Complete Gold Mining Plant, Fully Portable On A Truck!!

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Haha oh god how many of these I’ve seen at orpaillage villages on the back of Chinese off-road tricycles, “Motorking” seems to be the preferred brand... they’re always blue at least

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/HPcandlestickman 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Keeping everything on a trailer is a good way to keep your bond amount down and make life easier.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/arclight415 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys my name is jason with mount baker mining metals and we're back on our gold claim today um i'm up here by myself and we're gonna my plan is is i'm gonna run this truck mill again um i got some different material i wanna run it's some float from one of the veins here um but uh so we'll get that set up and start running but first i wanted to take you up and give you a little tour of some of the veins we have and some of the underground workings we got but i wanted to show you some of the float we're going to be running first here's uh the material it's uh so what float is is it's quartz that's broken off the vein the hard rock uh and and rolled down the hill and i just went along and picked this stuff up off the talus i got a pile here there's another pile right here uh and it's it's gold uh vein it's right from the vein it's just uh been uh weathered out so um this is from a little bit higher grade vane than what we ran uh last week so this is what i'm going to be running today and uh and now we'll go take a look at where it came from and the source so here's a good spot i wanted to show you an outcrop of the quartz vein right on the surface and uh so here is the the white quartz vein this is about two or two and a half feet wide and it's bound on either side by the wall rock or the host rock and how this was formed is there's a magmatic pluton a big body of magma that was underground or somewhere near and as that magma cooled it concentrated a lot of the uh sulfides and the gold in particular is what we're interested in and as it cooled it became under a lot of pressure and it shot the water and silica and a lot of those sulfides off into the host rock and that's why we have a quartz vein with with a high concentration of metals in it bound on either side by by rock that's not worth anything it's just the host rock that the fluid was shot into and then as that fluid cooled uh the the quartz and the gold and all the metals precipitated out into the rock and the vein we have here so um that's a real quick kind of basic geology lesson for you um but here's a good example of what the old miners would be looking for or if you guys are going to go out prospecting um you're looking for these these quartz veins um and that's where the concentrations of those precious metals are going to be all right guys so here's uh another vein on the property and this one actually has been worked in the past and right under beneath that pillar right here is some old workings um right in here that i've actually blocked off um so nobody goes in there and and gets hurt um but this is uh like i said a separate quartz fan on the property here behind me it's about five feet wide and it averages about an ounce and a half a ton up here um so that's pretty rich stuff um they went in and right behind the the uh chilling fence here is an old stop and what a stop is it's where they mine out the vein and it's the cavity that's left once the veins mined out and this vein just like the other vein we looked at is uh pretty much vertical dipping it's it's straight up and down and then the strike on this is north south and what that means is the strike is kind of the direction the vein points if you're looking top down on a map and then the dip is how how flat or steep it is and so this this vein actually dips about 85 degrees to the east but there's another good example of a quartz vein and as uh that fluid is injected into the the host rock as we mentioned earlier and the fluid begins to cool uh it's very very rare there's exceptions to every rule right but it's very rare to have a vein that is uniform grade all the way through as those fluids start to cool the gold and the sulfides is some of the last stuff that tends to come out of solution and so in most quartz veins this one included uh there's there's actually some really rich bands in the vein um where uh there's some other sections where the quartz is is pretty much barren so um most of the time uh you can you can go in and and find some good juicy spots in veins where you can hydrate them and we'll go take a look at another vein here in a second where we've identified some high grade areas and we're going to come in next year and do a little bulk sampling hopefully some drilling and blasting but the the vein depending on you know the geology and the structure can can run for hundreds of or thousands of feet and it can pinch or swell and width uh and um also not only as the vein cooled it hydrated itself but a lot of times there are some structural elements that allows the vein or or forces the gold to deposit in one spot and make a really really high grade area those are typically found when the vein is going along and makes a bend or when the vein in a intersects a fault or another vein pretty much anywhere that you can have a change in in pressure chemistry or temperature when the vein is depositing that's where you'll have some really really high grade rich zones um and so so that's why it's so important to do your drilling and your sampling because what's either on the surface or one drill hole doesn't necessarily mean that you know a vein is is a really rich all the way through it could be either hit the really good stuff or you've uh missed the really good stuff and with further exploration you might find it all right guys so now we're actually in a stop as well um and this is more of a flat lying vein and so i can actually get around and walk on uh