Johnny Cakes - 100 Year Old Recipe - Gluten Free - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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[Music] howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be making johnnycakes Johnny cakes hoe cakes shawnee cakes whatever name you know these by they are basic cornmeal pancakes and this recipe is probably as old as dirt it was given to the very first American settlers by the Native Americans and he has been part of our history ever since now there's probably a million varieties of this recipe you could literally write volumes of cookbooks on different ways to make these everything you add to them is going to taint change the taste and the texture just a little bit and this is one of those recipes that you really truly should experiment with and adapt to suit your tastes and what texture you like the basic recipe has cornmeal salt and hot water and that's pretty much it it was cooked either in an iron skillet or on a rock beside a fire most of the recipes today had a little flour in them they have anywhere from half as much flour to equal parts flour with cornmeal so if you want to make these and all you have is a self-rising cornmeal mix that has cornmeal and flour and livening already in it you could make the basic one with just your cornmeal mix and hot water what I'm using today is one cup of yellow cornmeal now mix nothing else in it and too bad I'm gonna add oh probably 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt you want anywhere from half a teaspoon to a teaspoon in this much cornmeal now the hot water I'm going to save until last and I actually have some water in the microwave so I'm going to go ahead and turn that on and I'm going to turn my skillet on and get it pretty even you definitely do want a hot skillet when you make these now I have chosen to add a little bit of baking powder to mine I have about a teaspoon and a half because I like them a little bit lighter and I also like them just a little sweetened so I have about a teaspoon and a half of sugar here you don't have to add the sugar you can also sweeten them with a little bit of honey and I'm gonna use some buttermilk and I'm actually cutting my water in half and I'm using half a cup of buttermilk or a quarter of a cup of buttermilk I'm sorry you normally use half a cup of hot water if you aren't doing anything else but I'm going to cut that and I'm going to use a quarter cup of hot water and a quarter cup of buttermilk now if you want these to be a little lighter without using the baking powder what you can do is sorry about that anyway what you can do is you can mix up your cornmeal and buttermilk and put it in the refrigerator overnight now these were commonly made at breakfast time and what they would do is they would mix them up and then fry bacon and fry the johnnycakes in the bacon grease if you had the buttermilk to the cornmeal and you let it sit overnight the buttermilk will actually break down the cornmeal and it will make your johnnycakes a lighter and fluffier so if you didn't have any baking powder for some reason you could add your buttermilk the night before I'm also going to use an egg in mine I'm gonna beat it up a little bit before you put it in there and the egg will make it a little lighter again not quite as dense and give that a little mix now I am gonna fry mine in butter because I don't have any bacon grease right now but usually that are fried in butter or bacon grease rarely ever is anything other than butter and bacon grease used to fry VZ okay what the hot water does is it actually starts to cook the core meal before you start to fry your johnnycake now you can see the batter is a little thick some recipes have it actually much thicker than this and you have to mash your cakes out flat this is thin enough so we can scoop a spoonful in my hot pan and it'll should spread out enough on its own but if it's thicker just mash it out now I've got about three tablespoons of butter over here in my pan you may have to add a little more butter as you cook to keep enough butter in there to keep them frying because this is not quite like a pancake when you fried you want enough fat in there so that it actually fries it like a pancake you barely want your pain coated the bottom of it just enough to keep it from sticking but this we're trying to fry so we want a little bit of butter in there now I chose not to put any flour in these today because cornmeal is naturally gluten-free if you have a severe gluten allergy you want to make sure that you get cornmeal that says gluten-free to make sure it hasn't been cross contaminated but this is a cheap and gluten-free bread that you can make it's also very easy so you can make it every day and have it fresh it was used a lot breakfast time they would fry them up and put either maple syrup or put honey on them and eat them just like pancakes but they're also made for dinner and my granny when she made him she usually made them for dinner because in the summer time especially when it's hot and one heath open up for 35 45 minutes making cornbread she could fry these on top of the stove and it wouldn't heat the house up so much but if you have a really bad gluten allergy cornmeal is a great alternative to some of the more expensive meals like almond flour and stuff which you can get very very pricey and some of them are even more expensive than almond flour and I said if you experiment with this this is a fresh bread you can make this fresh every day and it's easy try letting your cornmeal soak in that buttermilk overnight and see how that changes it and try some other stuff too I don't people with gluten now and you say really have a battle with that bread thing I imagine not being able to eat bread anymore I know a lot of people go home just on low carb diets and stuff but if you truly can't eat it anymore that's a big problem but try these I said they're simple they're easy to mix up and they're pretty quick to make these are pretty thick not too bad but I we'll probably take at least five or six minutes on each side and you're not going to get bubbles in these like you're doing pancakes or your flour pancakes so you're just going to have to keep an out of them you do when I'm browned really good on both sides so just five or six minutes and flip them over and cook them five or six minutes on the other side it is best not to flip them over and over and over you can kind of lift the edge up and