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foreign foreign [Music] [Music] this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning good morning to you sir and welcome to engage live we are so happy to be here this morning that's right i'm deakin antoine and this is the lovely i am sister sakia come on and we hope you are feeling engaged we hope you are enjoying this morning's worship service eight o'clock i heard it was amazing i got some phone calls from family members and they loved the chestnut checkers series yes yes yes and you know engage live pre yeah we're outside all in the sun sitting in the chairs we are here and we are greeting you and we want all of our vip people that is someone who has not joined us before let us know you're joining us let us know where you're joining us from we love to know who is coming and sharing with us near and far that's right if you are a vip go ahead and throw vip in the chat also along with being a vip let us know where you're watching from so you can get some of that bethany love virtually you know some people are in the chat some of our faithfuls and they will love to welcome you to today's broadcast for the first time so if you're a vip go ahead throw that vip in the chat and let us know where you're watching from i know we have people from new zealand from africa from england from australia i think we had somebody from korea at one point watching so we're reaching all over the world and that's one of the reasons why our connections church is so valuable yeah so um especially when you're coming from afar and you can't join us in we aren't in person right now but when we do come in person you might say i still want to be a part of that bethany family so how can they join us with connections church so you can join us on connection church at go to bethany slash connections go to bethany connections and you can join and sign up there uh and we are something creating something very uh spectacular for you guys so get ready for that and speaking of connections let's talk to one of our connections church members oh yeah we have ada hey aydah hi my name is ada madison and i am a member of connection i'm also a member of church on the living edge with bishop mark sharon here in orlando where i live you know i first heard about bethany baptist church about three years ago when bishop evans spoke at our annual issachar conference and i was so blessed by him that i really i told him i became your internet stalker i started watching everything on youtube and you know i even found bishop evans on amazon prime i was watching everything you guys put out and he came back and he visited the next year and i had an opportunity to meet him and pastor nick and you know it wasn't long after that that coveted hit and you know our whole entire world's changed and one of the things that radically affected my my daily living was all this additional time i had when i was at home and it was about that time that i heard about connections church and i decided to hop in and you know i've been taking classes through the embrace series at through abundant harvest three days a week with pastor val and pastor nick and have been so richly blessed by it just amazing classes that they give in addition to that there's been other classes that i've taken with bishop evans and pastor nick and just amazing education and spiritual insight i've just been totally blessed by all of it you know if you're if you're sitting on the fence and you're wondering should i or shouldn't i i'm telling you hop in because it's not just the leadership in the amazing education the different ministries you can be involved in but it's also the other members of connections it's just amazing people just like me and you all over the place and it's just a super cool thing that bishop and and pastor nick have done in creating connections church in this time of all this crazy division in our world it's really been a great union i'm just richly blessed by it thank you bishop evans thank you pastor nick thank you pastor bell i love that background that eda had going on all right now aydah well we're so glad that you all are joining us we see everyone on here we have people all the way in florida mr cobb out in florida good weather i hope that weather is nice we want to come see you we have robin and ty we have shania hey shania you're going to be on this side of the camera so it's good to see all of you and angenette we have so much of our family that are here keisha bryant thank you for joining us sonia benjamin um family it's so good to see you we may not be able to see you in person but it is lovely when you we see you shout shouting out and giving your comments so thank you for joining us it is good to have you here with us on a sunday morning yes it's nostalgic it's all right all right part of our sunday right we also like to pray for everyone yes and we like to hear the testimonies of the saints we want to know what god has done for you this week what he did for you last night what it did for you even this morning so if you have any praise reports if you have any testimonies to share go ahead and email us at social go to bethany.com but we're going to read a few that we received this week and then we want to encourage you to put your prayer requests in the chat right now throughout the entire broadcast you can put them in there as many as you need to put in there if something pops onto your spirit yes put it in there because we're going to pray for it at the end okay indeed indeed so we have to have let's see we have um and angelia yep angelia franklin oh angelia thank you so much for sharing with us amen he lifted a heaviness from my heart that had been causing me great pain and released a major financial blessing we know that that weight that's wonderful when it comes to finances sometimes you just can't explain it's different and only your god knows so yes blessings and blessings on that we have elisha roland uh thank you jesus god has been so good to me i had back surgery and i haven't walked since may of last year wow he blessed me with the financial blessing i was unable to return to work he woke me up this morning and i took some steps this week oh blessings i'm so happy to hear that so happy to