah Rapha he has to be Jehovah Shalom he has to be one because you can't number one one of the top causes of sickness and disease is stress what is stress lack of peace so if God's going to heal you he can't just heal you and then not be the God who is your peace because if he doesn't heal you and give you peace you're going to stay in stress and you'll be sick run to drop back again you see what's in but now imagine if the God who is constantly healing you is in you and he's constantly your peace now you're constantly at peace you're not going back under stress and he doesn't have to work overtime to be the God that heals you because if you get healed and you stay in in peace and out of stress it is so much harder for you to get sick so we have to realize he is jehova sholom he is and the one of the best ones you know we don't always talk about it but one of the best names Jehovah shamone shamone what because he's present well if he's present and he is Jehovah Shalom and he is Java sidqa knew and he is Jehovah Jireh then guess what if he's present he is our provider presently he is our peace presently he is our everything presently you got that because he's here and if these are his names and it's what he is you know the if you go back into your history your family history maybe your where you get your name from many of the names in the old days like during Bible days they didn't really have last names they usually had the name of where they were from Saul of Tarsus right and then of course he became Paul the Apostle so they didn't have names that were last names they just most earnings were they were from then as it started spreading and because there are probably more than once all living in Tarsus then they had to start differentiating by saying by their job by what they did and so they would say you know this is Saul or they would have said like with Jesus you know hey Jesus the carpenter with where we get the last name carpenter today right and Baker well guess what they were in their family history bakers and so you have these names that fit well if you go back in my history because I have Native American history but I also have history from the the Andalusian mountains in Spain which was more or less gypsies but then we also had input from Ireland and Ireland the my ancestor that was in Ireland that he was actually the first sheriff in an area that eventually became a little town and they actually called it blake town went and they caught it was named after the sheriff that live there still there today you can look it up it's still there today and the reason they called him Blake was because that that literally meant came from the word black it was because he was the only Irishman that had black hair and so it stood out so they called him by his name but his last name was called black and then it became black right so your last name many times would go back to some descriptive idea of who you were he was known as the sheriff who was Blake of Blake town because his hair was black and because that described him okay now think about that with God Jehovah Shalom that describes it's not just a a name look go through the Bible God always gave names and even changed people's names to fit their characteristics Jacob right you have names all the way through of that fit certain descriptions Abram to Abraham that's not a big change but it is if you go back into the Hebrew because it changes just like with Sarah and Sarah right slight change big difference why because he changed their name to to show who they were going to be not even who they were but who they were going to be and many times he changed their name so that it would help them when they said it to recognize who they were and so God we can when you see the the pathology of God of how he thinks or the psychology of God you can see that if that's what he does with humans what does he do with himself he did the same thing with himself he gave himself names that represented the characteristics of his being do you that you can't separate righteousness from God right because that's who he is he is righteous you can't separate peace from God now think about that either but didn't you ever get mad sure but even when he's mad he's at peace you give that even even in the Old Testament he got mad he was still at peace why because that's who he is but now notice he didn't get to be this to people literally until Jesus came because these are redemptive names and I'll keep hammering away at that but I want you get this if you can get a hose you can realize that inside of you always no matter what you're going through there is always the strand of peace there is always the strand that God is present God where are you why don't you hit I'm right here he's right there he's always with you he okay I'll try to hurry and get to the next part okay here's one here's another one anybody knows him back Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider guess what he asked me what where is my name that says I'm the Lord that bankrupt you hey there hidden one why because God is not the one that makes you bankrupt he's one that adds blessing and there's no sorrow added with it do you see that everybody God blessed everybody God touched in the Old Testament real it early in the new - they always ended up better often whenever he met him every one of them they always got better their lives didn't get worse maybe people might say well look at the Apostle Paul I mean he had it pretty good as a Pharisee and his life kind of got worse when he went through all the stuff he went through asked Paul if it was worth because he himself said I don't think that these present troubles are anything to be compared to the glory that's going to be revealed in me right and so when we look at things these things we need to realize God is always present he's or he is always our peace but the problem is we get so caught up in the moment in the natural when in reality as soon as we see this problem arising and