"The Night Is Comming" || Online Worship Experience || Morning || Sabbath September 18, 2021

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hope empowered by the spirits i will go as part finders we are ready and willing to go for jesus will you go unit 1 darren webb and lacy ann robinson will now do the song service after which lacien will do the prayer let us pray they can't have a righteous father thank you for bringing us here this morning dear lord i thank you for everything i've done please consider god and protect protect us in your precious name i pray amen hallelujah hallelujah i'm so glad to tell hallelujah [Music] amen amen [Music] the others are ready to go unit 2 tamer martin will do the kindergarten lesson abigail forbes the primary lesson and alia miller will do the junior lesson after which we will have the children's story by grandma and keith good morning church the kindergarten lesson is taken from joel 2 verse 26. you will have plenty to eat and you will praise the name of the lord the message is we thank god for giving us good food good morning everyone the primer the primary lesson is entitled who said are you on the member verse is taken from john 14 verse 1 do not let your heart be troubled if you believe in god you also believe in me the memory verse is we serve an awesome god happy sabbath today's junior lesson comes to us from first samuel 16 verse 7 and it says the lord does not look at things people look at people look at the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart our poor point says heaven rejoices when we praise god wholeheartedly so let us all make heaven rejoice by praising god today and the rest of our lives have a wonderful sabbath i am so happy my grandmother sent me to camp this year it's my first experience and camp is so nice i am really enjoying myself except for the food my favorite first one copper package fill launch one dumpling one finger banana one little piece of tofu what do i imagine what for supper one slice of bread if i was at home with my grandmother i know i would have something else to eat at least i could go in the bread pan and take all two slices of bread i wish my granny could come with a piece of bread for me you know i need to wonder if kate is in over here kids [Music] what you say is not there where is he oh next door all right yes grandma okay i am so happy to see you i am so happy that you are to see us well what grandma what are you doing here don't tell anybody i have to come and look for you are you looking good yes grandma can't be so nice i really enjoy myself but grandma i have one little problem what's that now grandma i am hungry oh comes grandma just one liquid looks a package no i have to do nothing i have to talk you know i need to talk with you grandma one sense of bread for supper you don't treat me this way no no no listen i have to go and talk to sister hines because i know that when you're at home even though sometimes we don't have much but i expect you to get more yes grandma because i know if i was at home i could look in the breadboard for something so everything else is okay just the food is your problem and grandmommy can't get for yours me tablet with phone and then something in my family oh they didn't tell me i hope they're protected you know because no sir they'll see them all one but grandma yes they seem all one i am enjoying myself but i miss my things that i have at home i need to talk to sister hines because i don't understand she's not giving her much food she take over your tablet without my permission she better not mash it up give me them back for me and take something i have so little boys and girls i'm gonna talk to first then i'll go to sister heinz because you must get food almost like a tablet grandma let me go talk to my little boys and girls no boys and girls i just want to talk to you a little i remember at home it's a training ground so when you're at home are you mommy training you are your father training you are your grandparents it is just for you when you go in the working world and when you go out to camp or wherever you can adjust so remember now satisfy with the food to get at home satisfied with the tablet you have and everything you have because remember that you are going to be a citizen of the country so you are being trained at home the bible train up a child in the way he should go that 20 years old they will not depart from it remember that grandma loves your boys and girls good morning church our speaker for today is a 12 year old boy from the sardia squad finder club he attends a herbert mars technical high school and he enjoys worshiping the lord and singing i speak none other than the chaplain for this camp there on web but before he comes matthew smith will give us a song of meditation we were the field of souls together you and i some fields are blooming now other fields are dry we are not the same but differences aside [Applause] we [Laughter] [Music] together you and i one is off to foreign soil to work a distant land another anchor is close to shore to hold the neighbor's hand who has served the father most and who has labored best that life's devoted to our god that devotion will be blessed we were defeated of souls together you and i [Applause] some fields are blooming now other fields are dry we are not the same but difference aside [Music] we will work the field of souls together you and i we will work the field of souls together you and i some fields are blooming now [Music] other views are dry we are not the same but differences inside we will work the field of soul together you and i we will work the field of souls together you and i good morning church my name is darwin webb from the sardius part finder club and the title for my sermon for today is even a child can go our key text will be matthew 19 verse 14. jews in the first century saw little children as only dependent weak and unable to do anything to contribute to the gospel but when god looked at the little ones he saw strength he saw courage he saw obedience so after a day on the mission christ was tired and the disciples knew it but there came near to him some little children the disciples looking at the children they saw trouble confusion and they saw restlessness they told the children go and leave the master alone but with the offensive look and a loving voice the master said stop don't trouble the children let them come jesus put the children on his lap and minister to them for when jesus looked in the eyes of those little children he did not see trouble he did not see confusion and he did not see restlessness he saw love children are loving even when you are loving to them they will still show you love that's the natural characteristic of children everyone who loves is of god because god is love christ not only saw love but also forgiveness children are forgiving you may hurt a child but in a short world the child will forgive you christ saw warmth i can just imagine when christ was ministering to them the way how the children showed warmth to christ you see children are totally dependent but it is more positive than it is negative for children depend on their parents for protection food shelter and clothing so one must have total dependence upon god for empowerment to bring the gospel to a dying world full of coveted cancer and aids all these things are because of sin so you see adults even a child can go a child has all the necessary ingredients to spread god's word and will to a dying world to my fellow children you can go you were made to go go little ones go hog and love to a loveless world with your smiles and your kisses you are living in a world where people love to hold grudges but little one go go and show the world how to forgive the way that god showed you how to forgive church i will go will you go what a beautiful sermon that was and we want to thank all the part finders who came along and boys and girls just remember it's important for you to get involved in the part finder club get involved in the things of the church and i'm going to pray for you now so the lord will continue to help you let us pray father we charity in heaven i just want to thank you for your love and your mercies towards us thank you for all the children thank you that they're in the path find a club that trained them so that they can do the things that you want them to do tell them that they will be comfortable at home be comfortable so when they go to camp they don't have to complain bless us someone keep us and keep us safe from this coved and hope that if anything should happen to us we can go home and live with you jesus when you come in jesus name i pray amen god is truly amazing the sardius pathfinders want to say a special thank you to all those who were on the go for jesus thanks to all the pathfinders for proclaiming god to grandma and keith to all those who are watching us on facebook youtube wccn bless tv and all the other social media platforms it was a blessing being here with you let us go without a murmur i am your host matthew smith see you until next time [Music] a servant of god are we faithful as we march along in kindness truth and purity want to thank my heart for the adventures yeah the children for doing an awesome job excellent job we know that charlene is over there with the pathfinder uh director yes or something of that start but she's up there know that she's keeping them in line and strong we want to continue to pray for the leaders of the children keep them in your prayers guys because they continue to do well even in a time as this definitely i salute you on that session right now it's inverse and it cannot be inverse if we didn't do what get in the verse and today yes they have a topic that we want to hear about beyond sexuality have you shared the link yet please send it no to our youth it's going to be beyond sexuality and if you have experienced any difficulty just know on the channel yes we have established a new link and so if you are now on you're hearing me we're asking you to resend that link because we had a lot of persons on just know they would have lost connection we're asking you to share the link so that they can join us once more right after inverse though we'll have the new believers focus with elder kingsley clark you know you cannot afford to miss that because that is where we get the potency and the profoundness for our believers so stay tuned and join us and remember we at the ayat bookstore we're asking you to make your orders for the inverse quartile is they're no longer called the collegiate but the inverse quartiles has more diverse topics and more interesting ones some that are swept under the rug and now we are rehashing everything we are having the discussions openly as we continue to learn and grow and strive in god's grace and right now we shall go over to the team be blessed amen a very pleasant sabbath to you everyone thank you for joining us today on the inverse program i am your host today sitting in for pastor andre wallace camaro simmons elder at the irwin heights symphony adventist church you know it's said that if it's in the book we have to take a look and if it's in the word then it must be heard and if it's in the verse well thanks for being with us we are now in verse the topic that we have been looking at for the past couple of weeks uh the overarching topic is sexually designed principles of biblical sexuality and we have looked at this week beyond sexuality and we have with us today a very special group of young people who are going to be sharing with us they they are going to be expounding the word of the lord so that we can have a better understanding of it to my far left i have pastor kimoy allen from the lititz district of churches uh beside him is sister romay simpson from the flankers symphony adventist church and to my right is sister tamika heart from the hopewell sda church and before we go any further i'm going to be asking pastor allen to say special prayer for us father in heaven we are grateful for your presence with us as we go through this study we ask so that you will guide our minds and our thoughts and may each person that listen they will have enough principles to govern their lives in jesus name amen amen you know oftentimes it is said that when somebody is upset they tell you a piece of their mind and we see as it were in ezekiel 16 that god seems to be telling his people a piece of his mind a very explicit uh passage of scripture that we have looked at this week and that is our passage of focus ezekiel 16 i'm gonna ask sister heart to read for us the last three verses of ezekiel 16 to hear what the lord had to say nevertheless i will remember my covenants with thee in the days of thy youth and i will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant then thou shalt remember thy ways and be ashamed when thou shalt receive thy sisters thine elder and thy younger and i will give them unto thee for daughters but not by my covenant i will establish my covenant with thee and thou shalt know that i am the lord thou mayest remember and be confounded and never opened thy mouth anymore because of thy shame when i am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done saith the lord amen and there we see a forgiving heart of the lord uh if you're joining us on facebook we have a question for you since our god is a god of passionate love what effects does this love have on how we view humanity and ourselves so if you're on facebook uh type it type your responses in the chat we'd like to hear from you and hear what you have to say on youtube your question is why does god use sexual violation as the context to convey his perfect his perspective with human rebellion all right so that's your question on type your responses in the chat and we're going to be going now straight into our intro right that the topic is yahweh and israel this is the heart at first glance the bible may seem like a perfect book for young people is there a but to that statement well some people may think there's a but to that question to that sentence but honestly i don't think there's a but i have three children and my husband and i practice especially when sharing the bible with our children so for them to fully understand when god goes on and give explicit use explicit sorry explicit narrative to describe or bring across something he does it because he wants to bring up across a point and therefore i don't we should i don't think we should shield our children too much sometimes we may need to rephrase it but it's very important that we do not water down the principles that god wants our children to get because it will endanger their faith if they don't truly understand what god is trying to get across to them then it it makes their spirituality and their concept of god and the concept that he's trying to bring across to them not as serious and as as profound as the other one as he wants them to get it so it's very important that we do not shield our water down but maybe rephrase so that they