check them as they get better corks are zante but starting to cook so we'll let them sit there and cook a lot and while they're sitting there cooking in a little while those of you who have been with me for a while you know that on some videos I like to share Jesus with people I like to share my faith with people Jesus Christ is truly one of the greatest partner is the greatest thing in my life I mean the difference that knowing Jesus having a relationship with him and being safe that's made in my life I just cannot possibly tell you unless you have experienced that yourself it changes your whole outlook on life and it gives you a hope that you just do not have unless you know him so if you don't know him I want to truly encourage you to find a Christian friend or find a church someone who can help lead you into a relationship with Jesus someone who can introduce you to him and explain to you what it means to be saved in detail and how you can come to know Jesus yourself and have that personal relationship with him I've been asked a few times why I don't do something in every single video and I don't talk about Jesus in every single video other than just to meet in him because I really do try to live my life so that everything honors him and I don't fall far short of that our first or that but I try my is to live my life to honor Jesus so I do at least mention him at the end of every video before I close but I don't say something in every video because I realized that not long after I started this that people were actually listening to me and before I say something I want to make sure that what I'm saying I want to research it I'm going to pray about it and I want to make sure what I'm saying is true I don't want to mislead anybody I mean that's really important I think sometimes we can do more harm misleading then we can do not saying anything at all so that's why I won't say something in every video it really has to be something that I feel led to say and something that I am pretty sure I have the right take home and I talked about forgiveness in a video not too long ago and it's gotten well maybe it was too long ago it might have actually been over a year ago but it has gotten more comments and more response than anything else I've ever talked about and I think that's for a couple reasons number one all of salvation is based on forgiveness and number two it is probably the hardest part about being safe for us not for God does has some trouble forgiving us he's already set that up but jesus said that we have to forget in order to be forgiven and in John it says you know any man who says he's saved but he hates his brother is a liar and the truth is not in him so in order to be saved we have to forgive we cannot be forgiven by God without forgiving and I wanted to do this video because there's a Bible teacher preacher pastor he's on YouTube as well and I'm not gonna mention his name on here but I've listened to him a lot I think he's right about a lot of and most of what he says you know I said I believe he's right about it I do respect him but he was talking about forgiveness and that really started me thinking about this again and because I've had so many comments about it but he said he doesn't think that God expects us to forgive people who don't ask for our forgiveness well I think God does and I think Jesus proved that on the cross because his last act on earth as a man was to forgive those people who had tortured him and executed him he said Father forgive them for they know not what they do and when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray we were first to honor God I mean that's the first part of the Lord's Prayer and then we pray for our needs and the next thing we pray about is forgiveness forgive us as we forgive that depends on what translation you're reading and what gospel you're reading but it's sins it's transgressions trespasses and they use all kinds of words but the prayer is forgive us as we forgive and forgiveness is not something that we do one time it's something that we have to do daily I think and a lot of people Jesus told us to pray about it daily we pray for our daily bread and we pray for daily forgiveness and to be forgiving daily we need to pray for daily forgiveness quite frankly because we all mess up every single day I know there is not a day in my life that I've gone through without sinning in some way and refusing to admit that it can be very very dangerous I mean none of us are perfect we all fall short like I said I know I do and I know it's a daily bang I need daily forgiveness and I need to get forgiveness daily a lot of people have commented on that video they said I just had so much to forgive and I don't think I'm forgiving it and then I found myself mad about it again you know I asked Jesus to help me forgive it and I had to let go of it and I think I've done it and then I'm mad about it all over again well that's because it's not a one-time thing it's a daily thing and some of those hurts are so deep that you may have to pray about one thing every single day for years but when you pray every day you ask other for help to help you forgive to forgive you and help you forgive that's the daily prayer that Jesus gave us I and it's so important that we have to do that and it's not people who have asked us to forgive I know a lot of people who are mad at people who are dead how are somebody who has already died and asked you to forgive them not and when you hold those hurts like that for years that anger that builds up and it that hate poisons your heart it's like John said you can't hate in love Jesus's greatest commandment was to love one another how can you possibly love somebody who you hate I'm sorry not his grace claiming it was his new commandment his greatest commandment was to love God with all your heart second was to love your neighbor as yourself so we can't love one another unless we can forgive you certainly can't love somebody who you've hated for years after they died and there's no point in that somebody who's dead that hate that you hold for them that's not hurting them it's only poisoning your soul and poisoning your heart it's making you depressed it may be causing anxiety it might be causing some kind of substance abuse or depend see it even causes physical illness and that's medically proven that unforgiveness and hate causes physical illness so for the sake of your soul and the sake of your health and the sake of your