Online Worship Experience || Evening Session || Sabbath, September 4, 2021

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[Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a guan people [Laughter] how are you everybody and welcome back to online worship experience it is the afternoon program of the first sabbath in the month of september this morning we were fortunate and we were blessed to have heard the word of god in such potent context and so this evening is absolutely no exception we will be going into the word of god again in a different format but it will still have the same potency in terms of truth light and clarity and so we welcome you back this afternoon to our program welcome if you are joining us on facebook of course our viewers on youtube those of us who are joining on instagram blesstv wccn wherever you are joining from we say welcome back to church it promises promises to be a blessing camara talk to the people girl okay this morning guys i'm still trying to find my footing after that sermon i stood in the hallway and i just couldn't help myself because it touched every fiber of my being and i'm still contemplating it just encouraging you though to spread the message abroad you may not be able to preach like pastor samuels but you are certainly able to live that life that is pleasing to god and as a result of that others will come to follow him because of your living we continue to be covered by god's grace and connected in his hope and when we are empowered by his spirit because it's by his spirit alone that we can no doubt we will go and so i ask you right now to do me a favor that after three ladies we're going to ask them to subscribe so after the count of three we say subscribe if you have not yet subscribed to our channel we're gonna ask you after the count of three to do so so you're ready all right tell them where the subscribe button is first wait for me it's on your right hand section of the screen right and the word is there in big boy and big bold and red subscribe okay and there's a little tiny bell that you can press to get the subscription notification all right and it's very easy so let's count them down hold on yes it's free no charges all right so after one two three subscribe yeah oh yes good afternoon everyone once more and we have lots in store as usual and you know the holy spirit is in this place right here at the west jamaica conference in the uh on the island of jamaica of course and we definitely we are going to be starting you off with some lovely music and we or our praise team will engage you and we will move into our i want to live healthy challenge so i hope you are on board and you drank your water right and we're going to be moving into our bible class remember please give us your time and bring your bibles and your mentorship connection program and your prayers sending those prayer requests and we are going to just engage you but before we do so let us pray most kind and heavenly loving lord we thank you so much for loving us for being here for anointing us with your spirit today we ask now that you may continue to help us to reach others and that the others that are viewing may be blessed by your words through jesus christ our lord amen the praise team [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] skipping [Music] praise the lord for what he has done [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] when we reach the city in is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] when my soul condemned to die [Music] is [Music] [Music] for i need the light to guide me [Music] yes [Music] all the way [Music] he went for me [Music] me he went [Music] he set me free although [Music] jesus washed them all [Music] jesus watch them but jesus watched them jesus washed them although i had so many many sins jesus [Music] daniel's heart surely [Music] is [Music] if you only know is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] don't mind your friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] get ready [Music] just like a magnet yes it is [Music] just like a magnet [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i must apply [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's coming down down down it's coming down when the glory of the lord is coming down [Music] and the hallelujah of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] keep it ready [Music] [Applause] all day [Music] midnight the holy ghost is all on fire [Music] [Music] follow me my lord let the [Music] power from heaven [Music] from [Music] amen [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone welcome to our i want to live healthy segment i have with me today dr douglas street he's from the glen devon seventh-day adventist church and i have with me sister susie and she is from the king's seventh-day adventist church and today we are going to be focusing our attention on living healthy or i want to live healthy campaign last week we started with our drinking water and i am here to testify that i did my eight glasses of water dr street did you participate yes and i can see it sister susie did you participate yes and i know pastor drummond participated and quite a number of persons signed up they went on to the west jamaica conference website and they registered they signed up they participated and they shared their testimony and i am testifying that i am reaping the benefits from my minimum of eight glasses of water per day online with us today we have two persons sis dr mark and sister nugent and they're going to be sharing their testimony with you stay tuned good afternoon thank you for this opportunity to on this platform this afternoon aileen from the breadbasket parish saint elizabeth where we went on the water challenge and we have the slogan five cops to stay alive eight cups to be refreshed and ten cups to be rejuvenated and we look at it from the point of view of john chapter 4 verse 15 when the woman said unto him sir give me this water that i thirst not neither come either to draw the water challenge for centralism we have a number of individuals signing up we have 10 of the participants i've been drinking water to stay alive five cups we have thirty percent drinking water eight cups of water to reach your arm to refresh and we have 60 of our participants rejuvenating by drinking 10 cups of water i did the one that rejuvenate me and you see this afternoon i'm rejuvenated but i have another person on the line sister bailey green who not only rejuvenated but she will share uh testimony with you mr bernie green [Music] seem as if i'm not hearing her but i can read she said okay go ahead hi good afternoon yes i followed the the the listening terms of drinking water for the week and um i am feeling refreshed younger looking skins that my skin is lighter and um it gives next to your mind i have a lot doing and it helps with all that i have to do so it clears my mind and it really keeps me as so i am thankful for this challenge and of course this is something that i will find thank you so much i'm nick hello everyone i am not from the week to jamaica conference i'm from the north jamaica conference but um pastor drummond is like my baby and so he introduced me to this this challenge and unlike sister mark i went individually and i can tell you that i have benefited a lot from this challenge i did my eight glasses from sunday to um thursday and friday i did nine glasses and um i find out that after drinking this water daily it makes me my energy level just super because the week before i was so low in energy i could hardly move about but since this water challenge i have been open about walking um i am working in my garden for longer hours and um i find that i i sleep like a log at night and i have less craving for food and um i i just i just keep perspiring and and it means that i'm getting rid of the toxins that are in my body and last but not least i have better bowel movement so i am not going to keep this to myself i will be sharing it with my family and my church brethren and my friends amen amen so we we just want to say thank you and i can see that persons have really been benefiting from participating in the challenge if you have not yet started please sign up go on to the west jamaica website and register for today i want to live healthy campaign for this week we're starting a new challenge and i'm so looking forward to this one this week our focus will be on fresh air please log on and i'm just going to ask you know to just tune into this video that will be shown get as much fresh air as possible with more of the world's population living in cities air pollution is having a greater impact on our health the air quality in our homes and offices can be threatened by the burning of wood mold growth chemicals from carpets and enclosed spaces fresh air has a meaningful impact on all aspects of our health in such a polluted environment it is difficult to get fresh air on a consistent basis breathing air is not just about getting enough oxygen air should be as free as possible of pollutants for optimal health fresh air is good for your digestive system it helps improve the blood pressure and the heart rate it makes you happier it strengthens the immune system it also cleanses your lungs so make sure to join us on this exciting journey ask your adventist friends or your health ministries director to show you how to sign up and also visit our website at and click on the button see you next week for the next healthy [Music] as is noted fresh air is not just about breathing or getting enough oxygen it is about optimizing and keeping our environment clean and with us this afternoon we have dr street and we're going to be reminding persons to put your questions in the chat because dr street i'm sorry is going to be answering our questions so i'm going to be posing some questions to dr street and sister susie is going to be monitoring the chat and should you have any questions she's going to pass them on to doctor street so dr street let's begin our challenge for this week is going to be fresh air the first question what what we're talking about fresh air what is it that we're talking about what is clean fresh air how do we get it and what are ways that we can improve the quality of our air thank you mr suzanne no fresh air is unpolluted air at a normal temperature of course if your temperature is too hot or it's too cold then it can have negative impacts and in fact some persons may even get um asthma attacks because of breathing in here that that is too cold so it's important that temperature be also okay now some other ways in which we can improve our access to fresh air is being out in nature nature usually has fresh air it's also best to try if possible to um to to go into the rural areas where we can get better access to first year because it's very difficult to get um unpolled here when you live live in a city especially those larger cities so getting air um from the rural areas is important if you if you live in a city and they have a wooded area nearby then you could um go into those areas to to get fresh air and even in your own surroundings you you can do a lot to improve on the quality of your fresh air for example you can ensure that your your um your living space and your work space is properly ventilated these days we tend to live in environments which are um controlled by air conditioning and of course this will reduce ventilation and and um and also reduce the temperature and those two things can impact on your health unfortunately now you can also ensure that you that you sit up when when you sit up and um in a proper posture it will allow your lungs to be properly uh ventilated and will allow more ear to get in and out of your lungs you can also ensure to limit the use of chemicals in our environments um things like you know bleaches disinfectant irrefreshing this is reduce the quality of your of your ear and also ensuring that there's no mold in your environment because this can also reduce the quality of air that you have so these are some of the things that you can do to um to improve on the quality of air and improve your access to fresh air right so as we we just focused on the ways to improve the quality but let me now ask you a question what is the importance of fresh air to healthy living is there any benefits at all to the body and is there any benefits at all to the mind what are the benefits yes there are many benefits and of course even if you're in fresher it's important for you to to take in that first year so of course you want to ensure that you take deep breaths sometimes and early mornings are it's usually one of the best time to to get your fresh air when you get fresh air then this can help to remove toxins from your body of course it can improve on your mood it can remove it can improve on the clarity of your thinking it can improve on your immune system your digestion your emotions it can encourage you to exercise and and and it can even improve on the relationships because when your mind is clearer then you can think better and you can respond in more positive and more appropriate ways to our conversations so um so by having fresh air you can get a whole lot of benefits yes i can hear them tremendous benefits um are there things that we can do that can are there things that we can do that can impact the quality of here of of of the air in the environment yes but certainly by i said improving ventilation and also um there are sometimes when we have um new furniture we have to be careful not to put those in in our environment because they can produce substances that that may be harmful to our bodies and even carpets these things can can reduce the quality of fresh air the way that we build our hoses some of us build our hoses like for example on a hillside where the wall is against the the the ground that will that allows water to get into the walls and can encourage more mold growth anytime you're building your health make sure that moisture is not getting into your walls if there's any leaking in the walls make sure that you correct it because this can encourage more growth which can have a very detrimental mental impact on our health so these measures can help to improve the quality of air that we have access to all right i'm going to we are going through covey 19 right now and i want to kind of ask your question when it comes on for cov19 it interferes with or appears to deplete the victim's oxygen supply is there anything that we can do to increase our oxygen supply well certainly um first of all if we have cobit 19 it's important for us to monitor oxygen level and the oxygen level should be kept up in the 90s once it falls below 90 then you may be in danger and you may need to to get um access to supplemental oxygen which you may be to be able to get at home or you may need to go to the hospital but of course you want to be proactive you want to ensure that um you you stay out of the danger zone and you do that by ensuring that you move around you sit upright you you you um you you go outside get fresh air as well take deep breaths just to keep that level going and walk around and ensure make sure your horse is not locked up get fresh air from the outside especially i said if you're um if you have trees nearby go into those wooded areas and get fresh air from those areas but as it's important to ensure that you monitor oxygen so that if it goes too low and it's not coming back up to the 90s you you get access to supplemental oxygen which can help to keep your uh because the oxygen luck can cause damage tsls and organs and may lead to permanent damage so it's important to ensure that you monitor oxygen whenever you have kobe 19. all right so we have some questions coming in on the chat i don't know if we have enough time we can squeeze just even one one one or two questions okay so this person says i live in an extremely hot environment i work in ac drive in drive it drive it driving it and as i said and as i said because of the heat it's impossible to sleep