2nd International Joint Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Vocational Education

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the conference is about to commence in a few moments but before we start let me announce some important informations first of all to help us recognize you easily would you please put your name on the screen also please make sure you activate your video during the photo session in the beginning and end of today's conference in addition to ensure that the conference will run well if not necessary for example when you are invited to ask questions or to respond to certain questions by the speakers or moderator would you please make sure that your microphone is off further informations about how your participation in the presentation sessions including asking questions will be served by the moderator ladies and gentlemen we are going to take your photos would you please activate your video put your best miles for a few seconds thank you very much and now we are ready to have the opening ceremony vice rector for academic affairs vice versa for general and financial affairs vice versa affairs vice versa for students [Music] vice director for academic affairs vice rector for general and financial affairs vice rector for planning and cooperation affairs vice rector for student affairs and alumni the invited speakers dean and vice teams of engineering faculty heads of departments and study programs all distinguished guest participants ladies and gentlemen assalamu may peace be upon you all and good morning our deepest gratitudes and praises are for god the almighty and the most merciful for the blessings he has given to us let me extend my warmest welcomes in the opening ceremony of the second international joint conferences on engineering technology and vocational education held by faculty of engineering universitas negrio pjaparta today october 5th 2021 four international conference events are held together the seventh international conference on technology and vocational teachers i see tifiti the fourth international conference on electrical electronics informatics and vocational education icl info the fourth international conference on vocational education of mechanical and automotive technology i and the fourth international conference on sustainable infrastructure icsi for this morning conference opening ceremony results begin with the national anthem in unisa the next item is the welcoming remark by the conference committee chair finally director of university distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen now please be silent and bow our heads for a moment to have a prayer let's say our prayer shall we thank you [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] now we are going to listen to the welcoming remark from the conference committee chair ladies and gentlemen please welcome the dean of the faculty of engineering of universitas professor the invited speakers all distinguished participants ladies and gentlemen first of all let's thank god the almighty the beneficial who has been giving us his mercy and blessings so we can meet online here at this virtual conference allow me to extend our warmest greetings and welcome to all case speakers and participants of the international train conference on engineering technology and vocational education organized by the faculty of engineering universitas mcgreen yup jakarta rising the theme of research and innovation in technology and engineering during the coffee 19 pandemic the conference explores advances in new technologies that facilitate new generation to have the freedom to learn in the digital transformation era the new technologies and scientific breakthroughs are relentless and are unfolding on many fronts it creates new opportunities for human beings to have completely new experiences of living including transforming the way we teach and learn this conference consists of four related instruments in international conferences all of which receive 307 papers from nine different countries first the international conference on technology and vocational teachers initiativity has accepted 74 papers second the international conference unsustainable infrastructure icsi has accepted 109 papers said the international conference on vocational education of mechanical and automotive technology sofi med has accepted 61 papers for the international conference on electrical electronics informatics and vocational education icl info has accepted 60 papers all accepted papers will be presented at the parallel organizations essentially thanks to the program committee members for their thorough and timely reviews of the papers on this occasion i would like to express our gratitude to our speakers will share their insight and experience first professor phd from carter state university second young work choi chief official extra team for technical cooperation on indonesian capital city relocation and development third professional uran wu phd from the national central university of taiwan for associate professor dr nirmal nair from the university of auckland new zealand i believe it will be a beneficial input for all of us our highest appreciation also goes to all of the university and institutions that work collaboratively with us to co-hosting the conference we do hope that this even will positively impact our future cooperation and thank you to all committee members that have worked hard to manage this conference finally i would also like to apologize for the shortcomings and an opinion during this event wish you have a productive discussion and a fruitful conference thank you very much for your attention [Music] now may we invite director of universitas negri yogiakarta for the opening speech at the end of which we would also like to kindly request director to officially declare the second international join conferences on engineering technology and vocational education open straight afterwards professor dr sumarianto empas ifo the flow is yours [Music] [Music] of engineering words member of faculty and the committees our team language is enough speakers and invited speakers and peer or participants ladies and gentlemen it's an honor for me to welcome you to universitas mcritchuk jakarta especially on joining second international joint conference on engineering technology and vocational education we have four conference international conference on technology and vocational teachers international conference on vocational education of mechanical and automotive technology international conference and electrical electronic informatics and vocational education international conference and sustainable infrastructure on behalf of universitas nakricho i would like to welcome you in this wonderful join conference we have to be optimistic that we can go through this challenges error and of faith 19 pendulum accelerating research and innovation in engineering technology and vocational education will help people to rise survive and propose we expect that future opportunities and challenges can provide innovation and solution thus we have to collaborate among researchers academic and communities saying is liar of manner of him i officially open international conference we hope that all you enjoy and have a great experience in this academic meeting once again thank you for participating and organizing this conference and salaam alaikum [Music] all participants ladies and gentlemen this is the end of the opening ceremony of the second international joint conferences on engineering technology and vocational education thank you for your participation and on behalf of the community i would like to apologize for any shortcomings and inconveniences raptor and vice rectors are allowed to leave the zoom meeting room thank you for joining we are now proceeded to dominate items of the gender relatory presentations for outstanding speakers in their field will be sharing this idea with us they will giving their presentations in two sessions firstly we have professor hu renwoo from phd from national central university taiwan and associate professor dr nirmal nir from university of auckland new zealand and then in the second session we will be listening to mr jung wook choi senior director for national agency for administrative city construction republic of korea and also professor salamat payha m m-a-m-e-d-m-a m l h r p h d from universitas negri yogyakarta sharing this first session is ibu mufisa to rahma master of engineering ladies and gentlemen please join me in welcoming professor who renu pst and associate professor dr nirmal nehru master of engineering please take the floor thank you very much mas hario for the introduction good morning everyone it's a wonderful day and i am privileged here to extend my warm welcome to all the presented here today in this first session we will have two speakers as mentioned by masjario the first presenter who will be associate professor dr nirmal kumar nair from the university of auckland dr nirmal nail good morning and i would also would like to say good morning to professor yuran wu from national central university taiwan hi good morning good morning everyone all right just a little housekeeping before we get started if you have questions during the presentation please type it into the chat box i'll bring them up and we will also have time for question at the end of the presentation presentation of professor wu all right without further ado we will turn time to dr nirman uh please before he presents i would like to briefly introduce dr nirmal dr nirmal is associate professor in electrical computer and software engineering at university of alplan he works on protection renewable grid integration electricity markets blackouts restoration and infrastructure resilience and engage on industry projects through consultancy he is actively involved in ieee power and energy society and new zealand electricity engineers association currently he is running as candidate for ieee power and engineering society treasurer for the 2000 and 2023 currently he is also serves as ieee asia pacific governor board as vice chair of professional activities professor nirmala over to you sir um thank you thank you can you hear me yes very clear okay uh fantastic so first of uh kiowa as they call it here in new zealand uh it's very similar to salamat pagi so good morning everyone there so in new zealand it's about 3 p.m right now because we started our summer so there were some scheduling issues so i i really uh would like to thank professor uh who is going to follow me he was supposed to speak first sorry i think i will just go ahead and present my thing because immediately after this four to six i have one another important appointment here so uh so first off uh uh congratulations to the team for the inauguration of this conference i was approached uh and connected with this conference through uh professor lance fung uh he's from university of western australia in perth he is now uh currently elected as the um you know ieee region 10 um president-elect and somehow the connection made i think professor roby was in touch with him and he told hey normal can you give this presentation on behalf of region 10 so i thought okay that's fine and then i had a conversation with uh with professor obi and then we discussed maybe this topic might be much better for this audience which is much more around technology engineering and a wide area of things so hopefully you will enjoy this now this presentation i did it about a year back again for a university uh in indonesia but this is slightly more updated and i've titled it as energy communication and data infrastructure through the lens of zero carbon climate change adaptation and natural hazard um resilience so you will understand why i chose this topic as i go through this powerpoint presentation i will forward later on to professor obi so if anyone is interested they can have a quick look at it so i'll be spending my presentation today in five parts i kind of timed it to four to five minutes so hopefully i should be done within the next 25 to 30 minutes and if at any point of time you have any questions or anything like that as professor obi mentioned please put it in the chat box and we can answer that later also maybe if there is time uh maybe 10 10 minutes or so towards the end we can look at some questions from the audience here so i will set the store initially into 19th and 20th century electrical engineering technologies um so but as was mentioned by professor obi my technical journey in in electrical engineering is about 30 years 30 32 years now when i did my undergraduate um in in in electrical engineering uh at that time i looked at high voltage engineering and things like that i spent a lot of time at that time in india where i was born but i've moved all over the country in various universities as well as various research organizations and then i think my background and strength technical background is in protection as was mentioned so this is protecting you know electrical infrastructure this is much more from an engineering aspect and i i consult quite a bit in this particular area because of my technical expertise but as was mentioned i am active in ieee power and energy society for about 30 years now and also for those of you in the room uh in the audience who are from the electricity side i'm also closely associated with sea grain these are the two international standards organizations for all uh electricity standards anywhere in the world and and also i do something on operation and planning and these days i've gone into cryptocurrencies and things like that so it's a wide range of topics as you go through the spot as some of you in the audience who are professors might understand so uh so uh why do i say uh electricity because it's about two centuries of now so electricity this is just a snapshot of electricity infrastructure when you look at it from the space you can just by looking at this is how where electricity is also as you know from the same department we now have high capacity satellite links you know 3d networks and things like that the world is already connected in the last century all across and much more recently you know mobile communication has become now you know a way of life in in modern life as we speak um so that is you know so this is also some technology associated with the electromagnetism uh the principle of electromagnetism but uh in the last 30 40 years i think electronics has really picked up as a household device you can see all these devices which is in your home right now um and also you know in medical surgeries and things like that and also living in space right and now we are really talking about interplanetary species and things like that right so the people are living in the space as well