Only paid $20 for this at the flea market... what's it worth?

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all right another day another adventure lee sport flea market try to find some treasure early morning i don't know where the sun is but i'm here [Music] so so hello [Music] good morning hey there they're buzzing they're buzzing every day [Music] okay uh uh all right so i bought this it's for measuring gunpowder so those little things over here i've never seen it so of course i paid more in here oh i want to make a little pile never know everything this goes everything here is two for a dollar got three things all right so i just picked up a bunch there i don't like four items kind of interesting items a really nice print um everything there was two for a dollar it's kind of hard once you pick up enough things it's kind of hard to keep digging so i'll probably head back over there uh apparently the price has gone down though so i think everything was a dollar probably this morning two hours ago some people like to sell like that like everything's a dollar until eight o'clock you know it's like 6 30. you know it's like six not 6 30. um then like 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock everything will be two for a dollar etcetera it's a really nice uh little trailer there i'm gonna be listening to it oh yeah can't forget about salsa so i know is getting a variety back here get star wars thing i don't know why i'm getting that star wars thing but star wars no i don't know this is so random but don't see a lot of ohio stuff around here someone get this yardstick learn it can't set up i mean there's no they got these here right i just it was broken yeah yeah yeah yeah oh you've been yeah yeah yeah take care yep i'll take this for 20. cleaned up that's good for those who liked my last video on all the flowers it really is an insane price so like this is 11 a flat and i was at lowe's to get basil because i actually didn't get basil here and i got from the grocery store and it was terrible um but it's like four dollars per four pack at lowe's so yes this is eleven dollars flat that's eleven flat all these marigolds are eleven dollars a flat so it's pretty much a quarter of the price for any flower lovers out there if you live by lee's port flea market they probably have a sale going on for a little bit but as i can see a lot of this stuff is starting to really bloom they looked a lot more like this last time i was here now they're looking a lot more like this but this is for all the flower people out there it's a dollar or four pack so one of these like individual four packs is a dollar it really is an insanely great deal all right so we made it back home salsa has licked this so much unbelievable no no soft goods for salsa the sniff but um the tail's going everything's going uh overall another very very fun day at least port i know i think i skipped like two weeks but i made it back this week uh the nice thing about leaf sport is there's a lot of people out there who do like who do kind of like treasure hunting box slots dig through boxes which my flea market used to have a ton of people used to do that and now it's kind of like everyone kind of sets up the old-fashioned way i guess you can say i'm just like putting out tables there's maybe 30 40 items on the table you get to you know pick whatever you want uh also leafsport seems to have a lot more antiques and vintage which i like whereas my flea market's starting to get kind of into the new stuff which you know if you're into that maybe you are but teach your own uh so i found one guy who sells like everything for a buck and uh or two for a dollar and i got this awesome print or photo it has a stamp over here of redding pa really nice i don't know what was kind of going on here i have no idea but a long time ago i think this is uh october 16th to 2020 1920. so that's kind of neat um can't forget salsa pup we'll do these things later oh no i got some other things there too but gotta hurry a couple a couple tug toys uh this was all like four for a quarter or four for a dollar i don't know why i really bought stuff there oh cause i bought the yardstick i wanted to spend more than a dollar there 1987 oh i thought that said 67 but it says 87 some cars if you're into this kind of stuff i got one pez my neighbor actually collects pez the day i got salsa i went to go see a pez collection very true it's the only reason why i kind of remember this is just because it was the same day that i got the pez collection and the day i got salsa so pez are kind just good luck um i don't know if he really collects the new ones but i've seen his collection he has a lot he has displays he doesn't really like go out and buy them anymore but he used to very cool there happy dog uh i think oh yeah this is where i got the four for a dollar i am not buying this one yard yardstick columbus ohio kind of cool thing about this advertisement these yardsticks or a lot of the stuff i find are very local and i would say every maybe 10 or 15 yard sticks i find are maybe not in pennsylvania usually they are new jersey but ohio is the other state that touches pennsylvania actually the state on the left or the west side of pennsylvania so it's kind of cool to get this because i don't really come across a lot of advertisement like this for other states or cities kind of an old bottle printed on frosty old-fashioned root beer i thought this was kind of neat i don't know what it is maybe it's for uh i have no idea i thought maybe it was for candles looks like there's mark germany kind of like a dog an elephant a wood elephant kinda neat i picked up this so there's one guy there who does like table lots and it looked like this week he put all the stuff that hasn't sold in his stable lots into boxes and everything in the box was a dollar so he's one of those who puts like prices on everything so this was 450 originally i guess it never sold so eventually just put it into the box lot after a couple weeks of not selling norristown so that's local kind of cool to see his local advertisement uh i did pick up this for three dollars i thought it was neat i've never seen one it's for uh shot powder uh i'm not sure if this is for shotgun shells maybe possibly very different shot size i don't know i thought it was neat not a lot of people do reloading as much as they used to and i don't know if this is kind of obsolete but a little bit different and lastly lastly i got this one old fire extinguisher for twenty dollars so i thought it was kind of cool and the reason why i thought it was cool is not only was it really uh well i thought it was a good deal for 20 bucks um the heck what now you're scared of it uh i thought it was neat because when i was at an auction not too long ago they had a brass one and larry did not want to buy because it did not have the front plate which i guess he was talking about this plate this says matchless standard i tried doing some research i really couldn't find much about it on ebay but i probably spent about two minutes the funny thing about picking this up so i pen i paid 20 which was the asking price the funny thing about this is probably five minutes later i saw someone selling a very very similar one it's on a very very similar one for seventy dollars no less than five minutes later so i thought it was a really good deal sometimes these come in brass uh this one's in copper i don't know the age on it but very neat to see one of those and especially be able to buy one i think this is the first one i've ever bought i know i've had the brass one the small brass ones but this is my first larger uh canister i've ever picked up uh overall another very very fun day of treasure hunting hopefully you guys and girls enjoyed this video if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts let me play more flea market adventures in the future and i'll catch you guys next time next adventure until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 20,369
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: Flea Market Find, Flea Market Buy, buying antiques, vintage, retro rick, buy and sell, resell, reseller, resold, resale, buy sold, swap meet buy, swap meet, swap meet antiques, vintage video games, video game hunting, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, found at garage sale, abandoned, vintage gi joes, what's my antiques worth, ebay, etsy, amazon fba, craigslist hunter, scavenger life, podcast, reseller podcast, reseller vlog
Id: LpzcepM5aJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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