One Note Complete Walkthrough

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] really this is nothing thank you thank you uh and my name is for for um joining us again uh teacher pao and to our teachers who are already here as early as um uh 2 53 p.m good afternoon uh um early early bird no teacher uh lebron teacher pal um um this is now our last session uh for our um for our september series okay we will already give them i we haven't like uh we're going we're not going to show the poster yet now for our october ceviche but we're going to give them a glimpse of what's coming uh for uh october series okay so uh but before we do that uh let's uh first uh greet our teachers no uh or here okay uh joining us in this live stream actually maybe teacher christie mohammed teacher gemma binelada teacher edna despie uh si teacher edna despino um it's not like i know that initial please edit your recent uh and also uh sharing uh her insights now and comments in this um in the chat [Music] okay so from baguio city um hello to teacher milai dalinai um sir claudio valdoman is cecil esperto from pasig great afternoon coming from miss gemma rivera miss marianne onion teacher erica parado miss alien medina sir romell rossita name populated happy birthday k ma'am jinky this past week no happy birthday mom jinky and then guys um mancharis lobiano mom evelyn sunico nc teacher manolita names teacher manolita white from cebu city she's always there and always always also generous in sharing her thoughts in our chat box yeah and so greetings also for teacher ellie austria teacher jocelyn from daba teacher lenny mantes from albay sir azir alonso justin beronyo miss marilyn but um teacher evelyn alperto miss mary joyce de torres miss mia and riley um sir luke berlin uh miss leila again and uh teacher arlene albertos always always there uh teacher serisha perennial um from malaysia sugar12885 i hope you can share your name with us so we can greet you also and then teacher maria maria teacher raquel manawi's teacher christine del mundo um teacher vikas maheshwari teacher louis jacob also sharing his thoughts in the chat box all over the place and then um where are we weight loss yeah and sir there will be some filipino terms now and of course no problem created nation um cerrollianism through uh through cerrollian okay so congratulations a teacher sally regular teacher leia montano teacher maureen pena verdict teacher marine partner at him today you know we would we would not put it in the at the end or to culminate our september series if we're not confident that this is a session that is worth attending to so please do invite your co-teachers colleagues co-educators know uh in this session again just like always teachers uh this is a certified event um so you will receive a certificate from a teacher support game uh as well as an um defeat in our um uh regarding no no no uh if we uh we're able to put it in the um training microsoft method okay and um yeah okay um so you will not prolong anymore in case of and according to her no it's one of the tools that absolutely changed um how um she conducted no synchronous and asynchronous sessions for her students more most specific specifically um from the microsoft office 365 who will skype so this will be a complete walkthrough okay so we'll be uh looking at the basic fundamentals okay uh as well as the advanced no or uh practical use escape of one note for educators so uh of course teacher power okay um we i don't know no further um like no she's also one of the administrators uh i don't know um founders know of agape teacher support no um my beloved wife uh jessica and s by the way have uh been um really accepted and now okay is the uh a microsoft innovative educator expert okay and the teacher paul knows she's already in the talks with the microsoft education program game manager okay of the philippines okay so yeah uh where will that lead us and um how um will that also change you know the programs we're offering um um our speaker for today uh mostly known by other people now in the community as uh miss jinky uh yo yo would you like to share to us know that encounter and also uh maybe what what's uh in store for us in this session okay so um i think it was last week no when i was contacted through facebook now by um from a person from the mic from microsoft uh educations of philippines tapos um is like ping no they were checking the hashtags i guess apparently dividend whenever i put some announcements i i just recently had a a short training now with the schools uh oman so neglect microsoft edu hashtag mie expert and so on sona tres milano and since my post is in is public connection pa in any way indeed microsoft philippines but i was very excited not to know about it because what can we do um how can we help additional trainings that we can offer so and i think no young [Music] support would be able to benefit from that one so yeah very excited the whole part of the oil and paradito no training [Music] it's really a matter of knowing more because i use i use one note no in school i use it for um assessments and gametes means the lessons but of course um seeing that i have to give no a complete walkthrough [Music] foreign [Laughter] more for our teachers so uh more more opportunities more training events and i don't know access to the different tools now from both google and microsoft as well so uh something