Opening 20 Pokemon GX Ultra Shiny High Class Booster Packs!

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[Music] hey guys what's up who's ready to open some shiny gx premium packs the best set in the goddamn game the hardest to acquire sold out [ __ ] it everywhere let's get into it okay ladies and gentlemen brace yourself prepare for the best set ever created by pokemon in all of pokemon history all nostalgia aside any other bias aside this set is gonna blow your mind i present to you the gx ultra shiny set or the high class pack gx ultra shiny this is a very very special subset but there's a lot of things about this it is the largest set not only in japanese but ever second only to lost thunder which was basically released on the same day this set contains 150 normal cards and 100 secret rares i'm telling you oh swap [ __ ] me alright so wrap your head around this it is the most sought after best looking containing the most cards and the box only comes with 10 boosters that's it 10 boosters and get this you can only buy two boxes per customer it's it's just ridiculous we're gonna get into it in a second i've got a lot more to say but when i purchased these i knew the date and the exact time that they were coming out on the pokemon center online the japanese one the minute it hit 10 am the site crashed it was all [ __ ] i kept adding them to my cart and i was trying to get them i kept getting to almost the last step it will keep booting me out and logging me out i tried so many times eventually i got an email confirming that i had locked my two boxes in place i had secured the payload and after about 10 minutes total the entire stock for the online packs was sold out i don't know what they're thinking there's a card epidemic in japan at the moment they sell out of [ __ ] everything and then they release this people go crazy the scalpers oh my god the scalpers are out of control with this if you want to buy this set on ebay you're going to be paying four to [ __ ] six times the price that you could have bought it if you're in japan and you got in queue early in the morning on the day of release or you got in in the first five minutes online it is just absolute mayhem i haven't even got to the best part um if you noticed on the front of the pack there is shiny pokemon in this aka variations in color aka the coolest [ __ ] thing that everyone wants to be a part of all right so we're looking through here first of all we've got the shitty ultra beast and that's not all wait for the twist here we go you get two standard hollows i think in every single pack so that's one thing and get this see this gx notice how i'm not hollering there's a gx in every pack guaranteed so we're going to open 20 gx's here casually right oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i guess you get a reverse in every pack as well a cracked glass shatter got a rod em there and there is a shitty trainer oh two shitty trainers you also notice i just went through ten cards normal japanese pack has five cards so they're ten card packs you get ten packs in a box and if you want them you're going to be buying them from resellers oh yeah and it's literally the largest set ever [ __ ] released 150 cards and 100 secret rares on top oh my god jesus christ i'm gonna need to be buying more of these i'm this is the one set i think i want to complete i'm telling you in modern times this is the one set i'm immediately compelled to complete and it's definitely going to be one of the most expensive like this [ __ ] is crazy we've got a [ __ ] wind blower oh look at this magnificent dog trio look at him look at that hair blowing in the wind um so yeah with this these packs oh oh [ __ ] dude okay yes okay guys at this point obviously i didn't realize i'd pretty much pulled the most expensive card in the set this [ __ ] is more expensive than the shiny charizard i think uh probably because it's playable as well i mean look at the prices for this on regular ebay some poor soul has actually bought one of this one probably a good time to mention that my valuations are not based on ebay prices as they're always usually on the higher end even though obviously it's a very common and popular shopping place and people do buy these cards anyway sweet [ __ ] lord thanks for cynthia back to the video cynthia my girl all right i'll tell you what this means this unbelievably beautiful full art trainer means it's taking the place oh [ __ ] look jesus if just these hollows are so this oh my god this set i'm gonna actually cream okay and then you know there's a just a casual prism and uh you know there's the gx is this a fantasy is this this is like a fantasy pack it's it's cool rotten unbelievable unbelievable so you get two a normal box has two shiny standard pokemon i believe i could be wrong if you get a nice full art sexy trainer like this she now takes the place of one of those standard shinies so i think now we're going to guarantee to get a normal standard shiny and we're still guaranteed a gx full art shiny one of those per box i believe did i also mention there is seven gold cards in this set it's just [ __ ] crazy it's i can't honestly i can't believe it i can't even do it justice i'm gonna obviously obviously need to do more videos one box is not enough that's why at least i've got two there's a holographic