Online Worship Exp. Sabb., July 4,, 2020 ll "Covered by Grace Connected in Hope" || Morning Session

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[Music] stand up for Jesus [Music] watching or to it was all routine ever stand up stand up for Jesus last ROI will not be tall [Music] [Music] we built on the rock the solid rock five-three-one [Music] Jesus so shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] happy Sabbath everyone let us all assume an attitude and a posture of prayer as we pray Almighty God in heaven we thank you Lord for your many blessings we hail you now as or everlasting father we lift you up as a risen Savior we magnify you as our eternal king through our praises thank you for this another holy Sabbath day of rest thank you for Jesus who died on Calvary's cross for our sins thank you for the life he lived here on earth giving us a clearer view as to who you really are lord thank you for protecting us through the six days of toil and labor and thank you for bringing us together once more to worship you regardless of what's happening around us with this pandemic Lord we are so grateful that we can still come together to worship utilizing technology and the various platforms thank you Lord for your many blessings for protecting us through the weak from dangers seen and unseen thank you for providing all the things that we need regardless of all that is happening around us we can still say glory be to God glory be to our Jehovah Jireh for providing all that we need Father in heaven we ask you now to be with us as we worship we pray O God for the Ministry of your holy spirit with us today we ask you almighty father to hold back the forces of evil because we know that the devil is wrath and he's always trying to disrupt your program but we pray O God for your mighty hand to be in this service today praise for the outpouring of your Holy Spirit on all who shall minister and we pray Almighty God that somebody today may feel the moving of your holy turret and be led to glorify you eternally bless us now to this end we pray on whatever we have failed of asking you God we know that you're a God that never fails so if we have the faith and if it is your will it will be granted on to us we pray in Jesus precious name Amen [Music] I can do things through Christ who gives me strength but sometimes I wonder what he can do through me no great success to show no glory of my yet in my weakness he is there to let me he's trying this perfect when our strength is gone [Music] yeah Carrie [Music] then his club the week become strong his truth is it's really [Music] the power that's how much [Music] when [Music] [Applause] that is our strength is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. this bird his trances [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] name the woman don't have to ask them to do it they're gonna step out and they're gonna be strong men doing covert 19th and we want them specially pastor to hear the health warnings you know many times our men don't think they have to wash their hands as often or fix up the place and so on and we want them to be here the health warning so they don't get sick okay and that's important for us thank you doctor well how those strong men survive okay you want a strong man to survive by talking about how they're feeling if they don't understand something to share we want them to get help if they're injured so that the injury does not get any worse okay we also want them to do something very important posture that you emphasize that is not taking out their frustration on others talk about it and make a plan as to how best they can be proactive to make things work we also want them to remember that everything they do they are responsible for their actions so they are going to be leaders and project positive attitudes and of course what I call bit is happening whether they have lost their jobs or some might be earning more depending on what's happening we want them to put their financial plans in place because as Christians we want them to practice good stewardship and of course while doing all of this you know to encourage their families by being positive and happy around them okay dr. Earle thank you for those vital tips for men thank you so much for joining us this morning and we are very happy for you god bless you until meet next week Sabbath thank you Pastor okay god bless you thank you so much dr. Earle and pastor Thomason for the usual family connections and so we know that family is very important Alan Indy and with that said I have an aunt she's in here in Jamaica right now and she's celebrating her birthday okay this morning today yes she's a bit quarantined as you know the procedures are but dr. Charlene Martin and Cheryl we I want to say happy happy happy birthday to you if you're watching right now so and I know you have a family member as well keeping it family well my sister one of my sisters getting baptized today and we say happy Sabbath to you Veronica green and we are all celebrating with you today today is a very big day and now you're going down into the water grave coming up to walk in newness of life all those who are getting baptized today we we just rejoice with you and now we praise the Lord with you and we just encourage you to walk that walk because one day soon we shall inherit eternal life and so just to make mention of our sign language person so the interpreter we're making special we have made special arrangements for a special needs person and so we are asking you to join with us this morning once more as we we have wide North scope and block the horizon and so just to remind the viewers as well your if you're joining on Facebook YouTube and wccn we say welcome to you please go ahead and subscribe to our youtube channel so that you'll be automatically notified and also like our Facebook page for same I think we have a next segment coming up would you - we do have past the Vincent Rose and esteem and so we're going to be engaging in the adult Sabbath school review so if you have your study guide at home come on dig it up and make sure you're sitting right there in that family circle as pastor rose and his team will engage us in the study of the word so let's go to center stage at this time as it takes us into that segment thank you very much thank you very much hosts and good morning viewers and those who are in the temple today it is a joy once again to join with you as we review our adult service school lesson with me this morning we have two of our special elders to my left you saw him last week and his back elder Radcliffe Dockery he's back with us today and we have to my rights to my right elder Timothy Gunther and he is from the waterworks SDA church in Westmoreland and so we have no all the way from Hanover from Hanover we have passed the Christopher Johnson so we have almost the entire conference represented and it is good for us to be here this morning we are looking at why witness it's a it's a it's a very important topic in the church why witness and the lesson makes it very clear that that witnessing is very important for the Christian for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth so right from the outset God made it clear that his desire is for all men to be saved elder doc really the lesson speaks about opportunities for salvation do we have an opportunity or do we have opportunities to be to be saved how do you interpret that well there are I believe numerous opportunities for salvation which God provides for us on a daily basis as a matter of fact God is so gracious the the grace of God hath appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts and so in his love he reaches out to all and he provides numerous opportunities through various media as a matter of fact he works through nature the very heavens are 19:1 declares the glory of God the firmament shows his handiwork he works through his holy spirit the prophet Isaiah tells us and then ear shall hear a voice behind it he's saying this is the way walk in it so he makes that impression upon our hearts but also he has chosen his agents those who have accepted him to convey that message and I will definitely not forget his word I'm talking about the written that powerful media through which he communicates the plan of salvation and seek to reach Souls and certainly we later we will speak about the Living Word Jesus Christ himself who came and sacrificed his life for us and an elegant Oh as as Eldora mentioned that Jesus Jesus being it being now the critical expression of God's love and his wish to save us no the lesson speaks about making Jesus glad no no some persons see him as distant he's there we are here but how can what we do here on earth make Jesus glad thank you good morning everyone happy Sabbath making Jesus glad begins with being glad with Jesus ourselves it is very important that we understand our relationship with God and you know John 5 first John 5 verse 10 says he that believeth on the Son of God hath a witness in himself he that believeth not God had made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave his son and you know Ellen White in the book testimony to the church volume 5 page 211 paragraph 1 she says the class who do not feel grieved over their own spiritual declension nor mourn when over the sins of others will be left out of the seal of God so it is important for us to understand that when we become witnesses and we become joyful it is always a joy to share that joy with others because we are experiencing the joy and the love of Jesus in our lives so much that we are glad and when we are glad Jesus is glad that we are glad because we are happy that he made the sacrifice for us and parcel look at it in our own human sphere when we do something for someone and they express gratitude it makes us feel glad that's correct so when Jesus has done something for us and we express gratitude it makes Jesus glad so yours you're saying it's it's it's almost like a cycle we are happy for what Christ has done for us this motivates us to go and do exploits for him and as Luke 15 tells us that when a sinner it when a sinner is transformed a sinner comes home there is rejoicing in heaven right so it is a cycle as we are happy others are happy we witness a heaven is happy that's and and I tell us something it is it is awesome to know that we here on earth can by our action cause rejoicing in heaven amen and we noted that it is not just a New Testament phenomenon that there's this joy to heaven but we see the profit of all Zephaniah also mentions him rejoicing yes most people pastor pastor Johnson believes that when you give if you are impoverished yes but this this doesn't speaks about growing by giving by evening when you give you don't have it how can you grow by giving well the lesson points it out clearly when we look at the Dead Sea here we see the reason for the Dead Sea being dead because there's no life it gives no life there's nothing that can grow in it in essence when we look at this story here we point to Jesus giving his life freely growing by giving I put it this way just as we were told of a song you know that it's like a penny if you put it in your pocket you don't have any but if you spend it or you give it away it comes right back to you it's the same with growing by giving there is no experience that you cannot give if you don't grow and that's what the lesson points to and so I like the analogy that they the less than gives the Dead Sea receives yes but it does not give there is an inlet but no oh that's right and and and and so because of that the salt content or it loses water by evaporation and that is a most and I guess there are some persons if they could stop evaporation they would also that's right so what the lesson is saying to us by us sharing and I to be truthful I remember some years ago while at school I I took it upon myself I wasn't doing too badly in mathematics in a class and so I took it upon myself to to do evening lessons with other students and i realized that i i i had to if I revise less and it was not difficult for me to do the exam because the principles were cemented by trying to help others you know even with sheer in the world even with cheering the world with sharing the word with others you're better able to explain and it comes very easy and natural because you are no growing you're learning and you're in party so dear you are growing by giving and sharing the word so so we that's that's another fantastic reason for us to witness to events that's right suppose if you want to grow yes just saying just to make it short that you know in mental health studies we talked about obsessive-compulsive disorders where you are forced you can't control your thoughts and your behavior you are just caught up with doing something and I would love to suggest that every one of us who is born in the kingdom of God we have an obsessive compulsive order disorder it is natural the psalmist in Psalm 34 verse it says taste and see that the Lord is good Jeremiah 20s he says man when I received the Word of God yes just like fire the Shabbat open my bone and answer just that once we have truly experienced the love of God we really have no control it is not optional we must step out there and cheer the love of God with others that's right so it sounds to me that witness the witnessing is to the Christian as breathing is to the living Jeremiah 8:20 it seems to me as if Jeremiah is not just experiencing a spiritual reaction but a psychological and even a physiological and it tells you that it's not something that you can can can hold back in first John when when they Philip yes he could who keep himself he had to share