the football of the scope and go down and we can take a look at the vein and some of the uh some of the faces that the old miners left um but in in any stove there's there's two uh walls there's the foot wall which is the one that you walk on and the hanging wall which is named after the miners hanging their lanterns on or something um and so i'm going to walk along here the vein in this dope uh got as thick as seven or eight feet um but it uh where the miners left it off and some of the faces we're gonna look at is probably closer to two to three almost to four feet thick but we'll uh we'll take a walk down here and i'll show you some of the old stoves uh and the pillars that are essentially holding the wall uh the hanging wall up over my head and we'll go take a look at some of those high grade areas where we're going to focus on next year all right so let's see how we do here with my light uh lighten up the area here because it's going to get pretty dark in here but so you can see you can see down there's some of the pillars there's a pillar right there and then the stop the empty space where they took out the vein here's another big pillar and this pillar is all still ore it's quartz they left they had to leave it so the the hanging wall didn't come in on them but that is kind of what a stop looks like for people who haven't been in mines before and because they left the pillars or you could actually uh determine the thickness of the vein by um what they what they took out and right in here you know it's it's actually pretty it's hard to tell in the video but it's it's pretty thick that that pillar right there from the quartz goes down somewhere in there all the way to the hanging wall is uh somewhere in the seven foot thick range um but it's essentially just like a big cave in here and uh and we'll go do a little more exploring and see if we can see a lot of these old piles here that you'll see around in the stope is waste rock that they didn't want to hand muck out and so they just had someone you know probably a young kid stacking waste all day long here's uh here's the hanging wall again and then there's a big chunk right there there's another big chunk right there those those came off of this hanging wall uh sometime in the past um there's some more chunks so there's a there's a section here in the mine that's that's probably not very stable and uh and you can see looking up the hanging wall here this piece see that big that big crack right there all the way along there that that piece is just barely hanging on so this really points out some of the dangers of going in uh old abandoned mines um it's just not a very safe place to be um and you know there's a lot of there's a lot of safety concerns um and the if you if you go work underground you actually have to take uh uh quite a a long rigorous class um for for safety um just to just be able just to be eligible to go underground so we'll work our way over here and when they were working in this mine it was uh it actually worked up until the 20s and uh at the beginning it was all single jack and double jack which is um by hand one guy holding a piece of steel drill steel and the other guy hitting it with a hammer and that's how they would drill their holes to blast and then in the teens and 20s they ended up getting some air uh power up here probably a compressor and uh and they ended up using jack legs but here's another there's a actually quite a a beautiful pile of stacked rocks there the romans would be proud um but here is this piece here is a wooden stall is what that's called and that's just a big block of wood that they wedged between the football and the hanging wall to keep this big piece from falling down when they were working uh so that's probably been there about a hundred years and then looking up over here there's another one and there's there's another one so they were they were pretty concerned about some of these big pieces coming off the hanging wall um so they they stole them up for support um when you know and they did that when the pillars weren't enough um to to keep it safe in here for them and so i whenever i'm in old mines or old stoves my rule is never touch any wood don't touch anything holding the ceiling up don't get near it don't cough on it stuff like that and then here is uh an ore transfer tunnel there's the rail and they would run ore carts back and forth and they'd muck out the material and send it down to the mill and so looking up to the stop we just came out of here they'd be up there working drilling and blasting and then someone would bring the you know probably hand muck the stuff down the stop here and uh shovel it into or cars that would be here and then they'd take them down the rail and uh outside to the mill watch your head but we're walking along our our rail here and this is uh this is the section of the vein that's actually pretty interesting um i don't know if you can see it from here we'll get a look up closer there's the working face so there's the vein and right in here this vein is flat lying it goes all the way across there that's all vain that the light's on and it's in here perfectly flat where the stop that we were just walking down is dipping to the south about 25 degrees and as i mentioned earlier whenever you have a bend in the vein or or a spot where something changes it's typically really high grade and we've identified this area of the vein this flat lying area has a really high grade zone so let's go up and take a look here at the vein and we figure right here here's an old blast hole that they did um and i've been down here taking samples and looking around and uh this vein is oh i don't know probably three or three and a half feet thick you can see it's quartz and then it goes into the hanging wall up there but some of the assays we have there's probably 20 or 25 feet of uh strike here along this vein two and a half to four feet width and my assays have been coming back uh between two and three ounces a ton here um so our hope is to to get some equipment in here do a bulk sample