Scalloped Potatoes - 100 Year Old Recipe - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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hi folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making scalloped potatoes okay this is a traditional scalloped potato recipe now you can put cheese in them if you want to but regular solid potatoes are a baked potato in a white sauce with onions if you wanted to add cheese you would need to add a cup of shredded cheese to this recipe most of the time it's a cup of shredded American cheese and you would put 3/4 of it in your potatoes and about a quarter of a cup of it on top of your potatoes but for the basic recipe the and this will serve four or five people you want between three and a half and four cups of thinly sliced potatoes and one of those little manual slicers like they sell everywhere now for around ten bucks really works good for this and you can do it with just a pair of knife but you want to keep them as thin as possible and you definitely want to keep them all even because you don't want big thick crunchy pieces in your Scala potatoes you want about a cup and a quarter of milk and it doesn't matter what kind of milk you can use anything in this you can use a vibrated milk whole milk skim milk powdered milk whatever the more fat in your milk though the creamier and richer your end product is gonna be now for every day I just use skim milk because we drink skim milk but if I was going to do them for a real special occasion I would use at least half and a half maybe even heavy cream because it will definitely make them richer you need about two tablespoons of flour and if you want a gluten free variety of this you can use a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch that's gonna thicken it and you want about a quarter of a cup of finely chopped onions this is about half of just a you know an average sized onion not a giant one you want two tablespoons of butter and we're going to melt that so it doesn't matter if it's cold or room temperature about half a teaspoon of salt and a little pepper I probably got a eighth of a teaspoon in there but that's to taste you can adjust that up or down and if you add cheese you're probably going to want to reduce the salt a little bit because cheese is kind of salty now there's a lot of ways you can cook this you can even cook these entirely in the microwave if you're in a hurry but it's winter time and having the oven on is kind of nice in the winter time so I'm gonna bake mine and now to start them you can get out of pot go over to the stove put your butter in it saute your onions until they're tender and then you can add your flour and milk and and stay in there and thicken your sauce but you don't have to do all that and there is a very slight slight difference in taste if you saute the onions in the butter before you start making it but not much for my palate there's not enough difference in taste to make it worth the trouble of washing the pot so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put my flour and my salt my pepper in my milk and if you're gonna do this this way you do want a glass measuring cup or put it in a glass bowl because I'm gonna put this in the microwave go ahead and add your onions to this you don't really have to you can just layer your onions and your potatoes in your casserole dish but I put them in here because they pour out a little at a time and it kind of layers them anyway and it does kind of start cooking them a little bit and go ahead and put your butter in there now in my microwave it takes about two minutes to melt the butter and kind of heat the milk it's not been completely thicken it and that's okay because we're gonna bake it for 20 long enough to thicken it I would want to do is get it all mixed together good it might take a little bit longer in your microwave okay while your bilking butter and stuff for microwaving you do want to put some oil in your casserole dish you can spray it with nonstick spray or just wipe it with a little oil that's what I did and you want to put a layer of your potatoes in there kind of depends on how many layers you want either Africa third but like I said you want to kind of layer that sauce in there and if you're doing cheese you definitely want to layer your cheese but I don't know maybe half cup in there so and then you're gonna save some for the next layer and then save some for the top okay you don't want to keep an eye on this while it's in the microwave because if it boils over in your microwave it is gonna make a mess but two minutes in my microwave does not boil it over and that's on full power and it's a pretty strong microwave so you'll probably see with two minutes now you don't really have to heat this at all if you don't want to you can just mix your flour and your salt on your paper and your milk and pour it in here and layer your onions and stuff and then put your butter on top when you get everything in your casserole dish and then when it's about half done baking you can take it out of the oven and stir it and finish baking it but I for me this just makes it cook a little bit faster and it doesn't really make any more of a mess because you've already got out the main cup anyway so I usually do this that way I don't have to pull it out of the oven in the middle and stir it I can just let it bake the whole time Hey pour some in a casserole dish and then add some more potatoes you see my potatoes