again we use these technologies as we go through so hopefully i might have given you a sense why i call this as energy communication i've still not talked about data infrastructure today i'll just talk a little bit about that to just give you a sense of what the global issues and techno technology landscapes are but before i i want to take a pause to look at how what is the biggest thing in terms of uh the globe today and one of the aspect is around sustainable development goals um this is a united nations framework many of you might know what united nations is and they are really talking about some of these 17 goals uh which we are looking at this covers a wide spectrum of uh topics right which covers social science and a whole bunch of things in particular i am related with mostly associated with affordable and clean energy for example climate action for example reduce inequalities and also industry innovation and infrastructure so these might be some of the areas which uh today's talk will cover a little bit but i will talk a little bit about sustainable cities and communities as well more from a technology perspective lastly but not the least partnerships for these goals so this this talk today i'm speaking to about 250 of you um it is uh through some of these uh uh developments which we are trying to do as we move to the next century of you know energy communication and data infrastructure but what is the future going to be these are some visions as you know uh electric cars this is the future of transportation transportation as a service you might get into full automation for example correct so now even the automobile is going to be more uh communication and data infrastructure relevant um so watch the space everyone is watching in this area um you can talk a little bit about 5g networks i don't know if in indonesia 5g has already started but i think we are now looking at all the technologies 2g 3g 4g 5g you know whatever it is and these are edge technologies as we go through so this is also an interesting area which is just picking up from an infrastructure viewpoint and finally but not the least i think this this is a very broad conference i agree and i think there is a lot of papers maybe on internet of things and things like that which you might have in your conference program later on but the biggest thing is around data infrastructure this is just a snapshot of google you know um which kind of puts data centers and things like that so these are getting very very big and very very important as you know today and no one is able to go into facebook or whatsapp or anything like that because of the outage so these are very very essential technologies where uh these things are being utilized in any outpage is really missed and i come from electricity infrastructure so smart grid is one important aspect uh i don't know how developed smart grid infrastructure is in indonesia but i think in other parts of the world the customer interacts with a whole bunch of these things through smart meters and things like that if if in indonesia it's not it started it is most likely it would start in the coming couple of decades or so but lastly but not the least these days there is a concept of how to bring all these technologies especially across a city for example and this is smart cities right so you can see all these infrastructure and things like that so it's a very happening kind of a technology as we look at it let me just jump on to the technical aspect of thing and let me focus a little bit on what i called as interdependent infrastructure and technologies for resilient living i just kind of coined some terms here but um i just want to talk a little bit about new zealand i hope you might have heard where we are from we are in the southern pacific we are also uh we are just two islands unlike your i don't know 10 000 islands or something like that in indonesia but we have taken a a decision that by 2050 we are going to be carbon zero correct and and therefore these are some documents i'll i'll flick these slides to you guys and then if you want to check it out what are the visions there's a white paper from transpar uh they're really talking about process heat processing because we do a lot of milk uh production here so most of them are through conventional fuels all of them are going to be electrified um and and also so this bill has passed for zero carbon by 2050 for new zealand so what does that mean from a renewable energy we will have to look at wind we will look at hydro we will look at geothermal these are some of the technologies which new zealand is doing uh we are almost 98 up sorry 85 renewable using these technologies um and also as you can see i don't know what's the um energy mix in indonesia is i know in some of the major parts of your country uh especially the capital and things like that it's much more powered by coal and slowly you might have to come out of it so but what are the other technologies like wind hydro biomass solar other renewables these things are coming and there's all these vision about what these percentages are going to be we will wait and watch how it is after coverage i think there is going to be deep electrification as you can see electricity communication and data is very important for modern life that is how we are interacting we are working for the last 18 months or so so i think electricity is a key part of it so but however we also need to make sure that this is renewable as well so these are being built as we speak i just want to talk a little bit about publications and things like that i understand this is a conference and some of you there are many authors here who are um kind of you know writing papers so this is just one example of from a policy side three countries i have put norway uh new zealand and iceland these are very very small countries but you can look at it this is kind of 100 renewable electricity system correct so you can see uh almost 100 percent close to that so i think we wrote a paper on energy efficiency a few years ago on energy policy so you can check that out so the question here would be for other countries you might have to map certain such structures and it might be more from a policy perspective but check it out and you might be able to see some interesting examples as we go so every country are going um you know in that direction but as we go into renewables one of the topics my part is more around resilience what can go wrong i'm a protection engineer i think that okay things are fine but what can go wrong from a renewable perspective as you can see storms are there typhoons are there there could be a lot of wind damage there could be earthquakes and things like that volcanic activity so it's a whole bunch of these renewable things which are happening simultaneously again as i told you storm there could be solar eclipse there could be lightning that could be floods um so these are things which are nature because you're trying to extract energy from these natural resources so one classic example i kind of look at it is usually sometimes people mix australia with new zealand these are two different countries all together and this is an example of an australian blackout now the percentage of uh overall renewables there is only about 20 30 it's 70 is fossil fuel but still you can look at it for one particular province here which is the southern uh south australia as it is called uh in 2016 just before a big storm came as you can see wind generation was about half supplying that right so there was a lot of wind farm built across the place and so these were some of the things and some of the coal power plant had been retired for zero carbon emissions so this was a pre-event status so what happened there was there was a major storm there was multiple strikes there was tornado there was 20 22 damage transmission pylons uh five faults within two minutes and some of the wind farms actually disconnected uh and what happened was suddenly that 50 percent of the generation suddenly went away the whole country halls of south africa south australia was in a blackout right so these things are being assessed so i just want to put a plug to see gray where i actually do i don't know in the audience here if there is someone from the electricity side but if you are then see grace of the important part so we write certain documents and things like that so as you can see we are conveners this is based on countries so now standards are being developed so how can you make sure if hazards and these things are coming how do you actually restore back right so the whole country is in a blackout now you need to restore back and again it is renewable energy so how do you really do that so these are some challenges we are discussing as we speak across the globe also i just wanted to put a plug for ieee power and energy society um if if you are not a member i'm i'm a long-standing member just check it out currently these are uh uh there are some free things around with kobit and things like that uh so this was a covet article which we put so stay connected and if you're not an ieee member or whatever that's fine but at least you can attend a conference which is supported by ieee i'll just go back to a particular case study in the next 10 minutes or so and then we can just open up some questions at the end so i time this as a energy communication lifeline so this is based on new zealand where we study and i just wanted to put as a project case study which kind of integrates all these things technically and here i would also like to introduce some of my research group members what they do what phd they do what masters they do and things like that so what is a tone for all this so this is my own research group so so what we are kind of currently looking at is what is called as grid 1.0 okay so you can see this is grid 1.0 and currently it is primarily based on carbon and basically uh to for a country you are actually looking at energy security no blackouts and things like that environmental sustainability it has to be renewable as far as it possibly can and energy equity because everyone relies on energy so the energy cost and things like that is going to happen uh so but we have been operating in this case for about 130 years correct and now what is going to happen in the future is basically grid 2.0 where actually we have few items we have to decarbonize carbon dioxide has to come down we have to digitalize right so there's a whole bunch of digital technologies renewable generation all across and how do you connect them and so on and so forth and lastly but not the interest i i changed this from decentralization to democratization because some of these energy resources are going to be traded through blockchain and things like that so it depends how this grid 2.0 is going to come i will talk a little bit more on the grid side of the business in the next few slides so let me go down so this is a new zealand electricity infrastructure i call it as grid 1.0 it is very similar to the single line diagrams which you might have studied in any physics class or undergraduate there's a whole bunch of generation there is transmission that is a distribution there's a whole bunch of customers and as i mentioned this is new zealand's portfolio 60 hydro 16 geothermal so that's already 76 and then we have wind about 4.6 and things like that now this is as of 2014 this is dated right now it is about 85 which i just mentioned so this is the transmission line and in new zealand we have an electricity market so therefore we have 28 29 distribution utility company here the case study which i'm going to talk about is here west par which is right over here as you can see my mouse here and this is on the west coast of the south island so what are how does all these three things come together so here is a slide which talks about interdependencies this is the power system this is the energy system energy is basically around fuel and things like that this is your water networks this is your telecom network and this is your transport network now the transport network historically has been linked with fuel and transport and fuels conventional fuel if it becomes electric this will become weaker this will become stronger as you can see similarly telecom is closely linked with electrical power so because if electricity goes away telecommunication can only charge for a certain period of time and then the charge might run out similarly water infrastructure also depends upon this for pumping and things like that okay so basically this is highly coupled at the same this is what is called as interdependent infrastructure so when there is an electricity outage you have to quickly come back on otherwise it will affect all these other things as we speak now historically that is possible but if you have a lot of storms and volcano and all that kind of stuff then this would become very very delayed so we need to think about that so i won't go much into details about this slide i will just pass it the only key message which i want to make is the number of earthquakes which are happening across the world as you can look at it the number of earthquakes which are happening has suddenly or which is climate related disaster have suddenly started increasing as you can see the geological disaster is pretty much the same like volcano earthquakes and things like that but as you can see the cyclone typhoon all that kind of stuff has tremendously increased in this part so i don't know how it is in indonesia but we are experiencing a whole bunch of these things which are actually affecting our energy communication and data infrastructure so what we have done is try to map for new zealand how we do uh once again the way we do it is basically on two aspects one is called a system resilience and one is called as asset resilience asset resilience is something going breaking like you know a transmission line or some infrastructure system resilience is everything has to work together well and how the interdependency work this is a very you know rough picture but what it basically says is if you look at any other infrastructure like you can see fuel gas the dependence on electricity is almost very very high you can see one one two two one two one one two two electricity so all these infrastructure depends on electricity if electricity goes everything gets affected so based on this we did something for seismic resilience um so here i'm just kind of going to a project management slide of how we do research here in new zealand so we have a topic and then we work with universities we work with centers we work with a whole bunch of companies here and then we try to work the case study here is this particular earthquake which usually strikes every 300 years okay it has been historically found for