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foreign foreign you language of faith that's four messages four power filled hours of material if you want a better marriage this series has the answers if you want to achieve financial independence god's way the secrets in this series will empower you to make it happen if you want a life of power anointing and influence this series will show you how to get it and there's more you're looking for serious immediate results so bishop evans will also include one of his best-selling messages called weapon of warfare this classic teaching will build you up to start fighting in the spirit for what you deserve this powerhouse collection from ridiculous to radical to real and weapon of warfare we'll give you all the biblical strategies you need to change anything in your life this collection will ship to you immediately with your gift today to david g evans ministries this ministry is revolutionizing the kingdom by empowering believers souls are being saved daily and we need your help to grow this impact in a real way call now and sow your seed of just 35 for your transformation to help people around the world your 35 love gift goes straight to the front lines of ministry providing help to those that need it most call now make the decision to get the power you need to change your life forever adversaries come in many forms but you will be victorious when you realize that worship is warfare adversaries are necessary because without them you never really discover your purpose we've accepted what somebody told us we were in our past so our past is sabotaging our ability to hear instruction we are not much unlike a battery the negative is the thing that's needed to produce the power i empowered you to overcome everything you've overcome up to this present moment i've fixed you for what's gonna happen after this you were in the mind of god long before you were ever born you are not alone in your battle god has your back because worship is warfare put these four messages in your 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david g evans on facebook twitter instagram and youtube and become a member of our broadcast family today [Applause] well good morning everybody hope that you are doing well um this morning it is saturday morning we are back for on point live we hope that you guys um can do us a favor and please share if you can share as much as possible and uh we're believing god for you today for all your needs being met first off merry christmas happy new year uh we were off last week so we hope you had a great christmas a healthy one safe one as well as uh new year's we had great new year service uh on thursday uh yesterday felt like saturday i was about to say something else a great new year service on thursday and uh we're grateful for you guys tuning in if you haven't watched it go back and watch it uh bishop came and gave us a word from the lord about 2021 the year of reversal revival and restoration reversal revival and restoration we're believing god this morning uh for you all and trusting god for uh uh 2021. it is a uh it's gonna be a year not without its challenges it's going to have its challenges but god's still going to be good though um we're going to press in by faith trust god and do our thing all righty um pastor richard white is here with us again welcome sir good morning how you doing happy new year good to see you good wonderful service thursday night yeah just wonderful just wonderful it was wonderful and don't forget to join us tomorrow eight o'clock service uh of course we have our normal schedule tomorrow atm service our engage live time at nine of at nine o'clock right after or whatever time eighty o'clock service ends then of course eleven o'clock and then our communion service at six first communion of the first community of the year you don't wanna miss it um got us got an interesting word from the lord for all of us for our communion celebration and our communion service all right um cool so let's get into some topics again if you haven't done so please share give us a call at 866 three eight two six seven again eight six six seven four three eight two six seven all righty um we've been awful and you know still a lot going on still a lot going on you know let's let's start here so congress is still debating well i think well first off uh they passed the stimulus package yes well i don't know if it's stimulus it's like dropping the bucket yeah a drop in the bucket um they're still you know what's funny to me the people that are making senate congress people make over 200 000 a year i think right yeah well it varies well no they don't make it no no no no no no no no no no yeah yeah but they got it but make 150 grand and everything is paid well you making like 400. literally you don't pay for insurance no insurance your food they bringing you food yeah transportation exactly no lodging right they're housing yeah um they show some of the people's their houses and their whole thing is they they some of them said two thousand dollars was too much to give to the american people because they're worried about the debt they're worried about the deficit but yet but yet they pass this billion trillion dollar defense fund 741 billion dollars 741 billion dollars there's no war right now uh but and we certainly first of all we know we certainly got to make sure that our military has what they need absolutely we're not saying that we shouldn't have passed it yep so what we're saying is that okay if it wasn't 2000 it could at least been 1200 like it was last time right exactly exactly and again the people that don't need it are trying to determine that's right what the people that need it what how much they're going to get yeah and i got a problem with that but it's like you've seen me in need and you say i pray for you richard you keep on giving right which the bible tells us not to do exactly the scriptures tell us don't do that so i'm thirsty you say oh yeah i got you i got you later i'm gonna pray for you i'm hungry you don't give me nothing to eat right now with all this food right and scripture tells us that's not what we're supposed to do um but again it's funny how they only worry about the deficit yeah worry only only worry about the debt when it comes down to something that helps people yeah if it was helping corporations well then the stimulus package is some more money for uh you know the airlines and folks like that yeah you know yeah billions um you know okay now i'm trying to go down the rabbit hole here okay the gov the air let's take the airline industry they get they live in a deficit just naturally great uh executive pay yeah every year they're in a loss but they're they know that the government's going to bail them out every time because folks need to fly yeah look and you