04/Sep/2021 - Hamilton Worship | Sermon: Pastor David D. W. Steede II | 'The Second Visitation'

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] good morning happy sabbath welcome to another week another glorious week of lagos university we are so delighted that you have joined us one more time what a wonderful place to be at this time today you are in for a treat as always i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord that is my song from day to day i just cannot wait to be able to be here fellowshipping with the brothers and sisters of faith and i sure do hope that wherever it is that you are that that is your sentiment as well that although you may be at home you may be on the job or wherever it is that you are that you are ready and poised and cannot wait to fellowship with the brothers and sisters of faith and so i call you today to come call your friends call them up go ahead i'll give you a few minutes just call them up and tell them to log on and come on and join us here at lagos university sabbath school they will not be disappointed and so i'm going to encourage you to also do something for me tune up your voice let's go get that morning voice off tune it up pull out your hymno and join us for our song service this morning we are delighted to have with us sister joy allen and elder corville hilton they will lead us into our song service this morning so join them let the heavens ring let them hear your lovely voice sing out to our savior sister alan says brother corville thank you for your ministry the first hymn will be him 462 blessed assurance jesus is mine [Music] jesus is [Music] this is my story this [Music] is my story this is my song praising my savior [Music] whispers of love this is my story this is my song praising myself [Music] this is my story this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] my story this is my song [Applause] praising my savior all the days and i pray that we do praise god for the good the bad and everything that he does for us our next hymn is hymn 598 watch she sings and that's what we need to be doing watching for the second coming of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] watches [Music] returning [Music] to [Music] christ [Music] forever [Music] oh [Music] jesus christ [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] oh jesus christ [Music] is [Music] finished [Music] jesus christ [Music] sister alan alda hilton thank you so much for your ministry in song this morning what beautiful reminders of the blessed assurance that we have in our lord and savior jesus christ and to what ye saints for christ is coming are you being watchful the times in which we are in right now cause us to be ever watchful ever vigilant ever ready because we do not know the hour but we sure do know that the signs are all around us that folks it is not much longer not much longer at all and so i want to encourage you to make your call and election sure but not just yours please do not leave out anyone that you may have influence over your neighbor the people in your household the friends on the job your friends and community let's not forget to tell them about the saving power of our lord and savior jesus christ so they may be ready that they may be watching for his glorious return folks please let's do that so let's also do something let's get it ready here we go press like press share and press subscribe go ahead and do it with me no matter what platform you are on whether it's our youtube page or our facebook or our live stream please share the gospel of jesus christ let someone know that there is a program that is speaking the word of jesus christ the unadulterated truth and let them join in with you during this time so they too may come to a saving knowledge of jesus christ and they can come to an understanding of who he is and what he wants to do in their lives and let your testimony go out and tell of the goodness that god and the change that he has made in your life i sure do know folks that he has made a change in mind and he continues to do so from day to day and i sure do hope that that is your song today that god is making a change in my life and that we must tell all well folks we are in lesson 10. wow oh my gosh time is flying by lesson 10 panel good morning can you believe that we are in lesson 10 already i i just can't i i mean we started out in rest in christ and this has been such a wonderful wonderful reminder of why we seven-day adventist seventh-day adventist consider the rest of the sabbath important it's one of our tenants our foundation it's the reason why we are here and oh what a rest and what a joy it is to be in this place at this time i i thought that after reading the lesson that there would be a question that i would i would ask our panel about sabbath rest and it's not so much about the lesson because it brings out a whole lot but i just want to know the importance to you personally about sabbath rash just just a little bit that we can because not everybody believes in a sabbath rest not everybody believes that we should be in a sabbath rest there's lots of thoughts out there about why we should do it should we be doing it as a long time ago was given to and all of that but i just want to know why it is important that you see sabbath rest and how is it that it makes a a real foundation in your life because i think someone may need to hear why sabbath rest is important we'll start with you aldo smith all right well i mean for me i can remember a time when the entire time that i would be sitting in church or doing anything on the sabbath all i could think about was what time it was going to end and that really wasn't a great experience because it was always a battle on the sabbath it was the same kind of battle that i had all week long and so there was no real rest from the world from his cares or anything like that because obviously the only reason why i was worried about it ending is that i can get back to some some tasks some job some trouble that i was dealing with all week long but one thing i can say since then now it has become [Music] i guess in a way a sign of a change in my relationship with god because now i don't actually want to see it end i can relax in the sabbath for a long time because the world is just not a part of it and even though it's it's an actual choice that i have to make each time it's a beautiful choice because i'm telling you when fridays come my body now is used to my mind is used to just saying ah put it all away and so it's it's become a sign for me personally of my renewed relationship with christ amen amen amen and we'll go right down to elder bridges it's a reminder that i've made a choice i've made a choice to serve the one that created me that has redeemed me the one that sustains me and so to know that there is a time where i get uninterrupted time with god unlike the rest of me i mean you know you could have your little pieces and pockets you know reference to your your personal worship but sabbath is a completely different experience in the sense that you know even though i may be having my personal worship every day there's still other things that are waiting for me once that's done i walk out of my closet and everything else is delayed not on this day not on this thing this day it's a complete rest i can move from rest interest i don't know if there's anything else to say um these two gentlemen basically said what i would have said um but i would say like i have a colleague next door and he says you know every day we're on the hamster wheel which is true so sabbath for me has and i grew up in advantism from you know a very young age and like elder smith was saying we would look forward to sunset so we can play and do other activities but now for me sabbath has really become a day where i can get off the hamster wheel and just simply rest rejuvenate my body i get to come and fellowship with like-minded people although like elder brothers alluded to you know you have your time your personal time throughout the course of the week but it's something different when it's on sabbath and we begin in our house with um dinner and then we have worship family worship and it's something different about sabbath worship at home it's just like an end to the chaos of the world and you get to just simply focus your attention on god and then you get it spills over into coming into church so you get to just fellowship with other people and it spills over into afternoon activity and stuff like that so it's just this continuation of just you know in the presence of god continuously for 24 hours so for me it's been truly a time where i get to just take my foot off that that hamster wheel and just simply pause and refresh and and you know get rejuvenated you know because tomorrow is coming amen and it starts all over again and it starts again but for the 24-hour rest yes we are going to enjoy our rest in jesus christ and so folks there you have it the personal experience of sabbath rest and so today our panel will take you through our lesson on sabbath rest i sure do hope that you enjoy it that you've learned something new that you are entering into a sabbath rest and if this may be the first time you are celebrating sabbath i want to say enjoy it make it a delight you will not be disappointed and you will not look forward to be pulled down but you will be looking forward to it for from week to week from day to day where you can just rest in jesus christ and there is a part to that rest it's not just a sleeping it's not just not doing anything from work and the cares of life but today our panel will help us to understand more about god's rest his blessed sabbath rest that he has given to us and so our moderator is poised and he is ready we're going to ask elder bridges to give us our opening prayer and the next voice that you will hear that after elder burgess will be our most able pastor and moderator pastor david steed ii amen let us pray father we thank you so much for it's a beautiful day outside and the sun is shining it's it's even tempered the temperature even feels right today lord and so we just want to give you praise and honor again for experiencing your creation we've come to study your word we've come to speak according to your will loving god there are many other platforms where people are studying or asking for your presence there through it all father may people see you high and lifted up may your name and your name alone be edified in jesus name amen amen here with you on this amazing program we call lagos university it's an absolute joy uh to be with you in this place today happy sabbath to all of you that are watching all over the world uh it's absolute joy to bring you into this place we call hamilton we pray that these two services both sabbath school and church are a rich blessing to all of you i'm happy to be here again with a distinguished panel uh that is with us uh you guys have grown to know them and to love them and you send emails in about them and i would just challenge you even right now uh those of you that appreciate what these three elders are doing if you just go ahead and write that in the chat right now those of you that may not have already please subscribe click subscribe at the bottom of your screen click like as we try to get this message out uh to as many people as possible before the return of our soon uh and loving savior absolute joy what an absolute quarter it's been as we discuss sabbath rest as we discussed uh the importance of rest and i am thankful today that god has set aside this one day of the week for us to come aside and be blessed hey listen gentlemen we want to go ahead and jump right in we want to go ahead and jump right in we had we had a we had a superintendent up here today i don't know if she forgot her heels or whatever but uh because she got a heel she decided to use a stepping stool you know what i'm saying she wants to see feel the same height you know what i'm saying she would feel the same height but it's an absolute joy to be in this place tell me gentlemen how can we as a church family do better with relieving the suffering of those around us on sabbath how can we do a better job we talk about it huh we talk about jesus saying the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath huh we hear and we talk about jesus saying it's lawful to do good on the sabbath but i think personally that we've kind of reserved that to emergencies [Music] do you understand what i'm saying so if somebody's real sick yeah i'll walk into the pharmacy because i walk in under the unction of the holy ghost that i'm not breaking sabbath and so i'm going to buy this without any shame because i am doing good on saturn but the truth of the matter is is that there are people suffering every single week and god doesn't stop his work of taking care of us on sabbath right he doesn't say oh yes it's the rest day so nobody has to breathe today huh you know what i'm saying nobody needs their heart to pump today no he he does his work of sustaining humanity even on sabbath how can we do a better job with doing that in our own sphere on sabbath talk to me elder smith well i i'll deal with this this one aspect in that there are people right here in church who are suffering every week and so whilst we look outward i'll i'll i'll leave any other points to the other two gentlemen but for me i'll stay inward right now um we have to we have to work on our own relationship with god to the point that when we come to church on sabbath that we actually help somebody else and relieve their suffering even by a smile a hug or just a really beautiful attitude of worship so that when they come to this place it's not the same as any other place we're already dealing with problems in life and marital problems and children problems and job problems and money problems and health problems and all these things so when we come into this place we can we can help one another by just being completely loving and understanding to one another as christ as christ access to me so there are needs even inside the house of faith yeah there are needs inside the house of faith talk to me all the burgers i think we need to be intentional about it you know we can talk about it but i think more importantly we need to be about it and that means getting out there and actually maybe seeking those that are lost in some of the stranger places that you might not necessarily always go there are many who are who find it they may be homeless they could be a whole lot of things that they're actually going through but many times we don't do that because we don't get into certain places certain places are uncomfortable for us and because they're uncomfortable for us or certain places we're not going to go and so because of that many times people are left to just languish out there because well the ones that will help them are not there we don't go into those places so i think yeah we need to be more intentional about seeking them out you know elder oh boy before you ask i think about jesus and i think about how who he was accused of hanging out with huh like he wasn't accused on hanging with the people on front street right he was accused of hanging off the people on court street um matter of fact there's some people on front street but there are some people is that he wasn't accused of hanging in the bushy crowd he was he was accused of hanging out with the worst [Music] that was his reputation matter of fact they even used that to attack his place as messiah the fact that he hung up with these kinds of people with sinners huh with with drunks huh he was always accused of eating too much man you know what i'm saying every time you see jesus scripture he's getting something you know what i'm saying and it's it's very very interesting but but he keeps getting accused of these things talk to me man who should we be hanging out with on sabbath is it okay just to have around our table the people that are well off the people who can bring something to dinner who should be around the table at saboteur i think anybody it doesn't matter if you're rich poor negative or blind it's just it's it's it's anybody who is willing to come now let me attack it just some more how intentional should we be about going after those who we don't necessarily are natural we are just simply not necessarily drawn to or inclined right maybe they don't smell right man maybe they don't look like they had a bath in a while maybe they ain't comb their hair in a while but they're in the house of faith and it's here's what's interesting we tend to invite people to our sabbath dinners who don't really need an invitation to sabbath