many many many many uh millennium so in 2017 uh uh we became close to you know the last 300 years so the probability of the striking in the next 30 40 years is very very high so we try to do energy communication kind of a study i won't go into much details but to run such projects i'm pretty sure professor obi and other academics here have big research teams so what you tend to do is you have a lot of students working on different aspects uh most of them are phds here and one of them is a master's student with different expertise and then we try to put a whole team together funding comes from the government we work with everyone else in this kind of is part of the national science challenge which we have been involved in uh where we basically expand we work with a whole bunch of civil engineers we work with everyone else and who would model this earthquake they would say these are all the kind of potential slides which would happen this would affect the earthquake and then we kind of analyze the earthquakes and then get the hazard scenario based on that we agree or on certain initial repairs initial network re-energization and so on and then we kind of agree that how to once a blackout does happen in this place how do you go and restore it back and how do you resynchronized so this particular one is happening during the restoration sake you can do it fast then you can get back the power supply on so overall micro grid is a new concept which we are now introducing uh this is not in practice in new zealand yet uh so we are thinking that if you have a micro grid infrastructure you can get it much much faster so this is on the electricity side on the communication side for those of you who are studying telecommunication engineering you might be knowing that these are some of the services these are some of the backbone network which is fiber copper telecom assets and things like that we did a similar communication expert did a similar exercise for the same region and they tried to connect with central office it depends on electric power and things like that and you can actually build up fragility curves and things like that these are terms which are used in civil engineering for example but we can do a similar kind of an exercise for telecommunication infrastructure if you require again we could do for the same case study for that four case study uh based on the earthquakes which of these things would go away which of the substations would go uh which of the communication centers would go away and how will it get affected similarly you could do it for data infrastructure like google uh sorry facebook had an issue right now we don't know why it was but it has affected the whole globe so they might be maybe it's it has something to do with the software not with the network but these kinds of analysis might be also possible for network infrastructure in the future uh i'll quickly wrap up this up here once again i'll give you the slides for those of you are interested uh you're more than happy to check this out and come back to me or if you don't want that i think we usually do these uh such a conference just like you are doing right now uh we organized a number of conferences uh and and these are some pictures of the conferences which we did in the last three years from the same research team presenting to elsewhere we hold a lot of conferences just like the conferences which you are holding right now some of them are academic conferences some of them are industry related conferences so you can see these as pictures of some of the researchers who have all graduated now they are in the industry as we speak and we do publish a lot of papers and it's very important that's what i want to encourage all of the attendees especially the young students here who are doing anything whatever you do in your research try to publish papers so that your name gets over that exercise uh you get peer review and things like that make sure it is original because you know there might be some originality issues but whatever you do try to put it in this paper try to publish in those things and so on i'll try to quickly wrap up in the next two to three minutes uh to just bring all these things together in some form or the other so uh and i've titled this maybe this is emerging as we speak so 21st century is sustainable it has to be kind of renewable it has to be resilient because whatever you depended before is not going to be there so now you have to depend on that plus some disturbances and also we believe it is around data powered living there's a whole bunch of data which is coming to us and we need to tie that back so some of the research question uh this is the first one which i wanted to mention about quake core and this is one of the things i did to professor obi saying hey you know we are now we did the first phase now we are going for the next eight years what are the research question which we are looking for renewable distributed energy as you can see these topics smart cities we are looking at electric autonomous transportation so based on the experience which we have gained in the previous project uh the national team of quake core is kind of doing it uh university of auckland is just one small part of this exercise again i'm much interested in education in engineering education so in australia new zealand we have a particular problem of electrical engineers in particular so we did this exercise in looking at the courses because as you know at your curriculum it might have already changed uh my department when i studied i started as electrical then it became electrical and electronics then it became electrical and communication then it became electrical communication and software i don't know what's going to happen next but it's a very interesting uh time where education is important also a plug for those of you who are in power systems we are in new zealand we think we are going for dc technologies much more we already have a hvdc line but we think there's going to be a whole bunch of pc all across lastly but not the least we do hold conferences uh just like this one uh so just a plug for some of the conferences which we have done in the past again see great events whole bunch of secret events these are very very practical industry oriented ones so i do understand here there is a lot of diploma students and things like that it is very important that you present and you do those things also lastly but not the least uh this is just a plug for ieee 10 corn uh i don't know if some of you have already put a paper or something like that but this is going to be held between the 7th and 10th of december we wanted to be this is the first time 10 con is being held in new zealand but as you know we are as a country we are currently no one else can come here so it is not going to be completely online so just watch the space if any of you are interested uh the call for paper has ended by the now so the full program will be up within next couple of weeks and if any of you are interested you can register to participate if there's an interest so thank you very much over to you thank you very much professor nirmal nayer for giving your valuable insights on energy communication data data infrastructure now we open opportunities for the participants to ask questions you can raise your hands and then ask directly or chat in the type box so let us have a look okay there are several people raising their hands already i'll give first opportunity to dr zainal arriving yeah thank you alfie okay thank you very much uh good morning professor nirmal do you hear me yes yes okay thank you yeah okay thank you very much great i think this is a very interesting presentation from professor nirmal i'm very interested in uh the issues of the energy and climate change because uh until now uh it is a very still very important issue but in my question maybe it's a little bit uh derivate from the topic of the electric electricity control my question my first question is uh two what's the excellent carbon trading do you know the carbon trading professor nirmal hasing yeah this is uh uh how your opinion about the carbon trading is is able to rejuvenation from the from the developed country and can be used uh development financing for the maybe like a development country because some of the like carbon trading like in indonesia we have uh have several uh forests and several action for the carbon trading but until now we cannot take the benefit of the carbon trading that's uh for the first uh question the second question is uh if you look the data from the institute for residential service reform it's basically about the energy mix at the 2050. it is estimated that the five tip of 65 percent of the energy come from the solar energy well the currently all of the energies depends still on the fossil energy and how you do estimate of the development of the energy mix around the world in 2050 thank you very much mr professor thanks professor so um so both questions are very good questions and these are futuristic questions so i'll first take the carbon trading one first so and i'll first explain my background why i'm able to comment the way i am because one of the reasons i moved from texas i was in texas before coming to new zealand uh i have a minor in economics so i studied electricity markets so uh so i'll take new zealand as a case study and then you can have a kind of project on what indonesia might options might be so uh we were fortunate because even though we are two islands uh we had 65 percent renewable and our emissions from a car emission viewpoint is actually not carbon but methane so because we do a lot of agriculture so currently in the emission strategy uh carbon is the first one and then it is methane so because methane is also related with food production and things like that so but coming back from carbon trading viewpoint yes we have uh we already had an electricity market so we could naturally go to carbon markets so carbon markets is already there for us now uh the emission thing has not been finalized yet countries are signing so currently indonesia might not have a problem or some developing countries might not have a problem but you will have to wait and watch what the other countries how they are going to offset their emissions and that is possible that currently they are talking about the brazilian forest for instance it might come to you know from your part as well so there might be some environmental part but we don't know right so this is a moving target so that is your question on carbon emission the second one on on solar you're absolutely right in your place i think it is a lot of islands so therefore the only option you have is maybe it is not from the electricity side but maybe you might have to do something else i don't know what that something else is but maybe you can go with uh brazilians went with fuel if you remember mixed fuel they didn't go with so maybe you might have to do your transport fleet clearer and things like that electricity will be a tough one for you to kind of sort it out but having said that you should be able to do what i mentioned about distributed generation you know put solar in everyone's roof uh do those kinds of stuff this is a long journey please note that it is 30 years so so each each country will have a different kind of a pathway but but you are absolutely right you have to fix on your important part you have to feed electricity for everyone it has to be cheap it has to be all those things so i think seriously you should start looking at maybe restructuring your electricity network if it is not for markets it should be for emissions either way either it is outside or it is inside so every country would have to seriously look at it and i'm pretty sure financing is not a problem at all i mean to say you can get a lot of financing but then the question is who will pay for it would the government pay for it would the public pay for it it is a big problem okay okay thank you very much uh professor nirvan thank you very much you're welcome but day now all right that's the answer for the question from padena the next another question all right all right while we are waiting for another question actually i am curious dr nirmal you mentioned about restoration whether you did as well on self-healing on your restoration so the the self-healing concept which you're mentioning ov might be for local outage in your homes or distribution network or something like that the one which i was talking about is countrywide blackout right so let us assume countrywide blackout or large network blackout comes and let us assume blackout has blackout happens just like you are restarting your computer correct so now now the question would be it is all black the whole country is black how do you restart it back so there is there is a specific procedure which is done uh by starting the big generators livening up the transmission line and so that that startup procedure usually takes about two to three hours uh to sort it out if everything else is there so the one which i mentioned was much more from that viewpoint but uh as i mentioned to uh professor uh zional before in the future what is going to happen is you might have a lot of microgrid in your place in fact in indonesia i have a few indonesian students over the years and i know the geography about how the different networks are so basically you can cover the whole of your islands you know 13 000 plus islands into four major islands because that is where the majority of this part is now if you look at those places you can slowly start look and there are very very other small islands for example right so it is its own power system so in that system there might be a diesel generator there might be some solar something like that and then you can try some of the techniques which you mentioned so i would strongly recommend everyone in this place to pick up one island in your country and then start really looking that as an example just like i showed you this other example if you remember i showed you the west coast how to do that and so on and so forth so uh so that's a good way of trying you know all the techniques which you made self-healing techniques currently if you know if something goes off in your uh in your university the backup power supply comes right and that will be a diesel generator or a battery backup or something like that so that is a smart kind of a starting up right so but now that would happen just like that it would be self-healing but more from uh technical aspect i think your question you are a power system person so it's much more on the smart grid itself so the question would be fault location isolation service restoration it's called as flizza and then you can apply a lot of those technologies and things like that so a