Oldest Animals In The World (GAME)

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♪ Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? ♪ When I'm a thousand a sixty four. Let's talk about that. ♪(intro music)♪ Good Mythical Morning! Back in February, Rhett, you quizzed me - on some of the oldest things on the Earth. - I did. And today I'm gonna return the favor and invite you to play along to test you on the oldest 'animules' on the earth. Oh. I know a lot about 'animules'. I am one. (laughs) We'll see about that. It's time to play: Can you told me how old these anim-olds are? Rhett McLaughlin, you're our next contestant. Come on down! (studio applause sound) - (repeats) Hey, hey. - Look at you, you knocked - our set a little bit. - Big fan! That's great. Okay. This is how this is gonna work. I'm gonna present an old animal, - You have them? - with two possible ages. You have to tell me how old these oldest animals on Earth are. And to help us with the board today, please welcome, Stevie! (cheering sound) She's extraordinary at removing center tiles from boards. - I'm a big fan of her as well. - Thank you, thanks for having me. You're here every day. It's him we should thank. - Thank you for being here. - Thanks for being here. I'm glad to be here. Alright, she's so good at pulling that thing out. The middle slide. Alright, if you get five of these or more correct, you win a crisp dollar bill! - Or, what's in a mystery box. - What's in the mystery box? - What's in the mystery box? Ready? - What's in a mystery box? Or what's in the- Or what's in a mystery box? Any one in the world you want. - The mystery box. - Okay. Maggie, the world's oldest dog, was an Australian Kelpie who terrorized local cats on an Australian dairy farm. But she passed away at the ripe old age of what? Is it... Rhett, back here. - I see. - Back here. - Thirty nine, or thirty. - Thirty nine or thirty? How old is the world's oldest dog? Australian Kelpie I feel like there's definitely-- I've known dogs that are, like, twenty years old, but another ten would be pretty crazy. Another, almost twenty years, seems, ugh! I'm gonna go with thirty on this one. I don't think it can get all the way to thirty nine. - Thirty. - (ding sound) - (shouts) Yes! - You are right, Rhett! - Yes. - Dogs have an average lifespan of ten to thirteen years, Maggie would be the equivalent of a human living to a hundred and sixty four years old. - That's a lot of years. - Hm mm. And did you know that down there, in Australia, dogs die in a clockwise direction? Yeah, they do. Yup. - Off to a good start for that dollar. - Down Under. How many do I have to get right to get a dollar? Five-oh. Fifty. Minus forty nine. Nope. Minus forty five. - (crew laughs) - This isn't a Math game, and I'm the host. - I'm not following you. Cream Puff, of Austin Texas, was the world's oldest cat, until she died, and headed to the great litter box in the sky, at the age of what? Thirty eight? Or twenty eight? Why am I pointing, when Stevie could point much better than me? Yeah, yeah, let her do it man. Let her do her job. Do your thing Stevie. Look at you. - Look at Stevie's pants. - Like, you can't even see my legs. I can't see them. It's like real trees down there. Cats... Oldest cat in the world. Thirty eight? Or twenty eight, Rhett McLaughlin? I definitely feel like cats would be older than the oldest dog, not younger than the oldest dog, because cats are, like, they don't even have souls, man. Thirty eight. I agree with that. - (ding sound) - Yes! - (shouts) Dang, Rhett! - Your guessing power! - I know animals so well man! - You're doing really well. - I'm a party animal. You're doing really well, but I forgot to tell you that I was gonna give you a hint, that you can use later. You can still use it. This is like a lifeline. - (Rhett) Oh, really? - You can ask the Amazon Echo for a hint. - Oh. (laughs) - If you need it. Or the answer. - I may not need it. - I know. You're doing so well. - Gotta try to stump you. - Stump me, Link. - The world's oldest vertebrate. - Vertebrate. - That's animals with vertebrates. - Bones. With backbones. Is a 'Greenlunid' shark. - A 'Greenlunid' shark? - (laughs) Say that again. (both mockingly mispronounce name) - Swims very slowly. - Who spends her days slowly floating around the cold Antarctic waters of the North Atlantic-- - Hey, Stevie. - (laughs) Hi. Didn't see you back there. Is she-- Is she two hundred and sixty, or four hundred years old? - The world's oldest shark. - Umm. You need to ask Amazon echo? I don't know. I do not need help with this one, because I am pretty sure that that shark is, if I remember correctly, I remember-- - You talked to her? - hearing about it and thinking: "That shark is older than our country." - Which would also be-- - Not a choice. It would be both of them. (strained sound) Four hundred. I remember thinking, - "That's amazing." Four hundred. - How old is our country? - (ding sound) - Again, not a Math game. - (shouts) Yes! Yes! - Dang it! You're so good at guessing. Yeah, I'm a good guesser man. It's my specialty. Greenland sharks reach sexual maturity at one hundred and fifty years old, which means there's still hope for you, Rhett. (fake laughs) But I'm not from Greenland. (laughs) The world's oldest sea sponge doesn't live in a pineapple, - it lives in the ocean north of Hawaii. - Hawaii. And it has, for how many years? A single (silly voice) 'spunge'? - (silly voice) 'Spunge'. - A single 'spunge' - A single 'spunge'. - Is it a single 'spunge'? - Just a single 'spunge'. - And it's an old one. - It's so old. - It's an old 'spunge'. This 'spunge' is so old, I'm gonna sop stuff up with it. It's been sopping up dish liquids forever. (normal voice) Five hundred and fifty years? Or an even 'thou'? There's not a lot of demanding tasks for a (silly voice) 'spunge', (normal voice) so, I feel like a (silly voice) 'spunge' (normal voice) can make it a thousand years. - I really do. - (laughs) You sure? - (ding sound) - (laughs) Yeah! - Dang