got american that already is flying this the dude boeing and seven whatever max right you got southwest that said look we just got this the money from the stimulus we don't have to furlough any employees you know so those folks that kind of are needing those companies like you're saying that are needing the money are getting money when you know we got folks so the jobless claims went down they went down by about 19 000 for the month of december but it was still over 700 000 people people need help absolutely absolutely the people is real it's real you know because is the unemployment benefits that go up in there too or no they get extended they don't go up they get extended okay they do get extended and again whenever it comes to helping people they always seem to have this delay yeah and this issue um when it comes to helping individuals out and i just have a distinct problem with that and like we've talked about before i i really expect that this uh you know your generation and the younger generation beyond is going to say look enough is enough yeah you know it's and that's not it's not instantaneous it's not instantaneous but i think it's folks are going to start seeing other folks well let's see what happens in georgia but folks we're going to see what or start going to start seeing look we got to change this you know folks are getting tired of it and um i just trust that that there's going to be some eventual change not like next year but in the next five to six years i think we'll see some turnover yeah because it's just not right you're going to start seeing more um bernie's more ovc's and more of those people being elected in that's right because of stuff like this because you can't sit there and say you care americans while we got our issues and stuff we look at every other country being taking care of their people and our our government is fighting over a one-time check yeah of 600 600 yeah and then we got what 1200 i think yeah first time was 1200 1200 yeah and then this one was 600 that's right they're fighting over two checks over 1800 bucks and why does it take so long you know why it just doesn't make any sense why and if people say well it's you know socialism and we get the bernie's socialism ain't got nothing to do with taking care of people yeah take care of people where they're republican democrat independent social you should be taking care of your people absolutely absolutely but but again it goes back to corporate welfare as they always say is the thing they do because of course they need the lobbyist money they need the corporate interest money mm-hmm uh and and please don't think and y'all we know this these big money people are getting these folks in office to pass bills to help benefit help benefit them whether it's a tax loophole or something simple you know not a not a direct benefit but an indirect benefit yep that somehow you know you don't have to pay as much taxes yeah or you don't have to you know spend so much on certain legislation certain environmental controls or whatever control yeah right yeah we're oligarchy it's uh it's gonna change there's still hope i hope so i have hope i have hope i hope so i mean it's just it's gonna be it's gonna be a rocky road for for a while yeah when joe biden gets in office it's still going to be a little rocky because you know that group is still still still hung up on trying to hold on to everything yeah well that's why that um that uh well what in the house there's a slim there's a slim a slim uh a slim majority in the house i think only by 11 people but in the senate we'll see what happens in georgia if in georgia we can get those two seats that will be helpful yeah um but at the end of the day this is not a democratic or republican country where as people say the united states the the the dual parties were put in place for checks and balances more or less right yeah and there's no reason that we shouldn't be doing working totally toward the common good of making sure that the country has what it needs how it needs it and that we remain you know by 2000 by 2025 they say china is going to be the the largest um larger economy in the u.s oh i believe it oh i wholeheartedly believe it um i think our our american exceptionalism and our belief that we're always going to be the number one has caused a great um uh deficit and reduction educationally we're behind an education spectrum um china owns most of our money right if i'm correct right um so it's not like we're living off the credit card or somebody else which is the place you just talked about and they're coming over here buying our property yeah buying a property here africa everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere but some people like as long as they get what they want mm-hmm they're good they're good and it's uh the whole me-ism is not is not is it it's a slippery slope it's a slippery slope when we're only thinking about ourselves absolutely but we'll see what happens with uh fortunately some folks are getting some money we wish it was more it should be more um but you know we'll we'll we'll get through it i'm glad to see jobless claims have have um have fallen but you know they're some of those jobs were more seasonal so we're working towards that but um we just got to get control of this this virus absolutely yeah um i mean since you brought it up we're here the new covet strain just came out let me just hit the united states but here's the crazy thing now i don't know if this was a mutation because the people that got the one person in florida the one in california and the two people in colorado that got the new strain did not travel overseas so either somebody traveled they come in contact with the person or it just mutated on its own i don't know how this whole thing works they might not have traveled but um it was first it was first documented right in in the uk right back in september yeah six percent of the new cases in london are the new strain okay our borders are not closed have not been close in september right to the uk so they didn't have to travel but somebody could have traveled over here yeah shanghai just got a new case last week a woman that was 23 years old flew over there from the uk i feel sorry for her because they lock you down over there oh yeah she's like she's on some serious lockdown i mean like locked in a room and actually said you know that first case was a colorado man in colorado then we got the other subsequent case in california in florida so the new stream the thing about the new strain though is that it they say it's more contagious but it's not um more lethal so to speak it still reacts it's still it's still the new the new vaccines will still will still um keep you from getting it okay you get the vaccines but therein lies the big issue with this new because it's going to