lot of these smart grid things are happening so if you're interested in some of those things what is the algorithm how do you do it you might have to work with your local distribution utility in indonesia have a collaboration with them and say okay what is your automation if your relays are automated or not how do you do those automation so there is a hierarchy of things which you can invest and then you can really try your ideas there you can help them because they don't know anything about you know technology and things like that the younger students do so it's kind of a win-win for of the companies the universities and so on so that's why when i showed you that slide i told you about many different people university of i'm just speaking but it's on behalf of everyone who is part of that team all right thank you prof nirma for your very clear explanation and we have one question here from nirmal how about solar panel west waste in the future electricity consumption what must we do to encounter the waste of solar panel correct um i will tell you the life of power equipments um i'll now go to the big one right the cold power plant and all those things it's typically 30 years 40 years sometimes it's 70 years okay so these are the numbers uh so currently life cycle cost of electricity how do you do it well you refurbish it and do the so things but when we come into a decentralized space like solar battery ev all these kind of stuff uh then it becomes different because uh but still look at the life of these solar panels the question was about solar panels so the solar panels live is about 25 years correct so the question would be what do you do after 25 years well you have to reuse it maybe it's used for power generation it might be used for it doesn't go away you can reframe it you can do it for backup and things like that the interesting thing is not about solar panels but it is about battery now people are talking about lithium-ion battery what do you do with it it's battery all across what do you do so again again the problem is initially you would be using it for mobility that will be for 10 years after that you will take it you won't throw it away you will recycle it you will use it for your home battery correct and that will take around 10 years then you will take it back again and then you might do it for some remote communities or something like that so you extend the life of the use of those batteries and right now they're talking about life cycle assessment of about 50 years now if you use different use cases correct so what i'm saying is we would start reusing things right in a different functional space so it's not like uh you know it's going to be thrown away not like your pencil cell or whatever you just throw it away well you won't throw it away because it has a value right so so so i think the the the the thing will be slightly different that's what i think and so therefore the solar thing is very interesting because now people are putting large solar farms right i mean to say so in the last solar farms then you will pick half of that put it in your house perhaps then i don't know you might put it somewhere else or a restoration or you put it i might put in a ship and then you know do something for that so i think reuse is going to be very very interesting and these are very very robust you look at it nothing happens uh it is just the efficiency part of it which comes down so i am not too much first at this stage because you will have to take one thing at a time before you go overall sustainable the question to ask is if you don't do this what will you do well we stay with we still have the existing system so it's like a chicken and an egg story but it's a good question people should ask people should ask us what are you doing how do you do because we are engineers at the end of the day tell me your problem we will sort it out right and that is procedure there is well stuck procedure because we have two decades of experience not two million i agree with that but you didn't have electricity anyway so uh so i think we should be hopeful we should be proud we should work together that's another interesting issue so it won't be about waste throwing and all that kind of stuff everyone is using solar right it's not like waste or something like that so i think it will be reusing and also another interesting thing i just wanted to end on this note the solar panel which works in uh the equator is you know would be much much more powerful correct it is going to be utilized much much more and once it reaches a life you can give that to other countries which doesn't have it so i i think uh there would be a lot of these uh because of this un and uh you know the cyclic uh economy and things like that that will be a whole bunch of things and coming back to the question around a carbon emission trading and things like that well what you might do is you might say okay i will give my solar to the other places and you know i get some something from my emission for example so if solar technology is very expensive they can give it to other places and then tick mark for their emissions so the emission side of the budget will be managed so we have not started this journey yet but you should ask the right question so i don't know the answer i am a professor so i can just keep on telling something but if there are any great ideas lovely you know patented sell it start a company do other things in life very interesting question and answer all right one more question sir uh because here we are indonesia have a quite uh ambitious target if by 2025 we expect to have the end renewable energy and our energy energy mix is 23 currently in 2021 it's just 12 percent so it's more than 40 percent to achieve the improvement the question is uh what is uh we have what is it that we have to tackle to face the intermittent problem in integrating the double energy into our electronic power system because intermittency yeah correct so um so that particular problem has been faced by every country which started with 90 percent uh or percent i'll cite one example so then we can just say hey is it like that so but indonesia has other options also i'll tell you that but i'll take the example of germany in this first case okay i'll just or maybe i'll take spain let's forget about germany let's go with spain so uh spain is an interesting case where they had a lot of solar and things like that but before that and they are also landlocked because they have some part which is in the ocean it's not a landlocked it is you know kind of that part so uh so they would be connected on the on on the left to france for example and on top to the northern other part of those exercises now their economy is more tourist dependent and things like that there's not much happening there but they had a lot of financial crisis in the past so they suddenly in 2008 there was a lot of money flowing into spain you know money what do you do with money you know i mean to say it's financed right so they invested heavily on to solar right big solar farms and all those things that's why you'll see a lot of inverter companies which are grid connected and so on and so forth there now if you had asked me the question before where they're worried well they had thermal power plant their connection with all the places so the frequency band is very less and so on but these solar are not coming at the transmission level correct they're coming at the distribution level now uh so the intermittency is a different problem uh so currently the whole power system network work uh as you know you are from power system actually generation follows the load correct because generation will always you switch on and off all the time the generation is following the load now so the conventional plant is following the load so even if you have to go you mentioned 4 percent 12 percent to 23 well that same model can be used to run that correct because you still have reserves and things like that only when you reach a certain level at a certain place then you have to be careful about putting other issues in a battery storage or controlling your load or load demand or something like that so i would not be terribly worried about that however uh you have to be careful i explained the blackout scenario right the blackout scenario so you have to be careful you have to wait hey there's going to be a blackout don't blame it on this intermittency stuff even if it was not there that is going to be blackout but now how fast you restore and then how how do you do it so uh so i think you should go with whatever options you have because otherwise you will have to pay money instead of what professor zinel was saying oh why are not people buying from us they will say first sort out your you know your renewable energy issue first so i think uh electricity would begin first but i don't think you need to worry too much or how will i get two hundred percent make small efforts take baby steps it doesn't matter and there are other countries which can help you in those part and maybe start looking at islands which are far off don't concentrate on big islands go strong small islands st chatta case see what works make mistakes engineers should make mistakes if you don't mistakes you you don't know what to do right so the but that should be painless mistakes right i mean to say so uh and stick with ieee i mentioned stick with secret i i know several people from indonesia who are in secret uh part uh so uh so so yeah these these people are all fantastic nice people they actually know what the industry and those things are but as i mentioned you have to be careful uh you have to get the people along the politics along the policy along everyone along and engineers electrical engineers you know we should solve problems we should not be too much worried about why can't this happen of that happen we will make mistakes but that's not a problem but uh there will be other people to help you out so i think it is possible but you should start the conversation and be intellectually honest about what your potential are it might be offshore wind farm it might be dc interconnection it might be connecting it to some other place philippines or whatever whatever that might be right so energy thing has to come right at the start and uh it is right at the critical infrastructure right at the top so i think you have nice people fantastic people well-intentioned people and good people like you coming out and you know doing new research areas and things like that we should encourage more engineers more people into the space so just i thought i'll just say hey you know it's not doom and gloom everywhere all right thank you very much from [Music] i guess that's the last question i know some of you or many of you even would like to ask another question but we have very limited time here and we should move on to our next speaker so once again on behalf of the joint international student conference we would like thing to thank professor nirmal naya from auckland university for for his very insightful perspective and discussion thank you very much sir thank you salaam alaikum all right we're moving to the next speaker our next speaker is professor oh wait excuse me our next speaker is professor yu renwolf phd from national central university taiwan he is from the department of mechanical engineering he has a long list of scientific publications recognitions awards and grants as well as actively associated with various societies and academics professor will expertise includes precisely transmission design but with machinery design measurement and diagnosis of vibration vibration and noise for transmission system and engineering optimization today probably we will share about innovative gear manufacturing technology with us all right i know many of you cannot wait any longer for for professor will talk professor wu hi over to you okay thank you uh could i share my screen online sure okay please wait me a while i should [Music] please take your time okay chris you see my screen not yet professor yeah okay yeah maybe the the internet is so slow okay uh thank you so much for uh your kind introduced introduction miss obi um excuse me appearance of your slide is somehow per presenter appearance not for the audience okay uh ah perfect uh while professor wu is fixing his uh presentation okay uh oh it's still the same sir okay so you cannot um share the [Music] issue with full screen okay uh good morning ladies and gentlemen i'm yuan wu from national central university could you see my screen yes okay thank you uh my universe you know my university is uh in in the north of taiwan near towing international airport yeah so yeah taiwan is above indonesia right yeah uh it's my pleasure to share my past research to you all and the topic for this street speech is about in the effective gear manufacturing technologies maybe the following speech content might not be so interesting to everyone but it might be in important to the mechanical engineering industries okay first of all i'd like to present the importance of gearing gears are used in terms of mechanical devices most important they provide a gear reduction in motorized equipment to obtain higher torque they place yours on transmitting power and change transmission duration comparing to build or chain drives gear drive can realize an impact structure design in recent years more and more traditional devices are electrified noise vibration and harshness become more important in them gear transmission system is always a key to be improved beyond about reasons there is often used as logos in mechanical engineering fields this is the logo for my department and this is the logo for my left yeah they include a gear logo yeah so as time goes by the differential mechanism as a chinese ancient styles point chariot has been significantly developed as the current gear differential as this one so geo technology has improved a lot in recent years gearing device has already been applied in many applications this is a practical application that a real differential was designed and analyzed by me and and my cooperative company two years ago it was assembled in an electric scooter with three wheels this scooter is safer and not easy to capsize okay and in this application i cooperated with a place machine manufacturer to assist them enhance gear strength and bearing life in the transmission system of place machines estimate estimate reaction force of the punch and attain the locking force of driving shift by the dynamic modeling and analysis gearing device is always also commonly seen in the motor reducer in this application my research group assisted a manufacturer to establish an equivalent model to analyze the gear strength and reduce the transmission error there are several kinds of gears for