How To Pray For Family-Oct 2, 2016

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so but right now we're going to get right into the word so first off if you want to you can turn to James chapter five and we will pick up from there while you're turning there I'm going to pray father we just thank you for this day we thank you Father that we woke up and we have another day on this earth so father we just bless you and we give you this day as always you are the Lord of our life and you have our total life so in Jesus name we bless you and we thank you for blessing us father that we recognize your blessings upon us and we just want to turn that around and be a blessing to others in Jesus name Amen amen all right well today and this is one of the main questions I get everywhere I go they're like maybe five to ten questions that we get everywhere we go everywhere and so this is one of them this is one of the questions that people ask me all the time is how do I pray for family how do I pray for my family how do I do this and it's funny because it's almost like they think that there's well usually they tell me there's got to be something wrong I'm doing something wrong because I pray for people I do exactly what you told me I pray for people on the street they get healed I pray for people in the grocery stores they get healed then I pray for my family nothing happens what's wrong what am I doing wrong and and so we're going to talk about that today because we're going to explain why and we're going to take you into how to pray and it's not a formula it's not a one two three per se but there are some things that we learned over a period of time actually I would I hate to say it it's just really a lot of times by trial and error is how we learn some of these things so but if we made the error hopefully you won't have to so you can learn from it so James chapter 5 it says in verse 16 confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed now we're going to look at all these scriptures here in just a minute but I want to point out some things first right number one it says confess your faults and that word faults there in the Greek and it really it depends on which manuscript you're using but the most prominent and best manuscript to you this actually doesn't use the word that's normally used for sin right way so actually says confess your faults it does not say confess your sins one to another it says confess your faults one to another and the because the Greek word for sin is hammer TIA and it literally means sins whereas the word used here is a Greek word per Optima and it means literally a mistake a slip which and you say that what sin is a missing mark yet but there's a difference mostly in the sense of breaking a law or in intention breaking a law or an intention so the main thing is in and we'll show you what he's talking about here because he says confess your faults one to another he doesn't say to go to some person you know as we see many times in religion it says go to this person confess your false confess your sins to this person it's not saying that it says confess your faults one to another which also also shows us that all brethren are on the same level right but now that's not talking about sin as I said so it's talking about confess your faults one to another and it's talking about people having what we call a falling out you had a disagreement with somebody and it says go to him confess your fault look I'm sorry I was wrong I shouldn't have done it he said but I wasn't wrong okay then don't say that part say I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted that way right maybe you were right but she still shouldn't act it that way all right and so you just go to them and tell them that and says to confess your faults one to another notice that you may be healed now two things the word healed here if you look at the Greek many times how we have in the English that says that you may be healed if you look in the Greek it doesn't have that in the Greek it's usually a cup of like instead of four or five words there'll be two words put together and so and this may sound strange but it's Bible and you can look at it you can check it out and see we we southerners we have particular ways of saying things in other words if I was going to speak to everyone in this group at one time as I am now I would use the term y'all all right which is a contracted form of you all right and if you notice the Bible uses those same terms right it constantly uses southern terms I don't know if we got it from them or I'm you know I'm sure we did but regardless I'm just saying that it's a good way using it and they use words like yonder I'm talking at the Bible and southerners okay we use words like yonder I haven't heard hither in a long time but I did when I was a kid when I was a little kid I used to you know they'd come either come in and it was just normal so this made it probably because we pretty much lived in the King James so now everybody says here and the word healed talking about it says that you may be healed the word you and healed are really kind of one word in the Greek and it works the Greek word for healed is referring to you and it means to y'all okay that's why I brought all that up and it actually literally goes into the fact that healed is a plural word and its meaning that both people may be healed meaning not physical healing it's talking about you have a falling out you have a disagreement you have a splitting of the ways as we would say and because of that then you go to one another you confess your fault you admit you were wrong and half maybe how you acted and then because of that your relationship is healed right this is not talking about physical healing he's already dealt with physical healing just above this in verse 14 so he is not talking about physical healing here now he's talking if you want to call it this I wouldn't necessarily say this but we would call it more soulish healing right but technically it's healing of a relationship and so he is not referring to physical healing