Old Winco Dyna Generator (Part 1) - Will it Run?

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hey guys welcome back so today I got a bit of a vintage generator here and I say vintage it's not ancient it is from what I can tell in the day coat it is about 30 years old and you kind of see right there 91 Oh 8:30 so August 30th 1991 is what this was built and you know this machine looks pretty complete it's a data Winco generator which is a decent brand and you know there's no obvious signs of abuse on this machine the I think the biggest thing I see here is just that the the spark arrestor is missing and there's actually a loose bolt here on the exhaust but other than that it looks to be pretty good I don't know much about way to code generators but I know they're supposed to be pretty light reliable so I'm hoping that's the case here the fuel tank surprisingly looks really good I mean some little gas but it doesn't really smell and you know work at much younger generator said have terrible looking fuel tanks so overall I think this thing is in pretty good shape at least on the surface I did check the oil it is actually over full but clean so you know overall I think this thing has a lot of potential so you know I'm gonna get you set up at a stand and I just want to get started by checking the basics and if everything looks good maybe I'll just skip ahead bring it outside throw a little starting fluid in it and see what it does so I have a compression tester but you know it's kind of misleading because most of these have compression release valves so the best you're gonna see usually is about 60 psi if you don't have a compression tester the other thing you can do is just pull the cord it should be hard to pull at one point which is the compression stroke then once you clear that it'll be easy like that so we got compression that's the first thing okay I've got the spark tester connected in ignition I'm gonna check the spark okay good we've got spark this fuel line is absolutely petrified so that will have to be replaced at some point all right so took a while to get all the gas out you might be wondering why I'm holding this upside down and it's really just to show you that line that's right there that's water so most likely there is water in that carb so I'm just going to pull this not out see if I can't drain out what's in the car okay well I would have expected something to come out so I don't know if that's good or bad probably bad that's might be broken yep that one's definitely broken so that could be an issue so as you can see that bolt is broken in there maybe not the end of the world I see there are threads here so you could put one of those kind of older style screwin mufflers if if that's what it comes down to but I want to work on that a little bit see if I can't get that screw to turn out okay it took some doing but I ended up just drilling this out and tapping it it was a quarter inch 22 threads per inch I was kind of a slow process so I spared you guys quite a bit of that but anyway we get the problem taken care of so I do need to order a new one of these bolts to properly secure that muffler all right so I got that shoulder bolt ordered and it's gonna be probably about a week before I get it so might as well pull this carb off and get it cleaned up and just see if I need anything to get this to work yep gonna need a new one of these or at least take this outer part off you know this is all deteriorated pretty typical you know cuz that could get sucked into the engine but I guess in this case the paper filter underneath will catch it but it's not serving any purpose now that's for sure [Music] gotta start by pulling out this main jet this here is just the needle you can see there's a bunch of crud on it and I can't see it but there should be a pin in there which we need to remove before we can get this top off so let me try to crack that free just want to save this gasket if I can it's like half of it stuck to the top the other half to the bottom look bad could be a lot worse so then right away I see on the bottom here it kind of feels like clay or sand not really sure but whatever it is doesn't belong so I'm just gonna scrape that out put that in the ultrasonic like that the needle let's get the float out and see what it looks like the old float actually need a looks okay and the float still floating no gas inside the float now this gasket here isn't in great shape let's see it's missing a piece right in the back it's not a huge deal but if you tip the generator sideways in such a way that it gas goes over there it will leak out of there so this here I think is the last jet I think it's just an air fuel mixed like a pilot jet but don't really sure anyway I want to turn it in count how many turns it is so I know where to set it later there's half one half what if it was one and a half that's it I don't think anything else comes out of this thing so yeah like I said I'm just going to scrape that clean put it the ultrasonic and see what comes out so just one thing to add here I'm not familiar with these flow jet carbs this is actually the first one I've taken apart and there is a jet down here which didn't seem that clogged there was some of that sandy stuff in there and then there's four little holes here and then this tube goes all the way down so all that's definitely clear now and you know I cleaned up everything with a little bit of carb spray and I was about ready to wash this that I realized this year is where the fuel goes and then it goes through the jet which I took out that was all filled with sand so the Jets didn't look backlogged but because of whatever this stuff was that was down here the fuel could not get to the main jet and I'm sure that's why it wasn't running least I hope it is overall cleaned up pretty good this one really wasn't that bad it was just contaminated with that sand or whatever that