without it how bad is that for my health talking about air well everybody's situation is going to be different um some persons live in houses that are not really properly ventilated and those environments are not really healthy we should try and spend as much time outdoors as possible but sometimes even outdoors can become very polluted you have to do the best that you can some situations are very very um non-attainable to correction and you may want to to try and get away from from those kind of environments because they they can't impact and it's not just i said the cleanness the temperature if if the air condition is too cold that can of itself have a negative impact on your health so try as best as possible to stay where the air is as we have described unpolluted and normal temperature okay thank you so we our time is up but we are just reminding person listen they're tremendous belief benefits associated with the fresh air and dr street just identify those benefits we want to remind persons please log on to the west jamaica conference website it's please go on register remember at the end of the week you'll be able to log in your points as you follow the day's activity and there are tremendous benefits outside of the health benefits i know that pastor drummond has some surprises in store for persons who would have completed the challenge so looking forward to us all participating remember to share with your friends thank you so much for joining us thank you during week two of the i want to live healthy initiative we encourage you to get as much fresh air as possible with more of the world's population living in cities air pollution is having a greater impact on our health the air quality in our homes and offices can be threatened by the burning of wood mold growth chemicals from carpets and enclosed spaces fresh air has a meaningful impact on all aspects of our health in such a polluted environment it is difficult to get fresh air on a consistent basis breathing air is not just about getting enough oxygen air should be as free as possible of pollutants for optimal health fresh air is good for your digestive system it helps improve the blood pressure and the heart rate it makes you happier it strengthens the immune system it also cleanse your lungs so make sure to join us on this exciting journey ask your adventist friends or your health ministries director to show you how to sign up and also visit our website at www dot west jamaica dot o r g and click on the bun see you next week for the next healthy [Music] there you have it i want to be healthy do you want to be healthy please type that in the chat for me that i want to be healthy air fresh air is very good for our bodies as we have just learned and so we're going to ask you to continue to share this link so that persons can hear about oh that's happening here we're not just for the spiritual man but we're also for the physical man as well so share that link and coming up right up in the program ellen you want to tell the people most definitely we do have a very special segment we look forward for this segment every sabbath and so we're going to ask all the viewers grab your friends and tell everybody about this it is bible study overtime camaro and i'm telling you guess who's back as a host for this segment guess who's yes yes yes well he's here he's here and they're all here of course and the focus for this afternoon is the spirit of prophecy very significant so right about now we're going to go over to them certainly all right so make sure you have your bibles and your little device to take notes because it's bible study time let's go over to the competent team be blessed thank you very much good afternoon everyone and welcome to another evening of study of the word we are coming to you live here from montego bay on salem montego bay it is indeed our bible study time it is beyond the surface as we dig deep in the word of the lord as was said i am back with you i leave the pulpit for the preachers uh to preach for the great um evangelist and i i am delighted to be back and beyond the surface i really want to say thanks to pastor daya um he has led oats for the past seven weeks and really what a tremendous um job that he did and the team did i i i really want you to know guys that i miss i mean i miss you but uh duty called um other areas in the our online evangelistic series nature speaks what a tremendous experience we had in that series we truly want to say to god be the glory and now we are back together and what a what what a dynamic way past the dia in which you led the team we just want to say thanks to you and you are on that side no i feel like as if i should let you continue and i join as uh as a panelist uh here uh but we we thank god for how he has led out in beyond the service beyond the surface over the past few weeks we are here this evening to continue the study and the truth of the matter we have chosen to look at the subject of the spirit of prophecy why because in a time like this these are the closing days of earth's history gentlemen and they i believe i strongly believe that there are certain things that are seventh day adventists we should not be if in and bought in we should not be doubting they are certain things that we have to be anchored in in these closing days and one of these is the whole nature of the spirit of prophecy and the gift of prophecy to the remnant church i know there are some individuals who are still questioning this this this aspect of our belief and and and and your doubting this is not the time and we bring back this subject so that we can have our members we can have our viewers truly grounded in this particular chute of god's word and this gift to the remnant church so welcome gentlemen good to have you to my far left we have the one and only pastor venkat and he was your moderator for the uh past uh seven weeks he is now sitting to answer the questions you're not asking the question you know answering them next to him we have the one and only pastor rabbi brown pastor brown is the pastor of the south spring district of church if you know him and and and he continues to give tremendous contribution to our discussion each afternoon each summer afternoon that we meet and then to my right we have the experience and veteran elder uh elder ruse warren and the rules warren is connected to the seventh day adventist church sunday bay and then last week you saw a new phase last week you saw a new face on set and what tremendous contribution he gave elder magnarin from he is the first elder of the church there in uh farm heights he's the elder there in farmer it's ella mcnaren i want to welcome you in a very special way and so we are here friends the team is here and we are ready to go let's bow our heads as we pray father in heaven we now look look now at the special subject of the spirit of prophecy this wonderful gift that you have given to this remnant church and we pray lord that each and every one will be so anchored in this truth this afternoon in jesus name we pray amen and amen here we go pastor daya you know that i have a way of um throwing the first question at you as a matter of fact i have it it is a three questions in in in in in one and i want you to does the bible question number one does the bible teach that there will be a true or there will be true prophets in the last days that's question number one number two what were the gifts given to the church at the ascension of of of of jesus and number three why were they given all right thanks so much pastor and good to have you back cheering uh this thank you it's beyond the surface thank you i'm happy to have you back all right uh to respond to the first part of the question acts chapter 2 verse 17 states that it shall come to pass in the last days says god that i will pour out my spirit and all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy tells me therefore that that god made it a promise to his church that in the last days this gift would be one of the gifts that the church will be blessed with uh it also tells us in jordan chapter 2 verses 28 to 32 that both young men and young women will prophesy because the lord will pour out his spirit upon young men and young women in the last days now the second part of the question has to do with gifts that were given at the ascension of jesus and when we look in ephesians chapter 4 uh we find verses 7 to 11 it says that that that gifts were given to the church gifts such as apostleship and evangelists and pastors and teachers and of course prophets is one of those gifts that will be given uh to the last day of church and that were given in the time when jesus ascended so jesus gave all five gifts and he gave them for the the edification the equipping of the brethren onto the edification of the church and so the equipping of god's end time church is not possible if if any of these gifts are missing then we find that there's not a full equipping of the church but we know that the church will be fully equipped because the mission of christ must be carried forth in such a blaze of glory uh that the under the power of the the latter inn so we know that all gifts will be present in the last day church as ephesians 4 verse 12 says for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of christ all right aaron i i come to you now because there are some individuals who attach gender to the whole matter of the of the of the gift of prophecy but in bible days was the gift of prophecy limited only to men that's question number one i'm throwing out some questions and how long were these gifts to remain in god's church was not gender-specific all right so so it's not limited only to male uh god gives this gift also to our female uh components now if you want to go to scripture we will find some we'll find some examples you can you can look you will see a woman called anna in the book of luke luke chapter 2 you can read that from verse 36 true to 38 you can look at miriam in um exodus chapter 15 and verse 20. we have also the daughters of philip we can look at that in acts acts chapter 21 verse 8 through 9. and uh it goes on we can look at deborah in genesis sorry in in georges four and verse 4. so we do we see where god is and um have used female in the past so it's not specific to only a male gender but god really goes right across the board with the using of his people to do his bidding now as it relates to to how long you know these gifts will last let's go back to ephesians 4 verse 13 we'll understand that it will last until the end because god god's intention is to edify his the body of christ until he returns so not only the gift of prophecy that will continue throughout but a gift of teaching preaching and so on and on so forth all right thank you very much hello warren i i need you to come in here now because we we they the bible talks about in the last days we are going to have you know false prophets and false teachers from what source do true prophets receive and obtain their information and what was what the ways in which god speaks are are spoke to the prophets of old okay i think uh if we may we could check with peter i think peter answered that question unequivocally uh you know he states it absolutely in second peter 1 verse 21 he says prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of god spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit so prophets the source of the prophet's information is god and god speaks through his prophets through the through the holy spirit so they were moved by the holy spirit so prophets do not express their own private opinions in spiritual matters prophets uh you know share what god has given to them to pass on to his people now you ask the question about the ways in which prophets receive uh their information and the bible again tells us in numbers 12 or 6 he says if there's a prophet among you i the lord make myself known to him in a vision i speak to him in a dream i speak to him face to face so numbers here numbers 12 verse 6 clearly tells us that god speaks to his prophets through visions he speaks through his prophets through dreams and he speaks to his prophets face to face amen thank you and i and i want to acknowledge johnny's brown online johnny's was rightly right in line with what you said johnny's said that through dreams and through visions um the lord speaks to his prophets now pastor brown um the lord speaks to his his his prophets through dreams to visions and evil face to face now when the prophets have such an encounter especially when it comes on to the whole nature of visions there are some physical evidences that are there what are some of these physical evidences of a true prophet a true prophet in vision thank you so much pastor and of course you you qualify profit by saying true profit true profit yes uh true profit in vision um the there are physical evidences right um to identify a true prophet uh in the very uh act of receiving a vision from god and and most of the evidence is these physical uh physiological uh physical uh phenomenas are are actually found in the book of daniel and of course uh other passages but in daniel chapter 10 and verse 8 one of the the signs of a true prophet in in vision is that the prophet will initially lose physical strength that is number one and by the way uh six six evidences physical phenomenas are are evident in the bible and we find where the physical strength is lacking then daniel 10 verse 8 therefore i was lit i was left alone and saw this great vision when you get down to the last part of the verse it says for my crumbliness was turned into me turn in me into corruption and i retain no strength so that's number one number two we find that the prophet sometimes receive uh supernatural strength and we find evidence of this in daniel chapter 10 verse 18 and 19 that uh that there's a supernatural element to to the prophet uh number three the prophet is able to speak daniel chapter 10 verse 16 and by the way i'm mark daniel chapter 10 with my chord in my bible verse 16 says and behold one like the similitude of the sons of men touch my lips then i open my mouth and speak uh this is daniel in vision and and said unto him that stood before me o my lord and so we know that the prophet in vision is able to speak uh and and then to add to that we also know that the prophet in vision is uh not aware at times of their early surroundings uh daniel chapter 10 again verse five to eight and uh we have a new testament text which is second corinthians chapter 12 verse uh verses two two verse four where paul is talking about how he was caught up in in in in in vision and etc i'm gonna allow the audience to read that passage for time sake and then when you get to uh numbers chapter 24 and verse two we find that the prophet um eyes are open um a time in a trance-like manner i'm going to read verse 4 of uh numbers chapter 24. the bible says and he said unto me which heard the words of god which saw the vision of the almighty falling into a trance but having his eyes open okay and so these are really six uh physical visible signs of a true prophet i'm using the word again is the qualifier true profit uh being enrapped in in vision uh these are are critical beautiful beautiful and we are laying the foundation because we are moving to um the gift of prophecy that is that is that is one of the identifying mark marks of god's remnant church um somebody is asking online uh the simple question who's a prophet who who is a prophet someone is asking online and a prophet is one who speaks by god's directive right so that the prophet would would reflect god's voice to the people because he is inspired by god and and someone who not only fought tell but foretells also we learned that simple one in school a prophet is someone who bought four tales and four tales right but it's someone who god uses um to deliver um a particular message whether it is by evil preaching which is fort telling or are are given counseling or evil given certain predictions of what is is is to come and