be here healing your healing amen guys verdel rivers every time you look around god is keeping you through and oh he's keeping you through it all and you just keep on saying thank you lord indeed did y'all see the way she did it every time every time right sometimes it gets to be a little i know we're gonna read this last one uh madeleine mccheese okay i'm sorry madeline i realized that uh walk waking up each day is such a blessing so i pray and i thank my father in the name of jesus for healthy and a healthy and great life yes it is yes it is we love these testimonies yes and if you are encouraged and you want us to pray for you and throw those prayer requests in the chat we're here we're the church that never sleeps we're the church that's always praying nonstop bishop pass nick pray over you guys we pray over you guys so go ahead and throw that in there right now yes and so because we have such wonderful leaders we have shepherd over our house that is making sure that we get all that we need that we are fed like we need that we are comforted and cared for like we need we cannot pass up the opportunity to just be thankful for this community it is 54 years yeah church has been given and sharing god's grace wow and so the anniversary is coming up are you ready i'm ready we need to celebrate 54 years our church anniversary is coming okay i'm sorry we want you all to just keep that in mind know that we have um some things in mind for the church and we're hoping that you will definitely celebrate uh not just with your presence with your time um with your volunteerism yes um with your donations um we just want to thank this community for doing so much for us because bethany's story is your story and if you want to share a piece of that go ahead and send your videos send your you can even email the story to us at social go to bethany.com you get some pictures we're going to be posting them all month long throughout the month of october just to celebrate bethany 54 years that is we're a young church but we're still a powerful church and we want to share the testimony of all the saints of what has happened to them yeah their lives are being transformed and just keep in mind that we are having drive-in celebration on october the 2nd so we want to make sure that y'all show up and show out and on october the 3rd at 1 pm we're all going to decorate our cars and everything like that following the drive-in service so we can have some more fun and coming together as a family community to celebrate our church so don't forget that and come on don't forget the pastor's celebration and we want to have we want to show the appreciation for our pastors they um like we talked about earlier they've done so much given so much of themselves now we as a community we have to pour out our love to them and all the sacrifices especially through this cove yeah i mean they've been turning out it doesn't matter right they've been working you know whether they're recording themselves or being recorded or going live or praying for whoever you know they've been doing things so we're asking each member if you can get as close to a hundred dollars we're gonna give it that day we're gonna give it on both days saturday and sunday during our drive-in services again you can decorate your cars you can we're going to do a parade around the building honking our horns wishing them well letting them feel real good yeah we like to decorate and celebrate yeah exactly get all the little color in you know so um ten times better man we kind of sort of have a game surrounding that don't we yeah yeah so we hope you all want to play the game right yeah it wouldn't be engaged right right it would be a gay program so what we're going to do we're going to read a description of three individual men okay we're going to read the description of three individual men while we're reading it we want you to think about all the lessons that bishop taught and tell us which one was the ten times better man okay all right so the first person the first man says i can't seem to learn from my mistakes i keep making the same bad decisions over and over again i know the bible tells me what i should do but i don't want to be obedient to the word i mean it's written a thousand years ago i hear that so much my goodness that word is so old so tell me does that sound like it ten times better man i don't know let's keep going well let me see let me see a man number two would say i'm the best of the best okay there's nothing i don't know already or i can't learn i call life like i see it and i don't like doing things outside of what i'm already used to you sound prideful to me i don't know you read the last one let's read this last one life isn't easy and sometimes i'm pushed outside of my comfort zone oh there goes that word but that's okay i know god has a vision for my life and the crisis will inspire me to be more creative he said that's okay it's all right that's okay i'm cool it happens sometimes right god got me which one is the ten times better man y'all i mean for me it sounds like number three it sounded like number three it sounded like number i'll tell you i fight against it but you know it sounds like number three it definitely sounds like number three uh we hope you enjoyed those descriptions and again just to let you guys know we are concluding ten times better tonight so get ready to tune in to that 5 30 and at six and post discussion following yeah because if you have any questions you want to wrap it up if you want to send your questions now send them now we really want you to um allow that to not just be what you hear but a part of your life right exactly so giannis giannis yes we have a uh in recognition of breast cancer awareness month we have our virtual walkathon with giannis which stands for you are not alone sister wait virtual virtual virtual yeah that's new yeah that's new so what they do i i'm not sure but we're going to find out no so what i'm understanding is they are walking from wherever they tune in so if you go and you walk the bridge or you go and you walk the park or you go and you walk wherever you are and you choose to be that is you and your favorite location and you will recognize an important cause and then you make sure you share we have