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foreign you foreign praise the lord everybody welcome to on point the number one saturday morning christian based call-in talk show in america live every saturday morning from 9 00 a.m to 10 a.m on any smart device worldwide at david g evans one that's at david g evans one the number one so glad you could join us once again we are all about discussing uh current events faith religion politics culture all from a kingdom perspective all from a bible-based perspective so this is a christian talk show we have some of the most intelligent callers critically thinking callers in the world and we're so glad that because of you on point is a success in this ministry and this mission that god has given us to come into your homes your jobs your automobiles your space uh every saturday morning at this time so why don't you tag a couple people in box text a few people send them a message let them know on points on ask them to join the conversation this morning as we attempt to talk about those things that are not only relevant to you but important to you in the context of impacting your life your way of thinking your way of living but remember always from a kingdom of god perspective our phone numbers are my world 1-866-743-8267-743-8267 co-host is here wherever nicholas a smith has joined us once again how are you doing this man how are you doing all right man yeah yeah just trying to keep living and keep doing what god's telling us to do yeah and get past these allergies man man i was thinking i was all right until about a half an hour ago and all of a sudden the headache started creeping up on me again but a lot of people are complaining right now yeah two days ago was the first day i actually saw the pollen on my car before that i knew allergies were intense but my allergies were reacting intensely but um i saw the green film uh two days ago and it's still there yeah one place they um they knocked out a tree yeah as soon as the tree went down a huge puff of green just oh no i never realized how much actually oh yeah oh yeah it looked like yo yeah smoke like smoke like it was huge and the wind takes it and just takes it away just like sneezing about to happen yes i make the mistake of um i know i can't of course i don't drive with my windows down and i make the mistake occasionally i'm not keeping an eye on the vent yeah because if you don't keep it closed it's coming in your car yeah uh tuesday i made it i made the mistake i forgot to turn my ceiling fan off before i went to sleep oh man right over top of my head i've been jacked up since that's what that's a sign of age brother i was like i forgot i woke up i was like no didn't bother you when you were like 16 17 you had a fan on sign of age stuff especially when you when you got no money for air conditioning back in the day and you got the fans thrown around keep that fan on you all night long now if i had a fan man i'd wake up with so many aches and pains more than i have now so but it's just uh it's good to be alive [Laughter] give us a call today as we have our conversation with you eight six six seven four three eight two six seven we welcome our callers from texas and florida and the carolinas and california virginia washington dc new jersey pennsylvania um washington state you you name it people call us and we occasionally get a call from overseas africa france those people listen to us and can call and be a part of this great conversation today um presidential address was this week yep i think it was tuesday i think it was um uncle tim scott was on right after uh i i i get you had two things i have a problem with and you know i have african-american friends who are republicans staunch republicans the thing that i respect about them is they will not allow that platform to cause them to say something that is obviously not the truth concerning who they are yeah and one of the things i don't respect about scott is that he says things on one hand as though he understands on the other hand you know as though he's disconnected and as though the people that he represents are not going through the troubles that he's saying are not happening right how do you go through a list of your races your racial experience in america about how you experienced it and then say it's not a racist country how do you it it made him look so silly it's like really you know and i've got friends that are republican staunch republicans some of them very well known and when they get to this part about the culture and the things that people of ethnicity go through they have a difficult conversation with them but what what they it was almost like when i um i was serving the state and um the who the guy happens to be a friend of mine now um he came to see me because he was running for office and he tried to tell me that there was no profile yeah and i looked him right in his face i said do not say that to me and do not go into a minority community and say there's no workshop profile in new jersey which we were famous for you know so he was like he was taken aback he expected to because i was conversational because we were building a relationship he was under the impression that i was going to be different in this way that i would not acknowledge the problem that was publicized in new jersey but that i had experienced in new jersey so i was supposed to say it just didn't happen but that has happened to me a lot in the last four years with uh contemporaries of ours who thought that i agreed with a lot of what was being put forth as policy or just behavior yeah uh from our politicians in washington and i don't know i don't understand it he tim scott did not have to disown who he was and be blatantly be dishonest a couple times about things yeah to be a part of the republican party absolutely they feel so beholden to especially he's in south carolina very conservative state he feels beholden but this is the thing i don't understand okay they look at in your case today okay well you're different okay they think yeah you're not like because they they don't associate you being a businessman mm-hmm a leader you know conservative for the most part yeah but at the same time having these quote-unquote