later on you'll find that the prophet must be called by god so the prophet don't select himself you know today we have many people who just say they are prophets and calling themselves prophet the prophet is someone who is called by god given the prophet to give to um for for that edification passage one of the things that the the devil will use in the last days to to really um draw individuals onto um his side is a whole matter of the working of miracles and so does um is the working of great miracles prove that that person is a prophet of god and and what are the um dangers in the end time that jesus warns about element uh i could i you want to come in and answer that all right so yes the the term is supernatural it it it happens in the supernatural so miracles is something that um that is supernatural that means then it must be coming from a powers beyond this realm all right um not only confined to god let me read something for you in revelation chapter 13. sorry yes 13. i'm going to read verse 13 and 14 quickly and speaking of the devil and this emissaries and um the bible says and he got great wonders so that he make it fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men and this is the reaction of man when seeing such great things it says and deceives many of them that dwell on the on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast now i'll pause there i'll pause there so that that that's what i want also understand is that not only god possesses the power um to to toward miracles or or the the the prophets of god um which is why jesus would warn us um when we look at matthew 20 24 24 jesus would warn us of the dangers of um you know adhering to these false um teachings and these miracles that we see these these so-called prophets um would perform or men of god but if they don't speak according to the will or do that which god has commanded then they are not a true prophet and yes they were a miracle but not by the beating of god all right so so it is it is not everyone who works miracles is is is is is a true prophet of god and i i i i have some there are some questions in this chat and some comments because one person wanted to ask was asking that's henry harding that's my member from baltimore is asking if the false prophet can can speak truth uh while it's being a false prophet yeah and so it makes sense with errol yes it will be it can mean experience why is being a first brother i i love what is happening in the chat and they are some very very informed individuals commenting and and asking questions to the law and to the testimony they are saying that if they speak not according to these words there is no light in them but but thank you those in the chat we appreciate your comments pastor dyam how then can we um differentiate a true profit from uh false prophets and and and does the bible really um specifically name and condemn individuals who who would present themselves as speaking according to to to god well first you have to test them against the word of god all right you have to test them against the word of god yes if their teachings and conduct are not in line with the word of god if they teach contrary to the scriptures then they are false prophets because god stands by his word he says he lifts his word above his name therefore they must speak according to the word of god otherwise there is no light in them you made reference to the text of what god said that anna and viewer did isaiah verse 20 to the lord to the testimony if they do not speak according to this word it is because there is no light in them so then we understand they must speak according to the word of god it's interesting also there's a text in deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 to 12 which i want to read for the powerful text i want to read the text the text says there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that uses divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consulta with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer it says do all for all that do these things are an abomination unto the lord and because of these abominations the lord that god doesn't drive them out from before thee so it speaks against various individuals various categories of persons who claim to have special gifts right it speaks against the astrologer those who will tell you that are going to tell you your future based on the alignment of the stars it speaks against uh those who practice witchcraft whether male or female it speaks against uh those who are spiritists who claim that they can speak to those who come back from the dead yes it speaks against wizards or it speaks against those who are practicing communication with the dead that necromancy it speaks against all these things speaks against divination and sorceress and stood says it speaks against the object man it speaks against the mother woman it speaks against all those who claim they can communicate with spirits outside of our realms except it be the holy spirit yes you can't communicate with any other spirit then it says uh that that art is an abomination now what we find is that most false prophets do have a claim that they can communicate with the spirits of the dead ancestral spirit and the bible clearly makes it known that we cannot communicate with the dead because the dead knows not anything with ecclesiastes chapter 3 the dead knows nothing so he cannot he has a more sheer part in anything under the sun crystal ball reading palm readers uh leaf deciphering astrologists you name them those who who talk to two spirits the bible says the bible says that these we are not to facilitate the scriptures teach plainly that such things and abomination and whereas those who continue to be involved will be shot out of god's kingdom so we have to be mindful don't let anybody carry any we are any any early morning all right and and andrea andrea green one of our new converts online is saying how do i know the difference um between both and and and and we we your name you gave to the lawn to the testimony as you know also they must speak that jesus christ has come in in in in the flesh and whatsoever they they predict if it is a prophet who predict um must come to uh to pass and so even if you see someone um healing and preaching and winning souls if they can't match up to these qualifications found in the in the bible there is indeed no light in in them yes rules something quickly on as pastor spoke about astrology because it is something that certainly we accept and don't realize when we talk about the month we are born in and the sign we are born on the it's astrology so you know many save the adventists they meet someone and it says what month you're born and and what sign are we should really be involved in those things it's really astrology and the lord says it's an abomination okay so your temperament is because of the monkey were born right and that kind of okay there's a question that i have for you that many individuals are asking online but before we we come to that question as a matter of fact i can ask can you contemplate on it uh we we go to the song you you can answer it after the musical break but does god god's end time church has have the gift of prophecy and and also i put another one to it what is the primary purpose of the gift to the remnant church so after a musical break rules you can answer that question thank you for staying with us we'll be back after this musical break [Music] many times in my childhood as i travel so far by night for so weary i grow home my father's arms would slip around me so gently he says my child [Music] there's nothing to hold me [Music] [Applause] praise god we are gone going home now the twilight is faded and the day soon shall end i get all sick the father is but my father has led me it's deep off the way and now said we are all going home [Music] there is nothing to hold me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my eyes of course [Music] [Music] we [Music] amen amen praise god we are going home thank you very much my brother for reminding us that we are just pilgrims and strangers in this land we are just passing through this place is not our real home but until then we have to go on doing what as a church as a people we have to do to prepare ourselves and to prepare others for the soon coming of our lord and savior jesus christ so el warren um your time now to answer that question and the church is really um lighted up a number of questions and comments right so we're asking the question of whether god's endtime church has the the gift of prophecy i think that point was made earlier on that all the gifts that have been given are evident are evident in god's end-time church amen and uh how do we know god's end time church a revelation 12 6 and 14 tells us that the woman fled in the wilderness uh for 2 260 days which we know is the period of the great persecutions the gods remnant church appeared after that period of seclusion right a time of seclusion and so we know god's remnant church didn't exist between 538 and 798. in a public way in an organized way which was in the wilderness so in an organized way god's remnant church uh appeared after 1798 and we know that after the woman came the bible tells us in the same revelation 12 70 you know that the woman that sorry that the dragon was what wrath with the woman woman being the church and when to make war with the remnant of our seat speaking about the remnant of god's church uh which one keep the commandments of god and have what the testimony of jesus and that answers our question what is the testimony of jesus the bible itself tells us that the testimony of jesus is what the spirit of prophecy so it clearly indicates that the gods end time church does have the gift of prophecy now you ask also the question why is this gif given uh first corinthians 14 verse 22 tells us wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but it says but prophesying serve it not for them that believe not but for them which believe so the prophet is sent to the church the prophet is send to the believers so it is clear that if god has an end-time set of believer he would not leave them profitless all right thank you very much pastor brown i i i come to you and i want to reinforce this this this truth this point of the the the remnant church possessing all the gifts that jesus um gave are you in agreement with that and and then when one joins when one becomes a member of of of the remnant church which has all these gifts how will it affect such a a member how it affects such a one thank you pastor um and this is such a very uh very powerful i was gonna use potent um discussion um you know in looking at the old matter of of the spiritual gifts and the gift of prophecy and and to reinforce the the answer to the question that the rem that god's last the remnant church would would manifest all the uh uh the identifying marks um permit me to read first corinthians chapter one verse five to eight the bible says and it's and it's reinforcing the answer to the question the bible says that in everything everything we are enriched by him in all utterance this is verse 5 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 5 that in everything he are enriched by him in all utterance and in all knowledge verse 6 even as a testimony of christ was confirmed in you verse 7 saw that he come behind in no gift um writing for the coming waiting sorry for the coming of our lord jesus christ that he come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our lord jesus christ and so so here we have a confirmation um that the end time church will have all the the gifts uh provided by the holy spirit and god and so when one becomes a member of the church uh the individual that that that man or woman is anchored spiritually uh by the teachings and and the principles as is embedded in the in in the teachings of the church and one we we are no longer uncertain and unsettled in our belief system um given the fact that we we embrace and anchor our faith in that in these in these principles and and these guidelines and and i and permit me to to say that ephesians chapter 4 verse 14 says speaking of the same the the the child of god a member of the church he says that the apostle writing that we should no longer be children tossed to and through and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men in cunning craftiness of deceitfulness or of deceitful plotting but we have the sure undiluted teachings of god that will preserve us from any form shape or kind of deception as is stored by men set about they see all right thank you very much element i i come to you and we are coming on this uh the closing aspects of this i have a few minutes to go but i want to ask you ella mark and we are going to try our best to see if we can condense now our answers in time is going the apostle paul in 1st corinthians 12 1-18 lightens the gifts that jesus gave the church to parts of the body yes right what part of the body best represents the gift of prophecy and what condition would a church without the gift of prophecy be in thank you um well quickly in the book of first samuel chapter nine verse nine we learned that uh prophet the prophets were formerly known as seers yes um meaning someone who can see the future and um if we we're gonna lie on the gift of prophet prophecy to seeing we would would more likely um you know associate that gift with the eyes all right therefore the gift of prophecy would more and um would be you know related to the eyes and now god has a problem with people who can't see and when we look at jesus yes yeah when we look at jesus jesus also has a problem because uh we can look at john chapter 9 when jesus saw the blind man um he healed the blind man of his blindness and now we want to go to revelation uh chapter 3 we see again and it's jesus here again speaking to the last days church speaking to um through his servant john and he's saying in verse verse 17 because though um says i am rich and increase in goods and have need of nothing though no it's not um that though are wretched miserable poor blind and naked and there's a council in verse 18 that says that we must buy a female i serve so that we may be able um just to see so god wants us to see therefore he will not leave his church in darkness and that would be the case if we did not have the prophets the seers the eyes the ice the the church yes actually in in in in blind blind and we can't have blind yes leading uh blind pastor dyam a quick one to you also in revelation 12 17 it points out that god's end-time remnant church will have the testimony of jesus coming that the warren answered uh a portion of it revelation 19 10 says that the testimony of jesus is a spirit of prophecy can we be sure this means that the church will have a prophet of what other special significance are the words the testimony of jesus mean uh in in revelation 19 verse 10 uh john said the angels spoke to him and said i am thy fellow servant so i am one i'm one of the brethren who have the testimony of jesus don't worship me don't worship me i am not to be worshipped jesus is to be worshipped but not me right he said i have the testimony of jesus and the testament of jesus is a spirit of prophecy this same angel repeated the identical information revelation 22 verse 9 he says i'm your fellow servants and of your brethren the prophets so this time he calls himself a prophet not just that he has a testament but he he is a prophet so i mean the testimony of jesus and being a prophet is one and the same thing now the testimony of jesus means that the words of the prophet are not his own they are from jesus and so john was a prophet because the entire book of revelation was really the words of jesus yes it wasn't his own words so john was recording the testimony of jesus in the book of revelation if you really need to go to revelation 1 verse 1 realize this book is jesus message to the church in the last days so we know then that it is not his own words and so the words