dinner while the people who really need it huh they go home scrapping you know for a piece of bread or peanut butter going home to empty refrigerators in the house of god right while our house is filled talk to me yeah i think it's like you just said it's being intentional about going after or seeking after those who are in need and i i don't want to get away from that point but just earlier this week i received an email from church someone was new to the island and and also like can you handle this for us you know they needed a a ride to church and i know i could have said well you know i got to be on time for loggers and you know i could give to somebody else to do i'll make sure it gets done but i i said no i would i would deal with it myself and you know today she's just sitting in church stranger to the island i don't know you know but but the fact that her need was attended to and now we have someone else that we can bring to lunch i mean she doesn't know anybody here right so what better way than to embrace her and bring her bring her along you saw a stranger and you took her in don't you say it's more than he's more than less is he saying he's like the lord huh no i'm not getting there i'm not saying i'm like that people i tell you we are actually happy very excited are we not called to be like the lord yes we are yes we are and we're very happy to have sister brianna thornton i think our name is we're happy to have her here in the house of the living god i think it's the first church she's visited yes it'll be the last church that she needs to visit uh this is the house of faith uh we look forward to seeing you here every single week god bless you man good to have you here in our presence hey gentlemen go ahead before we go further past i just wanted to take a moment to to shout out to lorraine wrestling yes so thankful that you guys that you tune in every week yes and we just want to let you know that we love you and that we want to make sure that you know that we know yes that you're watching and so we want to make we pray that you'll continue to be blessed by this program absolutely we absolutely love our family up there at the lorraine restaurant uh so thankful for your presence uh with us every single week hey gentlemen let's go ahead and jump in let's go ahead and jump here let's go ahead and begin uh with the text uh the key text for this week leviticus chapter 23 and verse three leviticus 23 and verse three we're going to come from the new international version we'll go king james and then the new living translation what does the bible say leviticus 23 verse 3 there are six days when you may work but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest a day of sacred assembly you are not to do any work wherever you live it is a sabbath to the lord king james version six days shall work be done but the seventh day is a sabbath of rest a holy convocation you shall do no work therein it is the sabbath of the lord in all your dwellings all right the new living translation reads you have six days each week for your ordinary work but the seventh day is a sabbath day of complete rest an official day for holy assembly it is the lord's sabbath day and it must be observed wherever you live it's very interesting gentlemen that the sabbath has been attacked in so many ways but it's still standing the devil has tried to take away the special significance of this day but it cannot be denied that there is something extra special about the day that god has set aside the sabbath did not move to sunday because of the resurrection jesus is not the sabbath uh as some are deceived into believing while others are deceived by believing that there actually is a need for sabbath but it just doesn't matter what day it's owned the sabbath is a reminder that we are created in god's image the sabbath is a celebration of the liberation from sin it's an opportunity to serve others true freedom puts others before yourself we see all creation as special in god's eyes everyone in your gates should keep the sabbath it's very interesting uh this particular text because uh the first mentioned festival is the sabbath which was the most often celebrated feast celebrated each week and the one that forms the basis for the remaining feasts i need you guys to grasp this okay the sabbath is this first one that's in place the other feasts that you read about in scripture are all built upon this principle of the sabbath or the seven day week all right the fact that the sabbath the seventh day is foundational is apparent from several observations uh it's important to take a look at that archer has well summarized the significance of the number seven which is derived from the ordained weekly cycle listen to this the religious year is dominated by the sacred number seven symbolizing the perfect work of god hence every sabbath day is a holy sabbath every seventh year is a sabbath year of rest for the crop bearing land after seven sevens of years or 49 years the 50th year is to be hallowed as a jubilee in which all mortgage lands are to be returned to the original family the passover is held at the end of the second habitat orbit or the evening of the 14th the feast of unleavened bread is celebrated for the next seven days the feast of pentecost is celebrated after seven sevens of days or 49 days following the offering of the sheave or the wave the wave or the sheave offered hence the 50th day the seventh month tishri is especially sanctified by three holy observances the feast of trumpets the day of atonement and the feast of tabernacles the feast of tabernacles is celebrated seven days huh plus an eighth day for a final convocation all of them are built upon not just the sabbath but this seven day week in addition there are seven feasts described in leviticus 23. during these festivals there are seven days of rest moreover the preeminence of the sabbath day may be observed by the fact that elsewhere in the chapter the hebrew word moab feasts refers only to annual events occurring in the same time each year whereas the sabbath is the only weekly observance the only weekly observance unlike in the decalogue there is no mention here of a motivation for keeping the sabbath it should be assumed however that these motivations were known to the israelites all that is stated is here is the essence of the sabbath command that israel is to work for six days but on the seventh day was to cease to stop god gave to man the memorial of his creative power we should study the messages god has written for us in nature the fourth commandment separates god from all other gods he is the only god who can and did create everything the sabbath is the sign of man's allegiance to god the sabbath says i did not come from her some explosion i didn't come from some crazy creature i didn't evolve no no no no this is very significant we talked about this before that god made us complete come on now he makes the apples complete he made the trees complete he made the dogs the cats the tigers the bears the lions did everything was made complete right comes first the chickens which one came first the chicken or the egg we know the answer to that question right we know the chicken came first right right that's not a that's not that's not a great question for us some astounding question for us the chicken came first god made a chicken he didn't make no eggs that's right that's how god creates why is that important because after god finished his work he said it was good on sixth day he said it was very good the work was complete god stopped working because all the work was done it was done why is that important because when we talk about righteousness by faith we are talking about it in the context that there wasn't some work that adam and eve still had to do to finish their creation process after the sixth day when they were done it was complete and they could celebrate all of the work that god had done come on now in those six days come on man let's get into this lesson man sunday's lesson sabbath and creation i want to go to the king james version i know it's your turn to to jump into this first part of this lesson elder burgess but help me genesis chapter 2 verse 19 and just verse 19. give it to them and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fall of the air and brought them unto adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof it's a lot in that text all the purges there's a whole lot in that text there's a whole lot of tech one of the things and i want you to touch on a touch on the fact that we're not the only thing that was created out of the ground right right sometimes sometimes we miss that sometimes we miss that in our reading and our studies but look god actually formed some creatures out of the ground but help us to understand what this sabbath and creation is all about but you know it when you read the text one of the first things that actually occurred to me was trying to picture the the sort of episode because the animals were already formed but did not know how do i put it the animals were formed and to a certain degree were waiting for that one who would be their master because because because adam wasn't there yet yes they wouldn't have known what was going on and did not know what they needed but god knew what they needed in other words god was creating adam to have dominion over those animals but they were already created but hold on a second other purges because this is very very interesting because yes they were created and yes god gives them dominion god god allows man to operate as if they created the others right he gives them his dominion said look go ahead and run the show it's all under your command they are to serve unto you but here's the thing though can you see this scene because the text says did god brought the animals to to to adam whatever he called them that was their name that was the name can you see him he goes back to the dirt huh and he makes a line picks the line up man bring some shits in front of which what you think man oh let's call him you know what i'm saying and he goes back and he gets the elephant he goes back i mean can you see that scene of this dramatic scene at the beginning of time where in essence god is bringing creatures that he made that he made who in the world do you know creates something and doesn't name it you're gonna produce something you're gonna say i'm i'm getting the patent on this this is the name anybody else that makes it's gotta pay me all this other kind of stuff jesus makes stuff and lets us have dominion over talk to me and again just just just from that point of view you have to ask yourself how great is the love of god in the sense that he will create us for this very purpose in other words everything that he actually created was so that we might have an experience unlike any other creature on this earth what makes man again so this is a question that david asks well what is man that god is mindful of us why what makes us so important because when we look at it from this point of the bible makes it clear that we are made in god's image but also it also states that it doesn't say that about any animals or anything else but what god says if any man sheds a man's blood there will be a there will be a price to pay he never said that about an animal or any other creation all he said was do not shed man's blood why because they were made in the image of god that is extremely important for us to remember so if that is the case and god values men so highly then what does that tell us about our responsibility not only to creation but also to mankind the fact it doesn't matter if that that man has dust all over me if he doesn't look like he's is 100 supreme in health that's not the point the point is is that god created man with such a high ideal that god's expectation is that man will be respected supremely on this earth and so we as christians and human beings period we have to also remember that at all times no matter what circumstances we might find men ian they are to be respected and to be seen as one who is made in the image of god but what i also like about that too that that um that chapter chapter one where it talks about you know let us make man after our likeness and that word teshlim is talking it says means representative or resemblance you know and like likeness is talking about um similar to so as you were talking about that god gave adam the dominion or the responsibility amen what you think about what's this here so he gave him he gave him that authority to be his representative you know if we recall back in the book of job when the sons of god were called to to um to to the celestial meeting who showed up yeah it was satan that and god's like dude what are you doing here right i'm and say it says i've been walking to a throat because adam lost that dominion to represent when he sinned but christ restored it right but what i also liked about the fact that was that when adam was given dominion to be our representative you know where it talks about uh the pope the vicar of christ well that has actually been misplaced that the pope is not the actual representative of christ but adam was supposed to be the representative and he was given dominion and not and not the uh pope and it might be kind of uh awkward for some people to think that but it's actually been um misplaced by giving him that title or that authority because there is that wasn't the case when it was settled in the beginning now and it also speaks to the fact that we are connected with our environment right we like the animals were created out of the dust and gore says hey you know what you think this is cold shares this connection that we are related and we should treat one another as if we are that thing that um um we're actually mistreating so again the the environment you know um harming the environment and we're harming others we're talking about bloodshed you know if you you share blood there's going to be a penalty to pay so again we're seeing that we are connected we are our brother's keeper you know we shouldn't be mistreating on one another or talking bail or just misrepresenting and um that authority i think it's important to realize to say the fact that you know there's basically one thing that jesus names that's man right man you know they're not nuts that's the man named the woman and oh he names man hence by one by one man sin came into the world by by one man's sin was overcome i think it's important at the same time to realize that uh the god we serve wants not just what's best for us but he actually wants us to have amazing things like sometimes we feel like to want nice things is a bad thing oh that was planted inside of it that was planted inside of you to want something better the problem is when you what you want uh supersedes your want for god that's when the problem comes into play but go ahead and screw if you've got some things you want to show sure i mean just looking at this whole idea of creation it's amazing that god creates something because when we when we look at it we have to look at ourselves and how we interact with each other god creates something and then he tells us to remember it remember this week you know and i'm giving you this day to remember the week how many of us and god says this example how many of us if we make something build something you know create something in a sense don't we want someone to recognize it and enjoy it i mean how many men have built houses and look to their wife and say what you think honey all he wants to do that's a good job that's a good job sweetie so we we we get cars we we we get different things and and and we want our families and our friends to look at an admiral and say amen that's nice you know what i'm saying so just imagine though us doing this right and then let's say it's our wife or somebody whoever they get in a conversation with somebody else and they start bragging about what they mean see what i did you know look at i spent so much time on this thing how would you feel knowing that they don't acknowledge or remember that it was you who made it to form right so we we experienced ex because of in the image of god that's right when god says remember his talent is something that i i love this in the lesson because it says this word to remember presupposes a history it presupposes that you once knew something yes right so that's like you know something but in front of everybody else you deny it folks god says no remember it was me who did that don't take credit for come on now i'll let you live in it i let you enjoy it now when you get around everybody else you're going to act like you did it all oh it's