are kind of sticking together you do want to bust up any big stacks my fist it's a pretty big stack of potatoes kind of bust those up a little bit so that the sauce can get in between them if you don't give it a little stir when you pour the second half of your sauce over your potatoes all your pepper will be in a big lump and a lot of your onions will be too they'll settle to the bottom now like I said there is a lot of different ways you can cook these you can actually cook these in a pot with a lid on top of your stove bring the pot to a boil then turn it down to a low simmer and stir them occasionally and they wouldn't just fight on top of the stove you can cook them in the microwave microwave them about two minutes at a time stir them put them back in the microwave two minutes stir them put them back in the microwave until the potatoes are tender there you can cook them just about any way but what we're going to do because it's winter is we're gonna put them in the oven and you're gonna bake these for over an hour so in the summertime you're going to want to speed this up a little bit and what I do in this summertime is I put them in the microwave for about half of the time and then I just put them in the oven and brown them so we're gonna cover them with foil because they're gonna fit for so long we don't want the top to burn put them in a preheated 350 degree oven for 35 to 45 minutes it's gonna depend on how thick your potatoes are now I have my potatoes pretty thin but these potatoes for some reason take longer to cook than most potatoes they're a very firm potato and I don't know why they're just a russet potato but if they this particular batch is super firm so I'm gonna cook mine for about 40 minutes cover then I'm gonna take the foil off and cook them for another 30 it's to brown them while we're waiting on our potatoes to finish up there's something that I want to talk to you all about and it's serious because I've made notes I don't usually make notes but I was watching the news maybe a month ago and I don't believe much that's on the news but they were doing this story on how unhappy people were as a whole not just in America but all over the world people are more than happy now than they have ever been before and I think part of that is the fault of social media because so many of us put so much stock in what is on social media and how people react to us on social media first thing I want to share with y'all is social media has this great feature it's an elite but has little trashcan beside it and also has a kind of the ability so that you can block people now I don't know how many of you noticed or not but most of the comments on the hillbilly kitchen videos are all positive that's because I use that delete button and block button very freely I do not worry about it I don't want that kind of negative stuff on the channel or in my life so I just delete the comments that are really bad what's going on is Satan is using the Internet to convince us that we are less than and so many of us I don't I don't know why preachers aren't preaching every single Sunday about what happens once you are saved about who Christians are because we don't understand who we truly are and I discovered that because for the past three days I have been reading people's a New Year's resolutions on Facebook and one in particular really really touched me and I'm gonna send you a message when I get this video done and tell you that I read your comments so that you know who I'm talking to you but we don't realize who we are we don't realize what happens when we get saved we don't realize what it means to be saved and to have the joy of the Lord because Satan has filled our lives with all this worry and fear and depression and anxiety and hate and a lot of it is really magnified with social media so get that out of your life social media can be a positive influence the same way it can be a negative influence we need to fill our social media with love faith hope joy peace and forgiveness because those are all of the things that are of God and those are the things that we should have in us once we are saved once we are Christians see once your say you are a child of God you're not just you anymore and you're not walking around alone you actually have God in you the Bible says the Holy Ghost comes and lives in you so you're an heir to the kingdom of heaven a child of God Almighty and you have God in you the creator of the universe who loved you so much that he died for you so why are you worried what are you afraid of why are you wet in Satan's lies depress you and keep you trapped what difference does it make what a mere human thinks of you if the god of the universe loves you so much he died for you and the hatred that's something that Satan has convinced us he's convinced us that we have to hang on to all these hurt feelings and stuff but God says forgive it I forgave you forgive your brother Jesus said for him him seventy times seven so here's my new year's resolution and I want you guys to help me with this I want to truly spread the joy of God on the Internet and we can start with the comments in this video by December 31st 2020 it would be really great if we had well I've got a list of words here that are in the Bible that combat these tools that Satan uses to keep us down they combat the worry the fear the depression the anxiety the hate and replace it with love faith hope joy peace and forgiveness so here are some