immediately we shouldn't run out to jump in the middle of it we ought to go hang on I'm gonna take a second and remember jehova shamma God is present and if God is present Jehovah Shalom I had peace so I had peace so now let's deal with the situation do you see what I'm saying that you can stop the problem is were pushed or hurried we got to do this now and because of that we get wrapped up and then we look back and go how did I ever get in the middle of this in reality we ought to be stopping and saying you know what God you're with me in this I'm gonna walk through this in peace and you start to realize think about this and this is a slight variation off of where we're at today but God and just again some of the stuff that God was dealing with me on this week even he said when we look at situations we preach the Bible we preach faith we preach how to walk in faith and we preach that part of walking in faith is always saying what the Bible says even whenever especially whenever the symptoms are the opposite right whenever the evidence is opposite of what we're saying and God was saying why do you only do that when there's problems well why do you only apply that when there's a pond because that's when you're thinking about it you know oh there's a sickness all right Jove Arafah God that heals be healed in Jesus name so we're using it now for myself you know I constantly talk health in my body I constantly talk you know God is my healer his I'm his life is constantly in me he protects me he keeps me from these things and so I constantly talked that way but what if we applied the same principles which is simply this if you're going to talk Kingdom you're going to talk opposite of the world right or the oh the economy it's gonna be horrible it's gonna crash it's gonna so what should you be saying oh yeah we'd better get ready no you'd be saying guess what my god is my provider he supplies all my needs the economy doesn't he doesn't say he does it by his economy it says he does it by his riches in glory by Christ Jesus right so we focus on that and not only that you are not saying we ignore it I'm just saying that when we see problems in the world we know that we have the spiritual answer to be able to say this is what the Bible says we don't just do it when there's a problem we should be doing it all the time and if you speak faith and you speak truth because if you speak truth you're gonna be speaking faith and if you speak truth you're going to be speaking Bible and if you speak it all the time then honestly most people aren't going to want to talk to you you know now you may be encouraging to him you may be positive you know and they may say man he's always open right but honestly they're gonna say well you're just not much fun to converse with right why cuz we're not gonna get into gossip the minute you talk about well this person well guess what we're gonna say you know what the Lord bless them well you don't know what they're saying about you well good that makes it easier to bless them right please don't be the one to tell me what they're saying right let me bless them right just tell me hey they're cursing here whatever just bless them all right and keep on going don't don't worry for you it's amazing you know bad news travels around the world twice before the good news ever gets its shoes tad I mean I'm saying it'll get back to you real quick of what people saying but the bottom line is that we have to start thinking kingdom so that we speak Kingdom so that we speak right now you've got people all over one thing happens and everybody starts talking for instance let's say back okay a couple weeks ago whenever they were talking about the end of the world or whatever and nobody ever really said what it was it was just going to be something and I'm not saying nothing happened I mean there are some obviously some things in the world that are kind of strange but it's amazing because everybody everybody started surmising started guessing and and said oh you know it's probably me this and you know it's gonna be that and this is gonna start and it's great badness critical me the beginning of the tribulation and I and the and the bad put is these are the Christians these are Christians speaking doomed and guessing but they're still saying and you have to realize if anybody has power in their words it is the people of God we should be the people when people say oh it's gonna be bad where to go mmm not around here a thousand of my left hand ten thousand my right but it won't come near me what because God is present with me I've never seen the righteous well you know how bad it's gonna get well I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread so I don't care how bad it's gonna get guess what I won't be begging one because God is with me and he is Jehovah Jireh he is my provider you see do you get that and imagine if this is how we talk 24/7 okay first off you'd have to train yourself to do it secondly all of the negative minded and naysayers and doom and gloom people and the gossipers tailed bearers and all that kind of stuff all those people it wouldn't take very long at all and they would quit talking to you right but now that's the some of the side effects of it but imagine if you believe what you're saying and you're having what you say and it's coming to pass in your life imagine what your life would be like imagine imagine if you could plant seed every day and the next day it would harvest now if it grew that quick now if you planted seed and it harvested and you took the harvest and that's all you did then guess why you're not going to have that much and it wouldn't last that long but if you plant seed every day then tomorrow you know you'll always have a harvest amen and so if you know your words according to Mark chapter 4 the gospel is the seed but your words are seeds and your words are the seeds of your life and you can look at what's growing in your life and see what's been coming out of your mouth and if you want a