interesting what's interesting what's interesting ella smith is that you use the analogy of the bride right and the church is his bride yes and so in essence um if you i don't know uh you like fixing things you you go and you fix you build a whole new room onto the house and people come over not only is your wife not showing you appreciate she don't say nothing i mean you built the walls you put the plumbing in put the electricals in painted it you know it's looking lovely yeah she says nothing nothing no acknowledgement no nothing right so you're already starting to get a little boiled up then guests come over guests come over elder smith huh and she starts bragging about how she fixed the room up yeah huh she started yeah i put all these decorations up under yeah i'm the one i put i put up the curtains i put up all this all or whatever and you're like you couldn't put it up if you didn't have a wall you know what i'm saying what are you doing so in that moment in that moment how dare we remotely take any credit on us for what god has done yeah i think this i think this particular day points out very very clearly that one when we come to church it's not my chance on sabbath we're not here by chance on sabbath we're here to deny if you would the idea of evolution we are here to show our allegiance to the creator we're here because we're saying that we did not evolve from some nonsense no no no no earth was never known as the planet of the apes no no this particular place has always been the planet of mankind god made man from the beginning and when we come to church we are acknowledging that god created us talking just want to air too that if we think about the sabbath the lord at the end of the creation week that was a gift in itself right he gave gave us everything but then he gifted us the sabbath so if you think of um if i give my wife i package this i think about what i'm gonna buy you know i put it all together i put it in wrapping paper and then i had her honey here's her hers to give i got this gift for you and she opens it up i don't want that yeah how how would i feel as a man trying to please my wife was a gift and she just disregarded it and it's not any gift it's a nice gift it's a it's it's it's it's a picture something she always wanted picture with you with your first song on it you know what i'm saying you know it's out there you know what i'm saying i mean that's that is a difficult moment to swallow when those you love don't show appreciation for what you have done for them i think sabbath is also a reminder that god's plan hasn't changed god set man out to have dominion although all of these things have happened during the process the sabbath is still a reminder yes that god has a plan and that plan at the end of it will come to pass yes man will have dominion all over again that will be restored and we will be back in the place that we're supposed to be in soon and i'm glad you pointed out other birds i like how you put it out because here's this the sabbath is supposed to be a celebration of how god or or if you were celebrating the progress that god has made in your life over the last six days that's supposed to be the celebration it's also to me a marker because if there hasn't been any progress it wasn't because he was lacking in power but rather you resisted the change he was trying to make and so it becomes this mirror at the same time every week it says you know what i'm still in the same spot i was last week because as much as god tried i resisted as much as he tried to get ian i fought him more come on let's keep moving let's keep moving let's get to monday's our lesson 2nd peter chapter 2 verse 19. second peter chapter 2 and verse 19. we're going to go to english standard version first then the king james and then god's word help us if you would help us to understand they promised them freedom but they themselves are slaves of corruption for whatever overcomes a person to to that he is enslaved mercy read that last line again huh for whatever overcomes a person to that he is enslaved come on elderberry just give me the king james while they promise them liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome of the same is he bought in bondage have mercy have mercy come on give it to me man what does god says they promised these people freedom but they themselves are slaves to corruption a person is a slave to whatever he gives into mercy talk to me elder smith man talking about this celebrating this freedom help me understand yeah this this title it was beautiful to me celebrating freedom because it opened up such a different perspective on the sabbath because one we just talked about god asking us to remember that he he created us and all the beautiful things that he's done for us and given us but here now he comes and says not only is this day gonna be a reminder of of who i am and what i did but it's also gonna be a reminder to you that i freed you from sin i freed you from the clutches of that horrible enemy satan and sin and and if it weren't for me you would never be free not only won't you be free but it's like i am the one because i had the power to create the earth all that's in it and to create you i'm the only one then who has the ability to recreate you after you have been tainted and infected by sin i'm the only one who can recreate in you a new heart a clean heart right because sin is the worst form of slavery let's think about this sin is absolutely absolute worst form of slavery you're talking about having bondage without chains and without whips without prisons yet you are in bondage for me that's the worst kind of slavery because yet while you've run free in your space in your country in your neighborhood yet you can still be enslaved imprisoned ripped beaten down in bondage in your own mind and that's the most difficult type of thing to free yourself from i mean you're talking about sin something that is attached to your very sounds at your cellular level at your dna level this this thing has infected you to the point that it it makes itself a part of you so much so that when you look at it and look at you you can't tell the difference between the two the only person who has the very power to get inside at that level of your creation into your dna into your thoughts into your being into your sounds the only one who has the power to get that deep to do any surgery or recreating is god alone and so god is saying to us listen sabbath is a day where you celebrate your freedom from this insidious infection that you have all week long i'm working on you and working on you and working on you you lied and you you asked for forgiveness and i worked and i put you in a position to to tell the truth or lie again and you you chose truth and now it builds in you and and his spirit is building you and building you and building you incident after incident after incident to the point where when the sabbath comes it's saying listen now just rest from this creative work that i've been doing for you all week just rest just you and i bask in the globe yeah of our relationship now i like this listen to this elder bird just listen to me i i want to go a little i want to take a little slightly different angle because i like what you're saying right here and that is that the text says anything that overcomes you you are a slave to yes or you are in bondage too right now that's some throwbacks to be honest if you goes all the way back to when they would conquer people back then right when they conquered you they one place goes and conquers another when they would when the king would ride back or the other or the chief or the captain would ride back into the city he would have the captives changed to the back of the chariot right yeah but but here's the thing though here's the thing i would posit today that whatever i want to take that text that whatever conquers you you are a slave to listen to it now listen to it because because i believe that some of us are slaves to righteousness by works yes man and here's the thing every time you try to save yourself you lose right you are conquered and you are in bondage to what has conquered you so you keep trying to overcome it and jesus keeps saying listen this is a battle that you cannot win let me take on what you're dealing with so that you can be as the text says more than overcomers right so you can overcome what is enslaving you we have a serious problem in the house of god where we really believe even though we say otherwise that we can save ourselves talk to me yeah i was just gonna say i like that hymn um that says would you be free from your burden of sin there's just power in the blood in verse two it goes on would you be free from your passion and pride these are so many things that uh can enslave a person right in the if you know how the prison system works uh when people are on death row what do they always say when they see the person that's walking to their execution yeah they have and this is sort of like the same analogy just just peeking back and off what you're saying about righteousness by works if you're trying to work yourself you're just simply a dead man walking but hold on a second huh i like what you say hold on a second there's not done with me we're not letting manny off the hook that could help off the hook that quick all right i want you i want you to go for me out oh boy while you're right there i want you to go to romans chapter six versus one to seven in the niv i'm coming right back to elder smith without letting him off the hook this this this particular day is a little pact help me understand romans chapter six verse one to seven in the new international version romans 6 7 [Music] you go to manny real quick well yeah roman chapter six verse one through seven is up there uh it's on the screen okay what shall we say then shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase by no means we are those who have died to sin how can we live in it any longer or or don't you know that all of us who have who were baptized into christ jesus were baptized into his death we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that just as christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father we too may live a new life for if we have been united with him in a death like his we will certainly also be united with him with him in a resurrection like his for we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done obey with that we should no longer be slaves to sin amen because anyone who has died has been set free from sin hold on hold on a minute right hold on i'll let y'all jump in but i just want to say i just want to say that just like jesus was crucified on calvary's cross we also must be crucified we must go down the way he went down so that we can come up the way he came up we need to go man i'ma let you have it but i need you to understand that we must die daily we must be crucified self must be crucified in order for us to be one day caught up in that great rapture when the lord takes us over to talk to me today so that that that highlights our creation week yes the memorial of our creation week every week is all creation week god is recreating us if we don't surrender to that then we're slaves to something else yes yes right it's just like it's just saying sabbath is a celebration of freedom from all things that keep us in bondage yes that's what the sabbath is a celebration of when i thought about that i said well that's why when people come to church they should never experience the same things they've just experienced all week right right right right you should never come to church and deal with ornery unkind disgruntled grumpy horrible person you should never do that because all of us are coming to celebrate our freedom from that right so if we're coming to church experiencing that then really we're surrendering to sin all week long so all we have to bring to church is our sin so no wonder we get at each other's throats because you know but let me add on to it we can't get each other's throats because we're not dead because because in other words paul says i die david right that's right in other words when you come to church you ought to be dead deaf people don't talk deaf people don't gossip deaf people don't speak bad about each other deaf people don't steal like deaf people don't have the food deaf the living know that they will die but the dead know not anything the truth of the matter is is that when you come church we shouldn't see any of you we should only seek jesus that's right amen amen realize the problem pastor i realize the problem that this particular passage of scripture right here is when most christians fail and i say fail because we think we have to have a feeling about this this is not about a feeling this is a fact ah this is a fact that we have to accept and the bible even says when we go down further it says likewise in verse 11 likewise racking ye yourselves to be there it's one thing to know about it but it's another thing to reckon yourself to be there and that's where the biggest problem comes so we think it has to be about feeling you know i'm not feeling as though i'm righteous i'm not feeling as though i'm christ-like it has nothing to do with it it's not about a feeling it's based on a principle it's based on what christ has already done yes and you reckon it to be so for yourself you can't look at it and see it all you you have to by faith believe yes that this is what it is and you walk forward knowing at the end of it that this is how it works and so this is where the greatest challenge comes from most christians and this is why we struggle in our christian lives because we cannot also appropriate to ourselves the very word of god in the sense of recognizing even when i'm ready to rise up something inside of me rises up no no no hold on hold on you're there to see it you remind yourself on a regular basis that sian no longer has dominion over you so there's no christian who has an excuse for bad behavior there's no excuse because the truth of it is it is a principle that's clearly outlined and if you know that principle you apply it to every situation in your life and if you do you won't be dealing with healthy problems that you deal with because like you said you're dead and dead people they don't feel pain they're not offended they're not easily offended and so when we look at these situations some things there are some passages in scripture that are so integral to our experience and this is one of them you know it's very interesting to me uh out of boy when i look at this uh this idea of dying that in essence this is a different kind of death in the sense that we're not having a service for you there's no memorial service right we're not really trying to reminisce about your past we're not really trying to have a bunch of if you would uh uh uh uh uh dedications or if you would some sort of tributes made to you or some sort of obituary matter of fact the last thing we want to remember at your death is you all we want to see is jesus christ when we see jesus we know that you are dead that's important when you walk into the house of god and i think it's very important as we move forward i'm gonna go ahead and jump right into uh the next one as our time is running tight let's get into if you would this idea uh that in essence the stranger in your gate shelter oh boy talk to us about the stranger in your gates when you look at uh the passage that was dealing with this lesson it talks about it talks about um that you were satisfied for a special purpose right it says in exodus 19 it talks about it says ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests a holy nation and at first peter talks about being a peculiar people now when it talks about uh being a kingdom of priests it says as the priestly order was set apart from the common mass so the israelites compared with other people were to sustain this the same near relationship to god a community of spiritual sovereigns and as a hurling nation you're set aside or set apart to preserve the knowledge and worship of god a peculiar people it talks about that these people were acquisitioned as a word that is whom god chose to be peculiar his he purchased them literally purchased them he acquired them with his his blood um and the definition of peculiar is particular or special so here we see this nation was called to be a special uh group of people for god to preserve what he had given them not necessarily for themselves but actually to show and demonstrate to the other nations this is the way you shall walk in order to be have a relationship with god but as we know in their history often time they fell