to be excited about as well now outside of google and outside of microsoft navigation okay so we will also going to see that later on okay uh will no longer uh i don't know um hold you okay uh from from your session okay and um we'll now give you the flooring for um for the rest of the session teachers uh this will be a full lengthy uh webinars case so um this will be um a long session okay so feel free for example to um to grab a snap or um while you're watching now and of course for the hands-on don't forget that if you can't catch up with the hands-on or the activities not being done by miss jinky this is a video that you can replay and go over again later so you might want to just skate um observe okay and um try to absorb as much during this session okay uh any um reminders or any uh insights k or um before we uh let me sneaky take over i'm just as excited because i'm actually using one note but not to its maximum potential was a minimum so yeah i'm very excited about this uh teachers okay so enjoy and um i'm sneaky good luck and um we'll be at the backstage first please engage us in the chat it's just been confirmed you will receive two certificates okay or two recognitions for this trading okay one from a up i teach you support and one from microsoft training program okay because our trainer is very i don't know um diligent on applying this as a part of your training portfolio okay so teacher jinky okay uh you may uh take the floor now he will be at the back stage katie chesky enjoy all right thank you very much sir francois okay so this is again not a one note complete walkthrough against hindi papua nakaka so i am miss uh jinky or jessica and santos adon so currently mie expert and also uh mie master trainer for this year um i just had a welcome call for no mie expert nam nom gabe birthday ko ayano just two days ago so uh i then they will be on opening nominations again coming this coming november until january so nothing [Music] but enough of that so let's now proceed to our one complete walkthrough so for this uh walkthrough i'm going to of course um show you know through the different um aspects of onenote no and the class notebook as well but hopefully i will also be able to show you this one okay that uh one note to rule them all ayan so how onenote class notebook can change the scope of learning around the world okay so um again a very daunting task now but um we are willing to show it and how powerful this tool really is but before i begin i want to know again so let's have a one note paul nadito nadith um chat so you know from zero okay and if you haven't if you have heard of onenote before but have not used it kindly type one if you have heard of one note and have tried to use it two if you use one note sometimes but you know that you have more to learn three if you use one note regularly four if you use one note regularly and have a have a feel that you use it very well and five if you have if you are a one note superstar again so silly pink okay i believe i am somewhere 3.5 no i use one note regularly i use i think i use it well with the things that i know but i am not still know uh able to really maximize the use of it on a daily basis okay so hopefully these people who wrote down 0 1 2 3 a.m so hopefully after this no then you'll be able to try it out and maybe the next time that we have um we have a webinar related again to one note no or a training related to one note then this would have changed already okay so what is one note first yeah okay one note allows you to transform this okay so what do we have here all right so we have a pile of um papers pile of folders and it transforms this picture on the left to that one okay on the other side okay so of course it tries to digitize okay the notebook especially now that we are in online learning it's very hard you know for us to be able to um see the work of our students no and one note is a way for us to be able to do that okay so hopefully um through the different things that i will be showing you you'd be excited to try this one out as well especially those who have um accounts microsoft accounts a3 accounts um those who are from dep ed no i believe your students also have so it will be very easy for you to create your class notebooks all right so now let me share to you my other screen for a while okay so i'm i'm going to use this browser not to show you um how to be how to go no to onenote and for this presentation i will be focusing on using the onenote in the browser okay so that uh limitation okay as to you are using the windows 10 or let's say um you are using onenote for mac or so para pupanta pantano because my laptop no is mac so bakapu makarondang difference of course the desktop versions are more powerful the basic one that i'll be showing you will be using the browser function okay so first let's begin with this one so this is the portal office now if you type it will lead you to here okay actually it's a home page okay so but i just clicked the all apps here so that you can see the different applications that we have and our focus would be one note all right so one note capture and organize your notes across all your devices and we will also of course deal with nasa class notebook so take notepod actually class notebook onenote okay without having class notebook class notebook is an ad in that you put in the onenote okay and the class notebook may