"Is It Too Late?" || Nature Speaks Evangelistic Series || Friday August 20, 2021

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[Music] happy sabbath happy sabbath happy sabbath it's a beautiful sabbath denise in the neighborhood of course indeed i'm telling you well folks it's happening right here in mount salem montego bay the breathtaking island off jamaica what am i talking about it's all about nature speaks hope for tomorrow online evangelistic series denny's help me welcome the folks of course of course so whether you're joining us from youtube facebook wccn or blesstv we are elated to have you and as alan mentioned it is seven that's right god that's right that's right awesome and so we are so elated to have you and praise for something astronomical tonight because jesus will be revealing himself to somebody and guess what somebody will be falling in love with christ afresh it's exciting here and we're happy to have you you know before we have the praise team coming over denise sing lustily to the glory of god we always do this that is to pray and ask his blessing on this service so dennis will take us right into prayer at this moment let us pray most kind and heavenly loving lord lord we love you we adore you we will lift you up and god we just thank you so much that we can come into your course this another sabbath day the day of rest where we can put away the cares of this world and just worship you lord we can rejoice in you the love for you is bubbling our hearts oh god and we just want to thank you so much so much o lord we ask no that you may anoint us with your spirit you may grant us your blessings tonight we pray through jesus christ our lord amen well as we've said it's a beautiful night in the neighborhood let's go over to the praise team as we sing his praise the priestly god is good and all the time the weak has proven that god is good today is proving that god is good we are here amen and based on the fact that we are here and you can hear me and you can see us here on the stage it means that we should give god all the glory amen of course we don't know the trials that you have been through we don't know the temptations that you have faced this week but you have made it to today and based on that fact we ought to give thanks amen because we can know that his blood will never ever lose his power amen and if you believe that i wanted to sing these songs with us today knowing that he is able to bring us through everything because he alone is god yes come on [Music] jesus shed for me way back [Music] [Music] from day to day [Music] you believe only is with us [Music] [Music] [Music] and we'll never lose [Music] one more time [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the highest mountains [Music] even when it feels [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that's what the blood of jesus does for us it gives us strength from day to day it gives us strength from day to day so we'll never lose the power that it has he will never lose a power and once that blood gives us strength we know that we can go on just think about what he did how many of us would have actually done that to even save our family members much less to save the whole human race he came down from that splendor and glory he on this filth the earth and gave himself as a ransom so that today we can praise him and if we should take it personally this is what we can say we can say we can sing just for me [Music] just for me oh yeah jesus came and did it just for me whoa just for me [Music] jesus came and did it just just on me won't you help us sing just for me just for me just for me [Music] just for me [Music] [Music] me [Music] jesus christ [Music] just for me [Music] hallelujah i just want me for you and me yeah yes jesus came he gave it all he gave it only give it up for me just to be here [Music] jesus came he did it just 40 years oh oh jesus came he did it just for you and me yeah yeah oh oh jesus came he did it just for me that's what he did when we take it on that personal level that's what he did that's what he did he gave himself so that we could live and because we are living today we ought to give him all the prayers that he deserves [Music] let us never think let us not think for a second that we could live without him he's always providing always providing even when we think it not he's providing even when we worry he's providing that's his sense of humor that's his nature so we can sing we can say great is your mercy towards me your loving kindness towards me your tender mercy [Music] i see day after day [Music] foreign faithful towards me always providing for hormones greatest zombies [Music] towards me great is your grace won't help you sing say great [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] kindness is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] your every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i see day after day [Music] oh [Music] great [Music] if you believe just praise him for he is god he alone is god join us now as we sing a theme song speaking to the nature of god knowing that he can do the impossible everyone want to stand with us as we sing if you believe that he can reach in those barren places and he can bring life he can reach in those darkest places and he can bring light won't you sing this song with us as we worship our king yes you bring life to the baron places light to the darkest faces god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we speak to the nature of god he brings peace [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you keep the promises that you have [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] break out of [Music] is [Music] [Music] wasteland [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh loving father we are indeed happy to be alive and well we thank you again for this grand privilege to worship you we could have been snatched away by the cold hands of death but because of your mercy our lives have been spared and so lord we pray that we will not take these precious moments that you have given to us for granted but that we will use them to bring you glory and honor and to use these moments to fix our relationship with you thank you again for this worship service thank you for the nature speaks hope for tomorrow gospel series thank you for the preaching of the world thank you for your man's servant whom you have been using for the past four weeks we pray this evening as he disseminates the word again oh lord our hearts will turn will forsake our evil ways we will ask that our sins will be blotted out that our relationship with you will be in the right place speak to our consciousness this evening drive all the demons away from this place and everything that is unlike you and we pray that you'll saturate this place with your presence and that all will be said your names will be glorified is our asking in jesus name amen [Music] there's nobody like you lord oh lord [Music] excellent is your name your name is strand your name [Music] is a strong tower makes me safe [Music] nobody like you lord there's nobody like you lord and we say [Music] no money [Music] and the words of [Music] oh you're my glory you are my glory nobody like you [Music] nobody likes [Music] nobody like this [Music] [Music] this he's your healer provide a sustainer [Music] he's faithful in all of his ways [Music] savior [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] nobody like you like these [Music] good evening saints of god it's time once again for us to worship through the medium of giving and we all can give you know the truth is that giving and worship are inseparable we are reminded that god so loves us that he gave his only begotten son and therefore he charges us in romans chapter 12 he said we must present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and acceptable to god god wants us first before he wants our means because when we belong to him everything that we have belonged to him so as you view the screen as you see the giving information let's give out of a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving to almighty god give because god has given to you shall we pray loving lord we place ourselves before you we give ourselves over to you afresh and so as we give an offering tonight lord we seek heaven's approval we seek your blessing not because we have been we have given but because you have given to us bless our giving now we ask in jesus name amen amen [Music] preachers and teachers [Music] would make their appeal fighting as soldiers on great battlefields went to the all i can say hey there is something within something within me that holds the rain something within me [Music] that banishes me something within me i cannot explain all that i know there is something within [Music] oh have you got something something that burning design have you got something something that never goes something and have [Music] like [Music] everybody there's something within [Music] something within me that holds [Music] something within me then [Music] oh there is something within [Music] something [Music] something within me [Music] but all that i know [Music] there is something within something [Music] something within me i cannot explain something all that i know there is something within all that i know there is something within [Music] all that i know [Music] there is something within [Music] good evening everyone and happy sabbath to you this is indeed the beginning of the sabbath of the lord it is a day that the lord has blessed it is a day that he has sanctified it is a day that he has set apart for holy purpose and i want to with joy welcome you to this another evening of nature speaks online evangelistic series and we just want to thank god for his goodness we thank him for the wonderful blessings that we have received in this campaign and what a tremendous experience we have had and to god be the glory great things he has done we're happy for the revival that we have received we are happy for the many souls who have surrendered their hearts to the lord jesus christ in baptism already and we are happy for those who will tomorrow do so as they make the stand for the lord jesus christ individuals have been calling uh right across jamaica and overseas how blessed they are for this program and also that a family member or even themselves will be baptized tomorrow and i just want to rejoice in the lord jesus christ and so i wish you welcome also i want to just say a word uh our country has seen an increase in the number of positive cases in where the covid 19 virus is concerned and as a result our country will be on the few days lockdown come sunday monday and tuesday i know it will be very very difficult for some individuals but i angst that both members 70 adventists the angst that the citizens of this country we adhere to the protocols as best as possible it might confined us but we hope that this these measures will indeed bring the numbers down and let us not friends take these um signs and these is for granted now because it is indeed a fulfillment of the word of the lord it is a fulfillment of bible prophecy as we come to the causing days of earth's history we will see an increase in natural disasters we'll see an increase in pestilence matthew 24 tells us that let us also even as we adhere let us be reminded