material was and you know of course it was blocking that hole down there and even though the main jet wasn't clogged there's no way gas would have got to it and even if it had this needle had a lot of junk on it a lot of that sand so it would not have run well anyway I'm just going to put it back together and go from there set it back to one and a half we could tune it later I don't actually know if that's right but that's what it was set up okay not too tight just snug it up and then this here is basically adjustable so you get the main jet in there and newer carbs that's it however much fuel goes through that opening that's what you get in the car with this you can turn this down which drops this pin into that hole so the further it goes down the more restricts the fuel then of course you turn a counter clockwise and it allows more fuel through that main jet I wish they still had these almost new stuff because they jet it's so lean that a lot of times carburetor is almost perfect but it's running lean and there's really no easy way to fix that all right that's it so just getting ready to reconnect everything and so one thing I haven't figured out is this little spring here usually this is separate hole where that goes into here on the throttle lever but there is no such hole so when I try to put it in the same hole as the governor arm almost forgot I think this went something like that maybe so besides being petrified I'm sure there's a lot of that crap that was in the carburetor in that fuel line as well as the fuel filter so I am gonna just put a new line and filter on now before opening that fuel valve so I'm sure the original sparkplug actually looks halfway decent but you know have an NGK just sitting around unused brand-new almost so I'm gonna go with that one okay new both arrived it's this one here on the left it was only $10 which isn't that much but when you consider I only spent 45 for the whole machine it adds up quick so yeah let's get this thing bolted on and see if it'll run okay good I think we're ready for contact let's get this thing outside and see what it can do overall not too bad for 30 year-olds almost 30 year old generator you know it started in just a few poles could turn the choke off right away it ran actually pretty well I did try adjusting the jetting but I found where it was when I first started it was pretty much perfect so that was about 2 and 3/4 turns out on the main jet in a turn and a half on the pilot jet now it makes power which is good and I did have to turn the governor spring up to get it to about 61 Hertz maybe somewhere in between 61 62 and turned that space heater on 1,500 watts and the engine speed definitely sagged quite a bit you know it went down to like 55 56 hertz which is a bit slow and the voltage is around a hundred and nine so not too happy about that but as far as I can see here the governor leakage is hooked up properly so you know maybe the engines a little bit tired I'm not really sure if there's any adjustments I can do on that but you know I probably will load it up maybe to 3,000 watts and see if it can at least maintain the 55 Hertz in which case still not great but you know what I don't want it doing is stalling with not even a 4,000 watt load which is the rated load on this generator so let me get one more space heater and we'll try it one more time at a 3,000 watt load and see what happens okay so that was a bit disappointing under 2000 watt loads the generator was heading to stall you know it was around 50 Hertz 49 Hertz 48 Hertz just dropping like a rock so you know one thing I discovered is that while it was dropping I tried to just hold the throttle open and I realized it was all the way open like even under a 1500 watt load throttle was open all the way so she was given it all she had and it just couldn't couldn't power it so you know at 1500 watt load requires about 2 or 3 horsepower and a 3,000 watt load you know it's probably around 4 or 5 horsepower and we're falling way short of the 8 horsepower rated so I want to get it back in the garage just do a compression test assuming that's ok you know maybe we're dealing with a carburation issue so you know I might look at one of those cheap clone carbs and just give that a try see if we get any more horses out of this ok hopefully you guys can see that just got to do a quick compression test ok good this has a compression release so I would not expect to see more than 60 and in this case we got about 62 psi so I don't suspect we have a compression issue here I think what we're dealing with is a carburetor issue so I've already ordered a clone carb with only 18 bucks so it would be here in a few days and I'll just hook that up and turn you back on all those we're ready to try another test alright so the new carburetor has been installed and I got the pilot set at 1 and a half and the main jet at 2 turns out now there were some fitment issues which were expected from the reviews namely that the bolts up here are no longer quarter inch there m6 so that's been installed also it seemed a little bit taller it was kind of hard to squeeze it in between you know the intake here and this bracket down here but I managed to get it to fit now my confidence is actually pretty low that it's a carburetor issue and I'm leaning more towards the top end issue but I'm going to start it and see if I can adjust the Jets to run you know had its optimal setting and then I'll put a load on it and see what it does and just for a reference this here is full throttle and that's idle so really what I'm looking for is when I put like a 1500 watt load on it I will I shouldn't see that going full throttle if it is then it can't keep up and of course if I put more load on it it's just gonna slow down until the engine stalls but you know I'm not gonna let it get to that point hopefully it runs well but you know I'm thinking well it's wishful thinking I