information that that we're going to put up to make sure that you can email your picks take a picture of yourself you email your pics to social go to bethany.com and they'll share the videos in honor of that right so now it's time that the time that everybody's waiting for it is the discussion with our dynamic dude bishop and pastor nick today was the last day of our chest not checking seriously get ready for a new one so this is the time to ask your final questions get those get your thumbs ready ask those questions get engaged during this time of discussion we're getting ready to lead it over to pastor nick and bishop and we'll see you after this for more engaged life stay tuned good thank you for joining us again the good sunday so far yeah um good week um got us moving and just real quick some housekeeping before we get into the discussion before we forget yeah don't forget abundant harvest catering is serving food today they do every sunday you have up until 2 15 to put your order in chef is making sure everything is taken care of um go to our website and you can purchase your food there the abundant harvest bible institute starts this week pastor prescott's class starts on tuesday mine starts on friday go to our website go to bethany.com again go to bethany.com click on hbi and you can register there uh just during this time you need to keep feeding yourself i've had my own personal feeding time scripturally you know from the pandemic just just in general just to kind of keep focus so uh it's a great time for you to do that to plug in learn and there's something else i'm forgetting to announce but it'll come to me yeah sometimes i think as far as that growth is intentional in the kingdom the renewal of our mind like we've been saying for the last couple weeks is not an event it's a process and and being saved is a process if you're not intentional i found that during this time i've been much more intentional about studying the word researching the word hearing the word and i've become very selective as to who i'm listening to yes during this time absolutely i've kind of moved away from um the things that are not strengthening the fundamental foundational things that the kingdom represents because that's where uh the power in our lives is going to be released it's just um you know we can reason ourselves into weakness and doubt yes yes and and not be aware of that it's not the holy ghost entire job to strengthen us yeah that we have to do faith-building things and that's studying that word absolutely you know no work been rightly binding the word of truth yeah i think a lot of times we're getting so distracted listening to so many other voices that we may not uh be addressing intentionally uh the renewal of our own minds and the transformation of our own lives absolutely okay absolutely you're right because we leave it up to god just pray the lord work it out and it's like no like he's going to do it on remote right and it's not yeah and what's amazing he gives us his spirit so we have the ability watch this to discover the information that he's already downloaded in his presence absolutely yeah absolutely and you're right it takes a lot of reinforcement sometimes too where it's just you study something and you keep chewing on it meditation meditation meditating on it meditation we jump to another topic so fast that we don't get everything we can i'm actually going to talk about that today okay yeah it's it's um it's why both of us when we're doing series of messages we recap before we go forward you know so that those that heard it can be reminded and those that didn't hear it can get a grip on it before we go to another revelations absolutely oh yeah absolutely um so you know take the classes join in we're putting all this stuff out online for reasons plug in uh you can build your faith here build your faith though and know that a word may not be for you in that moment but six months down the line something the holy ghost will bring something back to your remembrance if you've been into it and it will meet you right where you are what's that we used to say you know i used to hear years ago not i haven't heard it lately that word wasn't for me or that word was for me not realizing that the word of god is consistent with the nature of god the bible says god is the same yesterday today and forevermore so every sermon or every teaching that we hear either we'll address something in our past address something in our future or prepare us for some address something in our now or prepare us for something in the future so every word has a three-dimensional purpose we need to not reject what god is saying to us because it may not fit the dilemma we're in right now yes but if we look at it it will address something in our past it'll certainly prepare us for the future yeah yeah well speaking though since you brought that up yeah that is that is a perfect segment yeah yeah because the conversation with the angel addressed his past absolutely where he was yeah and where he was absolutely that was a perfect segue into this because the conversation the angel comes and was like hey mighty men of valor the first thing gideon starts talking about is what's going on now what was happening before yeah and the angel's trying to talk to him about where he is where he's going to go yeah in spite of what's going on in the present yeah and what happened in the past yeah and that directive you spent a lot of time about that instruction piece that the angels come to prepare to instruct to come against our reasoning yep and every message from god yeah now we're not demonizing reasoning because you need a ration yeah it's just knowing when to put it down and trust god because if you can our big dilemma is we pray and then we kind of hinder the prayer by trying to figure out how we're going to do it when he says believe and receive yes which means the the how it gets done is part of his giving it to us yes so we have to have faith while he's working out the process while he reveals the process yes and sometimes that process is um is is is confusing us because at times the process itself doesn't look like what you've prayed for is about to be answered yeah yes but then there are some mechanizations that are going on that