Ollie Ollerton on SAS Secrets | Owning Saddam Hussein's Mercedes | Overcoming Drinking Problem

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I am a Leo Latin and you are watching the disruptive weather yeah I am Olly Olson and you are watching the disruptive entrepreneur pot from canal I always get it with script conduit I am Ali Alton and this is the disruptive entrepreneur podcast well lollie thanks for doing the podcast pleasure really grateful and we were just talking upstairs earlier actually you've done something that I'm actually scared of more than anything and everything you've done in your career which would be really scary to someone like me the scariest thing is giving up coffee that was scare me more than anything you've ever done yeah so yeah you're on a bit of a fitness kick again are you and health kick yeah I mean since the book came out this year I mean this year's been absolute mayhem your suit SAS you know and then it was into the book so it's just been constant and alone you know a lot of people saying I will say to a lot of people there's no excuses you should still find time you know I kind of I got lost along the way and I've did say to you upstairs you know as soon as that there's a coming I am an extremist and as soon as something start you know there's a something gets through the wall of my discipline the whole world falls down so I kind of thought anyway look come on I'm on tour what happens up to stays on tour so I just went for you know I thought I'm gonna use this as an experiment you have an interest in its bones so I ate when I want where I wanted what I wanted coffee lattes the whole works and I don't need to drink coffee only and and in exercise six weeks and I've just I got to the point where I'm gonna use this as an experiment I want to see how cuz it's all these Fitness people and people that have fitted but built it for most of their lives but it's okay for them to say to it well nice easy you just got to make the first move and I just wanted to get into there it's been interesting for me to get into the headspace of where those people are and for me I just don't understand you know I look back now not exercising not eating properly and how that's affecting my mindset and it's been pretty horrendous what about you you know it's not been good and it kind of gives me a taste of you know when I left the military I went into their downward spiral and it gave me a little taste of that you know so I just it just proves to me that you know how good health eating well exercising is so important for your mind mmm see you this downward spiral you talked about I'm obviously your book breakpoint I asked you before we went live is there anything you don't want to talk about and you said well put it all in the book anyway so yeah but what is this downward spiral or what was it for you and and how therefore need getting back soar out of shape yeah mind you of what that was yeah for me some you leave them in a tree and I'm not saying this is this is not for everyone so but I know for you no group of people a number of people that when they leave the military you can't wait let's say when you're behind the wire when you're in that institution you've got your brothers to the left and right front and center you've got all the support and everything you you're invincible and you kind of don't understand the things that you take for granted by the camaraderie the Brotherhood you you take that for granted you think you're gonna you don't actually think well where I'm not going to get Michael madhuri from on the outside when it wears them you know i'm gonna be missing the brother board or that kind of thing so you take that you kind of don't even consider it but when you come out you then realize when i stripped away there's a massive void in your life and also the fact that when you're in the military there's a few things here first of all you've got a massive sense of purpose and we as humans need purpose on a daily basis you know there was the fact that there was lack purpose straightaway as soon as it came out and all I say lately is probably more relative if I talk about Premier League footballer for instance coming out you know they've been the top of their game for so long and then all of a sudden there's nothing you have got nothing there's a massive void there and for me and because I didn't have that have that immediate direction I began to spiral out of control now I truly believe that you know the people that don't have those problems are people that have had something that is set in stone they know exactly what they're doing and they're on that path straightaway but I think this you know a lot can happen to veteran in a few months in six months where things can go very sort of wayward for them and for me at that time as well I mean I was I came out I wasn't you know I wasn't focusing my exercise I started drinking you know what I used to drink in the military it used to be about used to go away work you obviously can't dream doing that used to come back and usually get smashed for a few days it's you know we we wrote the rules on binge drinking and I got taught by the best yeah but so when you take that kind of like okay that kind of habit into into to civilian you know city life and you know people look at that think well you put a bit you know it's a bit of a problem for me you know although I come you know I I usually drink is that smokescreen you know every time things got too much it was drink you drink you know every week you know the weekends extent starting on Thursday before you know it's Sunday so yeah and then that for me went on and on and on and you kind of tell yourself you haven't got a problem you know just keep drinking and stuff I mean because you never deal with the raw nerve but for me that's what began on a sort of downward slope you know but it wasn't crashing down straightaway but over time it sort of just layers the layers peeled away and then sort of extended right forward to you know when I finished in the rap and I'm jumping ahead here but I'm sure we'll cover some of those bits but you know when I look back you know I look back now and at some points at my lowest I can even hold a conversation you know which I know people who hear this within Jesus I can't imagine that what was going on in your head you said raw nerve and you've talked about this year or what's going on in your head how you feeling what you're thinking just absolutely everything negative you know and I have got a positive mindset you know so that always helped pull me out of that the darkest moments but I still had a lot of negativity nothing was working and had no purpose so it was it was really sort of you know and until I had a drink it can be fine but and then when I say drinking this wasn't on a daily basis I mean you know occupying sort of things throughout Weber any excuse to be you've gone drink but for me it was extremely negative no motivation to do anything on a very very destructive path and I'll talk about this in my book you know I feel at that point you know up to our series of years I was chasing death although you know it wasn't a factor I'm gonna try and find a way to die but when subconsciously it was almost like I was chasing death some of the things I was doing some of the things I've got up to like well I mean in for instance in Baghdad you know some of the things I did there look back on it it's just absolute stupid you know like going out told not to go out absolutely do not white faces on the street you will be attacked I want to go out yeah you know sort something a whole team out I have it an Iraqi bodyguard team and I went out to buy rug white because because ideas wins there's a carpet but I don't know he stories I have done a thing as well about control I can't stand people trying to control me so someone telling me not to do something makes me think I'm gonna do it yeah and that comes back to me is well you know a lot of things but I know that's an extreme but I'm not think it's a problem it's not quality in that sense but it is a quality the way I look at that because I question the status quo with everything because I don't believe that what we're told to do and how is supposed to live our lives isn't absolutely the correct way or the best productive way and a lot you know to achieve anything in life but for me that was another extreme of that you know someone told me not to do something I'm gonna do it you know go up Iraq we got attacked I've got the rug concerned that's great is there a mind smile every time I see it and it's a beautiful rug and did you get what you want wanted how that decision what to get the road well yeah I mean you challenge the authority I guess you exercised your own control and no one's control over you you went out you got attacked you got the rug you came back how'd you feel about that yeah I felt on a high right yeah absolutely it's like I beat the system yeah you know and I did a number of things along that kind of a way else I like I mean we hadn't used up parties in Baghdad you know it was every Thursday Friday was off you know the day off in Baghdad Friday or Thursday it was always a party somewhere but you would you know you would you would live within these parameters of safety and that would be you know you go to a villa a few drinks to stay there but I mean I've come over one night it's like