it! He's sweeping the board. - Woo, woo, woo! - He's gonna clean house tonight. - (makes gun cocking and shooting sound) He's gonna get the dollar. He's got four. I just shot that 'spunge' out of the air, with, like, a skeet. - (laughs) - Flying sponge. Wisdom, the albatross, is the oldest bird in the world. She spends her days, and you can visit her, on the Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. She's been spending them for, how many years? - Really? Sixty five, or sixty two? - Sixty five, or sixty three-- sixty two? Sixty five or sixty two? How am I supposed to know? I don't know this bird personally. I'm gonna use your hint to keep my (sings) sweep alive. For the dollar? Alexa, how old is the oldest bird? (Amazon Echo) The oldest bird's age is between sixty four years (Amazon Echo) and ten months, and sixty five years and nine months old. (laughs) You know what? There's only one number on the board that qualifies. Sixty five. - (ding sound) - (shouts) Woo! Dang it, Alexa, stay out of this! Alright, Rhett, do you want-- Here's your dollar. Now, you can keep this for now, and then you can decide to trade it in for what's in... - The mystery box. - The mystery box. - No, what in a mystery box. I love dollars. Look at that, just set it right there. Tragically, Jia jia, the world's oldest giant panda - passed away recently. - Yeah, I heard about that. But she died doing what she loved: napping. (laughs) Died in her sleep. Really? Was she seventy five or thirty eight? Seventy five, what? Thirty eight's already been used, though. That was the oldest cat. You telling me that cats and pandas live to be the same age? - Jia Jia was in captivity. - (laughs) Bears can't be seventy five. Thirty eight. - (ding sound) - (all laugh) - I thought a bear could be seventy five. - (shouts) Woo! (laughs) I was wrong. Alright, here we go, everybody. We got two more. Jia Jia was dubbed the Grandma Panda. The moment she died they panda expressed her to the grave. (crew laughs) - Oh, man. - Didn't take long. It was very fast. Yeah. Lot of people waiting in line. Just as fast as you can make a decision. Just-- They put bacon in the orange chicken. Hmm. Haven't tried that. - Big Bertha-- - Pandas do. (laughs) Pandas do. Big Bertha isn't just what you named that atypical mole on your back. Ha! Shout out to Buddy System. It's also the name of the world's oldest cow. (makes cow mooing sound) Was Big Bertha forty eight? Or sixty seven? - (makes clicking sounds) - Either way, that's some old beef. - That's just, if you-- - Old cow. If you makes steaks out of that cow, it's just jerky from the very beginning. - All jerky. All jerky, - (both) all the time. (laughs) Big Bertha? Forty eight, man. - Snap me off a piece of that. - (ding sound) (laughs) I'm not even listening to you play anymore. - I'm like, "Whatever." - (shouts) (repeats) Woo, woo, woo! - Here we go, everybody. - Big Bertha's roughly two hundred - in human years. - But, not really though. - Well, if she was a human-- - 'Cause she's not a human. - Right, but if she was-- - That never made sense to me. That'd be a weird looking human. Yeah, it would be, but I'd still eat it. Look like an old cow. Did you know that, if you pull a chinchilla by the top of its tail, it'll come off? (laughs) The tail? - Yeah. - (Stevie and crew laugh) - Really? Like a starfish? - Yup. - Doesn't grow back, though. - Chase, did you know this? Don't ask Chase. This isn't a freaking lifeline. Well Chase has one. What's his name, Alfred? Don't help him. A.J. See? The world's oldest chinchilla's name's Radar. Did he die at fourteen, or twenty nine? - Chinchilla? - Chinchilla. Average chinchilla lifespan is probably two to four years, so fourteen would be a very old chinchilla, I'm gonna go with fourteen, for the win. - (crescendo cymbal sound) - (buzzer sound) - Oh! - Oh, you got that one wrong, Rhett. - Oh, you know what? - Radar is twenty nine, he's now chin-chilling in heaven. I don't believe it. I don't believe it. Yeah, but listen, you still earned the right to trade in that dollar for the mystery box. I wanna see what's in a mystery box. Yes! (Link) Congratulations! You win the world's oldest guinea pig! It's been in there a while. - (crew laughs) - Got any testicles? Why you got-- You immediately check for the testicles? - (crew laughs) - That's the best eating. - (laughs) No. - You already ate them. - I've eaten all the meat off that one. - Okay. - Alright, but-- - I still like him. You did a good job. Thank you, Rhett, for being a great contestant. Stevie, for being a great answer-puller. And Amazon Echo for sponsoring this episode. And thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. You know what time it is. Hi, I am Laura, and this is Honey, and we're from Cavan, in Ireland, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Yay! You too can ask Amazon Echo for random facts and more instantly. If you want to purchase your own Amazon Echo, follow the link in the description. And click through to Good Mythical More, where we're going to play the toothless food eating challenge. - We're gonna wear these. - Is that food? No, this is a mouth guard. Makes me toothless. In a world where cats are spies. In a world where cats are spies. It's not much different than this world, a world in which cats can't be trusted. And they have information about you. But it's information that you're not interesting in, because cat's suck. [Captioned by Jack GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,369,050
Rating: 4.9017477 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, Oldest Animals In The World, good mythical morning Oldest Animals In The World, Oldest Animals In The World rhett and link, rhett and link Oldest Animals In The World, Oldest Animals In The World gmm, gmm Oldest Animals In The World, oldest animal on earth, guessing game, worlds oldest, oldest age, old animal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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