we're not aware of that are necessary for victory to happen absolutely yeah absolutely so the angel just is talking to him trying to shape his thought process and i love how patient god is oh yeah because gideon's story has that his time with the angel and then he goes into i need some confirmation and god does this thing about with the uh i think putting the blanket on the ground and turning wet yeah then you're taking too many people with you and then you reduce these numbers down and god is so patient with us because he i think because he knows the power of familiarity and it's something you've been saying he doesn't mind questions yes what he does not cotton to is doubt so i mean but it's so consistent from character to character and the bible when when a destiny conversation is happening the first thing they slip into is human limitation yeah and then god has to talk to them to get them to see yes that's there but this is what i'm going to do yes yes and that's what i was feeling that that from that familiarity like israel and egypt they come out they only have been a monthly change out of out of egypt and you know sometimes some people read that and expect them to be these great people of faith and god is like hold up it's like an infant let's teach you how to crawl that's why god wasn't so intense with them until the book of numbers yeah where after a period of time he's like after all i've done for you still don't believe me god takes us through the infancy of our faith teaches how to crawl how to walk how to run and he walks with us i mean think about it we've been safe for a long time yeah but and watch this we're still growing and absolutely our faith if you want to if you want to yeah you know there's some places where you can be strong in faith another place is like you need some help i need some help lord increase my faith yeah yeah and something i'm going to talk about today when when god wants to when jesus wants to develop your faith he starts talking to you about things like fig trees and cicum sycamine trees and okay showing you how faith can develop yes and what needs to be done for it to happen yeah yeah that's true yeah and god is all into building building building faith it's not it's not that he's okay with our doubts but he's patient with our doubts and he'll if here it is bring your doubts to god there it is well i think it's the difference between having a a working doubt or a doubt that's being worked out yes then a doubt that you are held bondage by yeah yes you know and that can happen with us when we are too entrenched in our opinion it is hard for us to hear the truth yes because the an opinion embraces you so warmly that it feels it gives you a sense of security in what you know yeah and oftentimes we don't search god's word for answers or the truth because we do not want to disturb the embrace of our opinion yes yeah yeah it's messing with our comfort but god is big and messing with our comfort zone he doesn't seem to care he just i mean he does care but he comes in and if he will infiltrate your familiarity your comfort zone because god did not create gideon to be threshing wheat and a wine present hiding i think we have to deal he has to deal with us making up our mind and him changing our mind so when we start out with that doubt and that fear we've we come from a place where our mind is made up so you know now i see well i've seen it before where the conversation with mary and the angel is he has to get her from what her circumstances are telling her what she's made up her mind about herself right and then move her to this is what god's going to do with you and what he's going to do with you is past your limitations yeah i'm glad you brought up that that was one of the things that got me about when i was listening this morning when you were on gideon was the hardest thing that god often has to fight with us is our own self-perception absolutely it's it's hard to preach greatness to somebody who feels dirty and secure a failure and god is he can get you out of egypt quick but changing our thought process yeah is one of the hardest things that god has to do not because he can't but our refusal to cooperate with we've got to participate in the transformation yeah and a lot of times i think we reject that you think of the miracle of the of the fish and the lows and jesus makes a real direct statement because i think what they said chafed him a little bit you know i haven't seen such a direct statement as you feed him yeah you know he he put him in a faith dilemma well you guys been hanging with me long enough you feed them yeah yeah and then they come back with well we don't have enough yeah food and whatnot and you know i can see jesus just shaking his head just go tell him to sit down but we're gonna bring it up on wednesday yeah because we're gonna talk about how provision is the test and all provision is is a test from god yeah because that exodus 16 he said i'm going to give them manna yeah but i'm going to prove to see if they can follow my instructions the story is not about the manna as much as it's about can they follow basic simple instructions in john 6 jesus asked philip what are we going to feed them the text clearly says he asked him to prove him to test him yeah yeah we don't look at provision as a test of something bigger getting ahead of myself there's something even as basic as that the tithe is not the test the provision is what will you do with the provision will you start a blessing with what i provided for you i think we may have blown uh our learning cycle because a lot of things we perceive as miracles are actually god providing for us yes like i believe as much as victory is talked about in the bible i believe victory is one of god's provisions for us it's a part of the process yeah yeah oh don't forget to ask questions so but we're just going on but it's a part of the watch on wednesday because we're really going to dig into this thing and just to kind of give her a precursor the provision is again like you said it's not the most important thing no the provision is the test it's just a platform for something yeah for what god can do that's bigger than money yeah bigger than a job yeah man but if i can't trust you with something as small