here before you move there's a text at the bottom John 7 verse 38 and I looked at it loud even last night give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together for the same measure you meet with all you shall be measured again do you know when I looked at it pastor the same measure of salvation that we want to experience we should be willing to give it to others if we are withholding sharing the message we are also withholding the blessings that we will receive from being saved and sharing that salvation with others so the more we share God is the more blessed spiritually we become really a man but you know you know it's not so we have covered looked at the matter of desire to grow it but it seemed to me also that witnessing is a is a response is an obedient response amen yes Jesus commands it yes and so we are obedient in witnessing would you talk to us about that please alright or our response to the command of Jesus first Timothy 2 verses 3 says for this good is good and acceptable in the sight of God who will have all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth once we accept Christ our obedient response is is to go and tell others of Christ it is it comes naturally and as elder decree said it becomes an order not a disorder it becomes an order for us to go out for us everybody we see it's naturally because when we true there's something pastor that God puts in us and it's love and when we have love for others we want to ensure that the same joy that we are experiencing they experience it too so we come to the place where we are saying you know I love you my brother I love you my sister I don't want you to be lost I want you to be saved so this is the only way that you can be saved there's only one name given among men where we can be saved and that name is the name of Jesus spoke about motivated by love yes it's motivated by love before we go there pastor I wanted to point out that when we look at witnessing witnessing is not the right or responsibility of a Christian it's your innate nature by being born again you are a witness so if there is no two-way about witnessing when we look about motivated by love when we look at this story here we see that Christ died for us because of his love and because of his love we have life so if it's because of his love we have life we are to love him and in loving him we must tell others that we love him and others must be able to see that we love him and are able to come in a loving relationship with him so it's all motivated by love to quickly say even as we have made all those points that there are two issues to consider one if we do not find ourselves witnessing what could be the reason is it that we have not had an experience with the Lord is it that we need to pray more and to study more and to have more devotions to devote ourselves more to his well that is one but we also bear in mind that this Christian experience is a fight yes and sometimes Satan works in so many ways to get us busy to distract us with the cares of this life so that we do not witness as much as we should we're being very practical here but let's bear in mind first Timothy 6 verse 12 the Apostle Paul says fight the good fight of faith so we must be deliberate about we must examine ourselves if we find that we are not witnessing we're not reaching out to others as we should we need to pray more we need to ask God to open doors open opportunities for us and we need to step out there and to do more for the Lord and as we do it we will find a transformation in our experience and you know elder dog cream I look at it this way when we are not witnessing we are sick definitely and when you are sick you need to go to the doctor yes sir and that's weird that's that that's the essence weird where it comes down that when as Christians we are not witnessing we need a checkup you know pastor before before you jump on there's something that the last part of the lesson that says and I want us to zero in on this point God is passionate about saving people yes that's right and if God is passionate about saving people all who follow God should be be passionate about see be perceived that's right that's you know that word passionate it's a very strong word it's it's it's an exuberance it's an excitement it's something that you just can't let go off you it's a driving force and once you are passionate about something you will fight it even when it doesn't look like it's working so God is passionate even when it doesn't look like it's working for us to be seen he's passionate he says he's willing that not any should perish but that Oh come to repentance so if God is passionate and we love God he's as his people we should be also passionate passionate you know you know this is the soul matter of sharing this whole matter of sharing when you have when you have something that is special yes I can I can understand Jeremiah and I this week as I contemplated a listen a past experience of mine came back to me though it was not a pleasant one but you know I remember some years ago many many moons ago and the younger ones make us about this iPhone $20 that was people $20 and in those days $20 $20 and I I was so ecstatic that I I could not keep myself before I got home I saw my bigger brother and man when I found $20 I had to share the news and unfortunately he said to me let me see it and that was my $20 I think I got two pallets out of it but two parties didn't come to three dollars I know yeah so so but the point I was making is that I was so ecstatic I could not keep quiet even though I knew that it is possible that fellow but I could the gospel is even greater than that amen and and and I alluded to John one earlier that that Jesus having had that interaction with John and the disciples of John heard what John said about Jesus they naturally followed after Jesus and and the Bible tells us that there was Andrew was there the brother of Simon Peter and the first thing he did was to go to his brother and he started at at home yes right he started at home we saw the same thing playing out with Phillip and and he finds nathaneal and said we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did right Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph so so he could not contain himself he had to go and let the world know we have found the master we have found it right I just want to mention the past that witnessing of course comes in various forms yes of course verbally communicating and conducting Bible studies and speaking of our experience etc is very important but certainly our lives as a matter of fact since week I was speaking with someone and when she gave her experience of how she became a seventh-day adventists she was recounting on Sabbath mornings she sat on Irv around and when all the other young people in the community were dancing and gyrating at the Music Box she saw these faithful people holding their Bibles and just walking through the Squier and going to church and she said from them then it had an impact on her to the extent that she had no choice as she grew older because the seed was already planted through that she accepted the Lord so the way we live acts of kindness or so we relate to others fearless and we treat our neighbors let us bear in mind that witnessing is not just only about speaking but no one general lifestyle can make a major impact on the lives of individuals this may be the last question that we have time for but I had to jump out quickly I could be a person who I am I am witnessing through service I feed the hungry I I clothe the naked but yet spiritually I'm not fear can you how can I avoid that kind of a thing for us to be able to grow spiritually it is very important that we connect with Christ yes sir the love of Christ the Bible says for the love of Christ constrains us compels us to do that which is in his love so so true witnessing is motivated by the love of Christ so it's not just giving things it's not just doing things we have the vertical then we have the horizontal my brothers and sisters friends were here I hope that by God's grace you will be a living witness through words through deeds through lifestyle witnessing is a lifestyle yes you have experience Jesus go call others to come taste and see that the Lord is good a man indeed past arose witnessing is truly a lifestyle and we wanted to thank pastor rose and the team for really bringing forth the message from our lesson study this morning and if you're just joining us we've been having a wonderful time from morning until now and we invite you to stay tuned and invite your friends your relatives every single person share like us on Facebook and subscribe on YouTube and for our prays per testimony and Thanksgiving section we are going to be engaging our viewers this morning we ask that you ensure that you share your prayer requests and also your testimonies because we want to let the other viewers know what you are going through so come on and share them on Facebook and YouTube so that we can highlight them because we will be given praise and adoration this morning and we I know you're looking forward to our children's section yes what Keith is up to this morning right yes but before the children comes on they come on they we are going to be blessed this morning by the Lilliput praise team so keep tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] then I'd get [Music] I've made my way through some bad leaving I'd never get love [Music] the foot or four felt like murderers knowing I'd had the strength for the glass cuz through every trial each test in temptation one thing is sure every time [Music] again and again over over again through it all he's maybe able to stand and survive to come sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you ask me why I have no hesitation God does why he says he will and I simply say every battle he has taught me there's nothing he won't sell me through so why should i dwell on the hardships and struggles when I look just beyond them I see the way this will and is it great celebration and deep in my heart over again and again that is faithful over again and again through it he's maybe a survivor [Music] I could but Jesus is with me again I could win but Jesus either with me so I'm glad the battery [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again yeah [Music] happy Sabbath brothers and sisters we have come from the east and the west the north and the south to worship the king of kings and Lord of lords the children's church this week will be done by the children from the seventh-day Adventist Church boug Hill we will be led into Pearl by Kelly Essen after which our incredible president will lead us into some melodious singing but I'll say thank you for the Sabbath because today that we come together to worship you in spirit and in truth I want you to touch each and every one that is watching across the world I want you to touch it you never underwent it of us each and every one it is on this program today in Jesus name I pray amen something good is going to happen something good is in store we are scalar again [Applause] No we are nice rest alone we are together again [Music] something good is going to happen something good is it store we are together again in the Lord I I'd be a good wonderful good every time I talk about Jesus I'd me me I feel good good every time I talk about Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] every week we feast on the Word of God to grow stronger in a walk with him doing the summary of this week's lesson are somewhat jumbled for kindergarten care liaison for primary and PowerPoint action a brown Hanna special baby the memory verse is taken from first Samuel 1 verse 17 may God grant eyu acts of him the message is we serve God when we help others primary lesson is a new disciple the memory verse is taken from acts 1 verse 8 you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth the message is Jesus's friends know him well the poor box the PowerPoint Texas entitled Lucifer's war the poor text is taken from Exodus 34 verses 6 to 7 in heaven Lucifer claimed that he should be equal with God so God called amid a meeting during the meeting Lucifer was able to take 1/3 of heavens angels to war with him but in the end of the war Lucifer lost and no God has a plan in place for all the people who want salvation music plays a special part in worship so blessing our hearts when the special music will be Santi and Ashley Brown after which grandma and Keith will take us in our children's story wonderful merciful if your crush's Redeemer and friend would have thought that Allah could rescue the souls of men oh you rescue the souls of men [Music] counselor comforter keeper spirit we long to embrace [Music] hopelessly lost our way oh if oh there's the lost our way you are the one that we praise you are the one we adore or you'll give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for Oh always hunger for almighty and finite fire they believe loving your here in our weakness you'll find those falling me for your soon oh we're falling me for your [Music] you are the one that we praise you we do or you'll give the healing and grace our hearts always always hunger you are the one that we praise you are the one we adore [Music] Oh [Music] as always hunger [Music] it's so good to have good neighbors and a man nearby just give me this walking stick but let you think I'm not gonna chew in my old one well anyway keys you can't remember that your father is coming today for you because I don't know you run home last week and I see to damage your foot now and listen is coming home and I don't want it to say anything because you will be going home with him but