get we get the right concept and message that god has for them amen very important appearance have that awesome responsibility to lead their flock which are their children romay who is a harlot well elder simons when we think of harlots we first think of rahab and we can also think of someone who sells themselves for money so they have sexual desires that they need to fasten or to deal with and they try to have that desire met so as we speak of rahab and solomon and judah in the narratives of the bible there are two things that we want to make clear what we're seeing here is that it shows the depravity of humanity so in other words it shows or nakedness and it shows the evils that exist that god has to save us from and secondly there are prophetic illustrations so there is some level of intimacy and some level of close relationship that god is seeking from us and when that is broken then his heart is shattered yes so so pretty much harlotry is somewhat synonymous with idolatry yes yes all right uh pastor allen uh describe for us the relationship between yahweh and israel yeah as i look at it it is in one word consistency yes um israel is consistently running from god and god is consistently running after israel yes and it shows and demonstrates god's love for his people that it doesn't matter how far they go is always pursuing them all right beautiful and and we have looked through the week some at some verses of scripture which helps to bring about this this this love relationship between god and his children i'm going to ask renee to expand a little bit for us on hosea chapter six what did you see here what did you get from it well as we see here for hosea chapter six verses one through to six it's a call to repentance it's a call to return back to god and as god calls us to return to him he not only promises forgiveness but what he does through his confidence promise he promises transformation he promises change and with that it goes beyond the religious sacrifices that would have been done and burnt offerings so what he's asking of us is to have not only a knowledge of him or knowing about him and it is really to experience him and a great writer said that god's love cannot be explained but only experienced amen cannot be uh explained explained but experience that that's beautiful that's beautiful tamika ezekiel 23 1-49 tell us something about this passage ezekiel 23 verse 14 two what sorry 1 2 49 is a very interesting passage where god talks about two daughters that he brought up and yet they went off and they lost it off after other nations you know in this we learn we get to see what happens when we lost after god he so many times we look at our lives we see where we are today god has brought us through many things he has blessed us and yet after he has blessed us with that job that and the children at home all the things that we could ever dream of and we go now and start looking after other things and lusting after the things of the world and sometimes we get caught up in ourselves thinking that where we are now is because of us and we pride fills us and what happens god uses the things that we lost after and it destroys us and we see that happening here in ezekiel chapter 23 where because of these um lustful things that they did these two daughters were completely destroyed and you know it's very sad because there were two daughters and god um identifies them with samaria and jerusalem and after one country was destroyed the other daughter did not learn and because she did not learn she suffered the same faith as the first daughter and at the end of ezekiel chapter 23 he said jesus god said in his word that when we have seen their lewdness taken away because of their destruction is for other women to see so that they do not follow the same example god has so many examples of what sin can rot in our in our life and the woman in this text is talking about the church we as a church and also individuals we must learn from all the examples that god has put before us in history and in the bible and don't make the same mistake it is therefore a witness to us so that we can see the effects of sin and that we will not fall to the same destruction as these two daughters did amen and and you know to support that i would refer the listeners to check out deuteronomy chapter 8. it's a passage of scripture that reminds us uh who is responsible for all that we have right and not it's not our works but the work of god who has blessed us uh pastor allen ephesians chapter 5 21-33 all right ephesians chapter 5 25 well through to the end really speaks to god using the relationship between a wife and a husband to depict his love for his church so he says husbands love your wife as christ loves the church and his love is demonstrative he gave his life for the church and in response to his love the wife will submit submit here could speak to respect could speak to worship in regards to god so it says wife respect your husband and as the respect is shown as a response to the love that god has for his church and for his people beautiful we're gonna go straight into ingest because uh there's a story of hosea and goma tamika share your reflections on this story for us the story of isaiah talks to us about a loving god one who is long-suffering and he's merciful and he uses the the um the marriage um to truly help us to understand i am married and any person who is married out there husband or wife when you have bestowed everything into your relationship you have loved your spouse you have put all your resources in you have given your time the best of your years and then your partner goes off it hurts it hurts so much to see the person go off but then god says to josiah go after her buy her back and it must have been a painful experience anybody who have been through the hurt of someone being unfaithful know it cuts the heart to know that this person has hurt you and then to hear god say go back and get this person who have betrayed you but that's what god does for us each and every day he blesses us he takes care of us he bestows everything on us he saves us he went came from heaven and went to the cross for us and yet we still turn our back on him but he is so merciful he says in his word if we if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us even we have turned away in isaiah 1 he says to us um wash you make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before me and if you learn to do well come back to me he's always a god who's chasing after us and in hosaiah we learn this we serve a god who is merciful he's long-suffering and he loves us with every bit of his divinity right and what is very important though even though we learned throughout this um this week's lesson that there is a point of no return god his mercies are not it's long-suffering but it's not endless yes he's it's not endless and that's the reason why we must turn we must turn and come to him all right so ezekiel chapter 16 is is seen as a very explicit passage romey could you explain what's happening here give us the essence of it in a nutshell pastor ezekiel chapter 16 it is 63 verses long and as tamika says the bible is explicit when god has something to share then he was he will do so very detailed and it highlights in other words um the spiritual audacity of god's people what it cannot in any way shape or form outshine god's unfailing love for us and the example is given in the lesson of a baby who is found in the wilderness and this speaks to our nakedness instead of letting it die what the finder does is that the finder saves the child and loves the child falls romantically in love with that child and they are combined together they're joined together in a confident promise and they are adorned adorned the story by god and not by themselves and that's a key point to note and even though they were married though as we spoke of the harlot situation we see that this harlot was unsatisfied but here's what there is good news and the good news is that even though the wife she was wayward she did not remember the most compatible husband there is and can ever be the divine husband will always remember and share his unfailing love beautiful beautiful pastor alan threads off a rope what does that have to do with god's love for his people all right the lesson points out that there are different greek words used for love agape filio eros but all of these words um they carry different meaning in the expression of love but overarchingly all of these expression of love comes from a source and the source is god in um first john it tells us that god is love and and it is from god that love is expressed so the art is bringing across that if we are going to be faithful in expression of love we have to spend time to have that relationship with christ that we are able to do it the right way beautiful you know uh god is seen as the hound of heaven no matter where we are what we have gotten ourselves into he is willing to reach down the bible says his ears are not heavy his hands short where he cannot reach us so no matter where you are no matter what you have gotten yourself into you can rest assure that god still loves you and he is willing to take you back to himself he says come let us reason together though your sins be as scarlet they shall be worse white as snow though they be read as crimson they shall be as will you know if you want more of this lesson please visit www.inversebible.org and you will get a free copy of this lesson where you can take some more time to go through this lesson so brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen this is all the time we have for today on inverse and i'm going to ask sister tashika heart to say the closing prayer for us let's pray heavenly father lord we thank you for being such a loving god lord we do not deserve your love lord each and every day we go a whoring after so many other things in our in this world however lord you keep on calling us back to you and we give you thanks lord we pray that someone on this platform someone even on this panel will remember how loving and merciful you are and that as you back onto our hearts to turn to you that we will turn to you and we will be saved and not be lost because you have made the provision for us in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] i'm only you man i'm just a man help me believe what i could be and all that i am [Music] i have to climb the lord for my sake please teach me to take one day at a time [Music] jesus that's all i'm asking from you just give me the strength to do every day what i have to do over yesterday's with jesus and tomorrow may never be mine lord help me today show me the way one day at a time [Music] oh do you remember [Music] when you walked among men well jesus you know while you're looking down here below oh it was not only i said pushing and shiveling [Music] oh crowd on my mind the lord for my sake please teach me to take one day at a time one day at a time sweet jesus that's all i'm asking from you just give me the strength to do every day what i have to do oh my yesterday's long jesus and tomorrow may never be mine lord help me today show me the way [Music] lord help me today show me the way one day at a time amen amen beautiful one day at a time lord teach me to take one day at a time good morning everyone and welcome again to the new believers focus as you know our series that we started a few weeks ago we have been looking at difficult texts in the bible and to see how we can better understand them now this week we are looking at another text that is found in in the book of romans this time in romans chapter 14. by the way romans chapter 14 is a very beautiful uh chapter but it is also one of those chapters that have its own difficulties now this morning we are going to be looking spending some time on romans chapter 14 and verse 5. the bible says one man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind let us pray our heavenly father we thank you for the privilege once more to open your words may your holy spirit guide us in the study one more time open our understanding and as your truths are revealed to us give us the strength to be obedient to what your words have revealed in jesus name we pray amen romans chapter 14. now individuals from time to time will turn to this text in an effort to show that the sabbath commandment need not be kept there are individuals who will turn to this text and said hey if you want to keep it you may keep it and if you don't want to keep it then you don't keep it and whichever you decide god accepts it so the question is is this is that exactly what paul is saying is paul speaking about the seventh day sabbath in the commandment of the lord so let us take a closer look at what the bible is saying and remember now we are not preaching denominationalism we are preaching talking about the word of god what does the word of god teaches on the subject and what exactly does the apostle paul meant when he said one man esteem it one day above another and every somebody else esteemeth all day alike let every man be fully persuaded the next verse had said he that regarded the day regarded it unto the lord and he that regarded not the day to the lord he does not regard it so i'm going to start by trying to find out what paul is not saying all right and the first point is that paul is not speaking of the sabbath commandment paul is not speaking of the sabbath commandment and you ask me why do i say that because again paul will be contradicting himself if he's speaking about any of god's 10 commandments because paul himself already declared in romans 3 verse 31 we read it some time ago when he asked the question do we make void the law through faith and he said god forbid in other words don't even let that thought enter your mind that is something that god would not allow or even have us to think about when we accept jesus by faith he does not make void his law instead he says we establish the law of god that's romans 3 and verse 31 in fact i could turn it to romans 7 where paul tells us again that the law of god is good and um and you know righteous and truth you know he explains that to us but i'm not going to go there i'm going to go just to the chapter before chapter 14 where paul tells us that the law of god still ought to be kept so he could not be talking about the sabbath commandment quickly in romans 13 verse 8 he says owe no man anything but to love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law you notice that paul here is saying that love is good because love fulfills the law in other words there is still a law that needs to be kept it was a wise man solomon who said in ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 14 he says it is the all duty of man to keep his commandment in that very same chapter 13 paul again speaking about the law and love in verse 10 he says love worketh no ill to his neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling of the law again paul is letting us know that love