now it says then he tells us that the effectual fervent or the effectual prayer fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much and if you look at these words the effectual the word effectual there is the Greek word inner ghetto and it means literally effect or powerful or working or energized which is where we get the word energizes from that Greek word so it means effective it can mean accurate it can also mean powerful so it is saying that the effective accurate powerful prayer of a fervent pressured ad of a righteous person avail as much know what is a fervent prayer well fervent simply means passionate or heartfelt right now notice there's a difference when we say passionate we automatically think in terms of emotion things like that and that's all fine and good at times but fervent doesn't mean and when we say fervent or passionate which is the definition of fervent it is not referring to emotion it is referring to the force within you the power of the Holy Spirit in you pushing forward right now remember this because he's not saying get emotional and get worked up and screaming yell right nothing wrong with that necessarily but that's not what he's referring to he says that the effective accurate the the the right prayer okay of a righteous person heartfelt pushed by the energy of the holy spirit within you and you say well what if the Holy Spirit is not pushing well wiglesworth used to say cement was worth you should say if the spirit doesn't move me I moved the spirit say the spirits always move in that direction it's usually us that are not feeling it right he's always moving that direction but he's not emotional but he is very fervent and fervor just we would say in this sense that he just doesn't know stop he doesn't know quit right and so the whole point here is he said if you come together they say you have a falling out he says you come back together you confess your faults you you confess that what you did was wrong or how you acted was wrong and notice he says so that your relationship may be healed and then he's talking about how the effective how the the powerful accurate correct prayer fervent heartfelt passionate prayer of a righteous person will avail much and so now notice he also tells us in verse 17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months and then he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit now notice again when he talks about praying earnestly he said Elias was a man like us had the same passion sabor see he could get wrapped up in stuff one minute he's on fire and just blasting the prophets of El and the next minute he's running from a woman Jezebel well you know a lot of men would have been smart if that I ran from some women right but they didn't learn from Elias right there's no but he says here that he prayed again and the earth gave rain now the note notice here the passion the fervency that's what earnestness is it is having that passion or that fervency no notice but the passion and the fervency is for the result not an emotional response to the person right now remember what are we talking about am i praying for family the reason I'm bringing this up is because I want and I'll show you another scripture in just a minute we're going to go to 1st John 5 here in just a second but I want you to realize that and I we're talking how to pray for for family but the best way to look at it is to know how do you pray for non family now if you've been through any of our teaching any of our training we have taught you how to pray and how to pray the prayer of faith and how to get results now so we run through this very quickly and just lay that again because we can contrast the two of how to pray for family and how to pray for non family and you'll see it in just a moment so how do we pray for non family in other words you're going to walk up somebody in a walmart or in a grocery store or anywhere else and you're going to pray for them how are you going to pray for him well first off you're going to find the scripture now that doesn't mean you're going to take your Bible with you alright and that you're going to look up the scripture and go okay let's say this scripture your situation that would fall under say you're not going to do that in everybody do that Walmart not do it anywhere else the scripture you find you have to find it in your heart what I mean by that is you have to already know this and you - no that is God's will for that person to be well you have to know that it's God's will that that person should be healed all along and so there definitely should be healed right now and so you have to have that scripture in u.s. now one of the easiest ones of course is Isaiah 53 and Matthew 8:16 and first Peter 2:24 this is by whose stripes you were healed so we know that by the stripes of Jesus that's already paid for already done that we are healed so based on that we already know that healing is God's will and so because of that we can go up to a person say you know what I just want to help you out don't you at this situation going on or have you approached him and you're saying right now you know god I don't know why I did God did this but he sent me here so that we would intersect and our lives would connect and now I'm here to set you free he sent me here to set you free so in Jesus name right now and by His stripes you were healed and you begin to command that healing and when you do that then you'll see the results so so first off you have that scripture in you so you get that scripture you bring it to mine secondly you pray the prayer of faith which is similar to what I just said the prayer faith normally is simply a command that's the easiest way if someone says how do I pray the prayer of faith it's usually a command almost always a command now number three now you're going to pray the prayer of faith but I want you to notice before you pray technically just before you need to decide to believe too many people pray before they're ready to believe if you have unanswered prayer it's because you prayed before you were ready to believe right