SPECIAL FORCES: Advice Will Change Your Life (MUST WATCH) Motivational Speech 2020 | Ollie Ollerton

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the chimp changed my life from that moment on my life went haywire don't quit don't ever quit persistence beats resistance to achieve success in life you must fail and we looked down and it rolled and as it stopped it was a head inside a helmet when i was in iraq and i was being shot i was going 140 k's an hour i was driving the car i had to shoot if i didn't have a control pattern of breathing in that moment i'd lost it but that's that's recalibration okay so early days um you grew up localed here actually yeah um what was that childhood like the early days you know what i can't i can't because of the traumatic experience i had at 10 years old i can't remember much at all pre-10 year 10 years old but for me i was just like any average kid but then i had a crazy experience it was a boiling hot day and we had a knock on the door and it was my brother's best mate james and he wanted to know if we want to go swimming and off we went and we're just crossing the river trent across the bridge and we saw the big top setting up in in burn on trent and we walked into the big tent and um i was drawn to this area of the other side of the tent where i could see some light sort of partially coming through the door and i walked over to it and as soon as i opened the door the sunlight hit me in the face blurred my vision and then all of a sudden when my vision cleared i saw something that was amazing something that just had me in a semi state of shock and that was a baby chimp it was sat on the floor probably about 10 15 meters in front of me so uh i moved my way i moved over to it cautiously looked down at this beautiful little chimp and it stared at me with these big brown eyes and it was it was a weird moment it was like it was surreal you know we connected and it seemed like it was going on forever but it only lasted a few seconds and all of a sudden that serenity the serenity of that moment was broken like a fighter jet cutting through the sky when i heard the raw of something and i'll i'll never forget that raw i can still hear that raw to this day as i looked into the background there were some shadows and something was moving and it roared again all of a sudden that those shadows turned into what was a very big chimp especially compared to the baby chin especially compared to the size of me as a 10 year old boy and it was making its way towards me at mach 10 doing the whole sideways chimp thing and it was roaring you know it's absolutely ferocious it wanted to do one thing and that was to kill me and protect its baby and at that point i was like a deer in the headlights but i thought [ __ ] i've got to move and as i thought that this chimp pounced straight through the air it must have been about 24 straight over the baby chimp and all of a sudden the blue sky turned to black and this thing landed on top of me pinned me to the floor and started going about me trying to kill just basically trying to kill me and it was like a drummer in a rock band it was smashing down its fists onto my chest the first one winded me knocked everything out of me and then it started trying to kill me and at one point i looked up and i i knew that if i didn't do something i was going to die and then i saw blood there was blood flying around it wasn't chimp's blood it was mine and it was in that moment it wasn't something i thought about but i reacted fight or flight and i reacted and i managed to disloss dislodge the chimp from my chest it gave me probably about a couple of inches just to pull my knee up to my chest smashed it in the chin's chest with my foot full force and it knocked it a couple of feet away that gave me just enough space just to scurry away and then this chimp got up and it came on its final attack to kill me and uh just as it got to me the chain caught its neck and if it wasn't for that chain i won't be here today and now i'm stood there and i'm dripping with blood marks all over me where it you know chewed me as you can see that's a large pot missing but half my arm was just hanging out [Music] for me that was my first break point and that typifies the meaning behind break point it was that moment where i had to step into the short-term discomfort for any long-term gain the long-term gain was living that day the short-term discomfort was taking the fight to the chimp that's how people live their lives they're not prepared to step into that discomfort knowing that on the other side of that is the long-term gain the way we're wired and this is the way people operate basically is everyone's taking short-term comfort whether that's drugs drink relationships job choices all the choices they make they make knowing there's a level of comfort there and if you want to achieve anything in life if you want to achieve success at work success in any aspect of your life you need to take short-term discomfort for long-term gain it doesn't need to be about the big stuff you know it doesn't need to be about these life threatening situations we're faced with this day in day out you know everything we do in life is about taking the short-term discomfort you know and that whether that's sending an extra email staying a bit longer at work whatever it is it's like also let's relate it to physical exercise or something if you want to achieve goal let's say you want to run the london marathon every next year you know that every week you're going to have to do some training to achieve that and that is about yeah you're not going to want to by the time it comes to point your training so i'm going out the door your mind is going to tell you and enforce every reason why you shouldn't do it and it's devious it'll tell you to go and check your computer do this do that and that's when we have to switch this off you have to switch the mind off and follow the process and that's something that i learned from an early age but something that was further enforced in the military you have to follow process follow your heart switch off this which is the program and that through that you