mind pray daily not just to be forgiven but to forgive and really work on that like I said think that it's gotten more comments than anything else I've ever talked about because it is so important and also because it's so hard for us we ask God to forgive us and he forgives us it's over it's done he says it's forgotten but when we forgive it often comes back up and something maybe that you haven't thought about for years and if you're married I know you know this is true because you will have forgiven stuff and forgotten about it and the next thing you know you're in an argument and something you hadn't river for ten years will pop up and then you're fighting about it in the middle of that argument so it's a daily thing just like you have to work on your marriage daily you got to work on forgiveness daily and you need to work on that relationship with God and daily everyday pray about it help me forgive and forgive me that's what Jesus taught us and if we're truly trying to live by his example that's what he did on the cross he forgave those who had tortured and executed him and he forgave us that wasn't just for those people that were there that was for all of us for all the things that we had done for all the times that we hadn't broken his law so if you're not saved if you can't forgive if you haven't been forgiven I said it's truly life-changing so I want to encourage you to find somebody you can help you with that you can show you what you need to know who can lead you through that process and introduce you to Jesus and you don't know anybody you feel free to comment in the comment section on this video and somebody who watches these videos or I will answer you and we will give you the steps we will talk to you about it we will get you what you need get you a Bible if you can't get one whatever you need either I will do it or somebody who watches these videos will do it it's important okay one way you can tell that it these are about ready to flip is you'll be able to take your spatula and like slide them around in the bottom of the pan that means your batter has set up and they are starting to get firm and cook so they'll be plenty thick enough to flip and just take a little peek and they're nice and brown and flip them over try not to lean them on top of each other but at this point they should be set up and that's that you do winning them on top of each other you can get them off without them sticking together now you can tell by looking at these that are fairly crumbly and they're also going to be a little dry even with that egg and stuff in there because we didn't put any flour in them and that the flour will keep it from being quite so crumbly and it will make them a little more moist but I said there are a lot of people who really have to have gluten-free options and this is a good gluten-free option if you're looking for stuff like that also with just the cornmeal it has more of I don't know an authentic taste an old-fashioned taste whatever word you're looking for it's more like the original and it's kind of more real so if you're not gluten-free maybe you want to give this piece of history a taste just go with the plain cornmeal and hot water and salt version of it it is something to try a time or two and it's not going to be like any braid you're used to though I promise you that the single cup of cornmeal will give you about four big Johnny cakes you could do if you were doing them for breakfast it would probably do about six smaller ones and I probably would make these a little bit smaller if I was going to do them for breakfast and put either syrup or honey over them but for dinner if you've got or like this that will definitely serve for people because that's quite a bit of bread there and like I said it is fairly dense because it doesn't have any flour in it even with the baking powder it's still going to be really dense and if you eat more than one of these with your dinner you're not gonna be able eat your dinner but for breakfast the single cup of cornmeal would feed three to four people it kind of depends on what else had to go with it at dinner it would definitely feed four people maybe four to six if you're just using it as a bread with your dinner you could make them a little smaller and make six smaller ones and feed six people at dinner time with a single cup of cornmeal recipe but you just let them cook now until they're brown on the other side turn my heat down a little bit because they're getting Brown already the thing about a cast iron pan is if you're cooking against time scale it much you know that once it gets hot it is hot and it cooks faster and faster and faster and faster kind of the longer you cooking in it so you will have to keep an eye on your heat if you use cast iron because you'll have burn johnnycakes but all you have done in johnnycakes and you can see also in this pan that they used that whole three tablespoons of butter that i had in there so even though I only got maybe one good sized omelet in my bowl I'm gonna have to add a little more butter in there to cook it okay I think they're about ready now and you can check these kind of the same way you would any muffin or any kind of bread they should spring back if they're done in the middle and you definitely don't want all in the middle [Music] what are you looking for a little something to make dinner special are you looking for something different from breakfasting you want to serve these with some maple syrup or some honey over them you should give these Johnny cakes a try they truly are a little piece of history and they are something different let me know what you think in the comments and let me know how you have modified them to suit your face what changes you've made in the recipe thanks for joining us in the you Billy kitchen don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put doc first [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 696,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, johnny cakes, johnny bread, hoe cakes, shawnee cakes, journey cakes, spider cornbread, cornbread, 100 year old recipe, old recipe, gluten free bread, easy gluten free bread, gluten free pancake, pancake recipe, cornbread pancake, fried cornbread, recipe, frying, cast iron skillet recipe, cast iron skillet cooking, campfire food, gluten free recipe, heirloom recipe, pioneer cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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