that it is the fulfillment of the word of the lord and if there is if there one time where all of us need to be closer drawn to the lord jesus christ the time is now if there is a time when we no one should procrastinate over his or her soul salvation the time is now we are going to face a lot down and who to tell the future will be greater lockdowns not necessarily for coved 19 virus but the time will come when the preaching of the gospel will be over individuals will want to be baptized and there will be not that opportunity to do so let's do so now while the time lingers i must again commend our praise team for the wonderful work that they continue to do for how they allow the lord to minister through them and this evening as we get ready as we get prepared for the word of the lord we are going to sing our uh prayer song and it is not just a prayer song but it is it is it is a song that lifts us to the highest level of praise as we tell god how much we love him as we thank him for his love as we thank him for his nature for who he really is and what he is to us so one more evening let us get ready uh as for the word of the lord by singing our prayer song i love you lord i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days have been held in your hands from the moments that i wake up until i lay my head i will see the goodness [Music] god has been good to you sing the song [Music] i will sing i [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] let us bow heads as we pray heavenly father and our god we're so thankful for another sabbath day of rest we're thankful for your many blessings of which we are all recipients of pray now in a very special way that you will anoint your servant you will anoint your word and you will anoint your people and one more evening god we beseech thee through the power of your holy spirit through the spoken word bring conviction bring conversion and bring transformation i pray heavenly father that [Music] someone will turn to you before it is eternally too late let none in the hearing of my voice lose his or her soul salvation i pray in jesus name amen a friend of mine asked me today well chastised me today by saying that it seems as if we leave the best wine for the last when it comes on to nature speaks but this evening there is indeed a very serious question that we have to answer as a matter of fact friends this is indeed a very serious message for the serious time in which we are living in and that we have to answer someone will have to answer this very serious question is it too late is it too late when we look at the word of the lord from the book of jeremiah jeremiah chapter 7. when you read jeremiah chapter 7 jeremiah gives a glimpse a synopsis of what was taking place among god's people in a nation in society jeremiah in jeremiah 7 and verse 9 speaks to the fact that israel as god's people forsook the commandments of the lord a nation moving away and forgetting the commandments of the lord i'm saying to us as a people i'm saying to us as a nation there is a danger in forgetting and disobeying the commandments of the lord they are consequences for disobeying the commandments of the lord they are consequences for trying to abolish god's commandments and as seventh day adventists we will not stop giving the trumpet this great sound jeremiah 7 and verse 9 will you steal will your murder will you commit adultery will you swear or falsely burn incense to bill and walk after other gods whom you don't know israel as a nation forsook the commandments of the lord disobeyed god's commandments jeremiah also talked about the social injustice that was taking place in society hear me somebody in verse six of chapter seven jeremiah if you do not oppress the stranger the fatherless and the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place or walk after other gods to your hurt then i will cause you to dwell in this place in the land that i gave to your fathers forever and ever social injustice was predominant social injustice was being meted out and the poor and unfortunate individuals verse 31 of jeremiah 7 and they have built the high places of toughen which is in the valley of the sun of hinnom to burn their sons and their daughters in fire which i did not command nor did it came into my heart these individuals was high in idolatry to the extent where they sacrificed their children to idols this was the the level of disintegration that the society reached and i want us to understand that individuals may not be sacrificing their children to idols in your community in your country but our society has reached a level a law in sin animal immorality they have turned away from god they have turned away from his commandments from his ways and some terrible things are happening and it's sad to say that some of these are evil happening in the church of the living god in god's commandment keeping church and that's why jeremiah asks the very important question i made the emphatic statement jeremiah chapter 8 and verse 20 jeremiah chapter 8 and verse 20 jeremiah's taken the harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved the reaping time has passed the summer is ended and we are not saved and it is not just the process of justification where a person comes to christ but it is also the process of sanctification the summer is past the harvest is ended and god's people are not saved god's people are not justified god's people have not accepted jesus christ as lord and savior but it is also strong that those who have accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior are not sanctified and by the way friends i must say this that when it comes on to our soul salvation i know