will achieve your aim so really if you can take care of the small stuff you know about doing everything whether that's washing the dishes before you go to bed at night so you don't come down to a whole mess in the kitchen whatever it is making your bed in the morning simple things if you can do the simple things the big stuff takes care of itself the chimp changed my life it changed the you know that was a pivotal turning point of my life from that moment on my life went haywire you know i was chasing danger everywhere i could i had no i was void of consequence void of emotion and i just wanted to be on the edge of death i wanted to be in the hardest fighting unit you know i didn't want to learn a trade i wanted to be at war every day i wanted to learn to be a soldier i wanted to learn how to shoot weapons i wanted to learn how to shoot the enemy i wanted to be in conflict every day and for me the marines were the people that were going to get me their special forces they're like they're carved in marble on a different planet and bought you know they're not they're cut from a different cloth i just thought i could never achieve that but what i thought i could although doubting myself i could achieve the royal marines but i knew it was the toughest i joined the royal marines and i got through 32 weeks of training this is back in 1989 i joined up from there i went straight over to northern ireland that was probably my biggest shocker to be quite honest because when i joined there was a brochure and in my brochure there was young men in uniform looked pristine and i just thought god all the chicks will love that and then i saw another guy who was like windsurfing on a little holiday in the caribbean or somewhere and nothing prepared me for ireland that first night we got in something that happened a bomb had gone off we were straight onto the helicopter straight out and um the ira the ira had uh driven a a truck bomb or a car bomb into a checkpoint totally obliterated the whole checkpoint point it was a 500 pound bomb we were on a quick reaction force so anything that happened in the region we would jump on a helicopter go straight out there deal with it there was just mayhem everywhere and um i remember i gathered everyone in and he booted something on the floor he said we need to see if we can find any more of these and we looked down and it rolled and as it stopped it was a head inside a helmet and that for me was like that wasn't wind surfing on a beach you know i mean that was like my first introduction as a young boy to war that's where i crossed that bridge and it was a bit of a shock really hell of a shock actually i started to lose belief in myself and the whole just the just the thought that i could be in a special forces i thought nah that's that's not i'm not i'm prepared to to embark on that journey i just didn't believe in myself enough and i put my notice into leave at that point you know i'd had enough and i ended up bumping into my former officer from who i served with in iraq i saw him there and he said what are you up to i said well i'm leaving and he said no you're kidding me and i said yeah i said it's not for me and he says mate he says you've got something i don't know what it is but you've got something i believe you've got what it takes for the special forces if you leave now you'll regret that for the rest of your life and those words changed me straight away you know inspired me someone gave me a bit of confidence when i was lacking it and that was phenomenal and within a month or two months i was down at hereford starting special forces selection one of the youngest lads there i don't get lost in the journey it's always always has been the vision of who and where i want to be so whether that came to missions you know in iraq or or in northern ireland it was about where i wanted to be it was the visualization of what we wanted to create the end result and that for me was always the anchor that pulled me forward so regardless of what happened in here i've always had a mission a goal we're mission driven anyway it was that mission that goal that i would always focus on because if you don't have a focus on a goal or a mission and this is generally in life you will find that you end up becoming a victim of your circumstances you get lost in the journey something happens something major happens and you become a victim of your circumstances because you've got nothing bigger pulling you through so really for me it's always been about the fact that i visualize where i want to be when times are tough when times are hard when things are going really wrong i visualize i've got a vision of where i want to be and it's that one thing that pulls me through and i don't get bogged down in the situation people can take doubt one or two ways you know some people get delivered doubt from someone else and that absolutely makes them crumble they stop chasing their dreams they start believing the doubt expressed from someone else for me it works differently and as soon as i hear that it gives me more energy to prove them wrong but it's just how you frame it it's the same with so many things you know some people if you allow that self-doubt to to ruin your dreams you're never going to get anywhere in life but the thing is as long as you're passionate enough as long as you're coming from the heart and not from the head and your motivation is pure passion for what you believe in no one can stop you you can't just be physically strongly expect to do anything you've got to have the mental drive to be able to get you to it so really even from the outset you have to have a high level of physical ability but you also have a have to have a mindset that allows you to endure long periods of discomfort without taking the easy way out and that all comes down to the mind so really selection is initially it's a thrash up and down the mountains in wales and then once you pass that i mean that is the heavy packs miles and miles and miles each day doing the you know increasing the mileage you then once you pass that you then go out to the jungles so you learn how to live in the jungle for six weeks and then the