generally speaking 99.9% of the time that's why most people move into it too quickly I'm not saying not to move quickly I'm saying that you move quicker than you are ready to decide to believe you need to as soon as you see that person even before you go to them you need to decide to believe that they're healed right that's the first thing and so when you do that then you walk up to them and then you engage them and you start to talk to them now I will tell you this the minute listen carefully the word you say may be the legal method that God uses a set of person free but the important thing is what you're believing remember that when you see that person and you decide that it is God's will for them to be well for them to be healed then automatically your faith begins to work even before you say a word and to be very honest with you those people could actually be healed before you go up to a what because your it is your faith that is actually setting them free and that works whether they're agreeing or whether they know it or anything else see if they have to know it before it works then all of this is psychological but the fact is it's not psychological it is spiritual and because of that it works on the spirit level before you ever say a word and so the key is to decide you look at that person you know the scripture that says that God wants them free and then you decide right then in Jesus name that person could be free I'm here to set them free see this is the mentality Jesus had whenever he walked up to the blind man and they said Lord who did sin was it the the manner his parents whatever he said neither but that the works of him may be worked I must work the works of him this evening and so he went added from the point of view of if I'm here and he's here and he's blind then I'm here to heal him he had that mentality automatically we need to have that same mentality that if we get in the same room there's a reason for it and that reason is they're supposed to be free and once you get that mentality everything starts to change because then you realize you're here on this earth for a purpose you're not here just you know rambling through you're here for a purpose and God directs the steps of the righteous person and so we need to recognize that and recognize where we go we are going there to win because thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus so where we go we're going to win and if we're there and that person needs help then we're there to help them and how do we know that they're guaranteed help as we're going everywhere we go to win Amen you understand that I mean that's pretty simple just simple so whenever you see that person you decide they should be well Jesus paid the price you just had right then in Jesus name they were healed by His stripes and now I'm just going to go and set them free I'm going to go and declare it and set them free and you walk up to them and then you engage them and then no notice short prayers okay the best prayers are the short prayers the most powerful prayers or short prayers and so we need to make sure that what we pray is a short prayer and it doesn't have to be a prayer old Father in Heaven please do this most of the time especially if you're dealing now we're given we're right now we're talking about non-family weren't about family here in just a minute but this is non family so when you walk up to them automatically you're not going to go into long thing but you do they do need to know who you're connected to which is why we say in the name of Jesus it's why we walk up to him and sometimes you maybe will start to pray just because they're used to that and you can begin to pray but at some point usually if you're going to pray your pray to God but then you shift and you begin speaking to their body now usually the person will not notice the difference the sickness the disease the the spirit the demon whatever it is is causing it it will notice the difference you will know the difference God will know the difference but usually the person you're ministered to that you're ministering to will not recognize the difference they think you're still praying and in actuality you're actually just commanding so now after that and as I said once you the prayer should be short and they should simply people say okay how even in this how would I pray very simple across the board simply state what you want to happen that's all you're going to do you want the demon to leave that's what you tell it go in Jesus name is that sit - one word sent one word prayer right just one word go if you want habits or addictions broken in the name of Jesus right now I set you free that's it that's all you have to do and you speak that but you have to decide first remember it's not the words it is the believing that causes the words to work right we have to realize this mark 16 says believers like hands on the sick they shall recover says nothing about prayer we've added prayer into it it is the it you can lay hands on them on the sick but it's a believer you can listen if you're not believing you lay hands on the sick all day long you know a a Christian a believer as most who what's it right a Christian can lay hands on a sick and nothing happened until they decide to believe right you got that so it's believers who are believing laying hands on a sick that causes the recovery amen that's why it starts it so we have to realize these things we've added a lot of stuff in there so as you kind of take it apart look at each piece individually now so you want to state simply what you want to happen and then finally once you prayed settle it right then and there you've got to settle it that means you don't leave it hanging thinking oh I wonder if it did any good well I wonder if it worked no settle it if you say it and you're believing and you decided to believe and you say it or you lay hands on someone settle it it is done don't back off of it now once you do that okay after that and once you've prayed and once you've decided to settle it in your own heart don't speak or act in any way that