or may not be connected to the ms teams so it is an option not that you can use if ever you wish to create a class notebook without having to create a microsoft team okay so now different so i opened here my uh onenote okay s at work so this is simply my um personal notebook so d2pop one note notebook long pusha you simply have to to be able to access the different parts okay of the one santa okay let me restart that yeah okay so here so i am um i let it stay in section and then later on you will see the different things here so if i click this it will close so parallel okay so this is an example of a one note we will look through the different ray bonds okay and later on you'll see here i have an example of a class notebook let me close it off the only difference of the one note in the class notebook is that there is this class notebook tab here you can see there is the class notebook tab already okay so this gives us extra extra they function whenever we have to distribute materials check materials now of our students okay so let's go back here and look at the different things that we have so here we have here some of the different tabs um home insert draw view okay so those are the things that we'll focus on so let me open this ribbon so that we can see it better young home um it's quite similar to what you would see in word okay marantaya copy paste option so here obviously i have something copied a while ago i don't know of course you can still edit the font okay marantayan font section here for the different formats technically anything that you can do in the word in terms of font formatting and we can also do here okay even the alignment paragraph spacing my options publisher for paragraph spacing and even putting bullets and numbering we can also do here okay next we we also have here styles so if you wish to change the styles so yeah my options put io so let's say i choose this one instead so yeah if i type something and then next is hello so it will just follow know whatever style we choose okay so i think i think necessary no no aspect so let's continue um tags okay so this one for tags we can also come up or make use of these different tags so let's say you want to create a to-do list your onenote can it's your personal notebook so it can actually have your to-do list so let's say we put here to do again so attend attend webinar list of course okay so you can also do that and there are so many possible things that you can make use of you know even highlight and give um symbol for contacts etc okay again so many many options to choose from for tagging spelling we can check the spelling already so you can actually um ask your students to type something here and then you can they will be able to check their spelling as well so again similar to what we have in um microsoft word okay dictate okay this one was mentioned not as an accessibility function before so let's say here we make use of dictate oh yeah let's try to open it hello um good evening everyone so this is the dictate function of onenote so hopefully you will be able to make use of this so that you can easily check your assessments so let's say you want to give a comment to your students then you can actually just say it and it will type it for you and stop so something like that no um it's pretty accurate if you just speak okay and you can actually choose whatever um language okay let's say you are teaching another subject or another language you can actually change it to that as well some of my students also use this no i i hear them whenever they are in a breakout room and then they're trying to give their inputs and they just open the dictate and then they speak up so it's it's already writing it for them pretty smart right okay and then the feed okay the feed here if you lick it here okay let's see let's just loading up a bit there okay it will show you the different things that i have here in this um notebook okay actually even in your other notebooks you will be able to see it okay you can search okay everything that i have here in my account you will be able to see it here okay so there we go so that's just the home now insert what can we insert here insert page so nasa puam page and onenote punaten you have a notebook with different sections and each section may have different pages all right so pretty put on a new page we added a new page already or we can add a new section so let's say for this one one note walkthrough would be my section okay so now i have a new section then it will be easy for you to add additional pages to it when do i find this useful whenever i create sections it's for let's say um a certain topic or a or for the week depending on the flow of your lesson or if it's if it's by week or you go by topic then you can come up with separate sections later i will show you how you can distribute these sections in just uh a few clicks of your um mouse so hindi pahirab normal copy paste to the different uh to the different notebooks of your students okay and even here let's say i have some of these things here no i can actually copy them and transfer them over here okay all right so let's continue insert if you notice right now on adito putaya you have to click it inside not the one note so once it's inside here okay so let's say um try trial inserts page something like that okay so by the time in certain table you can choose the table size similar