think on my part most likely it's a top end issue but let's give it a try and see how it does yeah really no change so I put 1500 watt load on it it goes full throttle and even with no load the throttle is opened quite a bit you know I tried tapping it with my hand to full open and there's really almost no response so thinking it's a top-end issue it's got to be and I'm leaning towards the exhaust valve as the issue but I'm not not 100% sure so you know unfortunately I think I need to pull that you know pull that carburetor off pull the head off and get the valves out and kind of see what's going on it could be valve clearance or maybe they're not seating right that would kind of be the best-case scenario or you know maybe there's something wrong with the piston and rings but the fact that I don't see oil coming out of it and the compression numbers were pretty good I'm leaning towards the exhaust valve just being tight and opening up a little bit too soon on the combustion stroke [Music] okay so the valve clearance is actually look pretty decent the exhaust is about ten thousands and the intakes around seven you know I don't know exactly what it's supposed to be on this engine but my concern was that the exhaust was too tight and that's definitely not the case so I don't think we have a valve clearance issue it's definitely something else so I want to keep going until I find out what the problem is all right so the next easy test to do is a leak down test I don't have one of those but I do have a compression tester which I've already used but in this case I'm using a little differently you know put the hose in the spark plug hole I've got both valves closed and I removed the oil dipstick so what I'm gonna do now is just pressurize the cylinder and see if air is coming out anywhere and not to ruin the surprise but I've already done it and there is a definite problem let me show you that's all coming from this intake this shouldn't be I mean maybe there should be a little bit but you know I've done the same to the exhaust there's nothing as well as the oil dipstick hole and there's nothing coming out of that either so that tells me the exhaust valve is good that the Rings are good on the piston but the intake valve something's wrong so head has to come off and the valve and see me to be inspected okay there we go so this valve is the one I suspect actually I don't suspect it I know it for a fact now it's not loose I can't turn it with my hands so that tells me there's something a defect in the valve on the underside or the feet so the bore is in really good shape the piston too is nice and tight so I think the pistons find the exhaust we know is good in the intake no obvious signs of any major problem so it probably needs to be lapped yeah that seat does look a little bit worn so I'm sure that's all it is just a bunch of hours on this engine so let me get the valve springs out and get the valves out and get a get a better look put a little bit of wd-40 on top to make a little pool and you can see the intake one the wd-40 disappeared and is coming out where is the exhaust valve completely dry so that's kind of giving you a maybe a better visual on what's going on here so we already know it's leaking but it's a at least testable before we put the whole thing back together if the lapping did anything all right I do not have the proper tool for this this is for overhead valves which this is not but that said I can probably get the valve off either using this or a screw driver but I would have to invest in the proper tool most likely to put it back together if Alfe doesn't look too bad actually and the seat doesn't look too bad either yeah I double-checked the clearance and it's right at 500 a minimum you know I do see a little maybe a little something there so it's right at 5,000 supposed to be between 5 and 7 so I'm gonna lap that valve and it's probably gonna close up to clearance some even more so most likely it would have to grind a little bit off the valve stem I'd like it to be ply around six maybe even seven because it's just gonna wear in more over time so I don't want to have it on the low side of the clearance probably the higher side would be a little better [Music] [Music] they caught - something it's no longer leaking down the valve stem or around the valve and I got a little pool up here of wd-40 not even putting any pressure on it and there's no spring holding it down so I think our leaky valve was fixed now I ain't gonna double check the valve clearance I'm sure it's tighter than it was before so these to be between 5 & 7 thousandths it was at 5 I am feeling that it's less now all right I've already checked 5 thousandths it doesn't fit this is three one thousand too big and we got one and a half thousands still oh wait a minute aha let's try to one thousandths and it's it's about two one-thousand so that's too tight so I'm going to take some material off that and we'll try it again [Music] all right I was David for sex and it didn't take long to get there so I could say is don't overdo it you can't put material back so that's a six there's some drag it's a little light but not too bad and let's see you'll try seven hey there's no clearance at seven so that's good I was aiming for six we probably got six and a half which is fine you know the valves just going to continue the way around so that clearance will kind of diminish over time all right let's see if I can't use the wrong tool to get this back together okay so just changing the oil here and I wasn't really planning on recording this by it really needed it and if you look closely you can probably see there's some glitter in there and that's generally not a good thing it's never a good thing so I don't know if it's coming across too well but you know that's aluminum chips in there which tells me there is decent amount of where this oil to I think is quite old this plug was