is contrary to the desired result and this is super simple once you've spoke to them once you've commanded their body to be healed once you command them to be free whatever words you use from that point on you don't speak or act in any way that is contrary to the desired results right now the and that's called walking in faith at that point you are you've extended your faith and at that point now you can ask them are you seeing difference what's going on you know there's there's been a few times even thinking back whenever I saw a person and knew I was going to go to them and minister to them and honestly didn't know who they were didn't know anything about him didn't know if they were going to receive it or not you know because you think and the devil will always tell you they're going to you know take it away you're crazy don't you know they don't want your prayer whatever and honestly that seldom happens and I said it's never happened but it seldom happens and it's funny because when I go over to them there have been probably hello a few times you know not not bunch of the times but there been a few times when ever I was conscious of what I was doing that I already said this is what's going to happen when I walked up to him it's like I jumped over and bypassed the questioning part in them you know questioning them and it's like I just jump right to it and walk up to them hi my name is Craig like I just want to undo what's going on your body or what's going on Rask because something something's different than it was a few minutes ago and they're looking like what are you talking about what did you have pain before well yeah there's always pain whether there's usually pain and then they realize the pain is already gone and I hadn't prayed and said anything when did it happen when I believed before I ever walked up to him we've had we've seen this happen actually I said many times but I've also noticed as I said before you can lay hands on us you can be a believer that is not believing at that moment for that person and you can lay hands on them and nothing happen and you can lay hands on them and nothing be happening and then you can choose to believe and it will start right so this is in many ways and you know people don't like it but you know I didn't set up the system so got nothing to do with it I just have find out how it works and so it but it's funny because this is still mechanical then people don't like that you know which personally I like the mechanical part better than I do the typical religious idea of who knows what God's going to do and let's wait and see right I like the mechanical right I'd like to know that God is more faithful that I am that if that if I woke up my hands on somebody I know he's going to be ready to do his part right if I'm ready to do my part I know he's ready to do his part because I can't be more faithful than he is amen and so I like the mechanical aspect of God's power so now the second thing here let's go to well actually I should go back because once you've prayed and settled it after that you don't speaking or doing anything or act in any way that is contrary to the desired results now you say what if there's no change what if there's little change or practically no change what do I do right simple if necessary you speak it again you say the same thing again right you could win and why because you're commanding so you can command as much as you need to but the point is you you keep adding - you're not starting over you're not saying well that didn't work let me try it this way and do something different no you have to settle it that this works right this is going to work because this is God's will I'm doing what you told me to do so the end result will be this person's freedom you have to decide that and because of that you get to keep adding to whatever you're putting in them whatever that life is that life force of God that is in you his life his spirit his power whatever term you want to call it it is the power the life of God his spirit going into them and you have to settle it that whenever you like hands on them you're going to get the results that you're expecting again and you don't stop until those results are seen amen so that's the key so you keep adding to you don't start over you don't any even in your mind you don't stop and think well that's not working let me try it this way no it is working you know give it a second if you need to hit it again that's what we say we always say blast it again or hit it again and it means just simply we command again and we do it with us with many times more force than the first time and part of that is if you go through the what we call the secrets of divine healing and one of those one of the first ones is simply this get fed up don't take no for an answer why because God is not saying no he God cannot say no to what he's already said yes to and so you have to realize if you're if you're seeing or hearing a no and when I say how do you see a no that's whatever the thing doesn't appear to be changing you don't take no for an answer because it's not God saying no you take yes for an answer because all the promises in Christ are yes and in him amen so you just got to get that grit to where you don't stop you don't back off you don't quit and you don't accept failure you don't accept no you you just simply get fed up put your foot down and decide you settle it this is the way it's going to be now everything that we teach that's probably the key most important point as is getting that grit in you not to back off because that's really where the battle for faith is because all the evidence sometimes will say contrary and your mind will want to say well it's not working or this ain't where what did I do all that stuff that is natural but we cannot afford to be natural we have to be supernatural we have to be spiritual and we have to decide this is the way it will be this is where honestly this is what separates us from most Christians most Christians think that whatever happens is God's will and if nothing happens that's God's