liberal ideas yeah so the same thing barack obama he's different than other people right you know and tim scott i want to tell some sometimes to some of these folks no matter how different you are you're still going to be yeah i was gonna say the other word a black man yeah yeah to some of them yeah and and the thing is how much respect can you get when someone who's looking at you sees your black and then you say certain things just don't happen to black yeah absolutely how much we so so in in tim scott's case do you think um um lindsey graham really respects him oh probably not no when lindsay has been living in south carolina his whole life knows what it's all about down there and then you get tim come along and say there's no racism yeah i mean it's a huge amount just his state alone well i'm just i'm saying how much respect can can can graham have for him yeah but i i don't think that to me there's not a that's there's no respect there if you see um again this person is one of those you're not like everybody else okay type things you can fit into our yeah norm but until you ask me that until you ask me that question but here's the problem that i have why can't a black man black woman be articulate strong business owner have money and still be able to hold to some ideas of helping articulate the struggle right of people that they are a part of right because what tim does is give the impression that he's not a part yeah of the problem that the people that he's representing are having yeah yep it's like you made it yeah out of your own hard work your own effort yeah no you know no no people all all in the human individuals have to have someone to blaze a trail for them yeah absolutely someone that suffered so you wouldn't have to suffer so much yeah so it just i was offended by his by the con i wasn't offended by the fact that he's a republican that's his right yeah i was offended by the fact that he was trying to tell a nation that what was just said doesn't exist right yeah after you list all your stuff but i don't know if he was afraid to not get elected because he needs that vote in south carolina the whole trump thing you know many politicians sell their integrity for their seats yeah yeah and i think they said he's the only black man in the senate i think on the republican side yeah yeah so he's trying to hold on to that power yeah but but how do you give up i remember i told you this years ago i remember when i was working at one of the top banks in philadelphia and we were having a conversation the group of us were having a conversation men and women about equality on the job so um one of the young ladies barbara haswell brought up to me brought up to us at the time that you know she was not sure about the uh racial aspect that i brought up in the conversation and i came back with something you know very calm i said i'm not sure how you all can sit here and say that when you in order to fit into this environment you've compromised your femininity i said you're wearing your hair severe you're you're minimally made up your clothing does not uh really reveal that you're females at all i mean i went right down the list with all of them sitting here i said so i said so you're giving up who you are to gain this place and and i'm not saying you need to come in dressing provocatively i said but you know you're wearing severe things to fit into this male environment yeah and man the next day some girls put their pumps back on and you know i'm saying i'm saying okay get the money but don't give up your identity yeah yeah and a lot of people feel like in order to succeed and when you have to assimilate into and it's easier to do that yeah it is it is easier to do that but you lose part of yourself in the process i always chose to maintain my dignity and my integrity and still strive for the corporate seat absolutely and it made it was it was harder yeah because there were certain things and i established in the corporate environments that i was in that there were certain lines you are not going to cross yeah i was not you you were not going to ask me if it was okay for you to call me the n-word when we're in a conversation you know why would you ask me that and why do you need to ask me that yeah if we're working together and why do you need to say that if we're working together exposing the race yeah so you know it's very subtle yeah cause i haven't i didn't i said man i never asked you if i could call you something disrespectful yeah yep but in order for us to have a relationship you got to be able to say that right i gotta be able to kick you behind and if everything which tells me you're saying it at other times i'll speak the same thing absolutely but you're right people give up a lot just for money and power and to me there has to be some guilt at the end of that because the money doesn't fix all your issues it doesn't fix all your problems uh you still walk around knowing that you've compromised yourself well i look at it this way biblically from god's point of view if money can fix it it's not a real problem because money is an easy thing for god that's not a real problem you know i i wonder sometimes pastor nick if um we might as well get real about this in the in the arena that we function in there are certain circles that i am not welcome in because i will not compromise certain things there will be certain circles that you are not going to be welcome in because you will not compromise certain things it took me almost 15 maybe almost 18 years to realize that one of the reasons i wasn't getting invitations in certain places is because i wasn't fitting into the realms but also it was told to me that i wasn't invited to things because people couldn't take credit for what god had done here okay and like to feel like they have you know kind of molded you themselves um i just feel as though that that you know i i wasn't going to compromise who i was and you know it's not like i'm the most untraveled preacher but there are a whole host of opportunities that i did not get because i did not fit in right and i'm not talking about supposition i'm talking about what i was told yeah you know by people in that in those circles yeah you know you don't you want to