grandma mayor of this discussion already and I tell you I'm not going anywhere with him I don't hear what you want to do what you want to say I am NOT going anywhere and look here just this new stick you might get the first hit off it don't need to have manners and speak to me with respect you're constantly talking with that tone of voice I don't like it please I'm begging you don't leave maybe that stick but I don't care what you want to do I am not going anywhere with that man you're not going to be gonna see me are you today oh you're doing grandma I am so good looking see my answer that's okay sorry for me because listen he's constantly talking to me somewhere and I don't like it look here I am cross young man your stuff and come come come come come I am NOT coming anywhere with you understand see Allah show the world worse and by one punch give a bigger than Jamaica what kind of stuff that while you're using Mickey it's true the pants is right over there it's true listen I have bread here for him Keith right let me see it because I don't understand or not I got this one's for Keith right Vasek I'm so glad for him so where do they get this funds that puns I put it up I was so look at this while you're doing this Keith that's the puns you tell me oh by one punch women I never told you that and that's the one I see I don't see any other pie are you manipulating me why are you doing this but if you're telling so many puns for me ooh you buy it for that's not your business could I buy bread and could i buy everything I am NOT going back within bread fallen man over there may never get the bread so as soon as you reach one with a bread engineer such children the man in argument on not going anywhere I am NOT what he said is always want to for me to give him to me want to go here you want to go there is not speaking the truth man hear that voice hear it grandma you'll see oh he's looking at me can you imagine when I reach over here what is going to happen manipulate let them stay with you let him stay with Grandma look at one with your bread soaked one with your no go on with your bird we don't need a gamma of bread you can go righteous you can go you see grandma he sent by pan Simulink on with the puns and he left the big one so if I never mean by the big one for why never take a bottle if the small one remember for me hello look here enough is enough yes grandma dope is enough father every time it's the same thing yes understand later look at what happened to these children I don't understand them but listen to me I'm gonna stay on my knees for him because I am tired of the same thing do let me know go and talk to the boys and girls over here boys and girls let me talk to you a little you know many times you try to manipulate your parents you want to always do things your acts for things are trying to don't do your homework that transit don't do your chores you're just manipulated listen it's time to stop and parents listen No don't give them to their manipulation when they come and they're talking quietly when they want to tell you what to do stand firm you have to be consistent with what you are saying and what you are doing because listen these are the children and even from they are born they are manipulated knows but listen we are going to stand firm nobody going to manipulate us unless the boys and girl please be nice please be nice to your parents don't split them sometimes you don't live with your mommy and your daddy I return to live together and you try to manipulate but this side we are going to do all we can to make sure that everybody is happy do have a blessed day for today is a student of the Russia's high school he is always willing to do God's work we speak of no other than Khayyam Johnson but before he comes we will favour a song Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that's it wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see [Music] that sauce my heart is there angry my fears really how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed my chains I've been set free my God my Savior [Music] me [Music] this myself and in Amazing Grace the Lord has promised good to me his words my hope secures he will my shield and for me as long as left and your my jeans are gone [Music] [Applause] my God my [Music] [Applause] [Music] this medicine [Music] amazing the artists are below versa [Music] but who will be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing happy Saba everyone and good morning to those watching on wccn YouTube and Facebook I would like to thank summer for those kind words of introduction and a branch sisters for those two lovely songs have you ever considered how many gallons of water is in the ocean or how many stars are in the universe whatever answer you arrive at the point is God's grace is bigger than all these numbers and as such the topic of my sermon it is His grace is sufficient please bow your heads with me as I pray the most kind of compassion father thank you for what you have done for us thank you for keeping us safe every week to see it another cipher Lord as I bought a good sermon please supposed to learn something name I pray amen God's words says in 2nd Corinthians 12 verse 9 and it reads and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness today whatever is caught in harmony in your life His grace is sufficient to carry you through as children we struggle in life at times well most times we make mistakes in judgment we say and do inappropriate things and this can cause us to feel inadequate it can cause us to feel as though God cannot be bothered with us but I said us children while God does not tolerate or bad behaviors he loves us and he sent to us that His grace is here for us His grace can give us power to overcome the things we struggle with when God said to Paul my grace is sufficient what does this really mean God is saying in this verse that he has enough grace to carry us through the storms of our lives and yes as children we do have our own storms believe it or not but he is assuring us that he will not let go of us God is saying that when you are tired and feel burdened by peer pressure His grace is sufficient when you are having hard times with friends parents or family members what times gets under your skin His grace is sufficient when you feel broken and alone because a family member is a fact affected by Kofi 19 or as even died you are not alone God's grace is sufficient in fact one songwriter tells us be not dismayed whatever betide God will take care of you when you have doubts and feel fearful about the future don't worry His grace is sufficient there was never a time when God's grace wasn't enough grace was sufficient to convert Saul a persecutor into a preacher grace was sufficient to deliver Daniel from the Lions Den grace was sufficient to help Joseph to stand up for godly principles he did it for them and most definitely he can do it for us so my friends in closing in your situations and in this time of uncertainty we have this hope that we can depend on God as you are covered by His grace and that is sufficient thank God for His marvelous grace what a blessing for God's grace we really thank the children for what they have done and parents just continue to train them oh right because when they are well trained they can do exploit for Jesus let's pray Father which art in heaven we want to thank you for what you have done for us thank you for our children I pray that your blessing keep them I know sometimes they're manipulators sometimes they speak towards the way they should not but I pray that as this morning that you will help them that they will stop manipulating us they will it speak to us in respect and help us as adult to help them so that they can do the things that are right bless someone keep us we pray in Jesus name Amen indeed God's grace is sufficient we want to thank you our live audience and our viewers on YouTube Facebook and CC C n for tuning in this week but most of all we want to thank our Heavenly Father for using us the children from the board hills of the Adventist Church to lift up his holy name as we continue to be covered by grace and connected in hope do have a wonderful and blessed Sabbath we want to thank the children Alondra indeed from the seventh-day Adventist Church Bolkiah for such a beautiful story that's right and did you listen to the sermon of course beautiful sermon you know while he was preaching he said you know if you're having trouble grace is available that's right my mind just run back on Keith because he is really giving his daddy awesome trouble you know and I'm thank God for grace thank God for grace and speaking of the speaker he celebrated his birthday yesterday that's Khayyam Johnson that's right and his birthday greetings is coming from his mother and father in grid and d'oeuvre on Johnson I want to also say happy Sabbath is it a brother Jayden Jayden said my name is Jayden so happy Sabbath Jayden and we want to wish you guys all the very best for the rest of the day and Alan we have some beautiful people before us in house we want to say happy Sabbath to those who are worshiping with us in the house we hope that you will receive a blessing today let me see let me see if the in-house people are active yes you get an amen out there there is a lorry much here let's give him the highest praise come on let's hear that pal annoyed so viewers we do have worshipers here at the conference and you can tweet your hallelujah and your Amon and your praise the Lord because we're networking the praise to the Lord well we have some men yes center stage that's a very special song Adventist in sparse [Music] once upon a tree [Music] edye [Music] once upon a shoe [Music] he's suffered [Music] starting with these you [Music] by the ones up on a tree once upon a G [Music] three Edina tree [Music] greatest stories on oh sorry with these you with once up on but once up on a tree [Music] [Music] for you to be [Music] every once upon a tree [Music] gree that stories are [Music] Sardi's you [Music] little ones up on [Music] no none with oneself [Music] but once upon a tree [Music] [Music] Amen beautiful singing thereby the advent inspires Allen give me the baseline oh if you think I can do it yeah well for those of us who are just joining us we welcome you very well to our online worship experience and it's happening here at West America conference in Mount Salem Montego Bay Jamaica welcome all our viewers on YouTube Facebook and wccn please our YouTube viewers please remember to subscribe on our YouTube channel and on Facebook it's doublet doublet doublet West Jamaica conference or please visit our Facebook page and like it tell your friends everybody about what's happening here at mr. maker conference and bring them all over so that they can be a part of this wonderful worship experience our collegiate always looking forward to that so that's the Wallace and his team they're going to be coming up to give us another dose of youthful Bible study I can't wait you engage youngsters last week um in that a why program oh yeah the young people are looking forward for that this afternoon but even before we get there's a quiz yeah the quiz you know even before we get there I think it would be in order for us to look in the camera and tell our young people to get hold of their study guide because this is the moment when Pastor Wallace and his team will take and I hope and I trust that you're studying you know it's important as you mention youth and Bible study it's important for us youth and I say us youth Allah okay to study the word let me tell you why I say that indeed whenever you are faced with distressing situations or a temptation the word that reminds you one helps you to stay on course okay yeah yes so if you don't know it what is the holy spirit going to bring back to your memory okay well I think I happened to see pastor Wallace and a VIP a dignitary on the platform so let's go to center stage at this moment and he will introduce his guests and take us right into this segment yes yes good morning I'm your host your brother your friend Andre what is and we are in verse West Jamaica conference and it is so good to see you now we have been through all of the entire last quarter where we look at how to know God's will for your life and we have started a new lesson this week and our lesson for this quarter is foundations of discipleship alright and we're gonna ensure that we give you what you call an overview so for those of you who have not yet gotten your quarterly together we're gonna ensure that you are connected and so with me this morning is my brother and friend pastor Rebecca Anderson welcome pastor yes sir how are you doing sir we're good to be alive and a very interesting lesson oh yes indeed all right and so we are just so glad to have you but just before we get into this study we want to remind you that we do have a a what's up number that's eight seven six five four zero eight one one eight and you're free to send a whatsapp message if you're following us via wccn or just in case you're on the live chat at YouTube or Facebook you're free also to join in and share your thoughts now there's a question that I would love if you could respond to tell us in your own words why do you think young people are persons on a whole leave the church that's one and to share with us how you think we can fix that problem what are your suggestions as to how we can remedy those who may leave the church all right but just before going into the less info and invite you to bow your head as pastor Anderson will see a special prayer for us at this time let us pray father we thank you so much for the privilege that we have to learn