BEST KARLACH Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3 [Lore-Friendly BG3 Build]

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP build guide for Carlock everyone's favorite tling in balers Gate 3 now we're going to play as a barbarian because that's what she starts says and it's quite a powerful class if done correctly we are going to be using some great gear in this that I'll get into at the end of this video but I just want to make this video because Carlock is a great addition to the team and I think that she can have some powerful synergies with some other classes now one thing that is super effective is dumping your strength to use strength potions now if you're not an act three this is not super feasible but you do get the strength potions that'll set your strength to 21 early in the game so I would recommend dumping your strength and we're going to get into why in a moment but I think this is one of the best ways to go about doing it and then we're going to keep our dexterity as high as we possibly get it alongside Constitution if we're not dumping strength we're going to keep our strength exteror and Constitution as high as possible and then you can dump your charisma to keep the strength high so something like that if we're not dumping strength for the purpose of video I'll leave it like this uh we'd probably put our plus two to strength but something like this looks good so that's what we're going to start off with as the Barbarian and then as we get into the build I want to go over some of the best picks and then best gear for this class and how to play it so level two this is when we get our class feature here the danger sense we have advantage on dexterity saving throws against trap spells and services and you can also can be blinded or comp incapacitated you also get Reckless attack until your next turn you have advantage on attack rolls but enemies also have advantage on you and uh that's really it for level two of the Barbarian but once we get to level three this is when we get to choose our subass where things do get quite interesting for the Barbarian so there's three different options that we can roll with there's the wild heart which is in in tement with nature you get speak with animals nice us to have the Berserker Barbarian which is really the true Barbarian and this gives us frenzy instead of Rage which makes things a whole lot stronger we get frenzied strike and enraged throw so I think that this is where the bill gets strong wild magic is interesting so the wild influence of magic has transform you suffusing you with Arcane powers that turn within you so you get wild magic and rage releases all the magical rolling inside you causing a random magical effect this can be very random um then we also get magical awareness so you get profic proficiency bonus of saving throws against spells Berserker is best so we're going with Berserker reason that Berserker so good is that it increases our uh rage into frenzy which allows us to just deal flat out more damage and on level three we do get the zerial tling Smite the Searing Smite which is just nice to have because we're going to be front line in combat so that's always a nice thing to have now for barbarian level four we get ourselves a feat now this is where we would if you're not using strength potions we would completely pump our strength up but since we are going to be using strength potions or strength gauntlets with this build we're going to be focusing on keeping our Constitution and dexterity High dexterity is going to give us more initiative Constitution is going to give us more overall health ideally you'd use like The Hags hair to take Constitution at 20 I don't like leaving things on an odd number um be 16 and 18 but we're going to pump the Constitution up that way and uh that's what we're going to roll with for our first feat now there are some other great options for feeds we could go with something like the Sharpshooter as we're going to be using dual crossbow with this build and what makes the Sharpshooter so nice is you don't have the weapon penalty from low ground but you also get a plus 10 to your damage with a minus five to the attack roll so flat out way more damage uh that's we're going to get into the specifics of this build CU crossbows are quite nice but Throne items are also nice too especially with what we're going to get into I would recommend for the first level to focus on your stats but the second level or the second feet that will get at level eight I'm going to get a little bit deeper into things so at level five we get our extra attack and we also get fast movement where our movement speed increased by 3 MERS when wearing heavy we're not wearing heavy armor so that's perfect we also get our branding Smite which is nice to keep things from turning invisible and level six this is where we get some more subass features and two levels away from our next feat where the build really comes online mless rage when frenzy you can't be Charmed to frighten and calm emotions no longer end your rage and you can now rest rage more times for long rest flat out just great to be able to rage more cuz that's really the main purpose of the Barbarian is we want to be be in that rage State we have feral Instinct at level seven which you've owned your instincts to the utmost degree you have gained a plus three to initiative and can't be surprise this is nice initiative is always something we want more of because being able to go before your enemies to clear them out is really effective in the action economy of balers Gate 3 now level eight this is where the build really becomes powerful so we're going to take our feet we could go for another ability Improvement but there's one that is very underrated and that is Tavern brawler so what makes Cavern brawler amazing is that um when you make an unarmed attack or use an improvised weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added to a twice to damage and attack rolls so we're likely to hit things a lot more frequently but also we're going to be using throwing weapons here and uh this gets really crazy with the amount of damage that we can deal with the strength potions which would give us a plus seven to our strength modifier we're going to take our constitution up to 20 CU it's just going to give us more Health overall um and I recommend going about doing that you could have taken Tavern brawler earlier on but uh either one of those the Constitution increase or the tavern brawler now level nine this is where the build gets pretty crazy we are trained to St strike Swift and true when you land a critical hit you roll an extra damage die as well as a normal critical hit die so we're going to be focusing on criticals here and that is really where the Bild can get quite powerful now we're going to we're either there's two ways that this build can go uh we can stick with the full 12 levels in our our Barbarian we have some gear here that's very well suited for the bar Barbarian which I'm going to get into but as you can see we have one action one bonus action and four rage charges that's pretty solid per long rest and that's why I think that there's two really powerful ways to go about doing this if you care about the final feat we can go all the way to 12 with the Barbarian we can get intimidating Presence at level 9 this does take an action it