of the prophet must be the words of jesus and so to be reproached in any way upon a true prophet is extremely dangerous in in terms of you being danger with god it is the same as we approach upon jesus because jesus considers his prophets his mouth is his representation and so whoever uh do harm to his prophets are at risk psalm 105 verse 15 says do my prophets no harm because god holds his prophets in high regard all right um layman beer singh online is is is is in line with the question i'm going to ask you he is saying what are the criteria to to to to test a true prophet and i'm going to ask you what are the biblical qualifications of a true prophet i i pastor brown answered the whole matter of when the physical um demonstrations when when when the prophet is caught up in vision but we want to continue to look now at the biblical qualifications of a true prophet yes when you when i saw you ask that question i smile because my first job was at a as a in the banking sector yes and they did not teach us false money they taught us to identify the true currency and if you are able to identify the true currency then that which you see uh that is not true you will really know that it is false so how do we know um the true profit the true profit there are number of uh biblical test so that we can know the true prophet number one the true prophet live a godly life the true prophet lived a godly life uh matthew 7 15 to 20 but i quote verse 16 you shall know them by their fruits and in verse 20 you repeat that in that same chapter wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them they must live a godly life they must be called to service we mentioned that earlier on it's not them it's not qualification it's not degrees it's really being called to service by god we have many examples in the bible isaiah isaiah 1 verse 10 also i heard the voice of the lord saying whom shall i sin and who will go for us then said i here am i send me so isaiah recognize the call from god jeremiah god said to him before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee before thou came as forth out of the womb i sanctify thee and i ordain thee a prophet unto the nations amos 7 14 verse 15 7 14 and 15 then amos answered and said i was no prophet neither was i a prophet son but i was a herd man a gatherer of sycamore tree but in verse 15 he says and the lord took me as i followed the flock and the lord said unto me go prophesy unto my people israel so they must be called by god and we the most uh you know famous and it's well known to us as save the adventist test of the prophet is isaiah 8 19 and 20. uh if they if if they speak not according to the the law and the testimony uh you know if they don't speak according to those words there is no light in them the prophet must predict events and when they predict these events all of them not some of them all of them must come through deuteronomy 18 20 to 22 but i quote verse 22 when a prophet speaketh in the name of the lord if the thing follow not nor come to pass that is the thing which the lord has not spoken but if the prophet had spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him so whatever he predicts must come to pass if it doesn't come to pass no freedom is no profit and in finally we the prophet will have visions numbers 12 6 and he said here know my words if there be a prophet among you i will the lord will make myself known unto him in a vision i will speak unto him in a dream tremendous tremendous tremendous study but pastor brown i have the million dollar question for you now did god send a prophet to his end-time remnant church short answer specific yes um and that question was asked in the in the chat yes by somebody earlier if if there's a prophet today and and uh and your question the answer is yes we know that god sent a a prophet for his last the remnant church and we are talking about ellen ellen white ellen g white has as we as we know one of the passages that i embraced and uh and is very powerful is amos 3 verse 7 surely the lord will do nothing but reveal his secret to his servants the prophets and and so here we have that when the church in the early 40s uh needed desperately needed guidance god uh provided this young prophetess ellen um white she accepted uh the the call and we know that she was injured uh injured in an accident at age nine and uh that she quit school with only three years of formal education and we we know that her health deteriorated until when god called her at age 17 she weighed only 70 pounds but but this this woman uh would go she went on to serve the uh god and the church for for for 70 years and and and and mistaken without doubt without any mistake she would have uh revealed the the the complete package uh of that that which ella warren spoke about uh fulfilling all the visible biblical tests of of the prophet and so we we watched as she she she was used by god she was she was married to ellen uh to james white a clergyman who wrote and then she wrote under the name ellen g white and she became one of the most prolific female um writers her books are read worldwide and may i say worldwide with the kind of educational background and and among our books you you you will be blown even at the mind to to discover that she under inspiration wrote on health and education she talked about temperance the christian home um parenting publishing um uh talk about stewardship evangelism christian living um and and and a range of of other uh important uh topics that are just awesome um i could say a whole lot uh there are uh testimonies from from different individuals who who all testified of her calling of her anointing her selection and that she is in fact god's last day prophet for god's last a church is remnant people all right i i i time is is really going pasadaya um pastor brown mentioned this but i asked you were all the qualifications of a true prophet evident in the life and ministry of ellen white you know sister white met the qualification of a true prophet she lived a godly life yes it was evident her call was divine god called her to this task she spoke and she wrote in harmony with the word of god and if you read her writings you cannot again say that we found that she predict events that came to pass yes she had many visions some lasted us a few minutes some lasted for hours and as you look through her writings you would recognize that her purpose was to point people to the word of god amen yes if we if you know a n law more law borrow he wrote about ellen white invasion and he had observed more than 50 times in vision and he wrote a fun occasion in 1845 where she held out a bible weighing 18.5 pounds in her left hand for and she weighed 80 pounds and she held up this bible for half an hour in her old stretched hand while in vision because she she was being filled with the power of the holy spirit and so we find that that that she she truly reflected uh that of a true prophet from the lord all right thank you very much how can i accept ellen white as a true prophet since i do not know what she wrote you can't you you can't accept her as a true prophet until you learn what she have written um you see unless you gain an appreciation of something then you will gain um understanding and learn and trust it's the same with the bible you will hear about god but until you come to a personal um connection with him then you will be better able to understand and appreciate um what god has done so you're learning um you must first learn read the writings of sister white now um there are many many avenues out there where one can get the information from one nowhere in a technological age there's an app that pretty much has all the books there if you don't want to use an app and you need a physical copy you can you know go on amazon or one of those um sites and you can buy physical copies right here yes yes steps to christ and you can go to the resource centers right across our bnc right across um um right across the world you you can you can you can access our material and and and you know as you are on the subject and gentlemen i i i don't want to to to steal your your time uh but for me the the the challenge that i'm having is that there are a number of our members from the seventh the adventist church who are doubting the the spiritual gift um given to to to the church through ellen white there are so many individuals who are doubting there are so many of us who refuse to read her writings yet they are a number they are thousands and millions of non-adventists who are reading the writings of ellen white who they're pastors who are non-adventist pastors who are using the writings of ellen white as a matter of fact once upon a time the great the largest church in korea the largest christian denomination in south korea use the writings of ellen white to grow his church and to become and and and so uh for me a number of us and and that's why we we bring back this subject at this time at this time we cannot be doubting the spiritual gift to this church through ellen white we we cannot as as authentic seventh-day adventists this is not the time to doubt this um gift to the church by god himself and it is time for us sorry guys if i saw that passionate i still have questions to act but but but but we need to spend time to read her writings and please take a state note and i hope one of you will will even use a minute to elaborate on this that she does not elevate her writings above the bible that's right right and and she is not her writings are not above the scriptures and the other thing is that we need to also mention is that they are too old i'm getting myself in trouble that there are too many of us who in the church who are abusing and misusing the writings of ellen white for their own sorry gentlemen sorry for their own purpose and selfish purpose and some of these individuals in the past when they called ellen white to support a point that they want to make and when ellen white in in writings counter even things that they are practicing and doing they don't want to accept that well you see you have to handle anil white the same way you handle the bible and and the bible tells us that we must test and uh you know the paul tells us don't tune out the prophet don't don't tune out the prophet and that we must test uh and uh we must reject the prophet second chronicles 20 verse 20 tells us that believe the lord your god socially be established believe his prophets so shall he prosper if god's end time church is the prophet's prosper god would not have left this church without eyes that's right he would not have left his church without eyes and and peter himself says uh we have not followed calling an advice fables he says we have a what a more sure word of prophecy but i say to those who are who are doters reader writings matching up with the bible and if there is discard our contradiction throw it out but if there's none then there's light in it all right and and since you you want to come in here and since you're on the floor let me ask the question um what three point command since we have about a minute or two to go uh does the apostle paul give regarding a prophet the apostle paul gave accounts regarding the prophet and how does jesus regard the rejection of the words and counsels of a true prophet right yes so i i i mentioned it earlier paul says we should not despise a prophet in other words we should not to know the prophet and he says we must carefully test by the bible what the prophet says if the prophet's words are on behavior are in harmony with the bible we should heed them and and that is what god is asking us in his end time church i did quote for us chronicles 20 verse 20 he says believe your god socially be established believe his prophets so shall he prosper so god is you know jesus christ you know uh was angry with the the the the the pharisees and the leaders at that time because they were they had rejected the the prophets and he was upset because they rejected the prophets all right thank you very what a tremendous study pastor bro and i ask you the final question yes sir for for for this evening do true end time prophets originate new doctrines are does a doctrine comes strictly from the bible thank you pastor final question and uh short answer the doctrine comes directly from the bible any doctrine that is now there's a warning in revelation chapter 22 verse 18 and 19. it says uh for i testify unto every man that here at the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things god shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book verse 19 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy god shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book and and so i know they are coming on stage now that i'm talking about those who are going to tell us to calm down but um but and so yes uh the the prophet cannot originate his our her own doctrine uh the bible is the source of all doctrine what the prophet can do is to reveal exciting new facets of bible doctrines um that were not obviously pointed out by by the prophets as what ellen g y did when you read a book like desire of ages and watch how she expounded on on on on the the life of jesus christ uh your marvel and then when you talk about what the prophet can do the prophet can lead god's people into a closer walk with jesus and a deeper study of the world the prophet can help god's people understand difficult unclear bible texts like what ella ella did this morning we talked about how the rich man and lazarus and the prophet can do that and then the prophet can help to protect god's uh people from fanaticism and deception and even from spiritual stupor also the prophet uh can help god's people understand end time prophecy which verify we we have right happening before our eyes every day um and and allow us to have a new sense of urgency to the call and coming of jesus christ so so yes the prophet can not uh uh teach a new doctrine but what can amplify that which we have already thank you very much what a tremendous study this afternoon thank you for staying with us i hope you were blessed as seventh-day adventist god has given us a special gift we ask that we accept the gift let's read her writings and let's grow in the lord jesus christ until next week see you thank you for joining us beyond the service let's buy our heads as we pray father in heaven may this study this afternoon edify all of us in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen indeed and sasha and i tell you i get so excited when it comes down to indulging in the word of god and just reading and and understanding what god wants for us and when he touch a topic such as prophecy and i tell you i we when when i read her ellen white's books i understand the things that she's saying and as as the process said she she doesn't um elevate her writings over the bible because she points to the bible and you know at this time i'm rereading the book steps to christ and i encourage all my our viewers read that book it's a little book it's not a long read just read it like oh we are in lockdown for those that are in just read it get that book it's online you can download it just read it it's called step to christ and i tell you it's a wonderful book and it will you just it will just change your life right lng why it supports all her writings or majority of what she says it's support there's always a scriptural quotation or something that's pointing back to the scripture so as elder warren says if you are in doubt when you draw the comparison when you put everything together beside the bible if you see anything that is off then fine be done away with it but if not it means that there's a light in her writing in your prophecy and so we thank pastor williams and the team for that potent discussion coming up next though we have the foster triplets who have been blessing our hearts from morning until now and they will continue to minister us minister to us in the form of music right after that though we will have pastor sam wells and the