Dogfighting in First Person View Is Completely Different [Trailmakers]

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welcome back to the channel in today's video use the JB and I are gonna be doing a first person only dog fight uh so hopping in first person is gonna look like this at least if I was in this plane but we're gonna be building completely different planes that have a limit of 100 blocks and that is the only limitation you can use any kind of thrust and then of course we are going to have the standard weapon uh progression where we start with the smart cannons and then work our way up to more deadly weapons so I think it's going to be pretty interesting trying to fly around in first person only using these things and trying to get a sight on our enemies and uh lock on you guys excited yes yep all right uh let's find a spot to build and start building these first-person planes okay so 100 blocks is actually a pretty decent amount for uh a plane depending because um this plane that I spawned in here this is actually only 68 blocks so but it is not designed for protection at all so I definitely want to build a plane that looks good in first person like to be driving I thought about a biplane but then the wing is going to be blocking your view when you're looking up and I think that's going to be really important for uh finding and locking on an anime so I want it to have the best view I can give it while also still being fun and interesting to fly in first person I don't want to be looking at nothing I also want to be able to see for as best I can the damage that's been done so I have an idea of uh where I'm at as far as um durability goes so rather than having a propeller right up in the front like with that plane I'm thinking about splitting it to a dual propeller so there's a propeller on either side coming off of the Wings but as far as the gun positioning goes I think the best positioning for the guns is going to be on the bottom it's also probably going to be the easiest to deal with all right now for wings uh here is where I potentially want the propeller let's see how big these propellers are okay that is kind of close isn't it maybe like I don't know out here man that's a little bit inconvenient though oh unless I do this how's I looking in first person I kind of want to like for some reason I just I want to see the propellers in first person like at least in my peripherals I just think it would look cool I just just being able to see that and also I can see if my propellers are falling off at all right I think this looks pretty cool and then I can have this to actually go back into like a tail so we can have a bit of a split tail with some more you know redundancy connections all right so I think this is one half uh One Wing design right here so if I copy and paste all of this over here what are we at only 56 blocks all right well at least let's see how this thing flies as is uh with just the two propellers because I can add more thrusters I kind of want to make this a zoomy boy as well um oh boy all right you know what for uh let's let's do oh you know what I just realized I don't have any pitch control on this thing yet I totally forgot to add actual uh pitch on the tail oh yeah and I wanted to make sure that the middle of the tail the tail here is also connected uh because right now there was no connections to the actual middle body so now if this side of the tail gets taken out uh it's still connected here um and also I'm gonna have aileron these aileron controls on the end of these wings for roll but I also want the inside flap Wing here I want these to have roll control as well because I imagine if I get shot right here this is going to detach this whole Wing segment and then get rid of the Roll on this side but if this is still remaining at least I'll have some level of roll control all right I think all my control services are in order right now now let's see how this thing feels oh boy I got a lot of lift on the back okay I mean that makes sense you got a very strong tail all right this doesn't feel too bad now let's go into first person oh this actually looks pretty cool oh yeah look at that I kind of want my nose to look cooler though all right that actually doesn't I thought that might uh ruin the view a little bit having uh that thing on there because it sticks up but it actually does in my opinion on the first person I think it does actually make it look kind of cool yeah as long as I can see where I'm shooting and I can and then look I can see my wing damage even my tail I can see I can see everything on this all right so we've got how many blocks to deal with now for protection I have 41 blocks left I'm gonna add more thrust redundancy because I do not want it to be just the propellers oh aerodynamics I forgot uh I definitely have some aerodynamic issues like right here hold on go ahead and add that right there all right everywhere else is actually looking really really good all right so I'm definitely gonna need more thrust because I'm gonna add a lot more weight and shields all right