get in here and drill and blast probably do a little stoke round maybe get 10 10 15 10 on the ground and hand muck it out next season run it through our system and uh see if we can um get enough gold to make it worthwhile to actually develop this mine from the outside so you don't have to be in here in the old workings but that's kind of the strategy we have for next year and uh this year we're we're testing out the equipment um we're doing some sampling we're cleaning up what the old miners missed uh and even before we start drilling and blasting one of the first things like i'm gonna come in here uh next year is there's there's a ton of quartz that didn't get mocked all the stuff laying on the floor uh even the stuff this stuff all right here this is this is a big pile of good ore that uh that never got mucked out um and so there may be two three four tons of stuff here that uh that that may have you know an ounce or two it's probably been diluted a little bit by um by some waste uh when they were shooting but uh it's just laying here all you got to do is scoop it up there's no drilling no blasting no screwing around and so that's kind of our strategy for developing or reopening this old mine is start slow start small get the stuff the miners missed get the stuff outside get the float and then come in identify some high grade areas muck those out because you don't have to do any drilling and blasting and then come in and and safely do uh some bulk samples uh with the with some equipment and uh get that mucked out do your sampling and then if you can uh prove to yourself that it's a profitable mine uh come in and rehab the old workings or develop some new workings um so that you can get some mechanized equipment in here and uh and and go mining well sometimes you just got to do hard work in the rain so uh right now i'm going to load these small piles of quartz that i have all this quartz float i collected onto the back of the truck and then we'll drive down and get our system set up uh put it plug in the sluice and get the pump going and we'll start processing our float all right guys so we're all set up we got our ore on the back of the truck there uh our our literal pot of gold um and uh it took me about 15 minutes to set it by myself so i i put the sluice on uh and i got the pump in i left the generator right there on the truck because i can't lift it off by myself um so it really literally took me about 15 minutes to get set up and uh now i'm going to start the jaw crusher and i'll crush uh as much ore as i can into buckets i think i got about 12 buckets worth so i'll crush as much as i can then i'll turn the jaw crusher off and then i'll start running the hammer mill do foreign [Music] it [Music] so [Music] so so okay i crushed uh 10 buckets worth here and i've weighed a couple of them and they average about 70 pounds apiece some are those over 75 some are a little under at 65. but we have uh figured about 700 pounds here i'm going to start up the hammer mill and get the pump going and we'll run our stuff down this loose box and into that bag and that bag is just to collect the tailings i'm probably going to come next year and bring the bag down there's probably still enough gold in there that you want to save them and using those super sacks it's really great because they can contain it all it's easy to move and the water leaks out of them so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right so we just finished up i ran a total of 18 buckets and it took me exactly two hours to uh from set up to tear down so i've got everything uh pretty much put away now we'll go over and take a look at the sluice here and see we can see there but uh i at 70 pounds uh a bucket um i think that's right around 1250 pounds in two hours um i was screwing around with the hammer mill a little bit i actually learned something um it kept getting starved for gas and dying i did it two or three times and i realized i didn't have the vent open on the gas tank so that cost me about 15 or 20 minutes but um i think that's pretty good i mean for one guy to come out and in a couple hours set up run uh you know half to uh three quarters of a ton of material and then tear down and and get as gold in the sample is pretty darn good um but let's go take a look at the sluice box and we'll see if we got any gold showing in behind the diamonds all right so a little bit of reference here uh there's the hammer mill here's the discharge chute and it comes right down here onto the diamonds and if you look real close right in here and along there let's see if i can get this to focus even up close but right where the finger right right there is full of gold there's some gold gold here it's kind of all up along the top here and then as you come down i don't see a whole lot there's some over here where's my finger there it is there's a little piece come on focus so there's some gold there's some gold up here um there's a little bit it looks like over here along this side there we go so there's some cold down there but as you come down the sluice and i know you guys probably won't be able to see this but as you come down to sluice you don't see any gold at all behind the diamonds it's just just black sand uh it's actually that that uh pure type sulfide that we have in our ore um but yeah so i think this loose is doing a pretty darn good job like i mentioned on some previous videos uh the sluice gets about eighty percent of what the shaker table can get somewhere in that range um so we're gonna save this super sack of tailings and probably end up bringing it down and uh reprocessing on the shaker table come on there we go but yeah that thing's probably about two-thirds full uh to three-quarters full now um so let me pull off those two bolts i'll get this loose washed out in a bucket and then uh as much fun it is to stand out here in the rain i'm actually gonna just put it in a bucket and then uh i'll bring it down um to the shop and we'll pan it out there and i may run it on the shaker table and uh get it cleaned up and then we'll smelt