I've known to leave the Fiddler's and I decided leave the feather on my own I don't want me to say this ak-47 but you never do just didn't do that you know you do not lay on your own drunk you know Armin say he's one of Saddam's old armored Mercedes and then smash through Baghdad and then at one point I've got lost in the where I was and managed to get to a high point on the bridge I opened the door to get out of a lot the ak-47 fell on the floor followed by me and I thought hell yeah this is a bit much so and it was again it was instances like that you know I've got myself into something you know I could've got some severe no management at home that night but it was after that I just thought what can you do yeah we thought yeah cause she took me and I were you not reprimanded for those like he was saying a good example you know but no one really knew about that you know everyone was still back at the partier then you know everything back in there back at that time it wasn't like everyone was looking up to unit it was the Wild West going on all over the place he was absolute mayhem and there was stuff happening all over the place that was you know that was nothing yeah nothing particularly but for me again you know it was being posed against the system and someone telling me more to be or couldn't do this and I just well that it wasn't a case too much I don't think he's right I'm gonna do that because someone's told me not to do it is the fact that I will do is gonna tell me to do that yeah yeah are you able to use that now in productive ways maybe in your business maybe in your book promotion do can you put turn that into something positive instead of just a pure challenge of authority yeah no absolutely but you know I think everything I do at the moment is non-conventional you know I don't follow the the the sort of pre described path I don't follow footprints I make my own path and everything I do and I think that is you know a small percentage of the same kind of mindset but it's obviously not so extreme my life's not in danger but yeah you know everything I do I mean I'm always looking for if everyone says go that way that's that you know looking for the left and right and I said I think that's if you've got to be a lot more diverse especially in business and I've been personally productive I think if you just follow the norm in the system I just don't think you get anywhere in life well no don't be doing things illegally I just think looking at different ways to do things yeah so so yeah I do think he is of a better benefit but now it's under controlled manner hmm yeah so a couple of things I want to explore next one is why you got into the military in the first place and then this question the second is how you sort of here traversed out of it and redefined yourself because I think the whole redefining yourself I think is huge in the moment yeah I'm right for books at the moment and one of one with Joe Ratner and yeah reinventing yourself yeah and he had like the biggest PR gap in history lost everything yeah I think he's very qualified to talk about reinvention but we live longer everyone has a lot more jobs now job security is yeah so I think this how how do you reinvent yourself and keep redefining who you are so that you don't become extinct I think that's a really great things and or something to discuss if I could go to that first how did you reinvent yourself and traverse from the military to what is now an amazing career in TV and you know I you probably won't like this word but yeah bit of a celebrity that's yeah and I know there's a few ex militaries that are well-known around I met an into interviewed David Goggins last week yeah there must be a local on either so how did you make that who trying to change yes actually I mean it's been a long process for me and I probably done it the again I've done it the hot probably the hardest program because it's been a 10-year well even more than that I left the military in 2000 and you know the reason I left the military is he what it wasn't I didn't feel it was it wasn't given I didn't feel it was defining my purpose I felt it was more there was a I just wasn't happy and I think a lot of people a lot of people will stay so unhappy for a long time and just just carry on that discomfort and that's the whole concept with grade point book that's the whole concept company breakpoint it's about taking that decision to go into the discomfort for the short-term for the long-term game yeah but there's so many people that prepare to just stick in that perceived comfort zone there's no comfort that growth is no comfort so for me when you're not comfortable when you're not happy when you're not fulfilled you've got to look to change you know it's life for me and business as well you know the things weren't working for us down south for having a business down there and the only option was as soon as we made the student to actually relocate to a different location everything the world opened up opportunities opened up and I think once you you have to know that you have to look to change you can't just sit there and try me when it doesn't work it doesn't work to help look into the left and right has another difference between a little bit of and it's this yeah and the property I've got a change yeah I think it's when it come to becomes consistent you know that the barriers keep on coming you know for us for me personally only you know recently fine with the business you know we're looking for premises every every Road you know every sort of Avenue it went down it was it was you know as a dead end nothing happened so I think when it becomes consistent you then should start looking but this is a very good question because it's not as if our I've hit a speed bump I need to sort of change directions because you know every everything you know if success is an obstacle you know it's you know have it you have to you have to go through the obstacles but when it's consistent you have to then really start to think you know this is not working where you know where else can you know what what needs to change and but people I mean and that I mean I thought if you've read the book but the book in there meanwhile I've got attacked by a chimp at ten years old and I've sat under that chimp and I was about to die and I knew that I could have stayed there in that you know they do the obvious thing to do was just to stay there and just hope you can kill me but I knew if I didn't do something he was gonna kill me now if I did something that would've made that situation a lot worse because I'm Italian you know I'm at a kid basically attacking this crazed animal or retaliating against it but I had to do that for any chance of living than that don't and I made that decision and I managed to get the monkey off I managed to get away from it you get it off I just managed to move my body to sort of left and right lodged it got lodged dislodged it I managed to get my knee up to my chest I smashed it in the chest and then the monkey fell off yeah and then it was caught by a chain it could get to me you know but thing is people will stand up a monkey for the rest of their lives yeah you know and that that's won't be a lesson from the young age so for me leaving the military was about you know a just something wasn't right i I thought joining the military why did you join yeah well that was the thing I thought you know I read combat survival it was a magazine used to get every couple of weeks and I wasn't pretty love with the whole dream my grandfather was in the military I thought it was a natural thing to only excited me the whole thing it gave me such an extreme purpose you know a real purpose in life and so that for me was just thick to all the boxes for me but the my perception was was not the reality and that's why I kept trying to step up the mark in the military and I went from the raw Marines and then that was gonna leave and then I went Special Forces and then I got there and I thought well this isn't doing it either so you know with that discomfort with that there was no satisfaction to say with it it was a time for me to change yeah and that was a change you know leaving and then my perception of civilian life was the reality was so different in so different because you know like a semaphore you think you're invincible you know I thought I was gonna take the world down and they didn't have the water taught me down so but I think you know for me I I didn't want them to you know it was a really crazy journey of leaving the military I did some work in London I tried to find some balance in my life my ex-wife told me you aren't going anywhere and that was like a red flag to a ball especially was my I did you a favor she did me hair every year so you know as soon as that you know and I was I was looking for the first avenue to go out there and that's when the Iraq war kicked off forward you know it's the apparent sort of invasion of Iraq and everyone thought the war was over and over to me it just begun so you know this that was fool's gold to be made over there in Iraq and I call it fool's gold because you get paid a fortune but you once you've done that line of work you understand why what did you do another for want of a better word I mean I was a country manager for a company we set a company we would do a major infrastructure project when I first got there of work for