final thing you do your demolitions you do communications final session or final phase is an escape innovation across the welsh mountains which is then culminates with you being captured and then going through resistance to interrogation questioning for 36 hours which is extremely horrendous on the brick of beacons i came down the slate track massive pack on my back i was trying to beat the guy in front i was smashing the times and as i came down i i'd stepped on a slate that slid under my foot and my foot went 90 degrees and i could feel all the tendons snap medics took my boot off and as soon as they took the boot off my leg just went just came out i could remember seeing the training team on the training team walked past and he just went to the other guys he went finished those words echoes again if you don't do it you'll regret it for the rest of your life and that night i got called in front of the training officer you know i was still cracking on i was strapped it up and all that i was in a great deal of pain that night i got called in front of the training office said uh i want to take you off the course and i went why he said because with that leg you're going to fail and i stood there and i just said no i'm not doing it it was now or never and um anyway he said right well it's in your own hands then finally let me out of the office and then the next day honestly it was like horrendous i had this strapped up i was going across the mountains in wales and i was actually in tears getting the times but i managed to get the times but you know initially again it was that short-term discomfort for long-term gain you know i wasn't prepared to take the short-term comfort but it was that one thing that got me through then and then i actually completed that course all the way through to the end which is one of seven you've got to try and channel that energy the more you focus on the foot you know the more you think about the foot the more you're going to be consumed by the pain of it you know and every time i i spent time just focusing allowed my mind to go towards the pain you get consumed by the pain you know it's trying to tell you to stop so it's all about disengaging that energy and pushing it somewhere else but it's a kind of that was a constant battle so i did 11 years total so i was five years in the royal marines and then six years in the special forces for me there wasn't enough of it there was you know we'd have bits and bobs here and there and that was just the norm um but for me i wanted to be i wanted to be a cold face every day that's what i thought was missing but i knew there was something missing there was something missing that i didn't feel complete and for someone that you know if i could have looked looked at that as a kid before i even joined i'd be like that is that would be everything for me and a lot of people do think that joining the special forces would be everything if i could do that that would tick every box and i would be totally happy i'd never want to leave but i got there and it wasn't like that there was something missing this is where people get it so wrong we are all chasing an image you know i mean i was chasing an image of a special force soldier and how that would look and i was forgetting the one fundamental thing that is so much far more important than that and that's a feeling it should be the feeling you're chasing not the image you know people want the perfect house the perfect job all this and the other the perfect marriage or whatever it is but that's an image in your head it doesn't mean that when you get there you're going to feel that same passion for it we all know everyone knows that a lot of the time you you have this visualization of how something might be whether that's going out for the night going to your favorite club or whatever and it's always totally different when you get there you know what i mean so if you get too attached to the image of what you want you're going to end up being disappointed when you get there but for me i hadn't found my purpose at that point and i didn't know anything about purpose at that point i didn't go oh i haven't found my purpose it's just something that wasn't connecting and for me something was missing i didn't know what it was and i thought i was having mental health problems you know i thought you or there's something wrong with you if you can't enjoy this what you're doing jumping out of planes at night which is you know parachuting through the sky in the dark skydiving and you know all these all these things i was doing was amazing you know why wasn't i enjoying that [Music] i've always wanted to create my own path and it's something i still do to this day because we're so trained you know i don't want to follow someone's footsteps i want to create footprints you know i mean that's with everything i do so i you know it was about redefining myself you know recreating something new so for me it was about learning about business and this that and the other and i thought that would be the security industry sort of start my own things i started my own security company you know and providing people for uh vip security and stuff in london then the iraq war kicked off and then for me although i said i'd never gone do that the money was phenomenal and especially after coming off a military wage but the thing is you get drawn to the money it was all about the money for me it was money money money i was driven by money because my complete lack of it all my life you know what i mean that was the drive that was the drive and now you know looking back now i call that fool's gold because it's false you're a fool for chasing the dollar and we're running these big projects we turned up with a small infrastructure of ex-special forces uh only a few of us and before long we'd recruited an army of 2000 iraqis and we're training them in in bodyguard skills weapon skills it was just crazy you know the americans were just flooding the place with us dollars you know i was down watching like million dollar stacks coming off there which were they were just flooding into into the communities the big american green green