Antiques Thrown Away In The Trash! Trash Picking Ep. 438

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all right well in the foreground that's the right word there's a tractor going out and about um they are currently i think bailing all the uh i guess it's grass i guess it's grass or hay or whatever it might be but uh they might be bailing and we're also bailing out of our place because we're going trash picking let's make another fun day day day i combined the two videos or two days into one let's see what's in the trash been a good couple of good couple episodes here recently so let's make it a fun one find some treasure let's do it all right muffler or catalytic converter don't know i don't know oh could be all right tried factor oh yeah i don't think this is gonna sell but it's antique i hate to see antiques going to trash this thing's definitely so i mean this is a 20 bill that might be five and one of these uh school bench it's your school desks listen desk so [Music] if one break is broken man see how all that stands up for probably one of the nicest grills i've ever picked up nice bench so that's 100 falling over [Music] i didn't want to fall over on my passenger side and not be able to open up that door sometimes i get pinched on that door and you can't open the door wow this has some weight it's a wave pump or something thingamajig watkin watkins wave master jet pump looks like a broken planter go to the beach [Music] kind of stunned this thing hasn't fallen over yet all right so i just went ahead and drove by that one house i had all that nice furniture well damn it wasn't that all right anyway i drove by the house i had that green piece of furniture i picked up last week which feels like just a couple days ago um nothing out and that's kind of crazy thing is sometimes these houses that have so much stuff out week after week so maybe a door back there um some of these houses they have stuff week after week after week and then all of a sudden they just nothing not even a trash can it's kind of uh surprising to me i think up here we'll find the uh only a lot of these pavers here we'll find what's called the sunoco house last week i picked up that one sunoco uh oil can and i did a little bit of research on it seemed almost impossible if not impossible to find that same exact size for that same exact can so who knows what that thing's worth this house has this gray trash can it doesn't look like they have much out if anything out garbage down there but confident we'll still find some more stuff yep nothing at that house this week we will find more things i can almost guarantee it this is interesting it's like i've said this a couple times a couple times aside from the wind some of these towns will not take air conditioner dogs are just barking at me so they won't take air conditions this one looked like it was probably really happy um so i don't know where the rest of that air conditioner is it has probably been two years since i've stopped at this house they threw away a really awesome this is a really interesting light oh it's missing the rest they threw away a really awesome wood santa display probably like three years ago get yourself a lamp or whatever this is gotta be a lamp all right what we got out here hey look picture frames pretty confident they were here last week uh another small picture frames there you got here don't nope nope nope that one's missing no this is kind of neat i don't know what the heck this is no clue what that is did like this one that's kind of cool it's kind of like a modern look to it not a huge fan of the backing on it but you know come on it's a trash a dictionary probably something i should read we'll leave it for the next guy to read my parents were a huge book people huge book people um they weren't like dictionary people they're just huge book people and uh that trait never got passed to me alrighty now we're looking at an air conditioner and whatnot what do we have here i don't know what in the world this thing is looks like you hang it does it like rotate it's always looks sunny no matter which way you look i have no idea what this contraption is some sort of decorative piece but uh yeah as you guys saw on the first day uh we got the cabbage cutter as well as the wooden bench there's also a like a student desk chair in here as well uh we got ourselves two grills can't believe we found one yet alone two and a nice bike that apparently just needs a new brake light or a brake line i should say not brake light uh and yeah a bunch of metal we got ourselves a picture frame so still still another fun day of uh treasure hunting out there uh still amazing every single day go out treasure hunt we still find something out there uh so yeah that that's gonna wrap it up here for another episode hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another trash picking episode if you guys are new to the channel you haven't subscribed subscribe down below plenty more videos just like this will be coming out in the future now as we get into the summer months as well so hopefully you guys enjoy if you guys enjoy hit the like button subscribe down below i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 29,022
Rating: 4.93716 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Found in trash, garbage truck, garbage pick up, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, recycle metal, recycling, scrap pallet man, found gold, gold digging, river diving, aquachugger, dallmyd, scrapper, junker, junk collection, bulk pick up, trash pick up, garbage collection, recycle, scrap metal, scrap metal pick up, scrap man, thrown away, best trash picking find
Id: svLhk9D2CCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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