ABC News so I was looking after the journalists for a short period of time and then I moved to another company with some friends it set up I used to serve with and we were doing we did the first mobile phone network in Baghdad we basically hide we recruited an army of 2,000 Iraqis blowholes we lived in the red zone so that's actually with the locals not in the green zone which is for the safe area and we basically we the way the concept of ops was was was brilliantly work well the fact small management team low profile and then use the local forces to do all the work you know puts money back into the economy so it was working well and so and then and we did that for six years doing various projects we put that we put the electric power grid back in but we did the full turnkey operation for logistics security everything everything there's no job too small but it was a massive operation and a lot of stuff happened over there like wine my first one was working sure the ABC News had got attacked it 140 case in hours do I got to have are the militia that I was looking after 12 people at time there was only me and one other had three vehicles in front of this four bit four people in each car and and you know it's a quiet night on the road he was this perceived secure Iraq you know it's he's you know the statue had come down a third off square and yeah it was a perceived sort of safety and I saw a car coming up in the rear view mirror which then they started to pull the rounds down on us so I basically swerved the car into the central they managed to get them boxed in and opened fire on them nice closing down but so it was that went on but then from that moment on I mean and that's the you know I was still in that sort of despair why fool's gold you said earlier fool oh because I see you because you're like you know six weeks on six weeks off you in a war zone you you're probably gonna lose your life possibly could lose and then there's no insurance you know there wasn't proper insurance at that time so if you'd lost I mean we had a bullet each and it was if any of us got bombed or shot or you know it looked like they're gonna be crippled for the rest of their lives then we shoot each other yeah and that's the way we operate it because there was no insurance and he's just about life and then when I look back on it everyone gets pulled over there's thirteen thousand a month from me going to them the military 13,000 me for anyone thirteen grand a month tax-free is massive you know for me as a kid which I still yeah was 32 at the time call it kid but you know it's you drawn in by the cash the cash of cat and then you understand no I mean after six years of living in the war zone being attacked on a daily basis that attacking rap where everything came down on me in a heartbeat and that was the first time in my life where I couldn't call in s4 I couldn't call in naval gunfire had nothing but the responsibility of 12 people in front of me and that was overwhelming and I just myself out of that yeah otherwise I'd have out of frozen and probably not be here today and so it's all those things it's the fact that you drawn by the money but you know it's the money money should always be a byproduct of the passion for something you doing know it sure you should never be drawn by the money but that's why I call it falls goal do you know if you drawn for the money especially in that line of work you know and the risks and the balance of life I mean I used to come back home after that six weeks off and it was an absolute mess yeah you know and then you go back but then there was quite a kind of contradictory really because I there was a call it peace in war you know I used to get home and cool waiting to get back to Baghdad you know because it's black and white over there you know people want to kill you find that you'll kill them if if you get the upper hand but it was black and white there's no white noise going on you know you come back to civilian life and it's the same when you leave the military and there's you know you girlfriend know your wife's talking about someone's parked over your driveway or the neighbors you know there's a tree overhanging no Fox must be a complete yeah it's horrendous and you like you just can't handle I'm still now I can't handle that small stuff yeah I've got I'm a lot more tolerant to it but I can't handle the small stuff it's just like I should what have you because of what you've seen and you know it's not just when the more people are in this sort of shelter society that they become micromanages of their own lives and other people's and you focusing on many little problems that really don't make the first world problem yes yeah and it's you know people focusing on you know that someone's tree overhanging you've got too much time on your hands it's the same in business isn't it you know I got a lot of people who work for me gonna have you seen what such and such as doing I don't give a what they're doing here focus on what we're doing you know I mean we should we should be too busy to focus on them yeah so but people get bogged down with with the minuscule little things in life he the other fool's gold you know it's the fact that that job is not yeah you know go to war zone being drawn by the money you know it's it's not um not productive you and then how did you traverse from there into your most recent career obviously big TV show not tonight he landed that here is there must have been many other good candidates this worm and then obviously that makes you big you write your books you've got 20 hours and followers on Instagram which is epic how did you move into that world yes see that was on I could memorize out in I mean it through our millage all the stuff had actually moved her to Australia from the Baghdad source commuting from Baghdad to Australia I her in this as well so that every six weeks that was a that was like a whole you know it's like 24 hours traveling at less so that's you know that came to an end because it was just too much in you friends were start to get killed with the stuff and it was just it was it was not doing my mental state any good so then I went I needs to get out so try it I've always tried to read too far myself and you know Charlie too far myself in the right their normal job yeah I mean I don't know what you know what is the normal job Levi in the military yeah not a latrine not a war zone yeah so you know I came out with this try to get to real estate non-students real estate selling properties and this not the other everything's fine but it wasn't I still wasn't fulfilling that purpose and then so then Ivan got an opportunity to go out to Southeast Asia and for an organization a charity organization which are self-funded and it was baby we are basically busting kids out child prostitution of slavery rackets or over in Southeast Asia and that ended abruptly through a political mayhem Scituate we have to escape out of Thailand and then after that went right after get popped up amazing job in the oil and gas you know I'm at this it was super well paid and it was in Brisbane and it was you know it was amazing and you know from the outside looking in I was in the box Santa box and doing this job and I was just eating at me all day long I was working out four times a day to scale the office right I was fitted fitted than I've ever been in my life absolutely and I managed to hold that down for two years and I don't know how that happened but because I was never in the office yeah so the point came you know that that contract was coming to an end and again this was a lot of crossroads in my life it was that time where you know someone else had offered me a contract within the same company in a different department and he just wasn't working out you know something would block it and then everything was telling me change needing to happen you know and that's why I keep said before it has to be something that's consistent I have so many roadblocks there was no other way to turn but to look somewhere else now that point I said and I'd always said that I would never go back to the UK never you know because I've kind of left the UK under a bit of a smokescreen you know divorce I've left my kids and my my boy broken married to all that kind of stuff it was just trauma and I said I'd never go back to the UK and you know just everything just nothing was working and I was sat in my flat there and Brisbane overlooking the river beautiful beautiful home I thought I woke up at 3 in the morning it was a Thursday morning I don't know the date but it was a Thursday morning and suddenly a thought came into my head and it was the concept of going back to the UK and immediately went never but then I started to open the gates about opportunity and as soon as I did everything started everything up you know my you know just the force of going back and just all started making sense to me so that's an extremely style as I am I just went right and doing it I'd sort everything in my house on the market on gumtree people come in and outside the flap two weeks old the law I was out there by the 11th of July 2014 came back to the UK with a solemn purpose to start my company break point yeah a break point was it's been a passion of mine for about nine years now but you know I can remember I was flyover with it with the mily company I was flying over Australia and I was looking out