to word no we can do that you can insert file okay you can insert a picture hey nang okay let's see i will choose yeah say in a print and then we can also insert from camera okay so if we insert from camera ayan i think i can use it this is the first time that i used insert camera as well no um i'm glad that it works even if i am using it for um the browser i don't know why hey [Music] one by one picture okay you can you can tell your students not to also do that okay yeah there is a picture called okay and insert from online so you can also select pictures not try to search um powered by bing pusha no hindi google gaming only very helpful for us teachers pictures that we can select so let's say we want this polar bear yeah so take note every time you insert it is actually one um zoom out okay zoom in zoom out and m um the only thing it can print out automatically would be a pdf or word file okay so post put eye bagma insert put in a pdf or word file kayanya agar maybe for this i will create a new page so let's say insert file print out um very simple i know where to find it here okay i'm not sure okay here and insert and so this is what it will do it will generate the file okay as the pdf and then it will print out the answer certificate for being an mie expert so imagine if you have pdfs worksheets or word documents among worksheets as you can see here right now um and i'll try to make it smaller so that you can all see it okay but i will not show it to you anymore okay so desktop app you can set it as background so what's the beauty if it is set as background i set the picture as background already okay if it is so set as background the students will not mistakenly delete okay the pdf or the word document so kaya napoleon type over it type i want to type here the date today september 30 20 21. they can type over it so even if no identification wedding um [Music] so underline mila certificate of recognition since nasa background napoleon pdf okay so me personally i use this set as background but again voila pushes a browser you can use the desktop app for that one all right next is insert so insert file attachment capacitor insert file attachment okay let me click here okay so if we use insert file attachment then it will simply insert the file okay so i choose one notepad in a presentation so it will just insert it like that okay but it will not show you a print out okay it's just taking a while to load perro so while we wait for that let's continue link okay so basically we'll just refresh and reset okay uh miss jinky so teachers know you okay we just uh wait now for uh miss jinky to just uh reset um uh her uh settings okay i think um because of uh internet connection perfectly okay whenever for example we give worksheets we give them in uh succession for example worksheet one pdf some pdf worksheet is a pdf let uh worksheet three is a pdf in a while for example you know one note you can actually put them together and um for the students to annotate for the students to work on it uh in one note now but still a lot of things to explore now for me personally because totally negative that's one of the things that i really appreciate from um the the early discussion okay how about your teacher um pow yes actually i've been using onenote since the start of the school you know when i went back to teaching and that's the purpose of this one is um later in them and i'm sure teacher jinky will share how the pages will be distributed to the students so i use that insert um insert as page in to the file of the in the notebook of the students to return the papers the marked papers that i have so it's easy for me so i will just annotate it then after i annotate then i just insert it as a file so it's easy for me to check their um assessments actually so while miss dink is also i know uh resetting her uh presentation okay maybe we can also answer some of the questions here miss jinky let's uh take this also some great team my question from a teacher uh okay uh you need microsoft account to access no uh just confirm or yes one account now one note but the class notebook i think organization based pusha before we give back to florida you know this is from teacher day as us also okay any link no um so there are different links that you can insert where in it will embed already okay marin put i am on a different links [Music] okay so let me show you what i mean by embed yeah so d2po embed content in one node okay so here we have uh the different um embedding content that onenote already supports and so deep adobe spark familiar no sorry um desmos microsoft form stream office files on drive um phd interactive simulations uh i saw a video of this notepad quizlet yes so this one is i just copied the link and inserted okay copy and link and insert copy link and but you can already see it here all right so anu papuyomangatin raiko stream okay stream is the um video no non microsoft so uploading videos so you can already um get the response of the student automatic notebook if this is distributed to the students then they get to have their own copy of it as well okay excel file you can also input or you can also put the excel file so here i just um put no uh isang sheet yes names etc so this is an excel file nanklasco yeah so it can be something experimental or exploratory no puedi punating away and then [Music] and then you can have questions here that