eyed machine had moved in and it was just everyone was just fighting for a dollar you know what when it comes to humans we don't even know our true power it's been so hidden from us by social programming education that we don't know our true power and we have got so much every person on this planet as a gift everyone has the same skills everyone has the ability to create the lifestyle that they want and those amazing that amazing gift has been taken away from us because we've been programmed socially through education everything you know we we've lost our power the thing is look if i want to pass an exam a lot of people the way we're gonna the way we're wired and this comes down to evolution because we're always looking for the negatives we all know that once you create an idea in your head we always look for things that are going to go wrong we don't sit there and focus about how great it's going to be when we get that whether that's starting a new business relationship whatever it is whether it's taking your exams you always think about the panic of not passing the panic of what could go wrong and that's what we end up visualizing visualizing you know what i mean and it's about just changing that energy to be more positive so really it's the thing is with this you'll get so many people that disbelieve and will never engage in it but until they when they do it once they only need a little taste and once they've got a little taste to know that this stuff really does work that will change their life forever you know you guys must know yourself that happens you know once you get a taste that this stuff works it's contagious like you wouldn't believe let's try and relate this to people taking exams for instance or something like that you know if you're going to sit there and think you know about how much the study is getting you down how much you hate doing what you're doing the more you focus in that like i said to you before you know you you're not focusing on your goal you're not focusing on something that different that pulls you out of that situation so you're lost in your circumstances of that moment you become a victim of them a lot of times you have big um ballsy goals and they should always be ballsy it should be something that you doubt your ability to achieve but the thing is you should have many goals you know i mean a big goal should always you never have a goal that you know you can achieve you have a goal that scares the [ __ ] out of you you should always have that but the the goal must be able to broken down into small chunks so really it's about when you're going through that hard stuff it's about creating a small short-term goal that gets you from moment to moment to moment but it's that whole internal messaging if you sit there and you're studying for an exam or something like that and you're focusing on how [ __ ] this is and how much time it's taken and how you're not enjoying it you won't pass it at the end of the day you've got to define what your purpose is and the problem is when you're young and you haven't had many experiences in life that means that you need to get out there and stop throwing yourself into loads of different experiences because you need to start defining what really makes you tick so it's about defining your purpose initially you you've really got to step into the short-term discomfort for long-term gain and start doing things in life do you need to define your purpose what is your purpose in life you know once you do that you define you you you know going back over history what where have i felt really good about myself what have i enjoyed most and then you will start to define your purpose so that really all comes down to purpose i mean for me i didn't find my purpose until 2011. you know and that was when i was rescuing the kids from child prostitution slavery in thailand and i didn't know i didn't know the gift that that would give me when i actually saw these kids then go to the orphanage and then the week later or a couple of weeks later you're seeing these kids you know very young kids walking down the street with a school uniform on a satchel and only weeks before they were about to be sold into some kind of some brothel that is rewarding everyone will have a passion or a desire to be something you know what i mean whether that's someone that wants to travel a lot whether that's someone that wants to be in business you've got to stop pushing the boat out and start start experiencing with things you know what i mean so you've really got to push the boat and some experiences you're not going to enjoy but you start noting down the things you're doing join before you know it you can define the purpose of where you're supposed to be and what floats your boat you know it's like failure in life i mean my book you know my break point is about failure it's not about success but for me failure is growth you know as long as you look at failure as a milestone of growth and what did you learn from it and how did you move forward from that that to me is growth it's not failure the last thing i will ever do is fake perfection i want to keep making mistakes all my life because i know i'm working hard when i do that so really my second book gave me my first book gave me the foundation to be able to write my second book which really does push into the personal development space and that is battle ready battle ready is the process that i use when i came back when i did the thailand operation i came back i'd fallen apart my life was in a is a real mess my mental state was horrendous and it was how battle ready is about the process that i followed to get myself out of that when you adjust mental health to mental wealth that's the moment you stop throwing the line out of that dark hole and start pulling yourself out of it and that really you know that goes back to everything i've said about having a goal that's about creating a goal that is not based on your current circumstances don't focus on where you are focus on where you want to be it's about casting the stone to that and then following that stone so really battle ready is the process that i followed when i