better life you're not gonna get it by planting bad seed you've got to plant good seed the good seed is the word of God quote the Word of God and as you quote the Word of God you'll have a harvest of the what the Word of God says and if when you have a harvest of what the Word of God says guess what you're going to get by His stripes you were healed thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ you think about that that's the harvest you're gonna be having we haven't had a better harvest then well you know it's gonna get bad you know I'm just waiting for Jesus just take me out of here well I can help you I'm just helping Jesus get you out of here faster and kissin anyway okay anyway so let's just we just need to realize well sometimes what we're putting not in other people's ears but our own ears and those seeds go in and they bring up and and they bring a harvest 30 60 100 fold so what should you be doing constantly planting good seed amen and what better seed is there than the Word of God there is not that's the best seen and when you plant that see when you plant the Word of God okay the Bible says that in the beginning was the word were with God Word was God right so the word is God and the word is seed so when you plant the seed of the word of God what are you going to grow God in your life God is able to do more in your life and there right so if you're planting the seed of the word of God what are you going to be getting more Jehovah Rapha more Jehovah Jireh more jehova shamma more Jehovah so is this making sense to you and I'm not tying all this together enough that you can see God is in you he wants to live his life through you it's not enough to let him be in you you want him in your life you want him growing around your life you want to see him in every part of your life but the beauty of this is I'm writing a book on healing and one of the first chapters in it is healing was God's idea this was his idea it wasn't our idea we didn't come up with it God came up with it and it's the same thing it was God's idea to let us know he is Jehovah Shalom why cuz he wants to be that to us it's God's idea he wants to be in your life he wants to be these you know that this person to you who is your peace who is present who is your provider that's who he wants to be but we refuse to let him mainly because there's several things but to him number one is we refuse to say his word which is what he works through and number two when you don't say his word the Bible says in Psalm 103 verse 20 that his angels are mighty in strength harkening to the voice of his word so whenever you refuse to speak God's Word you tie the Angels hands because they only operate according to his word you can pray and tell God oh god it's horrible it's bad don't you know what's going on God send angels and God says I've already sent angels they are sent according to the Bible right he doesn't send them they are sent they are in this world to minister to us who are the heirs of salvation that's us they're already here and they're waiting to help they're like come on cut me loose let me work and all you got to do is say God's Word when you speak his word I hearkened to the voice of his word who is the voice of his word you you're the voice of his word but until you start saying his word their hands are tied they can't do a thing and so and matter of fact the Old Testament says don't provoke your angel cuz he won't forgive you why because it's not in angels to forgive they don't have to they're not made that way right he said well how do you provoke your angel by disagreeing with the Word of God I said well you know I'll tell you why it is that it's one thing for sure when that flu comes around I'm going to catch it I catch it every year and I'm going to catch it again and and what you're provoking that angel an angel would you shut up because now when it comes you're gonna get it and I can't help you do you get that but whenever you start saying you know what they say that if you know that the flu season is coming and you better get your shot you better get it and that's what they say and that angel is listening yeah what do you say you know what Jesus said who do men say that I am who do they say that I am who do you say that I am well men can say one thing oh the flu is coming what do you say guess what it will not come near my dwelling what because greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world right and when you start saying that angel says yeah now we can work and whenever that flu stuff starts coming at you and then even goes no you don't you don't go past the blood you don't get there what because you have no right there and he is agreeing with the Word of God and I hearkened to the voice of that word so get right it's a Texan angel yet all right so we recognize that God is Jehovah Rapha the God who heals us he's not the God who makes us sick don't even have a name for it right he's Jehovah Jireh the God who provides for us he's not the god who bankrupt us amen all right so now notice this goes to this real quickly now number one let's look at Jesus in some of these names not going to go through all of them just going to hit some of them so Jesus is Jehovah Jireh how do we know that because in John 14:14 he said if you ask anything in my name I will do it I'll give it to you awesome but whatever you ask whatever you want ask I will give it to you one because he is Jehovah Jireh he is a God who provides he provides whatever you ask for you got that why cuz you're in communion with him you're in fellowship with him what if I asked for something stupid no no you're gonna ask according to his will because his will and his word is in your heart and because of that you're sanctified by his truth now watch this he goes on Jesus is also Jehovah Nissi our banner how do we know that well very simple 2nd Corinthians 2:14 what does that say now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph that's what the word nice a banner means our