as money as provision a job how can i trust you with the true riches i say it like this if you flunk the daily bread yes you're not ready for the factory that produces the bread yes yes and we flunk all these basic things and it reveals to god okay they're not ready for that yet so we stay milk consumers rather than meat consumers yes you know for far too long yes y'all watch on wednesdays we're going to start teaching this thing right now so goodbye so the first question is from sid from today's message sid have we ever heard from her before from today's message i thought about the gideon bible that is used that used to be found in hotels um what makes this different from the traditional cage king james version uh that is used wisely i think nothing yeah i think it's just the name of it yeah they there was a there's a evangelical company named gideon who cut a deal with most of the hotels that will put a bible in there and it became known as the gideon bible but it's the king james version all right so this next one is from joseph on youtube how do you find your place called there god told someone where to go and the raven fed him again how do you find your place called there god told someone where to go and the raven fed him that last part though i don't know even fit him the raven fed him no the raven yes oh the raven fed him raven fed him okay she's speaking in tongues [Laughter] okay well i mean okay um but i think but in that case with the raven god told elijah to go to the brook right so he told him where to go yes um you know there was a time when abraham was just travel and when you're on the way i'll show you where to get there but there are a lot of times where god tells them specifically where to go and they ought to trust him and and the difference is abraham is the illustration of faith and faith does not require details just destination so i've got to trust god for the journey to get me to the destination i believe and that that journey is where if you will the development of faith happens the test of your commitment happens all that happens during the journey that's why abraham is pretty quintessential as it relates to just being told where to go everybody else has a little more detail yeah yeah let me take you here yeah he may not tell you what i was going to take yeah yeah let's go there this is from robin did we talk about the ravens no no you went to let's go no did we no we oh well i think that was a tale of this okay so yeah so he told abram elijah to go to the brook natural provision yep because a brook is just simply like a cistern you get the water it's there it's natural yeah but there was the ravens which we've taught for years unclean birds very selfish what god wants to provide for you the famine he will change the nature of a thing that's right to take care of you that's right god knows how to send some ravens now oh yeah the heathens button and i think i think we have a total pastors on friday we have missed our ravens in this promise because we we are very uh accurate in our assessment of natural provision and we're gonna for the illustration we'll call the brook natural provision now we call it that because brook's other product of rain accumulating in a space so that's a knack that's a natural outpouring but the supernatural is what we normally don't look for to partner with provision so he says i'm going to put you by the brook which i've provided in the natural through a natural system but i'm going to send some ravens which is my supernatural contribution to your life yes and i told the pastors friday most of the time we are so focused on vision yeah we miss the supernatural provision of god yes yes yeah yep all right so this next one is from robin uh she's robin do we know her uh [Laughter] she says hearing about the demon angel what's the best way to know if the demon angel is attacking us and if there is a godsend angel protecting us does the good angel ever come to fight off the demon angel i think that i think that warfare happens out of our sight all the time yeah um it's it's not that hard to tell good from bad the message or the the utterance from the visitation will tell you what the source is i mean it's it's um we it's it's god is so clear in his bible to draw a line between the demonic and the angelic and the difference is the message and the method and the mission the message the method and the mission thank you lord that's the difference between angelic and demonic but what they say and what they promise will tell you immediately who you're dealing with all right this is from keisha bryant on facebook do angels protect us everywhere we travel in our destiny i think there is um reasonable biblical truth to say that yes each of us has angelic presence assigned to us now the thing that blew my mind passing it in the old testament i think it was exodus 23. um we can have an angel as a welcome guest or we can behave in a way where the angel is unwelcome because god has to tell them do what he says he will not forgive he cannot forgive is really what the inference is but he's not capable of forgiving so you can blow the opportunity absolutely yeah balaam when he was going to curse the people and the angels stopped yeah man and the donkey saw the angel yeah baylor did it allen didn't see him and he kept hitting the donkey don't get goggy let a donkey talk and say man why you keep hitting me don't you see this angel in front of us and balaam balaam was too uh too focused on his mission yes that he couldn't see he couldn't see what was going on around him it was god blocking his progress you know what to do with it that was blocking your progress talk to god but when god is the one in your way i know how to rebuke the devil i know how to rebuke myself but who do you rebuke when it's god getting in your way in your way turn around regarding purpose is it that we can never be satisfied in a comfort zone but always be taking good risk in moving forward this seems to be where the struggle of purpose lies let's back up a minute so we know purpose is not a destination purpose is a journey that's the first part the second part of purpose that i think is so um revelatory is that you're continually learning about god's purpose for you and how you fit in that purpose