Intro to Microsoft OneNote

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to give you an intro to Microsoft OneNote now what is Microsoft OneNote OneNote is a digital note-taking tool that automatically syncs and saves your notes so you can access them anywhere whether you're on your phone whether you're on your PC or whether you're on any type of device that has access to the web so Before we jump into this tutorial of OneNote I just want to give full disclosure that I work at Microsoft as a full time employee all right well the first thing I want to start with is how do you get OneNote let's jump on the PC Here I am on my Windows 10 desktop and one of your questions might be well how do I even take advantage of OneNote and how do I get to OneNote well the good news is OneNote comes with Windows 10 so if you have a Windows 10 device you already have one note and how do you get to OneNote what you can do is you simply go down to the search field and just type in OneNote and what you'll see happen is OneNote will show up as the best match on this list so I'm going to go ahead and click on OneNote here and you can see the OneNote app open up another way I could also get OneNote is imagine you're on a Chromebook if you want to use the OneNote app what you could do is you simply open up your web browser and so I open Chrome in this case and then go to office comm is how you're gonna access OneNote you could click on sign-in and if you have a Microsoft account you could sign in with your Microsoft account I'll go ahead and sign in with mine if you don't have a Microsoft account you could also create one for free by clicking on the create one button so I'm going to go ahead and sign in once I sign in you'll land on office comm and you'll see that you can access OneNote by clicking on this button now in addition to OneNote just as kind of an aside you could also get Word Excel PowerPoint also for free through office comm and if you have a phone whether let's say it's an Android device or an iOS device you can also download the OneNote app from the App Store or the Google Play Store and you can install that on your phone so what I'm going to do today is we're going to take a look at the desktop OneNote app that comes with Windows 10 first thing that I want to introduce in OneNote is how OneNote organizes your notes here you'll see the kind of the means of OneNote that I land in and one of the things that we're gonna click on first is up here in the left hand corner you have this thing that's called show navigation so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and the way we organize one notes is if I click on this top bar here these are all my notebooks and you could think of this really as just a notebook an actual physical notebook and so I have many different notebooks so I have my Kevin's notebook I use a notebook to organize all my YouTube content I have another notebook that I use to organize trips so today I'll show you my trip notebook as an example if you want to add a new notebook all you have to do is click on this add notebook and you could create a new one very easily so I'm gonna go ahead and click on my trips notebook and now the way that OneNote organizes it is so you have this big notebook and then within that notebook you could set up what are called sections and so just as an example here um you know I have this trip notebook and within there I have trips to Europe and then I had a Paris trip the Germany Czech Republic trip trips within the United States and so I have a list in here and then also trips to the Caribbean and so each one of these is a section and within that section then I have something called pages and so I'll just show an example with my Europe trip so here under Europe I had a trip that I organized at Paris and then I had a trip that I organized to Germany and the Czech Republic so just the way I could organize this and if I might if I want to add new sections I could simply click on add section if I want to add a new page I could click on add a new page what I can also do here is not just add new sections but you could also create a section group so let's say that you know I have Europe United States and Caribbean in 2019 I could add a group for that so here I'll click on let's say I just call this 2019 but what I could do then is I could drag items within that so in 2019 I could look at all my trips under this category so you could really organize it as much or as little as you want but you have a lot of tools where you could set kind of different hierarchies to your organization for OneNote so quite a bit of power there but one of the really nice things about OneNote is your ability to take notes and so today I want to show a few different ways that you can take notes and OneNote so what I'm going to do is just kind of give an example here so let's say that you know I want to go on another trip and so I'm going to add a page I just clicked on add a page down here and maybe my next trip that I'm planning is to Norway in Europe so I'm just gonna add a title called Norway and so when I update the title here it automatically updates the page name to Norway and so maybe it's part of this trip I want to go to a few different cities so maybe I'll say we're gonna go to Oslo maybe I'll go to trum so and maybe I'll go to Stavanger is a few different cities in Norway that I want to visit now what's nice is you know here I could highlight the text and you know I could apply a heading maybe I'll make that a heading - and I'll make that a heading but here if I click under you'll see all these kind of different heading styles I could do so maybe in each city I have we'll do our activities and then I have hotels and so maybe here we do museums and then maybe I'll say a bus tour so what I could do is I could apply different headings kind of depending on you know how I want it to appear yeah you know here I can change font colors so maybe I make this red I could bold things I could underline things so there are lots of different ways I could format my text I'm going to go ahead and change that back to just kind of a standard list and what I can also do is let's say under activities what I want to do is let me apply heading two so let's say that you know here's a list of things I want to do I could also I have this list here and I can make it a do list so maybe you know here I want to make sure I check out the museums and I want to take a bus tour and then I could check them off as I do them so you can make a list if I could paste in photos so here I'm just gonna open this up and we're gonna look at Steve Unger and let's look at some images here's a pretty awesome picture of something I'd love to do if I could go on