how does this feel for thrust now oh boy oh boy way too much weight in the front right now let's check out my forces shall we I sent her a masses way up here my center of lift is way back here that's just because I have a lot of lift in the tail so maybe if I replace these I'm gonna use the smaller version of them all right it's definitely feeling better with the smaller ones in the back actually wow this is fast too look how fast I'm going all right let's go first person oh this feels nice this feels so nice all right can I land can I slow down I'm not even gonna be able to slow down for this uh uh okay I need more pitch control oh this is bad oh look how straight this thing flies now oh look how fast I'm gone I hope I don't map my uh forces okay here we go I definitely want to Shield the top especially like around the propeller attachments and the wing attachments I'm just gonna Shield the whole tops of these things I'm at 92. now I'm at 97. I might want to actually change uh I might want to just make some room because I also think shielding the top here 97 oh boy 98 100 block limit where's my next Shields gonna go you know what I might be getting shot from behind so right here 99 and 100 because if this block gets taken out it's gonna take out one two three uh wings so that is just that's just bad news so I think this is my 100 block first person plane so let's get in first place first person and see uh how it feels here we go all right I'm gonna try to fly straight by not pressing anything I am not pressing anything other than the gas right now or the throttle all right well obviously I had to not fly into that right yeah my pitch feels good my roll my pitch feels really good look at that my roll feels a little a little slow I'm gonna adjust my roll now all right now how are we feeling for roll way more agile yep because agility is going to be key Speed and Agility in these games I feel really really good about this actually all right well I'm gonna paint this thing up and uh let's see what they came up with all right everybody have you finished our first person planes yeah yeah I'm super excited to fly mine around and take you guys out of the sky awesome awesome well let's see him let's see one all right I'll go first this time here is mine oh what so I went with a twin prop but I have a lot of uh mini Thruster assists just to get that extra Speed and Agility um so if you guys want you can hop in and look with the third part or the first person looks like oh that's nice oh wow so I can see the props uh which is kind of I think it's a fun immersive experience seeing the props in first person and uh as far as I feel like I'm a pretty Speedy one um there we go I go about like close to 200 I think if I'm just going straight okay um and I think I feel like I'm pretty maneuverable there's loads of pieces glitching off you guys yeah yeah let's get all multiplayer right oh rip I don't have any breaks though this is mine oh but there's more than dual props in those props yeah dual duel and secret hidden booster oh that's interesting you have a yeah let me have a look here you can see oh wow this is a lot of uh visual real estate here yeah you can see everything that's crazy I think it's gonna work Flags a little bit iffy but it should work I have detachable landing gears he's one episode here with the landing gear uh yeah how's your speed and stuff how's it Fly um with boosters 300 something oh I just I just noticed the face on the front opposite direction I built something a little bit more modern ah a fighter jet a fighter jet with the swept Wing capability and frost factoring oh no I have the full this is 99 blocks wow this is really small like you saw how I managed to put a lot of blocks with a small amount of space yeah yeah somehow kind of weird about your maneuverability yeah you're gonna be more maneuverable yeah I'll show you so here I go let's put those wings back there it goes look at this roll guys oh wow nice yeah wow super maneuverable all right hey come back here I want to see what the first person looks like in that thing all right yes true here let me come in for a landing very very clear in front of you this is real oh the the looking behind looks awesome actually are you guys ready for the first battle with the smart Cannon yes I am indeed all right let's get up in the air oh this is awesome yeah remember first person only no switching out uh I'm not sure where you guys are but three two one go oh my God all right there we go where's the name tag yeah oh there I see Uzi at least the one after the first one I see oh he's already shooting at me he's down below here we go oh oh I heard some hits on me somebody's on my tail oh man these smart cannons have no uh they've got no ammo you want this maneuverability oh wow look at that you're going what the first dude what was that maneuver I don't know swept mode drifting try not to get like too dizzy from this you know yeah all right where is he oh okay oh we got some hits on me yikes oh my left propeller oh my left propeller's not looking good whoa that was close we