is important because it fulfills the law the law that we ought to be keeping and you may be asking which law is he talking about you can read verse 9 where he gives us some of the last of the last six commandments that speak to love to one's neighbor so paul believes in the sabbath read acts for yourself and you will learn acts 17 and verse 2 where paul had accustomed to go to church on the sabbath when paul and that is whether or not they were the church of the jews or the gentiles you read acts chapter 13. you read acts chapter 16 where paul would if there is no church in the town he went to the seaside to our service on the sabbath and then he went back the next sabbath and the next sabbath as it were in order to preach the word of god so paul kept it and we have no evidence anywhere in the bible that paul ever spoke against the silence so let us take that out of our minds paul is not speaking about the sabbath commandment the ten commandments as far as paul god and the bible is concerned is sacrosanct it is untouchable you can't change it in first corinthians and we recorded it some time ago in first corinthians chapter 7 and verse 19 paul himself says that circumcision is nothing and er comes on circumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of god and i could turn it to the last book of the bible that tells us that we should keep god's commandment so what is paul talking about in this verse if he's not talking about the ten commandments paul is speaking about the non-essentials he's talking about those things that are not important i give an example i may consider thai to be important and you may consider it not to be important well i may wear it to church come to church in a tie because i believe that it's important i feel comfortable worshiping god in a tie and somebody whose customer very well must be different from mine he may come without it and he's worshipping god the same way paul is then saying we must be tolerant with one another in fact in romans chapter 14 here uh paul was looking at intolerance in the church what kind of intolerance well the first intolerance was this that the gentiles had a problem that the jews were eating everything not not unclean food as as as in liberty because deliverance but everything offered to idols are not offered to idols and so the the gentiles had a problem they had a problem that the jews would eat food offered to idols when they who were used to worshiping idols of a problem with eating those foods offered to idol so when they eat it their conscience bothers them it feels as if they are still worshiping the idols but for the jews it was no problem and so the gentiles had a problem with the jews but the jews also had a problem with the gentiles the jews problem with the gentiles was that hey they are not keeping our our uh festive days they are not keeping our annual sabbaths they are not keeping our special days and so there was a level of intolerance in the church and paul here had to seek to settle it and so with this paul was not speaking about the ten commandment sabbath the one that is a memorial of creation he was talking about those that were a shadow of things to come and the other special days can i give you another local example in jamaica uh uh august 1 and august 6 are special days that we that we esteem we esteem americans may not esteem it but we esteem those days and we celebrate them as our emancipation and independence day the americans may not do so that's all right we may worship on ours too to the lord they they on our fourth of july that's their day they esteem it we don't so we don't do it but they if they decide to worship and go to church on that day that's all right for them we should not be calling that they are not celebrating our august one and they should not be calling that we don't celebrate their july's uh july 4th as well so what is paul speaking about let's look at the text carefully as we bring it down one man esteemeth one day above another i would like to say that he didn't say god he says man esteem of the day ah there are some people believe that the best month of the year is february and so many people i know by the way and that's all right they steam it but if you don't there's no problem with that but it says one man esteeming now the sabbath is not man who esteems it it is god we must remember that it is god who says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy it is god in isaiah 58 and verse 13 that says you should take your foot off my holy day it is jesus christ who says that he is the lord of the sabbath god esteems the sabbath just as oh god esteems honoring our appearance as he esteems that we should not worship idols he but we must worship him because he esteems him himself god so what god esteems we must esteem but then there are the unimportant the non-essentials as it were that individuals have a right in order for them to esteem as they would like to do and nations can do that as israel does as well and in that case we must be tolerant with one another we should not use ourselves as the standard to judge and to condemn each other because we are not exactly alike god allows differences in the church we can be united even with the differences that we have those differences are the non-essentials but god's ten commandments and the sabbath no those are not non-essentials those are essentials esteemed not by man but esteemed by god himself and the bible tells us that even on the earth made new we expect to still keep the sabbath of the lord why because it is a memorial of god's creative act on man's behalf that will never ever change because god had already done it he had made us he had made us in his own image and his own likeness and the keeping and the observing of his sabbath not mine not man's esteeming that day but god himself doing it so when you read that text next time take the sabbath of the of the commandment out of it it speaks of other days but not the sabbath [Music] oh missing grace how sweet the sound that saved a rich lie [Laughter] was lost but now i was blind but now i see it was grace to fear and grace my faith [Music] [Music] the grace [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i have already the spy [Music] [Applause] is is [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tremendous happy sabbath everyone it's the 14 parishes and the diaspora in praise prayer testimony and thanksgiving and we are giving god thanks for the blessing of life just to be alive is wonderful it's exhilarating happy sabbath denise and vincent yes we miss you but we know you are watching so if you are in asia or africa proverbs 3 verse 6 says in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy past its world path in the day we who have found the path must direct others africa asia jamaica good morning my beautiful caribbean people and to you europe and oceana yes in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path september is a very special month some very special people are born in september and these are belated but this week september 16 guess who celebrated birthdays pastor glenn oh samwells yes he did and of course we pray that god will continue to bless him on the chat sister naomi wishes her mother belated happy birthday greeting she was all of 102 years old tremendous and of course we saw you deborah francis from saint lucia and another special birthday greeting to mayor daniela levine cava that's the mayor of miami-dade county and of course she celebrated her birthday yes you you celebrated your birthday on september 14. it's coming from your senior staff your 25 department directors your 28 000 employees and you're over 2 million residents belated happy birthday may the lord lead you as you continue to lead out in your office over to allen with jamaica thank you so much sister popkin good morning jamaica happy sabbath to you from one point to the next point to a negro point all jamaicans scattered all over the world happy sabbath and good morning to you well as you've heard the text is he shall direct our path we have a beautiful uh section in our national anthem that talks about be or light through countless hours and so jesus is the light of the world so jamaicans let's continue to roll with jesus all right so uh just some few shout outs happy anniversary to uh this is wedding anniversary going out to mr and mrs wesley and ivette miles from cornwall mountain all right from cornell mountain the miles are celebrating 60 years of martial bliss greetings coming from six children grandchildren great grand relatives friends and church family and finally happy belated birthday to my sister maureen drummond she celebrated her birthday on september 11th happy sabbath god bless you all and it's over to sash indeed we're looking at god's path remember god's path may not always be understandable but guess what it's always the right path and so we're saying greetings to birthday greetings to renisa heath from the hampton 70 adventist church who celebrated her birthday uh this thursday and the celebration well the greeting rather it's coming from your entire family and they're saying that they love you and also ren you know i love you girl also to fidel worms who will be selling let me do that again say it correctly it's fidel forbes my apologies we'll be celebrating his birthday come this monday and his sister ladonna forms gordon will also be celebrating her birthday this tuesday happy birthday when it comes guys uh birthday greetings to trudy and robinson from the hampton semi adventist church who also celebrated her birthday yesterday uh birthday greetings going out to the uh cruz smith from mandeville who celebrated his birthday on wednesday the 15th uh greetings coming from your brother pastor andre sinclair and the entire family uh happy birthday sharika beckford you celebrated your birthday on wednesday and we want to say happy birthday and that's coming from nikkishaw and to miss claudia spence my very good friend and colleague you celebrated your birthday on wednesday and i want to say happy birthday girl and we are praying for you to con uh to continue watching and to join the fold very soon and denise would like to send a special shout out to the stanley's family in new york uh sakisha stanley celebrated her birthday or will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow and we're saying greetings to her husband germain stanley and their wonderful son liam and finally we have karima maiden crawford who celebrated her birthday on the 14th of this month and we say happy birthday finally final finally to cassandra wheat may god continue to be your guide as you continue to trek in his path and it's over to camaro thank you sister and the birthday greetings continue happy belated birthday to sister bernice dockery greetings coming from your family and the seventh day adventist church glenn davon happy belated birthday as well to ruby robinson reed yes your sister mae robinson my friend has sent her love to you on your special day and to my friend my brethren horace walker happy belated birthday to you sir to my sisterin romay ferguson happy belated birthday to you as well and to david anthony i know that you're watching us from saint lucia havreen johnson my other friend as well celebrated her birthday this week and elder hope barham from the seventh day adventist church mandeville happy belated birthday to you as well and dorsey smith josephs your birthday will be this week and i want i want to wish you all the very best when it comes sabbath greetings as well to sister verona blackwood who watches us every week from canada and happy birthday in advance to janik janik is one of our babies celebrating her birthday tomorrow she's from cordwell and on the matter of trusting in god faith plus obedience equals trust in god and trusting in god brothers and sisters doesn't mean you will get everything you ask god god for but it means you will get everything that you need we must remind you and in the same breath apologize for the hiccups we've been having with the link so now remember to re-share the link some people still have not yet found the correct one so please go right ahead share that link so that those who have been missing us since morning will be able to get on share the link and even as we transition into the vine service or the praise team is waiting to lead us as we sing to the honor and glory of god's name but before that sash will lead us into prayer indeed let us pray most kind and compassionate father what an awesome privilege for us to be here this morning being able to gather in this fashion we are grateful for your guidance uh from then until now lord as we continue to work and to live in this life we ask that we will follow your truth follow the light and so we'll follow your path lord help us to put all our trust in you lay all our burdens at your feet and at the end of the day regardless of whatever the path you've chosen for us help us to walk through with faith knowing that you are able capable and available and you will never lead us astray lord bless the rest of today's proceedings and help those who are listening are those who are here today to be blessed in jesus name we pray amen and it's over to the praise team i want to say welcome once again brothers and sisters to this the hour of divine worship we must say that when we have seen everything that we have been through for this period of time and to the very fact that we can testify that we're alive to see what we're seeing at this point what we're hearing or we're feeling the only thing we can say is that god is good and because of his goodness and because of his mercy and his favor we can say nothing else but just to say that he is god alone only he alone can be god and if you believe this just join us as we sing this song for a person worship today want you wherever you were spring from just to tune in as we sing this wonderful song praise you are god alone in the good times and the bad times to help us [Music] created anything we can give depend [Music] that's just the way it is [Music] [Music] we know worthy of all the praise we know he's worthy of all the glory that is why we sing this song today [Music] of anything we can give that's just the way it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] from [Music] [Music] unstoppable [Music] [Music] oh is oh oh oh [Music] oh [Music] you are and right now [Music] our god is god alone ladies and gentlemen we have come to a very special aspect of our worship today it is the rite of passage as we ask god's blessings on the life of a young one we're very happy this morning that two of our workers have been so blessed by the lord they were united in holy matrimony a few years ago and the lord blessed the union with the first born and so we are privileged this morning to present to the lord the first born of the sinclair's family we have pastor andres sinclair pastor in the north jamaica conference and sister renee sinclair a worker here at west jamaica conference and they have brought