team who will be coming to give us the mentorship connection where i think we'll be doing some grieve and counseling uh kind of story so guess what i'm just gonna ask you to stay tuned and stay connected the story or or the the program is always unscripted and so i can't say for sure what they'll be discussing but if you stay tuned i guarantee you that you will know will be no will not be turning over to the foster triplets who will be blessing our hearts in the form of music [Music] [Applause] there is no situation where my god can be defeated for his bigger than my circumstances and there is no man or mountain that's able to stand against him for his maker and a ruler [Music] for me [Music] [Music] he's bigger than my circumstances [Music] he is [Music] hey is [Music] me [Music] when jesus stands [Music] [Music] he's bigger than my circumstances [Music] [Music] [Music] for me [Music] is [Music] he's bigger than myself [Music] can you say amen he is bigger than my circumstance and i want to thank i steal them any day from their parents you know i said i will steal them any day from their parents what a wonderful awesome blessing they have been to the body of christ as they minister in songs as they as they move hearts with the gifts that god has blessed them with thank you foster triplets i nearly said samuel's triplets but uh thank you foster triplets thank you for blessing our hearts this afternoon we want to walk you through some of the pain our segment of course on our grid that you wouldn't have access to our mentorship section is always about making a difference and we are adding to that this evening this afternoon sharing your pain making a difference sharing your pain and so later on in our conversation we will have the ceo from the corner regional hospital we will have the director of nursing services veteran forester at the salomer hospital we will have nurse hamilton a nursing sister at the black river hospital we're trying to get someone from the lucy the noel holmes hospital these are the four hospitals that are in our territory past the chambers so uh the corn original is where right here in saint james and uh kamara the black river hospital is in which parish saint elizabeth and what do you call that parish say it best okay could you say it again and that's where frankfurt was wishing i'm just saying that i was born in the parish that you call the best one thank you and then the noel holmes hospital wayne is in which parish the noel homes hospital no way in his last is which girl wayne steering at this afternoon i don't know uh wayne is lost in one de love and phrase [Music] noel holmes hospital which parish is that here westmoreland no swell it's in hanover it's it's in oh hanover hello and to think that he lives in in hanover can you imagine all right we want to begin by sharing with you where we left last week i want to thank you for the gifts you've given so i have spoken with our friend for the pacemaker and i was in dialogue and we were trying to make contact with the doctor at the hospital but because of your blessings we have so far france received i think it's just about 560 something thousand dollars out of his one point million something but we're we're going to be trying to appeal to the doctors to see how best we can at least get him started as we roll on and um i'm sorry i should have given wayne you know almost every week there's a fire almost every week there is a fire and um a pastor came into my office on thursday thursday or friday but the fire that he shared with me happened pastor moody happened just about a day earlier and he the pictures on my phone i hope i can get it to win afterwards that you see the blazing uh through the woods they lost everything i mean everything when the fire was through all we would see is a rubble i want to report also that for the the ramses remember that 93 year old up in pastor dane morgan's territory i want to thank pastor dame morgan for the leadership he's given so that we have lend them some help and they have tried to help themselves and others have been there to help them and they want to deck next week praise the lord would you say amen i don't know much about building but i think there are places called belting okay i wear a belt uh i don't know what belting is the building i know what belting is in my pants it keeps the building tight it keeps the building like the bell keep the parts on my way the structure of the building is is well tied all right so the pants is well tied to my wings it'll be a disaster if my pants fall off so i i'm happy that i keep the belt very tight so um i promised them that we will be helping them we want them to put the roof on we want to get they can be done and i think if they get 300 000 with what they have they'll be able to at least deck some parts of it so they can be in there amen and we want to thank you for your today i mentioned in the sermon that i i spoke with a young lady she's for the past two years she's been trying to get to college she has all the qualifications but no money and um you know why god is so amazing while i was uh thinking about her and and i was talking to mrs popkins and still how are we going to be able to to answer the so many requests i got a call from georgia i can't call her name but i got a call from georgie and then she sent me a picture with herself pushing her grandson so you know know exactly who i'm talking my georgia friend i got a call from georgie and i can't tell you all the story but she said i'm going to send you a thousand dollars if you can only help one student so my fellow little struggler in sleight you are well on your way with yours we thank god for persons uh who are willing to give of themselves to help us as we help others amen and so uh we're gonna ask wayne to pray for us i'm chatting away and uh wayne won't pray for us would you do a short prayer for us heavenly father we come to you in the mighty name of jesus christ we thank you for the direction that you're leading and i pray that as we go through let this program honor your name in jesus name we pray amen amen now wayne pastor chambers and camara you we have been overwhelmed with the kind of sacrifice that the frontline healthcare workers have been giving you know i've been over the corn regional hospital i went over there i went into the a e section and i stood there and said god how do they cope how do they manage i mean everybody is screaming at them for attention and they are running in a million direction and sometimes they themselves are taxed but they keep on giving i i i told you that um i came to church last summer morning and i went home sunday night because when i thought i was ready to go home my good friend from the black river hospital called and um when we're through packing the truck with the cuts and stuff it was am region but you know it's it's it's good to be tired doing something worthwhile that's right and so we will have someone from the black river hospital uh with us in a moment and you know while i was i didn't say today while i was getting ready to come to the pulpit i was also dealing with a challenge in my own family because my wife's brother uh brother to andrea and carolyn and carla and priscilla and rosella and cercella and marcella andersella was being rushed to the block of a hospital also with covert challenges we thank god he isn't doing as bad and so we we so we want to talk this evening i want to welcome on well i we're having a little hiccup with the screen before me i want to welcome onset we have dr grace kelly i wonder if she's related to anybody up here i wonder to pass i wonder well she's my sister but they tell me blood is thicker than what friendship and water wayne do you know dr grace kelly i know her i know do you think she is related to anybody up here could be could it be he could be could be pastor chambers do you know dr grace kelly i think very well sir what can you tell me about her what can you tell me about her well she she has been quite an inspiration to to me um she's my aunt she's your wife she's my aunt she's my auntie okay all right and um so we have dr grace kelly with us we also we have dr orlean brown earth are you a pastor is there any pastor that doctor all in brown earl is connected with i think so sorry you think so yes sir is it wayne no sir is it hi it's not you sir jeremy earlier and so in a while we will welcome dr olin brown earl we also have a social psychologist the mother of the triplets yes but she prefers to handle the phone and so um in a while we'll be giving her the telephone numbers because she is right by the telephone she will be there momentarily to to be able to take your calls to provide counseling to provide a listening ear but you know uh friends we've lost some members who are health care workers i never got permission so i i don't think they would mind but i won't show the picture of our nursing sister our friend from a church in west berlin okay who died uh you know even while giving service and even while i speak there are others in serious challenges we we we've had our own pastor sunderland his wife lost both parents in less than a week we've lost some elders yes blind brother johnson yes we've lost a number of others how do you handle grief as a health care worker when you have to come to work still how do you process this issue of grief when when when you have to keep on giving yes while at the same time dealing with your own sorrow and i'm happy that i have somebody who is well able and capable she's written a book wasn't it what tell her the book grieve if you must because if you couldn't if you couldn't tell me the book you know i would just take your salary and send it to her the book is entitled grieve if you must we welcome your aunt yes my sister that's right all righty dr grace kelly dr kelly would you uh share with us how do we process grief how do our health care persons on the front line who who have to deal with their fellow doctor their fellow nurse was taken by death talk to us over to you doc my little brother pastor glenn summers and those of you are there i really appreciate the opportunity to share and the topic is very relevant how do we take care of ourselves as front line workers and if you notice i'm including myself in it um our nurses and our doctors medical practitioners and counselors and psychologists and social workers all the support groups but in particular our healthcare nurses and doctors it's really a challenge and we notice that the spike in the death toll and all of that it has affected us in significant ways and grief as you would have heard i've written this book on grief grieve if you must it's a 21 day plan for healing for grieving healing and restoration and i did not just as i was trained i wrote that book out of my own personal grief situation so i can identify with some of the things with which you are dealing grief is presented to us sometimes as this um humongous giant monster that cannot be matched or contained or tamed and it's very important what certainly no it's and it's an awesome thing that is happening now because grief must be owned it must be identified and it must be treated with appropriately and one of the things that we need to understand as and and those of you health workers who are there in the forefront it's okay to feel the pain because grief pains it's okay to feel that way grief is not a disorder just know that it's it's not a disease either it is neither it is also not a sign of weakness it is an emotional physical and spiritual necessity and as we would have noted the price of love is grief because the more deeply you love the more deeply you connect with someone the more deeply you will grieve and this afternoon we're gonna work you help you to work through the grief not get over because you do not get over grief you work through it i'd like for us to focus on three concepts it's very important that we focus on these one grief grief is the perception of how we react to the loss that we experience so all of us we are here we are experiencing we are seeing the deaths around us or family members or friends or colleagues or clients are dying it's a process of how we react to the perception of that loss so even though we may have someone die we may not necessarily be grieving but the moment you acknowledge that there is a loss and the pain is recognized you would have started grieving it's not for you to tell yourself when to grieve your mind the lord built your mind in that way it's like a mechanism to protect yourself and when you get into the mood which we're going we are going to talk about in a little bit the different stages of grief the immediate one is shock the grief process is there to protect you and to cushion the pain as it were the next term i'd like for you to recognize is bereavement so the moment you have lost a person a family member someone close to you you are in a state where you're suffering a loss you are believed okay so you can be believed and not grieving and mourning this is particularly important a lot of us we take time to do everything else but not to mourn moaning is a time of sadness that you experience because you are believed and it's critical that you take time to mourn so you can start the healing so yes grieving is as sure as there is life there is going to be pain and as soon as they explain there is going to be grief common it's a common human experience which is often unrecognized as part of the cycle of change so sometimes we see grief and in most cases as an interference with our life but rather grief is an intrinsic part of our life because as long as we are alive we are going to experience pain and as long as we experience pain we are going to grieve it says grieving is the pain as breathing is to life if you want to live you breathe if you want to heal you grieve and elizabeth queen elizabeth ii would have written to say grief is the price we pay for love and the only cure for grief by another author is grieve i love you so let's take a few seconds i just want you to pause and take a deep breath take a deep breath through your nostril and you are going to let it all through your mouth in ouch in ouch i'd like for you to do right now is to take a few moments and recognize where you are on the grief cycle or in the cycle when you first heard of that death the one that shook you it puts you into a state of shock and denial and some of us are like no it can't be real didn't i just attend to this person wow she was looking or he was looking so good it appeared as if he was gonna be coming back um it can't be real so we start becoming confused we develop fear a sense of numbness i'm blaming ourselves we blame the medical practitioners we blame everything including god and we start avoiding interaction that's shock and denial are you there or are you in the next phase the next stage anger frustration you feel helpless or have you moved through to depression when you feel overwhelmed the blame becomes worse lack of energy a sense of helplessness are you also in that stage where it could be described as despair where you felt that it appears to you as if there's no god and if god were in this why would he have caused all of these things happen [Music] that's the state of depression or have you started getting intermittent interest into the things you would have left behind when you were in the shop in the anger state [Music] and there is dialogue and bargaining god if you could only do this i would do that we understand yes that the grieving process or the stages it was designed for persons who are dying so when they get the shock of their life and they know that they are forbidden or any other form of life-threatening disease they themselves would have gone through the shock they denied the depression and then during the bargaining stage they themselves are saying god please if you only save me help me to get my children past the worst or help me to accomplish so much or something some bargaining if you do that i'll give you my life forever where are you are you