Prospecting a new claim

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hey guys here we are back on another trip and uh as you can probably tell we are on a different claim and i have to have a big shout out to glen james from glenn james jules for supporting us on to this river it's absolutely fantastic of him slightly different river for us to dredge we're not going as deep and there's not as big a nuggety gold but there is lots of it golden garnets we'll find lots of garnets as well so we just set the dredge up and we're just going to total up this little stretch right here see how far we can get up we've only got a couple days on the claim and then we've got to be back out for work so this is us looking forward to it so we're going to fire those motors up and uh get some hot water kind of going it's pretty hot here so we won't really need it and then we'll get into it hopefully i can show you some gold so so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so foreign so my so [Music] so [Music] so well that is us done for the day guys she's at 7 30 at night and we're a bit buggered it's been a big day and uh this is where we've been working it's a little bit cleary but uh there's only a few feet of overbuilding to work which is pretty good you know we're used to working six seven eight nine foot of overburden to get to the paylay where man we're lucky if it's two foot there's not a heap of gold well there's there's a bit there it's just very hard to see it's very fine and it's getting beaten down into the mats but we'll have a look having to uh kind of sort the dredge out to catch it all but there's just lots of fine gold a lot beat down these mats that you can't really see that well should see the right once we um actually clean it all up and put it through the trap it will start coming through a bit better but there's a bit here nothing massive but just lots of fine gold we're only having to run these motors at probably about 75 percent to make sure we catch it all but hopefully uh we have another big day tomorrow and find some more gold i'll see you then good morning everyone here we are on day three another day in paradise this is just a beautiful spot to dredge totally different than the other claim though your other claim is way up in the mountains and we've got to go through so much overburden but in this claim here we've got like a foot a foot and a half of overburden well and what we're doing is chasing this conglomerate level this is all we're going down to it's um amazing and you don't actually see any of the gold at all it's all real fine gold it's very hard to video and i actually haven't taken much video this trip just because we've been trying to put as much gravel over the box as we can just so we can get an idea of how much gold is in here and if it's actually worth us working it so today we're just going to probably do one tank and then we'll uh pick everything up clean up all the gold and have a way up and see what's in it so yeah we'll crack in there and get their motors fired up and do a couple hours and then we'll be out and i'll show you what we got we'll see you then [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so all right guys it is us we are done for the trip and actually we found some really good gold check this out we're actually doing very well piles and poles of it bloody look at all that good stuff they made amazing especially into this miner's moss there's just heaps beaten in here this is great man we're stoked with that so uh we're gonna do something slightly different this time we're to dump all the gold and all the mats up in the front of the box here and we'll run it off slowly and give a better idea what it looks like before we put it through the trap so we'll get set up and we'll get into it and you can see [Applause] raw [Applause] [Applause] a little similar not the usual way we cleaned it out [Applause] here [Applause] let's go [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] okay you don't like cleaning it out like this [Applause] oh my god [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] here easy [Applause] wow pretty [Applause] fresh [Music] [Applause] would be easier [Applause] that's quite increasive in that very good look at all that good stuff [Applause] [Applause] all right took it to the trip since this thing would look like that these guys are quite pretty to see oh look at it all guys every handful was just loaded they're clearly without sun out now wow look at that already [Music] oh look at all that good stuff guys it's quite amazing you know i've probably only seen 20 pieces when we're actually reaching wow oh look at that guys it's starting to pack up nicely now [Music] uh so well guys look at that that's loading up wow that meant awesome [Music] [Music] example well there we have it guys look at that isn't that impressive amazing we didn't think we're gonna get that much so we'll go back and we'll uh pan it up try it out and weigh it up have a guess how much is there here we go guys we're almost finished the panning out just a little bit more black sand to go and isn't it looking good it's not bad for two days alrighty oh that's she's all dried up i'm just about to chuck it on the scales so have a guess in your mind what you think's there it'll be interesting to see already od let's chuck it on there mate this is two days dredging let's have a look 24.1 hey that's all right for two days just prospecting around the place it's definitely got good potential all right well we'll be back and hopefully we'll find a bit more gold next time although still pretty happy with that awesome alright guys we'll see in the next one
Channel: abyss dredging
Views: 201,301
Rating: 4.8533502 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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