got back to the uk finally in 2014 and my life had fallen apart i came back to the uk with no money no nothing but i came back with a vision and that was the vision to create a globally identified brand recognized for the positive growth and development of others and that was breakpoint that was my company and that's that was the most powerful thing i came back with worth more than any money in the bank and for two months i isolated myself on my own house and i went through mental processes day in day out i cut away the drugs i cut away the alcohol i needed a mindset based in clarity not confusion and i started putting in the visualization because i learned that in iraq so i visualized every day i wrote a contract to myself of where i wanted to be i signed it and i used to repeat that to myself every day every day i used to repeat that i created goals wrote them down and i spent every day it was like a mindset boot camp doing everything listening to podcasts you know personal development podcasts everything it did get to the point i was asking show me a sign i was thinking that thing in iraq didn't mean anything it was just a coincidence you know there's no message there i'll start feeling negative and i had to fight those thoughts and emotions and you know i just sit there visualizing every day about me and foxy being on the stage and talking about our experiences and how people then could benefit from that experience and then how we would use that to employ veterans suffering with ptsd how we could help disadvantaged kids and i saw it you know i saw the vision of me and foxy on a stage you know loads of people there big audience loving what we said and then it was all coming to you know i started to doubt myself in the end it was getting on i was having to fight that doubt that see the doubt was in and then all of a sudden out of the blue foxy phone and he said you know that idea we've got breakpoint he said would you like to would you consider doing that on tv and that's how it started see when you've got years and years of programming social programming programming from school everything and and we end up you know the older we get we end up becoming subject to repeat habit loops you know and that comes back to like i said before about um evolution you know it just wants us to repeat what we did yesterday and the day before because it kept us alive till today so we are creature we embrace habit so really if you want to change that you have to make your today a yesterday to be proud of you know i mean yesterday how you want your future to be so for me it was about you have to change the blueprint so the contract for me it was an official document which makes it feel important and it was for me every morning as i read out that contract it was my name is and i filled in my name by this day i will have my own business called breakpoint you know i put a date it's so important you put a date on there otherwise as far as the universe is concerned a million years is nothing it's just it's just another way of setting a goal and then a few bullet points on there about i know i'll have doubts but i have support you know i have a visionary passion and then i signed it with the date on the bottom and it was a document just for me to go through every day you know and then go to the mirror talk say you people try this right you come up with an idea who you want to be you write that down and then you go on you go and tell yourself in the mirror read it out to yourself everyone will go i feel like an idiot because that's your ego but i'll tell you now if you can't tell yourself what you're what you want how can you expect to achieve it so as soon as you cross that bridge and get over your ego and forget the thousand person audience that isn't there that changes everything and that for me was changing that rewriting rewriting the blueprint and this is not something you have to keep on doing i'm now naturally that way so i just have to think things but initially when you have to change your processes and get into some kind of discipline gold setting it's very clunky you know i mean you have to go through these very regimented processes like i did the majority of people out there don't think they have any power they don't understand the power that we have the power that we have to create exactly what we want look at was it roger bannister before he did the four-minute mile everyone said it couldn't be done everyone said no they can't do that as soon as he broke it everyone broke it afterwards why is that because until they knew that a human could break that their minds couldn't allow it to be conceived and that just makes you understand that you know it's all locked in here people just don't understand that we're socially programmed to create limitations and we will only actually go outside of those limitations once we know someone else can achieve it and it's been proved you know a lot of people will only want to to do will actually state goals only if they know they can achieve them because they're scared of looking stupid so much ego plays in here people are ruled by their egos and it's holding them back from the true potential don't allow their doubt to be contagious you know what i mean there's two ways you can visit there's two ways you can go you can go left and right on that one doubt can can allow them to almost let that seed of doubt be contagious but just reframe that i think i'm going to prove you wrong doubters feel sorry for them at the end of the day allow that to give you power don't quit don't ever quit you know persistence beats resistance you know success is a series of failures so people that quit the only people that fail are people that quit you know if that stops you from achieving your goals then you know you have failed you're embracing failure to achieve success in life you must fail and keep on failing and always when you start faith always know that if you're failing throughout your life as long as you're not repeating the same failures that you're growing at the same time the hard path is the only path you know at the end of the day you have to push through that short-term discomfort