How To Make Broccoli & Potato Cheese Soup

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to cooking with donna it's cold out we're all looking for soups so i wanted to get on here and share this one with y'all i'm going to be making a chunky potato broccoli cheddar soup i made up some some dinner rolls pull apart dinner rolls and some crusty rolls with it but it's cold and i wanted soup and like i said i wanted to share with you so here we have four tablespoons of melted butter and i have a half a cup of finely diced onion that's a half a cup and dice it really fine and we're gonna let this cook for for a little bit then we'll throw in a good pack tablespoon of garlic but i'm gonna let this onion cook probably four to five minutes then i'll throw the good tablespoon of garlic in here like i said it's probably good for medium cloves medium large cloves but i measured it and mine it came up to four packed so i'm gonna let that cook and then we'll get the garlic in all right that's been cooking about three minutes or so now i'm gonna get my or put in my garlic and we'll let that cook maybe a minute keep stirring it because you don't want that garlic to burn that's a no-no just until you smell that nice fragrant of garlic now after this is done cooking i have in my bowl over here i didn't have any quarts on hand so i just mixed up some um uh granules the bullion granules or you could use the cubes or the better than boolean actually and just follow the measurements it's usually a teaspoon of granules per cup so i have a quart which is four cups here mmm that smells good so i got my four cups of stock i'm gonna pour this in that's four cups okay now i'm gonna go ahead get this turned up bring it to a boil then i'll turn it back down to simmer i like to get my carrots a head start because they take the longest to cook even though i i cut cut your carrots how you want but just guesstimate on timing you know because you don't want your carrots all falling apart i like to cut them up like so you can cut them in thin strips but i'll i'll get my carrots in here i got two medium carrots i just cut them in half and i do um uh peel them i like to peel that outer skin that just makes a prettier soup and it tastes better without some of the you know how carrots can get some of them will start getting that rusty color to them you take that skin off and they're nice and bright i know all the vitamins are in the skin but but there's two medium carrots now i'm gonna let this hang out my carrots in my stock bring it to a boil turn it down let it simmer five minutes then we'll get our potatoes in oh that smells good okay now to this now two i wanted to mention if you want if you're using the granules or you can buy the one in the box or the can the stock i would suggest a low sodium because of your cheeses and and and what and seasoned salt that's going to go in there so always salt your soup at the end i'm not going to give you an approximate amount because that's totally up to how much salt you want but i do use a teaspoon of seasoned salt so salted at the end not now because you taste it and think oh no you know it needs salt remember you got the cheeses that's going in it's salt and but anyway you got a teaspoon of seasoned salt we're putting in here i have a half a teaspoon of paprika and a half a teaspoon of fresh black pepper now this is going to cook with the potatoes i'm gonna get i have four cups of yukon gold potatoes diced as you would regular soups whatever little pieces i measured out four cups we're gonna cook these for uh probably five minutes or so then we'll add our our broccoli then we'll get our cheese sauce going so cook these for about maybe five minutes and then we'll get our broccoli in there guys okay we'll be back alrighty guys so it's been cooking maybe five six minutes as you can see i have it at a low low simmer not boiling away and it was covered now i have six cups of broccoli chopped up like i said it's chunky chunky soup now this is not your this is not your uh broccoli and cheese soup don't confuse it this is just some good old hearty chunky broccoli and tater and cheese soup all right now we're going to cover this up and that steam is going to help soften our broccoli now by all means you can cut this up more if you like but i like mine chunky now you want to cook this until your potatoes and your your broccoli start uh to soften now for me at least five minutes prior to the soup being just about done i'll turn it off because you know soup carryover cooks because it's in a big hot pot so it's gonna it's gonna continue cooking for a while so if you don't want your your uh soup to be really mushy and your your broccoli get all soft and you know a lot of people like it really really soft then cook it till it's done and eat it by all means and potatoes like i said use what you have it's