victory that always causes us to triumph in Christ and makes manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place how does he do it by Jesus Jesus is our banner he is our victory he is Jehovah Nissi to us why because he came to dwell in us and because of that he is present he is our banner you got that Jesus fulfilled every one of these it's amazing Jesus he is Jehovah Shalom Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13 but now in Christ Jesus you who were sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ watch this for he is our peace here that he is our peace he is Jehovah Shalom to us he is peace he is our peace he doesn't give us peace he is our peace but when now notice whenever he was talking to his disciples he said listen my peace I leave you and they're right why because he said I'm giving you my peace but they weren't part of him yet but once the new birth came along and they became part of him he no longer gave them peace he is their peace he is Jehovah Shalom in you you give that he didn't give you peace he is your peace people say well just give me peace do you know Jesus give me peace no he's not going to give you peace what you're going to do is you're going to take a second take a deep breath and recognize peace lives in you because he is peace do you that so if you don't have peace it's not because God hadn't get it's because you have not taken a second to recognize and become a partaker of his divine nature because it's in you it's there God doesn't have to give it to you you got it amen you need to get a hold of this now next one Jesus is Jehovah said he knew or our righteousness how do we know second Corinthians 5:21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him Jesus is the righteous one the reason we are righteous is not because we believe in him and understand but because he lives in us you give that we believe in him and that's why lets him live in us but we are righteous because he lives in us you get that now so that righteously that righteousness that he is to us means right standing it means that you that there's nothing between you and God right what the only thing between you and God is Jesus and Jesus is righteousness so there's nothing bad between you there's only good do you get that that's what's in you right now is the right of the right standing with God that means anything you're in right standing see let me give you an example this word righteousness is actually a legal term and it's used a lot in I could say courts and things like that and a person in for instance if a lawyer has a license to invest pass a bar in a certain jurisdiction then he can represent a person in any court in that jurisdiction one because he has righteousness in that jurisdiction in that amazing that's the actual words and a person who does not who is not in right standing with the court cannot address the court or present evidence in a court you have to be in right standing with the court to be able to enter evidence or make any type of statement to the court so the get that so that means that because we have right standing with God we can speak to him we can address him we can petition him if you want to get the legal Specht please do not get over into the idea of going into the court in heaven and doing all this legal stuff that that's people get bored and they come up with stuff right don't do that our stuff is not only on a legal basis it is on a family basis that the judge of heaven and earth is our Father right don't ever forget that because the minute you go the other way you start getting legal when you get legal you're going to end up getting cut out why not because God does it but because you will cut yourself out because you'll say oh I messed up so I'm not in right standing anymore you need to realize the one who is right standing and makes you in right standing dwells in you you got that next one very quickly yeah Jesus is jehova shamma Nate this scripture should have come up while ago when I said it first off that means that Jesus is present with us in Matthew 1:23 it says behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth the son and they shall call his name Immanuel meaning what God with us not God visited us God with us jehova shamma God is present you get that all of these names that we have in the Old Testament Jesus fulfilled them perfectly through his Redemption right he is this to us now watch this in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 11 Jesus is Jehovah mahadesh which means he is the the Lord our God who sanctifies separates and makes holy in Hebrews 2:11 for both he that sanctifies sanctifies separates makes holy and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren so that's talking about Jesus and us so he's the one that sanctifies and we are the ones that are sanctified he's the one that separates makes holy we're the ones that have he has separated and made holy and that's why he said in Corinthians come out from among them touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and then right one because he separated us now in the Foursquare Church has these base tent and they have one of the or areas or for ministries of Jesus is that of Sanctifier and so you can see that right there and their basic who they are now look at the next one very quickly John chapter 10 everybody knows this one so this is gonna be based on the fact that Jesus is jehova rohi which is means our Shepherd we all know this one in John 10 verse 11 I am The Good Shepherd Jesus is a good shepherd he is jehova rohi the Good Shepherd gives his life for the Sheep but he that is a hireling and not a shepherd whose own the sheep or not sees the wolf coming and leaves a sheep and flees and the wolf catches him and scatters a sheep the hireling flees because he's a hireling and cares not for the Sheep I am The Good Shepherd and know my sheep and am known of mine Jesus is jehova rohi right he fulfilled it Jehovah Rapha everybody knows Isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed and we also know first Peter 2:24 by whose stripes ye were healed and then of course matthew 817 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses now so over and over again you can see number 1 God gave us names by which to call him that he wanted to be to us whenever he did that he revealed those names to us and says this is who I am not who I'm going to be and not who I used to be Who I am and I'm the Lord and I changed not according to Malachi then we know that Jesus said the same thing in Hebrews 13:8 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever right so he's the same now Jesus came and fulfilled all of the redemptive names of God and he did it not just by being God out there but by moving into us so that we can say he has always present one because he will never leave you nor forsake you amen all of these names if you you could take each one of these and focus on them for a while and study them out meditate upon them start calling God and start saying you know what Jesus you are jover schemata me and I think it you are present and I think that you're in my life and I think it's you are Jehovah Jireh to me I think you provide for me and I thank you that my provision is such that I have not just enough for me but enough to help others too why because that's he's the God who is more than enough and so we need to realize these are his names it's who he wants to be it's who he is and who he wants to be to us now from the person next to you might believe that this is who Jesus is to them and they'll benefit from it and you can sit right next to them and not benefit if you don't believe every person has to stand for themself before God you get that you're gonna stand for yourself and answer for yourself about what you believed about who God said he wanted to be - he's gonna say you died of sickness and now you're before me why why would you do that didn't you know I'm Jehovah Rapha well you know I heard it but you know I just never made the connection there I just you know I just you know I figured it was something well no if you had believed then I would have been able to be that to you and if I'd have been that to you you'd I had another 20 years on the earth and been able to be a blessing you see when you stand before God say why wouldn't you believe that I am Jehovah Jireh the one who provides okay I know you wanted to give to that missionary but you just didn't have it because you're always struggling he's a walking Jubilee what couldn't you believe that I am big enough to bless you beyond your means and bless you to a place where you could help others why couldn't you believe that about me what is what how is God limited with it what can God not do God can do anything that's true and false God can do anything except what you won't let him do because he does it through us he does it by because he's in us there's nothing here now about God living anywhere other than in us so if he lives in us then whatever he's going to do he has to do through us do you get that and so we have to believe who he is can we believe that God is big enough to do anything can we believe yeah I would love to see this congregation say you know what we're going to come together make a decision that we're going to support a thousand orphans by starting by January 1 that would that be awesome that we're going to support a hundred missionaries we've got missionaries on the field right now we got missionaries you don't even know about that we support every month there's there's missionaries a support there's missionaries and ministry supports missionaries the church supports there are missionaries there are orphanages that I support there's orphanages that the ministry is starting to support now and so there are other ministries that we give to that we know do good you know even with the recent stuff going on Samaritan's Purse great ministry to give to because they really do help all right Salvation Army another one and and there's there's others but I'm just saying that we could do so much more to impact this world than what we can do and I'm not telling you oh you know go sell your car and bring the money so we can give it to Samaritans person I'm not saying that I'm saying decide to believe God God can bring more through you than what you could get for selling your car and then pi-1 heard a person say one time yeah you know if you want to be a millionaire that'd be easy what you gotta do is say God let me give a million dollars actually was dr. Summerall said it first time I heard it and it's money repeated after him is it let me give a million dollars to support to feed the hungry he said I guarantee you God will pour a million dollars through you and for the money to come through you you got to be a millionaire now after you give it out you may not be a millionaire anymore but I'm just saying okay I'm not saying to hold it up under saying don't limit God based on what you know your job what your income is trust God to do beyond that when George Mueller supported 10,000 orphaned orphans in his orphanages early on and he not only did that but he also supported hundreds of missionaries he gave out thousands of new it's printed him and gave them away and we don't ever hear about that part all we ever hear about is the orphans but he did so much more than just that and yet everyday he prayed and believed for that day but he also provided out beyond what was right in front of him we've got to get beyond ourselves we can't just say Oh God bless me got a need blessing he said men you know I want to bless you but your heart's not right when you start to think about blessing others I can pour it through you and you'll be more blessed and if you begged me for blessing but we have to look out beyond ourselves amen that makes sense I'm not telling you to do anything I'm just saying trust God and let him do great things through you he wants to do more than he's ever done through you all right now finally we're