i might have a problem with time this evening but when it comes on to our soul salvation it is a personal business we have to know jesus christ for ourselves and follow the preacher because this is not just a simple knowing jesus christ as lord and savior hear me as i speak to my church each and every member of the seventh-day adventist church you must know god for yourself and i'm not just talking about just a shallow knowledge of god you must know his word you must have a living connection with him because if you don't know the word of god if you don't know the lord for yourself i am telling you that there are some grievous wolves that are going around trying to destroy the flock of god and if you don't know him for yourself you will be deceived you will be led astray i don't know about you friends but i want you to know that this church the seventh-day adventist church is not built on man it is built on god it is built on christ jesus and no matter what individuals want to say about the church no matter how they want to criticize the church this church militant will be the church triumphant we shall have somebody to praise the lord with me i wish i have somebody who understand what i'm saying jesus told us that in the last days we are going to have these false teachers in the last days many bright lights ellen white tells us will go out and they are individuals they sound intelligent they are eloquent in the speech and the sound convincing but the intention is to is to destroy the church of god the intention is to lead members astray and it is sad to know individuals are led astray i am encouraging all of us on the authority of god's word hear me stay with the church stay with god's church the church will rock the church will will shake but it will not be destroyed this is a church that jesus is coming back for don't be the same but let me get back even the mainstream because jeremiah was also saying that there are so many individuals who reject god who put off the soul's salvation at the summer is ended service this past the summer is ended we are not saved in palestine the grain harvest begun begins in april and the fruit harvest in august or september when the grain crop failed there was still hope that they would reap some grapes they would reap something they would reap some olives however fruit gathering the last opportunity jeremiah is saying has passed and there is no deliverance her doom is inevitable situation is dire how will god's people survive i hope that this evening that somebody will see the need to surrender fully to the lord jesus christ before it is eternally too late i i i pray that someone who already demonstrate in baptism will receive that full deliverance and sanctification and cleansing this evening will be the evening that your life is reformed forever stop procrastinating and i'm appealing i am appealing to my church i'm appealing to everyone this is not the time to procrastinate whatever we know is right in the sight of god let us do it whether it concerns our spiritual health whether it concerns our social health our mental health whatever it concerns church of the living god if we know it is true let us be sanctified by the word of god let's let us stop putting out let us stop procrastinating it is a time that god's people must stand in holiness because the declaration will soon be made he that is holy let him remain holy still he that is righteous that he remain righteous still the harvest is past the summer is ended and god's people are not saved let me just hasten friends let me just hasten to remind us that we are living in the last days of earth's history let me just and we will always keep this at the forefront we don't have long leave on this earth as a matter of fact if if if there's something worse than kovalev 19 i don't want to stay here much longer i am i am yearning i am the seeking i i am waiting expectantly for the coming of our lord and savior jesus christ god you have to come and put an end to what is happening down here [Music] i must remind you we're living in the closing days of earth's history if you read the book of daniel daniel chapter 2 will tell us that talks about the nations of the world daniel chapter 2 tells us that babylon is already off the scene that media pressure is of the scene that greece in in his reign in power is off the scene of of of of of of rain roam in its pay gun raw its political form has lost its world dominance but it is it is wake up several adventists wake up everybody it is that we are now right down in the feet of iron and clay that's where we are that's the last part of the image that's where we are as a church as a world as a nation as a people that's where we are and so if 90 8 of the image has already been fulfilled then that two percent and probably i have to bring it down to one percent probably i have to bring it down to 0.5 percent or even lower than 0.5 of the world history that is remaining i pray that somebody will feel the passion of the preacher this evening pray that somebody will see the seriousness of the time we are living in i pray that somebody realize that we are down in the feet of iron and claim and if you don't believe what daniel says then you go to revelation and it tells us about the seven churches and these seven churches that covered historical period of the new testament church it says that the last church is a church of leonisia and leo this year historically from 1844 to today and if it is the last church that we are a part of in church history if this is a last church if the odyssey is the last church then it means that most of history is over it is just waiting now and by the way by the way let's take