to the lord jesus this morning i'm gonna make sure i get the pronunciation of the name correct it is malachi not malachi malachi and so malachi nathan sinclair has been brought to the altar to be presented to the lord jesus christ we rejoice with you as you give back to the lord your first born invite us to concentrate on this passage one of my favorite passages for child dedication service found in genesis chapter 33 and verse 5 and he lifted his eyes and saw the women and children and said who are these with you so he said the children whom god has graciously given your servant this is indeed the word of the lord thank you pastor williams and i'd like to welcome in the team this morning the president of north jamaica the x chromosome is from north and the y is from west and so uh that's the combination that has given rise to the first of seven we welcome malachi this morning and we will take turns pastor archer so i may come to north for the next one and then you come to west for the next one until we complete the seven today we are privileged and blessed to participate in what our conference secretary calls the right of passage the dedication the present presenting of your little one to the lord this is indeed a significant moment in your life and in the life of the young child who at this point is looking steadfastly at me but has no understanding as to what is happening the bible is replete with numerous episodes of parental guidance and children's response to that the bible is clear as to god's divine counsel and expectation in speaking to the nation in what israel had come to love and preserve in the context of their oral tradition the lord god said that israel should first of all hear his word know them in their hearts and teach them diligently onto their children we are reminded of eli's failure in correcting his children we are reminded of this sad spectacle of how that unfolded on the life of the nation pastor sinclair and mrs sinclair you stand today as a pastor's family and i would like to share with you that the expectation that the church has sometimes of past as children is not a fair expectation but an understandable expectation maybe even at school the child may be exposed to unfair expectations where they'll say you're a person pick me you can't laugh that loud you can't talk that fast you can't run that way in church the child is expected to live a certain way it places on your shoulder an awesome responsibility but today you have joined your fellow pastors in bringing your offspring to the lord god in taking on your shoulder this awesome responsibility i charge you then as mother and father as parent to understand that you are the child's first teacher your home is a child's first church and its first school children live what they learn great then is the responsibility on your shoulder i charge you in the fear of god to understand that the words the child will utter will be words that he will hear from you it is our hope and prayer that malachi will rise up to pattern the example that you would have set hopefully as you walk in the footsteps of christ our savior i want to ask you then if it be your settled covenant today with almighty god to bring up this child i'll ask pastor williams once again to call the name so i won't make the mistake to bring up young malachi natan sinclair in the fate of the living god to train your offspring as a pastor of the pastoral family to preserve the principles of righteousness that this child in its life may demonstrate that which will make you proud and honor the living god if this be your settled commitment and covenant i'd like to hear you both say by the grace of almighty god we will grace of almighty god we will may god then grant you his grace and his wisdom to fulfill the pledge you today have made it is my pleasure to invite our conference president pastor carl archer to do the prayer of dedication i invite you to join us right now as we pray eternal father we thank you for the joy that we have as your children to know to have the assurance that you are always with us your promise is that you will not leave us nor forsake us today we commit into your hands pastor andrea sinclair and his wife renee you have blessed them with their first child malachi nathan sinclair and we join them in bringing him to you today we commit him into your care for your blessing for your guidance for your direction we ask you lord to touch and keep and sustain him as he grows may he receive the instructions that come from heaven so that he may grow to be a blessing to his family to the church to jamaica land we love to this entire world we pray that as he grows you will arrange matters in such a way that he'll be quick to comprehend what he shall be taught and quickest to comprehend and grasp spiritual things to walk in ways of righteousness grant to him a shield dispatch angels with excellent strength to protect shield guide and guard and then father we ask you to just sustain the parents granted to them health and strength that they'll be able to carry forward their responsibilities as husband and wife and as parents faithfully hear our prayer as we commit them to you bless their home and may the example serve to point others to you and to see what a blessing it is when we walk in ways of righteousness answer now because we ask these mercies in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit let everyone say amen amen and with the sinclair as you go from this platform today may young malachi rise up to call you blessed as you do your best to train him in the faith of almighty god our prayers and our full support with the family the lord god bless you both amen amen and we thank god for his wonderful and tremendous blessings on the life of the sinclair's family and the life of the newborn and so you have been with us and you have joined us uh via wccn facebook youtube instagram bless tv or whatever social medium you've joined us we want to welcome you in a very special way and trust and hope that the sabbath has been a tremendous blessing thus far and god indeed will continue to bless us all wherever you are now in your place in your living room at your workplace we just want to welcome you in a very special way i want to say a special hello to a few individuals by the way all of you know that my biological mother is from caldwell she is her name is hyacinth williams i love her very much so special good morning to you this is the hyacinth williams love you very much but this week i also met another of my mothers for the very first time and i want to say a very special hello to my mother uh in virginia virginia and guess what is her name her name is hyacinth williams so i have two mothers by the name of hyacinth williams uh mommy hilsin from virginia a very special hello to you very special sabbath and know you're watching may god continue to bless you i also want to say special hello to donna donald staples hell you are donna i am donovan donald staples there in florida you are at sunrise sda church know you are watching and you are i've been always watching donna i want to say hello to you next week's sabbath is going to be a tremendous sabbath here on our online worship experience it is going to be the launch of the jamaica union food bank and so next week you have to be connected with us all of jamaica will be connected with us here in west jamaica conference as jamaica union launches its food bank initiative we want to take care of all the needs that are there in jamaica and as god blesses us we are going to ensure that we be a blessing to each other in 2022 the inter-american division will celebrate 100 years of existence 100 years of existence for the inter-american division to god be the glory you are going to hear we are going to hear a term breaking the glass ceiling it is because in 2020 we want to do something ultra we want to do something beyond the ordinary for our heavenly father in celebration of 100 years of existence and ministry of the inter-american division it is going to be a year of celebration and friends what best better way can we celebrate than to lead more souls than we have ever done to the master in 2022 and and let's live as if 2022 will be our last year here on earth so let's give off of our tremendous best for the master and final announcement today is world pathfinder day world pathfinder day and we just want to say a special happy sabbath to all our pathfinders our adventurers our master guides or our youth leaders or senior youth individuals a very happy sabbath to you and may god truly bless you all let this be a tremendous sabbath here on earth you wrap up the announcements uh just to wish belatedly sister bernice dockery from the glendabond church belated happy birthday was september 16. that's elder doctrines always on the sabbath school his mother sister doctrine delighted happy birthday we welcome you to our divine worship service whether facebook youtube wccn bless tv instagram or you are being ministered to bed their sign language interpreted interpreters we are so happy you have joined us we welcome you we are still covered by grace and connected in hope and today we have another special word from the man of god god has given him a message for his people at this time for those who are seeking truth and for those who are walking the path we invite you to pray the man of god up he comes to us pastor glenn octavio samuels president of the west jamaica conference of seventh-day adventists and he will be speaking as the lord directs him today we are going to be singing all hail the power of jesus name it's 2 29 and the praise team is on standby to lead us in the singing of this beautiful hymn all hail the power of jesus name let angels prostrate fall let's crown him lord of all [Music] straightforward [Music] bring forth [Music] please jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] and [Music] ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters partners in ministry and mission today we want to pause we want to take a little time out just to recognize and celebrate all those who at home and abroad members and supporters of what we are doing from the gallery thank you all who have liberally generously sacrificially and regularly supported the west jamaica conference in its mission thank you it is said those who fail to be thankful for what they receive may soon find that they have nothing to be thankful for so to our faithful members who have always supported or mission whether it is true or six primary schools and two secondary schools or through or evangelism program or or mentorship and social intervention product projects whether your support was channeled to a community services care packages thank you we keep the lights on because of your generosity you help us pay the bills your generosity provide budgetary support in building churches responding to the persons with health issues and those who would otherwise fall through the crack in their efforts to gain an education we thank you those who have supported us so that we could prevent those who would otherwise be sleeping under the open canopy that now they have a roof over their heads thank you thanks for your support and your generosity to your local church and by extension the west jamaica conference to those who are not committed toward doctrines but are attached to our mission and what we are doing and supporting us in many ways thank you whether you're a member or not whether you are home or abroad whether you have given little or much it adds up and west jamaica thanks you we declare a blessing and prosperity and health and happiness upon your economy we decree contentment and protection of the divine guardsmanship on your family and we hope that as you continue to give god's blessings will uphold you in your community remember give.westjamaica.org thank you and god bless you father upon those who give we thank you upon those who give in kind we thank you and upon those who give their prayers to support a mission we thank you bless them liberally now as they continue to give for jesus sake amen thank you [Music] um [Music] i can almost hear the trumpet [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause at the midnight cry [Music] we'll be going home [Music] i hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind [Music] ever been i can almost hear the trumpet as gabriel sounds we'll be going home when jesus his children the dead in christ [Applause] [Music] and then those that we made shall be quickly changed at the midnight cry we'll be going home [Music] i look around me [Applause] and i see prophecies fulfilling [Applause] everywhere the signs of the time they'll perinate everywhere i can almost hear the father he's the sun go get my children [Music] at the midnight cry the dead in christ [Music] [Applause] his children [Music] the dead in christ [Applause] to meet him in the end and then those that remain [Music] shall be quickly changed [Music] [Music] when jesus [Music] is [Music] to me [Music] shall be quickly cry [Music] [Music] midnight will be [Music] amen and amen what a powerful ministry in music at the midnight cry we will be going home at this time i'm going to invite you wherever you are in your living room in your bedroom you're watching from even a hospital bed we are inviting you to bow your heads with me as we pray together let us pray father in heaven what a hope that you have given us that one day we shall be home with you what i hope you have instilled in our minds and hearts that this is not the end there might be mayhem and chaos on every side but there is hope of an everlasting home lord we just want to thank you for being so gracious for being so merciful for being so patient for extending your love to humanity to the extent that when we are wayward and careless that you are still patient enough to pursue us as if we are the only ones living on this planet and father we are thankful for this opportunity to come to you in prayer lord in this moment we pause at a time when the country is being rocked by this dreadful disease of the cove 19. when every turn we make we hear of the news of the passing loved one of someone who we know who is who has died as a result of this dreadful illness father we are asking you in this moment to walk up and down the aisles of every hospital room in this country we are asking that you will move along every cubicle you will stop by every bedside because we know that you can be everywhere at the same time we are trusting you heavenly father to respond to the cry of those who feel a sense that death is on its way they are feeling that sense that this is it they are giving up hope of this life but father we believe that if you did it for lazarus you can do it for a covered patient if you did it or god for that 12 year old girl you can do it for another who is at the verge and crisp of death we are praying heavenly father that you will breathe life into someone today and that they will rise up and glorify your name because you deserve every