Opening 24 Bargain Bin Mystery Toys

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[Music] i thought this room could use a little [Music] spicing up what the [ __ ] that is a strong-ass mirror [Music] seriously what are they making these things out of i guess that's not i guess that is a thing i guess it is [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah okay yeah so as a highly requested and quite popular video back by viewer demand here is opening bargain in mystery toys this time we've got a few extra i think five more than last time some that i've had for a while and others that i've just picked up off the reduced garbage rack at my local store uh this first one apparently was three australian dollars is now a dollar fifty some of these i got in america some i did not so i've never opened up any of this gross gang stuff but immediately i do like the look of this commons rare ultra rare special and limited edition stuff they're kind of like those other pieces of plastic garbage that i opened right so we can tick off game changes we've got the black one only not as terrible i think so uh let's let's do it let's see what we've got here the grocery gang let's open up this sarcophagus we've got okay you get two things that are in more excessive plastic we've got a shit-topped muffin with a bite taken out of it that is [ __ ] nasty dog made in china no doubt no doubt i'm assuming you just get two per thing here honestly what on god's green earth is this is a [ __ ] bar of soap i think i think that's actually what it is and it's the same thing as that other brand it's like yeah they've got they've got hundreds of characters but most of them are just recolors as you can see here there is blue grotty soap oh i'm very confident the postage is 22 dollars on on this rest assured knowing your grotty soap is safe being shipped in its five foot [ __ ] mega box the soap is rare and the muffin is common that's right i've got another one i thought maybe we should just get this one up whoa okay this one's more [ __ ] colored is this a special one they're probably all just different colors here we go we've got two grocery gang boys we have this mutant donut and we've got the sauce boys we've got tomato and we've got mustard all right up next god has abandoned me welcome to the emoji surprise ball um as i think the licensing is very loose on emojis they seem to receive this treatment quite a lot and they get turned into cheap little hangers and doodads and oh this is probably worth more than the actual let's get him out there okay so what the [ __ ] is this this is not an emoji imagine being the kind of person that likes these shitty little hanger toys let alone a [ __ ] cyclops smiley it's a plastic ball dude with a sticker on it and i think you get i think this is a sticker wow the whole crew's here snake colossal is crazy you've got salad fingers plants first zombies mike wazowski wow this is incredible ain't that the spice of life you are sentenced to yeah okay this is the mirror all over again you are sentenced to i said you are sentenced to what they're dense little [ __ ] all right notch bring me out of this deep depression we've got i i think we have opened one of these um on the last video of this that we did aka the only other one because i remember the comment section went bananas when i mistook a villager for a golem or some [ __ ] i don't know but these are actually not half bad there you go that's a witch villager witch right big nose villager a copy texture hate em swipe if i quit this lesson i still die in fashion swipe if i quit from raising i might flip my keyboard swipe my left hand now holds my ball it's a witch in a mine car and they've got this little ball bearing that sticks on the bottom [Applause] so they can you know just like do their thing all right so this next one i remember i picked up in eb games pint-sized heroes science fiction exclusive but you know i love anything that has uh rarities so every 12 once you open you get a doc every 24 you open you get the alien i mean the predator and then you can get these exclusive ones uh the guy at the store was nice enough i think maybe he knew who i was or he just did not give a single [ __ ] uh he dismantled the display box and there was two items in here and i have counted these towards the total we've got this [ __ ] which is actually quite well made which is a one of 12 and we've got uh the predator with its mask on which is actually a nice one in every 24 bag piece now let's see who we get from the bag we open here oh it's the mars attack martian guy these are actually for what they are these are not bad i was going in thinking like this is going to be one of the worst even though i had those two display pieces okay i like that ah so i guess these purple ones are exclusive uh mostly to eb games in australia at least and then you've got these blue ones which are exclusive to some other store probably [ __ ] hot topic okay it's time for our midway through pokemon forbidden light booster pack gotta have one with every video here is the code on the back one two three to the front that's how we do around here folks we get rid of the energy on the back we've got brakes in mysterious treasure we've got a frying pan we've got cubon and it's dead mother in the sky bunny bitter cool then we've got bergmite the three bees the three bees and then they are rock ruff crying outside the house that's reverse and on the end we've got the butterfly nothing great and now i'm going to open up a harry potter this looks like ugly garbage and i'd say you have a chance of redeeming yourself except it's a [ __ ] key ring stop making key rings and bag hangers there are some great figures which would be good as [ __ ] and you turn them into a [ __ ] accessory all jokes aside though this thing is actually pretty god damn ugly in real life it looks a little nicer on camera actually remember when the nest quick rabbit imprinted his insignia on harry potter's forehead great part of the movie i get it every school kid has a bag but please there is an abundance of these things on the market well well well look who's joined the ranks of mediocrity it's the legend of zelda bagged hangers or keychains or whatever looks like this one's branding as a backpack buddy what's sweet legend of zelda character will i have [Music] well i mean we've got the shield that's kind of cool on first glance this looks maybe all right it's actually very very cheap this is like a shitty piece of paper all right sorry for being cynical about literally everything here um i'm going to give it a rest and open the one thing that i think actually looks good from this lot a minion we've got wow you guessed it a bundle of bananas and here's the saving grace what cool minion figure do we the casing on the whole thing was literally a better figure and item to keep than what's inside it if you're a minions fan would you much rather this or this um chemicals all right any rev heads in the comments we're opening up a wheel a hot wheel 7 out of 10 for the packaging i'd say 9 out of 10 for brand awareness i'd say all you got to do now is match on toy quality and you got yourself a product all right are you guys this is i can tell but it's the same candy it's the bananas from the minion but they're car shapes wow hot wheels i thought hot wheels was like one tier above this dollar store crap okay that's kind of cool i guess just gotta double check here yep it's literally the same candy okay now for one that i actually don't think is terrible somewhat of a more higher quality toy i do not think i found this in any kind of bargain bin i just wanted to include it so i had literally anything to look forward to it's got the rarities i like i'm assuming it's got some of the figure quality i like because it is by kid robot and they are good at what they do why is this already open okay i'm assuming some kid has opened this in the store holy [ __ ] this thing is big dude like oh my god oh well there goes the glasses oh [ __ ] hell a little bit bigger than the simpsons vinyls uh by the same company and we also get this uh cat here as well i'm not huge on bob's burger law but i'm sure you you burger fans know what's going on next i'm opening up this cool lightning mcqueen egg no way i'm assuming i broke that uh but there's the husk of a car and i can't believe that they've done this how is this possible these are proper licensed things i mean i make sense i guess when you're a kid everything's more magical and now that i'm an adult i'm kind of looking back at all this [ __ ] like how is this possible but they all just but i mean come on dude hot wheels some little garbage plastic toy and some car shaped candies and then cars some little shitty plastic car and the exact same car shaped candies this is madness don't forget this cool piston cup sticker let's just there you go it's suspiciously the exact same size as the emoji sticker all right now we're opening up pint-sized heroes this was in some bargain [ __ ] basket i think at eb games let's see how the street fighter one's fair all right we've got i don't know who this is who is this what what is this okay guys i like that we got one of the the rarest ones all these bottom ones are one of 24. some [ __ ] awesome exclusive that's dope oh yeah baby look what i've got that's right i thought i'd put you through this again this time with a a green one don't worry they're indestructible how could we forget tongue out emoji all right it's time for our second minecraft minifigure [ __ ] let's rumble hold up sit down [Music] oh which character from the video game minecraft are we gonna get inside the minecart who's it gonna be it's steve is that steve is there any other human npcs it's diamond steve in minecart next up this is actually one i kind of like the idea of i don't know what the figure is going to be like but it's a it's a rocket league ball there's 12 to collect but the thing i actually like about it is you get an exclusive code where i'm assuming these are all exclusives you can only get from opening up these bowls there's nothing too cool there pardon the pun but um this is series one assuming that they are able to make any more they could do tons of cool stuff with that code deal what the [ __ ] is with what the [ __ ] is with all this [ __ ] being like virtually indestructible is this what my mirror is made from oh all right oh baby okay here we go okay here's the car a little nicer than the hot wheels and cars stuff but still a light plastic husk of [ __ ] it's all you really need in the kids toy though and here is the code wow all four sides of the code fantastic i think it's only select cars contain exclusive dlc code okay so i i guess you just gotta be lucky to get that one of those however it does say the car contains the code maybe they've hit it inside the hell is this strange thing and why did it need to be inside the car is this how it like revs and launches or something nickelodeon collector keyring the series so good they have to bring it back for a series two oh who do we got in here we've got tommy pickle or is this dill dill pickle is this tommy's brother or does he just look like extra [ __ ] surely by the same people who made this hunk of garbage god i hate these no that's that's tommy time for our third and last the crusty chocolate bar uh grocery gang toy and i know what you're thinking why do you buy so much things that you already know you hate and you open them anyway and you whinge about them well just to make