parallel axis gear chains including rake and pinion spur gears we strip tooth helicopters planetary gear train non-circular gear chain if the rotating axes of a mating gear pair intersect in the space it's a kind of intersecting close access gear pair including straight favorable gears spiral bevel gears intersecting excess face gear and pinion if the rotating axis mutually of mutually intersect of a for gear pair is non-intersecting access gear pair including cross axis headache gears woman one gear hyper gears non-intersecting axis face gear and pinion many people may often see gears however a few people know how they are current gear manufacturing methods can be divided into two main categories cutting with material removal and chip lace machining in aspect of forming in in a cutting category they are two different machining methods forming and generating a method in a space of forming measured no relative motion relate between the rotational speed of culture and the rotational speed of gear such as a phone milling fortune foam grinding such such kind of machining methods and for generating methods the rotational speed of the cutter has a relative motion relation with the gear rotation no speed uh gear hopping like this animation a gear shifting gear shifting and gear skiving such kind of generating method in this speech content we will focus we will focus on gear honing i i want to share you all about my past research of gear honing okay okay uh over recent years uh greater efficiency lower fewer consumptions and co2 output have been added to the growing list of defense emissions and fewer efficients are become more stringent in all major market regions such as usa europe and china and the car companies are facing huge technological and in it economic challenge to comply these requirements can only be made by improvements in all aspects of motor vehicles and space especially to the power chain so gear devices become important in industrial fields why i fight the i should study in this topic because i i want to uh get higher gear accuracy yeah and gear tools modification become more important in vibration and noise sensitivity sensitive applications and some key technologies of gear grinding and gear honing are controlled in few well-known machine manufacturers as you you can see in these figures if the gear surface is designed not so well on the the teeth we're broken and if we use ear grinding or gear honing to finish the gear service the service will become twist natural twist because the um uh the uh relative motion between honing wheel or grinding wheel and the gear so we should create this uh twist phenomenon um the finish two springs because this twist tools my course add contact between two gears uh as you can see this in this figure uh the contact pattern the area becomes smaller it becomes narrow and and and inclinate and that if we can create this twist phenomenon we can solve this problem uh the fear context the content region will become better you can see from this figure okay and uh through uh from uh from this video you can we can see the what is gear honing okay gil hongin uh is uh this one this blue one is gear uh holding field and this honing machine is five multi-axis cnc machine this honeywell rotates relative to the gear uh which uh reciprocating actually and pressing regularly uh it's very similar to a non intersecting axis internal mentioned gear pair okay then uh this machining method has high material removal it with uh it with a low finishing speed about 0.5 to 10 meter per second to avoid burning finishing burning and it can generate low noise service texture and is suitable to for finishing clear finish after heat treatment it can also generate residual compression trace was produced to service it's also practicable for tooth modification the machining accuracy can achieve thin 4 to 6 degree roughness can can be smaller than 3 micrometer and it's very suited for long gear shift machining this is my research motivation motivations there are three goals i want to achieve in this research topic uh i want to establish a technology of close loop topology modification for internal mission gear phoning and then i want to solve twist tools service problem in gear honing and another another goal i wanna design an ideal double crown two service with better gear contact performance okay um before i uh start this research topic uh when we start in uh gm manufacturing method we should establish the coordinate system for this cnc machine so as you can see in this figure there are many machine axis and they uh it's very uh complicated also there are five access to for the gear honing d1 axis is the actual fit axis and d2 axis is the axis to uh of the work gear in uh it can move actually and um the c1 and c2 axes are rotational axis for honing wheel and for what gear respectively and x is a1 i can adjust the cross-egg angle between honing wheel and the work gear and this v1 axis is a swivel axis it can adjust the inclined angle of the honing wheel okay so we will use these of five axis to to do this simulation honing simulation so uh before we do this simulation we have to establish this relative coordinate system between honing wheel and work here okay and these symbols i i marked are um are these multi uh axis in honing process so i will use these variables to simulate the manufacturer gear services okay and after i built this coordinate system i will derive equations rw is the position vector on tools work geared to surf surface and nw is the newly normal factor so we can get the position vector and normal factor at the enveloping point uh so uh but if we want to get the the exact solution we should include these two in philippine conditions and um in in the theory of theory if you want to get the enveloping uh points we should uh use these two con these conditions uh let's normal factor at the enveloping point has to be perpendicular to the relative motion duration so we we can establish two equations two conditions uh to get the enveloping points so uh we we built the self our own codes to to do this simulation okay then uh because i i want to modify the two strength so i can add many um some additional motions for for some axis machine axis so when i when i add these additional motions in the um inherent motion uh i uh there have 20 coefficients so uh why should i uh add or add this additional motion because uh in in current technology uh cnc controller can improve these additional motions then we can use this controller to control every machining axis to do tools modification on gear service so but um all these coefficients in this polynomial uh for for these additional motion equations have a relationship so we should uh do analyze the do analysis uh about uh how these coefficients affect the tool's flank geometry so uh we should perform a sensitivity analysis so there are 20 coefficients everyone coefficient i i will analyze how it affects the maximum normal deviation on two service so for two strength i can make a mesh on these two string and we can get many uh grid points so i can estimate because i already built the mismaker mod model for gear honing so i can estimate the the final uh normal deviation result okay so for every one every uh coefficient i can get maximum normal deviation so i i knew which coefficient has a greater influence on gear frame geometry so i in a result i can find i can find out seven coefficients eight zero b zero b one a one and c zero c 0c1 c3 these six these seven coefficients will affect the the honed gear service a lot so later i will use this seven coefficient to build sensitivity matrix and applies a sensitivity matrix method to to do close loop tools multiplication okay and after i contact conducted the sensitivity analysis i can combine these values oh in in this matrix and construct this sensitivity matrix uh you can see uh these two columns are for axis b1 and these two come for x is x1 and these three columns for x is c2 so from this sensitivity matrix i can know if i i can know the um no motivation on two string i can use this equation and combine with the fanberg macros algorithm to solve the to solve and determine the coefficient values for every machining axis so when i obtain these coefficient values i can input these values into equations then i can get how every machining axes move on real machine so i can control this modified tools surface geometry through this coefficients okay so uh from this equation i uh i can give this normal deviation for at every grid points so there are 45 grid points on a gear flank when i input in this array i can use this equation and combine with on the build sensitivity matrix to get the coefficients for machining axis so i can i can obtain the the uh how every machining axis move and i propose a cross loop a novel close loop topology modification in this procedure a calculation procedure i when i design one target gear service i can get the normal division at every grid point then i can input to this sensitive matrix and lom messer then i can solve and determine the machining motion coefficient and uh because i already built the uh machining simulation model so i can get simulated gear service topology and uh i should check uh if this simulated uh two service uh achieve uh the the target service or not so i i define two indices to uh to check the twisted degree for the two spring yeah i'm sorry professor uh three two three more minutes please okay okay no problem okay okay so uh i can use this curlstub topology modification to do the tooth modification and this is the result i can use the the proposed normal creation method uh so you can see the um twist degree can can be reduced after four time iterations and this is the target i apply on the crowning amount about 25 micrometer so the final result is very close to the target result [Music] and this is the contact context analysis results for the proposed method i can reduce the contact force and it's better than the previous traditional method and this case is to in uh explain uh if i uh uh input if i want to decide different crowning amounts on two strings for example uh 33 45 and 55 micrometers okay can my proposed model achieve this goal so in this numerically simple it shows the result is very close to the cloning amounts and i can get double crowning two services to improve the contact performance between two matching gears okay conclusion a cursed loop topology modification of helical gear 2 service for internal mission gear honing is proposed and sensitivity measurements compared with the framework micro aggregation is adapted to deter mean additional motions of machining axis work here with the double crown and anti-trees two service can be achieved a different crowning amount of this work gear can be controlled to a depth work condition and the size opinion and the detail detail information you can find in these published sci journal papers we publish in in mechanism and machine theory it's a very good journal paper in in in in the mechanical design fields okay and the proposed method can also be applied to our manufacturing methods in deerfield or in in other manufacturing fields if some someone researcher want to want to study about manufacturing about cnc machining methods sensitivity matrix and november micro aggregation can be used to improve the uh machining accuracy okay the end thank you for your attention yeah is there any questions thank you very much professor wu for a very detailed explanations and presentations we have uh one question first from uh dr santos from mechanical engineering of universitas negrio akarta he asked about how about the analysis of non-methodologies non-method years so how about the analysis for non-metal gears uh about non-natural gears i i studied less in this research field so uh because uh about um [Music] metal machining and and and non-metal machining measure they are very different in in gear research yeah so uh i my research is focus on machining with cutting tools all right and that all right another questions okay uh ask your question directly to professor wu check check thank you thank you profuse for your sharing it's uh and very detailed uh in your opinion for beginners in vocational education what should be emphasized because uh considering that so far occasional students are only prioritized to for the selection of mortal knife so it's not detailed like your explanations so what your opinion in information education especially for the bikinis thank you actually i i can you repeat your your christian because i i can uh i cannot hear you uh clearly about because you um i can i cannot uh understand would you like to repeat or i if i'm not mystically understand his question okay would you like to repeat okay thank you uh maybe i will type in the chat's message with me he will type on the chat box professor and if you have a know professor you renew is uh the advisor of our senior parifin that is now pursuing his phd in national central university in mechanical engineering yeah his performance is very good yeah i hope hopefully he can successfully graduate in in the end of this semester when he just arrived uh our department um i i i uh the same i cannot understand i understand because uh he uh when uh when he speak uh he has a a tone okay yeah okay let me repeat if i if i understand correctly he asked about your opinion about the beginners in this field of their design because here the students in the vocational education they do not learn that deep i mean when we when we listen to your presentation and your calculation is very deep and very well elaborated but now here since we are vocational institution the the basic knowledge of the students is very broad and not as deep as so how we tackle that gape so we are we will be able to maybe someday join your research or be another of your advices yeah of course uh you you uh you are all welcome to join my research group yeah maybe uh yeah uh i admit this research topic uh about in gear field gearing field is very deep yeah very difficult in in you should have very good mass stability and uh every new students just come in my lab i will suggest him to to complete one very simple simple program first i would request him to use one reg profile to generate gear tools profile and i will teach you about amazing principle about the theory of theory very nice to hear that professor i know because many of our students and our colleagues here tend to be kind of shy to learn because they think that their knowledge has are very basic okay yeah you you are so humble yes yeah all right then oh my god we passed the time actually we i saw all right thank you very much professor yuran wu for your very nice explanation and interesting pictures of manufacturing gear technology there are still questions but i i have to say deeply sorry