of you we can behold you and we can become changed into the similitude of Christ we thank you for the lesson that we have available for this week thank you for the viewership that we have we pray that your Holy Spirit will quicken myself and pass the wallets as we present and also to quicken our listeners so that the information will be life-changing this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen amen now how was your week how was your week sir my week was a mountain climb but I got to the top all right together that's the scene yes and if you perhaps may have had a troublesome one just remember that today we are connected yes and we're covered so we will stand together now I just want to to get someone on board know just in case you don't know because there are no more persons who are still a little bit off the inverse are the collegiate quarterly is primarily for those persons in the age group of 19 through 35 yes I know most of you sometimes sorry the other quarter but the inverse the collegiate costly is for the young adults that those professional young persons in that age group all right so talk with your pastor talk with your summer school superintendent and just in case they can't assist you feel free to get in touch with us here are two ways to make a conference now what it does it gives you a wonderful way to get into the word and to be active with your friend and so pastor and it has truly been a blessing we have a team of young people who are part of inverse team here at was to make and they are doing a tremendous job you know and we'll see some of them in the coming week but for this week pass so we are looking at what we call the what is the foundations of discipleship and that's a fascinating thing now in your own words master who is a disciple a disciple really is one who has learned to follow Jesus one who has really meditated upon him one who has beheld him one who by experience has learned to love him and as it were by second nature one who follows into his footsteps who does his works who speaks like him who operates like him you know I found something interesting here pastor I Vanessa for example says here that young people leave the church because all a set of people are talking them down that they didn't make and still making mistakes along their Christian journey instead of criticism they want to be talked to thank you so much funny stuff for sharing that thought if one says here the reason why our young people are leaving the church they talk down to them and everything they do they could decide them so that's seem to be a strong word they they think they are criticized so they they struggle alright or data adds here young people leave the church because they say they are bored and they do not have anything for young people to do well in verse want to change that pastor you know and the thing about being a disciple is that it helps to make you active and involved now what I think I want you to understand this quarter about discipleship is this alright as was said earlier it simply means to follow Jesus but there are a few things that we don't want to miss so throw the quarter we will be looking at for example the biblical discipleship trends right we're going to look at for example the the goal of discipleship the power of discipleship we'll also spend some time past the look at the attitude of a disciple then of course we'll look at what you consider here your spiritual development and how does that affect your overall function as a disciple now there are three things that we want ensure that we share with you before we go on number one we must establish some presuppositions first the Bible is the source of this ongoing process of discipleship we never finish discipleship course so ute young people adults alike spend time which your Bible I believe this Islamist paso who said that thy word have I hid in my heart that I mean I what sinned against you know the second thing to note here is that Bible study 6 addressed a significant problem in the church it says many are living why people cite a lot of love a lot of doctrinal connections some persons say they are bored but what we realize is that so this week we look at lessons will address for the ample getting back to Jesus so each week study adds what I call another part of the picture all right at the end of this quarter we'll have a composite portrait of biblical discipleship so it will help someone to understand that it's not just because of persons who talk against them or the like they can still make it and hold on to Christ in spite of those things and of course we will help them to understand because there's another problem understand that we must understand here and that is people leave because they say that well the only the pastor or the officers are active all right and we have nothing to do so guess what it's a goal of this study this week for this member or my department army mentality to to be eradicated pastor it's easier we each have a give alright and we are going to pray and work on ensure that everyone can be fully active and involvement so our focus for this week then is the instruments persons what is that about pastor there there are some some views individuals have I see in the lesson here that each generation has emphasized different aspects of Christianity some highlights doctrine to be the preeminent thing something that general Christian piety is the preeminent thing something that organized institutions is the the four-color thing systems and powers and the spreading of the word through technology or giving one's life to be burned that mistake so there are some different views so some generations according to the lesson have wanted to be the hands of Christ serving the poor and needy and they establish for themselves that this really is what Christianity is about but this lesson here helps us to understand in a very critical way is that the matter of following Jesus Jesus be the example that is what really the focal point is of discipleship the main tenant is to follow Jesus very important point pastor and know just in case you you want to follow us in a more detailed manner Matthew 28 verse 16 through 20 forms the the background the base of our focus for this week now let me share with you a few verses here in Matthew 18 verse mater 28 verse 16 it says here then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted in verse 18 says here and Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world beautiful now pastor Anderson lessor says here that they were 11 disciples that were following Jesus and you said earlier that following Jesus is a greatest thing now I thought I understood that there were 12 disciples what would have happened to number 12 pastor the servant of the Lord says in the desire of Ages that Judas who was missing at this point that he had preeminence over his brethren that he was in such a position that he could have been impacted in such a way that he could have really been at the helm in terms of directing the work but the light which so graciously pasture shone on him he really hid from the light he was not impacted he was with Jesus and we need to understand that proximity to Jesus is that the same has been quickened and activated by Jesus we need to assimilate his character as it were eat every word that falls from his lips we need to be in tune with him Judas was there but he was not in tune and so when the rigors of discipleship beckoned and uncalled for their submission he shirked from responsibility as a matter of fact selfishness could put him and he was locked out in the end so then you are saying then that there could be a young person who has loved at home loved a church and still like a Judas walk away from God that's something to think about no the lesson talked about the whole issue of of of Jesus sending them is there something you want to add here as we go into this second aspect of our study that has to look at what I called verbal inspiration what that's about possum yes this is Jesus speaking you know pastor this is Jesus assembling the group yes listen Paul has been given to me and we only have some power you know we have access to the and so he says this is what I wanted to do and as you go to do it I will be with you to the end so there is nowhere in the script where failure is an option so you're saying then posture that Jesus is saying that when he calls us when he gives us something to do as we are doing it he is charging or so the phone is going down he's gonna charge it at the same time it's going low he is giving us quit at the same time so whatever we need as we go to do what God will access to do he has enough power to provide his his biddings are his enablings he will not ask us to cross territories or boundaries that His grace is available and sufficient to take us over you know I I think a couple weeks ago pastor I was in a particular area of of Montego Bay you know we are some young persons they they don't dress like you pastor they don't have a nice haircut like you sometime they have a little locks here a lot a tool here but they are still our brothers sometimes they they may do something that we don't do such as they smoked in on they drink and they party but it sure is that they are God's children our brothers and our sisters and you may have some friends and and of course you may say well pastor that all they are not interested in in coming to church they are interested in in stone about but guess what they are the ones that Jesus is asking you to have a little talk with and and it's not just about the Bible talking is about first you live in the Bible and whatever thing that we found about Jesus is that he leaves an impression on you so the Bible says here pass honest that the men they took note in Antioch of these men these men when you look at them there they used to be men who were coarse and rough and rugged but after spending some time with Jesus they were change that meant to note that they have been with Jesus the same Jesus who transformed men like Peter and Peter was that kind of brother who was very arrogant and angry and perhaps you think you are just out of control perhaps you were like Matthew who loved money and the perhaps you should make some calls and get some money but just like Matthew yes Jesus can transform your life and you can be changed so you are not so bad that God can change you and you are not so weak that God can help you to be a strength to somebody power so that's the beauty I love about this lesson this week and pastor man there's a certain passion here we must not miss this point here no friends my viewers that Jesus invests in relationships in people not so much in organizations not so much in programs and the reason I'm making this point I have heard as a youngster myself my fellow associates crying for more programs crying to be a part of ministries etc I want you to know that it is more than being a part of organizations what Christ has done for you you can do for somebody else you can with your time your talents your gifts the blessings that you have received make an impact in someone's life sometimes it's just a little time that are felonies with somebody so that the person can vent share their experiences with being a listening ear posture our young people in the church you might not be called to preach you might not be called to sing like our brothers who sang earlier but you are called to be like Jesus who will hear the concerns of your associates you can place a loving arm around them and encourage them in the Lord in those ways you can be of serious impact let me add here pasa I like what some of our friends online are saying so the child of the King but interested in terminology says here the more estate in God's Word the more the Holy Ghost reveal himself to us and only practice what we know the Scriptures come alive now jess was quite frank and I like you just thank you so much for this point just says when I left the church as a young person it had nothing to do with anyone at church I left because of my personal reason what I wanted to engage in so not all the time it is it has to do with the church thank you so much for that Jesse's son as if you are back and thank you for coming back now that is true sometimes persons make their own decision then Jennifer adds here the young people are not being engaged in church service all right engage them and be mentors for them and here in West America we have been promoting a mentorship program the aim of it is for another young person to mentor another young person with the aim of them loving Jesus even more now Sharon is here I strongly believe that the answer to anyone young or old stayin in the church is to spend time studying the Bible praying and sharing the word with others thus we will grow with Christ beautiful all right and I want to share one other thought here this person adds that some of them the group that they want they don't see it in nature so they left first of all they must come to the Lord another Posada let them apply the stories of the Hebrews children and of Daniel and so in essence we wanted understandeth wrote this week we want to share tips and highlights and stories and testimonies as to how you will be strong in your own fate in your own walk and yes you may have your weaknesses but pastor Anderson I believe that God will do something remarkable he did it in me he lives in you and I'm sure that he also will do it in you I invite you to bow your heads as we see a special prayer prayer for somebody who may just desire to have a deeper walk with the Lord Jesus Christ father we say thanks for your children young and not so young across Western week across