every single day of your life so i believe there are difficult segments of a journey which can cause us not to be clear as to whether we're in the will of god but he gives us his word to check and kind of readjust ourselves if we are moving out of his will what do you think yeah most to the first part a lot of people that i know that are older that are dealing what they used to call the shoulda coulda wouldas they're very unhappy yeah because they were living in the comfort zones for so long most people i know that live in a comfort zone are usually not happy people well they wouldn't be because they're not fulfilled they're not fulfilled at all no no there's no growth there yes no yeah you know so it's not so much that god does not want us to be in comfort zones it's that we are continually leaving what and this is this is this needs to be said these comfort zones are internal yes they're they're internal inner man inner woman comfort zones god is demanding transformation yeah so in the sense of comfort zones there's supposed to be a continual spiritual development on the man or woman of god so that takes you from a place and so the comfort zone that i'm i'm graduating from becomes a place of accomplishment the new comfort zone brings all the experience that i had in the old but new challenges ahead of me why for one purpose to grow me in my faith in my walk with god so the comfort zone in itself uh does not need to be indicted when we realize that internally god has saved us to change us yeah so to to say i've gone far enough and my development is to kind of reject what god wants to do okay my faith has really been tested during this time as i have lost several family members due to covet what is god trying to teach us what is the purpose of this covet pandemic we are really tired at this point that's a real question um i think you can answer this from a multiple way yeah for this one person is specific um dealing with multiple bouts of grief at one time that is the difficult thing even when kobe's not around that's just a hard thing just in general um i'm a big proponent of grief counseling listening to the grief series and pro faith doesn't deny the grief faith allows you to process that grief it's not that i'm not sad frustrated angry as i learn to process it we mourn with hope we're more different than everybody else it's not that we don't mourn so you got that part right there the other part is feeling like it's not fair why is this happening in my life but not other people right there are a lot of saints out here if we're real that feel like how come my loved one who believed in god took all the proper precautions still died and these people out here are not wearing masks not getting vaccinated and they're living like that's a real feeling that people have and the bible addresses that we we have to be careful not to judge our own lives comparing them to other people's lives the bible's very clear about that in the context of um of covet covet is being blamed for bad decisions covet is being blamed for people going home to be with the lord covers being blamed for disabilities and in in many cases it is appropriate it's absolutely appropriate what we have to lay hold to is god has given us this gift called grief yeah and in this season many families have had to experience what i call complex trauma yeah you know we many of us are used to dealing with a death every couple years but because of this pandemic and because of a lot of decisions that were foolish a lot of my friends have gone to be with the lord because they chose to rebel at the wrong time um or chose to exercise their faith in ways that did not consider the balance of the consequences of their decisions the whole point of grief and i believe god is is amending this is that i don't ever think we accept that we agree with the death of a loved one yep what grief does it get you from shock to the fact that you can accept it yes agreeing with it is not something i'll never agree with the way my mom died i'll never agree you know with the way my grandmother died 100 year old saint almost 101 praying this woman i know she goes the way she goes i'll never agree with that but i had to accept that that's the way god took her absolutely because sickness is the chariot that god sends for human beings yep it's the cherry absolutely that god lifts us out of this world into the next yeah yeah so i mean it's a lot of questions now how long when a lot of this is stuff we don't have control over stuff you have no we haven't looked at no we have no control it's just a crazy time thank you for this morning's message especially a part about purpose i had a child before i got married and always felt guilty especially in church how do i let go of the guilt and learn to live in my purpose well god has forgiven you if you've asked him and the last equation is you have to forgive yourself um guilt is the first stage that the enemy uses to get us to shame guilt is appropriate however shame re-identifies you so that you start to feel icky in places that should help you okay so to come to church and in some denominations uh you are never allowed to forget that you had a child out of wedlock because most pastors don't understand a balanced way of addressing the indiscretion but still opening up a future to the individual and because there's a condemnation platform in a lot of churches if you've ever made a mistake you never feel like you've been released from the embrace of that mistake yeah but in the right house with the right word we have to understand god forgives us and then we have to forgive ourselves and that's the beginning of that garment of shame just falling off yeah i did it it was not appropriate it was not god's will for me but i did it and now we're moving on yeah yeah i am the only saved one in my family and i get a lot of criticism on my new lifestyle okay how do i ignore what people say without getting angry or do i just separate myself from others the scripture tells us first off jesus says just very plainly the world didn't like me that's right you're not gonna like i don't like you either right it's just it's just the way it is yeah and sometimes now i'm not talking about the saved persons everybody got one in their family walking