talk bible you want to talk church you want to talk you know we want to talk rings and cards and blah blah blah yeah but i ain't got no interest in that yeah you know i like nice things but that's not what i i don't get around people with more experience than me to talk about what kind of car you drive right yeah no man share some of that wisdom i need some of that experience to tell me how you did x y and z yeah sometimes i wonder okay i got pure speculation okay you had success before you started pastors yes so you had yes house yes making good money yes a lot of pastors who didn't have money didn't have anything now they finally got it mm-hmm that's the only thing they can gloat on those they get hang on it's like you've been there before they have it yeah and they or right now they haven't gotten used to i don't have to flaunt this because i'm here i kind of like it to solomon's dream before he ever became a king god gave him this dream or vision as a king so when he became a kenya you know it wasn't like the first time he'd been an enzo yeah you know i i don't know man i just i think a lot of times that that um uh when i look when i look at you know what god is able to do and and try to look back and see okay what was he doing at this particular juncture in life the bible does say that you shouldn't get in this thing as a novice somebody unlearned inexperienced and perhaps the focus on what you've gained is the thing that messes a novice mindset up that's what he says yeah pearson pierces them through as they say yeah but you look at guys like bill winston talked about yeah he was successful in business before he started passing absolutely and he's got this demeanor about him calm you would never you know not fly because you don't have to flash that or not yeah you know if if if ministry is your only claim to fame in life you will have a greater struggle trying not to let ministry create a stronghold called pride absolutely yep that's true because that's the only way they can get to the life they have versus y'all if you got speculation here you know hypothetically you could always could do something else and do something else could do something that's all you know yeah yeah amazing 1-866-743-8267-743-8267 this morning thank you for your that we've been kind of not rambling but conversing about something that uh we hope parts of the conversation have spurned some some curiosity on your part eight six six seven four three eight two six seven eight six six seven four three eight two six seven i think some of the things that i learned in ministry early on um i didn't expect like i didn't expect to be told that you know because um we wanted to talk ministry and biblical things that that was not of interest to people that were in but i'm thinking you know you're surrounded by people that's got experience and have done it well come on let's talk about it yeah you know not that may not be the conversation yeah and um i think when was it was it power of god when uh cynthia james got up yeah and she said i have something i need to tell you about your pastor the whole place went quiet because i think they thought some dirt was coming she said you need to know when he walks in the room the room straightens up and i didn't know she noticed and i didn't know she'd heard it but she had to hear that because i'd never been in a private setting with her okay that's what was revelational to me so some conversation was had this evidence guy is a little it's kind of square yeah i mean we're unpacking it now yeah to me it's a few things it's first i think we are so quick just because somebody can preach we try to make up a pastor true and they're not and they're not no so they're great road preachers but if you go to their church this doesn't matter they're not yeah they're not pastors most of them are not they're not pastors in many cases their staffs are pastoring the church yes yep so the hands-on approach that we have here we thought it was common yeah until but it's not kind of yeah so it's that part so to claim the famous preaching and the other thing is those who who are working something they're afraid to share of course yeah because they don't want you to model the same success right right because it's like there's this shelf yeah i think i've told you this in illustration before and on this shelf there's only room for a few vases and so they're they're fighting to keep a place when you know with god i believe you know there is no there is no restricted space and the cool thing about social media now yeah that box is being exploded you think so yes because most people are getting their content from online okay most people our age my age yeah you don't listen to the radio like that okay we listen to youtube spotify podcasts okay stuff on our phone okay so now the shelf of um you know your your exposure you have more ways to expose yourself now but isn't it one of the things that's that's uh unfortunate about social media yeah is that you can present an image yes that has no reality behind it now that part is true yes that part is true so what i'm seeing online is a lot of presentation but not nearly as much content yes and those people eventually get exposed okay and then those who have a long lasting thing build a nice following okay there are people out there like um who are in hollywood yeah they can't make it into hollywood they just can't break through that yeah the nose so now they're creating their own platforms and they got millions of people following them online okay and actually helping them build their own thing so that's what i'm saying social media gives you that outlet so you wouldn't be implying that social media has allowed some of us in this vocation to self-idolize yes okay so we we're building an idol which means we're actually empire building and we call it kingdom building yes depends on your motive yes yes yes let's let's get on the phone here we got keith uh from new jersey we've got tom from florida and we've got lucy from alden okay let's go to kiefen hey keith how you doing all right how are you doing all right man welcome to on point once again yes thank you thank you um first of all i just like to say you're on point uh tv show uh radio