will and that's not true God's will is what he said his will is and our purpose on this earth is to make sure that we are enforcing his will because it's the enemy that tries to say no give up back off you know tries to lie to you and get you convinced the enemy has to convince you to back off so if you can just learn not to back off that once you see it in the word once you see the scripture that promises it that and you apply that scripture to that situation you don't back off now so that's that's the basic prayer and that's how we're praying for unbelievers or not a non-family put it that way but now look at first John now we're going to talk about how to pray for family because this is a key first John chapter 5 starting in verse 16 first John chapter 5 verse 16 it says If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death now you do realize this is written it's first John this is written after the resurrection so sin was still in force right people could still sin and they could sin unto death and so all of that was still going on so all this nonsense about well now sin doesn't count anymore and sin doesn't matter no that is that is not true it is a lie from the pit of hell designed to cause Christians to back off of their stand of being holy before God and living a right life and the end it's just that simple so it says there is a sin unto death I do not say that he shall pray for it now essentially and I'm I will be going into this at a later point more in depth but let's suffice for the moment to understand that a sin not unto death is a sin a person repents from and does not live in okay it could be twofold it could be an it could be an event as opposed to a lifestyle right or and or I should put these two together it is also considered a sin that a person repents from turns away from and does not continue in CA sin continued in is a sin unto death you that the one because the wages of sin is death and if you stay in it you will die right you understand that now but if you turn from it then you don't have to die you don't even spiritually and so there is a sin unto death and there's a sin not unto death now and that's what he's referring to here then he says verse 17 all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death we know that this and it's funny because they knew and the church needs to know today the church needs to get back to knowing something that the early church knew we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not now you have to understand because this is translated from Greek into English it literally means that we know that whoever is born of God does not continue in sin that's what it means it does not continue in sin we got that when it says when it says sinneth not because there is a whole spectrum as I mentioned earlier about sin there are sins that are mistakes sins that are missing the mark and all sin is missing the mark it's just sometimes you miss the mark and if you have a big bull's eye target and you have the rings on it well sometimes you miss the mark I mean you don't hit the bull's eye but you're one ring out but then there's other times that you don't even hit the target I mean you're you're off over there somewhere you know I'm saying that we're talking about really messing it all right now you say what does it matter well it's not a bull's eye anything less matters but but sometimes you don't miss it quite as bad all right there's missing it accidentally there's making a mistake there's things that are unintentional and then there is intentional willful sinning and missing the mark by a mile because you choose to write though but they're both missing marks you I mean that's pretty self-explanatory right not to him so it says we know that whosoever is born of God does not continue in sin but he that is begotten of God keeps himself he keeps himself out from sinning right we will be talking about that as a matter of fact and that wicked one touches him not now notice if you keep yourself from sinning the wicked one touches him not most we wonder why is it devil come in what they do is they come up with all kinds of doctrine about how the devil has legal authority to do this and legal authority to do that and all these different things and it's real simple the reason you did it usually is because he is exploiting a weakness or an opening that you gave him right that's why he tells us don't give the enemy any ground don't give the wicked one any ground it is not say don't give him any legal authority even when you give him ground he doesn't have legal authority remember that right he doesn't need legal authority see you leave your front door wide open a person walks in steals everything in your house just because your door was unlocked did not give him legal authority to come in and steal everything right he's still a thief and that's what these don't need legal authority they just need opportunity right so and we know that we are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness now let's go back we've talked about how to pray for non family now here's how you pray for family right it's real simple number one you pray for family the exact same way that you pray for non family all right in that and that easy now even though there are differences you say well you said the exact same way well how can there be differences okay the difference is this it's not intentional but the reason you have greater success generally speaking praying for non family even sometimes praying for strangers then you do for family or for close friends is because you are emotionally attached to them that's the number one reason people have failure when they pray for family they're emotionally attached to them and they love them and you say well if they love them because he most people love family more than they love strangers right and I know there's variations in that okay but most people love family more than they do strangers and because that people say well if I love my family more than I love a stranger shouldn't because you know faith works by love is the way people