one direction videos for when you need a serotonin boost

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he's on a rolling a piano bass kind of fix you number two uh you know some of the newer sounds the rihanna song especially you know yeah especially the rihanna song where did that come out do you know where the name came from who is this music mongol sat on my left there well i work for a magazine called a saxophonist and do a saxophone record who are you by myself saxophonist yeah i think so wow personally by saxophone transformers i'm walking around it is if i was a girl i would date probably liam i think he's a solid choice yeah i did louie they'd like to go to a theme park with you on your first date come with us good luck yeah i think i'd date louie as well if i if i was a girlfriend i'd date louie i won't dare any of you because none of you picked me [Laughter] get off girls think you are attractive handsome um so basically like i went to like the shop and i bought like a packet of crisps and there was this guy and there was this guy who like tried to steal my crisps so i like ran away yeah like i talked really it's slow really exciting story but like i make it really good i'll look somewhere else but i'm telling it as well so you don't you lose interest even more in what i'm saying you know it's kind of it makes you feel vulnerable i think putting yourself out there that much so it was exciting but it's nerve-wracking too i think sorry for that woman just there because she's to do all the typing of that very long answer i'll try and write in um i'll try and speak in shorter sentences for now she's probably one of those uh you know the court clerk so just ask me again it was wicked we're like um stealing stuff we're yeah we're yeah we're pretty crimes we're in real life too who's the best kisser he just likes to stand there with his head down i don't know that [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] are you [Applause] sounds great because it just rolls off the tongue where are you from uh now you're a single chap as well yes okay you seem to keep it under the radar bit i'm a quiet man very irish in that respect like to keep myself to myself i'm my that's right isn't it i love eyes aliens oh my god you poor boy how is it harry tastes like feet i've only ever cooked one meal uh that was pretty nice chicken wrapped in parma ham stuffed with mozzarella well yes stuffed blame that's what jamie oliver said i mean you're interesting now you're interested with dolphins already had a chat with louie about this um but obviously niall were quite cloudy on the day that you were filming that video girls make a clown have you seen wind in the willows have you seen my hair right it looks quite under control today but the thing is like if your hair got caught i'm sure i've read an interview where you said you had sand no i sang somebody else's song the story's changing i'm currently single uh i'm currently with someone as well [Applause] what don't we like about leon i don't admire when louis takes it too far i do admire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] i saw a picture of um harry uh in the studio here on twitter what is going on there there's music just staring at him because i've heard zane gooses you to get the high notes is that true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] most likely to have a song written about him [Music] mostly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cookies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you bake cookies [Applause] do you need this tupperware box back we can keep the box we got a box everyone [Applause] if i take the tin foil out is it micro it's microwavable everywhere [Applause] if you can be as quiet as possible [Music] [Applause] when life gives you lemons kick the lemon away where's the [Music] wish me [Music] i have never smoked a joint so you stop looking at each other you can't you can't decide what's the next one no let's answer this one we i think we know the answer this one jointlet happy days [Music] [Applause] and the best 40 year old virgin how do you play that question [Music] because you wear them tongues and stuff that weird thing that you had once hang on step one all i do is all i do for christmas is quite romantic a couple weeks ago probably one of my favorite bands ever um so that was a pretty incredible surprise that's one direction yeah yeah sorry it's all good absolutely i think you know like what's missing from earlier oh um i think i just think that if you get to a point where you feel like you have nothing left to do then there's no point doing it i think there's a lot of stuff that we still want to achieve and want to like what okay oh i i finished but um hey from one father to another i want to congratulate you on your upcoming fatherhood yes so how are you feeling thank you yeah um obviously it's it's a very exciting time so uh i'm buzzing thank you congratulations again yes harry you seem very quiet today no you obviously still haven't been nominated for a grabby which everybody's very happy about so thanks stephanie thank you a lot don't you want it it's so bad 20. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay the dinosaur record to beat liam was 57. the number of coins you balanced on your face successfully was 21. give it up for liam we don't really you know see the comparison in terms of levels of success however there you go mercy thank you merci beaucoup to france i didn't really get out much we went to the eiffel tower we played football against those guys didn't we you did i ate snails not well apparently the doctor said to him you can either sing pic singing or talking so he's gone with the singing thing because we have to do it i didn't know this james's show over mine so he downloaded an app right and he's just everything that he's going to say for the next half an hour is in through the apparently panel hello nick grimshaw hello nick grimshaw hello uh right what are we gonna do in this interview did it take you to type that the universe is expanding which one would it be and why it's a great question from anne they're up north your mom's still hot it's quite good because you can't speak yeah but she gets smoking with it yeah it's a compliment man [Laughter] don't understand the world's obsession with one direction what is attractive about little boys with gross hair and skinny jeans
Channel: harry's gay vodka
Views: 806,066
Rating: 4.99299 out of 5
Id: VbvrNLAntbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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