content obviously it's not all bad i like some of this stuff especially this um box of salad and we've got this is like a cake or a an oreo that's gone bad all right now the next two i haven't done a big hatchimal but i do have one um i saw these and i was like wow they make small hatchimals and then i saw oh this is series two oh this is series three jesus [ __ ] christ uh so this one i guess they bought in this thing where you can hatch twins or something sounds like a way that the company can just save on paint and there's apparently a hundred of these [ __ ] i'm assuming that's because fifty percent of them are twins and then you've got season two which is a little bit more enticing to open because it says find the golden hatchimal i don't know how many there are out there but you can get a gold one i would be buying that if i had to pick but let's see what we get in this do we hatch twins or is that just a thing if you buy two bags and i've only got okay well i clearly can't hash twins wow great marketing guys i'll be sure to open another one of these to try to get its [ __ ] copy so here we go uh this is what a little hatchimal egg looks like it says on the back of the packaging if i rub the heart that'll also change color through heat i'm assuming i can't really be bothered so let's oh [ __ ] hell dude ew it feels like i'm actually crushing a sparrow's egg or something that's nasty uh we've got a little pink orange light red fox fairy with a hole in its head just the way it should be okay up next please oh we got a pink one fingers crossed guys type in the chat golden hatchimal golden hatchimal oh damn it what is this just a little this one's got a lot more bling on this wing than it does on its other it's a like a caterpillar but it's got its wings already kind of defeats the purpose of becoming a butterfly doesn't it alrighty moving quick more pint-sized crap mega man uh let's see what we can get on this what is this padamon oh okay that's a that's a helmet that's a bird you know what that one's actually not too bad i really like that and let's check in the bird is a one of 24. getting pretty good luck with uh this sort of stuff and now i lied because apparently we have more grocery gang but this one's in a bin putrid power the grocery gang versus the clean team apparently being clean is evil kids don't wash your foreskin meanwhile this is this is apparently these guys are fighting for what the right to be disgusting [ __ ] animals and these cleaning products are the villains of the piece i don't like that all right so you get this uh neat little bin the lid pops off and we've got two grocery gang members inside uh this time we've got oh this one's got a little doodle we've got some off maple syrup and we've got a bowl of rotting pudding whoa okay out of this mess i think we've only got one more left which is uh one of the better ones again again not one which was in any kind of bargain bin just one i threw in here to have a silver lining we've got um a bunch of different cool ones you can get with this bender probably being a few different possibilities since it's question mark question mark it'll be the same as uh the homer piece which is quite a cool system i guess and then you've got this zoidberg from universe b which is a every 96 boxes has one of that oh let's see who we can get hopefully it's a bender or a zoidberg let me feel um i don't think it feels like either it's the big [ __ ] couch dude [Music] hello handsome might i procure your services from the opera or something right he's just like a big fat [ __ ] that likes eating grapes let the games begin he's probably um the one that i could see on the back that i didn't want to get but you kind of gotta roll with the punches all right guys i think i'm done here this is one i've missed or something like that i just wanted to ask you a quick question um a lot of people have been telling me oh you got to do at least one episode on the on the dragon ball card game so i got i don't know [ __ ] anything about it i've got this these just arrived today uh i was just doing some shopping late night on ebay uh we've got some galactic battle um and then we've got [ __ ] colossal warfare where should i start is this the latest pack is there way more i mean i'm assuming they do japanese ones which are probably ahead as well but uh let me know what you want me to do with those because i definitely do need to do an episode however reading this makes me feel like i've got some bootleg [ __ ] what is this collect seven big leader cards oh is this supposed to say this do i just not understand like what what that is or or something okay we'll discuss that when we do fill me in in the comments say uh i've also got these two series four super dash pack things i'm assuming these are like promo okay we'll guess in a future yes thank you so much for watching my name is maxwell pokemon um if you did like the video make sure you check another video and support the channel by clicking through and watching some other stuff or you can subscribe and please ring the bell and i'll see you guys when i see ya
Channel: maxmoefoePokemon
Views: 3,318,878
Rating: 4.8883452 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon toys, opening toys r us toys, mystery bags, blind bags, opening kids blind bags, opening kids toys, funny blind bags, funny kids toys, minecraft toy opening, mystery toy, surprise egg, cars, cars 2, hotwheels, car toys, funny toys, rare mystery minis, rare blind box, kids, toys, opening, walmart, EB games, mystery mini opening, food toys, children, emoji toys, emoji items, emoji unboxing, emoji blind bag, blind bags opening
Id: PePsLNn7xWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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