Jamaica across the world may inspire somebody to to fall in love with Jesus that they will discover the true foundations of being a disciple above all things Lord let it be that somebody who may have not yet come to know Jesus will experience him afresh and be led to glorify his name is our prayer under our skin in the wonderful name of Jesus that all God's children say Amen and so until next week we are your team at inverse West Jamaica conference [Music] [Music] when I feel the best of me was ready to begin then there days when I feel like letting go and soaring on and but I've learned it laughter in pain how to survive [Music] I did [Music] that to me see I don't know how but this bar when I'm on [Music] I could be in the crowd or by myself almost in when I feel there's I need to talk with God for he's Emmanuel when I close my eyes no there's only I [Music] Nach just me see I don't know how about their spawn I don't know how [Music] [Music] I get on my knees I get on my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good ii with great conviction it is that time again it's the 14 parishes and the diaspora in prayer praise testimony and thanksgiving denny's we have good reasons to give thanks we our Lord did you know Alan that's right I'd like more viewers to tell us where that is taken from but can you imagine that something to be excited about course god inhabits the praises of his of Israel of his people so when we praise God wonderful tremendous things happen he is just so excited and I'm excited to give him praise so then he's what are the viewers listeners giving thanks or praying about asking prayers for yes and we have many well a lot of persons online YouTube Facebook and they're expressing their prayer request we have Shirley Jackson she's requesting / for Cynthia who is battling cancer we have Beverly Brown who is battling with acid reflux and panic attack and also depression she's requesting her George Scott for Petersfield he just came out of the hospital and in requesting Parris well Tyrone Cargill he's requesting / and Valerie Clark requesting / for her family and also for Daniel Campbell who has cancelled Madison Lea Anna requesting / for her family and we have Pauline read Crawford which she is also requesting personal these are persons who are ailing and they're going through so many difficult situation and they know that they have a God who listens and answer and there is power in praise the Lord there is indeed power in purr so we are going to pray but before that Kamara what are the viewers praising God for yes do we have anybody in the house giving praise yes we do we actually do and while you say that there is power in prayer there is power in praising God and so our YouTube viewers I'm gonna give you some names we don't exactly have your location we wouldn't mind if when you send in your praise reports that you state where you're you know 16 friar wherever in the world you are Jamaica or abroad just tell us where exactly you're from so on my praise list today ladies and gentlemen I have aphelion light brown Samuels from Florida I want to say happy Sabbath to her she sent in her praises sister Adlon Smith winsome right Saroja Stuart Jennifer Gail Mullins she's praising God for the soulful music which she says it's like medicine to her bones we also have ver Nicole Jacqueline Armstrong Donna Becca and she she wants to tell us here in Jamaica specifically that Jesus loves us and she loves us too Valarie Bailey the praises are continuing Janet genus and Marie herdsman this is can't understand my own writing what sister Barnett and vennett Vernon from Atlanta Atlanta Georgia she's also sending her praises when they small from Barbados and the Bowen gang they sent their praises to thank viewers here well worship her here in house she wants to praise God for her parents her name is Devon ich Wallace she says I want to praise God for her parents is a young worshipper why you want to praise God for your parents you know what she said she said if I did not have my parents I think things would have been a lot worse and she's right and she's right so thank you so much Tamara - do we have a testimony oh yes we do and so I mean if we were praising and praying it must means that we have testimonies right so is it online is it in the house well we have a testimony right here in a voice about one of our worshippers she's an MCU student or was but that's where she attended so concerts just the money financial spirit she has a financial testimony anime and I mean it attest the spiritual aspect as well because she had some struggle paying the tuition and we all know how that is and what happened and she applied well she tried to get a student loan and she got it she was not honored at all because the response is that her GPA was too high so so advice is that she should try and get a scholarship okay so she applied so she on her way from a leave in the student loans office to go and no seek these scholarships she got a call unexpected what she got it nonetheless a friend of hers was graduating that same year had a one-year scholarship and decided to pass it on to her tremendous telling you I'm getting goose pimples just talking about it because so how did she get through the next year and let me tell you something she had to Seto one year before she applied for that loan you know and then she got that scholarship man and the next year coming daunted in the year she started wondering how is it going to work out she started applying for some scholarships as well you know that can be a tedious process however she got a call she got a scholarship more than what she expected so let me tell you something just add the icing on the cake with a cherry on top yes she she's yet to graduate which this year and guess what she has I'm dead herself her dream drop Jim dream job during the Corbett seize we have to give him thanks and praise for the victories or in-house audience what are we thankful for do you have reasons to be thankful indeed now I was able to engage it some of our in-house worshippers I'm gonna just have them involve them in this I want all of you to give the Lord a hand clap put your hands together for the Lord hear that it's happening here now just quite quick I touch base with some folks over there and uh Leone Lawrence she's worshiping with us from Kings she said she's thankful for breath in our lungs and shout out of course to Olive Garden in New York and barber in England and these shoutouts coming from Maxine garden and she's worshiping with us I touch base also with sister Whitney Winston she's a worshipper talker and she said you know her gives her a sense of belonging like that you know she feels as if she's a part of her Lord and make up and also when I touched base with elder Timothy Gunter and his wife and they're worshiping with us here from waterworks Westmoreland when we when I asked him about testimony he got really excited he says when we when we think about all that God has has done for us his mercy his sacrifice even when we are not faithful as we should be God is still merciful we have to be thankful for that and we all can relate to that okay and he wants to make some big shout out to all the worshipers there in Water Works Westmoreland and to top this off we have sister atria Wallace and she was all in a mask and I really couldn't recognize her you know and we had a good laugh she said I'm very much thankful for good health tremendous blessings we thank you viewers for your shares your recommendations your critiques your comments for Joseph participating in a worship service and in this exercise God continues to be good and he continues to be amazing even when we don't deserve it we are going to pray Allen will do the honors and thereafter we have a special song let us pray father in heaven once again we come together as your people with United hearts to thank you we praise you and we share our testimonies of your goodness and Lord as we extend prayers to all those who are here present with us worshiping you and even those who are online we just continue Lord to pray that you will watch over us you'll continue to be our divine Shepherd you'll continue to be a great provider or a healer we just ask O Lord that ultimately you will be our Savior and again as we commit our hearts to you we pray their law that you'll open the windows of heaven and bless every one of us in a very remarkable way we pray in Jesus name Amen thank you so much we now have this special song [Music] the composer and conductor of the universe steps before the orchestra of God creation lists the finely crafted instrument and as all creation wildly [Music] seasons will rehearse begin with his down B and on his cue the Sun trumpets the dawn the whirling wind swirl in a mighty crochet it's commanding sweep of his butt or the oceans found the short in mass to his heyday and the galaxies all evolved in cosmic crime the fall of rain jobs all in watts in copay lightning strikes and thunder claps in time for new fun [Music] the Ancient of Days maze creation radar smile if their voices one endured in the sim for afraid [Music] [Music] heaven wasting hushed anticipation the great I am then turns to mortal man and a massive forest rolled in spotless low author of the song of praise to you [Music] the glories apart explode in full orchestration as all creation joins the thunderous we pray [Music] [Laughter] for knee [Laughter] the land that first day base creation does smell of the voices whatever in the symphony of brain [Music] well [Music] worthy was [Music] [Applause] [Music] waiter small boys [Applause] [Music] it's this one [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow the church let the church praise the Lord wave those hands and say praise the Lord that all online viewers I want you to text it praise the Lord thank you Jesus hallelujah that's how we praise that brother Joe awesome singing I have to talk to you offset my friend because we have to to get a know you some more but Kamara this is where we're gonna make the transition from the Sabbath School right into our divine service I'm talking about praise I know you have something that your talk to a worshippers about as we set this day well it's funny that you said that because from before I got here this morning I just have this impression on me that whatever message will be sent from this pulpit here today somebody needs to hear it maybe that person seated in here maybe the person is at home watching on WCC and you're watching on YouTube you're watching on Facebook I believe that the message that is coming somebody is going to receive their breakthrough as a result of it phrase alone it is gonna cause an assurance is Lord a deepened experience in Christ for somebody and that's been on my heart and so we want to engage you right now ask you to pray that the Holy Spirit will come into your presence so that you can experience the joy of his plan for your life well that's it we're gonna go right to center stage at this time we have the online worship experience priests team standing by to engage all of us in beautiful singing as they set the stage for the spoken word let's go to the center stage and sing along with us as we praise Him amen good morning to our viewers and good morning to those of us joining us here at the West America conference we are here to give Lawrence amen he has been has been good to us we are now about to go into a personal worship session and we do as a to participate with us those sitting here at the conference and of course those of you who are joining us live from whatever platform we ask that you join us know as we seek the Lord through prayers and worship so the song is we've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord here we go we've come this far by faith leaning [Music] every trustee [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've come [Music] [Applause] [Music] trusting [Music] failed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we've come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] we've come [Applause] [Music] we come this far amen we've come this far by faith because we've come this far by faith we know that we can trust me man he has brought us this far he will never leave us and if he will never leave there's no need for us to turn back amen just have to keep on trusting his word hold onto his hand and he will bring us through so why are we here in this edifice of worship let us not you nor minds and our hearts per fully as we see the Sun here we are in your presence lifting holy hands to you because he's worthy of all our praise and all the glory come on I sing along with us [Music] give er here we are praising Jesus Oh [Music] come on help us sing once again sit here [Music] praise Jesus and Jesus for [Music] fish [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] said [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] Martinez is done son [Music] take it outside [Music] we praise the Lord we have been made ready for worship in this segment thank you praise team welcome again to our online worship service coming live from the seventh-day Adventist conference center here in mone Salem Montego Bay Jamaica we're worshiping under the theme covered by grace connected in hope we welcome our viewers from wherever you are worship it whether you are on wccn Facebook YouTube wherever in the world you are welcome thank you for joining us here on the wjc online worship service and to you our live audience thank you so much for having joined us here coming to us week after week and we have some new ones we welcome you to a special welcome extra special welcome to those who are providing the sign language service