note let us take note of the attitude of leodisia leodisia in revelation chapter 3 i believe revelation chapter 3 i pick up from verse 17 hear what leonisia says well well reverse verse 17 because you say this is the attitude of the world today this is the attitude of people even towards the gospel of jesus christ we are living in the last days and here is the attitude and bible prophecy will not be wrong here is the attitude of people because you say i am rich and i have become wealthy and i have no need of anything well mankind has increased in such a way technologically you can leave from one country to another in in in in in minutes and in hours man can be developed vaccine for any virus any disease and they can do it in record breaking time man is saying i don't need of god man is saying i can take care of myself man is saying i can do it [Music] without god i can do it by myself but here what the message is the message is that you are you are wretched you are miserable you are poor you are blind you are naked without god you pose that you can do it by yourself but you don't know your true condition you don't know who you are only god truly knows and only god can remedy it and that's why his councils i come to you by of me hallelujah gold that is tried in the fire by salvation by righteousness but buying it it comes without money and without price all you have to do is to freely accept it through jesus christ thy gold that you may be rich by white raymond that you may really be fully clothed not in your own sinfulness but in the righteousness of jesus christ somebody need to hear this message somebody who has been putting off somebody who has been procrastinating somebody who has been living dangerously it's no you need to buy clothes white raymond you may because and take away your shame an ointment for your eyes i solve king james says for your eyes that you may see no matter what friends the greatest need of the world today is jesus christ the greatest need is not fires a vaccine the greatest need of the world is jesus christ because there's a vaccine that has caused damage from creation from man fought there's a virus called sin that has damaged this universe that has damaged this world damage relationship damage everything that man touch and the only antidote for this virus is the blood of jesus christ is the blood of jesus christ and i say amen but if you don't if you don't daniella and if you don't the message to the churches to say where what time of history we are where are we and is it too late is it too late revelation chapter 6 revelation chapter 6 and oh i know brother it sounds like as if we have left the best wine for the last but the word must be preached revelation chapter 6 and verse 12 from verse 12 i look when he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sucked out of here and the moon became blood and this very text this very verse tells us all 70 adventists you must be alert at this time 70 adventists you must be standing up at this time because this text tells us where we are in history if you doubted the image if you doubted the churches there is no way you can doubt revelation 6 because this has happened in our modern time this has happened in our history johnson when the sixth seed was open he saw these three things happen that the earth shook and church hear me somebody in november 1 1755 the great lisbon earthquake even the caribbean it that took place november 1 1755 john's said the day will be dark the sun will be covered and the dark day took place may 19 1780. are you hearing me somebody that took place then he said he saw the stars meteor shower that took place go study history go read history and it tells you it takes place on november 12th november 12 or 13 1833 that took place when there was a great meteoric shower so the bible has been fulfilled before our eyes somebody needs to know that prophecy is being fulfilled somebody needs to know that we are just right at the edge of eternity hallelujah we are right at the edge of eternity we are soon to transition from time to eternity leave me let me praise my god it won't be long when time will give way to eternity and then in verse 13 stars fell on the earth as a victory drop i told you verse 14 and then after the falling of the stars which took place in 1833 after the falling of the stars the next phenomenon the next great sight that john beheld he said this the sky receded the sky rolled up as a scroll every mountain every island moved out of the places the next great event to happen is the rolling pack of the scroll the sky of heaven and if look at how close oh somebody holy spirit will your move know upon god's people holy spirit will you move now upon people for justification will you move no holy spirit on someone who has been delaying will you move no holy spirit and someone who has been rejecting will you move no holy spirit but will your move know and someone who needs to sanctify someone who need to give up some darling sin someone who has been baptized but need a right about turn someone who needs true conversion because watch this now take note of how close three of these phenomena were in fulfillment please take note lisbon earthquake 1755 take note that the dark day 1780 and so that would be that would be what 30 or 25 years 25 years between the lisbon earthquake and the dark day and then it was 33 years between the dark day and the falling of the stars look how close these fulfillments were together but from 1833 until now it is the next to the next great phenomena phenomenon next great phenomenon which is a rolling back of the scroll individuals must realize that the time has been extended and the time has been