to the audience because we cannot continue this session we have come to the end of this session i think we've covered the question that uh asked previously if you have partner question you can ask in the chat box and then we will later we will ask to profuran wu once again thank you very much woo for your very insightful presentation and sharing thank you okay all right now i would like to return to the hoss mas hario and nick thank you very much for the opportunity i'm so happy to all guys in this procession thank you buffy for leading this session and to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude the committee would like to present a token presentation to both speakers the first is for associate professor dr nirmal nehru prof nir mal has to leave earlier because he has another appointment so he said very much sorry cannot be here okay all right and the next for professor who ren will be hd okay thank you thank you okay thank you all participants ladies and gentlemen now we are in the second session of the plenary presentation and the first speaker is choi and the second speaker is professor slamat h m a m e m k [Music] the floor ladies and gentlemen good afternoon our honorable speakers and audience my name is devi ekamuriati this is my truly honor to be the mediator of this second panel session uh in this second plenary session we have two distinguished speakers from korea and also from indonesia before we invite the speakers please let me introduce them to you all firstly we have mr trey young i hope i mentioned your name correctly is that correct yeah okay yes all right good good to hear that so um is from national agency for administration city construction republic of korea please allow me to inform your biography to the audience so mr schweig is a chief officer of korean cooperation team for indonesian new capital relocation in ministry of public works and housing republic indonesia before he came to indonesia in february 20 and 20 he has worked for korean new administrative city seijong city for 15 years since 2006 in various fields such as urban policy transportation housing river restoration urban design etc he first imposed this project in presidential advisory committee of construction technology and architecture culture in 2006. a year after that he has belonged to national agency for administrative city construction which is specialized agency of seijong city project this is a new capital city will be yeah and then uh before 2006 he also experiences working in local government olson metropolitan city and air force wow he graduated korea university majoring civil and environmental engineering and he has mastered he has a master of science degree from university of virginia united states in the field of transportation um and then we also have professor klamath m-a-m-e-d-m-a-m-l hr pst professor slamat received his bachelor degree in the field of vocational teacher training university of jakarta previously known as ekit subsequently he received a certificate for the teaching technical subject offices from the uk he completed his master's degree in education in the usa he continued with master of arts in political science master of art in policy and leadership and master of labor and human resource there are plenty of masters he received all of his master's degree in the usa along with his phd in the field of comprehensive vocational education and a lot of work experiences especially in the field of education and currently he is a professor in education at universitas in green to jakarta he has a lot of experience education a professional organization such as indonesian educationist association province of jakarta as chairman and manpower training advisory province of jakarta as well as chairman and until now he is still actively participating in numerous overseas trainings workshops seminars conference and other competitive studies so ladies and gentlemen uh i would like to inform that this each honorable speaker will deliver this presentation for 25 minutes each then we will continue with qna station [Music] ladies and gentlemen let us welcome our first speaker mr trey who will talk about korean new administrative city station mr tray time is yours the time is 25 minutes uh please apologize first i would like to also inform you yeah i turn on here ah yes yes yes from korea already as introduced i'm working for the indonesia new capital city yeah today's title of my presentation is a korean new administrator which it is hejong i know that last week indonesian government submitted a submit the reputable law for indonesian new capital city so i hope my presentation will be helpful to proceeding your new capital city project okay today my presentation is composed of introduction of indonesia korea cooperation for indonesian new capital city and seoul city's project summary and history and project driving system especially about organizations role and budget and city structural design and finally consistent design control okay first one this is uh why i came here yeah you can see the mr koi president jokowi and korean president moon jae-in yeah so in front of two presidents pasuki in ministry of public works and housing and korean minister of infrastructure and sorry land infrastructure and transportation designed mou for indonesian new capital city on november 2019 so i came here 2010 20 january yeah so when he arrived here first we visited the yeah the site for the ikai and there is a watchtower so on top of this watchtower i took a picture like this the sightings like that so i yeah i shared my experience and my information about the seijong city this is my careers in biopair and then we communicated with they have communicated with the indonesian government and the indonesian planning planners association and also with the young officers in bail and also you can see these members in indonesian national assembly and also you can see the related government people yeah yeah and also uh vips from people and from association of real estate and brumpurnas and from korea yeah now we have a two track for the corporation first one is cooperation teams team officers we came and we support planning of infrastructure and city planning and we have two governments of corporational programs first one is a case nato program this one is coordinated by us we yeah considered this project with peru and ministry of land infrastructure and transportation of korea and also this eipp program is the problem is economic innovation partnership program this is proceeded by ministry of economic and finance in korea and also with the indonesian ministry of national development plan happiness so yeah among them uh first one is the question nato program as i already said that this is between ministry of land infrastructure transportation and bell it contains a smart city page plane and smart water system smart transportation system according to result of first year's project we want to build some pilot project with a smart city program so now we are talking about the pilot project location yeah and the second project ipp is a more bigger than case team network program it supports two to five projects each year and the budget amount is about 25 billion rupiah per year so it has the poor tasks in one year first one is the roadmap of economic transformation and consider comprehensive album develop plan and second one is the economics of a capital city relocation for java the topic area and third one is the funding for new capital city development and last one is the energy transition master plan and waste management system so inquiry korea's two government to government program covered most of the area of a new capital city project by this project we suggested this kind of structure of urban planning however it is based on the existing free master plan of happiness so and also yeah this one interesting is uh we suggested this thing beside of the akain area and i want to introduce the project summary and history of sejuncity the purpose of a project is to promote balance the development and the competitiveness of the nation is the same to indonesia the budget is 22.5 trillion one government will pay 8.5 trillion one and korean lender and housing corporation will pay 14 trillion almost it can be the 160 trillion rupiah icing and our target population is uh 500 thousand by 2030. so we are targeting the administration centered self-sufficient city so beside of administration we will attract more investment from barriers department like industry and hospital and commercials research and so on so we divided our project third pages first one is by 2015 this pages will be drive driven by government relocation and then after then in 2015 we finished our existing governmental education plan however after then we also added more uh governmentally located however uh from the 2016 we want to teach you to grow up with the other area the other industries and so on we want to grow up serp itself from the 2021. most of us most of people said that young city and administrative but they don't distinguish you they cannot distinguish it from an administrative city so i defined today first this area is korean new administrative city the size of area is 73 square kilometer and then sejong is the local government area like this the total area is 465 square kilometer it's kind of uh ibp administrative city is ibp and sejong is like ikaya nice so now the population of last month is oh no two months ago yeah 2675 thousand people now living in administrative city and then we yeah is surrounded by bible cities and total metropolitan areas about 4000 kilometers now the population is approximately 4 million we want to make this metropolitan area 500 to 65 million or six million metropolitan city so we should the process our first registration for this project was established 2005. before the registration presidential committee of for administrative visits through construction rate or corporation regarding relocation plan of central government and master plan and development plan of administrative city and also designation of project area and project improvement after special act for administrative city enacted on march 2005 we started this project officially so we designated the project area and designated the project improvement and we stably received a relocation plan with a three-page plan and we started a structural plan like a master plan and the development plan and also we started then the compensation after january 2006 we established the national agency for administrative city construction so nhs coordinated the whole project process of this project they finished the planning of master plan and the development plan and then they started the planning of a local plan in administrative city following with the master plan and development plan so we already designated rha as our project implement they finished the render compensation the end by the end of 2006 so in 2007 we finished our local airplane like such as in such as a central administration town and first living town and central green space and also additional to living john so on july we had the groundbreaking ceremony however we experienced the regime change and attempted to discard this relocation plan 2008 however in 2010 national assembly rejected the amendment bill so really started the construction uh after two actually in 2011. so we wasted the two years so however we started the movement of government so in early time we surfed the shortage of housing this is in 2000 yeah six it's just some area of rural area with the agricultural water vice pad ice pattern however now it is like this this becomes urban area this is existing central government area we constructed this place like this and then now it turns like this so next i will introduce project driving system especially this is very important in early time for the efficient process of construction first one is who will the play for the display this project first one is the presidential committee people the registration of special act after legislation of a special act nhcc did everything and then in the period project field construction project regarding the project project implement coordinated all construction projects so as i already said in the history presidential committee considered the stable mis establishment of a special act special organization special account of a national budget and that they consider designation of project area relocation plan and also everything however since 2006 national agency coordinate and control the whole process they permitted the land development and the building construction they formulated the metropolitan plan master plan development plan and they approved all kind of implementation plan land supply plan submitted by project implementer and they manage the special count account of a national budget and they build public facilities and metropolitan approaching road yeah when 2006 yeah they started their work in the project area they build a watch tower and some project promotion area and offices and also they listed up all projects like this and then they hold held project management meeting every month last dedicated organization is a public improvement i think i know that there will be many many stakeholders and many construction and planners and suppliers in the project area so they will do their each work however there will be more many many companies so to escape the complex we need the public improvement to coordinate the whole construction project so they can carry out projects consistently and efficiently and also they can accumulate knowledge and experience and then they they can build the next cities and they can regain the profit from the urban development with the money they can reinvest for the next city so public investor implementers did land acquisition and they established the implementation plan and they developed and pro provided land for the other parts to help to build their own big office or commercial building and also so next one is laws first we when we start we establish the act for the construction in 2005 and then we made the act for local government in 2010. there is a five year gap in early time we need a construction so we made this one first this one secured a democratic legitimacy for the construction and differentiated the application related law and the process of general law so they give this role this act gave the nahc to coordinate whole project and they have most of authorities to planning plan and construct new city so this is the law provisions they have basement in here about the designation of project area and this project and the promotional organization and special account and also especially it has yeah they have some special authorities to all project and then this act for the establishment of