zygarde there's a diancie holographic there's a silvally gx beautiful you can see some of the gx is obviously reprints but we've got a ton of new art for most oh i thought that was something crazy but there we go weird shattered [ __ ] reverse energy and then we've got this moon sucker and then we've got another is every pack have a rotten this is just like a rotten series refrigerator boy i'm just constantly jumping at everything i'm pulling there is also the the the beautiful rainbow charizard i'm always trying to pull from burning shadows he got a shiny version so he is the one that um you know we want to see here and also a really good one we'd want to see is the rayquaza i think shine oh that's our shot that's our first shiny i believe he's hard to tell he's a shiny but i think you can tell from this and it's a weird texture it's a [ __ ] textured normal holo magnus zone off is so beautiful man i legit can't get over it i i have to complete this full set i actually have to i really don't know what i'm going to do otherwise here we have an ape here we have russia ram that's russia ram right here we have the big bat in the sky lunala enderman version it's just it's so weird getting a gx and just being like okay here's our gx for the pack and they uh dancing soda would uh if someone was selling the full set um like on yahoo japan or ebay or something i'd be buying it straight away i i want it so bad i've already bought the shiny charizard uh i couldn't help myself obviously it'd be beautiful to pull it but um getting access to these packs is no easy feat it's not just like buying a bunch of burning shadows uh like we're trying to do to pull my my main rainbow boy then we got our first double holographic i'm probably not probably already had a few there's a heat ran uh [ __ ] hollow and then we've got a greninja gx beautiful beautiful just a standard gx and then we've got um this [ __ ] fox cracked oh everyone has a cracked reverse it seems so that the full master set if you can call it that in japanese would be collecting every normal card as this cracked reverse as well as you know completing the standard 250 [ __ ] cards oh all right i keep forgetting that we have two things here am i wait am i even doing this correctly one to the front is that even doing anything it's totally not maybe it's what maybe it works how a english pack works we'll try that out i don't think this means any it's just they're just everywhere it doesn't really matter so we have the gx already we've got a double up on our gx's and then we have um this lovely lady who i believe is a nice full art that you can get then we've got um yeah two normal cards on the end come on boys we've got two guaranteed shiny gxs with all new art obviously and we haven't got either of them yet so we are heading towards them they're going to pop up any minute now we've got the whooper in the salad you all remember that you guys remember the uh jewish gem goblin then we've got the the black restaurant zekrom up next the the high dragon holographic oh oh i thought he was something a very beautiful zorro arc oh look at him doing a big slash then we've got uh quagsire as the shatter and then we've got a mountain and a survivor i need to three to try three to the front i actually can't i can't my heart can't take this this is just way too crazy one two three this is the most exciting thing pokemon has done in so long or i i dare i say ever this is honestly probably the most exciting thing they've done with cards that i can ever imagine in immediate memory oh oh oh i skipped some i skipped some oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i skipped some but here you go oh she's so oh she's so sexy yo i had to pause just to say my luck in this video is bananas even for the common cards i'm getting the high-end ones it's crazy [ __ ] crazy sweet lord i'm a furry i'm a furry now guys guys oh oh no don't get your fat greasy [ __ ] sausage fingers on them and then we've got [ __ ] forget you we don't want you we don't really need you [ __ ] that oh [ __ ] me okay hold on we've got two other cards here we've got this dude i've not seen that artwork dude okay so what if you're buying loose packs that would have been a nice pack to get there's a normal standard shiny poipole golden poi ball dude i'm [ __ ] coming i'm legit coming and having a heart attack at the same time this sylveon is blue with pink accents and a pink eye it's got pink eye okay oh [ __ ] well there's our first one it's kind of sucks since you know wait was doing three working i i have no idea what we're doing we're going to rot them has everyone had a rod em or was it just a couple at the start with i think the lost zone got a brock's drying pan a couple eggs [ __ ] don't need you mate got the shiny gold version got a frog there there's a dark rye then we've got a beautiful ulterior look at this nice bird with rainbows in the background i think there is a standard shiny of this where you also you know you get a golden bird so that's cool goose who get laid the golden egg we've got um another eeveelution and we've got swab blue as the crack and uh that's that's the end of that one we got the crack reverse on the end if we do it like that what if we go one two three four to the front huh how does how does that work we get the shatter on the front there then we get