and I just saw so as once an hour we do a lot of things a break point that once no I just thought how good it would be for when I was working for that organisation of to say first though that gave me the idea I'll never have one meeting in two years one team meeting the organisation was that big that they'd lost all kind of synergy within the you know that there was no real management it was like all the up of the people on the management positions were just running the payroll hmm I just couldn't believe an organization work like that so I this vision out this dream that you can't militarize a corpus trip you know a corporate entity but you can some of the things that we learnt the Special Forces some of the processes the mindset and processes if you put that into the corporate structure and serving one hours working for I think that will have a massive benefit ya know also it was flying over and I just thought about you know getting these sort of civilians to do an escape-and-evasion over the land and sort of just visualize deal I see it all happening in my head and at that point you know I made that decision to go back went back to the UK with the sole purpose and breakpoint which does war if you could summarize it if I could summarize it in one word it change well online one word in one sentence we change the way people think so basically we have a number of things we use the military as a platform for sure that we we do I believe that people can you can think about changing you can think about a lot of people talk about right it's all in the mind it's the mindset what does that mean what does that actually mean what you're going to do what how are you going to make someone believe that limitations can be broken yeah so for instance everything we do a break point we we do scenarios etc we do a lot of mindset stuff and lived in the classroom we do workshops but if there's not a practical execution of the theory it doesn't change the blueprint right so that's what grade point does we do a lot of sort of we do a lot of workshops especially for the corporates where you sit down that mindset and then we get them to plan their own operation with it but then getting to go out and do a mission and it's not physically exerting but what is we glue we put people into into scenarios where we apply pressure and then we apply pressure we apply more pressure more pressure and we teach the processes alright deal with that pressure so we should reach it up a bit about you sure that'd be good yeah we've got about eighty staff in one of our offices and then you come along yeah because yeah you just get stuck in your habits and yeah trenches of routine yeah yeah being shaken up a bit like I do but I think is that and that's the thing with great people we take people out of their comfort zones and that's again not by the physical it's not by physical at all we do do those events for sir people but it's when you put people into unknown territory you give them tasks to do you put pressure on them they don't get the opportunity to pre-plan the perfect outcome yeah you know as we do you know so so what happens then they have to act on raw emotion yeah so the delt battle and that's why you see on the TV shows stuff you see people crying but isn't it actually face the character for the first time yeah they've never been point to that situation so they've actually seen their selves for who they truly are and you don't get that in a comfort zone you can ego you get everything else to get this perception of who you're supposed to be which is not you and you never gets into to powder and for an organization you can never build camaraderie while this ego smashing against each other all day long and the only way you can do that is by taking people out of comfort zones get rid of ego and allow them to bond yeah that's the way you do that but put them in uncomfortable situations so in a sentence sorry I will say I feel happy so but that's basically what we have mindset programs we have fitness programs we have nutrition programs like a my arm we've got a program called primary evolution we tried being you evolution being you're continuously pollution every day but the pinnacle or the other is a triangle on top of that triangle is the mindset program which is basically learn from my experiences 12-week program of basically and how how I got myself from a very you know negative mindset two to one that's it seems to be getting places being that so and if you could summarize how you did that how'd you get you said were a negative mindset to a good one good was away ideally I'll tell you exactly how you summarized it again we both bought up into this world aren't we'd we've got this creative beautiful mind you go to school they tear that away from you you know you're left with this programming which then exists which we left with as our adults now that's some that you know that causes subconscious so you just subconscious blueprint now the only way I feel you can change that is by changing the blueprint in your subconscious which will have a positive effect moving forward so the way I did that I actually wrote a contract to myself right I used to read that contract every day there was I was I was bound by that contracts of how old change and then who the person I wanted to be have a date on there of what it had when I want to want it to achieve it by and it was something I read every morning every night yeah I never went to the point of actually saying it in front of the mirror which is really tough you know I actually get people to do that now on the program because I've read it a few times yeah David Goggins - yeah the accountability mirror and yes it's well I said oh yeah it isn't but the thing is if you can't tell yourself I value right and even your face you say oh yeah are you doing for long I'm not doing that we've got this thousand person audience around who's got your your chair you know you look stupid but there is no fat no one cares there's just you and you're you know there's internal messages so for me doing that that really creates a massive yeah it changes the blueprint and you can't change your life unless you change the blueprint and it's constantly you know they used to say 21 days it's bored that's it's not - only one day to change your habit he's probably 21 days to get into some kind of different discipline but it's you know they're around about two months before you can actually change and notice and a notable difference yeah so for me it was like you have this consistency it was going into process because if you rely on emotion and that's why we talk so much and why the military is so good in planning things because it's process it doesn't care about your emotions it says you have to do this and then you have to do that then you have to do that but you don't have that you rely on emotion you've got everything going on your head you've got your personal life the whole lot you've never achieve anything that and that's why I goal setting planning is so important and the following process it's like me going out for a run at laws a lot of people - Holly you know you just love seeing my skip in the morning he must like running from trainers on still we slept in the yeah yeah you know I mean open the window and dive straight out and straight up the hills it's not like that either so negativity is everyone else bar no I understand what's going on now because I'm an observer of my emotions as opposed to a victim right and that's massive yeah you just said there yeah that's huge yeah cuz yeah being able to say look what I'm thinking and feeling their exact time not necessarily trusting is who you are yeah just how you feel in the moment hmm you talk about you go before I'd love to jump in if that's all right so you know you were talking about there's no camera earlier when he goes crashing I mean in the military there must be some strong any ghosts there must be yeah how do you and having observed other people try and manage your own ego I think this Special Forces selection has a very thorough that's what that's what selecting the selection process to delivers it basically delivers people that are emotional chameleons so basically they can adapt you know they understand their emotions they know what's going on they can tell like I said before I do believe every Special Forces soldier is the ability to observe his emotion right so they look at that before they in the pros and then it's like me now I can go war that's here you go I don't know it's going on you know it's a lot of times I'm doing all that sea goes like a walk down the street and I start thinking what if here no one's gonna notice me I'll go shut the yeah you're so pathetic but that is he going yeah but I know to cut it off mmm you know but unless you unless you know that process it becomes a problem and that's the people don't understand it they just think it's them it's not it's their ego and you know flow not but basically Special Forces soldiers I believe have got that ability to be able to observe when these things are happening they can be able to control their emotions and especially when it comes to ego they can chop off straightaway and go well which not bad yeah that's affecting my decision you know I mean you imagine like a Special Forces soldier the situation when is of the cover and in a bar let's say Northern Ireland for instance was