away from that and they fell into idolatry as if the other nations did and god has given us that same responsibility that we were called to be a chosen people a special people a holy nation that we are to be particular in our going out and in our common ends how we how we dress how we how we eat all of these things were were supposed to be um particular but and one thing that i also noticed that while starting the last was that you know who a firefighter is based on what they look like what their appearance their dress you know who a police officer is you can easily identify him because of his his his outfit his his his uniform when it comes to us as as christians or even saturday adventists do you preach a sermon a while ago put your jewelry on or something without the title right so but but the jury that you're speaking about was the very character of the individual that's what these people should be seeing not this this this bad jewelry that that that that is the the that's hidden inside you know and the girl just goes back to um the previous lesson um that was just talking about that people should be able to see who we are based on how we conduct ourselves not necessarily what we wear or what we eat but the simple fact about our character and our deeds so um you know we have this phrase that says mikasa suicas my house is your house there are a lot of things that we should be able to welcome people into simply again by how we operate and how we live as opposed to ostracizing people so they're not necessarily will be a stranger right they should feel welcomed like i had mentioned earlier um brianna who is a who's new to the island you know i introduced it to the sabbath school superintendent my wife couple other people why because she's new so you wanted somebody to feel comfortable and this is what god is trying to get us to see that the strangers that are in your gate those are your brothers those are your sisters because they don't look like you or necessarily dress like you'll eat like you you should still welcome their men and treat them as if they were you not ostracized absolutely i want to ask in the booth if you could help me out upstairs in the booth take me back to genesis chapter 2 and verse 19. we had a question online uh they were wondering uh they heard they heard us say or heard me say that in essence adam and eve were not the only thing that god created out of the ground somehow they missed the text if you can just take a look up there on the screen annie jolly i don't know exactly where you're sure where you're from the bible says very clearly and out of the ground and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them to adam to see what he would call them all right just just for your information genesis chapter 2 verse 19 let us know not just adam and eve our creator out of ground but also every beast of the field and every file of the air that's why we want them to know that that was done before adam was created correct correct all right all right uh very interesting uh oh boy god's name was to be made known throughout all the earth israel was supposed to make his name known they were to be the head and shoulders above everyone because of their total reliance on god the israelites had been servants themselves thus they should be willing to deal with the less fortunate the way they wish to be treated they knew what it was like to be beaten to be downtrodden to be on the low end of the marrow when you get to the top you got to remember those who are still struggling you got to make sure that you're there think about those days perhaps when you were hungry think about those days when everybody else was going home getting some meatloaf and macaroni and all that are you going home eating peanut butter in jail you know what i'm saying not a lot of gangs peanut butter and jelly peanut butter is a beautiful but what i'm saying to you is it's a little different but that's all that you have and that's all you have to look forward to so think about that when you're building your next guest list for sabbath afternoon let's find somebody who really is in need that can come on over and be blessed let's jump into wednesday gentlemen let's jump into wednesday uh we want to go ahead to isaiah chapter 58 verses 12 through 14. isaiah chapter 58 verses 12 to 14. we're going to go to the king james version and then we're going to go to the message bob we're going to go to the paraphrase the message bible uh with elder smith but read that for us out of purchase 12 to 14. king james version and they that shall be of thee shall build the old base places thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach the restore of paths to dwell in if thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the sabbath of the light the holy of the lord honorable and shalt honor him not doing thine own ways nor finding thine own pleasure nor speaking thine own words then shalt thou delight thyself in the lord and i will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed thee with the heritage of jacob thy father for the mouth of the lord have spoken it well let's hear all the paraphrase put it let's tell you how they put it in the message bible your years you'll use the earl rubble of past lives to build anew rebuild the foundations from out of your past you'll be known as those who can fix anything restore old ruins rebuild and renovate make the community livable again if you watch your step on the sabbath and don't use my holy day for personal advantage if you treat the sabbath as a day of joy god's holy day as a celebration if you honor it by refusing business as usual making money running here and there then you'll be free to enjoy god oh i'll make you ride high and so above it all i'll make you feast on the inheritance of your ancestor jacob yes god says so talk to me elder smith talk to me about uh the honor or sir and how serving others honors god sadly help me to understand that yeah this is something too that is integral in god's plan from the beginning in that god had always intended to save humanity not a particular group god wanted to save everybody even in him calling israel it was for them to set the example to the world that they would be the people that they the world would look to that they will find answers from them that they will understand the health message that they will understand the sabbath that they will understand all the things baptism by immersion and the dead are not there like they were the ones who god wanted to use to take this message to the world because at the end of the day everything and everybody belongs to god there is no us and them right so i found it amazing that the very people that god chose to set this example and to spread the gospel throughout the entire planet of the very people who cared the least about people here we have an example of christ healing people on the sabbath and amazingly the very leaders of the the the church the the the people who that he had set up to be teachers to everybody else we're the ones who were looking at him healing people as a bad thing they were so stuck one and you mentioned it earlier so stuck on salvation by my works salvation by how intelligent i am salvation by how close to god i am and not everybody else is salvation because god talks to me and not to you like this whole mentality that they had was an amazing phenomenon that god had given them all they needed to help save and care for others and yet when god himself this is how deep it is when human beings get into self once sin takes over and self becomes my criteria and my my my girl and the thing i seek to please this is how deep it is that the very word of god that became flesh the very presence and essence of god's mind and thought and desire was standing in front of them showing them what his plan has been since the beginning and self is so deep deeply entrenched in the mind that they actually seek to kill the one who set the example of what the purpose was in the first place the purpose is to save others especially on a day where you celebrate your freedom from your bondage yet that's what i said earlier sin bondage to sin is the worst kind of slavery because we have a group of people here who are so enslaved to self and sin that they seek to kill the very god they claim to worship because he did something good for somebody on the day he created to celebrate your freedom from your bondage we have people in bondage to sickness and and all that christ frees them from that sickness frees them from their bondage on the sabbath day the day designed to celebrate their freedom and yet they try to kill him do we do we fall for the same thing when we make church a place of judgment and unhappiness and not a celebration of freedom but a walk to bondage yeah into works is sabbath really a joy like is it really a time of celebration point point extremely well made and they made it such a burden back then with all their little rules and regulations but the truth is we have simone we have some of our own some of our own rules and regulations that we try to place on god's sabbath from our own standpoint as opposed from the word of god uh let's go ahead let's go ahead into thursday's lesson the sign that we belong to god let's open up the bible uh help me out elder smith i want to go to exodus chapter 31 uh just three verses verse 13 verse 16 and verse 17 from the new living translation then he allowed the burdens to help us about the sign that we belong to god exodus 31 verses 13 16 and 17 from the new living translation what does the bible say verses 13 yes 16 and 17. okay tell the people of israel be careful to keep my sabbath day for the sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you from generation to generation it is given so you may know that i am the lord who makes you holy you must keep the sabbath day for it is a holy day for you anyone who desecrates it must be put to death anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community talk to me uh elder burgess about this sign let's start talking about how can you know what direction to go yes indeed yes there's a sign unless there's a sign yes indeed and we we know this i i don't very often well in in days of world in particular you know they had to be very good at reading science because they could get lost very easily you know we have signs everywhere nowadays when we go you know and i would just say that for some other signs are actually bad at them for others of us but the truth of it is is that signs are necessary for us to find the way to go to where we need to go to this tells us the sabbath is a sign that reminds us that we belong to god and i like how the author actually puts it because he he makes such a succinct sentence but he says god's sabbath is a constant reminder of our origins our liberation our destiny and our responsibility to the outcast and to the marginalized i need to ask you this question what other day in the week satisfies all of that is there another day out throughout all the week that satisfies all there is no other day in the week that satisfies every last one of those criteria because you can't say sunday satisfies that day because it doesn't early the sabbath itself is the day that points us back to creation it reminds us of liberation it reminds us that we were created by god i mean it reminds us about our destiny at the end time i mean even when we look at isaiah chapter 66 it tells us that when the time comes or whatever the new avenue happens in a new raft that i will make all flesh will come to worship me from sabbath to sabbath so we know sabbath is not going anywhere whatsoever so as sabbath was in the beginning sabbath also will be in the quote unquote and sabbath is a continual continual continuum of the fact that god so i don't know how god's going to work out the creation that's i don't know how it's going to do that but what he's told us is that sabbath is a continual thing that will last on throughout the ages and so if that is the case or whatever what other day could we ever possibly look to that will remind us of the importance first of all of mankind and second of all the wondrousness and the majesty of god so we have those two things that are found in the sabbath the fact that god after having done everything he did after making his crowning chronic aspect of creation decided okay it's done it's done but the same god now is also saying that it's not that that that's done at that point but i'm going to make a new heaven and a new earth and the sabbaths are still going to continue so if sabbath night and and here's the part that often battles me the bible makes it clear that god is not a god of confusion so does it make sense that god is going to say okay i'm going to sort you i'm going to start you off with the sabbath i'm going to change it on sunday and then when we get to the end i'm going to put you back on the sabbath again so so so so the sabbath was everything in the beginning it became nothing in between and at the end it's going to be everything again that that's not god's that's not god's confusion that's man's confusion if i may just add to that um also one of the definitions of sign or a sign it says a notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instructions in a written or symbolic form and as you so just said there's no other day that does that the fact that you observe and keep the sabbath is telling the world that one i believe in god and two i believe in the creation story and what he did and three that he has redeemed me and has uh set me free from the bondage of sin so there's no other day that actually has all this there's components that where you can now publicly say to the world this is what i believe in absolutely uh i appreciate you adding that on and i need you just to add a little bit more on and summarize this lesson as we wind it up today in in the uh friday's life application it says in biblical times placing your feet on a piece of property was a symbol of ownership the sabbath belongs to god we do not earn it it is his so he graciously invites us to find our deepest delight and highest pleasure in worshiping him and blessing others on the sabbath and testaments to for the church volume six sister white says all through the week we are we are to have the sabbath in mind and be making preparation to keep it in accordance to the commandment we are not merely to observe the sabbath as a legal matter and as we we've discussed many times pastor that after sunset you start preparing for next sabbath you're looking forward to sabbath so it's a perpetual continuation of looking and resting in god in his sabbath so so the sabbath should be a delight it is a delight and all through this week we just we discuss uh the different points of of the sabbath that it should be a delight for us and for everyone right it's not a day for the jews it is a day for everybody to enjoy what god did in the beginning what he's doing now and what it's going to do in the future amen absolutely we want to thank our panelists for blessing us one more time we pray that you've been blessed by uh this lesson study today we encourage you if you don't have a lesson to get one you can send an email we can tell you how that's possible uh you can find one in your area uh let me go ahead and close out with this quote and they're gonna ask elder smith to close us out with prayer this one comes actually from pablo picasso this one comes from pablo picasso here's what it says it says the meaning of life is to find your gift the meaning of life is to find your gift the purpose of life is to give it away come on help us out elder smith pray for that let's pray heavenly father thank you for this lesson thank you for the sabbath i pray that everyone listening and hearing this sanctuary today will make the decision to enjoy the sabbath whatever has bothered us through the week whatever we've been fighting against overcome i pray that all those things now will be gone and all we'll see is your beautiful face and that we will worship you in spirit and in truth and that you would accept our worship this day in jesus name we pray amen god bless you friends we are so thankful that you decided to join us today for lagos university this deep accelerating study of the word of god we pray that you were blessed by it and we know that as you study your sabbath school lesson each week that you will continue to grow in jesus christ here at the hamilton seventh-day adventist church we have some other avenues that you can contact us to make your experience even more rich so for instance we have if you would a prayer line that you can tap into you can see that on