Louis Tomlinson Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

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hi i'm louie tomlinson and i'm doing a wired auto complete interview these are some random random google questions so we'll start with this one yeah just don't peel it off shoulder how to pronounce louie tomlinson well i've just done that for you well before i was on on the x factor sorry all my friends from back home they called me lewis i mean my name is louie but they called me lewis that's what i was known as back home and then on my first audition simon called me louie and i went about to correct him you know what i mean so that's that how old is louie thomason i'm getting older it feels like i'm getting old like at 27 i am how is larry tominson uh yeah i'm doing all right thanks i'm doing all right that's a random google one well what does google say in response to that i'd love to know how can i meet louis tomlinson come to tour come to tour and i'll meet you then hopefully what's up next what is louis thomas's favorite food i ate a lot of rubbish food probably burgers i eat a lot of mcdonald's but in terms of the ultimate burger it probably has to be in and out that is a proper burger what else we got here what is louie thomas's zodiac sign been a lot of talk of this while i've been doing promo in america you guys love the zodiac stuff capricorn i am i was told recently about some of the characteristics of a capricorn capricorn i think i maybe have like two of eight what is louis tomlinson's phone number that is a question i won't be answering my number's got out quite a few times i like beyond privacy so unfortunately i'm not gonna give you that there's two on here what kind of dog does louis thompson have a great reveal at the end there i got two dogs i got a golden doodle and i got a labradoodle bruce and cliff they're quite different dogs the two of them uh bruce is like proper well-behaved good lad proper like almost like a pretty dog you know what i mean i was cliff he's big he's clumsy he's a thief because you know everyone says dog shouldn't go anywhere near chocolate and i think maybe two or three easters ago he stole a full easter egg a full easter egg which i was worried about but i found out after i think as long as they don't eat the body weight in chocolate you're all right so he lives to fight another day okay is louis thomas in british two right get to know oh hang on a minute well you can't see that but it says is louis tomlinson on tour not yet glad you asked about to go on the road next year tickets are on sale go have a look there we go again i'm getting a bit sh this now is louie thomason a football player yeah my local club um doncaster over is where i'm from i was lucky enough one year i mean it was a bit of a pr thing on their end but also fairly decent football player they signed me onto the books for a year i was in the back of the programme every game day i got a squad number which i got tattooed on me and 28. it was a good time to be around is louie thomason vegan i'm not a vegan i'm not a vegan um i mean in england we're doing all sorts at the moment like vegan sausage rolls which feels like a contradiction to me i'm not a vegan no but respect to everyone who is is louie thomas and left-handed no i'm not left-handed i'm right-handed believe it or not what more have i got to say about my left or right-handed that's your lot is louie thomason nice i suppose it depends on your ass really uh i think so i like to think so yeah he's a funny this one what is louie thomas's favorite color red i love red often trying to incorporate red into pretty much anything i do really creatively and also me uh my football club donuts they play in red so that'd be why what is louie tomlinson just hold on about you know it's another one of those songs that's that's saying you know regardless of what happens in life you just got to try and uh be hopeful really what is louis thompson's middle name that'll be an obvious google answer that's william don't use it that often i imagine somebody fans know there's my middle name bit trivia for you what movies is louis tomlinson been in i have been in the movie like other than the one direction movie starring that when i was really young i did the odd bit of extra work here and there there's one really tragic clip online of me i think about 14 years old out of a line but i look petrified who is louis tomlinson who is louie thomas's best friend probably me ginger mate ollie goes everywhere with me lives for me most the time is the songs first most of the time went to school with him known him for like wow like 10 years now 12 years or something that's mad who is louie tomlinson x factor judge i was an ex factor judge i've also been on the show as a contestant i was in this bank or one direction they were pretty big who is louis thomas and miss you about miss you was originally written i was bouncing between different parties and all the night life that la has to offer and there was moments where i felt like i was kind of just going along with it without really enjoying it so much and that's kind of what that song was about who did louis thompson play for i'd be donnie rovers or if we're going far back tickle junior sunday league sunday league team um local area it was the first team that i joined called tickle juniors i think they're still going in fact i got a mildly cheeky email from them pretty recently uh asking for some funding um so i'll be in touch don't have anything more to say about her on to where where was louie thomason born i was born in doncaster probably best place in the world if you haven't been you should go great holidays i absolutely love where i come from great people where i'm from and a great night out as well where does louie tomlinson currently live i live between la and london and also try and get to doncaster as much as i can quite a drastic jump quite a different jump it just it's just forever hot here in la you know i mean i was just talking about that we're about to get into november and it's red hot and i'm just a true brit you know i mean when it's winter i want cold where is louie tomlinson right now here doing this this little piece to camera for you where did louis tomlinson go to school in doncaster there was a school called hayfield school went there for 90 of my school life then i failed my a-levels and they didn't have me in they wouldn't have me back in which was a bit unfair of them so then i went to another school for a year and then i'm at an x factor so where louis thompson audition i auditioned in manchester when i did the x factor basically long story short the judges see thousands of people you know across however many days so i wanted to be at the start of the auditions i started queuing up at like 4 00 a.m um because i wanted to be one of the first to be seeing so i thought i had a better chance then and i was right when was louis thomason born christmas eve 1991 good times happy birthday everyone's in a good mood when is louie thomason going on tour starts march next year it goes all the way through to june july super excited to come on tour i feel like i've been waiting me all solo crave this moment so pretty excited about that one okay this is an interesting one when louis tomlinson valerie i'm imagining uh you're talking about when i started with the band and got our first tour i did a cover of amy winehouse valerie maybe you're asking when i might sing that again the answer is i don't know when did louie thomason perform just hold on i performed it a few times it came out off the top of my head i think 2017 so my first performance with that was on the x factor you know i'd never done a solo performance on my own and the x factor was always a big performance for us as a band so to come back and do that on my own was both exciting and nerve-wracking last one right louis tomlinson cute i think that says i'm not just making the assumption i can read it louie thomas and q again not sure how to react to this one uh other than saying thanks love louie thomas and tattoos that i have many of quite a few stupid ones i'm trying to look at which one the latest one was probably this horrible one that i got done on the x factor not even straight lines pretty bad louis thomas an eye color well i got blue eyes but i'm not going to lie my eyes do slightly change color why the blue top look a bit bluer what they're looking like today i don't know but normally blue maybe thomasin hairstyles i had that many of them to be honest i've had like three in rotation for last like nine years what's pretty funny about me air though is you know from being in a band like one direction i've almost forgot how to do my own air it's pretty tragic that in it you know i mean i'm lucky to have someone doing the air and there's times where i go on a night out and i'm looking at it thinking i'll be honest i don't even know where to start so just put a cap on louie thomas in one direction is the band i am in and was in whichever way you look at it don't really know what else to say about that good time in your life hopefully we come back louie thomason back to you yep that was the name of wannabe song so i assume you bang that into google and my song will just pop straight up give it a listen if you want did it with bb rex i did the music video in doncaster where i'm from so again that was special for me yeah thanks for that okay thank you very much for watching and thank you for all of your questions cheers
Channel: WIRED
Views: 6,104,241
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Keywords: louis tomlinson, louis tomlinson interview, louis tomlinson autocomplete, louis tomlinson wired autocomplete, louis tomlinson interview wired, louis tomlinson google interview, louis tomlinson funny interview, louis tomlinson one direction, wired autocomplete interview, autocomplete interview, louis tomlinson answers questions, louis tomlinson google, louis tomlinson wired autocomplete interview, louis tomlinson google search, wired google interview, wired
Id: QWz07MktCKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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