undercover he's got his eyes on the target someone what's go up in a barn fine hmm no I mean it and starts you know questioning his his toughness yeah you know what does he do does he stand there and have a toe to toe in knock him out you know doesn't does he you go so I mean you know it walks away from here and a lot of times you know a lot of people in the Special Forces you walk into a bar you'd never seen yeah you know I mean your perception people's perception of her the Special Forces soldier is it's so different to what they actually asked in the UK anyway act like that so I really think that you know he's just having that ability to be able to chop observe you know stop that emotion you can ask with every emotion every emotion is contagious I actually think that's mastery yeah life mastery is being able to manage your emotions by understanding what they are yeah and what they're not I feel like for me I can't speak for everyone but I've seen it commonly often are emotions that come out yeah are our memory of previous painful situations coming into the presence actually because we were reminded in the present yeah and so we're not reacting to the situation were reacting to the moment exactly of we know got nearly killed by a chimp yeah or when someone embarrassing he was so hard yeah it felt such strong shame yeah and it took me a long time to work that out actually it's not what that person said or did yeah it's my reaction and perception of what they said thanks to my experience now they probably didn't intend it no they don't want to take you back to when you were 10 they didn't even know they did it exactly and yeah that's got to be one of the hardest things in life to master but it is and that was a pleasure but it's the same thing with mine see notice what it takes images and it's got an image banner yeah so when you go into a room it's like you go to room and if you got that room out I've done it a number of times I'm sure we all have you know you go to meet someone in that room and usually they're sat somewhere and that one day they're not sat there that's at someone and you walk straight past them yeah because your mind is recalling that previous image and I notice it the other day actually when I was reading a book and I don't about you but I will not mean to book my first paragraph as crisp and I was doing an audio stuff the other day but then what happened I was no soon at the further I got into the script and yeah you can have to be a bit bored ville or whatever but the further you get in I was trying to predict what it was going to say yeah you ask me it's there the first one it's clean you know you're not predicting because it's new but then that further got into it I started to mess up more because I was trying to predict the text yeah from what already said you do not I mean so I think that you know it's the same things you know you really brain is full of images it tries to fit every new situation to an old situation I think when people actually understand people I I feel so so so sorry for people that go through their lives and don't understand all this yeah because they don't live their life to the full you know the ghosts the graves is probably very disappointing you know the liver life even quite meaningless I don't mean to sound but I just think you know the student people actually realize how we work as humans yeah I think that's massive you know people we're born we get into these bodies and then we'd like jump in it with our right where we're going yeah you know so we experts mmm but we're not we're not you know and we don't understand we think we think we you know we think we know a thing we can do anything we don't actually pay any attention to how the system works and I think once you do that and you understand how we work how you can I observe your emotions and everything else it's a massive benefit you know yourself yeah I mean the first 26 years of my life until I listened to an audio program called by Tony Robbins called awaken the giant within which was a random like but I listened to that I thought I'm born how I am I'm good at what I'm good at I'm not good at what I'm not good at I'll never be good at what I'm not good I'm just lucky to be good at what I'm good at they're better than me everything there I'm no good at that I could never get good at that they're lucky because they were born and they can do no this is how the world is don't tell me how it is because he's how the world is I'm right you're wrong and I live 26 and years of my life in this very one-dimensional yeah myopic view of the world yeah and basically I was living hypnotized yeah not understanding everyone becomes reality now I understand again I could get as good at use things if you teach me yeah understanding that you were born to be strong and feeling that you did you trained yeah yeah and I do think I think that's kind of what you're saying in a way a lot of people live hypnotized and then they die yeah the greatest gift you can give yourself is to step back and become aware and that's what I didn't us you know going back to the question because the theme conversation I interview you know that's what I did and that's how it all changed for me then when I came back to the UK i you know i managed to store get my drinking under control you know I trained so hard in the week and then I just got a bend or weekend you know and then back on Monday but I then got back to the UK and you know I started understanding how much you know I was questioning all the time who's this other person you know who's this other person the ego or what Emily and I just can't I tried to figure out you know and how did I come from being like go through the world's hardest training being one of the few you know Special Forces operators being this weak broken character you know I just couldn't understand so I kind of and that's when I started looking you know we look externally every for everything that we can look externally for that fix and I spent 10 years in my life after leaving the Machine going to war zones going here going there use an alcohol finding this external fix trying to find the happiness it's not there we're looking in the wrong place and it wasn't until I just started looking within they'll start to find that happiness what was it inside that found you their happiness I just felt that pain you know investing in yourself it was therapy to me you know I started investing I started meditating the Stars when I came back I came with the sole attention started break for you yeah and I went to do some other student somewhere around London actually chasing some nasty Russians on these surveillance jobs which yeah so it was again it wasn't defined it wasn't defined my purpose and I knew that by doing that was I was gonna get lost in you know I've started and decent money again and before you know it you're busy earning your living to actually doing you know what you're passionate about and then then I decided to cut that way that's them I'm gonna bats one of your questions now yeah sorry everybody so good fun right we haven't even asked one of these girls just we're just chatting yeah carry on so yeah I came back to the UK and then and that's the day after I left that job is the day I bumped into foxy again right which I've not seen for 13 years yeah 13 could've been 16-hour oh it's a long time and yeah it's awesome to seem and I when I met foxy we met at beckons field services on the m-40 walking and he was on his phone still to this day on this fire me yeah change yeah and we went off to a hotel don't cut there and we just said let's go on it let's get on the lash let's have a dream let's talk about you know where we've been for the last 16 years yeah and you know we had a great time and we talked about break point you know we talked about the ideas and he was laughs I want to do the same you know the resonated with it yeah turkey resonated I don't want to go back to war zone I've managed to keep my arms and legs where they were which at rate some of my friends haven't and and that's where the concept sort of started growing from there and then from that point away I'm not working for anyone else yeah I'm gonna exhaust everything to make this dream work and from that point on luckily for me and my brother had he's a pilot he used to be a pilot in the Navy he I found up and said look I'm coming home in his laughs I'm leaving so he was on his way over to Malaysia to work for shell Nestle rescue pilot but the good thing for me in the silver lining was the fact that there was a house swing for me down in Cornwall which is perfect so basically I went down there I've been away for years and years and years I couldn't even get a credit card in the UK he it was hilarious so you know I had no credit rating no nothing I actually have to get a credit card from my mom's 43 years of things are going that's the thing is well you know you can get sucked into the fact or 1:43 you know I hope I haven't gone and before you know you're in a world of you know depending and because you think you're not achieving because you're not keeping up with the Joneses and but once you go I just thought well that undoing was this is where I am and that's it it was hilarious because my brother was like because I was doing the spire here it was like doing surveillance jobs in London and stuff and that I was talking to my brother was