your screen right now where you can actually come and share your prayer requests if by chance you didn't get it in there feel free to write your request on the chat or you can text on pr actual number here for lagos university uh which is 441-517-5810 we pray that you are blessed by everything that you get here involved with and at the same time feel free to email us any requests for bible studies whatever you might need at hamiltonsda gmail.com that's hamilton sda gmail.com until next week as you continue to study your lesson know that we are avidly preparing for the next encounter we have with you so that god can take us deeper into his word the word logos is a word that actually means the word the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the bible also says thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee that same bible says order my steps in your word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me and so as we prepare for next week we want you to prepare as well make the sabbath school lesson your daily study so that the next time you come into this place whether it's virtually or in person you may be able to contribute to this great thing we call lagos university god bless you friends and have a wonderful saturday [Music] good morning and happy sabbath here are your announcements for today september 4th 2021 under the banner we've only just begun in 2021 our church continues to celebrate its legacy this is a chronicle of the past present and our journey towards the future of the church where worship is a joy and the love is real savage school is the heart of the church and here at hamilton it begins at 9 15 a.m here is an announcement from this department there is something for everyone and individual sabbath school classes have begun please refer to the screen for information regarding each class or contact your bulletin to see how to access your preferred classroom study to show thyself approve unto god a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and you will find this in 2nd timothy 2 and verse 15. in our family news today we are reminding you of how to access your lost and found items did you lose something or maybe you forgot to take your belongings with you well have no fear you can retrieve these items from the sabbath school room please be advised that any unclaimed items will be discarded after september 6. the spinning class that was scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10 am has been postponed until the safety regulations are lifted please stay tuned for further information here is your week at a glance wednesday september 8th at 4 pm is our feeding program please come and support by volunteering your services you are always welcomed also happening on wednesday is our prayer meeting service and this will be in celebration of our 120 years of being a church our speaker will be pastor willie lewis who pastored right here at hamilton between 1968 and 1973. here the sermon entitled the goodness of god looking back moving forward our stephen ministers are here to care ready to listen and to provide one and one christian care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing please contact sister kelly tucker brother dalman tucker and elder dwayne burgess their numbers are on the screen well it's celebration time here are your birthday celebrants for this week happy sabbath birthday wishes are going out to our one celebrant today d morris francis happy birthday on sunday september 5th we have michael phillips marlo smith laverne goings jermaine richardson and irene de silva all celebrating their birthdays and on monday we have bascom daphith wallace nicole tatum all celebrating their birthdays happy birthday on tuesday we have stephen t ming celebrating his birthday wednesday the 8th of september celebrating our karine mac norton crystal caesar and rose marie allen happy birthday and on thursday september 9th we have one celebrant happy special birthday sister harriet nisbeth on friday celebrating is sinaaj saltas happy birthday in our anniversary news we have three couples celebrating their anniversaries on september 5th we have ryan and carmen rabin on the sixth vernon and jennifer tankard and on the 10th dennis and carlita o'brien happy anniversary and just as a reminder let me close with this one thought in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god john 1 verse 1. these are your announcements for today have a happy sabbath everyone [Music] [Music] god bless you friends we are so delighted today that you have decided to join us here at the hamilton seventh-day adventist church where worship is a joy and the love is real for 120 years god has led this amazing and blessed congregation and it gives us just great joy today that you have decided to make this your place of worship on his holy and blessed sabbath day we pray that the music will lift your spirits that the prayers will touch your hearts at the health nuggets and the children's stories will edify your soul and that the word of god will change you from within as you worship with us on this amazing and beautiful sabbath day we welcome you to this place on this beautiful paradise island we call bermuda come get a touch of sunshine come feel that beautiful breeze come experience just a little bit of that pink sand as we try to bring the joy of the lord in this country into your homes as you worship with us today may his peace be with you and come on in let's worship the lord in spirit and in truth [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good morning good morning everyone happy sabbath to one and all our code to worship this morning is taken from psalms 145 starting at verse 8. it says the lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and great in mercy the lord is good to all and his tender mercies are over all his works all your work shall praise you o lord and your saints shall bless you they shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and talk of your power to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your dominion endures throughout all generations amen amen church let us lift our voices and praise as we welcome the holy spirit into our presence the glory of the lord lord is in this place [Music] the presence of the lord the presence of the lord is in this [Music] this place is [Music] [Music] father in heaven there's so much being placed upon us in this world today so much death another rise in cases seems like this pandemic will never end [Music] looks like a hurricane is headed our way there's distress there's unemployment people struggling [Music] but we're here we're here because we realize that there's still a bomb in gilead that heals the sins we're here because god is our refuge and strength very present and we're here because he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high god shall abide under the shadow of the almighty and so we're just here today god to let you know that we're here we're here to give you all the praise we're here to give you all the honor we're here to give you all the glory because if it had not been for the lord on our side then where would we be so fill us right now change us from within we have come to celebrate the changes you have made in our life this past week may the name of jesus christ and him alone be magnified and praised in this place because in his precious name we pray let the redeemed of the lord say amen [Music] all amen glory the glory of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] happy sabbath church our opening hymn is ham185 jesus has paid it jesus owed the world to me [Music] [Music] jesus is all the world to me my life my joy my hope is my strength [Music] i go [Music] he makes me [Applause] friend jesus [Music] he says the sun shine and the rain he says [Music] [Applause] he is my friend [Music] jesus and truth to him [Music] is [Music] jesus is [Music] a is beauty for life [Music] [Applause] [Music] please be seated what a wonderful opportunity [Music] to have the privilege of coming to god who has no blockages in his timetable some have come knowing that it hasn't been the best week some have come knowing that it's going to get better and some have come knowing that the only reason they made it through was because of god and so i'm going to ask as you prepare your hearts to approach the throne of grace that you might assume whichever position you desire for prayer [Music] what a friend we have in jesus [Music] what a [Music] a privilege it is to carry everything to god in [Music] loving god what a wonderful god you are we can come to you at any time love and god and your ear is always open you are always willing to hear us and so we come boldly not because we have married father but we come in the precious name of jesus our lord and savior because it's because of him that we can come boldly to your throne of grace and obtain mercy in our time of need father we have come recognizing that where else can we go this world has nothing to offer us every time we've tried the wrong love of god we've been disappointed and so father we come to you knowing that this is the best place and the real only place to come and so father we come giving you praise and honor and glory today not only because you created us but because you have redeemed us and because you sustain us on a daily minute by minute basis father we have so much to be thankful for just the fact that we were raised up this morning and clothed in our right mind that is a reason to praise you loving god the fact that we have breath in our bodies that is a reason to praise you loving god the fact that we were able to come into this place to draw just a little closer with your people that is a reason to praise you loving god but father even if we were not able to do those things just the fact that you are willing to call yourself our god that is sufficient reason to praise you but not everybody loving god comes with joy in their hearts even though they might come to praise some have had struggles this week loving god we've heard of of of even other countries where hurricanes and bad weather have have raised and and and just annihilated complete communities father and so we lift up those who will be suffering loving god with the effects of of territorial and and climatic changes and yet father we recognize that these things should not be a surprise to us because you told us that these things would happen and so father we're so glad that you're the type of god who tells us things before they happen so that when they do happen we might believe [Music] father there are those here who are wondering maybe where lunch is coming from maybe where they're going to sleep tonight father some are wondering whether or not they'll have a job to go to come monday morning even tomorrow morning father there are so many questions and even now loving god with this covenant and the numbers seem to be spiking there's concerns about the fact that some things may have to slow down again further the concerns are everywhere and yet we know that if we place it in your hands father you are able to take care of everything and so father we give you praise and honor reacts in the name of jesus that you'll forgive us of our sins father where we have folded where we have stepped even yay father where we have deliberately walked away we pray that you'll restore us that you'll remind us that you are a god who loves us and that at the end of it all you have the very best in for us father we want to lift up our pastor as he brings the word this morning father we know that more than likely in three hours of this morning he had a conversation with you loving god and so we pray that whatever you spoke to him that he might speak to us and that i might be aware directly from your throne loving god specifically intended for each one of us in our own particular situation father we're so thankful to be able to come here because we know that when you speak the whole world has to listen and so father we're going to give you praise and honor for the rest of this service we ask that you continue to allow your spirit to reside in this place that we might be the lights on the hill that you have called us to be loving god and father where we have faulted where we have fallen short we ask that you forgive us even then replacing us as zeal loving god for souls [Music] we want father for each person that we come into contact with to have a saving knowledge with you and with your son jesus christ may it be so and that your name and your will be lifted up today sorry and your will be done throughout this service and throughout the rest of this day which you have set aside as holy in jesus name we pray some things we have not because [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] when we take it to the lord in prayer [Music] good morning church we are going through a little bit of a rough patch here in our island um something that we did not want to see again um and isn't that like life sometimes things repeat sometimes we think it's a lesson from god that we didn't get so we have to repeat it but sometimes it's a testimony [Music] that people can see that we have gone through it and we've come out of it and we were okay and we did okay this song that we're going to minister on to you i find a blessing to me um it talks about turning it around and we know who can turn it around for us no things may not be going our way and may want to give up at times but i hope this song is an encouragement to you i hope that you can sing it and kind of remind yourself that god does care and he is thinking of you and he'll turn it for you okay [Music] turn it around there are so many many many times in my life that i have seen i got turn it around [Music] there is no need to give up on your journey because i know my god will turn it around think that again my battles in life are you thinking of quitting the race there is no need to give up on your journey because i know my god will turn it around there is no need to give up on your journey because i know [Music] turn it around there is have some people turn their backs on you just keep holding her to the one who cannot disappoint i know my god will turn it around [Music] i have seen my god turn it around there are so many many many times in my life that i have seen my god turn it around are you thinking that you're all alone do you feel god has forsaken you he has promised to keep you to the end of the journey i know my god will turn it around know my god will turn it [Music] around is [Music] i have seen my god turn it around [Music] can turn it around there are so many many many times in my life [Music] [Music] we cannot experience god without experiencing praise thank you prayers team for your music ministry good morning saints how have you been did i hear someone say been real good and been better than before fortunately the weather is on our side today so you know the sun s-u-n and i are pleased to offer you a warm welcome welcome to our viewing listeners and to our visiting friends who may have entered the doors of our church this morning do we have such wonderful visiting friends with us today those of you who have entered our church this morning i have seen a few of you you can stand so that we can acknowledge you sister sandra anderson familiar returning visitor to the church family he has welcome says all the way from new jersey and i see sister she's always an uh church doer she's always welcomed here um sister she's at the very back duncan i don't know the first name but welcome sis duncan wonderful to have you here and sister villamay wilson i see that comes every sabbath welcome visiting friends you could have chosen to be anywhere today but you chose to be here at the hamilton seventh-day adventist church where worship is a joy and the love is real a love that restores hope in others our church family thanks you for sharing your day with us and we welcome you welcome everyone i welcome you once i welcome you twice i welcome you in the name of jesus christ person [Music] can the church of the living god say amen come on can the church of the living god say praise the lord this morning i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the living god of the house of the lord it's it's a beautiful day man we want to welcome you to the hamilton seventh-day adventist church where worship is a joy and the love is what everybody the love is real for 120 years god has commanded this church and after all that time his grace is still sufficient his mercy is still in hot pursuit yes it is his blood come on now oh what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus if it had not been for