be new strains we talked about this before it's just like with with the flu yeah but therein lies the issue so project warp speed is more like project tortoise you know this is like a project snail yeah you know because yeah 20 million doses but supposed to be done by the end of the year okay they shipped 12 million only 2.8 had been administered which means we're administering at a 14 of what we said we're going to do is what we've done okay and at that rate 10 years before everybody can be are you saying at this rate it would be take 10 years before 80 of the population would be vaccinated so i hope uncle joe i hope uncle joe can get can get this thing from at least from warp speed to warp warp cat dog what's making it move so slow they say it's just this so you know they talk so much about project wharf speed how it was so organized we saw the officials military officials on on on tv but they just said it's been um the distribution has been not as dynamic as it should be right okay distribution has not has been dynamic as it should be thank you thank you um so so you know unlike other countries where you know itself you have a country that that cont they have a a a national distribution yeah where here you know once it gets to the states you know they do what they want to do and then you start to worry about as as as my daughter and i were talking about the other day okay so now how about the folks that are supposed to be getting and not getting it yeah and the folks that have the dollar are getting it yeah they're getting it you know um because they have a workaround oh it's no different than what you're talking about with congress there's a workaround always always comes back down to money comes back down to money but well but um you know 6.3 million were affected in december yeah so if 2.8 million got the vaccine and 6.3 million was infected the infection rate is two times the vaccination rate that's true yeah and that math doesn't work it doesn't work doesn't work wow and then they said december was the highest death rate with 77 000 yeah yeah jeez that's crazy all right let me uh we got keith from alongside keith how you doing man how are you good good what's happening um i just want to comment on what job we're talking about today sure well i mean the thing the thing i've seen is that i've i've been following i've heard about this violence so much it seemed to be a strain and stuff like that and there's so much going on in congress that i have um that i've been wondering if they're going to do this six hundred dollar sentence package and plus you know with the 2000 i have to say that congress is playing with our minds the one thing i have known is one thing i say is that they need to get their heads on straight so we can restart the economy in a good way for 2021 and when the leagues are not you know it's not it can be driving not just you not just me but everyone in the whirlwind because it's the congress that states that okay we've got this we got to pass forgot this but there's always the one person that always knocked it off and that that is really what's going on and i've been following because you all know what y'all are wondering when and where this is going to end but as i as i think about it it's never going to end because they needed they need to um pass this package so we can get on with the new year and they need to stop playing what do you think about that well no i mean i think i think you know people like mitch mcconnell and those people who are um you know stopping this thing which is directly affecting their constituents you know they keep saying the american people but i wonder when they say the american people which american people they talking about themselves a certain group because it sounds like to me they're talking about a certain group because again they're willing to pass a bill that directly affects those who don't need a stimulus and then leave those hangings who actually need a stimulus so that's why i think this georgia um uh election is so important because obviously mitch mcconnell has too much power to just keep shutting things down in the senate well you know what i could blame mitch mcconnell for even dropping his um blocking the vote they did three times this past week which i've heard and now he needs to get his head on the street so he can really say okay i'll give in let's pick this gun but he hasn't done that yet and it's taken him a while and the deadline for this is upcoming yeah so and i'm saying to that they need to hold they need not to hurry but they need to do something because this economy as i tell told people that i know is we is struggling yeah and i have really excited with the people who say okay we need to get this this is gone but the people in washington they need to stop playing with us yeah what do you think about that no me i i i think i think that there needs to be um a better push to help the people out um and have them and having a real american's first thought process which is helping those people who are in need and also these other things having an efficient process too where they're not sending money to dead people you know and i saw that you know and and sending money to people that don't need it and that kind of thing i think they just kind of rushed it sent it out like for instance the jobless claims uh last year yeah when they gave people too much money and then they sent them letters to get it back and them folks spent the money already money money gone money's gone and then now they're trying to here's here's the crazy part now they're trying to get legal stuff to lock these people up until they get their money back right so i think there needs to be an efficient process there needs to be a decision made where what's something's done in the best interest of corporate companies because we still need the business but also the individuals too yeah i really think if you really want to stimulate the economy could you imagine if they gave every american like i'm just using speculation here 20 000 right yeah do you know how much the economy will be stimulated if i mean i mean literally think about it how much money would be spent in stores on you know all those things like the bailout back in uh 2008 if they paid off everybody's mortgages could you imagine how much you know much money though but they're not going to do that that's too much 20 20 but even but but i hear what you're saying passing it it doesn't need to be 20. i'm just using this it certainly could be two just because it could be five it could be something that would allow folks to have ability to take a breath yeah and reassess what they are what because this economy has changed that whole service industry is going to have to change yeah there's a lot of jobs in this service the restaurant industry is going to change