the rotten then we get this lovely girl we get that we get a magnemite we got a bulbasaur we get a dunspace we're down to the ultra beast the one that looks like uh you know syphilis or something and then we've got oh a shaman prism very nice so you're still getting prisms in this set as well and then we've got lycan rock is the gx and is that on the end yeah so that's how we get the end card five to the front i guess this is so crazy i don't i never want this to end one two three four five to the front is there an easy way easier one no no what are you doing what is this what have i done oh this could be worth a little bit of money that's it's a playable card doesn't know how that much would go for how much that would go for a shattered b string and then the rotten what why didn't that work did i [ __ ] it up i have no idea what i'm doing i think i'm just going to go through them when i get them we've got lucario as a holo we've got um lunala there crossed with enderman as a hollow and that's the end one there still so many more to go and still we've got shinies to find wait we're not gonna do that we're not going to touch it let's just leave it let's see how it is otherwise nkay gibble or [ __ ] gibble get gabbite is that his [ __ ] name whooper okay alolan beautiful nine tails kind of looking like she's uh in space there's like a star sign or something uh then we've got um guard chomp then oh wait now that's gabaite there um and then we've got lycanroc gx another double and then we've got slugmar as our cracked shadow reverse and then we've got uh marowak and bodybuilding dumbbells and laser gun okay wait a minute let's try it again one two three four five to the front yes doing five to the front gives you the gx on the front so four to the front is what you do glycopod [ __ ] [ __ ] it off shadow reverse this thing this [ __ ] a [ __ ] stretcher to take me out of the room when i have a heart attack when i pull that shiny charizard i know it's coming holographic blaziken and then on the very end we got old lion boy i know you're coming [ __ ] i know you're coming one two three four to the front that's going to be how we do it then we've got this wimpod shatter here we go squid snake disc frog yeah that's how we do it boys that okay that's actually how we do it another prism lunala prism don't know if that's viable prism cards are always good if they are viable of course we've got the magnazone don't need you got the shiny version mate up next [ __ ] one of the tapus is it this is probably actually worth worth a little bit of money she's playable i think all i know is it's not boolu i know bulu looks like a bull and yeah that's how we do it four to the front that's how i'm gonna start stacking them my boys where's my charizard where's my rayquaza this oh please please please just a normal i just need a normal shiny i need to see some more we've got buzzwold man he's swole that's the shatter we've got this guy we've got rodham uh there we go dino whatever here we go here we go here we go we've got the big [ __ ] guzzler then we have ulteria again then we have oh damn it an eeveelution glacion okay this is it i feel it i can feel it in my bones one two three and four to the front there let's see what we got bringing in a little okay we've got the whole with the old shatter then we got this we got that we got this we got that we got this not seeing anything too good i don't think we got cubone mourning the death of his mother we've got uh old um raycal there raquel as a holographic we've got this sexy bug lady and then we have man i can finally evolve my poipole to this non-shiny garbage oh yeah so for my online orders when you play the the free game and use your points on the japanese pokemon center online you get a postcard each month so they did send me this here's my postcard for the month if you guys were interested here's the one that i got last month for getting an order a little bit different on the back there as well it's a nice touch now four more packs to go i believe you owe me a shiny gx really hope that one um that that beautiful trainer that i opened didn't replace the full light shiny gx that would be terri what have i done did i just do five to the front another galicia pod disgusting what that neck do man he is all neck look at that that is whack i've not seen that artwork before that's for sure i can't believe i really can't believe there's 250 cards in this set it's absolutely mate oh [Music] oh it looks like we've got two full art trainers across two boxes dude yeah okay so we're still gonna get two g axes as well that's that's beautiful that is absolutely beautiful that's a complete obviously completely new artwork completely new card in general i think you can general at least just alternate you know full art uh [ __ ] that is so nice look at this green it's all just green theme green stripe background what do we have up next we've got darkrai and then we have just this shite holy actual [ __ ] look at the the texture on the card you can cut you can kind of see it on camera here it's like ferns see it's in the shape of these ferns i'm gonna turn it a little bit she's all about the trees i guess her whole outfit looks like it's made out of leaves and things i don't know who that is not much of a pokemon guy myself three more to go folks uh that means we