around condemning everybody that's not saying yeah right get right yeah but if you're just living your life not bothering nobody those in darkness will feel exposed being around somebody that just walks in the room with like because now you walking in means i got to change my behavior where i feel however i feel yeah but my thing is if they're that comfortable living their life you being saved should not make them uncomfortable which tells you something they feel something yeah when you're in a room all i say is this jesus says be the salt be the light just be it yeah and i i doubt if she had much criticism from these same people when she was living another choice so now that she's decided to live for the lord here comes criticism well the discomfort is not in her the discomfort is now in them because in their minds does she think we're better she's better than us now are we you know just all going to hell well possibly but [Laughter] the reality is is that we all make choices in life that not everybody has to agree with yeah but they have to accept i need you to stop waiting for agreement and just be satisfied that they accept it start living your life in the lord exhibiting the obvious relationship with god and watch them start to become curious about this change that's producing so much fruit absolutely just keep leading with love yeah being graceful yeah that's what i forgot tonight we're concluding 10 times better tonight is it for the men for the men yes okay so 5 30 this night 5 30 tonight we'll be on for our pre-discussion six o'clock is the video post discussion after and then uh 10 times better women is going to start october the 10th i believe okay um that'll give us time to market it yeah kind of get our stuff happening it's going to be high um and outdoor community we're going to try again in october good that's two weeks from now october the 3rd market calendars it's going to be fun let's pray for good weather and uh we'll be out there and we'll send you guys back over to uh the engaged crew wow it's always a good time and a good discussion right that's right uh one of my favorite parts before i forget it because i was trying the whole time to remember it bishop said if you fail the daily bread to us that means you're not ready for the factory that produces the bread one of my favorite things where um [Music] god you know he'll change the nature of a thing to provide for you yeah and in my mind i'm like oh that's happened so many times you know i love when he speaks right to you know just everything you experience in life and it gets no better than our god does it yeah we got bonus we got bonus message right within engage so yes yes if you loved it go ahead and throw some hearts in the chat right now that was incredible it was incredible and one of the things i wanted to give a little shout out ty i'm so glad that your daughter does engage with us i hope that she continues as she grows up and grows through our ministry all of our young youth ministries that we have that's what i love to see when they start from small and they grow into this church and we grow as a family through these discussions right here so um i want to give shout outs to we have um people who have been in this discussion thank you sid and robin for those great questions for joining us howard the cove and mccauley hey cousin i see you um there's just a number of people who have been joining us every single week that's right i love you keep joining us in the halls of our church that's right uh so what did you like about this morning's message oh man so i'm really salty that the series is ending um conversations with the angel it made me ask myself you know what am i doing have i encountered an angel my god what would i do if i did yeah am i walking right you know you get a little convicted and so it is it's you know there's so many um principalities out here and you're thinking about just the fact that it is it's chess not checkers and what it just told me is i'm going to need to go down to the harvest hall and get the series so i can keep getting those nuggets and really let it be a part of my life yeah exactly exactly i think for me the whole series within itself was from the angels to the demons to the curses to i forgot all the other parts it's all of it you know we've been in it for quite some time i love how he took his time and broke things down but today's message specifically the conversation about purpose the part on purpose really spoke to me i love when bishop talks about purpose because if you know his story he had to go through the process of purpose to get where he is yeah so he's speaking from a very real place but he's adding biblical truths to what process and purpose really is so i love that it always speaks to me yes and i am a little sad at ten times ten times that chestnut checkers is ending but i'm also excited about the next series that's coming ooh we never know what's next and i'm excited and you know you you did ten times came out of your mouth and are ten times better is kind of ending but it just really makes me this chestnut checkers series ending alongside 10 times better man ending it makes us wonder okay so where did we go from here because he always makes sure everything relates to real life we talk about the bible being written ages and ages ago but it's you know bishop takes that message unfolds it peels it like an onion and brings it home to what we're dealing with today and that makes it an experience in itself so i'm very fortunate and grateful to be a part of this church that's right um if you are enjoying all the lessons that we've been doing all the things that's been going on uh we want to encourage you to get ready to sign up for abundant harvest bible institute oh yeah we have classes going on for this semester we have a class with pastor nicki mentioned did the class of president prescott for the fall semester so many amazing uh courses if you want more information go to go to bethany.com so you can sign up there and i think you need to take this time now while you have it to invest in your spiritual growth yes you know get some knowledge under your belt add on to just sunday and wednesday and the best way to do it for us in this context is abundant harvest bible institute