at the stage where you feel that you are now accepting what happens exploring options and looking at living with the pain without the person who has died do you feel more empowered because you have been relating to someone who would have gotten you through to that level and please don't mistake me to say that that's how it's going to happen for everybody shock denial anger depression the bargaining and then you accept a new normal it's sometimes like a roller coaster it's sometimes all mixed up your acceptance at one point you're back to denial you're back to depression so that happens to you but what is important is that you identify what grief is doing to you it is manifested in many ways and one of the things i'd like for us to do especially those of you who are health care practitioners everybody needs to do that but those of us who are out there attending to everyone we need to recognize that we too we are human beings we have feelings we too are affected and there is a time that we need to take a break and apply self-care the same care that you would have given to others applied to you and right now i just want you to give yourself a hug and pat yourself and as you see to comfort you would have sought to comfort others think of what you would say to them but for right now say that to yourself i know you are hurting i may not understand or may not be able to understand exactly how you're feeling but i can appreciate what's happening to you because i have experienced and you finish that just love on yourself just now and apply a little self-care our bodies our mind we respond to grief differently and i asked the question earlier where are you in the on the stages of grief and we know it's not a linear process it can be a roller coaster but right now what is your actual response to the grief it can manifest itself physically are you experiencing high blood pressure are you experiencing pain in the neck in the back in the joints are you experiencing sweaty palms headache how is it manifesting for you know yourself so that when it starts manifesting itself physically you know it's time to take a break behaviorally for children they may be looking out for the searching behavior looking under the closet looking behind the bed for mommy or for daddy or for the person or the pet that they would have lost are you feeling as a health care worker withdrawal you wish you never had to go to work because you do not want to face that reality it's normal and that's why we applaud you for the effort that you put into making others getting a sense of hope and supporting them and their family are you avoiding places that you once loved to visit because that individual who you lost is not there with you think about it remember i want you to focus on you because you cannot give what you don't have and we want you to not be strong for everybody and and and you are not obligated to be strong either but what we want you to do is to be able to be in a position where you're so empowered so you can give off your overflow we're going to pause uh emotionally dr kelly who are you mood swings sadness guilt anger if all of that is happening to you mentally yours you have different sleep disorder insomnia you sleep too much or you sleep too little loss of sense of direction fatigue anxiety socially you withdraw you don't work with people closely anymore you don't eat with your colleagues anymore and spiritually you are blaming god and you're losing the sense of your connection with him if all that is happening to you you are normal you're going through a process called grief be it anticipatory complicated disenfranchised or pathological that's what it is that's grief and here as i wrap up this seg response um pastor here are some things that you need to be aware of there are times when one takes too long or not pay too much attention to the grief and so you become unwilling or unable to cry for the deceased or for the pain that you're experiencing that's one sign of pathological grief and as a counselor you would if you got into that level where there is signs of pathological grief i wouldn't be able to assist you you need someone like dr olin brown earl and other persons who are counseling and clinical focus to be able to get you through that when there is continued denial of the death that it didn't happen when one egg you know you you get so engrossed in work so that you forget time you just keep going going like a bunny rabbit when you become immobilized and you're unable to work to go to your job or to go to school or when one is unable to put the pain of grief into pers perspective so these are some signs of pathological grief and if you are experiencing any of these it's time to get additional support and here is what you aim for aim to be in the space of mind where you believe that this really happened the grief upon and you are experiencing because you need to experience the pain before you experience true healing be willing to be able to adjust your environment in which we won't live once live with the person we want to to chew a little bit on where you reach doc if you're hearing us yeah i'm not sure if we are if you are hearing us uh doc we we have a couple of questions and it has been quite a mouthful uh to chew on uh but before we come back to you but it has been an awesome uh more than an awesome mouthful that's a whole table full and um the the the questions in the chat the statements uh have been overwhelming i'm sure um kamara you have a couple of stability so we'll take one from camara one from pastor chambers and then we're going to ask wayne to connect us with the ceo of the cornwall regional hospital so we can at least get a word in from madame charming williams beckford as to you know the whole matter of the coping capacity as i said i have been over there and i've seen them under tremendous pressure and knowing the ceo as well as i do she shares the pain in all of that so uh we're going to have kamara share a question from the chat and a statement and um pastor chambers will do one okay yes this is from youtube nurse avia williams she says many times pastor when i'm working i feel like i'm passing out but the hands of god is holding us up nurses have answered the call for such a time as this and she went on to say i cried at work last week friday i was overwhelmed normally i am a strong nurse and as a team leader on my unit i have to be strong however last friday i just felt everything tumbling down wow wow we got over to um to pass the chambers to share something from what you've been looking at and then we'll try to connect with mrs charming williams beckford the ceo of the crh as we engage her in helping us to understand part of the challenges and amidst all of that how does her staff go yes and i i saw a question i'm trying to find it back in the in the chat someone's saying how do you handle grief when you have had to be dealing with it back to back since 2019 and i think that a question um being posed to uh dr kelly and and something that probably dr brown earth also could respond to because this issue of of uh dealing with constant loss and i saw that someone asked the question in the chat is grief only connected with death and sickness well i i am not a clinical psychologist but i read the book i read the book grieve if you must and grief really also has to do with losing things it could be that you have lost your job you've lost something that was very valuable and that too needs special treatment uh so that you can overcome but death is is even more uh pronounced and painful to deal with and and that's why we are providing this platform here so we hope that you tune in you stay in touch and and my my wife pastor is a nurse um she she's a clinical instructor with the university of the west indies so she's sometimes going in the hospital space and uh you know she will she will tell stories of of of persons who really are going through a really tough time at this time um and and they might not be able to express that to a patient the the nurses are trying to be strong but it's a real challenging uh a difficult period for nursing and medical care in this in this time especially with with kobe indeed and i see here denise johnson said we have to comfort one another at this time christine morgan says the nurse before i get out of my car i read psalm 91 and make it personal and uh it is overwhelming and then there's some uh arlene archer savage that the struggles are real the struggles are real i'm not sure if wayne has connected yet with um mrs charming uh williams beckford if she is i would need a signal from wayne as we seek to engage uh our chief persons i think she's on here she's on and i won't i won't call her the nickname that my friend pastor williams and her friend also called her but she knows that we're praying for her ladies charmaine beckford williams amidst all of these stress i've been over corn regional hospital i've been in the space and i can personally testify that i've seen the overwhelming challenge i mean tons of persons calling and the doctors of the nurses they're attending to this and that tell me uh how do they cope if i if i was standing in there with them for just i was in there for about 45 minutes i got a chance to pray with someone to talk with some tell me madam ceo how does your staff cope especially when some of them are losing their own colleagues good afternoon and thank you for having me it's a pleasure to be on this afternoon um it's very difficult very very difficult and we are a family and i'm i'm just praying that the prayers i have in the mornings and in the evenings that they are feeling them because i pray day and night and i have seen god at work and i know he is truly with us at the hospital at this time but as you mentioned is very difficult but as a family we support each other so um we have our doctors and nurses and they are who we have mainly at the front line so it's it's like we're in a battle and you have those though the layers of soldiers fighting the battle and at the front you have the doctors nurses the pcas and the attendants who are right in the space with and they pray they lean for support on each other we pray um we lean for support on each other and we build each other up it's challenging it's difficult but i am working hard for the administrative team to ensure that as they call we pass we are like passing the water battle um what muscles to the front and passing things to the front for them to ensure that they are having the the resources needed to carry the battle on what is challenging is difficult but i know that god is in the vessel amen and we want to assure you madam ceo not only our prayers but we stand ready to do whatever we can do to help and west jamaica is pleased and proud that we have persons of that ilk as yourself and other members of your staff dr frey and a host of the other doctors williams and the ones whose name i can't remember and um we want them to know that we're praying them up and we stand ready to do whatever else we can do to assist as you in the midst of that struggle provide quality and effective care to your fellow men i i want to jump over to your sister hospital i'm not sure who wayne has on next whether it's black river or south lamar but um don't don't go away madame in beckford uh this looks like black river um and if it's black river we want to welcome i am not sure if it is nurse hamilton i think it might be nurse hamilton and we want to welcome you to the conversation we're talking about the pressure of the front line workers we'd like to tell us a little bit what's happening on your side i think it's black river tell us a little as to how is it that your staff your frontline workers at the black river hospital how are they coping good afternoon are you guys hearing me loud and clear okay i'm nurse martin registered nurse i'm at one of the isolation areas um yeah the question it posed was how do our staff hope well it has its advantages and disadvantages in a sense where the ops are when the patient recovers we have seen critical patients not able to do anything for themselves and they do a 360 and able to walk outside that's one of the most prized expression we'll always have and we like seeing that as well and next up is for our staff is that good teamwork when the work can become so hectic so so stressful when the teamwork is there to help it really plays a good part in our taking care of the patients and also it might sound small however like our sister our isolation sister sister myers always give us encouraging words and honestly that really brings us far and the don'ts i should say the dead nobody wants to see a patient die we're trying our best doctors orders and to see our patient died and recently having a colleague died that really took our toll on us because when anybody stepped through our doors we want them to feel there's hope there's always hope but then when we see some some patients take the other route for the worse it really takes a toll on us because some persons think that we don't have emotion emotion it's really hard coming in day in and day out hearing the cries of patients hearing the regrets and the constant cries i should say again it really especially on the nine sheets they're constantly going inside to reassure the patient we are here just breathe in and as i said also the death we also have emotion for me sometimes i try to hide it i go in the bathroom i cry and then have to face the next patient and bring a brave face not to let them see that down part because what this patient wants is positivity upliftment yeah so we always i always try my best to say okay brave face no you understand so and i think there's a misconception at times with nurses they feel like doing medication documentation we do so much more than that we help tidy patients we also help encourage we have some business days christians we encourage patients we pray for them and also that that's quite a lot and uh honestly most times i wish that yes i wish patients and relatives even the one that don't believe there's coving if they could only get a glimpse of what we're seeing that's one of the reasons that change of mentality because that's one of the reasons we want to share uh really the share from from your side and from the sides of the others but you you've covered quite a bit you've covered quite a bit and we wanted to say from this platform to the frontline person to the black river hospital you are in our prayers your inner thoughts and ceo madame diane uh brown miller you are in our prayers along with the entire group there and thank you nurse thank you for being uh and i i took note of the fact that you would hide yourself in the bathroom and cry but you'll dry your air dry your eyes and come out again with a brave face even while you hide your own pain and our our mentorship segment is entitled uh making a difference sharing your pain i want to run from so we've moved from black river well from montego bay to black river i thank you nurse i want to if we have some time we'll come back to you i want to run over to uh to save lamar if we can engage uh director of nursing services matron forester and there she is uh metron it's good to have you with us i know i i and uh when i say i know someone sent me the picture of a nurse that that you lost and um we know the pain we we minister to to the persons of those families and so i ask you the same question how does your staff cope you help them to cope they are losing their own colleague they're losing family members and friends they're watching people die whom they wish they could keep alive it must be difficult good afternoon hazeline forrester is the name yes sir it is very difficult every day going to work trying to deal with problems issues trying to overcome them in a positive light you know was normally difficult but since covid it has been twice as difficult now as the director i have to make sure that first of all i am empowered to deal with my stuff and so i make sure i have this relationship with the lord