honor glory and praise in this life we present to you our father those who are struggling whether in their homes the enemy seems to be using this time to attack homes he's tearing down marriages tearing down families tearing down lives he is a sowing depression he is sowing discord he is sowing this unity but father we are asking that you will stay his hand at this moment you will redeem a family you will redeem a couple from the verge of upset from the verge of separation and you will bring them back into a loving relationship not just with each other but with you we present to you as well your manservant he has come to the kingdom certainly for such a time as this we know you have anointed pastor summers to preach the everlasting gospel and as he prepares his thoughts for his delivery we ask o lord that you will come down into his heart you will touch his lips you will anoint his mind you will strengthen his resolve to declare that which you have given him to preach bless this service be each viewer and may the desire to serve you may their desire to draw closer to you be fulfilled according to your divine will and purpose in jesus name we pray and say thanks and amen amen calvary still touches me the first time that i heard the story the story of calvary [Music] our king had come down from glory suffered and died on the tree my heart was touched by the mercy and love that event for me and each time i hear the story again oh calvary still touches my me is moved each time i hear somebody telling of what happened there to think of the love that he had for me all calvary still touches me the first time that i heard a story the story of calvary how a king had come down from glory and he suffered and died on a tree you see my heart was touched by the mercy and love that he had for me [Music] and each time i hear [Music] my heart is moved each time i hear somebody telling of what happened there to think of the love that he had for me all countries to touch as me [Music] the first time that i went to calvary it reached down and touched my soul and the blood of that sacrifice oh it covers and it washs me wider than snow and its touch it has given me healing and freedom is i'm free indeed and each time i flee the blood once again my heart is moved each night i hear somebody telling of what happened there to think of the love that he had for me my heart is cleansed each by my goal to [Music] oh calvary still touches me my heart is moved of what happened there to think of the love that he had each time i hear somebody telling of what happened there to think of the love that he had for me every to think of the love that he had for me [Applause] [Music] me thank you so much calvary still touches me and i hope it is still touching you too it is the symbol the emblem ah they held it then as a symbol of shame but we'll say whether some writer we'll cherish the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for the crown calvary still touches me and i'm so glad that the blood has not lost its power would you say amen it is my joy to greet you again and a couple of things i'd like to run through so i can keep my head on my body tomorrow is the birthday of one of my favorite sisters in law i have seven favorite sisters in law uh but they know that they call one one a and uh so tomorrow is priscilla's birthday and i'm saying happy pre-birthday to free and uh it is my joy to to greet no now may i i don't want to forget it but my family and my wife's family more so are profoundly touched by the overwhelming number of persons and so i told my sister-in-law andrea that if anybody asked her did the president pass on the condolences just say yes get in too many so so on behalf of all of uh willie's siblings thank you so much for reaching out and for sharing your caring thoughts and statements thank you so much i'd like to also remind you that this coming sabbath will be the launch of the jamaica food bank right here on this platform you can't afford to miss it by the way i apologize for the the uh mishap this morning with our internet access system it's man-made and the guys are still trying to figure out exactly what went wrong but um happy you're back you know i got calls and texts from england and all of the place uh what happened to unu what happened i i i don't know so i can i hope you're back by now so so if your friends are not back let me take a minute so i'm going to take the next two minutes to just do some announcements so take the time call them up quickly i won't run from the pulpit i'll stay right here until they come back so make sure you call them up quickly and tell them the old man is is right back and the west jamaica platform is right back there so so call up everybody that that missed this morning and if you have uh a member of your family who has grown discouraged if you have a member of your family who has wandered from the fold take the time call them up tell them there's a word just for them today if you have a friend who has not yet accepted christ as savior who's putting off this issue of surrendering or obeying the will of god called up and tell them there's a word from the lord just for them today you can't miss it and so this coming sabbath this coming saturday the 25th day of the best month in the year i don't think jamaica union could have picked a better month to launch the jamaica food bank so this coming saturday is the law right here we're going to be having the union president will be having the union personal nurses director right here as we launch the jamaica food bank and then in the afternoon the five conference presidents will be sharing together in a discussion shared by elder nigel koch so that you can't afford to miss it but then if you are in the new york area let me tell you let me tell you if you're anywhere belonging to the greater new york conference yes i begin that evangelistic series for the greater new york conference starting this coming saturday evening at seven o'clock and you can't afford to visit hey hey hey i need your face in the place i need your feet beneath the seat someplace coming to you live and direct and you kind of put them with yes tell them tell them the old man is saying for all the persons across the greater new york area across connecticut across massachusetts across georgia is going to be the footprints of hope new york style as a matter of fact i think they're going to transform this platform into the new york skyline i i you can't miss it you can't miss it i'm almost tempted to say to miss mr disc but i wouldn't say that to you you you just can't miss it this coming saturday evening it is the beginning of the uh footprints of hope new york style and you've got to be on board you're going to be in the place you're going to be in the place i said i want to see your face in the place i want to see your feet beneath the seat i'm coming live and direct right in living colors down your street and i look forward to sharing with you and you can't miss that you can't miss that it is our joy to be with you today as we share the word you know some i have a good friend by the name of uh nem hard guy name heart i used to be here at a union a mighty preacher now guy nem hard left some chores for his son his son was supposed to cut the yard my girls won't let me forget that you see a guy's son was supposed to cut the yard and he waited until daylight finished and he he was playing and he forgot about it so here comes nemhart in the night late night and the first thing as he drove up he noticed the front lawn wasn't cut he lit her on the back and he wasn't cut and so he went and he got a flashlight and he started the lawnmower and here come the young man protesting and crying cutting in the dark our subject today the night cometh the night cometh or you could if you want to choose one you could make it before the night comes before the night comes before the night comes would you bow your heads with me as we pray our father and our god this moment is yours i'm only a wretched lump of sinful clay long before i silda gave birth to this little boy you ordained the purpose you ordained this day long before i had sense enough to think long before i could put the first words together you ordained this moment you had this message that was prepared by you i just ask you by the power of the holy ghost to help me deliver the word that you have long prepared we pray living god for those in a special way i lift my heart now in grief on behalf of our brothers and sisters who have lost their loved ones god only you can tell the extent of the sorrow of some of these dear loved ones they've spent years bonding and living and dwelling together they've spent years praying and laughing together they've been each other's best friends and now almighty god they don't know how to deal with the issues of the present and the immediate future you are god and god alone they have questions that only you can answer they have burdens that only you can lift they have sorrow that only you can soothe and heal i just ask in the name of the lord jesus christ as only you can that you would climb down in that place wherever that special person those special persons are who've lost their spouses i just ask oh gracious god for those who've lost their parents for those who've lost their siblings for those who've lost a mother a father a brother a sister a husband a wife blessed god you understand what it means to cry at the sound of pain that the feeling of grief hear their cry and may your will be done in their lives grant them strength emotional resilience and spiritual fortitude until the day when you'll give back their spouses and their loved ones to death to them when death will never again be able to touch them now speak a word today is our asking in jesus name and let god's children say amen what i'd like you to run with me to the book of john saint john and i know camaro would want you to recite matthew mark luke and john but i won't say the rest of it we're just going to say john so if you are and by the way by the way can i yes uh apple creek i haven't forgotten you i'm going to try to see if i can finish the sermon on time so i can be with you for your bible class beginning at two o'clock my time and three o'clock your time so apple creek the old man hasn't forgotten you i'm gonna be right in your place today for your bible class at three but it's gonna be too my time so so tell you what let's if you shout amen in apple creek i'll be hearing you from here and uh in my mind that is say john chapter nine beginning at verse one the gospel according to saint john the ninth chapter and i'm giving you time to find it so that we can read it together saint john chapter 9 and we're going to be reading from verse 1 on to verse 4. and it says here now as jesus passed by he saw a man who was blind from birth tell your neighbor he was blind from birth he was born with a congenital defect he was blind from his mother's womb he came down the narrow birth canal he entered this life blind and the bible said in verse 2 his disciples asked him saying master rabbi who sinned now watch the quest and watch the question who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind master who sinned did this man sin why he was born blind or did his parents commit some special sin while he was born blind and jesus answered neither this man nor his parents sinned but that the works of god should be revealed in him now now very well i know that your mind would already be looking at the problems that the text is presenting so let me help you out uh let me begin with the text end and tell you this that the response of jesus is itself problematic but let me come to the easier part of it when he said neither did this man know his parents sinned he was not disannulling the universality of the sinfulness of humanity so when jesus said that that neither did this man sin nor did his parents sin he was not counteracting what romans 3 23 said when it says all have sinned and come short of the glory of god you see the disciples the disciples if you go back to verse 1 the disciples when they saw the man they didn't see first of all somebody who was in need of help what they saw was a theological question that need to be debated uh uh let me come your way i said when the disciples saw the man they did not see first of all somebody who was in need of help what they saw right up front you see the talmud and the mishnah has something i'd like to share with you to help you understand where i'm going so walk with me now you see in the mishnah it says the measure with which a man matches it is kneaded out to him and so they said samson went after the desires of his eyes therefore the philistines put out his eyes they said absalom glorified his hair so therefore he was hung by his hair both the talmud and the mishnah jewish rabbinical writings where they capture the oral tradition in both of these documents it was well entrenched that uh every act of suffering is because of sin yes we can understand that accepting that in their case they have this concept that that individual sin brings individual punishment and therefore the disciples ask the question lord who sinned why is it this man was born blind the mishnah taught us that everything that's bad here has a cause by the individual so so let me help you here they have this teaching that individual specific sin is responsible for specific issues in a specific person's life now we know the general principle that that everything bad is caused by the original sin so that that all of the stuff that's bad here is caused by sin but that's not the understanding at play in the text the understanding with which the disciples raised the question was that it is because of the individual sin while he was born blind walk with me walk with me so the question the question lord who sinned the jews believe that the suffering of this life were divine punishment for specific sin so let me help you understand why we couldn't walk that way so if you say it is the man's sin you would be saying that before he came out of his mother's womb god was holding him responsible for wrong acts so that the theological debate from the mishnah that the disciples first jumped they did not see a man oh holy ghost held the preacher they did not see a person who was in need of help what they saw was an object for theological discussion and so they asked master whose fault is it that he's born blind hear me carefully the man had never seen the sparkle in a young lady's eyes he had never seen his mother's eyes he had never seen a smile on anybody's face he had never seen a glorious sunrise nor has ever seen wonderful sunset he had never seen the beautiful roses he had never seen anything that your eyes take for granted and they ask lord whose fault is it is it this man's fault if the answer to that was yes you'd be saying that then a baby is ultimately responsible for wrong choices now if you say it's not him but it's his parents you're going to punish the man for something he is not responsible