you can put that the students can answer so one place let's say you are doing online class this is what you share in the share screen now and you continue on with answering now and you can even annotate no so let's say in maglalagayputai if this is in a collaboration space then everybody can type something here nope and so select okay i forgot selecting slides okay so again foreign it goes to the actual file okay so that's powerpoint and spotify so let's see and then you answer some questions something like that no point didn't go again insert function so if it is a link you have the option to either um put the link here all right no uh automatic embed nope okay example so let's say facebook yeah i'm gonna go open pokemon on facebook and i will put it here and put an elegant display text this is what it will show but if we type facebook here yeah so pretty poor thing you can make this um font size bigger they change the font etc now so again you have different options if i click this it will go to my facebook account so you insert nothing okay so insert link insert okay so she shared to me that um she was also using young audio file audio option parameter feedback okay beginner feedback let's say it's a research paper i know sir franco uses something like this as well not [Music] we can add an audio file so you just click this and it will start recording and you can see the count none of five seconds six and so on and if i stop yeah so it will save and then you will have or the student will have something to listen to okay indeed but then the students will get the feedback okay they can just simply play it yeah and so audio recording again if we want to give additional feedback and i own an attention okay audio symbols yeah so different symbols that you can insert math yes okay let me use uh new page for this for the math click instructions you write your equation in ink or type it using the keyboard okay and then select your equation and then we will tap the math button all right so let's say i type something okay x plus five equals y okay all right so i select this and click math yeah it changes it into an equation okay select an action before now we can solve for x again may generate okay generate quiz there so it generates a quiz similar of course to what you typed okay x plus four equals y solve for x solve for x bucket purusal for x for x so if it's solved for y and solution steps all right simple instead of typing we can also write okay so that's uh this time let's draw so let's say x squared plus y squared is equal to nine and then and then we can also do the following solve for x or for y or graph now so we can um maximize and there we have our graph already [Music] so here you can see young practice quiz that i inserted a while ago as part of your forms students that and if they respond to it then you will get the results to your account or you can actually create a new form and make it here without even going to the forms um website or the forms so that's the forms stickers and so this one is also very nice so if you are checking and then let's say you want to give a well done sticker to your students a paper and we can do this now the different pictures that you can try to make use and not completed okay i did not submit and you can also edit it and you can um input or insert no in their specific pages okay so that's the stickers and the last one the meeting details so what is this meeting details of course if you are using uh microsoft teams and outlook meeting um i want to go to october 1. so i have the following okay and so okay here i'll click launch young time no lunch okay this is an outlook item i created this meeting meeting the outlook and then you message poonaman coming so let me close it so let me use a new page okay so here it is here you have the eraser the pencil or the pen you also have here the markers make it interesting now highlight all the words that are nouns so that we can test um students nothing and then or maybe they have a text to read and then they highlight the different aspects of it okay but i think the colors are a bit limited desktop or nasa browser up but mobile param colors but here now we have a very nice colors to choose from okay um connotations i use 522 so then i will mark it and say be careful yeah next time something like that nobody nothing but nothing is all right and the view okay immersive reader okay my immersive reader um okay let's try to put this in immersive reader because in a pdf file okay so the immersive reader there okay it tries to see the text no and then you can either read it or you can let somebody you know you can let this one know play it out and read it for you sing um functional functionality channel accessibility function okay puederin puna ting palitanyun so this one is an option that the students can do on their own immersive reader depending on how they need it and so increase spacing or decrease spacing so as you can see no but sometimes if you put a pdf as a word okay so immersive reader nothing the reading view yeah no so let me click this again okay page color so you can also change the page color button [Music] versions it will actually also tell you if my own manga problems sink let's say merong version nahindi agadnak singh okay this one is very nice right now you can only see my name jinky okay and then check accessibility and live captions so the