for our special needs audience thank you so much and thank you for joining us remember now it's we are depending on you to send the word out you might have individuals relatives among your various congregations who could benefit from this service let them know that we are providing sign language in our online worship service today we are again going to be blessed with a word from the Lord a powerful of word from the Lord the Lord has prepared his servant to deliver this word he is the president of the West Jamaica Conference pastor Glenn Octavius samwell's he will bring to us the world that the Lord has laid on his heart I invite you to open your hearts pray for him pray for the delivery of the word that God will accomplish his purpose through his manservant today he will come at the time ordained for him to speak we will invite you now to join us we continue our worship in singing the hymn immortal invisible God only wise it's number 21 from the seventh-day Adventist hymnal be blessed as we worship God [Music] audience it was a stunned as we turn on him to him it's where the wine [Music] [Music] the slowest answer to the age Taurus really we were strange on resting [Music] RunAs tonight by justice nice [Music] bloodshot oh goodness so our life [Music] [Applause] we grow some it flourish every parish [Music] [Music] great father of brownie [Music] to see remember let us pray our gracious God and or father again we want to say thanks to you for another day thank you for these sacred hours as we lift our voices in praise in a very special way God we ask you to worship with us and as we worship we pray that everything that is unlike you will be removed and will experience Pentecost afresh today Lord we lift up everyone that is worshiping we lift up those who are sick and afflicted by life's challenges diseases that plagues the human race we just lift them up before you we ask as the Great Physician the sympathizing Jesus that he will speak to these individuals and bring back life to their constitution or Lord we pray for those who are struggling otherwise we still believe that you're the balm in Gilead for the sin sick soul we still believe that you have the answer to man's abiding dilemma we still believe that you can provide the solutions that will take care of all our problems please heavenly father do that which we cannot do for ourselves and as you work those miracles in our lives we'll recognize that you are God and you are to be praised you are to be worshiped you are to be obeyed loving Lord today we lift up your man's servant who shall deliver this spoken word we ask you Lord to hide him behind the cross give him that word and as he speaks on your behalf souls will be watered and for those of us who still need to make the important decision to walk with you we will do so today as we will give the holy spirit a chance to work in our lives hear our prayer today and give heed to a supplication we ask all these mercy a precious name the Church of God is saying amen and amen in discussing your stewardship obligation as already stated Jesus said more about money and material possessions than he did about a Sabbath or morality or relationship to money must be guided by our relationship with and commitment to the faith community remember Luke 12 and verse 15 a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses we have said that people buy money with the education their abilities and their time the level of education or the quality of one's skill determines the value of that person's time a security guard for example his hour has a different price tag compared to a brain or heart surgeon and so it is critical that all youth aim to take advantage of their educational opportunities and we ought to leave them in that direction it is also critical that the faith community recognizes that money has the power of addiction and that's why the Bible speaks of the love of money some persons love money and what it can do and they wander away from the faith and pierced themselves with grief first was the six and verse 10 Paul informs us that he has learned to be contented with whatever circumstances he finds himself in Jesus says no person can serve two masters God and Mammon the term Mammon is popularly used in the Bible to refer to money or material possession entrusted to somebody that term eventually assumed the inclusion of anything that people trust in rely or depend on Mammon can corrupt and skew the believers thinking it can warp his attitude it can dismantle his priority it can rearrange and wreak havoc on friendships and undermine your faith Mammon can contort your value system it can make you neglect your duties abandon your friends cause you anxiety stress and worry if you allow Mammon to define you it will neutralize your devotion to God we your commitment to defeat and confuse your belief system this is the time in worship therefore when we demonstrate our preference God or Mammon or appetite for God's love care and compassion his liberality etc result from his giving us shelter and health and housing we can't repair him but we embrace partnership in what he has done and is doing to change lives in our community as the technical staff helps you to go through the online giving portal we hope that you will give generously liberally and appreciatively knowing that all that we have come from the Lord and there is much more where that comes from so as we give liberally he replenishes us let us pray loving father thank you for the opportunity to give thank you that we have what to give and as we give of our financial earnings help that we will give our hearts and our lives to you so that when the pearl of great price shall take charge of our living and our existence we will have the joy of being told well done bless us bless what gifts and bless all worship for Jesus sake [Music] [Music] to the whole here for he has given Jesus Christ kisses with a grateful heart the holy one yes boy he is give on Jesus cry [Music] the weak say let the poor say aye ish because of what the Lord has done for now let the week stray strong let the boy say because of what the Lord has done [Music] [Music] the screen [Music] well give to [Music] or he has given Jesus [Music] let the weak say I am strong let the poor say I [Music] because of what the Lord has done for let the weak say I am strong let the poor say because of what [Music] [Music] [Music] he can't take a heart that's broke her make it all [Music] yeah no I'm [Music] I can't take s so that's insane Mickey why than snow I love a man [Music] call him say Oh [Music] Jesus for he's my dearest friend that's no one loves you and your life is out of hair Oh [Music] I can't walk walk about the wonders and now I can't come no my man Oh [Music] I can't hold liner dice to be okay or make me no a man [Music] say no he's my dearest if you think that no one loves you life is out of hand man [Music] [Music] thank you so much let the church say Amen I know a man who can some call him the lily of the valley some call him the Rose of Sharon but I call him Jesus he's the Savior he is my cooling shade in life's burning Sun he is my merry rock in a weary land he's been our help in ages fast he's our best hope for years to come little boy in his class couldn't handle the Bible stories very well and so are the day when examiner came to primary school and asked for a repeat pastor T of his favorite Bible text the teacher has the class and he had his hand up first and the teacher is speaking others and they are reciting Bible passages and and he's shouting me sir me sir me sir and when they came to him he said lying lips are abomination to the Lord but a present help in the time of trouble some call him Jesus but he is my help he is my hope and I'm sure he's yours too the last time I occupied this desk Willem entered the vicious onslaught of criminal elements against members of a jamaica Constabulary force at the time we prayed and hope that our senior officer would have survived the newscast of this week I watched on my television screen as his wife was whisked away and I am bothered that in the face of vicious evil against members of the security forces no one demonstrates on the street for them no one live any placards asking for justice for them we're a nation sometimes that is one sided die now cry and our quest and on behalf of a seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica on behalf of West Jamaica and the team down here we offer to the security forces as we have in the past our prayers for God's consolation we offer to the family God's comforting Claire and in times like these I know that words sometimes fail in two insignificant nothingness when compared to the pain that you feel but I'm a firm believer that evil will not last forever I'm a firm believer that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God death violence shall be no more and welcome you then those who are joining us here in this place of worship and the thousands joining us across the world and welcome you to this moment of encouragement as we seek a word of hope from the Word of God and in our connotations maybe you're feeling defeated and I don't know maybe there are those here who have never been defeated you've never felt the pain of defeat and so the word may not be for you if you're here feeling that your spiritual encounter is like a journey in the desert a journey in the wilderness and you're tired of the same old story maybe you feel that every time you've taken ten steps forward you've taken a hundred steps backward maybe you you've gotten to the place where like Sam you don't feel the urge to try again maybe you consider yourself to have been once a mentally strong person but now you've been buffeted by the winds of adversity and you've discovered that your coping capacity has worn out I would a book that talks about thirteen things that mentally strong people will not do and among the things I remembered is a statement that mentally strong people will not dwell in the past the past is only a place of reference but not a place of residence mentally strong persons will always know that you have to train your brain the human brain is is a marvelous piece of machine Harvard review talks about the the challenge and they the awesome power of the human brain it just jump back to my mind I should have looked up up the article and then bring it to you but but you can look for it I think it's the nineteen well the 2019 Edition or eighteen of Harvard review that talks about the the issue of the ilist elasticity of the brain that that but you can you can train your brain to to do stuff because with the best of those of you who are considered to be geniuses they say you only use 10% so 90% goes to waste what a waste the brain is a terrible thing to waste today I want to take you to the Book of Isaiah is is one of my favorite Old Testament Isaiah is one of my favorite because Jesus quoted from him a lot and and he's my favorite because they call him the gospel prophet they he writes a lot about messianic hope and and this is the salvation it is in Isaiah that I find comfort at him Isaiah tells me in the 64th chapter that but when I get to the place where what I feel that all my righteousness are like through the rides I I know there is righteousness in one person are you listening to me Isaiah tells me that that that he might save you walked in my place when he was wounded for from my transgressions when he was bruised for my iniquities ah our sermon today comes from the 43rd chapter of Isaiah and while you're looking for Isaiah chapter 43 I've got to tell you that our text find this context in in a wider context of the book as a matter of thought as we look for Isaiah chapter 43 the 43rd chapter and while you're looking for that we will look at verse 19 behold I I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert and you are familiar with the prophet Isaiah you you are familiar with with this mystery but just in case something slipped your mind let me tell you what I'm going to tell you I'm going to talk to you about the prophets theology and his sociology and we'll talk to you about the fact that the profit being God's messenger has what we call a revelation and relevance and will tell you that the current church in order to be true to being God's mouthpiece must have a word of revelation but that word must be relevant to the people of its time I'm going to tell you that the Prophet articulates that only the pain of the people but he critiques the dominant ideology of his day the Prophet as God's here the preacher the Prophet as God's messenger the church as God's messenger we find itself sometimes not being loved by the nation or being liked by its own I said I said that the Prophet and the church in order to be true to its calling and its mission must know that as the ancient prophet saw also the modern church a church that seeks to be rooted theologically and conscious sociologically will find out it sometime will not be loved by the nation or even be loved by its own can I help you understand that they tell me that an ambassador represents a country that he does not have the right to speak for himself so the US ambassador to Jamaica or the German ambassador or the British High Commission operates in this country but they are not citizens of this country walk with me walk with me I'm trying to lay a foundation so they come with and possible potentials they speak for fear government in the place ruled by another government Lord helper preacher I said they speak for their government in a place ruled by another government and theirs is the awesome responsibility of speaking whatever via government represents even if it's not liked