show broadcast is excellent i you know i listen to it every saturday morning and especially you passionate with the journey it's been a blessing and it's i wish you both luck on both shows thank you man my comment is yes you know i've been not listening to the news but some things that just bother me like what the president is doing and what he's doing about the that the uh about the um you know what we have what we have surrounded us just a minute you didn't make your point there oh i'm sorry uh my point is us what um is okay hold on let me see okay what what can we do what can the president do about what we're following what we're falling down on and such as such as i'm sorry such as hold on hold on can you hear me yeah i'm i asked you you said falling down on and i said such as oh sorry you know some uh phone uh with uh you're listening you're listening to yours you're listening to yourself turn that right turn the device down oh i'm sorry hold on okay there we go can you hear me now yeah i can hear you now can you hear me now yeah yeah okay i apologize okay i just turned another year older i'm just uh trying to get my thoughts together okay happy birth happy birthday thank you um what i was saying is how what can the president do to bring himself out of a hole and how can you know they say okay i uphold the um the constitution united states when some things that he does are good like he's bringing us out so with the stimulus checks uh with this uh you know trying to get our troops back by september do you think he can do you think he can hold up his part of the bargain and say that i will do this i would do that but otherwise he's contradicting enough with some things that he's saying in his uh press and his uh was the net the bro on the address that he did this week which i did not watch you didn't watch the address no i did not i did not get a chance to this week how how are you able to critique it then well i i get updates on my on my newsfeed on my phone okay this is this is what you need to do you need to take the time to to listen to parts of it you won't be able to listen to it all at once but listen listen to it in its entirety it's it's almost it's almost as though you know i've known you a long time so it's all it's almost as though you are uh taking the the the mirage that we dealt with for the last four years and applying it to this particular individual has only been in office 100 days yes right so so i think what you always want to do is be informed before you form the opinion and the best way it's like when you want to know what god says you you you read your bible you listen to the person god has placed into your life to teach you the bible so you can get some clarity so i would i would go back and listen to the address and the only thing that's going to hold him up the only thing that held president obama up is opposing politicians who are not concerned about people they just want to just want to get in the way of what another person is legislating i'll give an example then i'll let you go when we were when we were a very young church as we always have we've already had a lot of children yeah and at the and at the end at the old church we did not have a nursery i don't know if you were there then but that was like the first two years we didn't have a nursery and i actually had a group of people that opposed us turning a room into a nursery yeah and what i what the lord taught me in that transaction was this if the kids know it's a good idea if you've got enough children around to to to to to know it's a good idea if you've got parents that are saying it's a good idea but you've got people saying it's not a good idea for us to have a nursery so the kids can have a place to be while they're in service blah blah blah then it has nothing to do with the idea has everything to do with the person that's bringing the idea to the table correct so people in our time period now let's switch up to now politicians are rejecting ideas not because they're not good but because of who's bringing them to the table right so so so you have very good legislation that politicians bring to them and i'm saying all politicians can bring to the table but other politicians oppose it because it was not their idea right so that's what presidents are up against okay now in some cases we got presidents that are just wacky so their ideas are wacky so you know we the ideas are not good because it they hurt people instead of helping people or you can't focus on a small percentage of people at the expense of the rest of the nation those types of policies should not be passed right so so i yeah go ahead okay let me ask you this question out of the last few presidents that we've had who do you think did the best job that for america i i think it's i think it's difficult to i think the priority at the time dictates who did the best job at the time so so so you know uh we have a lot of people that criticize health care they called in and criticized health care until they needed it and then they had to they had the strength to call back and say i was wrong i lost my job i got obamacare and it was great so there are always critical needs at the time right now we're dealing with a couple things we're dealing with the problem of environment we're dealing with the problem of infrastructure we're dealing with primarily the problem with covet and what it has impacted so there are going to be multiple legislations need to correct the issues under this administration right but what you're going to find is that even though the problems are known there will be some people that oppose the solutions simply because of the people that are bringing the idea to the table okay i understand your point yeah i gotta let you go man all right thank you for calling us again bye-bye no problem bye-bye eight two six seven 866-743-8267 is on point the number one saturday morning christian based call and talk show in america we're going to tom and then we're going to lucy good morning tom how you doing good morning how are you guys doing morning we're doing all right this morning when you talk about black republican um my uncle was appointed by george w to the bench okay and he's with family from south