live captions here um this will be very helpful no if you are part of a meeting okay so join full moon conversation meeting and then you know the live caption of the things that is ongoing here okay um conversation okay so the live caption is also no an accessibility feature that we can use to delete the page to move or copy to make new page make sub page and so madame put i'm putting go in okay sometimes my students are having difficulty finding no their page means access through microsoft teams and then i give them a copy link to their page okay so if not that can also be helpful for you whether input in the video okay so that's one note now class notebook okay so it's a class notebook and difference okay here i'll show you a sample of the class notebook i had last year super class notebook po meron shang tatlam parts collaboration space content library and teacher only page okay so make a tattoo parsian collaboration space everybody can edit and view content library teachers can edit students can view teacher only teacher and then after you will have the different class or the different notebooks of the students step by step [Music] okay [Music] credentials so take note it upon class notebook method is only if all right only if you do not have a team welcome to onenote class notebook so i will create a class notebook okay so what's the name of your class okay so let's say type nalangnatin uh onenote walkthrough space content library teacher only section and student notebooks so depending on students okay so let's go and do the next step okay give another teacher permission to use this class notebook if you are shared okay okay so let's say i'm going to add a colleague of mine okay so that means my access dinsha as a teacher now i'm going to type students names francine margot and then i also asked permission from some of my teachers co-teachers now next what should be inside each student's private space we can choose etupu by default hand node handouts class notes homework quizzes [Music] again it is up to us know what you want the um students private notebook to be okay next yeah okay what does the teacher notebook look like okay i have the collaboration space the content the teacher and then these are my students correct okay student notebook naman one student notebook would have the october november december is that what i wanted yes so that's me that means i'm okay create okay so setting up no will take a few minutes distribute distributed [Music] okay so open in one note online notebook okay so welcome by default this one is here okay now it's actually very helpful guide links no hands-on interactive trainings if you need more assistance if you have any suggestions about onenote class notebook and then merundin tayang try out a staff notebook collaboration space content library teacher and the um specific notebook formula okay distribute okay so i will now go to this tab the class notebook and i'll make the tab these are the things that we can do in our class notebook number one we can distribute a page okay so for us to do this um let me copy know what we had a while ago copy so here let me put in the content library okay content library the ad page like that but in a time and i know elisha okay all right i own them a copy and paste so let me just copy the link and paste it over here there okay okay so at the point that's much nothing we can opt to distribute the page okay if i click that every time pono nanaki clicked a class so let's say we put it in the october and distribute it will tell us no if this is already star if this is already completely distributed okay but we don't have to um wait for it naman but right now it says that it's done so let's try to check pay francine it's october ayanna desmos page yeah okay so distribute napoleon individually is a select nut in a page and then we can select who gets the additional one okay so this time let's say i will um type this enrichment okay distribution we can also do group distribution so this is very nice know if group work select or go in a group okay so let's say si francine a chakasi margo yes with means okay so group distributed uh one group is selected and next in november so that would mean untitled distribution that now at least it is a lot easier not to do the um to to multiply you know and to distribute it to different sections if you are teaching different sections so there young point distribute next distribute new section option distribute new section or distributing new section group let's see distribute new section october and december foreign 2019 next review student work so let's say i'm going to review the student work for desmos so may activity put ayo review student work october and then we will select ayan london contest next yeah so right now you have the option [Music] specific student so when i check assessments nagre review next student october desmond somas matagal pusha somas mabilis review student work the option okay next create class notebook class notebook l.a you have the option to add section here or to edit monthly quizzes homework see it works let me unlock it and then i will click this collaboration space permission so here in the collaboration space permission i have six students okay so if i add the section so let's say this is for group one i can select work on that specific collaboration space so let's say si francina chakasi margo a