mostly quote that it's not the whole verse and it's not even in context there but it says if faith if love is what makes faith work then if I love my family more than I do strangers shouldn't faith and shouldn't healing work faster for my family than for strangers it would if you love them with true love with agape love but most even Christians don't love their family with a cop a love they love their family with emotional love with a love that is not true love right true love means little in I'm not going to try to get into whole teaching on love here but true love is very simply doing exactly what the Bible tells you to do for other people and you do it no matter what and you do it for anyone and no matter who they are true love is non partial if you have if you show the love of God with partiality it's not the love of God what because God is not a respecter of persons and if you show respect to persons in you're loved then that is not the love of God the love of God is simply deciding to do what the Bible says to do for all people all the time in every case that is true unconditional love right and so now the conditional part means on your part and on their part meaning you're not differentiating them between this person or that person well they deserve it but they don't right it's unconditional Jesus dad problem they all deserve it right now they may not have earned it but they all deserve it because Jesus died to give it to them amen difference there now the problem is most people end up because of the emotional aspect in other words you have to learn to pray say if your neighbor called you if you've been to the training and you know the Bible you know and it's and you're doing it and it works and your neighbor calls you and says can you come and pray for my child my child is sick they got a fever and it's really bad can you come pray you would go over there now there's going to be a certain level a certain degree of just heartfelt love you know for a child and that's normal in most people and should especially be normal in Christians that that there is a love for that person for that child and you know it's not right so you go in you don't go in based on god I'm going to love this child until they get well that's not a basis for healing the basis for healing is by His stripes and so you go in very matter-of-fact very non emotional and you go in and look at this child and you say you know what this isn't right this child should not be doing this the devil should not be doing this to this child so in the name of Jesus right now devil you back off right now sickness go in Jesus name and you lay your hands on a child you say be healed now in the name of Jesus now you're you don't even have to say by His stripes you know why and that is what has given you the the fervency and the push behind it is because you know this doesn't have to be that way and so but now you're not emotional you're very matter-of-fact and you go in there to get the job done and you go in there from an attitude of this is the way when I leave I'm going to know this child is healed and then you do what you're supposed to do and then when you're done you leave and you back across the street when you walk in the door maybe your wife or your husband or whoever's there says Oh while you were gone our baby got sick now our baby's got a fever now you don't walk into their room and go to pieces you know or get all emotional and oh god I love my child please God don't let anything happen much Oh God and Jesse already you're talking that way you can tell you're not in faith you're already in fear don't let anything happen oh god why is this going on well this is a retaliation because I was over here praying for this okay who cares why does not matter it's wrong and you don't attack that see then you if you go in with that emotion and you go to that child your own child and you start to pray for that child or any other loved one from that emotion nothing's going to happen why because that's not the way you prayed for the other child and you have to learn to pray for your own child the same way you pray for the other child and that you discard the human natural tendencies of a parent and you get away from that aspect of love and you love them with a pure love of God in the sense of the reason this child should be healed is because Jesus's stripes that's why and when you go in and you're not emotional and you're standing on the legal standing of the fact that by His stripes they were healed so right now by hair stripes you are healed then you'll see the same results with your loved ones and family that you would see with strangers so now again the only difference they understand it's you approach it you approach both cases the same way the only difference is you it's generally harder for people to discard the emotional baggage that comes with praying for a family member and you have to learn how to separate the two and it's there have been times even with for instance my own mother that whatever I'd be traveling and she would call whenever I got back in and she'd say are you back home I said yeah and she said well I'm you know can you can you come down because I'm going through this thing and she went through several different things over periods of you know years and I would go in and when I got there I'm started talking to her and she would tell me this situation what was going on and what the doctor said and all this and I told her that's it okay and then as I began to minister I said listen I hear that obviously I'm your son but I'm not here as your son as your son I can do nothing I said but I'm here representing Jesus as a minister of the gospel as a believer I can set you free and so I had to separate the the human family connection and I had to be able to approach it from the fact that I was there as a minister of God to bring deliverance to a person regardless of the fact that that person happened to be my mother are related to me and so you have to be able to realize why do people get healed it's not because you love them understand if listen