instills fear in the enemy not the best what I think that works really well with the Barbarian and not a lot of people are talking about it is adding in Rogue now there's two ways that this can go powerful so level 9 the Barbarian gets that improved critical which allows you to add another damage die but um for the Rogue as we add in three levels of Rogue there's something really nice that happens and you're going to see that as we come here now as I said you can go full 12 Barbarian especially if you're playing on the easier difficulty it's kind of better to go that way we had C in action Dash which allows you to double your movement speed with a bonus action which is nice and level two Rogue is okay but level three is really where this can become a powerful build now the subass that is the big focus of this with Thief we get an extra bonus action which really nice cuz that means that we can just flat out deal more damage gain resistance of fall damage but it's whatever Arcane trickster we're not even considering but assassin is the other option so that's where things get nice the Barbarian gets that increased initiative which is great and that can work alongside the Assassin which you deal deadliest uh damage upon unprepared enemies in combat you have advantage on attack roles against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet and uh if we're going first with that increased initiative that can be very powerful and then any successful attack roll against a surprise creature is a critical hit and we're dealing more damage with our Critical Hits so this can work great if we get a get attacked against surprised enemies and quick as an Alat in a dark rainy City you immediately restore your action and bonus action the start of combat so this is really up to you where this can go again you can go full 12 levels of Barbarian this will increase the overall chance the overall amount of critical hits that we're hitting plus the fact that we're going to be dealing more damage with critical hits this can be really nice to go with the Assassin I don't love the Assassin subass I find that a thief works better in most instances but this is crey pretty nice cuz we're going to be dealing more damage with the barbarians enhanced criticals personally I think that the thief works best for this because we get that extra bonus action I think that that extra bonus action is worth more than going to the full 12 levels in Barbarian to get that extra feat I think that extra bonus action is actually quite huge and we'll get into it why so looking back into things um we have dual crossbows here so we can attack and then attack three times with the crossbows since we have the Dual bonus actions which allows us to do that offhand ranged attack so that's pretty nice also our cutting action Dash will be used as a bonus action instead of the so regular Dash we have used as an action double your movement speed but we can C an action Dash so this really opens things up if there's an enemy really far away and you need to be able to get to them you can just use your dash and make it there you can also use hide to stealth yourself which can add to if you've taken the assassin class you can get higher chance of Landing a critical hit which is always something that we want but I think that that bonus bonus action is really nice gives us pommel strike gives us the option to use if you've taken the athd abilities at uh in act at the end of act one you can use athid abilities as a bonus action this makes a thief really powerful as you can do some pretty crazy stuff to set up before you even start attacking so that's really the what I think to be the best version of the Barbarian I'm going to get into a bit of gear choices here as well so we're focusing on throwing things and this isn't I understand the best sword for throwing but uh we get bone Spike helmet for our helmet this gives us when you rage all hostile creatures must do with wisdom saving thrower take two to8 psychic damage pretty nice and plus two do intimidation plus we get menacing attack which causes frightening to your enemies which will completely take them out this is a fighter maneuver that's extremely powerful frighten on atar frighten is really great we want to get that as much as possible we have the Slade shade Slayer cloak here which reduces the chance or increases the chance of hitting a critical hit by 5% so that's quite nice as well as we're going to be dealing more damage with our criticals bone Spike Garb gives us 25 temporary health when we rage and reduces all incoming damage by two when struck by a melee attack the attacker takes five piercing damage so we also damage people when they attack us quite a nice thing to have bone Spike arbs or gloves your attacks ignore resistance to slash piercing and budgeting damage so that is also quite huge there's a lot of creatures that are going to have resistances to that type of damage so that's nice to have too and alongside the bone Spike boot gives us a plus one to Armor class receiving throws as long as we're not wearing armor and our jump is also increase plus we get brutal leap which is kind of nice so this rounds things out here and for our weapon we can go with the Bal durs Giant Slayer I think that's one of the best weapons in the game um but also some really great options for weapons to choose we can go with something like the saloon Spear of the night which is a throne weapon um we can go with I don't have all my weapons listed on here uh they're stored away in the um boxes but rap city is another good one for daggers um yeah so find a weapon that's good for throwing the legendary nirula Trident which you can get an act three is great for this cuz it returns your hand one thrown I would recommend that for the weapon as we're going for throwing focus and also ranged Focus I also like the surgeon shig amulet which gives us the ability to paralyze a target for two turns on critical hit alongside the killer sweetheart which gives us a critical hit once you kill a creature so very great Synergy because we can automatic critical hit and then also use that or just increased chance of critical hit will also help out and the Ring of free action removes ignores the effects of difficult terrain there's some better ring options there but that's just the one that I have listed there so yeah this is a pretty powerful build for Carlock and balers G 3 if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below I'll get to them right away I'm pretty fast to respond to comments subscribe if you found this video useful if you enjoy these style of videos I really appreciate all the support and I will see you all in the next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: JasonDunna
Views: 1,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jason Dunn, jasondunna, BEST KARLACH, BEST KARLACH Build Guide, BEST KARLACH Build Guide Baldur's Gate, BEST KARLACH Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3, BEST KARLACH Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3 [Lore-Friendly, BEST KARLACH Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3 [Lore-Friendly BG3 Build], bg3 karlach build, karlach build bg3, karlach build bg3 barbarian, karlach build guide bg3, bg3 karlach build guide
Id: kuDObhJza8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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