because some of us can't go back to school but you can attend a class every now and again be challenged learn some things and come out different take it a little deeper that's right all right so as you know we always have a full week yeah church that never sleeps there is always content for you to see and we want to make sure because even later on today what is it 5 30 5 30 is the post uh the pre-discussion i'm sorry for ten times better six o'clock is the conclusion yeah better and then at following the video right after that is the post discussion where you can ask your final questions and they can wrap it up right then and there so we want everybody who can to attend we want to throw this off with a bang never forget our we have something every day of the week our maximized money yeah yes and then on tuesdays we normally have it'll entertain change between you know either our men's safe house ministry or diamonds women's ministry we always have it alternating to cover everyone wednesday night you know we're always making sure that we get fed come on that's right weak feedings can't forget that and so you know just making sure that no matter what you're doing on any given day you tune in to any one of our yes all of it if you see that notification pop up go ahead and see what it is yes if it pops up just jump on and join us because we are always engaging online yeah and and don't forget to uh you know don't forget to to share those those comments and and and share those posts uh while you're watching if you can't stay on long hit that share button for us it goes a long way and speaking of sharing we have something very special for you to see with our spotlight on the music nature we want you to check it out right now yes we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when we're singing we're not just singing to entertain apology accepted no more singing because we're singing to the audience of one another i've been poured back into so much uh being a part of the ministry just uh being around great leaders it's helped me have a stronger and closer relationship with god it's ministry be in the presence of god first [Music] [Music] as i was freaking out [Music] you can't beat it no you can't you can't you can't beat our pastors and our music ministry we've got so much to learn thankful for all the love i can't give enough love to our family so we hope you know you don't forget about past appreciation month uh we hope you enjoyed that ministry music ministry spotlight music ministry plays a big role here and it's great that we are able to highlight some of the things that go on behind the scenes and how uh some of us including myself and i saw myself in the video how some of us uh are uh changed by the music ministry so speaking of change um we got a couple prayer requests from sid beachem requesting prayer for my brother who is having a medical procedure on tuesday god bless the hands who do the work amen prayer for the children that are attending schools this year to keep them safe from covet that is important that's very big and from sister minson pray for supervisor denise green for healing that the doctors are still testing for the issues of her sickness and there are many other prayers out there that we didn't even mention so know that they are seen and know that we will continue to keep you in prayer so keep dropping it in the chat and we will cover it we're definitely going to cover it uh so let's look to the lord in prayer amen uh right now father we thank you thank you jesus once again for this moment lord thank you for this day and this opportunity thank you god for all that you've done before we even ask you for anything god we thank you for everything thank you god thank you for the healing that's going to happen to sid sid's brother thank you for the healing that's going to happen and sister milton's supervisor that you're going to figure out what's going on that you're going to be with the doctors that you're going to touch the hands that do the work that you're going to illuminate in the doctor's minds let's try this let's this is the reason and miraculous healing is going to take forth we pray god for the children who are all around the world who are attending schools in the midst of covet we know that we're taking as much procedures as we can naturally but god we ask you to supernaturally cover each one that even be beyond the mass let there be another barrier that protects them from god let it be the blood we plead the blood over every school over every region over every uh state every district in the world we plead the blood over god let there be protection no kovic cases no kids dying from covet we rebuke the enemy even right now god we pray for those requests that we have not seen god we ask you to give them the desires of their heart we pray god that you do it for them according to your riches in glory in christ jesus we ask you god for healing we ask you guys for financial breakthrough we ask you guys for success in business open doors close some doors that need to be closed connect people with the right people sit in that favor that comes on two feet god change us also on the inside out remove that doubt remove that depression remove that low self-esteem remove those things that are holding us back from you god i ask you lord to take us even higher lift us higher tonight lift us higher today as we get ready to go forward in ministry as we get ready to go forward and higher at 11 o'clock god we ask you to be with us be with our pastor be with pastor nick thank you for this uh dynamic church for 54 years of ministry god we thank you for what you've done for transforming lives one at a time now god as we leave this broadcast i ask you to be with us take us through another successful week at work and remove the stress in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen amen thank you for joining us bethany family we always enjoy engaging with you yeah i'm again i'm deacon antoine sakia foster and we hope you feel engaged see you next time
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 102
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Cb4B_t9LU6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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