Old Yamaha EF6000 Generator Will Not Start - Fixed

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hey guys welcome back so today i brought home this yamaha ef6000 now i've never worked on one of these before and don't know much about it but by looking at it i'd say this is an older model i'm not sure how old but probably at least 20 years old at least on the outside it looks to be in pretty good shape now the listing didn't go into any details as far as the run condition of this machine and i didn't really care because it was only listed at fifty dollars so regardless broken machines in my area sell for more than that hopefully that's not the case here but i guess we'll find out so let me get you set up in a stand i want to check the basics and if all looks good we'll just throw some gas in there and pull that cord and see what happens yeah that oil looks new okay i'm just going to check the voltage here on the battery and we're sitting at 4.8 volts which is uh quite low so this terminal too is loose and this one's not much better so let me get this battery off i'm going to throw it on the charger for a bit see if it'll come back so just want to show you where we're starting off here i got a 12 volt tractor light and even though we have four volts on the battery you can see it's not enough to light this light bulb so i don't give this much hope but i'm going to put a manual charger on it and see if it'll take any kind of a charge okay another check i like to do is grab the throttle linkage and try to actuate it now it's buried in here it's kind of hard to show you but it is moving uh it feels a little bit gummy so the car probably needs to be cleaned but it should be safe to start this thing shouldn't run out of control now i did pop the cap off the tank and you can kind of see down here the tank isn't rusted and it is pretty much empty but with that said the fuel was left on and there is fuel in these lines so i would think it would start if i tried pulling that recoil if the carb isn't clogged up so you know i'm going to add a little bit of gas just for good measure and pull that cord a few times and see if we get any signs of life so okay yeah showing absolutely no signs of life so willing to bet it's the carb you know the compression feels good you know spark could simply an issue but i'd say most of the time it's the carb so let's get that thing off and uh clean it up yeah i'm not so sure i'm gonna be able to pull the carb without getting the tank off first so i think i'll start there and see where it takes me i don't know if you can see that but at the bottom there where the color changes that's water so there is water in the system most likely it's in the carb potentially that's the only thing keeping this from starting you know unfortunately there is no bull drain so you know i could crack the screw here which attempted to do but you know i want to make sure this card is cleaned right so i'm just going to get the whole thing off and see what we're dealing with inside um so yeah i think the carb needs to be pulled doesn't look too good and the main jets in the back so it's not like i can unscrew it very easily anyway so yeah i guess we'll stick with plan a get the tank out of the way get the carb disconnected and give this thing a good bath [Music] so there's a number of things going on here there is a servo vacuum operated right here and this here is the idle down feature it acts against the governor to slow the engine also there's another servo right here that is an auto choke and that's connected to the manifold so that when the engine powers up you know it actuates the choke basically opening it up and you know first i was thinking i could remove this bolt and just pull this plate out of the way but this actually goes down and it's sandwiched between the carburetor and this intake pipe so i think the best bet here is just to remove this vacuum line remove these two bolts and then i should be able to get this assembly off in one piece [Music] [Music] these wires here did surprise me a bit i wasn't expecting to see that because there is no mechanical servo here but it looks like there is some sort of a switch providing feedback on the choke position and yeah i mean that is going to have to be removed so i think removing this screw right here should at least get the top plate off and then we can keep going i think after that yeah the choke plate seems to be frozen it's either that or the servo not sure yeah this wasn't too well thought out this servo is blocking access to the screw so i can't put a socket on it or a screwdriver and the only thing i have that will fit is an adjustable wrench yeah that choke was pretty frozen up i'm just going to screw this in and see where we're at before removing it half one half and maybe a quarter so we're at one turn and three quarters surprisingly the main jet is clear so this jet here the pilot jet it's kind of hard to tell if it's clear or not but i'm surprised we didn't get something out of this unless it was in fact just clogged with water but you know had to come apart anyway that choke plate was frozen and it still is quite frozen anyway just going to run a wire through everything and let it soak in the ultrasonic for a bit i have a bad habit of figuring the emulsion tube so it is removable on this one the emulsion tube doesn't look bad it's not clogged up so yeah must have been water in there or maybe we're dealing with a spark issue but this thing had to be pulled apart anyway it's it is still