nearly crashed yeah what you connected to only your tail that's crazy wait what yeah you won't be able to see because of your first person but you're damaged oh no oh yeah yeah you see that JV yeah yeah he's going down I don't oh oh oh oh wait a minute are you still here I went to the clouds there we go there we go oh hold on hold on uh yep I'm out too I'm going down oh there he goes yeah we both just uh spiraled down to the ground dang that's a check there oh well no winners all right wow this is uh so what happened to my tail I couldn't actually see so it wasn't your tail so you see these two Wings in between um your cockpit here so this one and this one they were both gone to just the tail I am so glad that I have that Center connection because I was actually basing this off of a plane that uh it it was basically like this but it didn't have the center part here it was only attached on the tail and then I had a gap in the middle but I'm like I think having a center attachment is going to be important and yep uh that's right did help redundancies all right well uh that was a good practice round so uh wait we need a winner though yeah we need to try again here for the smart Cannon round three two one go all right all right and use these maneuverability scares me I can adjust it I can toggle it so like I just turn it off for the rest of the uh for the rest of the battle then I'll get I'll keep my wings swept and I'm just kidding you can do whatever you want oh I got some good hits on you there scrap oh oh I heard some things watch the islands this time JB yeah oh oh there's there's on me yeah I really am and take each other out I'm getting so dizzy so quickly oh my God the clouds are so cool I don't know who's behind me but I'm going for you JB oh man you're chunky too these twin props eh I don't know are you behind me yeah um yeah oh are you going down it I've definitely lost some maneuverability your middle of your tail is gone oh I don't know if you had a middle of your tail but it's not there okay yeah it's gone oh no I'm doing down oh oh there he goes oh JB's out all right scrap me and you again oh oh There were some good hits there oh he's doing his drifting again it's hard to know where my nose is when I'm looking around so much I'm like wait where's forward uh oh I don't think I got anything but I definitely hit stuff dude you're so chunky the entire top of my build is all Shields oh come on okay all right I need to break off here oh oh I can't see anything in the clouds that was actually disorienting I came out upside down from the clouds I didn't even know I was upside down oh man it's really hard to take you down got a lot of armor oh that was good oh my seat's glowing oh my seat is definitely glowing everywhere oh no we're close oh oh my seat just got more damage I saw the glow it get increased okay so many islands so many islands invasive Maneuvers look at the lake he's flying JV roll oh I don't know if you hit anything oh yeah you did ow ow ow ow I wish I had more ammo at that point your tail is so close your tail is so close oh no man the way you can just throw your nose around oh there's something yeah what was that that was your tail I'm Gonna Roll come on first vector and could you save me can you save me are you actually pulling out of this what I'm trying I'm trying no no I'm down oh that was so close oh oh I cannot believe that good job dude wow all right I don't know how possible this is but I'm gonna try to come in for a first person Landing I want to see the damage hopefully yeah hopefully I don't know how this is gonna go I've never I've never done a first person Landing yet remember brakes okay all right nothing nothing got knocked off whoa It's all of my front everywhere on my front is just glowing oh I was this close wow look at my seat I'm so glad that the windshield damage doesn't show from first person because I wouldn't be able to see anything wow look at that oh that's so close wow that's crazy this is actually this is counterintuitive to like our my previous dog fighting experience usually it's behind the center of mass that takes the damage but now it's like yeah in the front all right well that was crazy uh you guys ready for miniguns yes minigun time yeah I am really enjoying the first person aspect it's less disorienting than I expected it to be I mean it's still a little bit but less than I expected all right here we go oh don't hit that don't hit that okay good all right three two one go all right where's everybody at oh there's your names I see you see yep JB I'm already on you I'm on you I'm on you oh out of nowhere oh there's Uzi and JB um [Music] that was quick dude that was that was quick I just like locked on your tail and just took it off in one pass oh I'm smoking so heavily all right you are smoking your whole right side oh man you're pretty maneuverable too JB oh I'm super low again oh boy purple up a bit oh I took off something oh I think one of your tail pieces all right cool oh oh I took some hits there there's an interesting Dynamic to uh two twin props left nope went into