for and the word of god corrected the thinking when he said the sun shall not bear the iniquity of the father neither shall the father bear the sins of the son the soul that sinneth it shall die there is individual responsibility when you have come to the age of knowing right from wrong now i'm not preaching on this but i can't rush past it my preaching portion is really verse 4. so let me run on down there now ellen white in the book desire of ages page 471 talked about the general belief of the jews that they pull from the talmud and the mishnah that made god complicit they they were saying that that if the man was born blind then god was punishing that man for some stuff that he did inside his mother's womb how ridiculous would that be and so jesus answered the question neither did this man sin nor his parents i suggest to you that even the answer that jesus gave can itself be problematic why do you say the preacher i'm glad you asked me so jesus said the man didn't sin his parents didn't sin but whatever happened to him happens that god will be glorified now let me let me read the text for you jesus said neither did this man know his parents sinned but that the works of god should be revealed in him and the question that we struggle with is the age-old question why is it that god takes so long in releasing us from some stuff we don't want to deal with why is it that god who's got all the power why should he take so long and for many of us in the thrones and the cut and the thrust of life's challenges god seemed too slow and there are times when when we feel like rolling up our sleeve and going upstairs for a boxing match in the ring jesus said here that the man was born blind and he said listen to me let's look at the text it's not my preaching portion but i can't rush past it i can't rush past it he he said in in in in john chapter 9 verse 3 neither this man nor his parents sin but that the works of god should be revealed in him the problem here is the issue of god's timing and if you be real today you'll walk with me have you ever had something that you wish that god would be faster than you say involved in dealing with it have you ever had a trial a problem a grief a sorrow that seemed to last too long and you know that god can fix it you know he has the power to fix it but you struggle with the timing and some folk have a problem with the answer that jesus gave that that that it's gonna be for god's glory but that's not my preaching portion and my time is already running i couldn't resist sharing for the first three verses i want to preach on verse four that's where i'm heading and uh our subject is the night is coming so i'm going to ask you to read verse 4 while i look for my own verse 4 the night is coming so let me try verse 4 with another text that you knew very well uh math john chapter 9 and verse 4 i must work the works of him who sent me while it is day the night is coming when no man can work i must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night is coming when no man can work the text has in its specificity some natural division but let me help you with something here most uh uh translations carry the personal pronoun in the plural form we must work the works of him that sent us while it is day that is the preferred translation that most colors go by we must work the works of him that sent us while it is day you see even if you take the i in the king james let me come back at you so you say all right preacher the text says i must work the words of him that sent me well let me tell you he also said as the father sent me so send are you so in other words i want to talk here let me tell you where i'm going i'm taking it down the road of the all-inclusive nature of the divine purpose the all-inclusive nature of the divine work i want to talk with you about the the the purpose that you want to play in this we'll talk about the the content of that role that you must play we'll talk about the context of the role that you must play we will talk about the culmination of the role that you and i have been called to play in this plan so so let's look here at the universality the all-inclusive nature and what we're getting there january 20 1961 one of my favorite inaugural addresses from us presidents you know now it was j f kennedy so towards the end of the speech you find these words in the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger when you go to that speech delivered january 20 1961 a moving speech and here i quote uh excerpt from the closing photograph in the long history of the world only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger and he ended by saying with a good conscience our only sure reward with history the judge of our deeds let us go forth to lead the land we love asking his blessings and his help but knowing that here on earth god's work must truly be our own can i part a phrase and borrow some statements from the speech and put it in context of our text in the long history of the struggle between truth and arrow between light and darkness between the doctrines of god and the teachings of humankind this generation unlike any other has been summoned from the genes of its parents given the role of defending freedom and truth in this its hour of maximum danger never in the history of humankind have so much ever depended on so few that requires commitment and sacrifice i had intended to walk with me this morning to the pulpit a book by john nix entitled passion purpose and power in the book john nix looks at the challenges faced by james white and his generation as they believe god's word as they looked at the issue of the coming of the lord they pulled together and and in the book in the first chapter that james white said he have neither purse horse saddle or money but he said he went to a camp meeting he heard about the coming of the lord he saw the truth of god and he said though he had neither horse he had no money he had no saddle he had no purse but he left his house with a burning passion he left his house and someone lent him a horse somebody else lent him a saddle someone else lent him some old clothing and stuff he sued them to get out to make some potting and out he went for four months through deep snow one thousand new believers were added to god's cause listen to me carefully you and i have been summoned from the genes of those who've been our forebears in the movement of god's truth they face maximum danger their commitment is a rebuke to our laziness their commitment their dedication their willingness to to walk through trial uh james white said he had no horse he had no money he had no purse he had no saddle but having heard about the coming of the lord he made his mind up that somebody need to hear there is a truth that needs assistance there is a wrong that must be resisted and god has always found a people on whom he can depend i want to talk with you about this is you this issue of the all-inclusive nature of the divine responsibility jesus said we we cannot take you to genesis yes there is for me an evangelistic text in the first chapter of genesis when god says let every living thing on the earth bring forth after its own kind i'm using that in an evangelistic context and when jesus said we we all those who have chosen to follow him we well let me tell you how this is critical he came down here to fix something that went bad god made adam and eve in his own likeness reflecting the glory of god reflecting righteousness they were surrounded by truth but the devil told the first lie and down through the ages the world is overtaken by one lie after another lies allow nations to go to war lies break up finalists lies cause war that only in countries between countries but in families and between communities jesus said we have a work to do then he said we must we must the inescapable nature of the divine assignment we must there's no maybe about it it's not in any subjunctive mood we must the force of the ages the force of truth the force of salvation rest in this context we must work the works of him who sent us while it is day laborers are needed paul said we are laborers together with christ hear the words of jesus before he went back to heaven he said lift up your eyes and look he said the field is white ready for harvest it was if he was ready then what about now but he said the laborers are few i have a mischievous spirit some years ago the jlp lost an election and i heard a pnp mp said that the jamaican field was ready but the labor rights were few jesus said the field was ripe for harvest but the laborers support me the laborers were few listen to me carefully paul said we are laborers together with christ and so jesus said jesus said hear me adventist hear me faster hear me president hear me elder hear me church officer hear me student hear me doctor hear me adventist lawyer hear me adventist whoever you are we are laborers together and every living thing must bring forth after its own kind you tell me that you're the pastor well hear me carefully your baptism in the church of god is your ordination for service when you were getting baptized we all answered 13 questions i still recall one of those questions the question asked is the soon coming of jesus christ the blessed hope in your heart and are you prepared by the grace of god to be ready for his coming and to do all in your power to weakness to his love and salvation and you said yes you made that foul that you would do all in your power to witness with love and salvation so i tell you if you are a doctor that's your sideline your main line is to be an ambassador for god if you're a teacher that's your sideline if you are a lawyer that's your sideline if you're a student that's your preparation crowd let every living thing bring forth after its own kind well what's your kind i'm glad you asked me we have been made in the likeness of god and he came down to redeem us to remake us and remold us in the likeness of jesus christ and sometimes the best testimony is somebody who can say i was that but i know this and the difference is jesus i'm not what i ought to be but thank god i'm not what i used to be and the grace of god the grace of god has made a difference let every living thing let every living thing let every living thing bring forth after his own kind and lawyer adventist doctor adventist businessman adventist teacher adventist professor avenue student adventist nurse an adventist street sweeper an advertised domestic worker let every living thing bring forth after its own kind righteousness exalts a nation and sin is our approach to any people you and i have been summoned from the genes of our parents to be a witness and so jesus said we must work the works of him who sent us while it is day the night is coming when no man can work i speak here of the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment god is an equal opportunity god he gives all of us an opportunity to be involved in his service i know sometimes we apply for leave without it being signed by the holy ghost we take time off to give our energy and our loyalty and our attention to some other stuff but i want to use this day's worship to say to you there's an all-inclusive nature to this divine assignment now in the language of specificity the text have some pieces in there i want to work the text they listen to me i want to work the text we must work but never stop there so that first segment speaks of the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment we conference president directors district pastors church elders church officers church members everybody we must but they never stop there so right here we have the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment but what's the content of that assignment we must work the works of him who sent us so that the assignment has its content pre-determined as the assignment has its content pre-determined you see an ambassador paul said in 2nd corinthians 5 20 we then are ambassadors of christ the last time i checked they told me an ambassador serves his country but he serves in a foreign country so let's say that that that that that allen is the ambassador the jamaican ambassador for the us that's where he would live but he can't speak his own stuff he's not there to represent the country in which he is working he is there to represent the government who sent him so the content of our work has already been predetermined and that you ask me what is it so now let me answer you and i shall answer you in a text that you know very well let me start with this one matthew 24 and verse 14. what does it say it says and this this gospel the definite demonstrative adjective this gospel shall be preached as a witness to all nations that's the content well i'm not done you ask me which gospel the same one in matthew 28 18-20 here comes jesus he's been crucified but he broke the bands of death asunder he said death is that all you had well he broke up his own funeral and now he reveal himself to them he's about to go back he said all power i love that i love that all power all authority is given to me in heaven and in earth so therefore you and i have no need to be afraid we've got power backed by the awesome power of the universe are you listening to me he said all power is given to me and because of the power i have i'm saying to you as my ambassador go ye into all the world and preach the gospel well jesus what shall i preach preach what i preached to you teach them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and that's why beloved i take my orders not from anybody else i take my orders from jesus i love everybody but i take my orders from the lord god i know sometimes some folk may have a problem when i preach the commandments of god but jesus said teach them to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded i've got to tell you i've got to tell you the ten commandments are still binding because he came down from glory i said he came down from glory and he wrote them with his own finger i can't leave out any for he said if you keep the whole law and offending one point you are guilty we have been summoned from the genes of our parents while darkness is covering the land i'm not done well what's the context well i can't leave the content just yet he said this gospel the everlasting gospel must be preached he said go ye into all the world go to africa go to america go to cuba and afghanistan go to russia go to go to go to go to go to all of them and preach the gospel so that when they shall hear it they'll hear the same truth and when the pearly gates will swing wide open you will not have some people going to church on sabbath and some going to market no they would have been wired to the same computer it's the everlasting gospel well what's the content i'm glad you asked me revelation 14 and verse 6 says i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that will in the earth say fear god fear god oh today we flex our fist in the face of god we cast our god's commandments beneath our feet