self-covering city local government it has a provision to establish new local government and then cost and budget the total cost for this city is 107 trillion one it will be almost 1200 trillion rupee i think yeah so in the first nancc and rh invested their money 22.5 trillion won to make the infrastructure especially nhc invested for the metropolitan approach and the government and public building and rhe implemented the most of infrastructure of the new city and then with this ceremony we attracted four times investment government research institute church public organizations our housing development commercial developers education organizations industrial bodies medical body and also they buy they bought land prepared by rh so they paid the price of land and then they built their building and hire introduce this city's unique structural design first we designated this project area and then [Music] considering the highways and most important transportation facility we planned 18 approaching road and then in the city rhg planned energy friendly implementation plan and most of infrastructure was provided by rh this three main structure is a touring inside it has a public transportation axis and outside it has a highway circular highway for the cars for the bypassing this city people want to go outside or to move the other side in the city do the car they go to here and they can yeah by passing all urban area so they can approach it to the other side and then they want to use the public transportation they can take the prt here and then they can go to the other side this ring shape of structure symbolizes the purpose of our project balance the development of our country so we don't put all things in central area we vacated this area as open space so we put main functions along the prt axis like this so this is our concept we vacated vacated center area so in the center area is a pool of cultural and green functions for the citizens rest and entertainment and the rest yeah this is like this it has a rake park and the central park and the national average and in the center area we have a national library and presidential archive and art center and convention center and we can see the around the surrounding area this surrounding ring's abct is connected with the brt line it has a 22 vrt station and the length is 23 kilometer and the circulation time is a 50 minute so if you want to go the opposite side of the city it takes 25 minutes maximum and you can see that this is a this is very important uh concept of map the highlighted area is uh showed the walking distance area in both sides 500 meters and 500 meters the width of total width is one kilometer in this area we have a 70 percent of total population and 85 percent of commercial so most of the people in che jung city in this administrative city can work and take up blt and take bus they can enjoy their life inside of this city without their own car and we designed the brt line like this in the center two rain we have two rain for the prt and this station like ray ray station and then we have just a two rain for the in one direction and we have a very wide space for the pedestrian and the bike users yeah this is a prt station the different one from jakarta we have a low-flow bus we use this high capacity and then this is tunnel and this is pretty in the cross section so drt don't need to wait in the cross section and also we have this one city and we have a six big yeah living john local john and we have 21 basic living john this is a kind of 15 minute living john and this small one is a five minute revision this is very important indicators for the living [Music] when we move to the new capital city we should make a very good environment for living especially for the public officials and people who move to the new city so they can be satisfied with the city and then people can gather and they can settle down peacefully so but you have time for two minutes left i'm sorry okay i see yeah yeah okay i will yeah hurry up so um indonesia government also needs this kind of living facilities for their life so this is a prototype of living john in the center we have a kindergarten elementary school and commercial and police station and firefighters office and housing is surrounded like this so this uh abrupt type of this living john and we put the emphasis on this living center zone so now we are developing like this in the center we have a very big playground and most of us circles and the public so this type is also a different type of living room in the center most of the things for the living is here so they can walk and ride the bike and they can approach it to the prt station like this so this is portraits of our living room it has a yeah this community path people can use this without car they can work and they can ride bike and we have very wide space for the walking and the bike you know this is a unique type of apartment and especially we yeah put the community space on top of the apartment and uh in the region in the center area we have this kind of community center for the administration and welfare and support and also people's gathering and people's communication like this so and we want to some consistent design of the city so we designed the prt very important space for this city like this like european traditional city we put some guideline five story building yeah and we applied the three different type of this building so yeah you can see that this different three type of design on height and we surveyed 50 urban facilities on the road so we applied the consistent design like this and applied yeah like this this is photo however yeah this is our sketch and we realized like this very same and then our conventional uct we sell we sold land by piece or by piece regardless of design however in the sejiong city we make first the master plan for the block and the complex and we hold design competition for the supplying land so we can get this kind of a good design yeah we supply this complex many yeah we apply the muscle plan for all area so we can have consistent design of complex and blow this applied the same need to the housing complex so we can get this design tower and we apply this low low density housing also so we make the master plan like this yeah okay i finished my presentation sorry for the rate yeah thank you oh thank you very much oh mr trev for incredible and beautiful presentation i love to see the beautiful designs of the city so i imagine our new capital will be like jones probably okay ladies and gentlemen uh now we arrive to the second [Music] presenter professor klamath who will deliver his presentation entitled local specific specificity based learning in professional education is also a professor and professor for people construction engineering so probably the research where you can you can talk more with him professor your screen is already on the screen your christian button is already on the screen time is yours for the next 25 minutes okay let me just a minute yet mute or okay thank you very much um um it is a pleasure my to you know to be here with you all i would like to share some sort of um you know uh experience in uh local specific especially babies learning in indonesia but unfortunately we don't have any much time so i would like to just share with you some very you know short thought about this one excuse me to interrupt you but could you please enhance the display and sorry okay uh stop me five minutes before i finish my speech i will thank you uh in very short time i would like to share with you some of the pertinent things that probably you have to understand indonesia indonesia is very diverse country and i think you know whoever the president whoever the minister of education they will be in trouble because we are a very diverse country you know a lot of islands a lot of different ethnic groups a lot of different religions and but basically indonesia is a good example of how to to be tolerant with the uh the other now i just give you shop at glance i mean you know the diversity of indonesia that perhaps you know indonesia is the most diverse country in the world in terms of you know a cultural ethnicity religious city languages island archipelago and of course you know natural resources and this natural resources probably indonesia has a lot a lot of you know natural resources but sometimes those who are thinking our resources are not asking from foreign people usually now as you may know that roughly about two 175 million people with uh you know i to you people the people linguistically ethnically and realistically very heterogeneous and living throughout the fast and sprouting art so you can imagine that the communication individuals industry much much typical more typical than usa than chinese it's only one island i do believe those who are president in usa may be not able to be a president indonesia to you know manage uh with pulley because indonesia is very different and complicated country now the first aship laku is you know indonesia again you know we have roughly but i don't know exactly but at least you know we have hundreds of islands throughout indonesia from from the east to the west and from the north south um and then you know some total of 65 languages spoken in indonesia some 375 sub 70 different ending ethnic groups together with the multitude of religions therefore unity in diversity as a code of arms was actually already declared you know by the youth from all over indonesia in 1928 actually and also indonesia is rich and magnificent in terms of natural resources this is why indonesia is still uh very in the graphic country that because we have punjabi life and won't do it all but at least this uh you know indonesian ideology that this effort to unite all indonesian people now in relation resources we have a lot of human resources again united before that we have 275 almost here million people and we have a rich natural resources well we have financial resources but in maybe the management is not as good as what we want and and that you know we have to have a lot of loans from developing whatever cultural resources the different countries yeah social resources again you know indonesia physically was uh well actually it's a country with a good social resources that's why you know we have an excellent family in indonesia and you never meet it in a western country many resources also now two things characterized in education one is the goal of education we call it the cost and second one cause and second one is effort to achieve the cool effects actually our business education online there's two things whether we define the goal of education correctly or not but the second one is how to achieve the goal is another thing now what i'm discussing here local specificity peace learning is only one of the many efforts to achieve the corrupt education i can unite to you before that physically in education not in education in our life in families it's only to think what to achieve and second one how to achieve that's it you know why we're not uh successful well there are many things that we would like to discuss actually now the goal of education is the more quality i define it i wrote it in 90 19 1962 this quite long time was almost 30 years roughly but i still keep it because i wrote it fundamentally nobody accused my writing if any then i would be very happy to change my my you know writings that the goal of education is basically you know we have to educate our young children to have a strong foundation skill instrumental quality nationality quality and a global globalism quality you know in in foundation skill of course you know we have to teach our young children to be to have a good thinking skill critical thinking creativity innovation etc and hard skill how to be a good character and then physical skill you know this uh probably uh for me because my my head is already 73 is number one physical skill so i have to take care of myself and instrumental quality you know we have to teach out young children mathematics science technology and of course right now on the fantasy basis you know done in many schools although the development is very slow and also nationality as well as we are in one village uh whether in regional or in global in relational we have asean apec g20 even right now we have a close recessive designers we call it upper barrano they change the pre and then also we have to have a uh good cooperation the with the world bank and it branches and also with the world trade organization where indonesia designed it in 1994 but you know i think we are in uh a little bit uh behind uh as compared to uh you know south korea taiwan etc okay this is my imagination that future uh human being i mean you know the our young generation must have a multiple persons where the intellectual caution emotional questions people combined with the religious caution collective caution love course portion moral and ethical portion kinesthetic portion passion portion i mean you know this all must be in balance for our young children and then uh i wrote it in 2018 that we have to have uh what i call it uh revitalization of vocational education i mean you know in the past and the future i uh spoke it in in german actually in in nine in 2018 in where i don't want to report but at least you know we have to change from the competency piece to capability system more focus on preparing to be employed next time well we have to prepare entrepreneur very limited money literacy and and you know we have to teach our young children to to have abroad money literacy literacy how to monetize our expertise is one of the biggest challenge we are very expert in everything but how to monetize this expertise sometimes we are in trouble in higher education that's simply because we we are not good in entrepreneurship here current friendly to future family preparing what's up ready and preparing for futurity what to think how to think rigid and specific curriculum flagship into flexible and current curriculum single technology fused technology etc etc and i think this one is very easy to read now if we would like to develop our education appropriation education then we have to have a full system of vocational education let's say at school i follow you know from contact input process output outcome as well as impact actually i don't have any time to explain in more detail about this one but at least i told you that if we would like to develop our school we cannot do it partly but we have to do it comprehend comprehensively from the contact input process output outcome and impacts whether this is about quality innovation productivity efficiency effectiveness and etc etc now i just would like to tell you very shortly indonesia i mean policy of education in indonesia indonesia is faced with two increasing