of the words and I look these up to see how many times each one of these were in the Bible now I couldn't possibly go over all of these verses in the video so what I want you to do with me is to leave encouraging comments that have these encouraging verses in them so that if people see the video and start going through the comments say they'd really be encouraged when they read the comments the first was bold we were told to go forth boldly and share the gospel we're not supposed to be afraid so bold is in the Bible eleven times boldly is in the Bible thirteen times fear not is in the Bible 331 times hope is in the Bible 130 times we have hope because we have dot Enis because we have salvation because we know we've read the end of the Bible we know we win so you know why worry about it why be afraid joy joy is in the Bible a hundred and sixty-five times we truly need to show the world the joy of salvation and joy of having the Lord in us if as Christians we walk around afraid and depressed and worried all the time how are we possibly going to draw other people Jesus you know how are they gonna see our light how are they gonna see the hope that lives in us love is in the Bible 311 times charity which a lot of times is translated as love and charity is how we show our love for one another giving to one another that's in the Bible 28 times and I talked a little bit about giving to one another you know a piggy had sent some things and she sent some things because she said she wasn't grateful to me because I shared my love for Jesus with her and she was able to see it through me and that is so sweet I mean that's like just her saying that is just the greatest gift anybody could ever give me but we should show one another that love more than just saying it peace is in the Bible four hundred and twenty nine times the peace of the Lord that's that peace of knowing that we win in the end it's that peace of knowing that you are saved it's that peace of knowing that you have God with you faith is in the Bible 247 times forgiveness seven times forgiven 56 I'm sorry forgive 56 forgiven 42 that's a lot of verses like I said there's no way I could put all those verses in this video but we can fill up the comment section of this video with those verses and you guys can help me whenever you like I said whatever you don't have anything to do maybe if you're feeling a little discouraged one day you can add a verse and read some verses that are already here and I would love to see maybe 2000 comments on this by the end of the year that have all those verses in them and don't worry about repeating a verse if somebody's already posted it if you're having one of those days where a verse speaks to you post it again because somebody else needs to hear it too and let's really make 2020 a year we share the joy of the Lord and we combat Satan's assault on our joy we put the put the verses out there when you see those comments on Facebook that your Christian friends are leaving where they're worried or where they're experiencing anxiety and depression give them a verse don't skip over it put it first in there and you can search online and find these and there is a great Bible app that you can put on your computers it's called a sword you can look up any word and get every single verse that's in the Bible that has that word in it and it's it's wonderful it's free Lavetta if you don't have it but 2020 is the year for the joy of the Lord let's spread it okay now these have been in the oven for about an hour and 10 minutes and you can see it's really runny now so you when you take an oven you want to let it sit at least 5 minutes before you serve it and that'll give this liquid in here time to thicken up and it won't take more than 5 minutes and it'll get nice and thick you want to make sure your fork goes through your potatoes and my fork is going in my potatoes just fine don't poke them too many times though you'll mess up all your nice brown stuff on the top and if you want them a little bit browner you can cook them a little longer my top is just lightly brown but that looks better in the photos for the video I really like them a little bit browner so I would probably cook these maybe another five minutes until the top gets just a little bit browner for me but you do them however you want them you can really add any cheese like I said usually in scalloped potatoes if cheese's added its American cheese but you can do anything you want about a cup is all you need for this recipe though if you want cheesy but I really appreciate you all joining us in hillbilly kitchen please click like and subscribe before you leave if you have it already don't forget to leave those comments and come back and read through them later until next time remember to put God first [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 60,579
Rating: 4.9382987 out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, scalloped potatoes, 100 year old recipe, scalloped potatoes recipe, recipe, how to make scalloped potatoes, easy scalloped potatoes, scalloped potatoes from scratch, scalloped potatoes without cheese, scalloped potatoes with cheese, fried taters, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, simple scalloped potatoes, scalloped potatoes with ham, cheesy scalloped potatoes, baked potatoes, potato casserole, southern cooking
Id: 5yYfmEvwBAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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