we trample on god's holy sabbath but the call the content of the everlasting gospel said i must tell you fear god the same one who spake and it was done fear god the same word hallelujah the same one who made the world in six days and blessed the seventh day fear god the one who made the heavens and the earth is the everlasting gospel and i saw another angel saying babylon is falling it's falling religious confusion will fall the doctrines of mankind will fall you and i have been summoned from the genes of our parents to live the gospel and deliver the gospel by lip and by life are you listening to me paul said we are ambassadors your ambassadorial credentials were delivered from a hill called calvary stamped with the red ink of the blood of jesus christ your authority is ratified by the father and the son and the holy ghost the only one who can recall you is the one who says the mountains will depart and the hills be moved isaiah 54 10 but my loving kindness shall not depart from you he said let every living thing bring forth after your kind that's the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment i'm dealing with the content of the assignment and i'm saying that we are not at liberty to preach our own doctrine we are not at liberty to find our own stuff can i hear can i say with you was it isaiah 7 there's a spiritualized prophecy that said listen listen we want a husband we'll find our own bread we'll find our own apparel we'll find our own stuff we only want to call by his name well baby let me tell you something if you're going to be married to jesus you're gonna just you need more than just the name you can't have the name and not play the game are you listening to me you're gonna have the name and play the game and so if you walk with jesus ah something just jump in my mind you can't be walking hand in hand with jesus and be going in opposite direction to jesus if you are walking hand in hand with jesus then you and jesus has got to be walking in the same direction you and jesus has got to believe the same doctrine you and jesus has got to follow the same commandments you and jesus has got to embrace the same grace you and jesus are you listening to me i hear some says me and jesus we got a good thing going on are you listening to me sometimes i'm driving by myself and i'm laughing in the car i'm having my hand me and jesus got a good thing going on i can't lie to you sometimes i don't understand him sometimes i can't understand him sometimes i feel like rolling up my sleeve and going to a boxing ring with jesus but then i know he's larger and he's in charge he's bigger than i am i know while i can't understand him he is too loving to be unkind when i can't see his hand i gotta trust his heart when i don't understand him i go on my knees i said jesus shine through my darkness shine to the gloom the tears have been my eyes sorrow like a cloud has come a view for jesus when clouds went down the sheep to fail his face i rest on his unchanging grace in every high in every high in every high and stormy gale my anchor my anchor my anchor holes within the veil my faith has caught a joyful sound is the song of saints on higher ground so i can't dwell here though some may dwell where these abound we are doubts and fears my faith my aim my purpose is higher higher higher higher higher higher lord lift me up and i shall stand by faith on heaven's stable land a higher plane than i have found lord plant my feet lord plant my feet lord plant my feet on higher ground and talk to you about the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment i'm talking to you about the content of the assignment can i not talk to you about the context of the assignment we understand the assignment is given to all of us i know we've got some lazy ones and then us i know we got some they couldn't wait for kovy to come the run guard from church lock down the weakness in locked down the praying lock down the kindness lock down to everything well let me tell you something i don't know what else is coming but covered or no covet i have a divine assignment i tell myself god was here before kobe got here god is here while kobe is here god will still be here when covered shall be no more so i said jesus put some fire in my belly put the words on my mind before the holy ghost in my life are you listening to me the context of the assignment what's the context of our assignment i'm glad you asked me i hear the prophet isaiah in isaiah chapter 60 and verse 2 said behold darkness shall cover the earth and growth darkness the people well let me tell you there's darkness about covered in jamaica there's darkness about covered in america there's darkness about covert in every country of the world but the lord god says in the third verse of the 60th chapter he said rise up and shine for the glory of god is risen on you he said kings shall come to your brightness the gentiles shall come to the bright and the shining i said god i'm believing you to baptize some parliamentarians to baptize some prime ministers to baptize some kings and baptized some congressperson and ayah listen to me for the earth shall be filled i hear the word of god says in habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 14 the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of god like waters cover the rolling seas tell the devil truth will march onwards i spoke with you about the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment i've spoken to you about the content of the divine assignment i'm talking to you now about the context of the assignment i haven't forgotten the text john chapter 9 and verse 4 said i must work while it is day the night is coming the night is coming when they'll take away our religious liberty the night is coming when they'll shut us down from youtube the night is coming when you can't buy nor sell the night is coming when you can't do this and you can't do that the night is coming work while the night is coming we've got a short time left to spread the everlasting gospel lift up your voice like a trumpet are you listening to me dust off your shoes ain't no place here now for any unemployed child of god ain't no place here now for any despondent are you listening to me i'm talking about the context of the assignment i spoke to you about the all-inclusive nature of the assignment he said he said we we all of us the whole of us will you tell me preacher i'm in a wheelchair well wheel yourself around uh wheel yourself someplace share the love of jesus well you tell me you have no leg i saw a brother he has no legs he has no hands but i see him cooking i said i see him cooking and bless the lord god i saw him doing something else i never thought he was brave enough to do i saw him standing at the altar exchanging vows of holy matrimony then i saw him with a pregnant wife then i saw him with baby number one and i saw him with child number two he's got no legs he's got no hands well let me tell you he's got a story to tell you also have a story you can tell use what you have i said use what you have all that the little boy had was five dumplings and two small fish but he placed it in the hands of jesus and i hear the sunset little as much when god is in it place your letter in the hand of god if all you can do is pray for somebody will stay in your wheelchair stay on your bed and pray until heaven and earth give an answer are you listening to me i'm talking about the all-inclusive nature of the assignment i'm talking about the content of the assignment he's given us the gospel he calls it the everlasting gospel and he said go into all the world they won't like it but preach it preach it by leaping by life preach it in loving kindness preach it and being kind to your neighbor you know why some of our neighbors won't listen to us we live with the devil sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and then we put on jesus on saturday can i come a little closer what do you think will happen when you when you put up jesus on your facebook after sunset and friday evening are you taking dawn when sun said saturday night and all you have up in the week all that's on your status all your conversation has nothing to do with jesus i'm talking about the nature the all-inclusive nature it means that everything about us must testify of the love and the grace of god everything about us must talk about where we're going because the road behind you is not where you want to focus are you listening to me i've talked i've spoken to you about the all-inclusive nature i've spoken to you about the content of the assignment i never quite got done with the context of the assignment he said darkness will cover the earth i should read something for you i shouldn't rush past it would you turn your bibles with me i'm going to luke 21 sin luke 21 and i want to ask you to read with me first of all uh verse 11 and then verse 26 so so let me find first of all luke 21 verse 11 says i'm talking about the context where are we the context of the assignment where are we now there'll be great earthquakes in various places famines and pestilences and there'll be fearful sights and great signs from heaven verse 26 men's hearts will be failing them for fear because of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken that's the context of our assignment there's multiple earthquakes i don't know that haiti can take anymore there's volcano there's economic tsunami the poor is getting poorer and a few at the top getting richer their social injustice moral depravity pestilences in diverse places can't the moment you think you find a cure then comes something else that tells you you're not sufficient we have ignored the lord god and we wonder where is he that's the context of our assignment we have the all-inclusive nature of the assignment we have the content listen to me carefully there's not a government around the world that can transform a single human heart only the spirit of god can do that there's not a single scientist around the world that can transform a human life only the grace of god can do that and our responsibility is to declare god's grace to every man we can't be selective our job is to share the grace of god with all people everywhere i'm almost done but but the text is clear the text the text says we must that's the all-inclusive nature we must work the works of him who sent us that's the prescribed nature of the assignment but the text also said while it is day because the night is coming the night is coming the night is coming you may not live to see the coming of the lord you may not live to see the passing of a national sunday law you may not live to see outright persecution against the remnant church when you close your eyes in death that's night for you because you can't go any further there's a word here for people living towards the night unless you start pointing finger at anybody can i share something with you i'm going to share with you matthew 25 and verse 5. you know what it says it says while the bride groom tarry they all slumber and slept that's matthew 25 and verse 5. it never said just the elders it never said just a pastor it never said just the youth it says while the bridegroom tara they all slumber there's something about the closing days that will test the resilience that will test your spinal tenacity it will test your intestinal fortitude the night is coming while the bridegroom tarry the devil steals a march upon the church while the bridegroom turret presidents and pastors become careless distracted by the bridegroom turret elders and officers we find time for everything else except the centrality and singularity of the mission [Music] while the bride groomed harry the night cometh when no man can work and i asked myself forgotten around me did i give them a chance to hear the everlasting gospel for dying in your neighborhood did you give them an opportunity to make a decision for jesus we must work the works of him who sent us while it's day the night is coming the night comes when no man can work the night why the bridegroom turret we pay lip service to the mission what the bridegroom tarry we make sacrifices for everything else except the gospel of jesus christ while the bridegroom tarries we focus our energy on this and that and the other but the night is coming the night coming the night coming but listen before they sing hear me carefully listen to me it says while the bride groomed harry at midnight when it seemed like everything is falling apart at midnight the cry was made behold the bridegroom comes then all the virgins arose but it was the midnight hour that revealed the difference between the two groups in the time of ease we all look alike are you listening to me in the time of ease they all look alike hear me carefully they're gonna get the oil before the night comes gotta get the oil before the night count god is not looking for a pretty lamp god is looking for a shining light and if the lamp has no oil going into it it will have no light coming out of it i said if the lamp has no oil going into it it will have no light coming out of it a lamp without light is an object and objects can get in your way and make you stumble and hurt yourself it's dangerous to have a lamp and have no oil it's dangerous to be a child of god with no holy ghost power a form of godliness but no power a pretty lamp but no oil no light darkness is covering the land god is looking for a shining lamp [Applause] so what did they say they said lend me some oil they said give me some oil can i talk to you you can borrow my bible but you can't borrow my relationship with jesus you can borrow my hymnal but you can't borrow my praise are you listening to me you can borrow my religious stuff but you can't borrow my connection with god are you listening to me so what did they say at midnight while night comes the oil factory is closed the oil shop is closed gotta get the oil before the night comes and i stopped by to tell you the oil factory is open get your supply now how do i know it's open are you a jewish head in joel 228 it shall come to pass in the last days i'll pour out the oil i'll pour out the holy ghost upon all flesh upon presidents and elders and deacons antigonuses and youth leaders and no officers i'll pour out the holy ghost upon young people and old people i'll pour out the oil i'll pour out the oil darkness will cover the land but i'll pour out i'll pour out it's time to get your oil supply [Music] can you give me two minutes but i gotta finish it i gotta finish it so i spoken to you about the all-inclusive nature of the divine assignment i've spoken to you about the content of the assignment i spoken to you about the context of the assignment but i can't say i'm done without talking to you about the con the culmination or the conclusion of the assignment well i promise you i'll be done quickly how will it end how will it end and glad pastor mary has come so i could tell you how will it end i'm glad you asked me i'll go to revelation chapter 7 the last book of the bible