the lord on our side where would we be so may his spirit fill you his faithfulness forgive you and his truth free you on this venerated and beatified sabbath day i want to first of all recognize the fact that uh we i guess have are blessed with a substitute a philly and musician can the church say amen thank you for his presence with us today god bless you sir an absolute joy uh to have you in this place to have you in this place that's not all we have one of our very own is over there on a guitar can the church say amen praise god for brother micah o'brien he's learned some skills he's got some new skills he's bringing him to the table we appreciate his addition to the band today god bless you man god bless you as you worship with us and bless our hearts today i want to at the same time just have one major announcement that needs to be said in regards to our school in regards to our school some of you may be aware that we do have or are having a little challenge in terms of covert right here at the start of this school year just want to let those that may not know that in essence our administration along with our school administration uh they do have it under control they are following the guidance of uh the country and the goddess of the government in regards to how to handle this particular uh situation but you should know they were closed yesterday and uh they will reopen for virtual classes on this coming tuesday of course monday's labor day holiday but this coming tuesday bermuda institute will reopen for uh virtual classes and the regular classes though or the in-person classes will not uh commence again until september the 20th until september the 20th again it's a massive surge that's going through the country at this time they're not the only ones affected but they are our school and they have our prayers they have our support they have our love not an easy time to be an educator it's not an easy time to be an educator and i would posit to you it's not an easy time to be a student uh the truth of the matter is that being home trying to do classes is no fun uh there's no fun in that whatsoever um i could only imagine what it'd been like if they told us back then we had to stay home uh we couldn't get out the house we had to stay home and learn from the house i don't know i don't know how much i would have learned staying at the house but i i praise god uh for how he's blessing our young people and just pray for them as they go through these couple of weeks that god will give them strength they won't fall behind that they will be able to stay on top of their studies and on september 20th be able to get back in full swing at bermuda institute the greatest school uh here in the country of bermuda can the church say amen we praise god we praise god for them let's just have one other announcement before i get to our birthdays and that is this not too long ago not too long ago elder burgess we were able to baptize a young man uh into this congregation we baptized him out of simons but he wasn't satisfied with that huh he wanted a new experience in life he wanted to change and i'm happy today to let you know that a change has come over him about a month or so ago out of assignments he was coming church alone come on somebody ought to say amen huh but just a little bit ago he went to zimbabwe come on somebody ought to say amen and and he got married elder son he's a married man huh come on now put your hands together for brother simba and his wife come on his wife is here in church today all the way from zimbabwe stand up man stand up god bless you guys man god bless you god bless you god bless you so delighted so delighted simba huh what a blessed day man we are happy not simba just tell me before you sit down i don't know your wife's name and tell her tell us tell us her name man taboka simba and taboka come on now that's some good stuff man that's some good stuff right there man hey church can we just say hi to tobolka can we say hi to her god bless you ma'am so happy so happy and honored to have you god bless you may be seated uh in this place hey listen there's one sabbath birthday today it says d morris francis i'm wondering is that my elder i see him i didn't know his first name i thought his first name was i didn't know all these years that his first name started with a d i'd like to think that's david i don't know if his day i don't i don't know but but no it's not it's not david come on stand up they all don't stand up man happy birthday to you today happy sabbath birthday to you god bless you god bless you man god bless you today uh wish you a very very very uh happy birthday today come on church let's stand with me at this time if you would just stand to your feet everyone on your feet those of you that are here present even those of you that are watching online i haven't said that in a while but those of you sitting at the computer need to stand up as well stand up in your bedroom stand up in the kitchen come on now stand up in the living room put some clothes on dress appropriately this is the house of the lord dress appropriately revenue i'll repeat after me this morning say there's no place um come on i can't hear you church there's no place there's no place like this place like this anywhere near this place anywhere near this so this must be the place man i'm going to turn to your neighbor don't be afraid turn to your neighbor turn to your neighbor and say hold on hold on hold on hold on say neighbor amen give me one second one second say neighbor neighbor say simba is here simba is here and taboka is here with andrew we must be in the right place uh come on now turn and wave to somebody wish somebody happy seventh wave to the capitals tell somebody that you love them as we sing in amazing victory is mine what it's called victory victory is fine come on is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] is jesus jesus christ [Music] jesus jesus christ in the name of jesus jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] is my [Music] good morning and happy sabbath so we know that in the beginning god created the earth the heavens and the earth if we go to verse 29 of genesis it says i give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it they will be yours for food now recently i discovered that i had a sagebush growing in my yard all this time it was just a part of my hedge but i thought wow sage so i decided to google what it's good for and how i can use it so here are six health benefits of sage boost cognitive function manage blood sugar levels manage weight promote oral health manage diarrhea ease menopause symptoms and you can of course use it in your cooking in a tea or as an oil after reading up on sage it got me thinking what else do i have at my fingertips and not even realize it a tool with bermuda wild herbs and plants help me with this question so let's see what god has given us that we should take more advantage of these pictures are only a few of what grows wild in bermuda this is sea purslane it's only found near the seashore it has lots of magnesium and you can use it as a natural salt in your food this is a spanish needle and it's good for air aches you can simply incorporate it into your ts now we all know the aloe vera helps to heal burns it has soothing moisturizing and cooling properties improves digestive health promotes oral health and clears acne here we have fennel did you know that it decreases appetite next up old spice it's an anti-fungal and it can be used as a foot scrub also you can put it in your teeth and as it's boiling it makes your home smell so good the beautiful hibiscus flower is an antioxidant and helps lower blood pressure here we are picking father john leaves to make this beautiful red tea which can help to reduce fevers this is a moringa tree we picked the leaves and dried them over a few days to make this beautiful powder and you can sprinkle the powder over pretty much anything smoother soups whatever you make you can put this powder in it so we encourage you to go on nature walks and observe and see all the things that god has given us happy sabbath all the little children come up to the front it's time for children's story [Music] he's got the whole world in his hand he's got the whole world in his hands [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] in his hands he's got the whole world in [Music] [Music] good morning church and happy sabbath today's scripture reading will be taken from first corinthians 6 11. and that was what some of you were but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the lord jesus christ and by the spirit of our god amen amen well good morning boys and girls and big boys and girls happy sabbath well guess what i'm not elder smith guess what our smith had an emergency to go to so he asked me to tell the story to you guys is that okay is that okay yeah because guess what that's what good friends do they call them minutemen's we cover for them for each other right and he told me the story at work this week so i i kind of have the gist of his story yeah so guess what guess what is in this bag anybody want to take a guess what you think's in the bag you think food let's see it is a shopping bag but let's see is that food no can anybody guess what this is go ahead say that one more time it's just pretty smart it's a it's a coupling for a hers or fire hers okay these are some of the instruments that we use to dehurse girls on this side and then you connect another one and you connect another one right and then the water can pass through it but look how dirty and dingy and icky is it it's all dirty right so for for the children's story this represents you represents us without jesus all dirty oh kind of icky when you do wrong when you take things that don't belong to you when you don't listen to mommy and daddy then you don't be nice to your friends or when you in class and you might peek over and see your friend's answer and scribble it down that's what that's what that is okay for the big boys and girls when you mistreat one another right you take things that don't belong to you mm-hmm stealing time or stealing money mm-hmm is this is that's what this represents right that's without jesus then we have another thing we have another one that's in the bag this one looks a little better than that one right this one represents when you have a little jesus right you're not doing everything that you used to do over here but god is working on some things on you so you might not necessarily steal you might not necessarily talk bad but you're doing other things still he hasn't quite got it all out on you right then we have this small little one on her itty bitty one you see that but you see how nice and clean it is this what happens when jesus heard of you and you and you start to look nice and shiny you're not doing everything that you used to do right and it's small because there's less of you and more of jesus right less of you and more of jesus but guess what if you look in the pipe it's still dirty i wonder why that's because it takes a special tool to get inside of there and clean it all up and you know what that special tool is the holy spirit so whilst you look good on the outside boys and girls you haven't changed in the inside big boys and girls you're still mean you're still doing things you truly haven't converted right so so we need that special tool to come inside and clean us all up the bible tells us listen carefully they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me these are the things that god is looking for yes you might look good and shiny to everybody else but inside you still need to be clean you still need you need conversion and that's what the holy spirit does yes we come to church on the sabbath yes we may pray every day but do you really mean it do you have that personal relationship with christ where they will see your good works but glorify your father which is in heaven so while you're not this or even this this is pretty good but we want that true pipe where it's really nice and shiny on the outside as balanced as the inside all right all right boys and girls uh big boys and girls we got it all right who wants to pray for us come on clint come on we're gonna let the little girl go first all right dear heavenly father thank you for this day please help us to be obedient and follow directions please help the people that are fbi in jesus name amen there's gj [Music] amen hey man boys and girls so as you go back to your seats remember we want to be clean on the outside but more importantly we want to be clean in the inside all right okay [Music] is [Music] he's got the whole world is [Music] happy sabbath church wasn't that a good children's story the last minute man did well i believe our offertory this morning is coming to us from the book of matthew chapter 21. matthew chapter 21 the bible says and when they drew nigh unto jerusalem and were come to bethpage onto the mount of olives then sent jesus to disciples saying unto them go into the village over against you and straightway you shall see he shall find an ass tied and a cult with her loose them and bring them onto me and if any man say ought unto you you shall see the lord hath need of them and truthfully he will send them a rather interesting story i find it to be if you were to perhaps put this one in modern day terminologies imagine yourself being sent along with another friend to send george's and you're told that there are two limousines down there the keys are already in the ignition go there start the engine and bring them to me as you start the engine of these limousines the owner knocks on the door and asks you what exactly do you think you're doing and your response should be the lord hath need of these think about it the lord had need of these now the story might sound strange a bit but god is calling on our resources today and he's saying that the gospel needs to go around bermuda because i have need of your resources he's saying that there are families that need to be fed the lord hath need of these there are hungry persons that need to be comforted the lord hath need of these there are countries in the world that this gospel message that needs to be preached to the lord at need of these as the deacons come forward the question i'd like to leave with you this morning is since the gospel is knocking on the windows or the doors of your resources this morning what will be your answer your head's about and your eyes closed righteous and our eternal father we thank you for being a loving god and having blessed us with resources we thank you for having called us to be co-laborers with you and now oh lord as your people give back a portion of what you've given them we ask oh lord that you may use it to the furtherance of your work these mercies we ask in jesus name amen oh magnify the lord [Music] the lord [Music] for he is worthy to [Music] salvation [Music] for oh is worthy to be praised oh sing praises unto god for he is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] salvation [Music] our scripture reading this morning comes to us from the book of luke chapter 19 verses 1 through verses 41 through 44. i'll be reading from the king james version the bible says and when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it saying if thou has known even thou at least invest thy day the things which belong unto the speak unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes for the days shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench above thee and encompass the round and keep thee and keep v in on for the days shall come upon v let me go let me let me read from the let me read from my my version here let's go again and when he has was come near he beheld the city and wept over it saying if thou has known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes for the days it shall come upon thee that thine enemies shall cast a trench above thee and compress the round and keep thee in on every side verse 44 says and shall lay thee even with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leave in the one stone upon another because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation i'd like to lift up before you once again the last line of verse 44. because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation earns a portion of god's holy word may your hearts be blessed as we contemplate these words praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord everybody amen we just want to test our mics just a little bit is that all right testing testing praise the lord hello praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah amen amen thank you