have we've reached i yeah i think that means because we got two full art trainers and we got we've had two standard chinese right those two for the front of five so that means i have no more standard shinies to go but i believe i have a guaranteed full art gx to go so we're going to keep our eye peeled for that we're going to pray that it's rayquaza i think rayquaza is good we're going to pray this is the golden bird it's the golden bird oh i thought he was only in this as a normal shiny but there you go big golden bird boys god damn i love these little shines everywhere it isn't charizard it's not rayquaza but it's it's something it's [ __ ] so oh [ __ ] i'm i think there's actually a way to i i i don't i don't even know what i'm saying anymore i'm i'm uh uh i'm actually lost for words after that oh the texture oh i don't want to get my [ __ ] grease ball fingers on it after that we have buzzwall who gives an actual [ __ ] after that we've got this x-man [Music] oh well guys we tried we tried to go for that charizard i'm not sure this is a series i can continue like the burning shadows but you know it's uh we've got two packs to go i don't think it's shut the [ __ ] up i don't think it's possible to get any one two three four i don't think it's possible to get anything too good now as i think i have done my math correctly uh b string that might be an okay just standard one i'm not too sure this is maybe also who knows slugma we've got cosmog ivor saw and here is the last two ones zygarde holographic and then we've got another [ __ ] spacebat holographic and then we've got um a little shadow boy regular gx and now we have oh our final one say goodbye folks let's get a look at our fallen comrades that we didn't get we've got this actual [ __ ] green espeon we've got this charizard oh the black rayquaza oh the golden hollow oh i don't really give a [ __ ] about anything else all right let's see what we get here maybe buy a miracle i have a factory error box one to the front two to the front three to the front four to the front and here we go we've got snovar whatever his name is [ __ ] whatever mate don't care shatter uh big tree she so are these sisters are they like the three is there three of them grass water and fire or something someone fill me in she looks like she's a water girl what a gal something like that uh ackerola acerola we've got the fire boy we've got the little the little bone boy we got the water boy and uh here we go a fox with a stick and on the end the x-man that was exhilarating that was exhilarating let me know below if you would like to see me open more of those and have a bigger crack at it because i think i might i really think i might have to and yes i definitely have ordered more boxes not for the standard store price that i paid for these the very cheap pokemon center rates anyway it's time to open up our english evolutions and for that we take it off like this and we go one two three to the front where we are looking no we don't take one off the back this time we're looking for the regular charizard reprint pollywell pokedex digletts we've got caterpie polywag pikachu what did you guys think of the detective pikachu huh do you love it you hate it who knows the trailer is very wild caterpie reverse well oh oh that's a nice one oh that's a nice one oh boy that is a nice one mew holographic reprint good to add that to my collection and now sun and moon burning shadows i'll hunt for the rainbow charizard this one we flip around like this yeah i'm getting the hang of it now folks uh one two three to the front i am thinking about still ordering a ton of packs and putting them in my crane machine and at the end you know diving in for a pack or something like that maybe at the start of a video we'll see i kind of want to replace the end segment with that once this is covered in [ __ ] once we get at least one of these charizards but it seems like it's just never ever going to happen uh but i'll keep trying we have pregnant butterfree on the end there and um that's really going to do it for today folks thank you so much for watching ladies and gentlemen my name is max mofo pokemon make sure you press that subscribe button press that bell button leave a like share it with a friend leave a comment or suggestion below let me know what you've been opening lately have you been getting any good pools and most importantly click on a video on screen right now to watch it is there something here you've seen maybe i don't give a [ __ ] click it anyway it does help support me watch some other videos on the channel do whatever you got to do and i will see you guys as always in two days
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 2,865,988
Rating: 4.8995414 out of 5
Keywords: Ultra Shiny Booster Pack Opening, Opening ultra shiny GX booster packs, rarest japanese pokemon cards, pokemon gx shiny set opening, GX ultra shiny opening, shiny charizard card, shiny rayquaza, shiny espeon, shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon card opening, most valuable pokemon card, super rare pokemon card opening, surprise opening, mystery pokemon opening, pokemon toys, pokemon kids opening, pokemon kids toy opening, pokemon kids cards opening, detective pikachu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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