the island that was like I saw that too wow that was great all right yeah I feel like I didn't really take any damage that time all right we should do another another minigun round for sure though so that's what two points to scrap man yep yep okay JV we got some catching up today yeah all right three two one go I already know who I have my eyes on first using why are you in the Sun whoa oh oh that was a lot of hits oh cool I thought we were gonna hit each other crashed yeah come on an island down there strap oh my God like the island was hidden in the clouds the island was I was chasing JB and I got the best lock on him and then there was an island in my face you can't trust all of these clouds Jamie yeah I I can't do anything oh okay I'm so sorry that's fine he's gone down wow here he goes that round that's crazy wow man I didn't read a different story if you didn't hit that island that was like so crazy like it literally came out of no like I didn't even know it was there until it was way too late yeah one point first crap one point for using all right we are now transitioning to the rocket round this is gonna be very very different here we go all right everything works oh that's kind of cool to watch all right here we go uh three two one go oh where is oh there oh there behind you oh oh no wow you're okay you're fine yeah just like a couple of tail pieces oh no oh did you just fly overhead yeah so close oh I got someone in my sights oh I missed whoa [Music] like right behind me I hear those shots I can hear them oh JV are you out oh my yeah wow I don't even know that looked like it went like right on my camera almost Whoa man your shots are getting really close I feel like I'm not getting a a nice lock on you though yeah same oh this is gonna be hard come on oh oh shoot you yes oh no shoot shoot no man I cannot get a good lock on you're just your maneuverability is just too much no not quite you have to be at like the perfect angle to launch oh oh no oh I couldn't pull up man all right usually catch another point it's tied right now between me and yuzi oh did you knock any pieces off when you hit me I couldn't tell yeah something on your right tail Ah that's probably why I couldn't pull up as much as I expected yeah I really thought I was gonna be able to pull up away from that island but just went right down into it so I guess let's do first or three points then huh where's the freeze it always comes down to this yep all right three two one go it's too close for comfort oh dude all right I've lost scrap man where do you go oh oh whoa oh man whoa whoa this is cool come on man there's so many Rockets coming into my face oh there we go come on I just cannot turn whoa JB almost hit me I just cannot turn sharp enough to get this lock on yuzi oh did we just hit you guys both hit no it's usually out because I survived here somehow uh how did I survive I just got a melee kill [Laughter] how that happened all right we're all mine scrub man you could potentially clutch this JB who knows yeah yeah yeah I might hit another Island [Laughter] oh that was so incredibly close oh I can't do that okay okay okay crap I lost you oh oh wow you're really okay okay I'm disoriented hold on oh your speed like you're going too slow stop that really uh oh yeah I am going super slow oh that there we go yeah I saw that I saw yikes watch the clouds yeah come on JV is there an island in that cloud oh there was really there's an island in that one okay I gotta be yeah there's that Island here never trust the clouds get your nose Oh shoot no that's oh you're still have a lot of tail left how about no there's no more confirmed up there it is the master of rockets himself screaming all right well I only won one out of two of them so I think we're equally matched with the Rockets all right here we go oh I'm going too fast damage once there did you oh ah the Sheep yeah I don't think I got hit there which I I don't have no idea how that happened with I collided with Uzi and somehow yeah one of my wings was gone I think it was my left wing and I was in the spiral it was cool though very cinematic all right well that was super fun um I think I don't know I kind of I we should do something else with first person at some point because I really enjoyed that if we get a fourth person at some point we gotta do first person team dog fights but uh people should leave some more suggestions for stuff they want to say down in the comments below and uh definitely check out everyone else's channels there will be links in the description if you guys enjoyed this you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen anyways I've been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye [Music] thank you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 261,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers dogfight, glider battle, no engine, air battle, mid-air battle, dogfight, aerial combat, first person dogfight, trailmakers first person
Id: io8cllMNzIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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