oh yeah it's not going to get back to the get back oh yeah the way we were yeah it's not going to this ain't barbra streisand the way we were no that's not getting back like that it's going to get back to something but it's not that so certain folks are going to have to have to understand okay i need to do something different but that comes with job training and all that stuff to train people for new fields and so some of that money could be you're not going to give you the money but i'm going to give you the access to the training there you go which costs money yeah and that's fine too the same same thing as giving the folks the money yeah well you know what you know what and when it's my last comment i mean the one thing that i really say to broke y'all without court happy new year happy new year to uh the one thing is that you know this new year needs to say that there's gonna be a sign and it's gotta be positive because as far as i'm concerned i'm praying for those folks in washington that um that you know are going against each other or maybe teaming up or whatever and i'm i'm telling you it's a mess they are it's a mess down there and they and with um trump in his final days of uh you know his pregnancy and stuff and um i'm grant i'm saying to her 2021 needs to start off in a positive manner where we can really get our lives together and i'm praying that you know as this year is fourth even though we're in the second day of it things will get better and brighter for everyone not just here in jersey everywhere hopefully the whole nation yeah i hope so god we we're we're praying for that we're believing that i mean that's that's what we're leading into for this for this this new year the whole restoration renewal uh reversal and revival right i mean we believe god's gonna do it he means he stopped everything this year didn't even he didn't he didn't bring the virus but he he allowed the virus so um we believe that he's in complete control and it's going to get better yep doesn't mean it's going to be no struggles like past nick said doesn't mean it's not going to be any struggle but it's going to get better yeah yeah and i'm saying that joe biden and camera house do something because they know they really need to get they really need to get uh draw the uh game plan for what's happening and um i say this way it has to be a good positive one because we're going to be needing yep absolutely hey keith thanks for calling man have a great day happy new year take care bye so i was reading some even we have another caller and um coming on i was reading some earlier today somebody went to taiwan i guess a a reporter went to taiwan to see uh how they would do i think it was taiwan to see how they do things and she's when she she flew in she said she had the quarantine in 14 days of course they make you quarantine um i think out of 34 million people only seven people have died the percentage of the people that were positive for the virus were so low and i'm i'm looking at just the percentages of this and the countries that are taking this seriously are starting to reopen to a certain degree yeah i mean you're not all the way there but there is but it's better than where we are it's a lot better you look at fakes like new zealand yeah new zealand they was loving it they was on the street in the streets on new year's yeah no mass look at wuhan wuhan was out they were in china and that's where this thing started they had this thing you got to lock down the thing about our country well certainly we're not a communist country so but new zealand's not a communist country we should be able to lock down the country and and have it's such that there's a you know there's always a a balance of power right so the president is in charge but then he can go he should be to go to the governor and say look you're locking it down yeah you know and the governor should be able to go to the mirror and say look you're locking it down right you know yeah but but he but he's so concerned about the supporters and freedom of uh freedom of dying yeah and then telling people you know don't don't like michigan don't let them shut down you guys go up there and and you know and it it led to some some people wanting to kidnap the governor yeah they had some that was not good just but again are things like this your first amendment rights yeah your freedom of speech your liberty and here america is not something that's supposed to uh hurt other people that's right yeah you're basically saying liberate us free us so we can go call to death some other people yeah which nature makes absolutely no sense there are laws in place that you're not able to do other things because of how it may hurt somebody so i wouldn't be the same with this it's like you said a couple weeks ago about wearing a seat belt yeah you know wearing a seat belt saves lives um wearing a mask saves lives just just do it why do you think we oh you think we do it right here sometimes just you know it's a law to wear a seat belt it could be a lot of weird mess yeah and they can rescind the law after the thing is gone yeah that's my thing people don't get hunkered down for this time right because if you hunker down during this time you'll have more time to do what you want to do later that's right it's like money hunker down for a while get your money together then you can enjoy your life exactly later that's right but that momentary satisfaction always takes precedence over yeah the long-term gain um so we got danny da we're about to go to danny just want to talk about this employee that destroyed the vaccine this person go ahead did they ever come up with a motive i don't think they they had no motive but the person is charged um in milwaukee the person is charged with destroying uh the mcdermott vaccine first the person has been charged the name has been given yet with first degree records endangering safety adulteration of a prescription drug and criminal damage to property 550 vials or vaccines where it had to be destroyed but i did the math they said the value is eight to eleven thousand k which means the vaccine only cost like 20 bucks but anyway they said the value was about 11. you know i read right over it and didn't pay attention to it 550 i said okay well that map comes out to 20 and i'm sure they're paying a whole lot more exactly wow but they don't they said that the the the um vaccine was left out on christmas eve another person you know it's supposed to be refrigerated it's supposed to be kept stored at -4 then refrigerate it and then at normal refrigeration it can last i forget how many 30 days 30 days and it was left outside the refrigerator overnight in the morning the next morning somebody came in and saw it was out and called the authorities and that's when they that's how they backtracked everything okay but