by the place where the Minister so that sometimes we hear about the recall of an ambassador walk with me to understand isaiah 40:3 i must of necessity take you back to isaiah chapter 1 so jump with me we're going to Isaiah chapter 1 while you're going there remember our text has behold now I will do a new thing now a lot has happened between chapter 1 and chapter 43 a lot has happened in his nation a lot has happened to those who've been subjugated who have been taken into captivity but notice if you will the problem that God had with the nation of Israel before captivity Isaiah chapter 1 the Bible said in verse 1 the vision of Osias and a famous which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of uzziah jotham ahaz Hezekiah kings of Judah there's one name that's missing and thus the last king who ruled in that time of I desire his name is missing and Biblical historian peles he is responsible for ordering the Prophet to be sawn into his name is Manasseh so the Bible tells us here that the message of the Prophet transcends Kings and their particular rulership the message of the Prophet transcends that only Kings and their particular rulership it transcends also political boundaries what would the preacher I said the prophets message transcends political boundaries so he says hear o heavens and give ear o earth for the Lord had spoken he speaks here as a representative of the kingdom of heaven here all heavens and give ear to the LORD hath spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebellion I don't care how intellectual strong you are I don't care how much evil strong you have we have we have received from the gracious hand of a sovereign God you don't have to know him for him to bless you for he calls the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust you don't have to serve him for him to be God He is God Almighty plus nothing - nothing does not need my fault to be God it does not need your fault to be God walk with the preacher so he said here in heavens and give ear the Ox knows his owner the donkey noses master's grave but Israel does not know my people does not consider a sinful nation a people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children who are corrupters they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel listen to me no country can survive while distancing itself from the claims of God it's rejection of God's claims will be manifestly present and it's sociological underpinning so he said here he says here in verse 7 your country is left to you desolate your cities are burned with fire strangers devour your land he said here in the passage he talks about the devaluation of the currency of Israel he talks about political corruption in the nation of Israel I didn't say it's right in the text he talks about runaway murder raids in Israel so he said in verse 21 the city is like a harlot full of judge it was full of judgment but now murderers 22 thy silver is becoming trusts and thy wine its mix of water 23 by princes are rebellious and companions of thieves everyone loveth gifts and followeth after rewards I'm going to be bold today as I've always been it may not be a method to shut about the walk with the preacher hang with the preacher hanging with the preacher it's as though Isaiah had come to Washington so let me leave that country alone or come to Kingston or come to Montego Bay the text here in the Oakland chapter speaks about political corruption he says here you're princes are rebellious and companions of thieves everyone loveth gifts and followeth after reward current in the news of not just this country but countries in our region and around the world are issues where where it's its resources seem to be going in the wrong hands I'm gonna preach the word today so the Prophet the Prophet as God's messenger is biologically connected but sociologically conscious or break the down feature theology is a story of God sociology is our understanding of ourselves issues of humanity and if the church is going to be relevant it must be God's voice [Applause] understand if all it has is sociology and more theology if all it has is human consciousness and design connection then all that the church has become is the Christians people hear the preacher for the current church to be relevant in a society like ours we're moral depravity about religious morality abound social inequity abound that Chucky must understand what it is or who it is and so whether you take the Hebrew word qahal or the Greek word ecclesia or ecclesia from which we get ecclesiology they both mean the same thing they called out people I call out people but here the preacher he called a church out of those who the church once look like I said the church in other words is not made up of angels quit acting as if you've always had it right quit behaving as if you're always measured up there a hundred percent and God's scale of righteousness quit acting as if you've never sinned quit acting as if you've never had to struggle to make it to a day really well why didn't God use perfect angels to be the church because in order to save us [Music] the best testimony for God is the testimony holiday hala Nia why do you think what do you think the songwriter said and we start to sing some we're [Applause] friends we sometimes feel that if we have the right money connection or the right job connection so I am in a country that's not mine I can't speak your language and the governor asked the pastor could you bring the preacher that I'm listening to to visit with me and so the president came and he said there's a request from the governor I said well I can't go today because they have these stuff to do but I can go tomorrow I turned about his Palacios mansion he set me down in a chair that I struggled to find myself it was so huge and so soft when I set my little 158 pounds down in it it was enveloped by the overlaying cushion around me but that's not what I came to talk to you about I thought they would listen to a man with whom the Holy Ghost was having an encounter and he said I called you here because having watched you for three nights I can't sleep I used to be a Christian I used to be a child of God but I became one of those persons looking for meaning in this life and the political lights puzzled my eye and the church became less and less significant until finally it became a stranger to me I've had my time with the big and powerful but I've learned one thing sir and that's why I called you here have come face-to-face with the issue that there are some things I can't go back and correct how do I face the future wasting so many years hear me business man hear me politicians he said look around me you see the hearts by my gate you see cards by my door look around me you see what a lot of people who are chasing after in order to feel that they are successful but there is an emptiness down on the inside I want to say this to you that I've never said to anybody I came close so often contemplating suicide money isn't at all that it is making out itself to be friends aren't always true once you have the power you will help some who will plot your death I sat in his home we talked together prayed together never had the chance to go back as he claimed he called almost at the end but I I walked away from his house watching him changing his fears for smiles and and I think the pain was drifting but but but but I have to run back to Isaiah 43 so so I want to leave in your mind the beginning of the book the suffering guard says he nourished up he brought up a people I had to say that to you sir because somebody watching me now from your living room a successful business person you remember you remember when you had nothing you remember when you remember when you and God were right up there I'm going somewhere not on message the shot about I won't take my time today so hear me carefully we come now to the 43rd chapter but before I read it I'm going to see my doctor I don't know why I went to see that one but but you heard me talk about it some time ago so so I'm parked right up by old Kentucky or not is it are in street someplace up there I didn't know where to find his office because I hadn't seen him for a long time and trying to find him and I'm walking down to where I thought his office was and and somebody said to me a pastor I think you're looking for me I recognized the voice I recognized the height and I knew who the person was we spent almost three hours talking that was the day before he ended his own life the it is God's messenger but the Prophet critiques the dominant ideology of his time so here the prophets in the 43rd chapter he said remember not the former things never consider the things of old very often you'll find in this passage in the 42nd chapter the 43rd chapter the 44th chapter God repeatedly saying I am the Lord I make a way where there seemed to be no way what I do folk commit suicide because they feel that there's no way out they feel that they can't handle it they feel that it has to be the way it's going to be that's why verse 19 is important it says behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth I will do a new thing I will do a new thing I will do a new thing I will do a new thing and by now you've got to ask yourself what is this new thing that God speaks about here so he says you have not called on me that's verse 22 you have not called on me if you look at the verse you'll see why that first is critical because right above that first God says the beasts praise me because I give them water animals who can't reason let me read it for you and burying it for you it's right in verse 20 the beasts of the field shall honor me the dragons and the Owls because I give water in the wilderness I told you in beginning that one of the reason love Isaiah they called him the gospel prophet have you ever wondered why right after Jesus came out of his baptismal water he went to the wilderness have you ever wondered why is it that God didn't send him straight back into ministry where he was coming from but the text in Matthew 3 said right after he came out of the water the Spirit led him to the wilderness for forty days hear me church I'm running cuz my time running for me and I have to get through at least a key point I want to get through here i sire Testament prophets speaks about the power of the remnant and for the remnant church to represent God in these closing days it must first distance itself for a while locked itself up with God so you can hear the word of God for itself hmm pray for the preacher I'll do a new thing the nation had gotten so far from God it had become comfortable being far from God in order for Jesus to be close to his father to pick up the last three years of his mission for 40 days he locked himself sequestered in the wilderness no food no crowd no political nor religious leaders just Jesus and his father and after 40 days the devil comes by and said if you are who you said you are then do this and he focused on the word he focused on the word I'll do a new thing I'll take the remnant back to the word I will do a new thing I will do a new thing so out of the captivity out of the pain of fear disobedience God raised up according to Isaiah a new seed a new group a remnant he said this people have I formed for myself they shall show forth my praise that's verse 21 in the wilderness of modern times the remnant persecuted scattered the pebble seemed as if he has it all to himself from 538 to 1798 we call it the dark ages revelation said the earth in the wilderness helped the woman and out of that came forth a resurgence of Christian faith God said I will do a new thing I'm going to make four points and I'll sit down number one the church in order to experience God's new thing must separate itself from everything that distracted from its mission Alfred Lord Tennyson is a point I love to quote from him an infant crying in the night an infant crying for the light an infant crying in the dark with no language but a cry and for Lord Tennyson wrote that poem because his own faith was shrinking he looked around him and he saw the church looking more like a society and he wondered whether or not the church would ever rise above all that was happening around it to be what God called it to be and he wrote an infant crying for the light Marvin more in the book crisis of the end time so sleeping your relationship with Jesus in Earth's darkest hour is going to be your most critical challenge I will do a new thing jump over with me to the 45th chapter and he says I am the Lord I even I have called thee by thy name I have so named thee I will do a new thing I have so named thee I have remained you a new name I have surnamed you I am the Lord and there is no else there is no God beside me I heard that you though you have not known me there's a burden in my heart and I have to close the book to talk with you Isaiah wasn't killed by Sargon he wasn't killed by a tickler Alisa the third he wasn't killed by Shulman NASA he wasn't killed by Sennacherib he wasn't killed by Ezra Haron these are the most powerful and vicious kings to have reigned and ruled Babylon and Assyria to win the tie off I sire and yet none of them could have killed and destroyed the church nor the Prophet you know what destroy the church the church destroyed itself you know who killed the Prophet not a heathen King but a king of the church I said I saw a minister doing blessed the third Helena so the fifth sword on the second sell a curry Ezra Haron the most powerful rulers of their Syrian Kingdom and none of these could destroy the church nor could they kill the Prophet you know who killed the Prophet you know destroy the church the church