alan appreciate it sound is important amen amen you want to hear what the spirit has to say even through music amen okay our song for praise and worship wonderful is your name is he a wonderful god is his name wonderful did he wake you up this morning did he start you on your way yes he did i'll be grateful i know i'm grateful god is a good god so we're gonna praise him for it amen he's worthy to be praised come on yo come on if you never sing it with us run that again [Music] you remember [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you woke me up this [Music] to morning hair [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] my oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] all you can say is thank you jesus come on for the rest of my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] one more time you woke me up this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and this song just says here i am to worship here i am to bow down are we here to worship god in his holy day his sanctuary [Music] of hallelujah world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see [Music] oh [Music] here i am here i [Music] i am here i am [Applause] [Music] fall here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] so here i am here i am [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i am to say that you're my god together [Music] one more time here i am [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] all together oh [Music] man [Music] lord he is the lord [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord of your life [Music] [Music] again [Music] everything [Music] [Music] is [Music] i have one more song thank you lord for saving my soul thank you lord for making me you lord for giving me thy great thighs [Music] one more time thank you [Music] [Music] grace salvation thank you [Music] can the church of the living god say amen thank our praise team not just for blessing us with those songs but those last couple of songs they took us back a little bit they took us back a little bit i want to praise god i've heard those in quite some time it's always good to reflect and to hear some of those old gems that go back to the 70s and the 80s those were the those were the hits in church those were the hits those were the songs that blessed our hearts back then i thank samuel and our team and this man for blessing us today let us let us pray together turn this mic up please let us pray together spirit of the living god three hours of this morning you and i had a conversation about this moment speak now lord for thy servant is listening in jesus name let the redeemed of the lord say amen somebody say amen again thanks thanks there it is there it is thank you so very much while that piano plays just for a little bit i lift up before you verse 43 [Music] of the fourth chapter of the gospel as recorded by john here's what the word of the lord says it says now after two days he departed thence and went into galilee for jesus himself testified that a prophet hath no honor in his own country and when he had come into galilee the galileans received him having seen all the things that he did at jerusalem at the feast they also went unto the feast so jesus came again into cana of galilee where he made the water wine there was a certain noble man whose son was sick at capernaum when he heard that jesus was come out of judea into galilee he went unto him and besought him that he would come down and heal his son for he was at the point of death then said jesus unto him except ye see signs and wonders he will not believe the nobleman said unto him sir come down heir my child die jesus said unto him go thy way thy son liveth [Music] and the man believed the word that jesus had spoken unto him and went his way and as he was now going down his servants met him and told him saying thy son liveth then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend and they said unto him yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him [Music] boy so the father knew that it was at the same hour in the which jesus said unto him thy son liveth and himself believed and his whole house this is again the second miracle that jesus did when he was come out of judea into galilee i've entitled this punctual apropos felicitous pericopy the second visitation the second visitation hmm jesus is now done with the woman at the well it's interesting because that story with the woman at the well it ended up where everyone from the town came out to hear what jesus had to say it's very interesting that her witness this woman who had a questionable reputation goes into town tells everybody about this man who told her everything about herself it's interesting why because jesus does not perform a miracle for the woman at the well jesus does not hasn't performed a miracle for the people of samaria but they all come out to hear from him simply because of what he had said not because he had done something for him but simply because what he had said it's interesting because after this he was able to perform many miracles for them he was able to do some amazing things for the people of samaria and they weren't even his own people it's interesting that jesus now on his way to cana skips over nazareth lord help us to get to cana jesus is heading to cana for the second time the first time he had turned water into wine this second time he's on his way to cana the truth is the natural path to get to cana goes through nazareth goes through his hometown but jesus is not stepping in his own town because the prophet don't have any honor in his own country the truth of the matter is is that they don't respect jesus as the messiah because they knew how he grew up oh lord help us up they knew that he was born in a lowly manger they knew that he didn't grow up with too much money up they knew that his clothes were hand-me-downs from his stepbrothers up they knew that he was a hard worker but all he did was work in his dentist carpenter shop just so his family could pay the bills how could this man be the messiah he's from nazareth can anything good come out of nazareth the truth of the matter is that the people that he grew up with the people that helped raise him don't want him to be the messiah so jesus doesn't go and perform miracles in nazareth because nazareth doesn't want to believe that the lowly carpenter's son who was so-called born of a virgin because his mama got impregnated by the whole they they're not believing none of that in nazareth and jesus skips over them because of their unbelief i need you to understand that many of us are skipped over when it comes to miracles because of our unbelief it's very interesting because jesus makes his way there and of course as usual he has the paparazzi all around him he's packed tight everybody's around him everybody is trying to but here's what's interesting it's it's it's the jews that only want him for what he can do the samaritans want to believe on him because he's the messiah the jews just want to be healed want to get the hook up hey man my nephew's blind can you heal him uh can you do this and understand this that this man that's coming to jesus has the same problem as the rest of the jewish nation that the only way he will believe that jesus is the messiah if jesus can actually perform and complete his request if jesus can heal my son then he cannot be the messiah skye's son is home and he's dying he's on his death bed and his face is turning pale and he's he's he's about to die the shadow of death has fallen upon him and the truth of the matter is there are some of you that are sitting here that are some of you that are watching this that have family members that are going through the shadow of death the truth of the matter is is that you ought to understand that yes life if you live long enough you will die but at the same time there are many out there that are dying premature deaths and you ought to understand that the god we serve can just speak a word and deliverance will come to your place it's very interesting to me because this man comes this noble man comes and he shows up to jesus and i want you to understand that that it's the seventh hour of the day it's a very hot time of the day the seventh hour that's you're talking about one o'clock in the afternoon it is smoking hot and this guy insists on coming to see jesus now before he leaves the house he knows and he is warned up by his servants that if you leave it's a good chance that by the time you return your son will be dead but he leaves anyway because he feels like if his request is going to be granted this situation is too grave for him to send a servant he needs to show up in person ah lord help us up i i need somebody in here to understand today that salvation is an individual sport that you can't send somebody else to work out your salvation for you you've got to sometimes uh fall on your knees uh you've got to fall at the feet of jesus yourself you've got to call on his name yourself you've got to say jesus i need thee i need the every hour i need thee right now he comes because he understands in this moment that he needs something special to occur and this is the man that everybody's saying can do it it's very interesting to me because this guy comes and he's a nobleman he's a servant of the king and when he shows up he realizes that there's a big crowd around jesus there's a big crowd around him and he tries to break up the crowd he's trying to get through but understand this ellen white says that when he breaks through the crowd and he runs up on jesus he's immediately disappointed he expects that the messiah will be dressed in kingly robes he expects that the messiah at a minimum should be driving a bentley he expects him that the messiah will have some massive security detail he expects him to have a rolex on he expects him to have on some georgio or money he expects him to be decked out but when he runs up on jesus he sees a man that is lonely that's got rags on up he doesn't have much of how can this man have the power to deliver my son but he's heard this guy can do it what's interesting is he asks jesus hey listen man can you come then you come i i need you to come and to heal my son his attitude when he came to jesus was completely wrong because his belief in jesus was based upon whether or not jesus would complete the miracle that he was requesting if he didn't then he couldn't be the messiah hence when you see jesus utter these words he's speaking directly to the man because he's rebuking him and letting him know emphatically i know where your heart and your mind is right now jesus says to him sister tucker he says to him accept verse 48 except you see signs and wonders ye will not believe ellen says he is directly rebuking the man who has come with the wrong motives the man realizes hmm he realizes in this moment he realizes that this guy can see right through him and i want to posit to you that oftentimes many of us are afraid to go to jesus because you know that he's gonna see through your nonsense you can fool the rest of us all you want but when you go to jesus all the foolishness has to stop the truth is you can walk into church every single day and you can convince us all that you're the greatest christian ever just by your language by the look in your eyes huh by the way you shake our hands by the way you say happy sabbath you say it with experience you don't say it like a rookie you say it with experience happy sabbath huh when the song is sung and and and and it's a song that is is touching and it's moving you know how exactly how to how to mesh up your face like something stinks in the room to suggest that somehow you have the spirit of god upon you you understand that this is how you act in order to convince everybody else that you are saved that you are sanctified that you have been saved by the redeemer but the truth of the matter is many of you look like that but jesus doesn't know who you are it's an incredible scene because this man is coming and his voters are wrong and when jesus says this to him he knows that he is being rebuked directly and he gets afraid because he realizes his lack of belief in god's son may cause the death of his own son his lack of belief in the very one that god has sent may cause him to be and listen to his request the noble man said in verse 49 unto him sir come down here that's oh english that's old english right there that's archaic english come down here here simply means before come down here before my child die in that moment he reaches out in that moment he's begging in that moment he's clinging on to jesus christ in that moment he understands that he's messed up and his motives are all twisted his motives are all wrong and in this moment he latches on he don't let you unlike anybody he actually lectures on to jesus just like jacob in his time of trouble and he says i'm not gonna let you go until you bless me up i need somebody in here to understand that we are preparing up for jacob's time of trouble that all this mess that we're going through whether it's pandemic whether it's everybody seems like they're dying everybody seems like they got issues this world is in total disarray and you've got to understand that you've got to get to a place where you latch onto god and say i'm not going to let you go until you bless me up understand that until you get to that point you're not ready for the time of trouble jacob understood he'd rather die in the hands of god than face esau without him you've got to get to that place where you would rather die in the hands of god than to face the devil in these last days without him it's an incredible scene because jesus listens to this realizes the man wants evidence for the miracle but he's more so concerned about saving the noah ben himself so jesus doesn't give him any evidence that his son is healed he wants proof jesus gives him a word lord help us man he wants to know his sons are right jesus says to him go thy way thy son liveth huh and the bible says the man believed the word oh come on now we talked about this logos man the collection of thoughts that god had from the very beginning that he actually at the same time while he was collecting the thoughts he was collecting words to describe his collection of thoughts so that in essence when it came to the place where he actually spoke the words up they came completely into physical fruition because when he said let there be light light showed up when he said let there be a firmament it showed up when he said let there be a forest and trees they all showed up but first there had to be a collection of thoughts and i need you to understand that when you are dealing with the lovers when you are dealing with the i am that i am when you are dealing with god himself when he speaks a word it's always sure and it never returns void there is no situation in your life that god cannot fix that he cannot speak a word into and it be fixed immediately it's incredible because the bible says this man that rushed to jesus receives a word and believes jesus lord help us you say how i know how do you know he really believes well we read the text earlier what does the bible say the bible says in the last part of verse 52 that second part starts off with the word yesterday oh lord jesus man it says yesterday you're gonna get in just a second i need you to understand jesus speaks a word into him at one o'clock in the afternoon his home his home is about 24 25 miles away the walk home give an average pace they probably walked faster than us because all they did was walk but i'll give my average pace of 15 to 20 minutes means that he should have been home within six to eight hours oh lord jesus bible says he doesn't get there till tomorrow morning ellen says when he left jesus presence he believed so much that he didn't worry about whether or not his son was alive he recognized that the man that just spoke it had already done the healing [Applause] he was able to walk with a peace that passive all understanding up he was able to walk with confidence that god had already done for him what he couldn't do for himself he understood in that moment that the god of heaven had showed up in his time of trouble and had delivered his son from the shadow of death so he ain't even called on he ain't got no phone he got no cell phone calling home to find out what's going on he's taking a slow stroll home joker had the nerve to spend his night in the samaritan hotel he's sitting there hitting sitting there hitting up drinking all kinds of stuff having a good breakfast woke up got him some pancakes some eggs some tofu eggs i think he got him some eggs got him a little veggie meat