if love got people healed nobody would get sick first off and when they did get sick especially children they would be healed instantly why because parents generally love their children and if love did it then whenever that parent started loving that child you know when they're sick then that child would be healed so it's not love that gets it done it is faith in Jesus faith in his name faith in the fact that by His stripes they were healed so you have to get that emotional soulish idea of love out of the way and you have to realize what real love is is that you go in there without the luxury of feelings and you go in with the determination that you are there representing God representing Jesus and that the end result will be this person will be healed so you have to totally disregard yourself now and now listen I know that can be hard for people but we have to realize this is why many times you'll see in a police situation that if a policeman if there's a call while the policeman is on duty and his family calls that there is an emerge at their home Sonne breaking into their home or something else usually they will do the police department do everything they can to keep that officer from making that call why because he's too personally involved see it's the same thing and we after lies many times the children of this world are wiser more subtle than the children of light even Jesus said that and so we need to realize that the world recognizes that the emotions can get involved and get in the way of sound judgment and we need to realize the same thing that our emotions many times we have to keep our emotions in check when we are dealing with our loved ones we have to approach it as a minister of the gospel we have to bring life to them we have to bring it from the basis from the true legal basis of why every person gets healed listen people get healed based on his stripes because of his stripes that's the legal basis and our faith is the means whereby we bring that legal basis to bear on that situation and it's not by emotion it's not and this is why I'll be honest here this is why people you know look at us many times they go well JG lamb you know we don't see love and then we don't we don't feel no it's because when we go into a situation we don't go in to give that sick dying person warm fuzzy feelings we go in there to give them a life and to get them healed so that they can continue living right and the warm fuzzy feelings don't it's not what heals you and it's not what gives you life and so we are willing to lay down our lives lay down our emotions lay down our feelings so that we can help somebody rather than go in and do what anybody else and what honestly what most other people do which is go in take some chicken soup and try to make them feel better right we're not there to make you emotionally feel better we're there to get you well right and so we don't go from the emotional aspect because it gets in the way and it doesn't work and people die whenever you operate from that position we operate from the position of Dominion we operate from the position of authority we operate as representatives of Jesus Christ not as emotional family members or loved ones and so this is vitally important if you want to know how to pray for family this is how you do it you need to learn this drill it I mean get it into you and learn to be able to enter itis it this way but it's because it's not easy but you need to learn to be able to cut off your feelings in situations like that so that the Spirit of God is free to function through you in full power when you do that you'll see the same results with family that you see with strangers right so now I'm going to finish this very quickly yeah see here yep okay here's the key you must learn as we said I'm just going to recapping you must learn to pray for your child the same way you would with the same steadfast the same grit same intensity same fervency that you pray for their child but you have to learn to do it from a non-emotional standpoint of human connection now you have to learn to do it the same way so remember love is not an emotion it is obedience and steadfastness right it is obedience and consistency we would say so if you want to know what real love is that's the essence of it so now how do you pray for everybody family and non family same way by His stripes be healed in Jesus name be free be healed however you say it the exact words it's not a formula the exact words don't matter what counts is what you're believing and that you say something that lines up with what you're believing be free be healed sickness go demon go however you want to say it whatever it is you'll notice all those things are saying the same thing and all I'm doing is saying whatever I need to say to get to the same result of that person being free amen Chuck anything out of this when they get it locked in and we will try to make these notes available to you so that you can continue to practice and as we said drill this into but other net will God bless you and we will be back in a few minutes with us morning second I guess our regular morning service had a lot of say it really but we'll come back in a few minutes so but it is good to be back home and it's been it's been good we've got some good testimonies from these last three four trips we've been on some amazing testimony so we'll be sharing some of those with you so take a quick break visit the bookstore if you get a chance go in there we've got a bunch of new stuff in there that is remember we only carry stuff that I really believe will help you we don't just we're not just trying to sell stuff this is stuff that I have used stuff that others have used except renown to be functional and that will help you quick view so go ahead and check it out and we'll be back in a few minutes you you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 63,826
Rating: 4.8311348 out of 5
Keywords: 2016 Sunday Services, 2016 Be Healed
Id: eDVjjscIljA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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