extended mercy door is lingering somebody need to hear the preacher time is longer from 1833 to 2000 and over 160 i'm not able to do my maths quickly now but hear me why is it that this last phenomenon to happen has such an extended time hear me somebody is because god is holding back the winds of strife is because god is allowing someone to come to repentance mercy door is still open help me holy spirit tonight that i can reach somebody's heart nature is speaking to us tonight the lisbon earthquake is talking to us the dark day is talking to us the meteoric shower is talking to us they're falling off the star nature is speaking in all its glory nature is telling us that the door of mercy hallelujah stands a jar nature is telling us the door of mercy stands a jar and the next great event that should happen on this earth after the great falling of the stars is the rolling up of the scroll it is the coming of our lord and savior jesus christ in glory and majesty but jeremiah says the harvest is past the summer is ended mercy is closing and we are not safe but is it too late somebody needs to know that if you are hearing this message tonight it is not too late for you because you will have the opportunity to make a decision for christ it is not too late but then jeremiah asked a question as a matter of fact three questions in one in jeremiah chapter 8 and verse 22 jeremiah says is there a bomb in gillette is it too late is there oh praise god a bomb in guillen is there no physician here why then is not the health of my daughter of the daughter of my people recover is there a bomb and gillette the answer is yes yes resoundingly yes there is a bombing there is there is a tree i was placed and there was a tree that was placed on calvary's cross and from that tree blood fell and from the blood sin dies where the blood fell i'm so glad his precious blood now covers me if you're hearing the preacher this evening is a strong possibility that it is not over for you it is a strong possibility that there is still mercy lingering is there a bomb in gillard is there healing for my people is there a doctor on ward is there a physician in this universal hospital is there a doctor who is running the ward because my people are sick from their heads to the toe my people are infected with sin is there a doctor on duty i can tell you this afternoon this evening that dr jesus is on the ward dr jesus is in the emergency room dr jesus is in the operating room hallelujah dr jesus the great physician the sympathizing lord is at is uncalled and he will be ready to administer remedy is there a bomb why then and not the health of my daughter the daughter of my people restored why then and the main reason is that jeremiah israel jeremiah those who are sick in sin don't see the need to go to the physician don't see the need for the physician and even when the physician pays a home visit and when he knocks on the door behold he said i stand at the door and knock and even when the physician pays a home visit a knock on the door he's still ignored but is there a bomb yes why is it that your daughters are still sick your daughters feel that they are rich and in need of nothing your daughters believe that they don't need the physician and so jeremiah the physician will one day close his operation thanks be to god that there are those who are sick with this contagious virus of sin those who are sick with this disease that is contagious that is universal that is deadly they're those who have sought the savior it is sad though jeremiah that there are those who have been so infected they don't evil see the need for the savior they rather remain in selfishness in pride in vain glory in haste the temper in malicious revenge rather find excuses and adhere to extravagant habits and luxurious living but rather be drunken by the wine and the cares of this world they would rather swear and break the sabbath then come to jesus christ jeremiah many of your daughters are absorbed in their own business jeremiah many of your daughters are wrapped up in the pledges of this world and have no taste of spiritual things jeremiah many of your daughters are uninterested in christ and unconcerned about their salvation jeremiah why your daughters are not healed many of your daughters jeremiah their consciences are sneered they care not for healing a seared conscience many find excuses and various arguments against salvation some find it evil impossible to be healed but i say to somebody there is enough grace to wash your sins away listen to me you don't have to doubt this vaccine hey it is the oldest vaccine you don't have to doubt it it works hallelujah and there is no side effect with this vaccine it goes to the virus of sin itself the blood of jesus christ wash away our sins there is a fountain filled with blood from emmanuel's vein sinners punch beneath the floor lose all the guilty stain get up from where you are stand up for jesus christ walk away from sin and be saving god's kingdom make the decision tonight you've been putting off you have been delayed make the decision tonight to follow jesus christ tomorrow might be too late it's a baptism that will be near you and even if you are far away jason johnson drove for 30 hours straight across six states just to be baptized you can do it tomorrow you can do it tomorrow go to and by the way friends if you realize what is happening the churches now because of kovid are limited in the numbers call with churches now are limited in a number of individuals who can attend worship service because of covet 19 and friends this is the tip of the iceberg now you can even clearly see that there will come a time when when churches are locked