carolina i'm telling you we don't talk politics because that you know it becomes ugly yeah fight yeah but on the other end of that there are black republicans i think stand up colin powell yep uh some people may not like conley to race but she will tell you she got into school because of bernie's action and became president of a college because of that yep so there are people who know how to handle it absolutely like i don't think supreme court justice thomas knows how to handle it that's not at all you know he talks about pulling up by bootstraps he didn't really he it's been so long he didn't realize he didn't have boots on yep we're always striving forward based because we're in the glory of someone else's accomplishment yep uh like i said it's hard to um travel and like i said uh and and coming from south carolina my family and my uncle they were there when jim crow was happening and it just amazes me that none of that stuff can affect you and you know my parents moved on the carolinas because of that yeah i you know my family my my my family is originally from down south georgia florida uh virginia and um so we've got some real vivid tales you know and i have some vivid experiences about the reality of it that i don't understand why people expect folk that have been discriminated against to forget their reality i think the problem is racism does not like to be confronted it's an uncomfortable it's an uncomfortable conversation for a lot of people yeah and it it's more uncomfortable i believe for caucasians because uh they don't have to deal with it i had an argument once with the young lady and i said you know uh a lot of african-americans know you better you are better than you know us she goes why would you say that i can because the difference is you don't have to deal with us if you don't want to but we have to deal with you if i go get a bank loan i'm going to probably deal with you i'm going somewhere i'm going to deal with you you can avoid dealing with me to enhance i need to know who you are i i was in a professional environment and um in banking and i i confronted um and i was vice president that time i think avp or vp one of the two had a lot of responsibility and i confronted the red line uh reality in the banking in the bank's lending process um and i i saw the unfairness and i thought i needed to confront it but i did it from the point of okay i'm producing all this volume which gives me the voice to confront the problem and and but i but i saw how many of my uh contemporaries around the country were unafraid to do that you know i don't know whether they lacked you know i had god with me of course but i don't know where they lack the courage to say look i'm sitting here in a room with you and you've just approved a guy that just came out of bankruptcy for x this guy you want to collateralize his children and you still don't want to give him the money tell me what the difference is yeah and then i said this guy lives in this city this guy lives in this city i said they're four minutes apart right but you've decided anybody over that line is not going to get any money from us i said it's wrong right yeah man it was hot border it was hot that day but it just but he's right you don't have to deal with certain elements but then you know there are some elements you have to deal with all the time right yep yeah and this trip is sometimes hard i never made the levels you ever had but i i've been on board with the major corporation and it's hard not to tell your soul what i mean oh yeah i'm not gonna it took me a long time to open my mouth about anything i understand you're there i know that i was used for a couple things i understand i think sometimes just the the the joy at gaining the seat can put a muzzle on you if you're not intentional about it yeah and i've seen i've seen i've seen that happen until you didn't yeah i i you know i always always uh i listened a lot when i first am placed on a board or commission because i want to see what the flow is but i'm not going to ever let the wrong thing happened especially as it relates to certain segments of people um and just sit there finally made it to the table and then say nothing yeah that's future i'm i'm gonna get off a second but when i was at this corporation we used to meet once a month with a vp and we had a new black manager come in who was actually a level above me okay and i saw him about an hour before um this meeting and i said yo you got this you got that you got this he's like what do i i need that i had to run this guy back to the office because his white counterparts at his level didn't tell him if you go in there without this information he's going to hand your head to you it's a blood sport it is corporations man it's a blessing especially if they don't agree with your hire and you don't have the relationships they'll sabotage you by not informing you oh yeah i gotta let you go man hey you guys have a great day talk to you now we got tom tom we just finished talking to we're going to lucy alden pence eight alden pennsylvania i'll have my glasses on lucy is that you it is hi how are you this morning i'm fine i'm doing great welcome to on point good to hear your voice girl first of all i want to thank you and pastor nick for all you've been doing during this pandemic you have been feeding your seats um fishing really well taking care of us and we really appreciate all the effort and all the love that you've displayed to us thank you thank you lucy my question um has to do with the first part of the conversation that we had or that you had at the top of the show regarding preachers and pastors and i know you always say it matters where your church so on that vein could you elaborate on whether a seminary training is required or what type of what type of training should be um i guess intended to make sure that the congregants are fed the way they need to be fed or is that just a personal thing well i i think i think you and you're asking the right people this question this morning um i am pro-education pastor nick i believe is matriculating through seminary training right now right first institute yeah he's on his way he's on his way um i have no seminary at all and i don't say that