that's um i don't get people man just well let's just say we i won't speculate don't speculate because we don't know his motive maybe maybe who knows maybe maybe they didn't mean to leave it out and something happened and they had to leave real quick but yeah it feels kind of funny but for them he he got arrested right yeah he's rested in charge for him to be arrested in charge he probably did it he rested in charge right what's up danny fort lauderdale how you doing man yes good morning pastor nick how are you doing good good we're shaking all right nothing much uh best for you at the new year uh all to uh to the church as well and so glad that you're all uh you know keeping us informed as to what's going on because uh we're in a different world here in south florida as i say all the time and i just want to add to some things that you all have already discussed logistics is is everything and if you don't distribute things right and do it the way it is supposed to be done if nothing is going to happen it's not going to work and the thing is that we're under this idea that all we need is a vaccine but we need a healing from god yeah and we always talk about uh 2nd chronicles 7 14. that is a true word and god is talking to us because that strain didn't just happen god is talking to it because man believes that okay i got this strain you know you get this vaccine of vaccinations and then it's going to be eliminated he said no you go ahead and do it my way and that's where we are we have this particular situation now in florida of all people uh when the governors met in washington uh two months ago when they said well how are you going to distribute it and what have you the only thing that the federal government was doing was giving it to the states and they will go ahead and distribute it that was a mistake right there yeah everything should have been on lockdown from the beginning and then uh a procedure of this uh distribution and should have been set right then and there who did they uh uh asked to tell the governors how to do it this sentence sentence okay of all people okay okay so what we have here in florida you have different hospitals that are doing different things in different counties there's no uh basic uh procedure of doing it some hospitals get it some don't some get more than others and some don't and the areas that are economically sound and what have you those are the ones that are getting more than the others yeah yeah and then it's go it falls into the wrong hands and then you have an open market of illegal people that are distributing it right yeah and charging people for that yeah it's not rocket science danny i mean you like you just said you know they said that the the front line uh hospital workers and nursing homes would get it first well there should have been a database of all those workers where they are how to get to them and that you know that's where it's going first yep under under security it's going there first yeah and then when you get to the second place you're gonna like they say here in jersey morristown mall is gonna be a place where they vaccinate people okay well you have to have certain id to come in there to get vaccinated if you're not one of those initial ones it's not really rocket science it is a lot of people but as you're saying danny the logistics is everything if you don't have the logistics you're you can have the product and no logistics it's not gonna get to you yeah exactly they could they could have called amazon in and say amazon show us how to do that right right jeff bezos want to figure out how to get it done and let us remember and never forget that when it comes to helping the american people there's never too much money pastor nick said something many many years ago and it always struck me and i saw wisdom as to what he was saying when we went through that uh bailout with the mortgages and what have you they gave the money to the banks and the banks still repossessed citizens homes okay all of that money what what would happen if they were just giving it to those who were behind on their mortgage and say would you do you make the payment they would still have their homes and they would have been caught up but they they didn't want to do that yeah because i think they worked if you worked the numbers out and you and you took that bailout money thing was like over 750 billion i think yeah and distributed that to all the adults in america they would have enough money to pay their mortgage off that's right puts them in the bank you know they would have went shopping yeah economy would stimulate we would have been out of that recession yeah a whole lot faster that's been real stimulation oh i mean it had been a quick jump it would have kind of leveled out after a while but exactly but again it goes back to and then and then what they what they found was of course most of that money from the bailout with the ceo and executive pay um but again that goes back to that corporate greed thing where you know they got bails out of billions of dollars gave millions to executives and then start working their way down to do stuff for other people which they barely did and some banks that i know they made it hard for people to refinance their loan even though they got the money to do it um like you said still took their home they made them go through some crazy process to um to refinance and had at a higher interest rate and then had the smallest little um caveats yeah that if you missed this one caveat you lost your house and or the interest rate goes from you know five percent to 15. yeah exactly and who's who's paying that right exactly but again it goes one more thing i just want to bring about a question when obama was president if he took one day just to rest oh man they were all over him oh yeah okay where's donald trump right now probably golfing somewhere okay they had a big party new year's party okay and they charged uh thousands of dollars just to attend and it was packed no social distancing live bands no mass what have you yeah what type of leadership is that if you have any heart knowing that 3 000 people a day are dying yep and you're partying mm-hmm and i don't think he even showed up they said he didn't attend he left before but he still had the party he still had the party but he left they said uh uh giuliani know them was there um and it just it just you know it it grinds my gears i just can't wait for january 20th to come and it doesn't mean you know everything's going to be over but i just i'm i just i kind of want to go back to the boring politics you know i prefer that all right danny thank you man i appreciate you for calling all right no we we appreciate you and uh i thank you bishop and everyone and god bless you all god bless bethany bless you man take care all right all right bye so