huh and he went on his way took his time off getting home walking home in the morning coming down the street and the servants run out to meet him thinking that he doesn't know jesus but he already knows because he met the one who knows everything oh come on now he met the one who who can fix everything and there's a peace that god gives you where even though you can't see what he did you know he showed up you don't have to question it you just have to get there and find out for yourself whether or not it's true it's amazing because he gets there and the servants run out and the servants say amen your son is healed jesus said i'm not shocked by that he i ain't shocked by that tell me what time did he get better and the servants say huh it was right at the seventh hour oh jesus man understand the servants say it was right at one o'clock man that the boy began to heal understand at the very moment that jesus spoke life into the nobleman divine love showed up in the room of his son at the very moment that he spoke life-giving power to the noble man all of a sudden his son's fever left him the shadow of death removed itself from him he was able to lay down and get some rest up they didn't have to nurse him anymore they at the house noticed the sudden change to the extent it was no mystery when the healing occurred it was not a slow process it happened immediately in the fullness of the power of jesus christ in that moment he is healed and they say hey it was right around the seventh vowel oh i wish i had a witness in here today i think the lord messes me with these sermons he knows i like numbers he knows i like math and uh there's something special about the number seven or we talked about last week how the woman at the well had had five husbands and the ones she was with number six weren't even hers yeah she she got tired of going down the isle she just said hey you and i we married and so this incredible thing but on that day she met husband number seven and she ain't been the same since jesus heals this boy in the seventh hour oh come on now uh you say what are you talking about priests i'm talking about the fact that in six days the lord created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested that you're here today to let everybody know that we belong to the creator god who created a seven-day week that he set to rest on seven and we rest because we believe that he is the creator we serve a god come on now who read nora's ark was being built from yeah order 120 years but when the door was shut they had to wait seven days before the reigns came trumpet oh you remember the story don't you of naming the leopard don't you he wrecked down three times no change right down four or five six no change it's amazing because naomi was thinking that the process of deliverance would be slow and meticulous that in essence every time he went down there would be some change but we know that nothing happened until naaman went down the seventh time then he came up shouting oh lord i've seen a change oh come on now you remember joshua and the battle of jericho they went around the city uh for seven days and seven times on the seventh day and on sabbath the walls came troubling down i needed somebody here to understand that god on his sabbath is willing to crush the walls of the devil in your life he's ready to do it right now and all he has to do is speak a word that the seventh vowel be quiet of him what time says the seventh hour so the father knew at that same hour that was when jesus said thy son liveth the bible says this is the second miracle that jesus did when he was come out of judea into galilee here's the thing in many ways this miracle mirrored or was similar to his first miracle at cana yeah the first one you remember he's walking up to join his family at the wedding feast and his mother runs out to him in this story the nobleman runs to him yeah in his mother's story she states the problem they have no wine in this particular story the man says i need you to come my son is about to die in the wedding story or in the canister where jesus turns the water to wine jesus just speaks a word he tells them fill up the vessels and somehow h2o because he was telling phil it was one thing if you told him to fill it up with grapes but he tells them to fill it up with water lord jesus because you got to understand that in essence when jesus gets a hold of you he does not speed up the process that you think you can complete uh but the truth of the matter is that if all you do is hold on to your water then all you're gonna be is is a big pot full of mosquitoes and flies and and gang green and everything else but in essence in this moment jesus blesses the water into something it is not oh jesus god is not interested in a better you god is interested in a different you oh lord help us a matter of fact matter of fact he doesn't he doesn't want you to really be around anymore he wants to put something else in place of you he wants to replace your dna with his dna your character with his character the truth of the matter is is that he wants to change you into something else he speaks a word and somehow between them running the faucet dipping the water and filling these pots with water somehow by the time it got to the banquet table the water on its way out of the pot into the glass blessed itself into wine it's interesting because somehow h2o can obey jesus but humans with intelligent brains can't somehow he could stand up on the sea of galilee and tell the winds and the waves to shut up do you realize they shut up right away wave in mid-flight wave it didn't even finish its role just dropped because in that moment the wave heard the voice of its creator and it stopped him the bible says it got so quiet on the lake that night that all they could say is what manner of man is this that even the winds and the waves obey his voice why is it that h2o can obey jesus but us intelligent creatures who are created in his image have a hard time obeying him amazing thing because he speaks a word and the water is blessed into wine what's interesting is it's the best wine they've ever had understand that what god is trying to transform you into is something better than you can even imagine oh lord he speaks a word the water blesses itself into wine in this case he speaks a word and it's very interesting that the devil himself who's trying to snuff out this boy's life has to move out the way hold on hold on a minute the devil's over there trying to kill the boy lord jesus jesus is way over here 25 miles away and just speaks a word he didn't scream he didn't shout i don't care if he did ain't nobody hearing it no 25 miles away but in the invisible world the devil heard loud and clear not this one and not right now took him and his angels and left the room up and that boy comes back to life because jesus spoke a word 25 miles away i need you to understand that jesus doesn't have to be in the same place you are to deliver you he can speak a word from heaven and the devil has to move out of the way while you wait hold on to his unchanging hand while you wait while we're going through this difficult time in earth's history hold on to his unchanging hand don't let him go like job say don't he slay me yet will i trust him naked came i into this world and naked shall i return the lord giveth and the lord take it away bless it be the name of the lord get some backbone in your christianity get some last day dna do you determine to stand up for what you believe because in that day everything that can be shaken will be shaken it's an incredible thing god delivers this man's son from a distance god says i'm up in heaven right now yeah jesus said it seated sorry on the right hand of the fault anxious there's something about him he always gives you a precursor of what he's going to do when stephen was being stoned he couldn't hold his seat he had to stand up well church there's coming a day and we will be persecuted and guess what he won't be able to hold his seat the bible says michael will stand up oh lord help us man and i love it i love it because when it's time to come and get us comes to pick us up it won't be the seventh hour but it will take seven days to get from earth to glory because no one not one person would set foot in glory without keeping god sabbath holy we talked about this this morning uh in sabbath it's interesting because we're told that the sabbath will be around forever that's that's that's deep and i know he was teaching that this morning or something it's gonna be around forever but how do you explain how do you explain that there's no more day and night how do you count the days huh there's no more there's no more of this this this the sun is not even kneaded up in glory because the sun of righteousness is present and his glory outshines the sun no need for a son yet his sabbath is here forever forever and forever and forever and i want to posit to you today yes primarily or one of the reasons we celebrate the sabbath because god is our creator but the second reason we celebrate it is because he is our re-creator he's our redeemer and my challenge to you today is to not come back next week with nothing to celebrate between now and next sabbath you're supposed to allow him to make some changes in your life so that when you come to church next sabbath you have something to celebrate for because he has now helped you to overcome something else in your life so when you walk into church next week you can celebrate you can praise god you can lift holy hands up because i was smoking pastor 40 cigarettes but this week i only smoked 20. i'm getting washed i'm getting clean i'm getting restored jesus is doing something inside of me come back to church next week and you're still smoking 40. [Music] that's not because god doesn't have power that's because you won't get out the way he's able he's willing and he's available to you today your head is bound your eyes are closed our time is spent but here's the thing he came the first time and jesus says he's coming back again israel missed the people of nazareth missed not just the first visitation but they missed the second one because of their unbelief my challenge to you today is to not miss the second visitation don't miss the second coming of jesus christ because of your unbelief [Music] because if the first time you see him if the first time you see him [Music] if the first time you see him it's at his third coming lord jesus [Music] you see there's a there's a there's a first resurrection and his second coming there's a second resurrection at his third coming why would you come to church all this time only to wake up when jesus comes and you're still not changed you got the same body the same diseases the same ailments because you got up during the wrong resurrection lord jesus i i need you to grasp this concept just for a second i need you to understand that you must be crucified with him so that you can resurrect with him you've got to die today so that you can get up on resurrection morning that self that you're holding on to must go so that god can bring deliverance into your life yeah that third coming when it comes down with the new jerusalem and the saints are inside it's then that the wicked dead will be raised unchanged same mess same nonsense why won't tell you why because every single sabbath they came to church with no change [Music] they resisted him on earth [Music] and all he's saying on that resurrection morning is that i accepted your decision it doesn't have to be that way because i'm told his blood is still sufficient for us i'm told that he can still wash us clean by the blood of the lamb i'm told though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow so today i just want to say jesus the truth of the matter is that i believe even if you never do anything else for me i believe the truth is you've already been so good to me that i just can't tell at all the truth is that if you never do anything else you're still worthy of all the praise all the honor and all the glory and i'm gonna trust you and i'm gonna trust your word [Music] if you never do anything else for me again if that's your desire today just stand just stand just stand stand wherever you are stay wherever you are that's where you want to say to jesus jesus i'm going to trust you i'm going to trust you i'm going to trust you i'm going to believe those of you that are watching the line stand up stand up if you believe if you want to say god i will trust you stand up in your home stand up in the nursing homes help them up help them up i know they're the nursing homes somebody get to them nurse help them to their feet let them stand for jesus those that can't stand raise your hand and tell jesus i'm gonna trust you come what may if you don't do anything else for me if you don't deliver me from my affliction i'm gonna hold on to your unchanging hand that is your desire just stand stand wherever you are stand all over the world stand in africa stand in asia stand in the united states stand in brazil stand in zimbabwe stand stand and tell jesus i'm in your hands and i'd rather die in your hands than face the devil without you father in heaven your people have stood in this place but i commit them into your trust i place them in your hands and i ask that you would keep them david said he had to encourage himself and the lord is interesting that word encouragement he had to bind himself to you well may your saints bind themselves to you be determined that they're not going to let you go until you bless them keep them further to the day of our salvation for it's in the name of jesus we pray that everyone say amen amen god bless you you may be seated please stand for the closing hymn him twelve joyful joyful we adore thee [Music] joyful joy for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] divine [Music] let us pray eternal god and our heavenly father we thank you for this your holy sabbath day we thank you o lord that we can come together in such a fashion even though there is covet in the land [Music] and truly oh lord we're grateful for your word today and we ask that you may speak a word into our lives you may speak a word into our situations a word into our circumstances that some heart living here will be renewed and refreshed we thank you lord for being here with us and we ask that you continue to be with us through the rest of this day these verses we ask in jesus name let god's people say amen [Music] let the church stay amen [Music] god has spoken [Music] amen [Music] you may be seated until wash it out [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] foreign [Music] turn around oh [Music] is [Music] god bless you friends we are so thankful that you joined us for our services today we had an amazing time in god's house once again and to god be the glory for again great things he has done i want to let you know that there are some amazing services that you can participate in and some amazing things that we provide here at the hamilton seventh-day adventist church indeed you can participate as a young person with our pathfinders uh perhaps you didn't quite finish high school and you're ready now to take that task you can get your high school diploma you can earn a ged right in this place for those of you that may be hungry maybe short on food feel free to come by every wednesday afternoon our community services department is more than willing to give you plenty of food a nice hot meal and maybe some extras that you can take home and bless your family with every single wednesday afternoon so come on over there's much more we don't want to just if you would feed you spiritually we also want to help with some of those temporal needs that you have in your life so come and join us not just on saturdays come and join us during the week we're willing to work along with jesus christ to do whatever it takes to make sure that your needs are not just met down here but that one day very very soon you'll be ready to see jesus when he comes into the clouds of glory until next time may his peace be with you may he watch over and protect you until you make it again into this place into this space whether it's virtually or in person just know that here at hamilton we love you dearly and we can't wait to worship with you again god bless you and have a blessed and happy sadness [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church - Bermuda
Views: 4,072
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: yBufaa9hPcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 19sec (14299 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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