uh very complex parts of human capital one is how to accumulate human capital as fast as possible approaches very skillful flexible and technology literate workforce when i'm saying to accumulate how to educate them as as high as possible and then second one is how to how this workforce are well distributed and utilized maximally in all activities that year high written on human resources [Music] [Music] um to achieve this one a policy of education was created in four areas that's basically distribution quality relevancy and efficiency done through improving the governance of education here is the policy of education in indonesia is there are four areas one is distribution when we call it distribution this is about the equality equality of opportunity access and equity again you know when we are discussing about the quality quality specifically moving towards it when i'm saying moving darts at no quality very static but always dynamics again you know also relevancy where the relationship with the tutan or whatever i will tell you later on efficiency because we use uh public money and then we have to spend where spend less or even spend you know wisely whatsoever this physically indonesian policy of education and then what is a locality you know local specificity a local specificity is a special characteristic of a certain locality offering cultural resources natural resources uh you know social resources and also are the uniqueness that other locals do not have well i'm not going to tell you the truth and i wrote it about two years ago when i spoke about the locality and i wrote many pages but again you know there's only a small part of my report when we are discussing about indonesia localities indonesia has numerous local specificity throughout of indonesia and obviously teaching the locals specifically to young people is a must if industry is going to sustain and develop its local specificity now indonesia also you know as you may read it here we have to teach our young children in balance when i'm saying in belgium we have to teach them about local need national need also regional and international demands and industrial learning must offer imbalance among local needs nationally regionally and international demand now with regard to local specificity it is about relevancy actually when we are discussing about localis specificity this is about relevancy between education in general and vocational in specific with local specific specifications sorry specificity potential such as cultural and natural resources about relevancy you know you education must be relevant to the need of children to the needs of the family and local needs as well as national development needs but how to make this policy sometimes is not the easy relevancy of education uh is it's in a percent you know so actually i have wrote our orthodontic before that this is how to educate our young children so that they are developing imbalance between local needs nationally regional challenges as well as international challenges so when we are discussing about this one actually we are talking about the relevancy is a bottling match this one was introduced by bhavarthi man where i was very intensive play help him how to develop link and match if you would like to look at the more detail about document link and match ask me do not ask somebody else ask me because i'm the one who are very closely even i wrote the tour system uh ministry uh decline i mean the remaining city crew up to a system that number zero three two three slash use last night 1997 it's about to a system i mean when we are talking about relevancy how much the degree of link energy of course you you cannot put it in you know all of them are in uh slicing this is about you know like i met in a you know emotive but i can you know unit time actually it is five minutes more okay thank you sorry yes equipment supply and demand you know basically a local specific space civicity is a demand and focus on the school who provide librarian is a supply so people supply internal quantity quality location time we have to calculate this one actually annual actually but in the industry nobody do it is very very funny indonesia a big country but without any clear what is the quantity of graduate from let's say electronic or home economic or whatsoever we don't have any clear data on it as well as quality location where the graduates are needed whether in makassar in parliament or in time when i have ideas that focus on a school should be extended to function uh abruptly more correctly than right now you know so not only for the student but actually i want focus in school escalate skill training center production channel training material development center teaching industry industry training partner career education center etc etc yeah this is my proportional actually now there are several questions that we have to make immortal intellectually when we are discussing about the you know how to develop uh specificity peace learning there are many questions i can answer it but i don't have any time to discuss in more detail what learning object you know to to master the local specificity what to learn to you know to achieve the objective how to learn with what to learn how to assess learning when to learn where to learn who fascinated learning how to manage learning well i have 10 more questions but at least i just continue it's only a small question yeah now [Music] and the last one actually uh learning strategies how to teach our young children in order to master the local specificity i wrote several strategies not all but you know i have roughly about 80 strategies but well when it is strategy you cannot say strategy and you can see only operational and operational tacticals only but at least unite i try to root in very limited number that several choices for example insertion and then simulation short courses observation apprenticeship cross-subject matter planning visitation invited expert as well as probably you can use audio visual to bring to the class of the student without any going to the real places can see what is going on and i think this one is all you know i i do believe that there are many things that we can discuss but you know i don't have any time it's enough you know copy from the unesco about uh the type of small industry because indonesia i think it's very appropriate to have a lot more uh small industries actually there is a precision uh where it is a president decree about this one but i don't uh you know copy it simply because more or less the same as this one thank you very much yes a very insightful and inspiring presentation and i believe everyone here would like to have discussion further explanation from the two honorable speakers so here i have seen that uh tamudianto already write in the checkbox for proflamat and anyone of you who would like to ask question to any of the presenter please write down in the chat box or you could also raise your hand and then you can speak on behalf of yourself so here uh professor matt yes um in this chat box i would like to um i would like to ask about your opinion on how to prepare the education in this pandemic era especially for our vocational students which most of them have been impacted and this is important for us to prepare this type and model of education on this very unwanted moment i guess we all need any available options so that we don't leave the education behind and the goal of education can be preserved thank you and also for professor cho choose that way i guess we know that relocating the capital city is a big deal yes i believe so what is the main challenge is that you meet in the stages of relocating of the capital city uh prof salamat would you like to answer the first question that is addressed for you and then we move to professor chu okay um yes i did not write uh about coffee tuna i consider coffee this only temporary you know i mean it's only postmates that's not long for for refereeing that's why you know i do not put a profit at all but anyway as a postmanager i think in informational education um it's very much affected by this family because focus on education about the scale particularly when you are discussing about uh you know two future jobs routine job or repetitive job and non-repetitive job in the future vocational education is being challenged to this one so during this coffee era i think you know we have to have a where are actually you know sorry to turn many people by using visualize uh you know practical skill by using uh pto whatever you know because but again this is only only you know a sparkly solution but because vocational education is basically about skill education unless you know we are focusing on the routine job this means that sooner or later can be replaced by technology but for non-repetitive job i think we need to have a you know we have to teach our creativity innovation imagination whatsoever but but again you know i think uh how to handle it it's only one one thing that i told you before i use media i'm an audio visual or maybe we have to use a photo whatsoever so that we can bring them to the class but again you know this is only part of of solution not ideal one the most effective education is focused on education not not general education thank you yes all right thank you very much for the answer from salamat so now we move to professor chu trace foreign uh yeah yeah all right yeah so have you already seen the questions yeah sure yeah all right okay yeah regarding the challenge is as you when you ask the question capital relocation is a very big deal so we need a very stable political situation so so today i introduced the driving system like law and organization and one more thing is a budget so with the stable driving system we can proceed the project stable stably so yeah political stability is the most important i think yeah thank you mr tray for the answer i also curious on how how you deal with the local as as i read the case of seijo the local also in folk and impacted by the public works done in sergio and how about how about that in new capital relocation of indonesia do you also see that you know uh please i cannot yeah understand your question exactly what means local yeah local means the community the community that the people that already live there and then they they need to open to the a new development era which is uh probably uh some of them not not not easily open to that do you also see that yeah we have native people in the area so yeah they need to leave their house and their village and their hometown so in the big project we have a pros and cons already so there can be a challenge and there can be some opportunity so local government and the local community should prepare they should design why should i accept this big project to get the profit and to utilize this big project as an opportunity for the local area yeah okay wonderful thank you so anyone here would like to also raise questions or comments children uh this is the new one from nokia surya suryat how do you compare the location of the capital city in indonesia with seijong this is very interesting this is a very short question and a very big question we need a very long explanation yeah yeah so indonesia is in yeah starting stage yeah i i already suggested our history in the early times so i want the indonesia government to consider this voluntary consideration so yeah so they want to i hope they escaped the trial errors which korean government experienced yeah i cannot answer exactly because yeah this is the situation of indonesia is in the starting time okay anyone else would like to press questions dear audiences these two honorable speakers are from civil engineering and construction sustainability and also professor from education vocational education for civil engineering also so i believe here who to join international conference for sustainable infrastructure has so many questions mr cheryl i also wonder whether you will you would like to make our new capital essay john as smart city would that be happen oh sorry yes yeah yeah sajon city is already acknowledged by the many countries as a very good smart city we are considering this our city as the most advanced smart city because we when we start over planning we already established the plan for the smart city [Music] and early time it was called the ubiquitous city so yeah we are now yeah continue to developing and and will will will it be happen in new capital city of indonesia yeah sure indonesia government also want to yeah world-class high-top smart city yeah all right i if i have opportunity i will support yeah well uh since uh now it's five to the end of our conference today five minutes to the end of our conference today so since there is no more questions so i would like to thankful and express our highest appreciation to two honorable speakers mr trey and professor flameth for your availability to share your knowledge experience and also all incredible things that we can see from here through virtually but it is beautiful i love to see the buildings literature so i hope we can we can discuss further in the in the next conference probably and then again we we would like to thankful for all audiences up to now we still have more than 250 participants that they are ready to proceed their conference process into parallel station after the break so this is the end of a second session of plenary should you found any shortcomings please accept my sister apologize i'm dewey kombucha the moderator for a second session i would like to listen back to the master of ceremony of this conference hello back to you thank you baby thank you very much for your paying attention to our short you know presentation i do believe this a lot of things to be asked but no time at all i'll see you there yes thank you very much for your inspiring presentation okay thank you thank you you're gone you're welcome well ladies and gentlemen this is the end of the second plenary session and as an expression of gratitude and appreciation we would like to present tokens of appreciation to both speakers the first is choi and then the second speaker is professor slamat phd ladies and gentlemen that's the end of the friendly sessions [Music] for their contribution to the success of the plenary presentation session ladies and gentlemen coming up next is the break session but before proceeding to the parallel presentation let me inform some important information first of all let me please be well informed that the parallel sessions start at one pm shop in the breakout rooms the links will be shared on the screen later
Channel: PSB FT UNY
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Length: 190min 26sec (11426 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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