um we're getting ready to come on a break real quick we're gonna after we come back we're gonna talk about the uh nashville explosion um we'll get around to talking about um this dr walter reed that got fired and then some more election stuff because a couple of republicans are um throwing a fit yeah and uh they're gonna try to you know not certify the election on january 6th that's what um what day is that that's on wednesday or wednesday wednesday wednesday um so we're about we're about to come up on the break they should be ready by now and after this we'll come back and talk to you guys about a few more things and we will be right back it's the catalyst for change you've been waiting on new mind new me from bishop david g evans i want to be loved why do i take the person that loves me and kick them to the curb i want to be wealthy but i spent all my money you were created and given a slave a doulos a servant called your mind your mind is out of order when it questions your command if you are ready for true transformation bishop david g evans would like to bless you with the new mind new me four message dvd set order today and you will also receive bishop evans national best-selling book healed without scars as well as the healed without scars music cd my mind's going where i tell it to go it'll never go back it's my mind it's going to do what i say all yours when you visit our website or call 1-800-591-8480 today be prepared to watch a new you emerge well we're back welcome back to on point happy new year everybody again uh we got about 20 minutes left in the show give us a call at 866-743-8267 man wow we really haven't had church in like almost a year like crazy in person like yeah literally who would have thought i'm still here though yeah we're still here you know thank god um there's a lot that aren't right yeah yeah yeah a lot didn't make it but um you know we're here so and we're praying for those who've lost loved ones to covet and um and just other things it's been it's been a very tenuous year last year if i could say it like that yeah it's it's been tough on a lot of folks and and everybody needs to know that this pandemic has has impacted everyone there's not one of us yeah that hasn't been impacted in some way some way whether it's losing a loved one job or or just home or you know mental mental illnesses is big addiction is big i mean it's this pandemic has touched everyone some way yep and and we're just believing that god's going to going to make this thing better because it's not nobody's left up yeah what the bible said the rain falls on the justin ain't nobody been left out on this yeah yeah it's literally touching everybody and um you know god is faithful through everything and he's with those who are struggling he's with those that are rejoicing amen god is in and with everything um so you know it's been a tough time you know a lot of people as soon as you cough you're like as soon as something happens you start getting nervous you can't sneeze yeah clear your throat and somebody think you got the virus cause i because i there are people that i know um the folks i know that they knew how they caught it some folk they didn't know how they caught it uh i saw one one person online that i'm friends with on social media was saying how you know he was in the house for two weeks went to the grocery store uh believe he must have touched something there and caught the virus he thinks he caught it from a contact from you know just going to the grocery store right not around nobody had a mask on just and then there was people that that that know they had something have had the effects whether it's notation no smell lost a lot of weight and they've gotten tested tested tested all negative anybody all negative but they know something happened something yeah yeah they don't i didn't know i was sick it had something mm-hmm it must have been the virus so it's it's really really you know really a big a big deal for all of us you know nobody i still contend though um and i'm not being um you know funny here that while it things could be better yeah they could still be a whole lot worse it could be depends on your outlook yeah depends on your outlook it could be worse it could be worse you know so i'm not saying it hasn't been bad yeah i'm not saying it hasn't been challenging yeah but there's some things we still all things we have to give thanks for yeah absolutely and everything yeah it's it's a matter of perspective yeah it's really it really is a matter of perspective it's how you choose to see your struggles right and what you choose to do in your struggles right and i think that's why james says in everything gives thanks he doesn't say because of everything he just says in it because he understands that's right that if if he said because of everything you won't do it during a hard time that's right that's right because hard times don't make you want to rejoice that's right that's right so i mean we got to do it in it in everything you know we saw job joe went through the thing yeah you know but he got he was restored he had he saw a reversal and he saw revival he saw all three yep it's right there in the book after going through that situation you know so our prayers that we come out on the other side stronger better amen and like you said you know it's going to be different because even with the vaccine i think you said last week we don't know how long it's going to last that's right maybe two years maybe you know it's not going to be like the polio or the smallpox yeah from what we know right now right where you get vaccinated you'll never have to yeah have to get it again we might be wearing masks i mean even even if everybody eventually is vaccinated we may still have to wear a mask like china you know for a while just a it's funny past even before the virus you know i've been to china and i they wearing masks before there was even any covet yeah they just wear masks you know it's just the way they can a lot of it because of pollution whatever but still we're wearing masks and you know how we are we you know we're going to be different you know lisa and i'd love to go to the movies in the restaurants nope nope nope they're not doing it look i was telling somebody like well you don't go out to eat them like nah look in the summertime i ordered some food went picked it up or had it delivered and i went in my backyard and i ate it outside wiped it all down right wiped it all down and i went out to eat i went in my backyard that was me going out to eat that's going out and that's the way to do it it was cool yeah you know it's going to be a minute but but we're going to get through it yeah we are going to get through it we're going to get through this thing so uh on i think was christmas day christmas eve they had a big explosion in nashville