just me i you cons or the golds or the um the for me the reds just hold up more they don't fall apart as much as a rusted or a white i found that you know that's uh but use what you have by all means so we're going to let this cook till it's just about done then i'm going to turn it off and we're going to get our cheese sauce going i'm going to turn that back on guys i forgot my celery seed half a teaspoon half a teaspoon of celery seed seeing that on the counter over there and i'm like oops all right okay we're gonna make our cheese sauce here i have three cups of whole fat milk and six tablespoons of um cornstarch okay just make it a little you want to whisk it into the cold milk make sure it's cold get it all mixed up and then i'm going to add one can of crema or table cream so can you see that it's a little seven point some odd ounce you find it where the evaporated milk is at and one can of that with three cups of the just this just lends some creaminess to it so everything needs to be cold here get it stirred up and then we're going to get it cooking cook it for a few minutes once it starts boiling it's going to continue to thicken once it's thick it's cooked it's bubbled for a few minutes it's done and we'll get our cheese in okay it's starting to bubble so once it starts bubbling let it cook a minute or two to reach its full thickening and then once that's done its thing it's going to get thicker and thicker and thicker we're gonna add some cheese in here now i have um three cups you can go three to four cups it's up to you four and a half cups up to you know whatever you like actually um i bought a one pound block of american cheese i uh shredded it up good i like how that melts and it gives it a good flavor so see there how that's bubbling like i said salted at the end guys we'll get our cheese added in a bit okay now when you're cooking this also you have to continue stirring it don't walk away from it guys because you don't want this to burn my fire is turned off now i have three cups of my freshly grated american cheese that's three cups now like i said you can add more or less but add in at least a cup in at a time a little at a time and make sure your your fire's off and continue stirring until it's all melted okay another good cup i'm ready to eat i'm hungry this is a good hearty soup okay and i cooked my um i cooked my potatoes and broccoli and carrots probably about 15 minutes with the lid on on a low simmer and then a low boil and then turned it off and took the lid off of it because it's going to carry over cook and then just just kind of stir it around grab it from the side and scoop the bottom to the top try not to break it up too much that way it even cooks as it's setting okay let me get this stirred in okay now to that turn up my cheese we're gonna go ahead and put our cheese sauce in here okay just like so now this is too thick for you by all means add some more milk or some more chicken stock if it's too thin you know you can add some um some more cornstarch to your probably a teaspoon at a time to a couple tablespoons of water [Music] and i'm gonna get this plated up guys with some rolls yummy goodness now this is where you'll taste it for salt okay okay i grabbed me another spoon and tasted it it's like spot-on doesn't need anything it's delicious you guys but of course i want to get the rolls out and put it in a bowl for you also just a second okay there it is guys i sprinkled a little bit more cheese on it and some bacon you could put some sour cream on it you know they just all pair well together the cheese and the bacon on top just a little bit and like i said i made some some big old rolls up to go with it but look at there guys this is perfect comfort food comfort food and i'm shaking because i'm hungry so you guys give that a try um i hope you enjoy it if you like broccoli and you like potatoes cheese you're gonna love it i promise until next time help me get out there guys so we can keep making videos to share with y'all until next time we will see you guys later make you up some soup hit that bell if you want to see more videos and subscribe you guys take care and have a good one bye [Music] you
Channel: Cooking With Donna
Views: 50,397
Rating: 4.9159002 out of 5
Keywords: cookingwithdonna, broccolipotatocheesesoup, broccoli, cheese, soup, chunky, broccolicheese, hearty, creamy, chef, cookingathome, foodie, blogger, Delicious, YouTube video, cookingvideo, cookingchannel, cooking, food, dinner, lunch, potato, broccoli soup, potato soup recipes, broccoli cheddar soup, how to, broccoli potato soup, potato broccoli soup, potato and broccoli soup, broccoli potato cheese soup, broccoli and potato soup, potato soup, potato broccoli cheddar soup, potato soup recipes tasty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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