it down and and see how much gold we recovered okay we're down here we got our bucket of cons i'm just gonna pan these out here in this pan and catch pan so far into this project i have uh three hours i've got an hour to pick up float i've got two hours to run the material and then here i'll have about another half an hour screwing around panning and um getting the gold cleaned up um and i've i've i've used probably about a gallon and a half of gasoline so um that gives you guys some idea of the time we got in it but let's uh paint out our gold and see how much we got all right i'm probably going to do about two or maybe even three pans here the materials i got enough material that it's going to take a little bit to get it all panned down i was thinking about using my 4x8 shaker table to clean these up a little bit but uh it's really windy and and pretty nasty out today so i'll just do a little bit extra work and pan them down but the whole idea here just like with the table is get it all fluid and the gold sinks right down through all the sand right to the bottom of the pan and then you can just slowly and gently wash the quartz off the top and see all the white quartz coming off it's starting to reveal the darker colored sulfides underneath and then you just repeat this process until you're down to the last little bit where the gold should be so i'll get this pan down you guys don't need to watch all this and then now we'll take a look at the results all right well i pan the whole bucket down i've got a little bit of the sulfides here we're working through so i'm going to get these panned down and then we'll take a look at our gold but there's been a pretty healthy gold line right at the base the black sand there i got it covered now um but i'm hoping there's going to be some pretty good gold in here all right guys so here is our gold there's still quite a bit of black sand in there but i got impatient and wanted to take a look and uh unlike the a previous video i did here a week or two ago this gold is a lot coarser it's a lot bigger uh size pieces and hopefully that means we got quite a bit more weight here um so let's see if we can work on getting this melted down into a little button and uh we'll see how much weight we have here okay guys we got our cons here and uh this is a little cast iron griddle i picked up at uh like goodwill or salvation army or something and i'm just gonna wash all of our cons down onto this frying pan i'm just going to dry them out and i haven't done a smelting a gold smelting video in a long time so i am going to smelt down all this gold into a button and uh and then we can cue pellet depending on the impurity so i've got all our stuff washed into our pan i'm gonna shake that around a little bit get it all spread out just gonna pour the bulk of the water back in here and there we go we got our concentrates in there now i'm going to put it over our furnace and i'm going to just dry it out we'll probably roast it a little bit but that's not really the intent and then we'll mix up a flex recipe and smelt this down pour it into our cone mold and we should have a nice pretty gold button [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys here's our cooled off slag in the cone mold we'll knock her out and hopefully right here on the tip of the cone we got a little button let me a little hammer we'll knock it out of [Music] there [Music] so there's our little buttons it's still got some impurities it's it's still pretty silver colored so we'll have to cue pellet with some lead and get those impurities out of there but there's our initial nice cleanly smelted metallic button all right guys here's a little button we'll get a weight on her before we compel it looks like it's right about 10 and a half grams uh so now we can figure out how much impurities we remove uh by weighing the gold button when it's when it's refined and here's our little magnesium capel we're going to use i'm going to put our gold bead in there i'm going to add a very little bit of lead maybe 5 or 10 grams we'll heat it up to about 1900 degrees uh the lid will oxidize and start being absorbed by the cupel and it will carry any impurities with it just leaving the precious metals the gold silver uh and any platinum palladium stuff like that that won't oxidize in our gold button all right our furnace is heating up here here's our cupel gold button and lead furnace is getting warmed up so i'll place that in there we'll check back in it here once it's molten and uh oxidizing all right guys here's our button we got her all cooled down this one actually turned out really really nice um so let's get her weight here oh we lost quite a bit actually i'm surprised we lost that much um so we lost i don't know what's that about 20 of the weight so we had quite a bit of impurities in there but now we got it just down to the gold and silver and uh at what's that almost nine grams nine grams from about two-thirds of ore uh that stuff was probably running about i don't know a third of an ounce maybe a little bit more a ton so that was better float than uh the first video i did with the truck mill and you can check that out on our channel um but i hope you guys enjoyed the video thanks for watching and if you have any questions or comments you can find our contact information in the description below so thanks again and we'll see on the next one
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 187,489
Rating: 4.8907957 out of 5
Keywords: gold mining, gold ore, gold prospecting, gold mine, mineral exploration, quartz vein, gold panning, abandoned mine, gold rush, gold recovery, mining gold, gold mines, high grade gold ore, gold vein, prospecting for gold, gold quartz vein, abandoned gold mine, gold deposit, old mine, crushing quartz, gold ore processing, how to mine gold, mine exploring, mining geology, gold geology, mine tour, free mill gold, find gold, high grade gold, finding gold, gold quartz
Id: iU5x6yvPdMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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