chakasipao give read only access to all students in the class even if they're not in the group if you check this then groups okay in collaboration space so section group one marin putin three students and then let me add another section for group two [Music] [Music] these other things other links that we can go to [Applause] gammit ang browser okay onenote and class notebook using the browser so maximize i will try to show you um i'll try to open one sample okay here so these are different digital inking samples sketching samples so let's say yan pinapagawa masabata draw and label different types of weather in the box below height was a tablet no or some mobile phone okay on paper okay by default whether it the students are the one writing their own notes okay it's also very helpful so let's see this one this is for math yan use your dot cards to find ads that have some of twelve yeah sodito drawing cards there divas as teachers you can also do markup samples so example poetry let's see the highlight is those are examples now that you can do it's a digital inking function of drawing and function so there now hopefully i was able to show you makita across the different platforms or devices so onenote is available for different devices here you have the onenote for windows 10 you also have the one note 2016 or 2013 a 2. old version of windows 10 one note for the web which is what we're using now one note for mac one notes iphone ibasa send to onenote printer i haven't tried that no name then directly it's a onenote printer pero puederin pusha embed hindi in bed if you notice among android tablets and phones inking the devices now laptops or or pc and then samantha tablets as a phone into shape add and customize stickers um okay but basically if meron fukayan themes at the open canon class notebook mass mobilizion process no and then you can insert these one notes these class notebook pages assignments okay so um that's it for us now for the one note so hopefully um justice one note application jinky while i'm looking for um um questions in the chat from our audience all right okay so miss jinky actually it's a free space it's not like a bond paper [Music] something like that so very helpful then for the students to see it i have seen other [Applause] and i think it's very relevant for many of our educators now you in terms of like applicability or accessibility in one note across different devices okay so uh anion advantages may be limitations okay capacity student now will view the onenote in maybe for example tablet or mobile phone but if it's simply for viewing um so tablets or phones let's say in terms of um putting a video you again on things i say it's harder also to copy links video or other content okay but otherwise k teacher snipe is just for asynchronous activities they should be able to access them okay so um i saw a question which is actually i think related in a month um my school is running on google classroom lms but um i'm really kind of inspired to just use one note no because of its functionalities having any sir i'm powerful so um is that equivalent no is that equivalent to um google classroom or if you are in my case now i'm using google classroom and onenote at the same time will that actually work um one node casino is a microsoft uh application so kailangan pusha maguran using a microsoft account no so but if let's say getting the link of the onenote and sending that to the students should not be a problem no but is it equivalent to each other functionality so um yes that's absolutely both for the teachers uh for our educators and for our students the young consistency forgetting the tools that and of course we can always do jinkies um so with regards to collaboration space i think there was a question related to that nona how is it different from breakout groups no but for my question is is it possible now for example you are in an online class set up and then you use your onenote collaboration space and then you share screen will that work and then on their endnotes um they can see okay i use that now i use as i mentioned before it's a previous webinar i use the onenote as my whiteboard because i want them to be able to have the copy already known notes a collaboration space for everyone i do that and then i tell my students also now number one number two is in the but actually you can also come up with let's say small videos most likely for asynchronous poi etono so pueden um that would be the approach instead of just a video lesson quitting short videos with some questions assignments we might need another uh microsoft series no all together uh for this because um this last microsoft series uh young um or not in this one okay we're now trying to cover all the microsoft office 365 toolscape as a complete walkthrough and we're going to distribute them all throughout the rest of the year by teacher support okay so all right so there are no more questions teachers no or concerns or um i know no uh things that you'd like to ask from me again you can always contact them and miss jinky as well only just like me uh by uh facebook messenger okay with regards to uh pictures and functions mishinki will be more than glad not to assist you and of course to uh to help you out okay and with that teacher uh of course we'd like to also share our appreciation uh thomas jinky for once again um sharing uh her expertise not to uh our