bragging i just had to work and take care of my responsibilities so i could not take off and go to school so um what what has what has happened and what can happen in the body of christ is this you can have people that god has called who are committed to learning his word who have been given the spiritual gifts to teach it understand it relate with it and apply it um that does not necessarily have to come from a seminary and that once again i have to preface this i'm not anti seminary what i am is this i don't believe seminary necessarily choose teaches your ministry that there's the difference and some people i know guys that are very very heavy seminarily trained and not good at pastoring at all and then i know some guys that are not um not not schooled and they're not good preachers either so i think it's an individual thing um i remember doing a uh baccalaureate at lincoln were you with me that day no i'm usually here okay okay so i went i did a baccalaureate lincoln university which is my alma mater and um it was the first time in like 50 years they'd had a a preacher preacher they'd had preachers yeah but not preacher preachers okay we took our worship team with us uh beth winslow and and uh and uh tracy oh yeah uh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you took journey up there with us so this is a baccalaureate service which is supposed to be you know 45 60 minutes of we're going to have this church service because it's a part of what we do i think 35 or 40 people got saved spirit of god went flowing through the room and then afterwards a very famous seminarian internationally known preacher walked up to me and said can i ask you a question they said how did you do that without seminary and i told him i told him i used my bible yeah right okay so every day they'll teach you people they'll teach you this no you can get a degree in a subject it does not necessarily get you a degree in people now i've been blessed to know some people that are that are trained and good at people at the same time uh guys like matthew whiteley and his dad um trained seminarily trained and my trainer is on the job so you do a pretty good job you know i i never thought that i would be having pastor schools for the last 20 years but you know god has given it to us that way so i i think both god can use both both extremes okay all right well thank you so much absolutely take care god bless you both and i look forward to seeing you and god said absolutely take care all right bye-bye bye-bye eight six six seven four three eight two six seven eight six six seven four three eight two six seven that's eight six six seven four three eight two six seven eight six six seven four evans give us a call this is on point the number one saturday morning christian based call and talk show in america live every saturday morning 9 a.m to 10 a.m now we talk about politics we talk about religion we talk about sports we talk about current events faith we do all that we got danny from florida hey danny how you doing good morning bishop pastor nick staff how you all doing how are you doing we hanging man how's things in florida uh it's it's uh things are coming uh fruition things that i predicted that was going to happen okay it is happening and the wheels are in mo well to say that that's something that i just have to say is that uh beginning of the program uh something was mentioned about you and i just want to just go ahead and say it is that uh when i first time i ever heard you or saw you i felt something that was moving and i said well i've never heard anyone speak like this before it was so intense and it was so inviting that i had to go and see for myself to see if it was if it was for real okay and at that time uh my wife and myself we went and we saw you not only that we just didn't get up and leave i told my wife i've got to talk to him i got to meet him and when i met you i mean the feeling that i had uh it was everything was for real there was no falseness uh you didn't uh take the attitude that you were bigger better or more knowledgeable than anything else and the thing that i like about you is that my grandmother used to always say uh i like a preacher that will go ahead and make it plain okay and you do that okay you make it so plain and it makes so much sense and it's a lot of thought and preparation into what you do and what you say and that's the big difference and you don't mind sharing that knowledge that experience with other people and you don't mind helping other people that want to go and do ministry and i just want to compliment you for real i appreciate that man that that was that was in orlando that we first met right first person to person at mark sharon's church yeah yes yes yeah yeah yeah and and the situation behind that and i hurry up is that uh the time that we went we had to go back up to our room and come back downstairs we were downstairs we met gary oh wow you didn't know him we didn't know who gary was yeah yeah but we had to go back upstairs but guess what happened when we had to come back down what happened who was on the elevator bishop that's god yeah man i remember those days man that was yeah that was a good meeting at mark's church yes yes yes and i just want to keep up the good work that i mean that's what i want to compliment you on but the other thing is i i don't know if you've been paying attention to what's happening uh as far as what's happening in florida that law that i was telling you about oh man that they were slipping in just like georgia they have done it did they do it they did it they did he's getting ready to sign the bill okay it's it's almost identical to the georgia law and uh this past week they had uh the vice president to the vice president on national tv on fox and they're starting to push him oh no no no no no you know what you know what they're gonna do they're gonna force people to get on buses to go to the pole mm-hmm you watch what i tell you yeah you you can't give anyone water in they're gonna they're gonna bring they're gonna break they're gonna bring they're gonna bring their own water they go to the restaurant they're going to bring their own water and they're going to bust them to the polls you watch