pretty much painted in there it was tough to get out I don't think it's been removed since this block was painted and God knows when that was so I guess that's the first issue the second one is you know the flywheel turns nicely when the pistons at the bottom or the top but as the piston comes up or down the friction increases quite a bit to where it's really hard to get it to move if I say really hard it's not I mean you can still pull the recoil and it's fine but it's noticeably more friction than there should be in my opinion I've never worked on this particular kind of engine before so maybe it's normal I don't know but between the glitter and more friction between the piston and the cylinder that I would expect you know those two things could spell trouble I regardless I'm gonna put it together see if we got the power back that we should have and pride just run it for a bit change the oil again and see how much glitter comes out okay I spec say to bring this to 165 inch cons but I start with 80 and then I'll do the final okay there we go 165 in case you're wondering yes I did paint all these parts red that I took off of it it's probably putting the cart before the horse but I'd rather do it while the parts are off then to take them off again and paint it later [Music] [Music] okay the rest you've seen me do already so just go throw the exhaust and the carburetor back on and I will turn you back on outside okay I'm ready to give this another try I did put the original carburetor back on since it's a better fit and I'm just gonna restart it reset the governor speed I did back it off and just double-check the Jets and once I get it all dialed in I will try and loading it up again with 3000 volts okay I'm at a loss the compression even before I fixed the valve was pretty good and after the valve I did repressurize the cylinder I didn't show you that but there were no leaks and I just did it again to make sure no leaks on the intake exhaust or the crankcase so we got a new head gasket in there I'm convinced the top end is sound so that doesn't leave a whole lot really left I know we have timing I know we have spark carburation could be the issue although we've already tried this clone car but I put it back on again just to double-check now that the valves fixed I'm gonna leave the air filter off and that rules that out as a restriction and that we can also then see what's coming out of the crank vents the muffler I don't think that's a restriction none of the holes are blocked you know and I feel good flow coming out of that muffler so I don't think that's it I did also put the original spark plug back in I don't think that'll make a difference but kind of a grasping at straws here and lastly the fuel this could be it and hoping it is but I double-checked the fuel level in the tank and it was near the bottom that was probably right around there and as you can see the hose has to come up over the stator and the top of the hose is about right here so the fuel must have just been barely trickling into that carburetor so now I filled it up about halfway so that should cure that problem and I also tested the vent and that does seem a little restrictive so I've loosened to the cap and I'm just gonna run with it like that and if none of this works then I'm at a loss hopefully hopefully it works otherwise I might have to call it and defer to you guys on what I'm missing here okay so here goes last-ditch effort it's this or bust [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay that was a marginal improvement the engine was able to at least maintain itself under a 3000 watt load but with that said it was it was too slow and it was full throttle you know so there wasn't anything more that could be done to get the speed up I'm kind of fresh out of ideas here I mean I know it's an old engine I don't know what it performs like when it was new so maybe this is normal but I have trouble believing that and you know I I didn't do a compression test after I lapped the valve so I just did one and it came in at 70 a double checked online what the cam design is to see if it had a compression released and it doesn't but I think it has something called an easy start lobe which is kind of the same thing and for those you have to rotate the engine backwards to get an accurate number so that's what I just did and it came in at a little higher it's at 80 psi now and although that might seem low this engine is only a six to one compression ratio and you know I think low to mid 80s is actually a pretty good number I have nothing to compare it against but that's a kind of what I would expect on you know an engine like this so I'm not overly anxious to just tear the engine open when I'm getting good numbers and I know I have a glitter problem so the engine probably should be opened and that part replaced but that's not going to solve the underlying power problem so I'm not anxious to do that until I know how to restore power and then I don't mind tearing it apart and doing what I need to to make this thing absolutely perfect anyway this video is longer than I thought it should be so I'm gonna cut it here and hopefully one of you in the Commons can tell me what I'm missing and maybe they'll be your part to you so I hope this video helps someone thanks for watching
Channel: James Condon
Views: 96,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 195432, 195432-4070, Briggs and Stratton, Briggs & Stratton, 8HP, Carburetor, Carburetor Cleaning, Dayton, Dyna, Dynamight, Flo Jet, FloJet, Generator, Head Gasket, L-Head, LC4500I, LC4500I/L, Lap Valves, Lapping Valves, Repair, Replace Head Gasket, Small Engine, Troubleshooting, Winco, Winco Dyna, Winco Dyna Generator, Winco Generator
Id: TcrTy2SguHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 7sec (3187 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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