the seventh chapter can i find it for you can i find it for you i gotta find it i gotta tell you how the conclusion i wanna tell you i told you about the all-inclusive nature i told you about the content i told you about the context so i can't finish and not tell you about the culmination the divine culmination of this assignment i'm glad you asked me revelation chapter seven and verse nine after these things after cove fed after death after pestilence after earthquake after darkness after after after after these things after these things i looked i looked i said look john said and i saw a great multitude which no one could number where john where did that come from he said samuels from every nation every tribe every people every tongue well where did you see them john i saw them standing before the throne before the lamb what did they look like john said they were clothed in white robes john said a while back they were defeated a while back they were backsliders a while back they were drunkards a while back they were liars a while back there were fornicators a wild park adulteress a while back murderers but i saw them palms of victory i said perhaps of victory victory v-i-c-t-o-r-y victory in the name of jesus victory over covered victory over sorrow victory over grief victory over the doctrines of men victory over man-made doctrines are you listening to me i'm done i'm done i told you he said let every living thing bring forth after their kind i told you it's an all-inclusive nature of your assignment i told you the content is prescribed it's the everlasting gospel i told you the context is defined darkness is covering the land but even while the candidates come i must tell you there is a divine culmination tell the devil he will not have the last word tell the devil your eyes may be wet with tears but he who laughs last i said he who laughs laughs tell the devil he'll break your heart and take your job and break your spirit and break your marriage and do stuff to you tell the devil you sometimes even succeed in getting us church people to behave on church like but it is god's church i said it's god's church are you listening to me and i hear jesus said simon simon the devil is after you but i'm praying for you for there is a divine culmination to this divine assignment i'm done i'm done if i don't close my bible i won't stop i'm done but let me tell you let me tell you eid and lost shall be restored let me tell you let me tell you the commandments of god will be restored let me tell you let me tell you from one sabbath to another shall all flesh i said all flesh shall come to worship before the lord god i want to be there what about you if you've left the church come on back if you've left the church come on back if you've been discouraged go on your knees from every stormy wind that blows from every evil tidal war there is a safe and calm retreat that is found beneath the mercy seat come on discovered child of god tighten your belt buckle your shoes there's a high priest in glory he knows your name he knows who you are he's interceding for you i'm done and i said i'm done the divine all-inclusive assignment there is the content for the assignment there's the context of the assignment there's the culmination for the assignment and bless the lord god from the east and the west sin and sinners shall be rooted out the devil and the host of hell shall be destroyed and seem like i can see my jesus standing on heaven's veranda standing by the pearly gates and he will say come come on he blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the very foundation [Music] of the earth i don't know what they had to sing for us but if you've left the church come on back [Music] come on back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus loves you and [Music] [Applause] glory of sunrise night will not have the last word i want to go home i'm just about through yes [Music] [Music] the night is coming but after life [Music] the morning [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] i want to go can be found i'm just about through [Music] [Music] [Music] i want to pray [Music] i want to pray with you you yes you yes you you have not yet surrendered your heart to jesus forever yes you're a friend you you reference you you've [Music] [Music] i'm done it's time to pray i'm living this way for glory someday they're gonna sing it softly [Music] only you could love us [Music] in our mixed up messed up confused minds sometimes god the stuff you permit breaks our heart and we don't even want to be on speaking terms with you because we can't understand you sometimes when our heart aches and our tears flow like the waters of duns river falls no end in sight sometimes god [Music] we don't want to hear anybody's voice we lock ourselves in our own privacy but we thank you we thank you [Applause] that there is a divine culmination to the trials the trauma the tragedies of this life [Music] i pray right now that you'll comfort a grieving heart god i don't want to call anybody's name but you know the person i'm thinking of right now [Music] comfort strengthened and blessed i pray right now god for a backslider who's looking at me someplace in canada some place in barbados someplace in in the u.s a praying god for a backslider looking at me right now someplace in africa someplace in haiti someplace across the 14 partitions of this island i pray almighty god that you would root up that person [Music] out of a life of complacency and bring them home bring them home god bring them home bring them home i'm gonna pray right now and pray right now for for thousands of persons not yet baptized but today they've been told that the night is coming today god has been told that the content of the assignment is the proclamation of the everlasting gospel they have heard it now let the holy ghost bring them home strengthen the weak lift of the fallen [Music] [Applause] encouraged the discouraged hold the strong that they will remain strong and become even stronger hold us all unto the day we hear your voice saying to us welcome home thank you for grace thank you for mercy thank you for hope thank you for purpose thank you for power through the holy ghost amen [Music] [Music] is glory someday [Music] [Music] for glory someday [Music] [Music] amen and amen what a word what a message this afternoon i'm sure that even if you never made up your mind the holy spirit is at this time convicting you that this is high time to be ready for the return of jesus christ and for those of us who have been members of the church for many years we are being challenged and charged to recognize that god has called his church to be the the sole agency of this world our main responsibility is to preach the everlasting gospel to the ends of the earth so that men and women boys and girls all those who hear the good news of salvation will run and accept him as lord and savior it is my joy this aft this afternoon to present [Music] a few candidates who have been prepared for the watery grave of baptism and i believe you will say amen with me we are so thankful for the the the work of those who have gone forth to sow this beautiful message of the gospel and to work with these individuals and we have here six pers five persons who have made that decision we have clifford uh clifford anderson and garnett anderson husband and wife we have dion kelly amonique smith and shavanese smith praise the lord and the church is saying amen and so my uh new members i'm i'm claiming you even before you go into the water it is my privilege to welcome you but before we move any further i'll invite you to listen carefully to three questions and at the end of each question i'm going to ask you just to raise your hand or to say i do you would have gone through the the longer form of these vows we're going through three of them now that have been shortened number one do you accept jesus christ as your personal savior and lord and do you desire to live your life in a saving relationship with him amen do you accept the teachings of the bible as expressed in the statement of fundamental beliefs of the seventh-day adventist church and do you pledge by god's grace to live your life in harmony with these teachings [Music] do you desire to be baptized as a public expression of your belief in jesus christ to be accepted into the fellowship of the seventh-day adventist church and to support the church and its mission as a faithful steward by your personal influence tithe and offerings and a life of service amen you have heard them you have seen them they have made that very important declaration that they are prepared to make this very important step at this time i'm going to invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray a prayer of consecration father in heaven we pray even now that you will lay your hands upon these candidates who have made this decision to accept you as lord of their lives we pray now that you will be with them at every step even the first step that they will make outside this pool we know that the enemy will be at their doorstep trying to tempt them trying to bring them back into the old life but we are asking that through the precious blood of jesus you will lay your hands upon your lives and grant them victory help them to be victorious christians living in honor of your name bless and keep now we pray in jesus name amen and before we go any further i i must seek the church's approval of your decision and so at this time i'm going to ask that if there is a member who will so move that these new candidates be accepted as members of the church you may so move and they are excited to make that move if i i take a second all those who are in favor here and in the chat please say i and amen amen amen amen and so you will be escorted to the pool for this very special ceremony we have at least two candidates who will be going to the sea for the baptismal service so we will have three who will be in the pool god bless you and may the spirit of god keep you in this very important decision amen we'll now turn over to our singers including pastor samuels of course [Music] in the great home coming in there something like that oh children will be there in that great home gathering in the air we're gonna [Music] there'll be no more segregation [Music] they'll be coming from every nation coming from all generations there'll be no more segregation we're gonna have a good time [Music] is [Music] it's the only way to make [Music] in the air [Music] there'll be [Music] [Music] amen and amen we are so excited to present at this time sister dion kelly lady dion we are so thankful for your decision and as ministers of the gospel we now baptize you in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the sweet holy spirit and let god's people say amen the water and stand by my side and drink from the fountain you [Music] he says [Music] [Music] i [Music] fell from your eyes [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen we have a couple in the pool and it is a beautiful experience that they have lived their lives together and now they are giving their lives together to jesus christ and so clifford and garnet upon the profession of your faith as ministers of the gospel we now baptize you in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the sweet holy spirit and let god's church say amen [Music] if you won't receive [Music] for your teams and [Music] to the [Music] [Music] the [Music] to tell [Music] with no sisters and no brothers who cares [Music] he died he said [Music] and here is [Music] see [Music] for your sins [Music] and drink from the fountain every tear drops is thank you so much and i'm gonna hand you over to some good looking people who'll tell you what they're going to tell you because i don't know what they're going to tell you but they'll tell you thank you so much mr president bless the lord bless the lord all-inclusive nature of god he spoke about the content the context and the culmination well i trust that you've been blessed bless the name of the lord over to you kamar amen alan and sash i believe that god is giving the world the biggest altar call in recent history it is time for us to get our hearts right and fix our faith in him because a night is coming yes when we can't see nothing to do anything so let us allow ourselves to be immersed in what god is trying to do for us right now and allow him to lead in every department of our lives and if you and i have fallen short in any way just remember that when joshua the high priest went up before god jesus run away the devil himself where you come from this is mine plucked from the fire you belong to god and he can save you sash indeed you know we have to leave this this mission out yes and we have to spread the mission with our lips yes and with our lives amen you have the chance you have the choice to me yes god has given us the chance to make the choice yes and so guess what the preacher has said it best yes make that choice come to the altar yes and listen to the call of jesus it was indeed a pleasure worshiping with you this morning today the day has been good god has been great and his blessings has been bestowed upon us you are blessed to be here to be in the hearing of whatever is going on here today and so we say to you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for joining us if you joined us on youtube we know we had a little technical difficulties this morning but guess what the devil lose again losing the truth must prevail and god's word will always go on thank you for joining us facebook wccn blesstv and all other media platforms join us back this afternoon at 2 15 for the second portion portion of the day's blessing it's on behalf of west jamaica conference and we say until later stay connected [Music] here we are so often filled with heartache [Music] so many times we weep when love once passed but there's a place the gloom of death can't enter and someday it will be my home atlanta when he calls me to the where grief and tears are gone without a trace [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'll carry them no more when he carries me away [Music] i have known the loss of precious dreams but soon there will be perfect joy and gladness or suffering will be gone from memories when he calls me to that are land without a trace i'll lay down on my troubled cares and sorrows and i'll carry them no more when he carries me [Music] when he calls me tears are gone without a [Music] my trace and sorrow and i'll carry them no more when he carries me away [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
Views: 45,436
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: #Seventh-day Adventist, Online Worship Experience, OWE, covered by grace, connected in hope, i will go, digital discipleship, #wjcplay, #jaadventists, West Jamaica Conference
Id: cuRIYERvqzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 5sec (12665 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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