a mess and this choke plate is not usable as it was it's already freed up a bit but still not where it should be okay overall cleaned up pretty well you know the choke plate is now free and i think the thing that really stands out now is this gasket you can tell it's just an irregular shape and this is just a piece of cardboard someone cut up at one point and threw on there so you know that's probably not the best thing i do have gasket material so i'll end up cutting a new gasket before reinstalling but otherwise the carb itself i think came out pretty well so i found this gasket i believe it is a yamaha and it lines up perfectly so i'm just going to clean off this old material and i'll use this one instead so yeah that'll do so there's a couple things here that don't seem right first is when this actuates that's as far as it goes and it's not quite far enough it seems like it should be more like that the other thing is too i was assuming that this was some sort of a switch but it's always making contact so something doesn't quite seem right or maybe i'm just not understanding the purpose of this here so i'll put it back together for now but i do suspect that something isn't quite right in there yeah someone was chasing a problem this spark plug is brand new never seen any action let's make sure this works okay good got the compression tester hooked up now just want to see where we're at generally these have a compression release so around 60 maybe between 50 and 60 is about the best you'd see i'm going to hold the choke open while doing this okay that's actually uh pretty good we're almost at 90 psi so plenty of compression so the light is starting to stay on when i unplug the charger so this battery is showing signs of life now i've only had it on the charger for maybe an hour and a half or so so i'm gonna let it bake a bit longer before making the call on this i'm going to give this thing a quick try i just put this fuel line on temporarily filled up the bowl and the fuel level is right about there so if it does start it's only going to run for a few seconds but that's good enough i just want to do a quick test here okay so that's not too promising it's acting like there's no spark or no fuel but i know i have both and the compression seemed good as well so i am going to dribble a little bit of fuel down the spark plug hole and try this again interesting so the engine sounds good we got timing we got spark we got compression but we don't have fuel so i'm a little suspicious of this line right here this is a vacuum line on the intake and if there's a break in this line it could be preventing you know air from flowing properly through the carburetor so i'm going to clamp this off and just try pulling the cord again i did put some more two-cycle fuel in here so it should start at least for a second but uh hopefully it keeps going this time yeah it might be a vacuum leak so with the line pinched off it didn't actuate the choke so when i pushed it manually the engine sped up real nice i took this off and it stalled so maybe a coincidence maybe not i'm going to try this one more time let it run a little bit longer before removing these clamps and i've got a light hooked up this time so i want to see that it makes power stays running with the clamp on and then you know after 20 30 seconds if it stays running i'll pull the clamp see what happens okay well the good news is it makes power but still not getting anything from that carb and i didn't take the clamp off so most likely it's not a vacuum leak there's still something going on with that carb maybe a slight oversight on my part this line has been sucked dry so maybe just that few seconds of running emptied the bowl so i got out the shop tank i'm gonna hook it up try it again without pinching that line and not putting any fuel down the cylinder and see if it'll start uh without any help okay we'll try this again clamps on and i fed some two-stroke gas down there so okay well the good news is we don't have a vacuum leak and when i took the clamp off of here i saw this um actuate the choke lever open and that's when it started to stall so it wasn't until i closed the choke some that it came back so yeah i definitely still have an issue going on in that carb you know unfortunately i'm out of the harbor freight super heavy duty degreaser which works quite well i used something else and uh you know it's it's not as effective at cleaning and degreasing so i might make a trip to the store and take this thing apart and clean it up one more time so tore this thing apart again don't see anything concerning so whatever i'm missing i'm still missing it but i did make a stop at harbor freight and picked up the good degreaser that i normally use so i'm going to put it through the ultrasonic again with this and put it back together try it again so i think this battery recovered when i unplugged the charger now there's no change in the brightness of that light so i'll check the voltage but i think we're good got the carb bolted back on like before and the fuel bottle hooked up so we're pretty much ready to give this thing another try you know this time we got the battery on so i will try the electric start now i did discover something actually despite what i said before you know while this thing was in the ultrasonic the second time i thought i'd check ebay for a clone option and was coming up empty so i found the parts diagram for this carb and discovered two things a new carb oem is 300 so i don't want to do that the