like Jackie lend us some money I need to start this comfortable break me on the lanai said ladies as you make me laugh assure you like that bloke ball you know boy yeah yeah yeah but you're broke ball yeah my mother's house credit card up her mum and but you lent me the cash thing god that's why he's getting the watch right but yeah I think was from that moment on I couldn't get anything so I thought I I got attacked in Iraq right in sin the book its detailed in the book it was an epiphany for me I predicted everything that would happen that day because I visualized it I've barely I've visualized I've wanted to get act Wow why because it was gonna win us the contract right and it was the only way we had to justify because security it's a cost to a business it's not an asset yeah it's only ever a value when it's exercised yeah so we were going to lose that all our jobs when I said to the boys the only way we're gonna keep this job as if we get attacked I was going to pick up the guy that wasn't gonna make the decisions it was and I said well we've got the guy with us what we need to happen is we need to get attacked right to show your value to show our bone I didn't actually believe that this visualization stuff actually worked I knew that in the past yeah the past Special Forces selection I've dreamt about the outcome visualized the anthem forgot the journey because the journey is the journey but that is where the growth is but visualized on the outcome and I just thought I'm gonna put all my energy into that and I do exactly the same with this process that's what this is how it's gonna happen my detailed timings are detailed what would actually happen the specifics everything even detailed getting back to the location in Iraq and tasting the champagne that was given to me and the guy signing the contracts in front of me who visualize they all beforehand never believed it would actually happen yeah and it happened exactly that way and that for me was the Epiphany it was like this it was almost like a message from the universe saying this stuff worked it doesn't show you how this jokes yeah and there's epiphany island from that moment I then use that when I got back to UK I said I'm gonna do it exactly that same thing that same process and a lot myself in that house for two months and I how was it was a boot camp it was a mental boot camp I used to do the same things process-driven every day yeah out of bed meditation I had all my list I had a hot wheel I've done around the CD put lines all the way through it of everything I wanted to achieve no got it and in eight nine months I achieved everything on that day so you know anyone that says to me that visualizations positive thought all that kind of thing doesn't work fair enough keep living the way you live in yeah but you'll never change my view of it and I think you'd think everyone who doesn't see that way is missing out yeah and a lot of people say oh look this is hocus-pocus is a load of rubbish but all you're doing for me anyway you planting something is in the subconscious yeah that basically means you will make decisions based on the use of conscious thoughts just like tuning into a frequency exactly yeah cuz I thought about this a lot at some points I think wow it's very profound you know you've got the unified field you've got all of these simultaneous infinite things that could happen any endpoint but then in the other side of be I just think is common sense yeah negative people walking around in a coma attract or negative stuff yeah positive people are happy and radially given G out I tracked it back because we're attracted to the same energy yeah so I think it just natural what you put out you get back yeah for me it's common sense it is common sense but the thing is we've everyone's so brainwashed I mean the last thing society wants is everyone to be created for course because they can't control that yeah you know I mean they they need to control the fears sort of a fear driven you know society to systemize society but so for me that that's you know he's just obvious yes but when a lot of people speech he just sort of laughing do you really believe that works I'm living proof yeah you know I need to kill myself yeah but you know so basically I mean I use that process not everything I did from that point but I we all that way without we like simply clear that way there's no for human evolution there's actually no benefits to being positive oh it's worrying about get killed well he gets like that actually yeah this view right yeah I'm gone exactly but being negative you looking out for that saver to deny be looking out for danger here there and everywhere and that's the way we program that's the survival blueprint yeah so I mean you know I guess the inside to jump in but I get life mastery then is knowing when there's clear and present danger and letting that survival mechanism kick in yeah and then the 99 other times I have a hundred when just cuz someone looked at you or someone cut you up in the car and the nut survival yeah mechanism kicks in understand me actually that's not the pattern I need to play right now yeah I suppose that you know the difference between the two girs anything that is the challenge is your survival and in modern times that can be embarrassment public speech yeah you know whatever actually understand and will actually mine danger my body just thinks yes in danger but it's the thing you know it's like a lot thanks for sharing you know in your mind thanks for sharing it but it's not actually physically say this myself again you will have needed right now yeah not some alien it's not it's not all about just survival and being killed and stuff like that as as humans you know procreation everything else we want to be like so you know that whole system works like you just said probably speaking you you feel not being like people might not like me because the man don't want what I say and that's the whole defense you know it's through every stream it's not just through survival it's not just through being killed yeah you know so but I think it's once you know and when I started didn't put on me had some horrendous public speaking imagine yeah it's just as its but everyone does how it's like and compared to now I mean obviously it can't shut me up but but you know when I look back to some of the things you know I think I've still got PTSD from summer but now you know but even even back then I would visualize the end goal yeah which was everyone been brilliant and I wouldn't worry about the way yeah that was the vision yeah so for me in that room and start in break point was it was in that house and you know and everything but it was getting to the point you know was two months in my family were on to me my family was someone in my family that doesn't you know my my one of my family members invites me around and he was like for meal one that was on this bill and they invited me round to convince him not to do this business right oh you should do the conventional thing you know you guys go into security you go out to around those stars a security business and the way I was like I don't wanna do that you know and try to basically just crush everything yeah you know I sometimes they say cuz they can though don't be they know and that's the ASA fine line because thing is with those those closest to us we listen to the much yeah you know because we love them we trust them and they're doing the same thing they'd love and trust you they don't want you to fail but you know when you're stepping outside the parameters of normality they're the ones trying to pull you in and get you back on that but for me you know it just like you know and even my mom the Senate tunnel of mine you might have to you know think about get it I was running out of cash you know my name is you know the started business is yeah yeah and I was just think you know even though I was getting things up and running doing a little bit work here and there and you know got the website started and just as I was trying to doubt this thing think they are thinking the route was probably a load of you know use it was hocus-pocus and all this none the other and thinking hmm you know no money in the bank the phone rang and it was foxy saying look the thing that we talked about if a great point would you want to do that on a TV show now for me that wanted exposure within how that Avenue to exposure that was like that was the the gift from the gods that was worth the two months of the solid boot camp of me going through all that you know process that delivered in that in a heartbeat and I was well that no you drunk foxy drunk here in the bar and he says nah really put me straight into the production company it all started from the so did they reached out to him or did he see how they bounced out to foxy in and you ask the question you mentioned something before cuz there there must have been a lot of and I'd even say more suitable candidates you know there's always someone better than you know someone that's done more but thing is there was about time you know we're the first guys to be non pixelated were the first guys to expose who we are on TV I have to be non pixelated no I've seen you carry your Fatiha same right I know I name's yeah we made that scene that was that choice so when you ask them muscleman loads of people that wasn't it because people weren't prepared