destroyed itself and the king of the church ordered the Prophet sawn in two so when you read in as in in Hebrews some were sawn asunder go back to Ellen White and go back to - some Patriots historians whoo look at the disappear flee and yet testimony to God's amazing grace for me is granting Manasi repentance 52 years minashi built images and called them is God stripped young babies and the Israel went to worship with child sacrifice was the order of the day minashi and the priests of Israel stood there until the red-hot image silenced the screams of a young child and the Bible said the Lord allowed him to go into captivity and one of the most amazing text he would read it is said then Manasseh remembered the Lord his God and he brought him back and sat him on the throne of Israel the church my church the Christian Church needs to hear the word of Isaiah 43 in verse 19 I will do a new thing I struggled all night last night with this text caught up this morning to change it walk from here to change it but I didn't change I will do a new thing the church during times of ease had gotten so used to religious stuff its primary mission was made secondary young professionals and business persons had gotten so used to making money that God had to shut down the business world put us all in a wilderness to say pay me some attention I will do a new thing young professionals majority of our church so pledge of man the church sometimes is a place we only visit occasionally I know many whom God has gifted with the pilots of music singing Jamaica there those when they were small were faithful in using their talents so God has to shut down the hotel industry and so your singing is put on hold God has to shut down the pleasure den he has to lock down the theatre God has to shut down the business place he wants to do a new thing he wants to do a new thing if you worship only showing of pleasure you become sane and try and empty on the inside and so sometimes for God to give us new life never shut down the place and he said I cause water to spring up in your desert he has to close down the stuff and make you feel like God said to do a new thing a new thing he's got to take from us some things we think we can't do without [Applause] some of us our position in church was threatening our very salvation so God has to lock down the church to the some of us we slander each other because of opposition to the church we shoot the wounded listen to me carefully the Lord God says we've taken the church from the hand of God in the crowd and again make us feel that this is our kingdom both of us sometimes you can't speak anywhere else you can't even speak at home but has become the place where we put down on us slander your reputation but God the church she lose your kingdom of God may have his way to blossom sometimes God has to do some stuff even from itself so a sire that's the transmission in the same chapter the 43rd chapter he said you but we were too busy having church and yet not doing mission we were to be see in church had become the Christians Country Club God says listen how do a new thing I've always wondered why is it that when fire burned down someplace burn up the grass that which springs up afterwards sprung up with new life grows faster look better well I believe that God is using Corona [Music] [Music] [Applause] because a new thing or the one you thing is that your country is desolate America America but mighty powerful once Liberty field case there's no shaping itself like this I couldn't do a new thing but when you thing he's shaking he is sifting God though coronavirus has enveloped almost every country of the world look how far I am from Africa and yet how to be protecting myself from siharan dusts I will do a new thing do a new thing out of the fire and its ashes I'll cause the desert to blossom I'll pour water in desert places sometimes God has too to lose everything we think precious so we can spend a few moments with him [Music] sometimes out of the anointing he sends us on the battleground of testing so the anointing came and Jesus in the Jordan River and I don't know why he didn't go straight back to the regions to preach but the Bible said the spirit led him to wilderness I don't know your wilderness journey somebody listening to me is in a wilderness and you think that because you're in the wilderness it is because God has washed his hands from you somebody is in a desert place and you think that because you are facing desert like circumstances God has abandoned you it may be the only thing God could do it may be the only thing God could use to get your attention so I say to you before she sings I don't know what your desert place is like I don't know what your wilderness is like but I hear a song that says in the morning when I rise give me Jesus but you know your morning all of us we've had the morning we've had the morning of our Christian journey but the time we get down to a closing of the day a spiritual vitality weigh-ins or spiritual fervency rains you remember when you were more faithful than you are now you remember when you were a better witness than you are now listen to me mr. businessman you remember when you were fired up in church but now you've become so busy trying to make a living you forget how to live he's putting you in a wilderness place he's putting you in a desert place I don't know what she goes sing but I gonna let her sing and I talk back with you but before she sings God wants to do a new thing he wants to do a new thing he wants to you feel you've taken ten steps backward sometimes God has to pull you back to launch you forward as a boy I used to use catapult so I'll put the stone in there I have to pull the sling backwards and the father back I put it the more tense it is when I let it go the faster my bullet flies I enlisted to me where sometimes God has to pull you back pull you back pull you back because he was alone she forward he wants to a new thing out of the air shoes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out of your failure if you come to your senses I'll find you in your Pigpen I'm glad he never said the king will do it he said I and the Hebrew says even I will do a new thing I'll cause your desert to blossom sing the song child I will you thing [Music] [Music] mija [Music] the treasures used to love have a faded from you [Music] there's a new day yeah here for me all my heartache is over or I left it at Calvary where my new life began two for two my feet through the baby I've climbed mountains crossed rivers tears a play sales very deep flowery jealousy heavens angels are see come too far to look bad [Music] look ahead there's no happiness there is no reason for living life will give you a burrow can Sheree full of sorrow and fear turn around don't look back again face the new day before you place your heartaches and Jesus head he can't man can't really up too far too far too [Music] [Music] in through desert places [Applause] [Music] marci you've come too far [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see to [Music] she's doing she's gonna sing it softly with me she could sing it softly there's somebody watching there's a car played the music down for me sir there's a car take it down softly for me there's a card on your screen the card on your screen you've been in a desert place [Music] maybe you've contemplated ending your own life God says I wanna do a new thing out of your pain they'll be unending possibilities out of your sorrow he'll bring salvation there's a new day ahead of you maybe you've lost your passion for righteousness maybe the lot you've lost your passion to be a witness maybe of late you've been just going through the motions but you've come too far to look bad you beat you too bad the rest of your life can't be the best of your life don't waste your pain don't waste the possibilities you've climbed mountains of cross rivers that pebble is a liar the rest of your life can be the best of your life at the resurrection Thomas said I believe he's risen unless I see the nail prints unless I push my hands where they push the spare all the others have a little shame but later when they when they cut down to the end of his ministry he's going down to raise Lazarus from the dead flick it down from his son he's going down Bethany this will raise Lazarus from the dead but the 11 said you can't go you can't go if you go you're putting yourself in danger you're putting us in danger you can't go if you go they don't kill you it was Thomas who said let us also go that we may die with him so in the morning when I rise give me Jesus but the best of all when I come down to die give me Jesus I didn't come to preach a fancy word I struggled with the text I struggled with the word but God wants to do a new thing in your life he wants to take you someplace and witness that none have ever gone before he wants to give you holy boldness he wants to give you a kind of purpose that will shape the very foundations of hell so you've lost your marriage you've lost your money you've lost your friends you've lost your business don't lose God don't lose Jesus you've lost your sister lost your brother you've lost all your earthly ties to lose Jesus the devil thought he could he could kill you with grief the devil thought he could kill you with financial challenges out of your desert place God wants to do a new thing out of your wilderness he wants fresh me to blossom you've come too far to look bad of course deserts you've climbed mountains you've come too far I'd like to pray with you [Music] our Father and our God we're tired of being defeated them which are a feeling like our spiritual lives are in a wilderness and yet God you you gain strength after your 40 days in the wilderness you gain spiritual power after being hungry for 40 days and 40 nights help us to understand that a wilderness experience may not be our worst experience may we emerge from the wilderness stronger more focused I don't know for whom you sent the word today I don't know God in which land somebody needed to hear a word from Isaiah 43 verse 10 maybe father it's one person in some far distant corner I've struggled with the text but you kept on saying don't change it do a new thing in my own heart do a new thing in my own life refocus my mind on your purpose for these last days refocus my church on the primacy of its mission remind a discouraged pastor at discouraged elder a discouraged youth than no weapon that formed from the gates of hell shall prosper against your children remind o God a faithful band with a bad desire to see the earth filled with the glory of God like waters cover the sea remind them that you are passionate about your purpose but you will will be done on earth as it is in heaven for this land this nation where blood of innocence soaks the land with those who are the defenders of peace are cut down by merciless gunmen and maybe their colleagues and their family members are asking is it worth it hasten the day when truth will triumph and justice will ride up above the mountaintop when evil will be destroyed hasten the day god when when a new thing will be done in the heart and life of every person hungering and thirsting for righteousness this land of ours need a fresh visit this land of ours God needs a new encounter you sent the early church to turn the world upside down you sent them to do things that were never done before you gave them a mission that others thought was impossible and all we ask is that you will do it again sift us if you will shake us according to your loving-kindness but save us according to your tender mercies and so today may your purpose be fulfilled may there be a new thing in every heart and for that one person for whom you sent this word for that one person for whom you sent this text let their desert spring up with living waters allow the barren wilderness to spring up with flowering plants of righteousness whatever you do father save us for this is our asking this is our one desire in the precious name of Jesus together God's children same ahead you've come too far to look back see that my heart that was a portent important ceremony and I hope it spoke to you as it spoke to me and we hope that it didn't fall on deaf ears because it is so relevant at the same time we say to God be the glory great things he has done we hope that your hearts would have been blessed as always the nice and of course we invite you all to be back this afternoon with us as we engage you once more on our platform YouTube Facebook and wccn and also we'll be having or praise time and we invite you back for first aid with Pastor tormund so invite your families and friends and come and worship with us as you will be blessed so we resumed at 2:30 and be on behalf of I'm still so yes on behalf of the hosting team here Allen is missing but on behalf of Kamara myself and Denise and the West Jamaica Conference production team we say until later stay connected we have the Lilliput praise team to take us out into our break have a good one [Music] I will not Nords head of goodie board my time I die - marriage is [Music] oh glory and praise so really today [Music] [Applause] and yeah be No [Music] I will me [Applause] my trophies and brothers my rogue state [Music] [Applause] today see Oh [Music] day to [Music] smile [Music] and the we No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we we I [Music] yiii No I [Music] the crime [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: West Jamaica Conference
Views: 50,951
Rating: 4.7137475 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 52sec (13072 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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