for any long-term gain and that is the ethos of break point but nothing comes easy you know a lot of people say that there were so many obstacles in the path that obstacles are the path it's a case of just pushing through that short-term discomfort embrace the discomfort that's where you grow ego is the one thing that's going to hold you back from anything you know one thing you've got to learn to be is an emotional observer and that's not just for the ego that's with everything that's aggression that's with every kind of emotion that's with fear and once you learn to observe your emotions such as ego i mean i'm not egoless we've all got ego it serves a purpose in some circumstances but i know through any situation i know when ego's coming in i could stop it before it gets there you imagine a fast flowing stream when you're consumed by your emotions you're in that fast flowing stream when you become an observer of your emotions you're stood on the side of the riverbank choosing which emotions you want to align with but really and the way to do that you know because that can sound quite kind of confusing is it's about breathe recalibrate deliver okay and that is not taking action straight away on instinct straight away all the time it's about in a pressured situation cortisol increases in our system which causes confusion the only way you can deal with that is through breathing okay to lower cortisol deep breaths allow clarity and not confusion and then you can make the right decisions but saying that you have to do that within five seconds typically an oppression situation and they do teach this in special forces in some countries now but breathe it's all down to your breathing you know what basically happens when we go into a pressured situation that could be a negotiation in business it can be being shot out it can be being attacked by a monkey whatever it is your breathing becomes erratic it's your fight or flight response starting to take over okay but what happens through that is your cortisol level starts to increase and that causes confusion our heads can only handle five to nine pieces of information at any one time in a stress situation it's only one to two so really in that moment by first of all controlling your breathing you breathe that allows that clarity of thought you then focus only one to two things that matter at that moment in time that's triage in the situation so that's what we call recalibrate we calibrate is getting with the things that don't matter like that situation i was in when i was in iraq and i was being shot i was going 140 k's an hour i was driving the car i had to shoot you know all that stuff going on if i didn't have a control pattern of breathing in that moment i'd lost it but that's that's recalibration and then once you recalibrate and get rid of everything you that doesn't matter you focused on what you need to do that's when you deliver so breathe quick breaths control breaths recalibrate focus on what you need to and then deliver the action mindset is everything you know it's mindfulness and everyone's got to understand that or everything happens in your physical world as a product of your mindset you know until you're mentally prepared you're never physically ready once you've got yourself lined up spiritually once you've created that bandwidth that is way away from fear because fear doesn't allow for creativity the opportunities are already there everything's already lined up a lot of people say in life that oh well you know i can't wait to for the opportunities to line up they're already there it's you that forgot to line yourself up and that's when you come from a place of belief and when you're not living in a state of fear and unfortunately at the moment it's amplified at the moment fear is driving society through the news through everything fear is driving society but once you disengage from that i mean i don't read any newspapers i don't watch the news i don't watch tv but i'm very conscious about the content that goes into here for me meditation again people think how can this guy from the special forces meditate that's that's glastonbury hippie stuff meditation for me is my focused attention at an intention it's my moment for me to visualize create calmness in here and be able to visualize and what i want okay and once i learn to create that stillness of mind it allows that clarity of vision to what i want our heads have 70 000 thoughts probably more going around each day now if you don't focus on some things that you want out of that 70 000 thoughts you're going to end up with a load of crap that you don't want and that's the problem with people they allow the 70 000 thoughts just to be like this washing machine of ideas and they don't define what they want in life so that's why they're basically just bouncing like a pinball from side to side not knowing where they're going and that's being decided for them but it's just about creating clear vision and intent for what you want and that for me that morning routine for me is is a life changer you know it's where i set myself up for each and every day and i dominate each and every day if you want to support projects like this in the future please consider becoming a youtube member at mulligan rivers and also you can check out some of our mercs like the hardest worker in the room we've got a muller's t-shirt and also we've just had another thing t-shirt drop called heavy metal really cool design all of them will be posted below as always have a blessed and productive day peace you
Channel: MulliganBrothers
Views: 982,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational speech, ollie ollerton, ollie ollerton sas, ollie ollerton interview, ollie ollerton book, ollie ollerton podcast, ollie ollerton motivation, motivational, ollie ollerton battle ready, breaking point ollie ollerton, ollie ollerton facts, ollie ollerton break point, ollie ollerton breakpoint, how to change my attitude and personality, sas who dares wins stand up to cancer 2020, change is possible, sas
Id: evir_-lj9fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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