where i ask him for direction for guide lead me so that i can lead the body of persons that you have placed under my jurisdiction i often ask him for empowerment because that's what we need no there's no really specific manual that speaks to how we cope but one thing i know that prayer changes things and so we have been praying praying one for another praying for the institution praying for the patients uh my staff we do a lot of counseling with them one to one or group counseling they are encouraged to cry if they have to cry but one thing that i know do work is this team support or mentorship sometimes they will tell me i don't feel to comment on but when i have talked with my colleague or my senior nurse and when they finish speaking i just get up and i come to work so they are empowered by their team spirit some are empowered by self-motivation because they will tell you how much they they love nursing and how committed they are to nursing i must tell you though um president and team that you have to have a real commitment to this field in these times to really give of your best and to watch your own people dying in your very eyes we cry because we many times most times all the times develop this relationship with our patients that when they passed we too cried just as all the family members cried cried um it's hard sometimes you cannot find words to explain but it is hard my nurses will let you know also that sometimes when the counseling are done at that moment they feel a little relieved yes but when they go and face the situation again it's as if nothing happened it's all over that same old story but we want to trust god we are trusting in god because personally i have seen him work for me and i have my own i encouraged my that god is able and he will not take us this far and leave amen amen amen uh madame forest mission foreign nursing director we we we know of your own resilient faith in god and it is shining we are we have from the chambers we hear it from uh from uh madam ceo charmaine we've heard it from the nurse that spoke earlier i know nurse hamilton is on but nurse hamilton i will not tell jamaica that you're shy you're my good friend i will never do that but it's good to have you on nurse hamilton and i want you to know that uh you're all in our prayers and um metron forester the the at the towards the end we're going to be having prayers for the four hospitals in our region but i want to ask dr olin brown earl she has listened to the expressions of grief she has listened to the challenge in coping she has listened to persons who lock themselves in in their lonely space to cry dry their eyes and come out again just to keep on facing it and also we have the porters who who have to be wrapping these dead bodies every day and and taking them to the morgue we have the persons who clean the space who have to spray the bed and and their eyes too are wet with sorrow and tears dr olin brown earl minister to all of us and to all of our listeners at home some are dealing with the guilt some are dealing with loneliness the companion for years is taken by death without notice can you talk to us a little certainly thank you so much and you know what's interesting you know that we all recognize now the importance of loss and how we can affect so many persons but one set of individuals many times experience what we call survivors guilt so this is where they have the feelings of guilt because they survived and someone else died and so what happens a lot is that there's anxiety there's anger they feel helpless they just want to just die too you know jamaican culture we've heard people say that why was it me you know i sometimes we hear a parent say my daughter was only 30. my son was only 40 or 50. and and he died i lived my life already so we see the survivors guilt now what we do know is that many times what happens is that the family members all the friends they get so depressed that they share these thoughts these experiences but what we need to do is make sure there's a lot of support from family i'm asking us all now i know we can't physically go to the homes but send notes send send gifts send prizes of support make them short so that persons can read them if you're texting them what we do recognize is that many of these individuals need the time as dr kelly shared to accept and process this grief and so the children who have lost their parents they have not probably come to grips with the airtime we'll come to themselves a while or until the funeral itself so we want to be patient with them and allow them to take their time to process this so they don't feel guilty then we want persons to get help where they can and ncu is here the jamaican psychological society is here we are willing to help and provide these source resources so let it not be said that they can't find help let's contact us to make a conference contact myself mrs bowers is there at western conference and let's see how we can help it's not as easy to do it over the phone or the video conferencing but it's a start sometimes we might be able to do a social distancing to help but we want to make sure that the individuals who are exhibiting this guilt that they are bathing regularly they are eating as much as they can eat we want to make sure that they are reading positive affirmations they're watching inspiring videos they're doing positive things because if they get so depressed they might turn to self-harm and that's the last thing that we want encourage them to be creative if they like to cook and encourage them to cook if they like to draw encourage them to do they like to sing encourage them to sing but we want you to show a lot of love to these individuals who are experiencing this guilt and don't take guilt and depression nightly sadly so it can turn to suicide so we want to make sure that we pay attention to these individuals who are feeling lonely or feeling sad and you know pastor one of the things you know we take things for granted so much because we've always had the person around us and the person probably was never ill before and we're just like oh they they're just sick and content but i'm sure they're gonna come back and when they don't come back wow it hits us so hard indeed so we want to make sure we're there for these individuals thank you it's been wonderful and um somebody reached out to say uh pray also for the maypen hospital as a matter of fact let me include all the hospitals i was just focusing on the ones in west jamaica but you are inner thoughts and prayers and we know that there there's grief in in at the university hospital there's grief at the kph there's grief at the spanish hospital the mapin hospital all these hospitals having to deal with death from negril point to morant point for all our health care professionals you are in our thoughts and prayers it is for you we will be we may have to come back next week pastor because we're now we are now into pastor johnson's time for prayer i i'm sure he'll be praying also for many of these persons but a couple of i should have given a number because we do have a social psychologist um foster at the telephone line i know the line is posted in the chat but i didn't give it with it strands you have the number would you share it even for a few moments while uh the product poker on she'll be there to answer yes sir so it's eight seven six six five six seven eight two three that's eight seven six six five six seven eight two three and and it's it's on the uh the the screen you are able to to to take that off as well but for those who might not be able to to read and to see it clearly that's again is 656 876 rather 656-7823 if you call this number we have a social psychologist who's there ready to pray with you to listen to you even just to allow you to talk and um as we prepare to hurry off so pastor johnson and the prayer team can hurry on uh i i didn't ask them but but they may have sung it earlier since i wasn't up here but the foster triplets this is the promise god has promised that that no matter what we face he'll be there he never promised that we we will never have sorrow he never promised that we won't have tears and as uh our two special uh persons have shared and dr olin brown earl and dr grace kelly i know you you are kind people so if i tell the world that you'll be back with us next week to to share and to give them some more coping skills i i i know i can i can i can bank on your mercy to the old man for telling the world you're going to be back next week kamara i'm sure there are a couple of statements you want to read i say father john's getting rid of the thrones of the stage uh and wayne before the song we're going to ask you to do a prayer for the children who have lost their parents and i'll ask pastor chambers to pray for the parents of lost children and for spouses who've lost their loved ones and pastor johnson will pray for all the rest so yes a couple of uh statements from okay yes pastor there are nurses in the chat who are saying pray for us so we are noting the prayer requests of our nurses and all other health professionals here we are praying for you and uh though nurse hamilton didn't speak uh somebody says of avia williams high nurse hamilton from nurse williams powell in canada i still have the farewell card you gave me when i was leaving black river hospital and migrating to canada god bless you and your team sister senator hamilton your friends uh you've been very impactful so they're reaching out to you we want to say to you our time is gone but we know the pain is not gone our time is up but we know the suffering is not up our our schedule here is over but we know that the issues for you is not over and so to all our frontline workers in the health field to the medical missionaries while they are not uh conventional uh nursing care people but they do a fantastic job the these persons who are trained in terms of natural remedy and natural stuff to all of our medical missionaries we we appreciate what you do to ease the pain and suffering of your fellowmen to all our doctors our nurses or the porters to the persons who even assist in helping to provide a clean environment to every person in the health field we're saying we're praying for you we're standing with you to all those who have lost loved ones may almighty god comfort you pastor johnson will be uh dealing with the prayer requests in his segment we're going to ask as we wrap this up i'm going to ask wayne to pray you know we heard reference to to parents who've lost their children and children who've lost their parents you can pray for the children who lost their parents let us pray heavenly father we come to you once more in the mighty name of jesus christ there is no one else to call upon in this time or heaven father we don't understand what is happening but you know so we are praying for these children who have lost their parents that most of them don't know what to do where to go who to turn to but you are always a shelter in the time of storm so we pray heavenly father as pastor someone would say climb down from your holy habitat and touch them in a very special way of god bring be their guidance be their light and heavenly father i pray that you will take the grief i rather yet help them through this and help them to know that it is not the end we pray that you will continue being the light in their darkness in jesus name we pray amen amen i'm going to ask pastor chambers to pray for all of the other persons well he can't pray for all of them but i'm sure he'll be joining pastor johnson yes and to pray for the rest but for this segment here we we know about the nurses and the doctors who've lost their colleagues in the next segment i'm going to ask you and pastor johnson to pray for spouses and relatives but for now for nurses and doctors who have lost their colleagues in the line of fire amen father we pause again just to acknowledge your leading we're going through very treacherous waters at this time and we sometimes feel very terrified and afraid especially our nurses and our doctors who are on the front line the porters the ones who assist in the movement of the patients the one the other persons who work in the hospital setting father we know that you alone can truly understand the fear and the anxiety and the depression and the pain and the grief that these individuals face as a result of their daily work especially in this critical time when so many persons are getting sick when the hospitals are uh overloaded with patients especially due to covet-19 infections lord we believe that you are the bomb in gilead you have power to give them strength to give them a source of hope in their painful experience some have lost friends they have lost colleagues they have they have rubbed shoulders with individuals in this moment and by the next moment they are gone father that pain is inexpressible but we know that you understand the groanings that cannot be uttered and we are asking now in a special way that you will give strength where there is a sense of weakness that we are personally some would feel like giving up this work as they said it takes commitment some hide in the bathroom just to cry and to pour out their soul before you but they go back in the front line with a face of strength we are asking that you will continue to give them the kind of resist residual strength that will help them to push beyond themselves to move beyond what their comfort zone may allow so they can do this work we pray that you will give them hope you will give them courage you will provide for them you will provide for their needs even as they take care of the needs of the sick of this country you will bless them you will ensure that their food basket is never empty that you will cover them under your wings you will protect them you will provide and you will bless in jesus name we pray and say amen as we part company i'd like to also express on behalf of the team here and western maker our condolences to the wife of pastor cottrell i think tomorrow she'll be burying her father that's dr tez cottrell we remember you in our prayers even as you deal with grief and also as i mentioned cultural he leads the jamaica food bank and on this platform on the 25th we'll be having a magnificent spectacular launch of the jamaica food bank i'll tell you more about that during the week and on sabbath coming but we want to say to to those persons and even while we speak my own brother-in-law that's wilburn was taken to the black river hospital for covert infection and uh we want just to pause to pray for all the persons who are infected and thereafter we'll have my daughters singing the promise almighty god into your hands we present all covet patients those at home [Music] those in the hospital those infected and don't even know that they are i pray now for my two young pastors who have been tested positive we ask almighty god that for them and even for our own tech person we thank you for the recovery you're blessing him with along with his mother and his sister and his brother we ask that you would visit every hospital bed every home every bedroom wherever these persons are we be seat you with the name of jesus that you'd rest your healing hand upon them we present wilburn to you and all the others whose name we do not know we present dr tess cochran as she prepares to say goodbye to her father even in burial we long for resurrection day we pause again to pray for sister wayne cleghorn and all the others oh thou god of israel hasten the day when death itself shall die and resurrection mourning shall come and we shall see you face to face until then we place our lives in your hands and we thank you for the promise you've made to us but even in the midst of life's trials you are a promise keeper thank you in jesus name amen and commander i ask you to introduce the singers and we'll be off here oh yes pastor we'll do that and so now brothers and sisters while you continue to pray in your hearts now you are gonna be blessed with a beautiful singing from the