yeah um an individual uh drove an rv loaded with explosives was playing this song i can't remember the name of the song i forget the name also um the police were alerted they started evacuating people um the rv blew up killed the man um there's still a lot of you know building destruction i don't think there's no loss of life after that no it's a couple of emergency people like lost their hearing and some other effects uh when you of course were praying for them that's still a big thing but what's interesting of course his girlfriend you heard the police say it she called it take it seriously mm-hmm right the other thing is if this man was a muslim could you imagine the outcry because again you always notice when you see things like this it's always looked at if it's a white male he's a lone wolf something must have been wrong with him wrong why would he do something must have happened to him but if it was a person of color or something like that it would not be you know what happened to his upbringing right he must have lost it it wouldn't be a this is a lone wolf thing yeah it would have been this is how y'all are as peaceful your nature and it would still be in the press oh yeah it's it's kind of been you know pushed pushed to the side but like you said if it was a religious from a religious uh uh act or uh a person of color that thing would be still in the press and it's not and um there's really we really don't still understand the intent we know that like you said his girlfriend called the police said they went there but they didn't see nothing but they must not have been looking too hard um because she said it more than more than one time but what about his mindset that he told them to evacuate he wasn't trying to kill new people yeah you know so you wonder what what was his intention why did he need to do it there why did he do it at his home what was what was he really trying to do to do which is which is the question that i've had yeah and we'll probably never know let's see he probably unless he wrote a manifesto that we'll hear about later but that that's that's the hard thing he died with it so we yeah i mean i'm speculating too like you know so because some something was going on in his head something was going on with him um but also something was going on in him such that he didn't do it in um on on a morning when businesses were were flourishing and people was a lot of people out and there was a lot of population he did it at a quiet time yeah um so he wanted the attention but he didn't want to he evidently he didn't want to kill him about it yeah which is which is the dynamic is really it is weird it's difficult for me to understand i'm not a psychologist no no no no neither am i just weird it is weird and and and people were calling him a suicide bomber yeah just well he did literally yeah yeah you know whether the intent was to hurt people but he also destroyed a lot of buildings and stuff like that that that still hasn't like you said if he wanted to kill himself why didn't he do it somewhere in the woods where it wouldn't affect nothing yeah but he affected property and some officers um had some effects from it but the president hasn't said it hasn't said anything no well he ain't saying nothing about nothing yeah except except the uh you know still tweeting about the election and and um the vetoing of his uh the overruling of his veto and you know he's only things he talked about is the things that have impacted him absolutely absolutely that's it absolutely because if this person that did this was like was uh a brown brown-skinned person no oh he would elect he would he would have leveraged this thing there's a reason why he still needs to be president or an islamic person he's that person but he but either way but his supporters still going characters they don't work on you know they don't think they don't work on fact yeah um he could have used that and said see that's why i still need to be president but bro this happened on your watch on your watch it's all on your watch so you know we're praying for those in nashville and um you know hoping that you know the recovery can happen and like you know we we do come together and like they say if you see something say something yeah you know you're not ratting if you see something say something say something yeah you never know who you might be saving absolutely and i think they're um they're going to do some research on why the police didn't uh find explosives and why they didn't take it that seriously so we'll see what happens from it i'm sure it'll get covered up yeah like like it usually does so you know uh you know what they just think uh earlier this year in atlanta a gas station owner made a derogatory comment against uh african americans and this gas station is an african-american neighborhood so the people i'm this is what i'm talking about yeah the people rallied together to boycott going to that gas station they walked around it with signs but they boycotted with their money they just didn't hold up signs they took their money somewhere else and then now the gas state the owner has to sell his business and one of the people that's a part of the rally is looking to buy the business yeah but again to me and look how long it took this happened back in the summertime right but they consecutive 66 days six days yup consecutive and and that the protest plus just like you said no business no business no business i'm all for y'all marching the streets holding signs up but until you affect money stuff's not going to change yeah yeah and to me i don't think you know if somebody's going to be in a community that's primarily african-american they need to be supportive of the community yeah and if they're not take your dollar somewhere else his attendant was filmed saying his one of his attendance was filmed saying that they didn't give a blank about the black community and then he was also alleged we don't head on film about saying like you just said some derogatory remarks which i have here but i'm not going to say yeah you can't say it on i ain't saying that yeah yeah you can't say that so so that that's the thing that i think we all need to remember you have to affect dollars it works they have the patience yep to affect dollars look at the bus boycott yeah that took over a year yeah this generation doesn't seem to have that much patience with that no you know we we do stuff like let's boycott black friday for one day what is that going to do nothing because they still want mine i still want to be able to do what i want to do i'm not worth i i don't want to be suffering you know but you suffer you're not suffering you're doing something for the greater good absolutely it's not the instantaneous it's the long term you know these things for the long term will then affect change and