a hike while I'm out there of these people standing on a cliff edge looking down at a few words so I'll pull that insist of Unger and I copied that picture and then I could just paste it in along with just pacing in pictures I could also record audio so here I can click on dictate when we're in Trump so we want to make sure that we check out awesome hiking locations where we could look down at fjords and I can also do is I could record audio so instead of just having a dictate I could actually record when I go to Trump so we want to make sure that we check out museums we want to go on a bus tour of the city I really love bus tours because it's a nice way where you get to sit back and really enjoy the sights I could insert a photo and I could also do it from a camera so here my computer is gonna turn on the camera and so there's my picture um so it's very easy to pull in photos to pull in text to pull in audio recordings to dictate text to OneNote OneNote makes it really easy to capture content now along with just capturing texts and photos what I can also do is I could draw so if I have a tablet in this case I'm on a desktop but let's say I had a tablet I can very easily draw content so here I'm just using my mouse what I could do is I could shoot I could choose different colors I could go with blue or I could go with green I could insert shapes and now what's kind of neat is let's say if I highlight let me highlight this text that I just wrote in here so hi how are you and then I could do ink to text and what it did is it automatically converted it looks like it's screwed up too high but it says how are you so it was able to convert my writing to text and you could also insert shapes you could use different pens pencils highlighters let's say you know I want to do a yellow highlight on my content I can go ahead and highlight stuff beside from just entering content in I could also use an immersive reader so let me click on a mersive reader and what that will do is it'll open up a reader that I'll just read the content to me so here so what that will do is let's say I have a page of text instead of me reading all the text I can have this immersive reader just read it to me and one of the things that's really nice about OneNote is being able to get back to content so let's say I have a friend who lives in let's say Steve Unger and I want to make sure I ask him about what we should do there so I'll say ask Brian about what to do in Steve Unger go back to my main view and under the check box what I could do is I could add something called tags and within a with with a tag what you could use you could very easily find anything with that tag later on so maybe I'll say this is a question so I'm gonna mark it as a question and now what's really cool is I'm going to click on search and what I could do is I could search for text that's in my OneNote or I could look for tags so here I can click on question and this will show me all the questions that I have in this notebook so ask Brian about what to do in Stephane so I can very easily then go back and find all my tact items what I could also do is if let's say I don't remember where I call it out trum so I could just search for Trump so I'm and so here this page includes Trump so and if I click on that it'll just bring me back to that location so being able to get back to notes is very easy whether it's because I tagged stuff or whether it's because I'm just looking for text in my notebook there are very nice ways to get back and recall information all of these notes that I'm creating by default all of these are synced in the cloud and that means that I could access this on any device so if I go on my phone if I go on the web I'll be able to see these notes very easily so here I'm going to open up my browser and what I'm gonna do is we're gonna click into I'm gonna click into OneNote and then I'm going to navigate to my trips notebook and what you'll see is all of this content that I just created on my desktop will show up on the web so here I am in my web notebook and here you see that all of my content that I just created on my desktop is also showing up on the web so that's one nice thing you don't really have to worry about where you created it what device it was on wherever you created you'll be able to have access to it as long as you have one now kind of lonely if you're just working on something by yourself so I'm working on this trip book and you know I want my wife to come on this trip and also my son and so what I might do then is if I click on this share button what I can do is I could simply type in names so my wife's name is Carrie so it's already shared with her but if I wanted to let's say I hadn't shared it with her yet I could simply type in her email address and then I could either make it so she could edit it or she could just view it but if she has the ability to edit it she could then come into this notebook and these pages she could add her content she could have photos she could add audio and then together we could figure out our trip plan not only do I use it for trip planning but you can use it if you're in school you could use it for your classes I use it to organize my youtube-channel of what content that I want to create but OneNote is just an awesome tool to be able to manage all of that I hope you found this video helpful I just wanted to give a quick tutorial of all the core functionality in OneNote hopefully you're using it to capture some awesome notes and to organize all your content if you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future other tutorials of tech products hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime content comes out and if you have any other ideas any other topics you want to see me cover leave a comment down below I read all comments and I'll add it to my list and videos to create in the future and that list is in OneNote and hey hope you enjoy this I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 130,959
Rating: 4.9614434 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, onenote, how to, introduction, intro, one note, one, note, office, microsoft office, evernote, notes, mobile, web, desktop, universal, free, text, tables, pictures, drawings, audio, record, dictate, section, sections, pages, page, notebook, notebooks,, word, search, tags, tag, share, collaborate, keep, google, bullets, ink, pen, spell check, onenote 2016, onenote app, onenote online, online, class notebook, class, school, office 365, cloud, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, example, tutorial, help, support, guide
Id: hjnQ937cg8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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