to take that step right people weren't prepared they knew that once you on TV you didn't about to be alright yeah so that was gone and why we prepared to take that step where's the breakpoint breakpoint what I needed was exposure yeah I didn't want to be in the security world I didn't want to do the things that we normally should do so for me it was just a dream you know it's that exposure instinctive foxy yeah it was just a dream to get that going so I'm you know we put hands up straightaway but the people that didn't were like mark you know they didn't see the bigger picture and economists at that time I didn't see the bigger picture of like no into the for series so I said you know and start to film it for series no I didn't see that back then but I knew that was my platform to start the business and when it comes to TV stuff and everything for me that's secondary to my business yeah that fuels my business you know it's my my wanted ways of marketing then really to Marseille yeah absolutely and that's why I'm not chasing other opportunities in TV I just I've got time anyway but with the business but the whole fact is that that is a tool for my exposure for the business do you enjoy doing it the show yeah I loved oh the show and it's great to be back with the lads it's great to actually it is awesome you know when you battle the well-trained team you know that you know it's like how people around you that knows when it comes to delegation you can just hand stuff on happen and stuff gets done or solutions get found so it's brilliant to be back with the guys you know you know you know to come up with it live very clean you know some very creative ideas and solutions it's brilliant but it's hard work yeah and it's really all said there's a lot there's not a butt to that it's hard work yeah and it's hard work and it's hard work you know it's hard you know you sometimes you get less sleep than the recruits on the show you know we're always there is so dynamic that show with changing is no it's not a formatted script to such you know we've got stuff we need to do but we have to chop and change and steer it in a manner that suits their candidates yeah so but yeah yeah the simple answer is yeah I'm not doing it and that's has that been huge for your exposure and your brand massive yeah massive and I'm not saying it I would still be pushing forward with breakpoint regardless but I just think we'd have been a long way back if we didn't have that TV show and and the exposure to me I mean it's something we came from the shadows into the spotlight it's very hard for people like her sandy the first series was so clunky you know I'll just get into it because I didn't understand the purpose of the show and I just thought but once I understood the purpose of the show and the Fox he went on the first series he started talking about meant that he had PTSD was burning out the military because of it and they fed that hat across the UK was a phenomenal it was a it was a rippled across the whole of the UK from people just supporting people that has was suffering it was amazing than that's why I understood understood the power of that TV show yeah so for me that gave it massive purpose and for me the exposure to me more purposeful more purposefully for me is how can I use that exposure for for others yeah it's not about my ego how can I use it to a positive benefit for other people hmm it's not my company the my mission statement is to create a globally I globally identified brand recognized for the positive growth and development of others and I feel that show does a cycle great point the show does that it inspires people it's absolutely it's in our house great and then your book break point yeah what was the purpose of writing that the purpose of that I Ryan the book was was basically for that very reason you know the I feel that I have learned some harsh lessons in my life and put some quite bizarre and harsh lessons but a lot of people feel and that the book as many people know he's raw you know it's it's no-holds-barred as' I fully exposed everything that I've been through and I feel it's good for people to understand because people put us on a pedestal and say well there's they're cut from a different cloth it's yeah you're not cut from a different cloth it's just that we've chosen to do we do extraordinary things know what's the what was the understand that Ronald we do we're ordinary people doing extraordinary things yeah so and everyone's got the ability to do them and my purpose is to allow people to understand the purpose of the book that we all have a beautiful gift yeah but the thing and we're all using it as well but the thing is people are using it that negative mindset you know that sort of make then they're not using it to the best of their ability and go to the gym we work on how would we look from the outside in but the best muscle you can train is this yeah and when people understand that that creates opportunity it creates everything creates peace happiness the whole lot yeah and that's where we should focus the way you look is byproducts yeah you know doesn't mean it should once you get the happiness here then the rest follows so the book really sort of defines up through some very convoluted kind of messages yeah but you know through my personal experience and everything through the book I've been in some situations some very dodgy situations and I've always found that silver lining you need to hold on to that silver lining every time you know if you get lost in that one down the slide of the negative negativity of the situation you become the situation yeah I need to get out of that you know you a victim of your circumstances you need to be able to pull yourself out of that the book defines methods and processes for doing that yeah and hopefully everyone reading that and I've already got the feedback of people that have read it this book will give them the first you know they're made me take the first step great so will everyone know in a moment where and get the book sure and I'll tell you what we'll do if it's all right with you will maybe do a bit of a quick-fire no you don't have to absolutely but we can but before we do that I've got a random mom for you hmm so Kiran is an ex bodybuilding world champion and you never tell a bit glad you got live in this mail and he's he had some all of our social media basically as a dream job yeah it gets to me called people like yourself and travel and do cool stuff and I want to be him in a press-up competition I'm gonna be him in a press-up competition I'm a bit of a dark horse I can do strength-wise I don't look very strong but I'm gonna do some things really well a lot of things really badly and so we're having this discussion how many press-ups is a lot of press-ups and then we said we should ask people are in the military because you must have done loads so in one set yeah what is a lot of press ups how many of you seen someone do in one set because I need to get to that number to be him and in six months he's could have forgotten all this I'm just gonna say right well to be honest it depends how you do the press up press ups because people do wrong so I mean if you do them properly and I'm sure you know how to do this so it's that way in our opposing you're not this kind of yeah with your elbows in that yeah it's a requires I think 50s that you know this is a good numbers present though but you can do a hundred that's a lot is a lot so with the elbows in about that far back shoulder with yeah absolutely the elbows come up so I Lana and they don't a flare out yeah yes I'll probably do flare out a bit because that's more the tricep yeah where should do the other ones it's more chest as yet so that's that's kind of how you've got a dressing that's not true but the thing is I mean impressive is fifty but between 50 and hundred is he's very impressive yeah yeah I think that the buying should be fifty yeah noted so I did I was doing a fitness competition I got to 94 well I think I probably did yeah what you said yeah because I mean if someone was doing you know someone was sort of being a striker you know you get no rep yeah you know that's how you right yes okay you've actually got to get the technique paper yeah and keep it there anything isn't it pull-ups the whole lot yeah if you could get otherwise it doesn't count yeah alright so sorry but sorry and the calendar what see it was it the chest need pissed on the floor right so don't watch so you don't have to talk you don't have to touch the floor got to touch the floor but you have to yeah so if I've got something yeah it was that hot yeah it's and then make sure you're tough yeah this is just gone serious mate this is gone serious yeah well I did some protein yeah looking skinny having a bit of a gut and yeah quick fire round there sure is your real name Molly Alton no no it's not it's Matthew yeah Alton and why did you change your psyche I inherited it from school soliton finished her name you know my brother's called Ollie uncle dolly Joe yes something but I much preferred than Matthew yeah because I wonder it sounds like quite a cool name if you ever wanted to be an author or on the aerial it's and I wondered if you did it for batteries no no it's inherited from young yeah yeah okay great so um this the next two questions I think share questions yeah but they often get really good answers