what i'm telling them and they still have to if there's people in line after the time like i should stay open so if they need to go to the bathroom they go come right back and they can't close the doors so either way it's not going to work for you then folks going to stay in line until 11 pm it's not going to work for them the worst thing you can do is tell tell a person what they can't do that that incites people to get up and try to do yep and then one more thing i just want to uh thank you for your help with uh had a situation where you gave uh some advice as to the situation with the young people yes about getting jobs and things like that it's working bishop wonderful what i did is ask them what do you want to do yeah what problem do you want to see falling in place from there yeah what problem do you want to solve yes hey danny yeah before you go i'm sorry you finished the last point man did you hear about that did you hear about that school in miami where um they're telling their teachers private school okay that if they get vaccinated they won't let them come back to school to teach until next year why yeah they're sending letters out telling the teachers don't get vaccinated why with unsupporting evidence that's stupid it's florida they forced our school superintendent to resign why because of the fact that the sentence he said that he presented himself with uh or he was testifying and he uh said something that was not true where he had interviewed or talked to someone that he wasn't supposed to talk to desantis accuse someone of not telling the truth yes yes come on dan desantis did that and the the what's behind that is that our superintendent he did not go along with the things that they were trying to do when he said that number one is that you need to go ahead and bring the kids back to school he said well i don't see any evidence where we need to bring them back he would resist anything so then what they would do they would say well we're going to keep money from you your district will not get any money and things like that so it was a struggle for them i think that the gentleman just you know wow yeah you know it it's amazing to me and i i've been saying this a lot i hate to be redundant about things but when or when was it ever more evident that our politicians were more concerned with money than they were with people's safety this gun thing this pandemic thing this police brutality thing i mean just they said some some infinitesimal amount of uh policemen went to court over these brutality things with tape yep i mean if you have the police have you know a white supremacy group yeah the infiltration has always been there right now yeah and then the court system too yeah this is why i actually had a discussion with a black man that denied that there was system there was systemic and systematic racism in the country and literally had to have a conversation which one did he live in thank you was he from here he lives in i think ohio i'm like bro ohio yes thank you i'm like bro look at our prison system alone i mean the court system by itself no what about his own personal experience i don't you can't you can't you know there's some things that i'll never forget danny never forget i can still see the sign over the restroom in virginia that said colored i can still see the signs over the water fountains that said colored i can still see them in my head yeah yeah and and even at that age when i experienced that i didn't fully comprehend you know this is okay i got a drink over here you know and i almost went in in in the white bathroom and my uncle y'all told me no no greg go to that one over there and then i looked up and saw you know colored over the door you know it's not like so i'm i'm like how those pictures don't go away they don't and his thought was well racist people exist and they're isolated incidences but the structure oh no he's he's it's not what's he tim scott come on man but you're right people like you who've been through who lived through jim crow mm-hmm infigurate you're 69 years old you figure your great-grandparents are probably either born into slavery or just getting out just getting out yes sir so that's literally three generations if i'm correct yeah one two who collects clan on the front yard like we're not that far behind y'all with crosses and hoods i'm like come on that's part of my family legacy like the oldest woman in south carolina died i think last week she's 116 years old okay so she saw some stuff so she saw some stuff her parents are probably slaves or like like come on y'all like so slavery wasn't part of the system well and and the electoral vote was not built on oh they they don't think on the channeled asset called slaves they don't they don't claim that no but uh it's clearly in history that's the reason why the electoral college so we didn't have a north south war like we had one but it wasn't about some people it was about money it was about states rights all that crap but they know it's about slavery it's free money thank you danny man okay thank you bishop be good you too now kiss my sister trump gets my sister for me all right all right talk to you bye-bye how much time do we have about seven six seven six six seven minutes we're good you still have time to call today eight six six seven four three eight two six seven i know the conversation has been a little dicey and a little controversial but that's the kind of one that's the kind of conversation you want to be a part of um so the census caused a little shift yeah they say some of the some of the uh weight has been shifted south which some republicans would be glad to hear that but i don't know what the democratic surge is happening but shifting west is not a good thing for republicans because i think washington state picked up some stuff did california pick up some more uh look think cal did california lose we look and see because they had plenty anyway but i know i know yeah i know new york new york lost one senate seat because for 89 people and i guarantee you a lot of those new yorkers did not feel that census out oh yeah okay but then be the first ones complaining when something happens absolutely so so like i got to ask you this question man i