community okay so um okay would you like to uh read the citation for our yes as always that is my pleasure to present this certificate of appreciation to teacher jessica and s adon for sharing her knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled one note complete walkthrough signed by um sir joseph angelo m santos myself sir angelo b maliari and sir franco adam given today september 30 20 21 teacher jinki salamat dahil always on available catalan microsoft consistency google for the application for the batch 2 for the training of microsoft teams we are covering all the integrated tools as well as uh including onenote no and the rest of the tool snowboard in the ms teams ms teams no learning management system okay maybe um give some final uh reminders for this session okay uh things that they can look forward to uh from um you as a trainer from the microsoft um education as well okay so things to um to look forward to and of course some words of encouragement to our teachers [Music] them share know about one note um every time pune and i invite might enough force it is also a good learning opportunity for uh i'm also planning to actually have uh training paradin puddin a guston mud um mie expert parang [Music] it's a self-nomination that you have to do no pedophile this time i got my go open november to january so maybe maximize especially for those schools microsoft take advantage for the achievement code again you just have to go to the microsoft education center um right now we have uh live viewers of 149k viewers okay i prepared 200 achievement codes for this one so hopefully maximize it all so just log in and make sure that you redeem it transcript microsoft yeah yes thanks don't forget teachers no um um you'll get a certificate if you haven't got a certificate now for microsoft innovative educators certificate uh this training will become part of your portfolio okay uh your training portfolio and their microsoft education so teachers will give you some time to uh to accomplish that no um um for um for your certificate or your recognition from microsoft before we give our own uh evaluation link for the kts okay okay and we'll now um and again independently regular i need to support and as promised we'll be continuing support for microsoft uh tools since marami napoleonic ship didn't know in terms of using uh microsoft office tools okay so we'll be there to also support everyone else in this side never give it up for jiki thank you miss jinky okay so uh teachers and appointments i'll put in the chat again okay young or your recognition from microsoft um education okay uh and again uh please enter the code uh t j j s f d seven eight four two one okay um certificate or badge from microsoft education okay so teachers um teacher founder while they're at it uh microsoft education we also would like to uh not yet show everything just a teaser for our october series teachers and this week okay so this saturday webinar until next week thursday and saturday now we will take um an arrest no um from our webinars for our next october series just to give you a teaser teachers october series will be edtech tools festival so all about edtech tools now so we have prepared sessions for you um we'll be um having sessions on pear deck class point um quizzes ziploc um wakelet um and all ios tools now we also have one entire session teacher pal all about ios tools and world cup of our october series with edtech tools blitz so uh we'll be inviting um eight uh ten educators to uh share okay uh all the tools that they love that the other teachers might also find uh useful know so we'll be there it's like uh we've had this before teacher pauline lightning so this is now uh like um a version of that note uh um to uh in relation to edtech tools okay so that's um to end or talk up of our october series right and of course um because we are celebrating the world teacher's day next week no so i'm sure with all the preparations so um that's your week for you to be able to rest rejuvenate relax no um we really have to find time to um rest as well yeah teach our friends support somewhere next week not like a webinar okay just to entertain our teachers and maybe uh also give some prizes no so uh on uh on next week no uh live session okay with um the rest of the administrators of kagapai um the evaluation link for um teacher support um web um um certificate so please accomplish properly um show that keep working and um it's working and my name is teacher paul okay teachers um again you'll have until um this uh saturday uh 8 p.m to evaluate or to accomplish this form okay so it will be a two uh certificates apparently on certificates per event okay last session um then starting um session on level of presentation okay we also have a uh two certificates for them okay uh for our teachers now yes um next week no we'll go live get to give some prizes for our teachers to show appreciation for all the things that you have done and are doing for philippine education okay so see you there teacher starting um teacher's day live game next week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 2,331
Rating: 4.9670782 out of 5
Keywords: one note, microsoft, office 365, distance learning
Id: Ni2SynVClwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 36sec (7776 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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