this is a great example of infecting change absolutely in a non-violent way they affected change yep to the to the benefit of somebody else that's going to buy that business in florida absolutely so now they got they're going to have somebody well if they if it sells goes through somebody from the community that owns it now they can support that that's right talk with your dollars money talks and that's the way we can do it and one like this year we saw more black uh banks pop up and if you if this one in your community support yeah the bank there's nothing wrong putting your money in um in a black bag yeah nothing wrong with it they got the same fdic insurance 250 thousand dollars or less if something happens to the bank he's not going to lose your money here right now you got 260 dollars in there right ten thousand dollars gonna go away if something happens a couple of money different banks exactly right or have one special accounts where uh um the business accounts were a whole allows you to hold more money exactly yeah you pay a fee for it but you know as long as it is fdic insured you know you'll be all right and and spread it around you'll be all right absolutely all right to support the bank y'all absolutely so uh doctor that worked at walter reed was fired they say removed but he was basically fired yeah because he criticized the president for um going in the presidential car with the secret service when the president had coveted he was driving around a wave of supporters yeah he criticized the president for doing that um because again that vehicle is uh it shields against bulletproof chemical warfare and all that stuff so the way it's sealed in all his covet germs is in it it's in there and it can't get out yeah can you imagine this doctor dr uh james phillips an emergency room doctor so he's working in an emergency room he's seeing covert cases yeah he's seeing people die yep and he said this guy has the audacity to get in the car and ride around with the secret service folks and we talked about the secret service guy last time that had to get his leg amputated yeah um you know and he got and now he's not working there no more mm-hmm absolutely and and that right and and that's the thing like he's not like he was his personal president of her personal doctor that was working with him at least i don't think he was so it's not like he told anything that was against uh policy that's right uh the hipaa laws and all that stuff like that he just talked about um the that response to that he saw something he said he saw something he said so really and i mean i don't know if uh uh walter reed because they are a military hospital and they serve the president um have a certain uh you know code of ethics that all the people have to work for as ways to criticizing the government so i don't know that's that's a good that's a good thing to take a look at yeah they might have one of those you know it could be one of those unwritten ethical codes right that you know we just we're here to be a hospital to serve the military and the president and just leave it there but he did go he's going of course he has his regular job yeah yeah he'd be honest so he's fine yeah he'd be all right um but it would be interesting to see uh you know if they have that kind of code of ethics but they're not saying much else besides it doesn't say yeah he's being removed yeah yeah but he um he had the right to say what he said and he said it and it's it's about the greater welfare of the people yeah at the end of the day he's a doctor to have a crowd of golf yeah and we all looked at the same thing and said that it's like a petri dish yeah we knew it when we saw it just just a wave of supporters so we got a few minutes left so the the presidential certification is supposed to happen on the sticks which is wednesday yeah a couple the gop gop congress people are talking about they don't want to certify and it's like 140 of them um i me personally i think they're going to go down with this sinking ship by then gets elected on the 20th and then they're going to start because they're going to think about about themselves and they're going to start if if if trump becomes more toxic they're going to start reversing course yeah and kind of just well you can kind of see they're starting to kind of distance themselves away from him now right yeah i mean pence pence um agreed with the house to seek to dismiss the lawsuit of him having the right to overturn the election yeah so so i think you're right yeah and then they overturned the veto that he just had so i think i think you're exactly right they're going to start distancing themselves because they know he's lamed up he's laying duck yeah so um you know january 20th can't get here fast enough i'll be a little more comfortable then let's just get it certified on the sticks get them sworn in on the 20th uh and let's just move on and just hope and pray that uh you know with with and hope and pray that what's in that uh what's the ossoff in um reverend warnock yeah when in georgia uh so we can do that but at the end of the day our great hope is not in political powers it's not our great hope isn't jesus say it um our great hope is not in uh who's in office and the conflation of american nationalism in the gospel has been detrimental to the church and to the nation um so our hope is in jesus and that's the most important thing we need to maintain our hope amen our love and our trust in his kingdom right because the bible says it all the kingdoms of the world are eventually going to fade away fade away america is going to fade away but the kingdom of our god remain forever amen so um keep your faith in him keep your hope in him this is our time to continue to continue to work with god partake with him and do our thing so we're getting ready to get out of here thank you pastor again appreciate you good to see you happy new year join us tomorrow yes sir join us tomorrow for service at eight o'clock um also don't forget we have communion at 6 00 p.m and uh on behalf of bishop david g evans uh oh if you didn't get a chance to sow your first fruit on thursday night you can do so go to our website of course we um it's an additional time for those that can do it a hundred dollars or do the best that you can our whole thing is getting where you fit in because we're believing god that if we give the first god will bless the rest like he always does amen and uh you can do that by our website give the five or text to give all right y'all god bless you and we will see you tomorrow for service for the encounter worship experience you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 354
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Id: gBJErvgp90o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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