going to participate in communion remember communion is fellowship it's partaking of him and who he is in first Peter 4:13 it says but rejoice in as much as you're partakers of Christ's sufferings that's what this is this reminds us that we are partaking now partaking of Christ's sufferings does not mean that we go get beat that that could happen but you don't have to wait for that to be a partaker of Christ's sufferings if you partake of this and do not consider yourself as partaking of Christ's sufferings you are doing this unworthily why because this is to remind us of what he did for us he did not do this for himself he did this for us and we have to be partakers in the Fellowship of what he did we have to be partakers of the Fellowship of how his body thinking was broken how by His stripes we were healed if you don't believe that if you don't become a partaker of his stripes you can't be healed you get that we have to be a partaker of the Cross what we have to because if we drink this without recognizing that he did that for us and that his hanging there was for us and that if we're not if we don't become a partaker of that and say that was for me then you're not saved I don't care how much grape juice you drink this grape juice does not save you it was his blood and you partaking of his blood that saves you amen all right well we're gonna go ahead and protect so if we want to bring our team forward and as always we'll start at the back and have y'all come around so let's go ahead and direct traffic back there and back row and come on around there we go I got and I hope that both messages today helped open your eyes a little bit more to what Jesus did for you and how much God wants to be a part of every part of your life he wants to have everything in your life he wants to give him all of himself to you but to do that the only way to make it happen is to give all of ourselves to him and so it really is learning to live the Crucified life it's listen it's not called well crucifixion was never meant to be enjoyed it means death as Leonard Ravenhill used to say one thing they do about a man carrying a cross on his way out of town he wasn't coming back we need to be that same person jesus said you cannot be my disciple if you don't take up your cross and so we must be that person that takes up our cross and dies and doesn't get off the cross but learns how to stay dead so we can live life to the fullest that he came to give us that's what this is about this one and that's what we're doing communion it's not just an act it is to help us commune with who he is and if we're going to have communion with the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost then we're going to have communion with jehova shamma Emmanuel we're gonna have communion with Jehovah Shalom his piece and he is our piece we're gonna have communion with Jehovah Rapha the God who heals us and who healed them all that's what this means it's not just an act it is communing it is recognized and taken part in his sufferings so that we recognize it and say what he did was done for me when he hung on that cross when that cross he did it from me whenever he was buried I was buried with him he did it from me and whenever he was raised and seated at the right hand of the Father I was raised and seated at the right hand of the Father and the life that I live now I live in newness of spirit serving God with my heart mind soul spirit every bit that means we also have to present our bodies a living sacrifice one of the ways to do that is even as we're partaking of the bread today by doing it by recognizing his body was broken and recognizing it was done for us than we are able to present our bodies a living sacrifice not a dead one so if we can let's take the bread hold it up know that his body was broken for you that by His stripes you were and are healed in Jesus name so as you eat recognize and just know this body was broken for me and by His stripes I am healed in Jesus name partaking and we recognize that this represents the blood of Jesus Christ I was poured out for the remission of sin and that by him hanging on that cross our sins were remitted and that whenever we receive him we receive his forgiveness the forgiveness that he purchased with his own blood it wasn't fun he didn't want to do it he even said so in the garden but he also said not my will but your will we should have that same heart and mind God may ask us to do things we don't want to do but nevertheless we say not my will your will I gave you my will when I took Jesus as Lord and as we know that we become partakers of his life and that life means all that he is and wants to be to us partake Father in the name of Jesus that name above all names father we thank you and that we don't have to go through a list of names that as the the song said when you've said Jesus you've said it all father we thank you that Jesus is our all and all that in him we live and move and have our being we thank you Father that all that he is now we know that we have and partake we thank you Father not just for fellowship but communion connection that we are one spirit with you join together your life flowing through us to he'll deliver set free to bless father we thank you and father what you've given us is your gift to us what we do with it is our gift to you so father we thank you that we walk in your ways we keep your words we obey your commands and we thank you that we walk in love and because of that that love your love is perfect and because of that we have boldness and the day of judgment and we walk in love and therefore we walk father we thank you for that privilege in Jesus amen amen amen [Music] you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 12,864
Rating: 4.7860084 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: u-vwG9z_6U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 14sec (4334 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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