need somebody to explain to me how rudolph giuliani went from the mayor responsible for the response to 9 11 to this guy that we're dealing with now without i know i know the bible says how the mighty have fallen i get that what happened with him yeah he um but from from what i from what i i understand this may be limited that he showed behaviors like this before but 9 11 in the way he dealt with just he's he hinges his whole legacy on that okay uh i mean he did he was a little erratic literally right before he did a good thing by cleaning helping to clean up um uh times square you know brought all that business and he did a lot of mob prosecutions also yeah yeah so he did some good work but he's been a little clownish so he's been different different okay but brilliant but different and then i think he he started going out of the limelight once obama them kicked in and the further you get away from 9 11 the less people talk about you it's almost like he's trying to create his own favor yeah yeah and it's not and he had the favor of the nation i believe at one point he thanked the lord he didn't at one point i thought he could have run seriously for president yeah after that whole thing yeah yeah and michael cohen um trump's the whole lawyer tweeted after they what did the raid he's like uh he basically like they come they coming i guess they're coming after him and they're going to look for a little other people yeah they're talking about bill barr now well they need to go out to bar yeah they really do they they need to go after him he's i don't know what happened to him either they they say this guy that we know over the last four years is not the guy everybody else knew that's that's what's concerning everybody yeah i mean like what power does trump have like what what um uh it's it's not political it's personal okay i know you you may have seen the panel where um uh a couple guys that were really really in his camp they were asked the question what is it and they said it was a sense of belonging a sense of worth and being able to walk into a place with him and get some attention like they've never gotten before and the next question was and that was worth you compromising yourself and the guy said at the moment i think the the anthony's scaramucci scaramucci he said at the moment it was okay so he plays on people's insecurities well he understands that people want you know and then not knowing that he's probably more insecure than anybody else his reputation in new jersey especially atlantic city was absolutely horrible for the amounts of people that were purportedly put out of business and and um uh people that you know lost their homes and because he wouldn't pay anybody yeah and that's true now i will give trump one thing he knows how to paint an image of himself yeah and the hip-hop guys he was big in hip-hop before he became president they were he was in the rap lyrics he was he was the gold standard of what the people hope life would be i i just i just found it i found it strange that what people were willing to ignore and what people justified that he said every day that blew my mind i saw someone who said yesterday that following those people that are hooked up in that vortex are wandering through a wilderness of mirrors and i said yo just seeing the same thing no matter which way they turn yeah wow like it makes sense because it's a certain group a certain type that gathered to him and they find that hope in him that confirmation to him that mirror in him that yeah until he turns on them like he turns on every well yeah he does he does it's it's a pattern but the the thing the thing that people would ask the question also you know why do people get caught up in these radical points of view and i heard a guy say a couple days ago and it really impacted me that what they're getting from that is a sense of importance to believe that a system is plotting against them and for people who had felt like they had no importance at all to get the sense that you know there's this half of america that's against me is giving them significance so they when what we're looking at and seeing just craziness they're finding comfort in it because a lot of people are paying attention to me which which is crazy which is interesting to me because they eight years of their life they felt oppressed hard and then got the nerve to say we're acting like victims afterwards since we've been here wow y'all got radicalized but then y'all want to get on the black panther movement which really started off as a feeding program yes sir it wasn't about violence no it's about feeding people yeah we can't y'all carry guns we're gonna carry guns yep you shoot us we go shoot you back that's right that's what they preach all the time but i guess who determines it's different who determines what that this has been on point the number one saturday morning christian based call and talk show in america live every saturday morning from 9 a.m to 10 a.m on any smart device at david g evans one thank you for joining us today please tell someone about us and thank you for all of our callers today you kept us on the phone today just about an entire entire show and i'm so glad that you are interested in us please please join us next week tomorrow morning of course we've got our normal church services 8 a.m 9 45 to 10 10 10 45 is our live segment yeah the ladies doing that tomorrow the ladies are doing that tomorrow wednesday tomorrow okay it's women's oh that's right it's women's day tomorrow yep 11 a.m service so we've got a very special guest at 8 and 11 shamika speciality shalita fami will be with us communion tomorrow night at six man we got a full day pick up your communion elements today your bread and your wine today between 12 and 5 and tomorrow sunday between 12 and 3. if you have a prayer request email it to social go to bethany.com social at go to bethany.com subscribe to david germans 1 and bbc of nj subscribe to d jams podcast and on point podcast platforms faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 474
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: g-0xnWGTDWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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