foster triplets i mean pastor samuel's children let's go over now to them be blessed no i just love this song at this moment we are facing so many trials but god has promised in his word that he's not going to leave us so all we have to do is just trust him i never said that i would give you silver or gold or that you would never feel the fire but i did say that you'd never walk through this once alone and i did say don't make this world yours heaven is our [Music] find hope in the night or the loneliness was something you'd never have to fight i'd be right there by [Applause] i'll always help you fight cause [Music] [Music] that is can hold on to this is the promise this is [Music] you as a fool but i did say [Music] ways confounds the wine i didn't say you'd never taste the bitter case of death or have to walk through chile jordan to wintering to rest but i did say i'd be waiting rides on the other side yes i did [Music] that i've prepared a place and someday sooner than you think you'll see me face to face and you'll sing with the angels and the countless most it's you [Music] though you walk through the fire you shall not be burned neither shall the flame kindle upon you so just hold on to jesus because he has never for one second for one moment let go of you hallelujah just keep on walking don't turn to the left or right and in the midst of darkness let this be your life that hell can us and you're gonna make it through this is the promise this is [Music] [Applause] this is [Music] oh [Music] this is a promise i made to you thank you so much for that song foster triplet it's a hope during this time um joining me is pastor steven drummond this evening we will together pray with you and for the issues primarily for the kobit situation not just here in jamaica but worldwide we are the system is overwhelmed the the health system is overwhelmed doctors nurses portis the entire medical staff is seeking our prayers not just the medical staff as the victims one of the worst situation pastor german is to have your mother your spouse your father your child in the hospital and you can't even visit and even receiving information it's very difficult i have a member who was very much bewildered this week because his wife was in the hospital and could not hear anything but thank god someone helped him out and so people are going through difficult times i'm going to ask that those who are watching take this moment for serious pride but before we get into the prior i'd like to say that tomorrow morning at five o'clock and six o'clock there are two prior programs i'm inviting you to one is planned by the inter-american division of seventh-day adventists and that will be five o'clock tomorrow in a moment will be on the screen and one is planned by the jamaica union conference of the adventists between six a.m tomorrow morning and 12 noon we will be inviting the world all over as we pray for the situation across the world with the covet virus so you can take a picture of the zoom id and password for these prior meetings you can and join tomorrow morning at 5 00 a.m and 6 a.m so there are two platforms the zoom id is on your screen and the password join us tomorrow morning the inter-american division and the jamaica union responsible for the adventist churches here in jamaica as we pray for the situation we recall when nineveh was warned of for coming destruction in three days that the king summoned a prior that not even the children should eat but even the animals also should be covered in sackcloth should not be fed god heard the prayers and if my people pray which are called by my name god said i will hear i will forgive their sins and heal their land so join us our prayer to morning brother elder dane german sent a prayers report he has been in the hospital for four weeks now and after an accident he's due surgery but because the fever wouldn't go down the surgery could not be done he is praising god that this the fever is under control and the surgery is duenzo so he's asking us to pray for that successful um surgery pastor that's one of your friend also pastor german dangerman and pastor german so pastor german we're going to be praying for some of the issues we have some in the chat the the ramses we're going to pray for some bereaved um families ramses have lost two persons to the covet elder ricky johnson and his family jessica lost her father stepmother and stepmom is in the hospital rather for covid the sister sunlin that's pastor james sunderland's wife has last appearance to covid we are praying for susan wright also she lost grandparents siblings and relatives to the covet 19. jazz and joe lost their mother vital mckenzie lost five loved ones and of course the notable uh renowned pastor clegon his wife is needing our prayer as pastor clegan died as a result of the covid and she is struggling for life we are going to be praying for these families along with the front line workers pastor german do you have any that i am missing you want us to join to remind me of now just uh just to concur with you that their number of our members who have lost loved ones as a result of covet 19 and we will remember them in our prayer they will not be able to call the names of everyone but i'm sure that the lord knows you yeah so we go right in the prayer for those hospitals here in jamaica and overseas i ask the six thousand plus of you watching stop whatever you're doing now and let's pray for someone who need our prayer let's make that wall of prayer around those on in the hospital on their bed and their homes let them know that god people care and god people god's people is talking to god on their behalf pastor german would you lead us in prayer from here let us pray kind father we thank you for today we thank you again for the privilege to call on your name we also thank you to know that you are never too tired or busy to hear us you're always willing to hear when your people talk to you father we are living in a world with uncertainties a world of distress and perplexities and so right now we come to you as the source from which we know protection safety healing can come oh god we are seeking your assistance we are asking you to come into our lives we are asking you to condescend from your reputation and come in the midst of these situations that we are facing and lord we ask for solutions father i pray for those who are down with the virus covid 19. god we beg of you to help them to receive the right treatment so that their bodies their health can return to normalcy father i pray that in these moments of uncertainty in these moments of discouragement they will look not to the left nor to the right but they will look to you as their often finish of their faith from whom the source of healing comes from whom they will find comfort and peace in these difficult moments we pray for the health workers in jamaica across this globe that lord they will never become weary in well doing but as they offer treatment you will shield them from the unslot of this virus and that will protect them from all harm and danger and also when their strength begins to wane you will just help them to push on and not allowing them to become sick so that they can care for those who are ill lord i pray for their families that you'll protect them likewise because dealing with the sick and then they have to go home to deal with their families this is great risk but it is not impossible for you to bring protection to them and so we are asking you now to intervene in the lives of every medical worker across jamaica across this world and to let them know that the work that they are doing is a good work and you have promised that you will reward every man according to your riches in glory oh god i pray that those who are studying this virus we pray you will guide their knowledge base that they will find the right treatment to conquer this virus so that our communities can restore to normalcy father we are living in trying times we are tired we are sick we are fed up we are discouraged and so we are asking you right now to intervene because when you intervene the difference will come our spirit will be buoyed up and we will know that nothing in this world can separate us from your love neither height nor depth neither persecution neither death nor life nothing in this wide world will separate us from your love but will hold on to you tenaciously recognizing you are the author and finisher of our faith this evening we ask you to hear our cry again thank you jesus for the victories that have been wrought thank you jesus for knowing that you are here for our children thank you oh god for everything that you have done for us this evening and beyond is over asking the precious name of jesus christ we all say amen and amen amen and amen thank you so much pastor german for that passionate appeal to heaven on behalf of those affected by this virus i am going to ask you to believe the bible said in matthew chapter 11 and verse 24 that whatever you ask for when you ask the lord you are to believe it and you will have it now that's not my word that's the word of god and i am trusting it and i'm asking you to trust him believe that he's going to bring an end to this pandemic believe that he's going to restore health to those affected by this virus believe that god is going to give comfort to those who have lost their loved ones we have committed you into the care of jesus in these trying and most difficult times it is into god's care that we put you i'd like to pray one more prayer before we close father in heaven thank you for this precious word we believe every part of your word we believe that by asking you you have not turned a deaf ear to us but you are sitting on your throne and you are listening and you are going to act because your children pray over 5 000 of us each sabbath look to you for answers we celebrate with those whose priors have been answered but god we can't stop praying because we still have more answered price we are begging you heavenly father for the covet virus to come to an end we are perfectly aware we are we are knowledgeable that you declared the last days to be filled with pestilence and earthquakes and storms and diseases and all kind of tragedies in the last days we know they are fearful times and men heart will be we'll be failing for fear but god what can we do we can sit down and keep silent while we live in this world you also declare that if my people which are called by my name should cumber themselves and pray we have seen you answered prayers when there was a call for a national appeal for prayer you answered those cries and we can't do anything else but in the last days come to you in prior because not just our relatives lives but our own lives are at stake with this coronavirus there is no doubt that you know what make it up you know where it come from you know how it started and we are certain that you know how to put it bring an end to it father many diseases in time past have come about and you've heard priors and put an end to them we've been carrying kovid 19 for a very long time now millions have lost their lives and i know you love those who died and i know you love those who are now struggling with its illness like barbara and and sister lee and many others brother reed god you know every one of them you hear their prayers and all we are asking this evening is that you quickly bring an end to this one yes we anticipate others but god here hear our priors and bring an end to this one give us a break and hopefully god we shall repent and set her house in order i am asking lord that even this virus while you're about to bring an end to it that you you will move the hearts of people living in this planet to know that this is end times jesus is about to put in his appearance god is giving the devil a little more leeway as the four winds of strife are about to release on the planet the earth will be hurt the trees will be hurt the plants every kingdom animal kingdom will be hurt we're living in earth's last days the death toll is going up but the baptism number are going down we're asking you jesus to use the latter part of covid to wake up some children wake up some cousins wake up some family members of mine and those listening that they will give their heart to jesus before death comes knocking at their door as we live in dead time people are just dying left right and center people are dying like flies jesus is dead time i miss some backslider listening to me now wake up in dead time to be buried in the water with grave of baptism before they go down to a christless grave wake up the world father with these last days diseases and death may someone hearing me make up their mind to leave a job leave a spouse leave every and anything to be saved before death comes knocking at their door in jesus name we pray amen amen praise the lord praise the lord sister say praise the lord praise the lord wonderful wonderful wonderful the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous a very much what an awesome prayer we thank god for these two pastors who lift us up in prayer just now you know sisters today may be sunny you know trust me really missing or truly truly but i was in good company at horton grove hello hot grove good company and it's been good well it's been a beautiful sabbath from my side and i know you all can talk about it sasha how it was remember today was great alan very great i mean fire was shot up in the bones of the preacher and those who came in contact uh with his voice i mean remember victory is jesus restoration is jesus overcoming power is jesus everything is jesus when you go through this week and you feel down just remember jesus because jesus is was and always will be that's it everything that we can imagine and that we can't imagine so thank you for joining us camaro oh sure sure sasha i'm going to miss your company first of all but my heart was blessed today and i have enough strength to face the untried week and so do you claim the promises of god step out in faith and smell well denise yes oh yes oh yes and remember to keep on being the minister of the gospel and i will empower all our visitors instead of binge watching netflix and all of these tell you what you do take up the book and read especially steps to christ let's get on on board with that let's read a book this weekend this is a long lot down weekend and even if you're not locked down you're in another country let's read a book take up something and read to edify ourselves so on behalf of the entire production team here at the west jamaica conference we really want to thank you for joining us today and we say stay safe and stay [Music] connected on the floor a lot more time all right next week yes of the i want to live healthy initiative we encourage you to get as much fresh air as possible with more of the world's population living in cities air pollution is having a greater impact on our health the air quality in our homes and offices can be threatened by the burning of wood mold growth chemicals from carpets and enclosed spaces fresh air has a meaningful impact on all aspects of our health in such a polluted environment it is difficult to get fresh air on a consistent basis breathing air is not just about getting enough oxygen air should be as free as possible of pollutants for optimal health fresh air is good for your digestive system it helps improve the blood pressure and the heart rate it makes you happier it strengthens the immune system it also cleanse your lungs so make sure to join us on this exciting journey ask your adventist friends or your health ministries director to show you how to sign up and also visit our website at and click on the button see you next week for the next healthy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
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Keywords: #Seventh-day Adventist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 15sec (12255 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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