second thing i discovered is that the emulsion tube is actually in two pieces and i haven't come across that before so the piece i removed originally was actually the blending part of it where it combines the fuel with the air and the second part is the nozzle which sticks out into the main throat of the carb so sure enough i looked up there and there was a brass fitting for that nozzle still in there now it is removable but i didn't have a screwdriver that could get it out and it is just a tube so i took a brush put it in there and couldn't get it through so applied a little more force and then it popped through a bunch of debris came out most likely some sort of an insect nest so hopefully that's it because plan b is buying a new car that's not going to happen for 300 so let's try this thing out again much much better so let me get the space heaters out i want to check the voltage see how it does under load and check the engine speed as well i'm not going to be able to test this thing at half load supposedly this is a 6000 continuous watt generator but this plug here is only 20 amps at 240 volts and it'll do 40 amps at 120 and that's only 4 800 watts this is the biggest plug on here so i guess that's the first issue the other one is this 20 amp outlet usually they wire in such a way that it's 20 amps each 40 in total but they've wired it together and i've verified that with the fuses so right now both are off and we get no continuity i turn this one on and we have continuity so this year at 20 amps will max out at 2 400 watts so what i'll do is i'll turn one heater on 1500 watts the other one on 800 and that'll bring us pretty close to 20 amps a little high [Music] okay not too bad engine speed is good without a load it was 62 hertz and even loaded up to 2300 watts you know the engine speed was around 60 hertz so that's that's what i like to see as far as that goes now the voltage is another story this was way too high you know generally 127 129 is the upper end of okay so i'm gonna dig into that a bit more i actually have been looking around and discovered a knob right there and i'm willing to bet that might be an adjustment for the voltage so i'm going to start it back up no load turn that knob and see if we can get that voltage down to a more acceptable level yeah so that's exactly what that was it was actually clockwise to turn the voltage down a little different from the avr as i normally see but now we're at about 122 volts 123 which is safe so now that this thing is doing what it should be i'm going to order some parts and this doesn't need much i think the biggest thing that stood out initially was the lack of anything to tie down and hold this battery there's supposed to be some j-bolts on each side and a piece of angle iron holding this thing in that's completely missing the other thing is the air filter it's hidden behind here at least it's supposed to be there's nothing here except some dust so i'm gonna get those things ordered and while waiting for that to come in i'm gonna pretty this thing up a bit you know the chrome isn't in bad shape but there is rust that most of which can probably be cleaned off without much effort also there is evidence of a critter so i'm just going to vacuum and blow the dust out and lastly the battery tray it is rusted quite bad so i'll throw a fresh coat of paint on that and i was thinking about painting this heat shield i mean the worst of it's on top which is covered by the tank so you're never going to see that and it's actually not too bad from the side so i might leave good enough alone with that anyway enough talking i'm gonna get those parts ordered and get this thing cleaned up so [Music] so i cleaned up pretty well i mean the chrome looks a lot better not perfect but definitely took a few years off anyway i'm tempted to put this whole thing together you know the tray is dry and ready to go so i wanted to put the tray back the tank and this cover which goes above the servo the only problem is this goes in between the carb and the intake so potentially just installing this could create a vacuum leak and then we have a problem again so i'm going to leave the tank off for now throw this in throw the tray back on do one more test make sure we're still good and if that checks out throw the tank on and just finish this up as much as we can do okay we'll do a quick test make sure it still works [Music] okay good the uh j-hooks came in today for the batteries so i'm gonna throw that tank on put the new fuel lines and secure the battery so you so these are the j-hooks i got right here they're meant for a car battery so i did have to chop about an inch and a half off the end anyway they just go in the side here and i just cut a piece of angle painted a black and put some holes on each side so to go something like that on both sides and clamp it right down okay new filter is here just gonna throw a little bit of oil on it hopefully it fits and then we'll just do the final test so that's pretty much it i mean this thing it runs really well and i've got to say pretty impressed with this generator for its size 6000 watts it is at least 100 pounds heavier than anything else made today it is a solid machine it's probably gonna last for many more years with a little bit of maintenance so hope this video helps someone thanks for watching okay
Channel: James Condon
Views: 43,088
Rating: 4.9460845 out of 5
Id: jfmyU2jYYM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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