so you think this just fine but no but they did they get really good answers but the terrible question and so what's the best advice you've ever received the best of advice I've ever ever received was to disassembly short answer now you Czar's really like are the best the best advice I ROC was from a guy called Basie Baker who was my officer from Desert Storm who basically told me that if I'd left the military and didn't try for Special Forces then I would regret it for the rest of my life right and the fact was he said that you should believe in yourself yeah you need to believe in yourself him if it wasn't for those words of what's out here today yeah I'm actually gonna meet him oh wow the first time tonight that meeting yeah yes okay sure he drinks or than yeah possibly I do drink that yeah by the way but um I'm in control yeah yes yes I mummy bags and bags Elena but yeah they look that bad honey I mentioned that the book you know those if he had said that to me you would have died I want to die no I basically believe in yourself because you've got when it takes yeah great and then what's the worst advice you've ever received I've had loads of bad advice my worst advice - someone said to me once I don't remember bad advice so next question and I thought that was quite good Sean push it out of their head yeah okay is there anything one thing that you think is really wrong with the world that you'd like to see changed or you'd like to change yeah I just think that a lot of things we talked about today a lot of you know a lot of mental processes the mindset I think we should be taught that from an early age and that should be a process at school I really think you know we're creating a society for the people that want to be systemized you know I talked about this the other week and I call it the you know people are on their LPS the like Positioning System yeah it works exactly the same as the GPS you know it's like you get in your car and you like although you've sort of surely if you looked on the map you go oh yeah yeah no this crew you know I've followed your instincts but you're getting the in behind the wheel and then if we know you're all over the place and you let me get to the destination it's taking you a lot longer the I knew there was a better really nice yeah and that's how people to live the last yeah it's the opiate-like positioning system yeah they're there in that and they don't think outside those parameters it's sad that people do that yeah do you think that's part of why you like to not have people control you and if they say do X you want to do y because you want to break that life Positioning System yeah absolutely a hundred percent and that's something else I'd like to say on that as well is you know we talked about coffee at the star now coffee for me you know I can do that kind of stuff I went vegan for 12 months just to see what it was lying I but that will stem from my ability when I first most quit alcohol I did that for two and a half years being able to conquer that allows me to conquer yeah I now understand like a test you know it is it says yes so I now know that I could break anything there's no such thing you can't do it providing as you have the purpose to do it you know someone says are I I couldn't imagine I could never stop drinking coffee well if you haven't got a purpose to do it there's no reason there's nothing driving you to that purpose then you maybe it was gonna kill you you're just gonna kill you but if you know for me personally I drink far too much I'm liking it you know it's before you know I've got I bought a coffee machine at home he's got like a double like you know I was drinking my that staring at the ceiling milk to it lattes before you know you're ballooning up yeah how can you know I'm against eating dairy and everything so but it was it all stemmed from that BL stop that was a massive forget the alcohol yeah that was a massive turning point for me that wasn't that wasn't breakthrough in my life yeah knowing that I had control over that and I would have never seen fire a year before I didn't never said that could do that yeah but doing that change something here great love it and what do you do to relax what do you do when you're not doing this and your company Skylon yeah yeah my skydive you do there danger Dodi yeah I do love it oh I'm a you know like no no the heels have gone most bikers right but yeah nestled with crocodiles just on well that easily early on somebody yeah yeah but no I do find it hard to sit still you know I just think that you know we we are made up 65% water yeah water stagnates then it's still when it's tiring yeah yeah and I think that's when a lot of people you know once you start sitting around far too much I think you know that's when a lot of people start this starts working too much last thing I want to do is be thinking too long yeah how about doing anything brass yeah so so in a way maybe it's a bit of therapy it is therapy it's like going on the bike I was talking to someone before gave me a lift to the station you spying the motorbike and I'm like there's nothing like you know you go in a car it's a journey you drive a motorbike it's an adventure yeah because you have got to concentrate yeah you know I mean it's not occasioning just thought you know people are texting in the cars you know kagune are you having conversations doing all sorts of yeah you can't do that but you gotta focus and it takes your mind off everything else yeah it's the same with skydiving it's the same we've climbed a mountain yeah that allows concentrate to focus on one thing so which in a way it's like a meditation or oh yeah it's spirituality is this - you're not distracting everything you're getting your mind focusing on whether it's a seed of intention or Paul does that for me I really have a in Paul yeah and when I'm focused on the ball the whiteboard I'm not thinking about all the that's going to add to my world and that is quite for me then appear yeah not on that as well you know a lot of people freak out about meditation meditation for me is you're focused attention at an intent yes you know it's me so all you're doing is focusing your thoughts on one thing when when our heads have got 70,000 thoughts going round in a single day some people are a lot less obviously then yeah you need to be able to dictate the things you want otherwise you end up with in massive stuff you don't want the mind and the body will find a purpose and sometimes if you don't find what it is it will choose one for you yeah I'll be unfavorable mmm so alright now focuses yeah love it so this podcast is a it's called disruptive is the main theme of it from time it will actually it's called preneur but we don't we interview anyone ever we're going to be Theo Paphitis next so lovely diverse guests and people say they love that but for me what's important on this show is to have people who are disruptive who think in a disruptive way and I think you really fit that bill so what does that word mean to you disruptive a pony yeah yeah a pioneer of like the English use with the Bremen ones - yeah yeah it's about being a pioneer it's about not following the traditions our norm it's about breaking the state descry and everything you do yeah because you know opportunity the growth is not on a predefined path oops I love it and now finally then your company's called breaking boy can you give us like a web address and then let's know where we can get your books unless the world can follow you yeah my company is called break point and the web address is break - I'm talking to you on that yeah you talk wherever you like brain AI breath - point code UK yes so you can find it on the web find everything we do and also the book is on the best place to find that is at Amazon yeah that's called break point did you do an audible as well you read it audible yeah which is doing absolutely fantastic so it's on audible it's on I was gonna say tender kingdom we could see where you we were just talking about being focused on one thing we can see where your heart is yeah lovely and then where do we follow you like Instagram Facebook where you Instagram yeah I'm on all the known hot from the Maya on snapchat but yeah I'm on Instagram Oh leader Allah turn Twitter Holly underscore Allah ttan and Facebook holy Oleson yeah you can't get away from me yeah are you very much it's been a pleasure thank you thank you very much great jeez It's A Wrap enjoy that yeah didn't do it I did oh you did I'd never look at the questions they're just they're just a guess yes yeah it's in case yeah that was great yeah thank you really appreciate you giving your time quite yeah if you enjoy the interview like and subscribe
Channel: Rob Moore
Views: 174,727
Rating: 4.8891907 out of 5
Keywords: rob moore, motivational, podcast, ollie ollerton sas, ollie ollerton break point, ollie ollerton book, sas who dares wins, saddam hussein, iraq war, sas iraq war, former sas, british military fitness, military diet, how to be in sas, war stories, Special Forces, uk special forces, british special forces, ollie ollerton interview, military to civilian, ptsd symptoms, ptsd, what is ptsd, mental health, help for heroes, sas selection
Id: 8RUJy6_IAQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 52sec (4312 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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