down and you want to be baptized you want to surrender your life to the lord and it is too late get up from where you are find the nearest church call the pastor call the elder call a member call a bible worker because your life is too important you never know when it is going to be impossible you never know when you're going to have a total lockdown and not even the word of god can be preached via social media today you hear my voice harder not your heart take note somebody read the signs observe what is happening and make it right with your god before it is eternally too late in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i asked you choose jesus now i asked you choose the truth of god's word now you know what is truth you know your conscience is speaking to you the holy ghost is speaking to you anybody who wants to know truth will know truth because that's what the word of god is there for that's what the holy spirit is here for and he will never fail so if you're not obedient to truth it's because you're either don't want to know the truth or you don't have the courage to accept the truth of god's word but when the king was waiting for the prophet to come saul went and all offered a sacrifice for himself when samuel came and saw what he did even with the best intention samuel rebuked him and samuel said it is better to to to to obey than to sacrifice don't you think that cain was sincere but cain disobeyed he brought just a portion of the sacrifice of the brother he did not bring the blood offering and cain must realize that without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin god accepted the offering of abel but he rejected the orphan of cain because cain knew better this is not burger king this is not frank's natural music this is not having it your own way this is having it god's way and only god's way can save with my last plea i asked your friends those who are not yet baptized do so tomorrow you can do it parents who have act skin that they could give their hearts to the lord support them do it tomorrow and if you have to walk away from certain things walk away and do it for your soul salvation if you have to go and sign up a card sign up that decision card online if you have to go and call one of the numbers online do it now in the name of jesus christ of nazareth if you have to call somebody for baptism tomorrow yes sir yes ma'am do it now the holy ghost is talking to you not just pastor williams voice you are hearing it is a voice of the holy ghost do it for your soul salvation and do it for the honor and glory of almighty god our father god in heaven i leave now decisions in your hands i leave justification in your hands and leave the forgiveness of sins in your hand the imputed righteousness of christ i leave it in your hands and i also leave sanctification the imparted righteousness of christ i live change in your hands and it is still in your hands lord i pray that many will make a stand for baptism tomorrow before it is too late and it is still in your hands when your people shall change from mortal to immortality from corruption to incorruption it is in your hands in jesus name we pray amen and amen [Music] have you wonder along on life's pathway [Music] have you lived away without love a life have you searched for life [Music] steady [Music] [Music] oh how foolish [Music] as you wander [Music] [Music] turn around turn around when my god [Music] search for with them and seek understanding [Music] there is someone who loves you and he always cares give it up give it up the lord you're burying is ears [Music] [Music] turn around turn around my heart is calling [Music] search for wisdom and seek understand [Music] there is someone yes he knows and he always cares [Music] [Music] [Music] oh how full it is [Music] turn around turn around [Music] that is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] turn around the lord is falling [Music] turn around turn around the lord is falling he's calling you from a life [Music] he's calling you [Music] he's calling you from a life of wasted he's calling you from a life [Music] what a wonderful message it was alan indeed and he's awesome indeed awesome and i tell you when the holy spirit is poured out and i when god can use his people just push his message to every kingdom tongue and nation i tell you i know it will go forth with power and clarity you know denise i'm looking forward for tomorrow tomorrow will be a great day it's going to be baptism today yes it's going to be baptism day i'm going to teach you a new word as we before we phase out tonight when we had the footprints of hope we encourage those persons who were about to give their hearts to jesus we said just type do it in jamaica we say tweet d-w-e-e-t so you text and encourage those individuals tell them do it for jesus it's a good thing it's the right thing well we are so happy that they would have taken time out to worship on this platform with us of course all those on the various social media platforms we named them of course youtube facebook wccn bless tv we wanted thank you all for joining us tonight and remember we will do it again tomorrow morning at 9 00 a.m sharp so please join us and remember keep on sharing that link so on behalf of the entire technical team here at west jamaica conference i'm alan green and i'm denise lawson leslie say stay connected good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
Views: 24,243
Rating: 4.87251 out of 5
Keywords: #Seventh-day Adventist, wccn
Id: bEmnqB_dWnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 30sec (6330 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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